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How to Build Mobile Apps from Scratch - A Step-by-Step Procedure

For the past few years, the usage of mobile has increased a lot instead of the desktop. As a result,
most of the business companies and entrepreneurs started shifting towards to develop mobile
apps. The main goal is to engage the target audience and increase brand recognition. Designing a
mobile app is an extremely complex process because it needs more investment, duration of
development and managing the project.

Before developing mobile apps for your business, you need to decide whether you insource (or)
outsource a mobile app development company. It is very difficult to find the best mobile app
development company because who can build mobile apps with more secure, robust and
reliable at your affordable cost.

When you are looking for mobile app development, several factors need to be considered to
ensure that the project needs to go as per the plan. We have mentioned a step-by-step
procedure that how to build your mobile apps from scratch.

Step 1: Define the goal of the app in a clear manner

Before developing the mobile app, our first step is to define what the app is going to achieve.
Will it focus only on engaging and enhance the customer experience (or) else for generating
business sales through apps? Once our objective is clearly defined, it will become easy to
proceed with further movement in the development process.

Step 2: Define the scope of the mobile app

This is the right time to decide how to make an app functional and its features to be included.
Some of the questions will arise while developing mobile apps in the efficient ways are
mentioned below,

Will the app have e-commerce integration?

How can users get solutions to their questions? (chat/contact us/FAQs)?

How users will share the information in their social networks?

How can the company be going to inform about new products to the users?

How will it help a user to be more productive?

Step 3: Have a look at competitors

For the app to be successful, it should be better than your competitors. Analyze your
competitors' app thoroughly so that you can get some better ideas or any additional features
and functionality to implement into your apps.

Step 4: Create Wireframe to develop a mobile app

Now, it's time to start by creating a framework which gives the visual representation of the flow
of app between many functionalities and features. So, start it by defining your goal and also
understand the user's thought process that how they can perform each task in the app.

Step 5: Testing the wireframes

Before starts developing the mobile app, it's an important task to check the wireframes of the
app to test the flow and find any hindrances to the user experience. During the mobile app
development process, notable mobile app development companies employ software to test the
app and the flow is shared with all the team members to check the ease of use.

Step 6: Revise and Retest Once Again

Based on the feedback from the first round of testing, the wireframe should be updated to avoid
unnecessary stuff, ensure the flow and error-free. The process of testing might require more
iterations until the app is ready for development.

Step 7: Decide on the development

Before starting the development process, it is important to find out the ways for developing the
mobile app. In this stage, one of the important factors to be included is scalability, so that it will
become easier to add the functionality (or) features. The two important decisions need to take

What language we can use for coding?

What kind of mobile app development platform we can use for developing the app.

Once we decided about how to make an app, the decision about coding will depend on whether
to build for a specific OS. In this case, we can use a hybrid framework instead of native app
development, because the same code can be used on different operating systems.

Step 8: Developing mobile apps

In this stage, we need a collaborative effort between the designers and developers to build
mobile apps. A templated has to be chosen to enhance the display of the app and also plugins to
be added to improve the features of the app and make it more user-friendly.

Step 9: Test it again and fix bugs in the app

Once the development process gets complete, it is time to check the app which is working well
in real-world scenarios. Many mobile app development companies test the apps at least ten
times before launching the app.

Step 10: Launching the App

Once the testing is complete, the mobile app is ready to launch in the stores you have discussed
before. Before launching the app, it is important to clarify that all the necessary compliances are
in a place, whether it is a security protocol (or) GDPR. The app launch needs more publicity so
we need have to start promoting the apps through various platforms like email marketing, social
media, PPC, etc.

So, here we have mentioned the process for developing the mobile app from scratch. One thing
you have to note that the journey of building a mobile app from scratch is that the process
remains the same irrespective of the platform you wish to target – be it iOS (or) Android
application development.

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