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Health and performance challenges during sports training and competition in

cold weather

Article  in  British Journal of Sports Medicine · September 2012

DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091260 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

John Castellani Andrew John Young

United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine


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Health and performance challenges during sports

training and competition in cold weather
John William Castellani,1 Andrew John Young2
Thermal and Mountain ABSTRACT concern for athletes, because these injuries typically
Medicine Division, US Army Olympic athletes compete and train in diverse cold- require at least 12 h of skin exposure to cold-wet
Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine, Natick,
weather environments, generally without adverse effects. (≤10°C) conditions. On the other hand, freezing
Massachusetts, USA However, the nature of some sports may increase the injuries, or frostbite, are a potential threat. Frostbite
Military Nutrition Division, US risk of cold injuries. This paper provides guidance to occurs when tissue temperatures fall below 0°C.
Army Research Institute of enable competition organisers and officials, coaches and Frostbite is most common in exposed skin (nose,
Environmental Medicine, Natick, athletes to avoid cold-weather injuries. This paper will (1) ears, cheeks and exposed wrists), but can occur in
Massachusetts, USA
define potential cold-weather injuries during training and clothed hands and feet. Instantaneous frostbite can
Correspondence to competition and (2) provide risk management guidance occur when skin contacts highly conductive cold
Dr Andrew John Young, Military to mitigate susceptibility to cold-weather injuries. objects such as metal, which cause rapid heat loss.
Nutrition Division, US Army The most common initial symptom of frostbite
Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine,
is numbness. During re-warming of frostbitten
42 Kansas Street, Natick, INTRODUCTION tissues, pain is significant and re-warming should
MA 01760-5007, USA; Cold weather can create a risk of injury, but people be clinically supervised for all but the most minor generally tolerate outdoor activities and cold expos- injuries.
Accepted 6 July 2012
ure without adverse effects. Tolerance largely
reflects the protective advantages provided by Individual factors modifying responses to cold
modern technology, since human physiological and risk of injury
responses defending body-temperature homeostasis Laboratory studies suggest that physiological
during cold exposure are less effective than during responses for maintaining normal body tempera-
heat exposure. For the most part, humans rely on ture during cold exposure vary among individuals,
avoidance of cold to mitigate cold injury risk, by and that anthropometric, sex, fitness and acclima-
either wearing protective clothing or taking shelter. tisation differences contribute to that variability.1
For elite athletes, however, the nature of the compe- For example, convective heat transfer at the skin
tition limits their ability to avoid cold exposure. surface is the principal heat loss vector in
Athletes will, nevertheless, tolerate even severe cold cold-exposed humans;2 therefore, large individuals
in pursuit of athletic success. Therefore, officials, lose more body heat in the cold than smaller indi-
organisers and coaches must ensure that the envir- viduals due to their larger body surface area.
onmental conditions during competition and train- However, this effect is somewhat mitigated since a
ing do not endanger the health of athletes. This large body mass favours maintenance of a constant
short article will review factors influencing cold temperature by virtue of a greater heat content
injury risk, cold injury prevention strategies and compared with a small body mass.3 Additionally,
performance for athletes competing and training for while all body tissues provide insulation, adipose
Olympic sporting events. tissue’s thermal resistivity is greatest, so indivi-
duals with more adipose tissue experience smaller
COLD INJURIES body temperature changes and shiver less during
When heat losses exceed heat production, body cold exposure than lean individuals.3 Sex differ-
heat content decreases and peripheral and core ences in heat flux and thermal balance during cold
temperatures decline. If unchecked, declining body exposure appear entirely attributable to anthropo-
temperatures lead to cold injuries. There are two metric differences between men and women, and
major types of cold injuries: (1) hypothermia and there is no definitive evidence of significant sex dif-
(2) peripheral tissue injuries. ferences in thermoregulatory responses to cold.
With whole-body cooling, hypothermia is clinic- Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies suggest
ally defined by a core temperature below 35°C. Initial that physical training and/or high fitness levels
symptoms include shivering, apathy and social with- confer little or no thermoregulatory advantages
drawal. As core temperature continues falling below during cold exposure,3 with the exception that
35°C, confusion, sleepiness or slurred speech occur. fitter individuals can sustain physical activity and
At core temperatures below 31°C, there may be high rates of metabolic heat production longer
changes in cardiac rhythms. Mild hypothermia (core than less fit individuals. Finally, cold acclimatisa-
temperature=33–35°C) may be effectively treated tion has been shown to produce adjustments in
with simple rewarming (eg, warm shelter, blankets, human thermoregulatory responses, but in con-
clothing, exercise and warm drinks), but more severe trast to heat acclimatisation, thermoregulatory
hypothermia requires clinical treatment. adjustments associated with cold acclimatisation
Peripheral cold injuries can be divided into freez- are relatively small, slower to develop and provide
ing and non-freezing injuries. However, non- little practical advantage for defending body tem-
freezing or cold-wet injuries are not typically a perature and preventing environmental injury.3

