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 Performance appraisal:
o Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees
in the
work spot, normally including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of
job performance.
o Performance here refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that
make up an individual's job. It indicates how will an individual is fulfilling the
job demands.

 Importance
o Performance appraisal is the systematic description of an employee's job-
relevant strengths and weaknesses.
o The basic purpose is to find out how well the employee is performing the job
and establish a plan of improvement.
o Appraisals are arranged periodically according to a definite plan.
o Performance appraisal is not job evaluation. Performance appraisal refers to
how well someone is doing the assigned job. Job evaluation determines how
much a job is worth to the organization and, therefore, what range of pay
should be assigned to the job.


With the evaluation and development of appraisal system, a number of methods
or techniques of performance appraisal have been developed.
o Graphic Rating Scales:
 Graphic rating scales compare individual performance to an absolute
 In this method, judgments about performance are recorded on a scale.
 This is the oldest and widely used technique.
 This method is also known as linear rating scale or simple rating scale.
The appraisers are supplied with printed forms, one for
each employee.
 These forms contain a number of objectives, behaviour and trait -
based Qualities and characters to be rated like quality and
volumeof work, job knowledge, dependability, initiative, attitude etc., i
n the case of workers andanalytical ability, creative ability, initiative,
leadership qualities, emotional stability in the case of managerial
 These forms contain rating of scales. Rating scales are of two types,
viz, continuous rating scale and discontinuous rating scales. In
continuous order like o, 1, 2, 3, 4 and5 and in discontinuous scale the
appraiser assigns the point to each degree.

The points given by the rater know performance regarding each
 The points given by the rater to each character are added up to find out
the overall performance. Employees are ranked on the basis of total
points assigned to each one of them.
 One reason for the popularity of the rating scales is its simplicity,
which permits many employees to be quickly evaluated.
 Such scales have relatively low Design cost and high in case of
administration. They can easily pinpoint significant dimensions of the
 The major drawback to these scales is their subjectivity and low
reliability. Another limitation is that the descriptive words often used
in such lies may have different meanings to different raters.
o Ranking Method:
 Under this method the employees are ranked from best to worst on som
e characteristics.
 The rater first finds the employee with the highest performance and th
e employees with the lowest performance in that particular job
category and rates the former as the best and the later as the poorest.
 Then the rater selects the next highest and next lowest and so on until
he rates all the employees in that group.
 Ranking can be relatively easy and inexpensive, but its reliability and
validity may be open to doubt.
 It may be affected by rater bias or varying performance standards.
 Ranking also means that somebody would always be in the backbench.
It's possible that the low ranked individual in one group may turn out
to be superstar in another group.
 One important limitation of the ranking method is that size of the
different between individuals is not well defined. For instance, there
may be little difference between those ranks third and fourth.

o Checklist Methods:
 The Checklist is a simple rating technique in which the supervisor is
given a list
of statement or words and asked to check statements representing the c
haracteristics and performance of each employee.
 There are three types of checklist methods:
1. simple checklist
2. weighted checklist
3. forced choice method
o Group Appraisal:
1. Under this method, an employee is appraised by a group of
2. This group consists of the immediate supervisor of the employee,
to other supervisors who have close contact with employee's work,
manager or head of the department and consultants.

3. The head of the department or manager may be the chairman of the
group and the immediate supervisor may act as the coordinator for
the group activities.
4. The immediate supervisor enlightens others members about the job
characters, demands, standards of performance etc.
5. Then the group appraises the performance of the employee,
compares the actual performance with standards, find out the
deviations, discusses the reasons therefore, suggests ways for
improvement of performance, prepares action plans, studies the
need for change in job analysis and standards and recommends
change, it necessary.
6. This method is widely used for purpose of promotion, demotion
and retrenchment appraisal.

 Appraisal Process:
o Each step in the process is crucial and is arranged logically.
o Many organizations make
every effort to approximate the ideal process, resulting in first-
rate appraisal systems.

1. Objectives of Appraisal:
o Objectives of appraisal include effecting promotions and transfers, assessing
training needs, awarding pay increases, and the like. The emphasis in all these
is to correct the problems.
2.Establish job expectations:
o The second step in the appraisal process is to establish job expectations. This
includes informing the employee what is expected of him or her on the job.
3.Design appraisal programme:
o Designing an appraisal programme possess several questions which need
answers. They are -
 Formal versus informal appraisal;
 Whose performance is to be assessed?
 Who are the raters?
 What problems are encountered?
o How to solve the problems?
 What should be evaluated?
 When to evaluate?
 What methods of appraisal are to be used?
4.Performance Interview:
o Performance interview is another step in the appraisal process. Once appraisal
has been made of employees, the raters should discuss and review the
performance with the rates, so that they will receive feedback about where
they stand in the eyes of superiors.
5.Use of Appraisal data:
o The final step in the evaluation process is the use of evaluation data. The data
and information generated through performance evaluation must be used by
the HR department

o Performance appraisal is helpful in assessing a firms
human resources data must be available that describe the potential of all
o A well designed appraisal system
provides a profile of the organization's human resource strengths and
o Performance evaluation ratings
may be helpful in predicting the performance of job applicants.
o Performance appraisal will point out employee specific needs for training and
o Performance appraisal is useful in career planning and development.
o Performance appraisal results provide a basis for rational decisions regarding
compensation programmes.
o Performance appraisal data are also frequently used
for decisions in several areas of internal employee relations, including promoti
on, demotion, termination, lay-off. and transfer.
o Performance appraisal is useful in assessment of employee potential.
o Performance appraisal can be used to determine whether HR programmes suc
h as selection, training, and transfers have been effective or not.


