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Group 3 SJKC

SUBJECT Civic Awareness (English)

CLASS Year 3

TIME 9.0 0 –10.00 a.m.

Content Standard : Main skill: Listening

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts.

Complementary Skill: Speaking

2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group.
LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.1 Main Skill: Listening
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts

Complementary Skill: Speaking

2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and events

TOPIC Obey the traffic rules

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. describe at least 2 importance of obeying road signs.
2. show the awareness of obeying road sign through Road Trip Bingo.
3. tell their friends at least 3 ways of following the road signs.

1. Gather pupils in a group and read them a story about road signs.
2. Explain to pupils that road signs are important of following rules of the
3. Pupils cut out the printouts of road signs and glue them to a piece of large
construction paper to create a poster.

Activity 1:
1. Display the poster with common road signs: stop sign, yield, do not enter,
one way, pedestrian crossing, speed limit signs, etc.
2. Pupils point to each sign and describe the name and function of each.
3. The class repeat each sign by saying it aloud.
4. Pupils tell the class how they follow the road sign.

Activity 2:
1. Have a quiz on describing each sign's function.
2. Teacher ask the class some questions:
2.1 How would this help drivers stay safe?
2.2 How would this help pedestrians stay safe?
3. The group that able to answer the most questions will be the winner.

Activity 3:
1. Teacher distributes the bingo worksheets.
2. Pupils play Road Trip Bingo.
3. The first pupil who completes 4 strips of bingo is the winner.

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