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HUDCO NASA Design Trophy Competition 2015-16

Theme: Designing Public Spaces for All

Context: “Public Spaces for All” was declared as the theme for 2015 World
Habitat Day celebrated on 5th October 2015. In his message Dr. Joan Clos,
Executive Director, UN-Habitat said that “The character of a city is defined
by its streets and public spaces. From squares and boulevards to
neighbourhood gardens and children playgrounds, public space frames city
image.” In his speech he also emphasized that accessible and good public
spaces not only promotes social cohesion, cultural interaction and sense of
belonging and pride for the area, it also promotes happiness and well-being
for all citizens as well as fosters investment, economic development and
environmental sustainability. Importance of public spaces is recognized to
be a crucial input in making a vibrant and resilient city.

However, designing good public spaces with equity of access and efficiency
of services is often overlooked and undervalued while designing and
planning cities. It is important to note that designing good public spaces is
about „placemaking‟ and requires careful planning, sensitive and sensible
designing as well as collaboration with people, local authorities and other
stakeholders. The recent trend shows that public spaces especially in
developing countries are increasingly losing out as a matter of policy
priority and concern to other issues like affordable housing, infrastructure
and economic development. It is indeed a worrying trend given the
importance of public spaces in achieving the larger objective of „safe,
vibrant, resilient and environmentally sustainable cities‟.

Our nation is slated for a rapid urbanization and phenomenal growth of

our cities in the coming years. It is imperative that the cities in India while
following the growth trajectory do not compromise on its public spaces.
Contemporary research shows that while public spaces are vital to the city,
extent of its usage is largely dependent on the quality of design of the

National Association of Students of Architecture

HUDCO Trophy 2015 - 16

public spaces. In view of the rising significance of good public places for a
vibrant urban landscape theme for HUDCO Design Trophy for the year
2015-16 is chosen to be: “Designing Public Spaces for All.”

Objective: The overarching objective of the design exercise for „Public

Spaces for All‟ should aim to create a public space that:
• Promotes interaction, social cohesion and a sense of community
/neighbourhood ownership.
• Provide play and recreation facilities for children and young as well as
quiet and safe space for old people.
• Accommodates multiple uses and is accessible and safe for all
categories of users.
• Provide cultural, social, recreational, sporting and community
facilities to boost leisure as well as cultural activities.
• Enhance the environment, provide identity to the place and relates to
the surrounding land uses.
• Is well maintained.

To summarize, the objective of the design exercise is to create a

functional, appealing, accessible, safe, diverse and environmentally
sustainable and distinctive public space that will lend character /
identity to the place and people.

Choice of Site:
United Nations defines public spaces as “all places publicly owned or of
public use, accessible and enjoyable by all for free and without profit
motive. This includes streets, open spaces and public facilities.” It may
include spaces such as plazas, town squares, parks, marketplaces, public
commons and malls, public greens, sites within public buildings, lobbies, or
public spaces within private buildings

For the specific purpose of choice of site for this competition it may be
limited to „city park‟ i.e. parks of city wide importance or „neighbourhood
park‟ i.e. park / open spaces relevant to a large area / urban district. The
presentation should clearly state the location of the place, its setting, total
area and applicable zoning laws and planning norms and standards as per
the Master Plan / City Development Plan / Perspective Plan if any.

National Association of Students of Architecture

HUDCO Trophy 2015 - 16

Design Elements:

Safety: Design features to accommodate safety concerns of the users

without providing intimidating security options that compromises on
privacy and tranquillity of the space.

Comfort: Design inputs to balance aesthetics with comfort to make the

place appealing for users across diverse group as well as varied climatic

Accessibility: Incorporate design features to create an inclusive

environment that can be utilized by users of different physical abilities.

Sensitive to Local Setting: The overall design should respect the

immediate surrounding areas (land use as well as architecture) and besides
lending a unique identity to the place and people should also complement
and aim to create a harmonious space.

Landscaping: proposing landscape elements / features to enhance the

aesthetics / visual experience as well as augmenting the environment & bio-

Public Art: Earmarking places for public art (if so required) and its role in
enhancing the unique character / identity of the public space.

Physical Activity Area & Equipment: Design should create opportunities

for daily physical activity for multiple users especially youth and children.

Recreational Facilities: For multiple users with special mention of

children’s play areas

Circulation pattern: To provide jogging tracks, bicycle tracks (if required)

and pedestrian pathways that is universally accessible.

Choice of Materials: Strive for choice of materials that will contribute to

promoting the environmental balance and energy conservation.

Signage: To provide easily comprehensible and aesthetically appealing

signage to make it user friendly for diverse user group including children.

National Association of Students of Architecture

HUDCO Trophy 2015 - 16

Shelter: To design aesthetically pleasing and adequate „shelter‟ to protect

from elements.

Washrooms: To provide adequate and accessible washroom facilities

Parking: To provide adequate and accessible parking as per the existing

norms and standards.

Lighting: To provide the lighting plan for functionality, aesthetics as well as

safety of the users.

Management Regime: Include a note of the possible and alternate

management regime to protect and promote the public space.

Other Considerations:
1. The number of presentation panels should not exceed 20 of A2 size.
2. The presentation panels to be supported by a report with total number of
pages not exceeding 50 (excluding the front and back cover and page
of contents.)
3. All entries must be prepared using metric units of measurement.

Required Documents:
1. Concept plan.
2. Key Plan, Site plan, layout plan, elevations and sections.
3. The scale of the drawings is left to the discretion of the participant.
4. You may use views, perspective and any other means that you think
suitable and relevant to explain your design.

National Association of Students of Architecture

HUDCO Trophy 2015 - 16

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