o The Indian textile and the clothing industry occupies a unique place in
the Indian economy.
o It contributes about 4% of GDP and 14% of industrial output. As the second
largest employer after agriculture, the industry provides direct employment to
35 million people including substantial segments of weaker sections of the
o In spite of having the strength of being the largest cotton base and the
abundance of the availability of low cost labour, the export performance of the
industry is far from being competitive.
o The competitiveness constraints are directly related to poor per capita
productivity resulting in inefficient performance.
o The aim of the research was to assess the implementation of Performance
Appraisal System in the Indian Apparel Export Industry and its overall
impact on the productivity and performance.
o The need for the Performance appraisal is very often over powered by more
external issues related to the wage structure, piece rate wage system, overtime
and policy concerns and the more important internal issues related to the
quality concerns.
o Poor Performance Appraisal leads to employees’ dissatisfaction and poor
productivity, which further results in high employee turnover.


o Banswara Syntex Ltd. is a vertically integrated textile mill

manufacturing man-made synthetic blended Yarn, wool and
wool mixed yarn, all type of Fabrics, Jacquard Furnishing Fabrics, besides production
of Readymade Garments and Made-up's. It has also production of Technical Fabric.
o It was incorporated in the year 1976. It was a joint sector company with RIICO Ltd.
(A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking) and Mr. R.L.Toshniwal. In 1982 Mr. Toshniwal
purchased the shares from RIICO. Presently it is a Public Limited Company, the
PROMOTERS hold 53.54% of Equity Share Capital.
o Initially it was a spinning mill with 12500 spindles. As the journey continued the
Company completed expansion, diversification and modernization plans. Over the last
3 decades, Company besides increasing the Spinning capacity to 143240 spindles,
started production of Fabric from 1993, Readymade Garments from 2004, Made-up's
and Worsted Spinning from 2008.
o The Company also entered into Joint Venture with French Company Carreman in
2006 for products of women used Lycra manufacturer and with another French
company Treves SA for AUTOMOTIVE Textiles in 2012.
o The Company is one of the largest single mill setup producing spun fibre-dyed yarns
in Asia and 90% of the production is fibre dyed.
o The Company also has a large Lab dye house with latest technology machines for
dyeing of fiber, yarn & wool 40 Tons/day. It also started the production of laminated
& other type of technical fabrics for high altitude weather & also suitable for
sportswear etc.


1.1 Figure depicts Mission and vision of the company


Our vision is to be a:

o Global Market Leader.

o Total Solution Provider through Reliability, Quality, Innovation & Branding.
o Preferred Employer.
o Socially Responsible Corporation.


 To consistently provide value to all stakeholders.

Objectives of the study
 To get deeper understanding of performance standards in Banswara
 To Understand the performance appraisal techniques in Banswara Syntax
 To match perception and expectations of the employees with respect to
performance appraisal
 To Observe actual performance due to the environment influences
 To suggest, analyze and recommend measures to improve performance
appraisal techniques

Review of Literature

1. An Analysis of Performance of the Indian Textile Industry in Quota Free

Regime- (July 2009)
Author Manisha Sharma Et Al. (2009) have explored an Analysis of Performance of the Indian
Textile Industry in Quota Free Regime. The major objectives of the study is to understand the
performance of the textile industry category-wise in the context of MFA (Multi-fibre
Arrangement). The type of Research Design used is exploratory and the purpose of the study
is descriptive. The Method of Data collection is Primary Data and that have been collected
through questionnaire and Regression Analysis to understand the relationship between the
focus of Industries and their respective export performance; four variables have been taken
such as quality, training of employees, finances and funds, and technological upgradation. The
analysis is using Annova and cluster analysis. The 40 companies are taken as sampling. Major
findings of the study is that the Overall industry focus has increased on the four variables under
study after the abolition of MFA (Multi Fiber Agreement). There is a need for FDI and Human

2. Performance Appraisal of the GADAG CO-OPERATIVE COTTON

Textile mill ltd
Dr. M.Selvam examined Performance Appraisal of the GADAG CO-OPERATIVE COTTON
Textile mill ltd .The objective is to analyse Performance Appraisal of the gadag co-operative
cotton Textile mill ltd. The present study is purely dependent on secondary data that is from
the annual report of the company. The collected data were analysed by using the Ratio
Analysis. Further, statistical tools like Percentage, Trends and Tabulation, Mean, Standard
Deviation, Coefficient of Variation and Growth Rate. All the ratios are calculated to determine
the effectiveness of the firm in financing, investment and distribution decisions. The research
study concludes that the ratios were negative and recorded as a decreasing trend. The researcher
give suggestions based on the findings that improve the productivity of the firm by improving
Stock turnover ratio, raw material turnover ratio, Debtor turnover ratio Fixed and current Asses
turnover ratio and improving the profitability by controlling direct and indirect expenses.

