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A compact account of such changes is available in A. L.

Beier and
Roger Finlay (eds), London 1500–1700: The Making of the Metropolis
(London and New York, 1986): see also Norman G. Brett-James, The
Growth of Stuart London (London, 1935); C. G. A. Clay, Economic
Expansion and Social Change: England 1500–1700 (Cambridge and New
York, 1984); Roger Finlay, Population and Metropolis: The Demography of
London, 1580–1650 (Cambridge and New York, 1981); Emrys Jones,
‘London in the Early Seventeenth Century: An Ecological Approach’,
London Journal, vol. 6, no. 2 (1980) pp. 123–33; E. A. Wrigley, ‘A Simple
Model of London’s Importance in Changing English Society and
Economy 1650–1750’, Past and Present, no. 37 (July 1967), pp. 44–70.

F.J. Fisher, London and the English Economy, 1500–1700 (1990)

 E.A. Wrigley, ‘A Simple Model of London’s Importance in Changing English Society and Economy,
1650–1750’, in his People, Cities, and Wealth (1987)
 A.L. Beier and R. Finlay (eds.), London, 1500–1700: the Making of the Metropolis (1986)
 P. Clark (ed.), The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, volume II 1540–1840 (2000)
 P. Griffiths and M. Jenner (eds.), Londinopolis: Essays in the Social and Cultural History of Early
Modern London (2000)
 P. Clark and B. Lepetit (eds.), Capital Cities and their Hinterlands in Early Modern Europe (1996)
 J. Schofield, The Building of London from the Conquest to the Great Fire (1984)
 R. Finlay, Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London, 1580–1650 (1981)
 P. Slack, The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England (1985)
 S. Rappaport, Worlds Within Worlds: Structures of Life in Sixteenth-Century London (1989)
 J. Boulton, Neighbourhood and Society: A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century (1987)
 J. Barry and C.W. Brooks (ed.), The Middling Sort of People: Culture, Society and Politics in
England, 1550–1800 (1994)
 V. Pearl, ‘Change and Stability in Seventeenth-Century London’, London Journal, 1979
 I. W. Archer, The Pursuit of Stability: Social Relations in Elizabethan London (1991)
 R. Ashton, The City and the Court, 1603–43 (1979)
 G.S. de Krey, A Fractured Society: the Politics of London in the First Age of Party, 1688–1715
 R. Brenner, Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict and London’s
Overseas Traders, 1550–1653 (1993)
 V. Pearl, ‘Social Policy in Early Modern London’ in H. Lloyd-Jones, B. Worden and V Pearl (eds.),
History and Imagination: Essays in Honour of Hugh Trevor-Roper (1979)
 G.D. Ramsay, The City of London in International Politics at the Accession of Elizabeth Tudor
 J.W. Kellett, ‘The Breakdown of Guild and Corporation Control over the Handitrade and Retail
Trades of London’, Economic History Review, 1957–8
 I.W. Archer, The History of the Haberdashers’ Company (1991)
 R. Grassby, The Business Community of Seventeenth Century England (1995)
 P. Earle, The Making of the English Middle Class: Business, Society, and Family Life in London
1660–1730 (1989)
 T. Harris, London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II (1987)
 R.B. Shoemaker, Prosecution and Punishment: Petty Crime and the Law in London and Rural
Middlesex, c. 1600–1725 (1991)
 J. Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800 (1986)
 L. Gowing, Domestic Dangers: Women, Words, and Sex in Early Modern London (1998)
 J. Stow, A Survey of London (numerous editions)
 C.M. Barron, C. Coleman, and C. Gobbi (eds.), ‘The London Journal of Alesandro Magno, 1562’,
London Journal, 1983
 E. Freshfield, The Vestry Minute Books of the Parish of Saint Bartholomew Exchange, 1567–1676
 J. Schofield (ed.), The London Surveys of Ralph Treswell (1987)
 A.V. Judges (ed.), The Elizabethan Underworld (1930)
 R. Latham (ed.), The Diary of Samuel Pepys

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