1 of 5 Br J Sports Med 2012;46:788–791. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2012-091260

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Clothing probably represents the most important modifiable intense training. Fatigue due to exertion, sleep restriction and
factor influencing the magnitude of physiological strain and underfeeding impair an individual’s ability to maintain thermal
environmental injury risk experienced by athletes during cold balance in the cold,5 and an anecdotal association between exer-
exposure. Detailed consideration of biophysics and heat- tional fatigue and susceptibility to hypothermia has also been
transfer properties of cold-weather athletic clothing is consid- reported.6 One explanation proposed is that with fatigue, the
ered elsewhere.4 Insulation provided by cold-weather clothing exercise intensity and rate of metabolic heat production that
adds to insulation provided by body fat and other tissues, so can be sustained declines, and core temperature can no longer
that clothing requirements vary among individuals, and team be defended during cold exposure. When underfeeding is a
uniform policies should allow for individual adjustments. In factor, hypoglycaemia and/or muscle glycogen depletion could
the simplest analysis, the amount of clothing insulation develop. Acute hypoglycaemia impairs shivering through a
required to maintain comfort and prevent excessive body heat central nervous system effect,7 8 and decreased peripheral carbo-
loss during cold-weather activity is determined by the thermal hydrate stores contribute to an inability to sustain exercise or
gradient for heat loss (a function of ambient temperature and shivering, thus constraining thermogenesis during cold expos-
wind), and rate of exercise thermogenesis (a function of exer- ure.9 Studies also indicate that shivering and peripheral vaso-
cise intensity). Decreasing ambient temperature and increasing constriction responses to cold may be directly affected, that is,
wind necessitate increasing clothing insulation to prevent impaired, following strenuous exercise, repeated or prolonged
excessive body heat loss, while increasing exercise intensity cold exposure, or both in combination.10–13 Whatever the
and metabolic rates reduce the insulation required to protect mechanism, fatigue, either acute or chronic, compromises the
against a fall in body heat. During sports in which exercise ability to maintain thermal balance in the cold.
intensity is very high, metabolic heat production can be suffi-
cient to prevent a fall in body temperature without the need
for heavy clothing, even when air temperature is extremely COLD INJURY PREVENTION DURING SPORTS
low. On the other hand, athletes dressed appropriately to COMPETITION AND TRAINING
achieve thermal balance during cold weather events may be Risk management
inadequately protected before starting, or after completing the Successful management of cold stress requires athletes, coaches
event, so additional clothing may be required at the sites of and competition officials to appreciate the nature of health
warm-up and cool-down. Finally, if clothing becomes wet hazards associated with exercising in cold environments, and
from rain or sweating, insulation may be degraded and evap- employ suitable countermeasures to minimise the risk of hypo-
orative heat loss increased, further compromising protection of thermia and frostbite. With proper surveillance and oversight,
body heat content. athletes can compete and train safely in most cold weather
environments, and there is usually no need to cancel events.
EXERCISE IN THE COLD Formal risk management processes have been established to