3. Appraisal of Support and Benefits of Information Edifice to HRIS with

Special Reference of Medium Scale Textile Units (Sept 2012)
Dr. C.Y. S Krishna Et Al. have examined the appraisal of support and benefits of information
edifice to HRIS with special reference of medium scale textile units. The main objective of the
research study is to investigate and establish the information processing support levels of the
human resource management systems (HRIS) in the medium-scale textile industries .Human
Resource Information System support HR decision-making. The primary data is derived from

Hyderabad based Medium and large-scale industries. The secondary data is derived from
Industrial Directory, websites. There are five different information support levels of HRIS and
the technique used for data analysis for Cumulative weighted average (CWA). The research
indicates that medium-scale textile industries are still behind the most reliable, wise and wide
usage of technology. The conclusion of this research is give importance of HRIS and then
update and install the systems in order to lime light the organization performance. This study
finds that the support levels of medium-scale textile industries towards the HRIS is moderately
average and suggest immediate resolutions of enhancement in HRIS to effectively and
efficiently utilization of the system in order to procure and conquer the opportunities for
continuous lading of organization.

4. Determinants of Employee Motivation – A Case Study of Afroze Textile

Industries Limited, Karachi, Pakistan (Oct 2012)
Ghulam Muhammad Et Al. have examined the Determinants of Employee Motivation – A Case
Study of Afroze Textile Industries Limited, Karachi, Pakistan. The main objective of this study
is to explore the employees’ motivational level in the Afroze Textile Industries, Karachi,
Pakistan. The primary data is collected from structured interviews and questionnaires and the
secondary data is collected using research articles, books and reports. This research hold within
50 respondents through one to one interview technique of research. The respondents of this
technique are the top and middle level employees of the Afroze Textile in the region of Karachi,
Pakistan. This research concludes that motivation in any form is very essential for the
employee’s productivity and it shows that the management is not serious to motivate their

5. To study HRM factors affecting growth & development of Textile

industries, in Madhya Pradesh, India.( Jan 2015)
Nina Jain Et Al. did a research on HRM factors affecting growth & development of Textile
industries, in Madhya Pradesh, India. The main objective of this study is to identify the
prevailing HRM practices in Textile industries and analysing these HR factors, which affect
the growth and development of Textile industries in Madhya Pradesh, India. The type of
Research Design is Descriptive Research. The primary data collected from the respondents by
using structured questionnaire. The respondents are the HR managers of the firms. The 60
Textile industries were contacted to find out their HRM practices in Madhya Pradesh, India.
The data is analysed using SPSS software and correlation technique. Mean and Standard
Deviation are calculated to evaluate the frequency and extent of certain variables related to the
background information. With this study, the researcher found out the prevailing Human
Resource Management practices in the textile industries of Madhya Pradesh. The research
divides HRM practices into three types namely HRM practices, which are mostly followed,
HRM practices that are moderately followed and HRM practices, which are least, followed in
the Textile Sectors.

C.Loganathan have examined the study on effectiveness of hr practices and policies on job
satisfaction with reference to textile industries in Tamil nadu, India. The main objective is to
identify the impact of HR practices on job satisfaction of employees in Tamil Nadu. The paper
uses descriptive as well as explanatory research design as it describes employees within their
workplace. Primary data was collected from 100 respondents across 10 organizations of
Tamilnadu. Secondary data is collected from different sources, for example, journals, books,
working papers, thesis, report etc. This study’s shows the descriptive statistics of demographic
profile, which includes age, gender, qualification and experience. It also shows a strong
correlation between recruitment practices and its associated factors and with training and its
related factors. It is also shows weak correlation between compensation related factors and job
satisfaction. This study concludes that HR practices are considered as independent variable
where as job satisfaction is considered as dependent variable so the organization should be
focused towards HR practices in order to retain their employees and enhance their skills.

7. An Employee Performance Appraisal System in Selected Textile at Theni

District.(Jan 2016)
Mrs.M.Maheswari have examined the employee’s performance appraisal system in selected
textile at Theni district. The main objective of the study is to know how performance appraisal
system motivates the employee and to identify the satisfaction level of the employees. The
primary data is collected through questionnaire and regression analysis by knowing the
relationship between education of harmonious relationship and the relationship between gender
and motivational benefits also the relationship between age and achieving goals through chi-
square test. In this study, 65% are male workers and 35% are female workers. 92% of the
workers said that the performance appraisal helps to achieve their goals. Performance appraisal
motivates 77% of the workers to perform better. 84% feels that it helps to strengthen the
relation between superior and subordinates.If the company will provide the training and
development related activities based on performance appraisal feedback it will increases the
productivity of the workers.The company should adopt grading system for performance
appraisal and promotion and should eliminate favourism for the same.There should be
necessary modification in performance appraisal to motivate the employees which will lead the
company in a successful way.

8. Impact of HRM Practices on Employee’s Performance- January 2016
Saira Hassan have examined the Impact of HRM Practices on Employee’s Performance. The
Major objectives of the study is to determine the impact of HRM practice’s on employee’s
performance in the textile industry. The parameters used to check the impact are Compensation,
Career Planning, Training, Employee Involvement, and Performance Appraisal. The primary
data was collected through questionnaire around 68 target respondents. The use of correlation
and regression analysis to determine the association between HRM practice’s and employee’s
performance. This study found out that the employee’s performance could be increased by
giving employee’s an opportunity make effective decisions. The major finding is that the HRM
practices (compensation, career planning, performance appraisal, and training and employee
involvement) has a positive role in increasing the employee’s performance.

