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International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics

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Chromosome damage studies in the onion plant

Allium cepa L.

Peter Firbas & Tomaž Amon

To cite this article: Peter Firbas & Tomaž Amon (2014) Chromosome damage studies in the onion
plant Allium�cepa L., Caryologia, 67:1, 25-35, DOI: 10.1080/00087114.2014.891696

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Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics, 2014
Vol. 67, No. 1, 25–35,

Chromosome damage studies in the onion plant Allium cepa L.

Peter Firbasa* and Tomaž Amonb
Private Laboratory for Plant Cytogenetics, Ljubljanska c.74. SI – 1230 Domžale, Slovenia; bCenter for Scientific Visualization,
Gorazdova ul. 3, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

The onion plant (Allium cepa L.) is a suitable indicator plant for the determination of potential genotoxic agents in the
samples taken from the environment. The genotoxic level of the agent under study is reflected by structural changes of
the chromosomes and their changed numbers. The chromosomes under study are taken from the meristem cells of the
young growing onion roots. A healthy normal onion cell has 16 (2n = 16) chromosomes. They are relatively large and
so very appropriate for the detection of morphological changes. Prior to the chromosome study the root tip cells were
immersed in a 0.1% aquatic solution of colchicine which stopped the mitotic cycle continuing beyond metaphase. The
changes in morphology varied from a single distortion of a single chromosome up to several morphological changes
observed on many chromosomes. We identified 15 categories of morphological aberrations which are classified into three
groups: chromatid damage (CtD), centromere damage (CmD) and chromosome damage (CsD). CtD includes: single
break chromatid, double break chromatid, isochromatid break, multiple break chromatid, gap chromatid, centric ring
chromatid, acentric ring chromatid and triradial chromosomes. CmD includes: break centromere, gap centromere, single
break centromere, double break centromere and multiple break centromere. CsD includes: ring chromosomes and dicen-
tric chromosomes. Sometimes also the chromosome number changed which occurred as aneuploidy with monosomy 2n
= 15 (2n =16 – 1) and euploidy – increased number of the basic chromosome number (2n = 6x – 8x). We identified also
the translocation: t(3p–; 5p+).
Keywords: Allium cepa L.; karyotype; chromosome damage; chromatid damage

Introduction Monitoring chromosome morphology abnormalities

The use of chemicals that accumulate in the environ- in order to detect the degree of water toxicity is an old
ment is increasing in Europe. These pollutants can enter technique. In 1928 Stadler reported the effect of
spring and underground water used as drinking water. chemicals and physical agents on chromosome damage
Although chemical analysis provides accurate measure- (Mulaszynska and Juchimiuk 2005). After the effect of
ments at the moment of sampling, as the repetition of colchicine on the mitosis of Allium had been discovered
sampling is often limited, we do not obtain a realistic (Levan 1938) it was possible to determine the number of
impact on organisms over a longer period of time. chromosomes and their morphology in A. cepa L. (Levan
Onion (Allium cepa L.) root meristem cells are very et al. 1964). The Allium test (Levan 1938, 1949) is based
sensitive to genetic damage by chemicals, and the on the chromosome study of the meristem cells of the
Allium test, involving the length of the root and chro- apical root cells of A. cepa L. in order to determine the
mosome aberration (CA) measurements, proved to be a influences of genotoxic substances in, for instance,
suitable model system for measuring the environmental benzene, naphalen, phenanthren and benzopyren. More-
cytogenetic potential of pollutants (Al-Sabti 1989). The over, the A. cepa system provides important information
Allium test is very good indicator for analysing antipro- to evaluate the clastogenic and/or aneugenic effects of an
liferative effects on plant medicinal extracts (Frescula agent on the genetic material (Leme and Marin-Morales
et al. 2012). 2009).
Seven higher plant bioassays were reviewed by the C-mitosis (without colchicine application) is stimu-
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Gene-Tox lated by chemicals such as methyl mercury and nickel
program in 1980. The Allium root tip CA assays were salts, and by many organic chemicals (Fiskesjö 1993).
adopted by the International Program on Plant Bioassays After such treatment a more detailed study of chromo-
(IPPB) for monitoring or testing environmental pollutants some morphology is possible (Fiskesjö 1993). The
(Ma 1999; Ma et al. 2005). The metaphasic chromosome diluted cytostatic chemical colchicine is used to stop the
anomalies as detected in the Allium test procedure are cell division process exactly in its metaphase. Thus in
not excluded to occur also in the human chromosomes c-metaphase chromosome or chromatid break can be
when exposed to similar pollutants. There are many studied in detail (Fiskesjö 1993). So the colchicine
reports on the excellent correlation of the plant system pre-treatment enables the study of structural metaphase
with the mammalian system (Grant and Salamone 1994). CAs. Metaphase chromosomes are chromosomes with

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2014 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Università di Firenze