The most important effects of exercise, at least in terms of how identify potential hazards, contributing factors and effective
cold exposure affects athletes, are the increases in thermogenesis controls and counter measures for employment before/during/
and peripheral blood flow (skin and muscles). The former tends after training and competition to prevent cold injuries to
to balance increased heat loss in cold environments, while the athletes.14
latter exacerbates heat loss by enhancing convective heat transfer Risk management begins by identifying the hazard. The key
from the central core to peripheral shell. The thermogenic determinants of the risk of cold injury are the environmental
response during exercise is usually sufficient to match or exceed conditions to which the individual is exposed, specifically
heat loss when exercise is performed in air.2 In contrast during ambient temperature, wind speed, rain or snow fall rate.
swimming, the greater convective heat transfer coefficient of Obviously, for athletes competing in or training in temperate or
water compared with air, produces rates of heat loss so great warm environments (indoors or outdoors), the risk of cold
that metabolic heat production during even intense exercise can injury is nil. Thus, the sports in which cold injury constitutes a
be insufficient to maintain thermal balance.2 real hazard are those competed outdoors during the Winter
A noted physiologist, Dave Bass, once observed, ‘man in the Olympic Games, that is, Alpine and Nordic skiing, bobsledding,
cold is not necessarily a cold man’. Whether cold exposure luging, skeleton and snowboarding events. Additionally, long-
influences physiological responses and strain during exercise distance open-water swimming can be a cold injury hazard,
depends on whether clothing insulation and exercise thermo- since immersion in even moderately cool water can potentially
genesis are sufficient to balance the rate of body heat loss to constitute a significant challenge to defending against excessive
the ambient environment. If so, core and skin temperatures body cooling. The first step in assessing the risk of cold injury
will remain elevated such that peripheral vasoconstriction and during competition or training for these events is documenting
shivering do not develop, and physiological strain and environmental conditions to which the athletes are exposed.
responses will be the same as in temperate conditions. Archival weather reports obtained from various public sources
However, during exercise at intensities too low for metabolic indicate that typical competition air temperatures for the
heat production to balance heat loss and prevent shivering, ‘at-risk’ events during the Vancouver, Turin, Salt Lake City and
oxygen uptake during exercise will be higher than in warm Nagano Winter Olympic games ranged from −5 to 8 °C,
conditions due to the added metabolic requirements of the shi- whereas somewhat more extreme low temperatures were
vering muscles.3 recorded during the Lillehammer (−19 °C) and Calgary (−15 °
Strenuous physical training can lead to exertional fatigue, C) games. However, those measurements were not necessarily
which can be severe in overtraining when strenuous exercise recorded near the event venue, or during the conduct of the
and high levels of energy expenditure are sustained for long events, and there appears to be no official, comprehensive
periods. In such a state, people have difficulty maintaining suf- archive of weather data from previous Olympic winter events.
ficiently high energy intake to maintain body energy stores, Rapidly changing weather conditions are common to regions
and muscle and fat loss ensues. Sleep can also be disrupted by where Alpine and Nordic sports are competed, so it cannot be