9. Influence Of the Innovation Culture in Innovation Performance of

Products and Processes in The Textile Industry OCT 2016

Carolina Klein Padilha and Giancarlo Gomes (2016) have examined the Influence of the
Innovation Culture in Innovation Performance of Products and Processes in The Textile
Industry. The objective of the research study is to analyze the influence of the innovation
culture in innovation performance of products and processes in the textile industry. The data
was analyzed by structural equation modelling. The models used to describe the innovation
culture Strategy, Structure, Support Mechanisms, Behaviors that stimulate innovation,
Communication. The type of Research design is Causal research and descriptive research. The
researcher uses hypothesis test to analyze. The data collection tool consisted of two blocks,
comprising a total of 37 questions .Innovation culture has greater influence on the process than
on the product, and that the size of the organization does influence the performance in product
and processes innovation for the sample studied. With this research, it was found that there is
the presence of innovation culture determinants in the behaviors that encourage innovation with
greater insight and there is an innovation culture influence of performance in product

10. Assessment of Employee Training the Case of Steel Industry in India

2016 Nov
Neelima Rashmi Lakra have found that Assessment of Employee Training the Case of Steel
Industry in India. The main objective is to unveil the opinion of employees in a training
procedure with its links to employee performance in the organization. The primary data was
collected from structured questionnaire. This data was entered in the statistical package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) and for its analysis and interpretation. There are phases of training and
the phase is the analysis phase referred to, as ‘training needs movement.’ This research study
concludes that training is unorganized in an organizational setup following only the needs of
the organization with not much involvement of employees at the different stages of training.

11. Role of Performance Appraisal System on Employees Motivation (APR-
Muhammad Faseeh ullah khan have examined Role of Performance Appraisal System on
Employees Motivation. The main objective of this study to examine how performance
appraisals affect the employee's future performance. The Primary Data is collected using
questionnaire method. The secondary data is derived using websites, articles, newspaper
through website such as, Wikipedia, Data collection from library, concerned Management
books and the newspaper, Review of Literature. The steps involved in conducting a systematic
performance appraisal starting by identifying key performance criteria, develop appraisal
measures, collect performance information from different sources, conduct an appraisal
interview, and evaluate the appraisal process. The Null hypothesis is “to motivate the employee
in our organization” the alternate hypothesis is “Don’t motivates the employee in our
organization.” The data collected using Nominal Scale Technique. The study concludes that all
employees should know their Job description / specification so that they can work efficiently
and can measure themselves and 38 % strongly agree, 34% people agree, 18% people disagree,
10% people strongly disagree that in Performance Appraisal system Job description /
specification are the best way to measure the performance.

12. A study on performance appraisal system practiced in sugar mills, and

its impact on employees’ motivation. A case study of Simbhawli sugar
limited, India (NOV-2014)
Abhinanda Gautam did a study on performance appraisal system practiced in sugar mills, and
its impact on employees’ motivation. The main objective of the study is to study in detail the
impact of performance appraisal as a motivational strategy on the employees. The primary data
derived through a well-framed and structured questionnaire to elicit the well-considered
opinions of the respondents. The researcher have examined the strengths of KRA’s (Key Result
Area) observed by senior personnel of SSL HR, clarify their roles, align their roles to the
organization’s business or strategic plan, focus on results rather than activities, communicate
their role’s purposes to others and set goals and objectives. The alternative hypothesis is
performance appraisal has a significant impact on employee motivation. The study
recommends that attempt to plan for providing increments on department basis rather than
hierarchical basis; flexible working hours may be by SSL to increase employee performance,
certain emphasis on training is required in SSL performance appraisal system.

13. An Analysis of Human Resource Performance Appraisal: A case study

of oil Company in Cambodia (AUG-2013)

Dr. Kao Kveng Hong have done an Analysis of Human Resource Performance Appraisal. The
main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of that system based on the feedback
provided by the employees and benchmarking against a reputed competitor operating in
Cambodia. The type of Research Design used is Descriptive Research Design. The primary
data has derived using a predesigned and pretested questionnaire were administer to all the 48

employees (10 officers and 38 staffs) working in the head office and the secondary data derived
from Brochure of the company Human resource management journals and theories Bulletins
Textbooks and websites Performance Appraisal related documents from different types of
organization especially from RHAC and Caltex in Cambodia for the purpose of benchmarking.
The sample size selected is 40. The findings of the study is the researcher would like to
recommend that the company should firstly develop a formal model and system for appraising.
The objectives of the employee appraising should not only focus on the deciding on
compensation and benefits for employees but also make use of it and serve other human
resource functions.

14. A Study on Performance Appraisal System at Wipro Infrastructure

Engineering Pvt Ltd (APR-2013)

Dr.S.Jansirani ET AL. have examined a Study on Performance Appraisal System at Wipro

Infrastructure Engineering Pvt Ltd. The main objective of the study is to identify the actual
performance of the employees and performance standards used in performance appraisal
program (opinion, satisfaction, benefit, outcome, etc.). The primary data derived through field
survey and with specific objectives. The secondary data derived from Magazine, books,
journals, records maintained by HR department and company websites. The sampling design
selected is Stratified Random Sampling. The population size is 700 employees and sample size
selected is 100 employees. The tools used for analysis chi-square analysis, rank correlation
method, annova test. The null hypothesis is no significant relationship between the appraisal
system identifying the strength, weakness of employees and management provide employee
counseling, alternate hypothesis is a significant relationship between the appraisal system
identifying the strength, and weakness of employees and management provide employee
counseling. The conclusion of the study is human resources are the vital source of every
organization and every employee in an organization increases the productivity and goodwill of
every company.

15. A Study on Performance Appraisal With Reference To Whirlpool Pvt.

Ltd., Puducherry (APR-2013)
S. Sornambigai ET AL. have done a studied on Performance Appraisal With Reference To Whirlpool Pvt.
Ltd., Puducherry. The main objective of the study is to enable an organization to maintain an inventory of
the number and quality of all managers and to identify and meet their training needs and aspirations. The
primary data is derived using Questionnaires are prepared and personal interview. The type of research
design is Exploratory Research. The Sample size is 200 employees. The findings of this study is extensive
of the job-training, free hand in decision-making, focused job responsibility, transparent career planning of
all officers, give tangible advantages.

16. A Study of Performance Appraisal System Practiced In Textile Industry,

Coimbatore, India (SEPT -2018)
Dr.P.Megaladevi ET AL have reviewed a study of performance appraisal system practiced in
textile industry, Coimbatore, India. The main objective of this research is to study performance
appraisal system practiced in textile industry. The type of research design is Descriptive
Research. The Random sampling technique was adapted for the purpose of study. The sample

size selected by the researcher is 150. The primary data derived through structured
questionnaire and the secondary data retrieved from various Journals, websites and magazines.
The tools used to analyze the like Descriptive Statistics, Correlation, one-way ANOVA and
Chi square test. The null hypothesis is there is no significant relationship between experience
and achievement in job and the alternate hypothesis is there is significant relationship between
experience and achievement in job. The study concludes the top management should conduct
some of the performance appraisal so that they can understand the employee and their needs,
behavior better and to find out the loopholes, employees should feedback regarding their

17. The Effect of Performance Appraisal Politics on Employee Performance

in Emergency Services of Punjab, Pakistan (2019)

Muhammad Imran ET AL have examined the effect of performance appraisal politics on

employee performance in emergency services of Punjab, Pakistan. The main objective of this
study is to investigate the relationship between performance appraisal politics and employee
performance in Punjab emergency services Pakistan. The total population of the study is 10,000
employees all over Punjab, Pakistan and the 370 rescue employees taken as the sample size of
the study. The simple random sampling technique adopted and made the respondent selection
to use the Microsoft Excel 2016 function. The primary data collected through questionnaire,
101 questionnaires collected and 27 % response rate recorded for present study. The tools used
to examine is Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE). The
bootstrapping method performed to determine the beta and t-values and outcome of data
analysis. The result of the study shows that there is negative significant relationship between
performance appraisal politics and employee performance. The increase of performance
appraisal politics will decrease the employee performance.

18. Legal Termination and Performance Appraisal at Private Firms in

Kurdistan (FEB-2018)

Saman Taha Hamad have studied legal termination and performance appraisal at private firms
in Kurdistan. The main objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between the legal
termination and annual performance appraisal evaluation and at private firms. The primary data
collected through questionnaires. Out of 100 questionnaires, only 68 questionnaires received.
The methods used to analyze data is ANOVA, Coefficients, demography analysis, reliability
analysis. The findings from this study is every firm should document the explanations and
assessment for the termination decision. Integrity improved with documented performance
appraisal assessments and cases of poor performance.

19. Evaluating the Performance Appraisal Practices in the Ghana Civil

Service (DEC 2018)

Dr. Daisy Ofosuhene ET Al. have done evaluation of the performance appraisal practices in
the Ghana civil Service. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the performance
appraisal practices in the Ghana Civil Service. The type of Research Design is Descriptive
Research in order to describe the conditions of the current performance appraisal system and

the prospects. The primary data derived using self-administered questionnaire and semi
structured interview. Organizational reports, journals, newspapers and relevant books used to
derive secondary data the purposive sampling technique used to target only full-time
employees at the Office of the Head of Civil Service and the Ministry of Education. The
findings of this study is the analysis of responses indicated that majority of employees have
negative impression or perceptions about the appraisal system.

20. Employee’s Performance Appraisal System and its Implication for

Individual and Organizational Growth (JAN 2017)

Mukesh Kumar have examined Employee’s performance appraisal system and its implication
for individual and organizational growth. The main objective of the study is to ascertain
Employee’s Performance Appraisal System and its Implication for Individual and
Organizational Growth. There is a performance appraisal process starting from Identifying
specific performance appraisal goals , establishing performance criteria and communicate them
to employee , examine the work performed, discuss appraisal with employees. The primary
data derived using questionnaire & informal discussion & it interpreted. Sample Method used
for collection of data. Questionnaires distributed covering various departments such as
Personnel, Marketing, Export, Manufacturing, Finance, Training, Materials etc. Secondary
data collected from past records and manual of the company, books, and internet. In this
research, the secondary sources used are, various files and records maintained by organization,
HR manual, Journals, and Booklets etc. The findings of this research is organizations should
know that performance appraisal is incomplete unless appraisee is told what his strengths are
and weaknesses, his performance cannot improve in the subsequent future, which obviously
defeats the very objective of periodic appraisals.

21. Analyzing the effect of Performance Appraisal Techniques in Motivating

Employees in Reliance Jio (2017)

Mohammad Siraj Ali have analyzes the effect of Performance Appraisal Techniques in
motivating employees in Reliance Jio. The main objective of this study is to analyze the
effectiveness of performance Appraisal in Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited. The type of
research design is Quantitative Research design. The sample size selected is 300. The sample
design selected is convenience sampling. The primary data is derived using Questionnaires and
the secondary data is derived using Newspaper, Internet Resources, Books, Journals, Records
maintained by Human Resource Department, Company websites. The methods of performance
appraisal is traditional methods, modern methods, ranking methods, paired comparison
method, forced distribution method, critical incident method. The modern methods are
Behaviorally Anchored rating scales, assessment center, human resource accounting, and
management by objectives.