Br J Sports Med 2012;46:788–791. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2012-091260 2 of 5

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ambient temperature. Thus, frostbite cannot occur when air

temperature is above 0°C. On the other hand, wind speeds
obtained from weather reports do not take into account
man-made wind. As shown in table 1, during Alpine and
Nordic skiing, snowboarding and sledding, participants move
(22–100 km/h), thereby creating wind across the body at that
same rate, so the effective wind chill temperature for the
moving competitor would be lower, and risk of frostbite higher,
compared with non-moving spectators at that same venue.
Some Alpine skiing events can generate wind speeds of
100 km/h, but these events last less than 3 min, so the risk of
frostbite during those events still does not become high until
Figure 1 Cold strain risk management process.
WCTI reaches −35°C. Overall, the risk of frostbite is less than
5% when the ambient temperature is above −15°C, but
assumed that the weather measured at a site distant from the increased safety surveillance is warranted when the WCTI
competition accurately represents exposure conditions for com- decreases below −27°C, as frostbite can occur in 30 min or
petitors, nor can it be assumed that conditions will remain con- less.14
stant throughout the competition. Therefore, a system for
continuously measuring, recording and disseminating reliable, Hypothermia prevention
real-time weather data at Olympic venues throughout competi- In contrast to freezing injury, hypothermia can occur at any
tion should be implemented. ambient temperature that enables body heat losses to exceed
Figure 1 illustrates the factors that positively or negatively metabolic rate. Even exposures to temperatures well above
modulate cold injury risk for an individual athlete during com- freezing can lead to hypothermia if metabolic rate is low, and
petition or training. The sport-specific features influencing risk wet/windy conditions facilitate cooling relative to still, dry-air
of cold injury to participants in ‘at-risk’ Olympic events are conditions. Heat-loss prediction models19 suggest that an
listed in table 1. As described earlier, whether hypothermia or average-size person whose clothes are wet can maintain core
frostbite can occur during competition or training for these temperature above 35°C for at least 7 h if exercise is suffi-
events will depend on the degree to which these factors interact ciently intense enough to sustain metabolic rates of 600 W or
to influence body heat content, and associated changes in body higher. Empirical data confirm that prediction, showing that
temperatures. core temperature remained normal or above normal during
exercise at intensities above 60% VO2max (600–700 W) in 4°C,
20 km/h wind speed conditions.20 During all ‘at-risk’ Olympic
Frostbite prevention
events, metabolic rate is 600 W or higher, and exposure dura-
Wind exacerbates convective heat loss15 and reduces clothing
tions of most are less than 3 min, so there is little likelihood
insulation. The Wind Chill Temperature Index (WCTI; figure 2)
of hypothermia during a competition. While some Nordic
integrates wind speed and air temperature to provide an esti-
skiing events do last as long as 2 h, metabolic rates during
mate of the cooling power of the environment.16 17 The WCTI
these events are higher, further limiting the likelihood of
standardises the cooling power of the environment to an
hypothermia, even if skin and clothing become wet. However,
equivalent air temperature for calm conditions. More precisely,
during experimental exposures to 4°C, 20 km/h wind speed,
the WCTI quantifies the relative risk of frostbite (compared
core temperature was observed to decline when exercise inten-
with skin cooling rate in still air) and predicts times to freezing
sity was low (eg, 35% VO2max) and clothing was wet.6 11 20
of exposed facial skin.18 It should be noted, however, that one
Therefore, the risk of hypothermia increases during precompe-
of the underlying assumptions inherent to the WCTI is that
tition and postcompetition periods if competitors are not pro-
the individual is sedentary, so WCTI overestimates frostbite
vided access to shelter or additional protective clothing.
risk and underestimates time to skin freezing for individuals
Additionally, particularly during training, athletes who unex-
exercising strenuously.
pectedly stop exercising (eg, injury) and/or become wet before
While wind facilitates heat exchange between the body and
reaching shelter are at risk of hypothermia.
environment, an exposed object (body) cannot cool below
The greatest risk of hypothermia during Olympic events
may not be during the Winter Games. Participants in long-
distance, open-water swimming events might be at the great-
Table 1 Key characteristics of Olympic sports influencing risk of cold est risk of hypothermia of all Olympic athletes. Recognising
injury to participants this hazard, the international swimming association does not
Metabolic rate of Event permit competition in water temperatures below 16°C, mea-
competitors (W), duration Airspeed sured 1.4 m below water surface.21 Modelling predictions22 23
Sport (METS) (min) (km/h) suggest that core temperature of a male athlete having typical
body composition of Olympic swimmers and swimming at a
Alpine skiing, freestyle 700–1000 (7–11) 1.5–3 22–100
skiing, ski jumping, sustained pace of 1.4 m s−1 in 16°C open water will fall to
snowboarding ∼35.7°C. Core temperature for a female Olympic swimmer
Sledding (Bobsled, Luge, 600 (6–7) 1–3 24–64 having a typical body composition and swimming at 1.3 m s−1
Skeleton) in 16°C water is actually predicted to increase by ∼0.5°C, and
Nordic skiing, Biathalon, 1250–1800 (13–18) 24–125 22–27 is only predicted to decrease by 0.5°C in 12°C water tempera-
Nordic combined ture. However, if the pace maintained by these athletes slows
10-K open water swimming 870 (9–10) 120 – down as they fatigue, the swimmer is likely to reach clinical
km/h, kilometres per hour; METS, metabolic equivalent; W, Watts. levels of hypothermia.

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Figure 2 Wind Chill Temperature

Index in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Frostbite times are for exposed facial
skin. Top chart is from the US National
Weather Service; bottom chart is from
the Meteorological Society of Canada/
Environment Canada.


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5 of 5 Br J Sports Med 2012;46:788–791. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2012-091260

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Health and performance challenges during

sports training and competition in cold
John William Castellani and Andrew John Young

Br J Sports Med 2012 46: 788-791

doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2012-091260

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