22. A Study of Effect of Performance Appraisal on the Organizational

Commitment: A Case Study of Selected Banks in India (OCT 2018)
Ms. Prabhjot Kaur have did a study on effect of performance appraisal on the organizational
commitment. The main objective of this research is to find out the efficient persons by giving

recognition for his dedication and transforming inefficient person in to efficient employee by
giving positive and negative motivation as if required. The primary data collected through
questionnaire. The sample size selected is 60 employees. The tools and techniques used is t
test, correlation, chi square and regression. The types of commitment are Affective
Commitment, Continuance Commitment and Normative Commitment. By the research, it is
that an organization should try their level best to use the better performance appraisal methods
for their employees so that it can maintain high organizational commitment.

23. An Empirical Study on Employee Appraisal and Training Impact with

reference to Organized Retail –Stores in Bangalore (OCT 2018)

Pilavenkatswamy K.ET AL. have did an Empirical Study on Employee Appraisal and Training
Impact with reference to Organized Retail –Stores in Bangalore. The main objective of this
study is to realize the profile of retail employees calls for training for the improvement in their
talents and supply emphasis on the impact of training program. Primary data derived using
questionnaire method, personal discussion and interaction. Data collected through quota-
sampling unit from new and old employees. Four Hundred questionnaires distributed among
the newly appointed and old employees and the overall response rate was 60%. Paired test and
correlation test conducted through software package. The null hypothesis of the research is
Training changes the business focus of the employees and alternative hypothesis is Training
does not change the business focus of the employees. The findings of this research is that there
are four key regions business focus, critical thinking, personal effectiveness and relationship
management and is maximum crucial for all personnel. Designing a proper training program is
more critical for effective development in those key regions.

24. The Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Morale and

Satisfaction: The Case of Jinka Town Civil Service Office (NOV 2018)

Getachew Alene Chekol have examined the effect of performance appraisal on employee’s
morale and satisfaction. The main objective of this research is to get the current performance
of employees, performance appraisal problems. The type of research design is Descriptive
Research Design. The population size of the organization was 76. The researcher selected
random sampling technique. The primary data derived through open and close-ended
questionnaires by distributing it to 42 employees. The analysis of data done using table and
percentage, whereas qualitative data analyzed through statement form. The conclusion of this
research is that the organization employees are highly demoralized and affected negatively
when their supervisor gave for those employees who are not able to meet the performance
standards and having a better performance appraisal have a great benefit for the organization
in general and employees in particular.

25. Diagnostics of the Performance Appraisal Process of Employees Case

Study: A Private Bank in Iran (JUL 2015)
Dariush Gholamzadeh did a diagnostics of the performance appraisal process of employees in
a private bank in Iran. The main objective of the study is to diagnose the performance appraisal

process of the employees. The type of research design is Descriptive Research Design. The
primary data derived using questionnaires and secondary data derived using documental
research appraisal, appraisal courses, and sources of appraisal, application of appraisal and
indices and criteria for appraisal. The data analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) software at two levels using descriptive and inferential statistics. The finding of this
research is performance appraisal used as a method of providing information for making decision relating
to payment and then archiving in the staff's files.

26. Employee Performance Appraisal: Key to Success for Organizational

Mr. Ahmed Hussain have examined the employee’s performance appraisal system of the
organization to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees in an organization.
The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of proper designed employee’s
performance appraisal system for the achievement of organizational growth. This study mainly
shows the features of performance appraisal, need for performance appraisal, essentials of a
good appraisal system, and purpose of performance appraisal, performance appraisal process,
techniques / methods of performance appraisals. This study concludes that how the
organization is using several performance appraisal techniques for the achieving the goals.

27. Employees’ Performance Appraisal in the Modern Era.

Dr.Venu Arelly have examined the study on Employees’ Performance Appraisal in the Modern
Era in order to find the importance of performance appraisal in the contemporary world and to
highlight the growing importance of performance management system in contemporary period.
The main objective of the study is to analyses the internal and external factors that effects the
employee’s performance appraisal system. This study shows the effect of organizational
climate on performance appraisal, collision in the cutthroat environment, contemporary
performance appraisal that includes performance appraisal by assessment canter &
behaviorally anchored rating scales, customer feedback method. This study concludes that
employees of present era need transparent and supportive feedback and rewards if they have to
translate their knowledge into improved productivity and superior quality.

28. Organizational Context Factors Influencing Employee Performance

Appraisal: A Research Framework
Mrs.Gabriela Rusu have examined the study on organizational context factors influencing
employee performance appraisal through which the productivity of a particular employee is
analyzed. The main objective of the study is to identify the prevalent contextual factors,
which has a major influence on employee’s performance appraisal. This study shows the
following organizational contextual factors to construct our proposed research model:
strategy, technology, prevailing cultural norms, perceived purposes and uses of Employee

performance appraisal data and shows various strategies for increasing employee work
performance. This study concludes that in order to target increased employee performance,
research should focus on employee performance appraisal and on the influence of
organizational context factors on this process. Thus, factors of organizational context such as
organizational objectives, strategy, technology, organizational culture, HR procedures,
employee motivation, etc. influence the design and implementation of employee performance
appraisal in organizations.

29. A Study on Comprehensive Method of Performance Appraisal – 720-

Degree Feedback System
Dr. Nandini Srivastava have examined the study on comprehensive method of performance
appraisal and the 720-degree performance appraisal which is needed for the improvement in
performance of the people in their jobs and to ensure that the expectations of the employer,
employee and the customers are met.720 degree appraisal method aims at monitoring,
mapping, giving feedback and encouraging the employees to achieve the goals of the
Organization The main objective of the study is to show the importance of 720 feedback system
in the new generation of performance appraisal and also to diagnose the strength and weakness
720 method of performance appraisal system. The primary data from few industry personnel
and secondary data from articles, books and website. The research design employed for the
study is descriptive in nature. This study shows the dimensions of 720-degree performance
appraisal system, which includes pre appraisal feedback, self-appraisal, peer appraisal, end user
appraisal, post, appraisal feedback. This study concludes that a well-structured performance
appraisal system is a must for an organization in this competitive world, though the level of
awareness about 720 degree performance appraisal tool is relatively low and would increase in
the time to come, the appraisers are not satisfied with the current methods of appraisal and want
to shift towards a better aspect.

30. The Practices and Problems of Employee Appraisal Systems (2017)

Dr. P G Aquinas ET AL. have examined the practices and problems of employee appraisal
systems. The main objective of this study is to check the practices and problems of Employee
performance appraisal system in Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency. The type of research
design is Descriptive Research Design. The primary data derived through questionnaire,
interview and document analysis. Primary data used to get first-hand information about the
practices and problems, and their implication for further improvement of the appraisal system.
The primary sources were permanent employees of the organization. The total population of
the organization is 606. The sample size selected is 190. The technique used for sampling is
stratified random sampling. The questionnaires structured with Likert scale. The finding of the
research is employee evaluation done only for the purpose of rewarding and checking progress
performance of employees and employee appraisal implemented for varieties of administrative
and developmental purposes.

Research methodology
 Primary Data
o Questionnaire method- In this method a questionnaire is mailed to the person
concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire.
o Experience survey and depth interview- In this method an interview is
conducted of a concern person who performs performance appraisal for the
employees and according to their experience response is noted.
 Secondary Data-
o Records of employee performance
o Journals regarding Performance appraisal in textile sector (J-gate plus, Ebsco
host)- includes censuses, information collected by government departments,
organisational records and data that was originally collected for other research

Type of research design

 Exploratory Research- Since the research gives a Deeper understanding of
performance appraisal the research is Exploratory in nature

Sources of data collected

Secondary data is collected from journals available on j-gate plus and Ebsco host regarding
performance management in Textile sector

Sampling has to be done from different Units like:

 Administration
 Sales
 Human Resource
 Manufacturing
 Marketing

There are total 165 staff members who looks after admin, sales, HR, Marketing and small
scale manufacturing in Mumbai branch and 1342 workers in overall manufacturing unit in
Banswara syntax, Rajasthan.

Hence total number of population will be- 1507 employees.

Type of Sampling: The sampling technique will include the combination of quota
sampling as well as simple random sampling within the quota

Non-Probability sampling- Quota sampling

Since there are 5 departments in the selected textile company it is easy to take sample by
quota sampling where the sample will include minimum number of each specified department
from the total number of employees according to their departments and designation.

Probability sampling- Simple random sampling

After selecting the departments, for selecting the members of the department simple random
sampling is used without replacement so that each element in the department has equal
chance of being included in the research.

Sample size

Sample Size selected by sampling techniques is 50(10 from each department)

Analysis and Interpretation

5.1- Demography of gender

Analysis: In the above mentioned graph it is seen that amongst 50 respondents 28% were
Female and rest were Male.

Inference: There were total 50 employees as a sample size from different departments like

HR, Sales, Manufacturing, Marketing and Administration working in the Mumbai office of
Banswara Syntax Pvt. Ltd

5.2- Demography of age

Analysis: The maximum Respondents belonged to age-group of 18-25 years old

5.3- Education Qualification of employees

Analysis- The above mentioned graph shows that the major number of respondents were
post-graduate and graduate.

5.4- Departments selected for the research

Analysis: According to the above mentioned graph there are 4 departments chosen for the
research, and 10 employee each are selected for the research.

5.5- Chart depicts the frequency of performance appraisal conducted

Analysis: According to the above mentioned chart all the employees have selected the
frequency of conducting performance appraisal as yearly.

Inference- From the analysis it can be inferred that performance appraisal is conducted yearly
in all the departments,

5.6-Chart depicts level of satisfaction for different benefits of performance appraisal

Analysis: As seen in the above mentioned chart Maximum of the employees agree to all the
benefits of conducting performance appraisal.

Inference- From the analysis it can be inferred that most of the employees agree that the level

of satisfaction by carrying out performance appraisal in the company is satisfactory and

useful to increase the employee productivity

5.7-Chart depicts Different method used for assessment of performance for appraisal

Analysis: In the graph it is seen that only traditional ways of performance appraisal

techniques are used for evaluation of the performance of the employees, methods such as
observation, Checklist, Ranking method and 360 degree appraisal is used for the assessment.

Inference: From the analysis it can be inferred that the company uses only traditional methods

of assessment of performance, it is recommended to implement new and innovative

techniques like MBO and Self appraisal for better productivity and assessment of the
performance of the employees.

5.8-Chart depicts the ranking according to the satisfaction of current assessment

Analysis: As mentioned in the graph all the employees are satisfied with the current
performance appraisal assessment techniques.

Inference: As per the analysis the employees are satisfied with the traditional ways of

assessment of Performance appraisal techniques so there were no extra suggestions given for
any changes in the assessment.

5.9-Chart depicts the different techniques for management of non-performers

Analysis: The different techniques used for managing the non-performers are training and
development, Counselling and Employee engagement activities by all the departments.

Inference: According to the analysis in most of the departments the non-performing

employees are managed by training and development and Counselling which helps the
employees to attain their goals.


From the survey results its evident that both the appraisee’s and appraisers expectation from

Performance appraisal system are the same i.e. “Determination of Promotion or Transfer” and

“Salary Administration and Benefits”. Hence a single performance appraisal system can

satisfy needs of both the Appraiser and appraisee. Therefore the Performance appraisal

program would be designed in such a way that the appraiser would be able to analyse the

contribution of the employee to the organisation periodically and all the employees who have

been performing well would be rewarded suitably either -Strongly Agree, Agree Neither

Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree, Disagree Reviewing performance appraisal

Reviewing performance appraisal by an increase in the salary or a promotion.

Through this the appraiser can also motivate the employees who felt that they had no growth

in the organisation and serves the purpose of employee development. Thus performance

appraisals can be used as a significant tool for career Planning. Analysing one’s own

strengths and weaknesses is the best way of identifying the potentials available, rather than

the other person telling. Self-appraisal is a tool to analyse oneself. One of the most important

findings was that almost all the employees wanted self-rating to be a part of performance

appraisal program carried out by the organisation. From the responses of the appraiser we can

also see that Self rating is not encouraged by the organisations. This could therefore be an
important factor which leads to dissatisfaction among the appraisees.

At the end of the year of the appraisal period the appraisal process should begin with self-

appraisal by every employee. To appraise one’s own self on key performing targets and

qualities, the appraisee would go through a process of reflection and review. It is an

established fact that change is faster when it is self-initiated. If any employee has to improve

or do better, he must first feel the need to do so. Reflection and review is a process that

enables him to feel the need and improve more upon his strengths and weaknesses Another
point to be noticed is that even in the other forms of Performance Appraisal also the

employees expect that they should be given a chance to rate their own performance. This can

allow the employee to analyse one’s own Performance which gives new insights on how one

is performing and what are the critical points where he has to put his best and improve upon

The existence of a proper complain channel was also of utmost importance to the appraisees.

They should be given a chance to convey their grievances to the top management. The

appraisees also expect that their comments and suggestions should be taken into account

while conducting the appraisals. This expectation is not fulfilled as the appraisers do not take

their comments and suggestions into consideration. Therefore they should look into this

matter before it leads to dissatisfaction among the employees. The results also indicate that

the there is no communication of top management plans and business goal to the appraisee.

The appraisers on the other hand feel that the goals and plans have been clearly
communicated to the appraisees.

Communication is very essential for any system to function efficiently. Therefore the

appraisers should look into this matter and see to it that the goals and plans are communicated

effectively .The findings suggest that for success of Appraisal system the credibility of

appraiser is of utmost importance. From the survey we can also derive that the appraisee’s

expect a post appraisal interview to be conducted wherein they are given a proper feedback

on their performance and they can also put forward their complaints if any. The appraisal

should also be followed up with a session of counselling which is often neglected in many

organizations. Counselling involves helping an employee to identify his strengths and

weaknesses to contribute to his growth and development. Purpose is to help an employee

improve his performance level, maintain his morale, guide him to identify and develop his

strong points, overcome his weak points, develop new capabilities to handle more
responsibilities, identify his training needs.


Banswara Syntax pvt. ltd was selected for this study in textile sector to study the methods of
performance appraisal techniques implemented for reducing employee turnover ratio and
increase employee productivity. For the research to be carried out further, the researcher may
carry out the survey of performance appraisal techniques in various textile industries and
relate them with each other.

The time given for the survey was less and the sample size selected was 50, the further
research can be carried out by surveying 167 total population by taking more duration of


With reward being directly linked to the achievement of the objectives, goal setting and

performance appraisal assumes utmost importance. The performance appraisal system is been

professionally designed and it is monitored by Human Resource Development. The

implementation is the responsibility of each and every employee along with their supervisors.

There should be adequate training to the evaluator that will go a long way in answering the

quality of Performance Appraisal, In conclusion the performance appraisal is very important

tool used to influence employee. A formal performance review is important as it gives an

opportunity to get an overall view of staff development. Good performance review therefore
don't just summarize the past they help determine future performance.

Limitations of study

 Opposition from the employees- The main limitation to the study was opposition from

the employees as they weren’t ready to fill the questionnaire because of their work

 Time factor-The most important limitation was the time factor as the circulated sheets of

questions came unfilled by many because of the time factor many said they were busy in

their working schedule and couldn’t afford time to fill the questions or to provide any
answers for the information

 Management opposition-Not all the departments were readily accepting to let their

employees fill the questionnaire as they thought this might provoke the employees to ask

any personal questions about the department itself and therefore avoided to accept the
questions and make them fill from the employees.

 Bias answers-The questionnaires which were circulated within the employees came with

filled answers. But most of the answers came filling with bias responses and not

particularly telling what problems they face as they thought this might affect the image of
the organization or personally. And hence a proper data was not able to be estimated and
only on rough basis

 No suggestions provided-Many employees did not provide any suggestions for their own

betterment because of the bias answers and the time factor mentioned. And hence the

main objective of the study to know whether the employees were satisfied or not
remained unknown due to the incomplete information.


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