26 P. Firbas and T. Amon

the most condensed chromatin and can be therefore removing the loose outer scales and scraped so that the
studied with an optical microscope. Allium cepa L. is an root primordia were immersed into the different tested
important bioindicator for environment poisons which liquids (drinking quality water, river and lake water,
influence mitosis (Fiskesjö 1985; Rank 2003; Bakare industrial wastewater, rain water, snow melt water, river
et al. 2012) and damage metaphase chromosomes and lake sediments, soil, condensed water obtained from
(Al-Sabti and Kurelec 1985; Al-Sabti 1989; Kumar and the atmosphere, and known chemicals).
Panneerselvam 2007; Ragunathan and Panneerselvam
2007; Panneerselvam et al. 2012).
The centromere is observed as a constriction in the Experimental procedure
chromosome and stains lighter than other parts of the The exposure time of the onion bulbs in each experiment
chromosome. Its location on the chromosome is most was 72 hours at 22°C; they were protected against direct
important in determining the morphology of chromo- sunlight. In order to eliminate the influence of daylight
somes, which are characterized as metacentric (m), sub- rhythms the plants were exposed to contain artificial light
metacentric (sm), subtelocentric (st) or telocentric (t). of middle intensity. In an alternative version of our
The location of the centromere is described by the cen- Allium metaphase test, the five onion bulbs were placed
tromeric index using the rules of Levan et al. (1964) and directly in the experimental water containers. The water
the Chicago Conference (1966). sample under investigation was divided into three por-
The complete sequence of stages from one cell divi- tions which were successively applied to the onion roots
sion to the next is: G0, G1, S, G2 and M phase. The for 24-h periods. So each 24 h the roots obtained a fresh
administration of genotoxic agents during the G0 and G1 bath of the sample solution. After 72 hours the experi-
phases of the cell cycle results in chromosome or ment was terminated and followed by macroscopic and
chromatide damage prior to the mitosis. This induces the microscopic tissue morphology investigation.
formation of the dicentric or ring chromosome;
meanwhile administration in the S or G2 phase usually
provokes the breakage of one or both chromatids. Chromosome preparations
Onion (Allium cepa L.) cells have eight pairs of rel-
The squash technique for onion root described by
atively large chromosomes. This allows an easy detec-
Al-Sabti and Kurelec (1985) and Al-Sabti (1989) was
tion of possible chromosome damage. In addition the
used for the preparation of chromosomes. Chromosome
chromosome morphology is very easily changed by
preparations were set up from root meristems containing
chemicals. The Allium metaphase test, involving mea-
actively growing cells by the following method: develop-
surements of the length of the root and chromosome
ing roots with bulbs were pre-treated with an 0.1% aqua-
damage, proved to be a suitable model system for
tic solution of colchicine for 3 hours at 21°C. After
measuring the environmental cytogenotoxic potential of
washing in distilled water for 20 min the terminal devel-
pollutants (Al-Sabti and Kurelec 1985). Therefore
oping roots (2 mm) were fixed for 1 h in methanol:pro-
chromosome damage has become a relevant testing
pionic acid mixture (3:1 or 1:1). Then they were
method. This biotest even introduces a new quality in
macerated and stained in order to obtain a cellular sus-
the assessment study: chromosomes constitute the pri-
pension. This sample was stained with 0.5% aceto-car-
mary target for cytogenotoxically induced irreversibly
mine for 4–5 min at 60°C without hydrolysis, and
damaged chromosome, damage or disturbance of cell
squashed in aceto-carmine (Firbas and Al-Sabti 1995).
The optical microscope used in the investigation was the
Onion is suitable for genotoxic studies because: (i)
Olympus–BX 41 (Olympus, Japan) with the PM 10 SP
the root growth dynamics is very sensitive to pollutants;
photo system. Typical magnifications used were 400×
(ii) the mitotic phases are very clear in the onion; (iii) it
and 1000×.
has a stable chromosome number and stable karyotype;
(iv) there is diversity in the chromosome morphology;
(v) there is a clear and fast response to the genotoxic
Macroscopic parameters
substances; and (vi) spontaneous chromosomal damages
occur rarely. In this study we describe various chromo- Macroscopic parameters include the root length and
some and chromatid damages in the root meristem cells other parameters such as usual root form, number, colour
of onion, which represent biomarkers for different types and turgidity after cultivation for 72 h.
of environmental pollution.

Microscopic parameters
Material and methods Therefore, additional colchicine treatment should only be
Onion preparation used for the specific study of chromosome and chromatid
Small onion (Allium cepa L.) bulbs of the same uniform (breaks) damage. and the study of of the chromosome
size, weighing about 3–3.5 g, were denuded by shapes in their methaphasic state.
Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 27

Level of genotoxicity 2.1. Chromatid damage

The level of genotoxicity is defined by the percentage of Single break chromatid (SBCt). SBCt can appear
metaphase cells with damaged cells with damaged anywhere on the chromatid. The broken fragment can
chromosomes related to all the cells inspected (typically remain aligned with the chromatid (Figure 4A) or get
200). displaced from it (Figure 4).

Double break chromatid (DBCt). DBCt involves two

Chromosome morphology, centromere position and breaks, with the elimination of the chromosomal material
karyotype between them (Figure 4C).
Chromosomes are categorized according to the position
of the centromere. Arm ratio can be calculated by Isochromatid break (IctB). IctB is the parallel breakage
measuring the length of the short arm (p) and of the long of the chromatid which is composed of two breaks in
arm (q) of the chromosome, and the centromeric index is the same chromatid region. The broken fragments can
as described by Levan et al. (1964) and Chicago also get displaced from the chromatid axis (Figure 4D).
Conference (1966). For numerical characterization of the
karyotypes the parameters were calculated as in Genc Multiple break chromatid (MBCt). In MBCt the broken
et al. (2013). fragments typically accumulate in a small group
(Figure 4E).

Control inhibition test Gap chromatid (GCt). GCt is the result of the chromatid
Toxicity and genotoxicity assays were performed with breakage and appears under the microscope as an
six concentrations of the test methyl methanesulphonate unstained point in the chromatid. There can also appear
(MMS 4016, Sigma, USA) chemicals as control. several such unstained points. If gaps exist in both chro-
matids they are called isochromatid gaps (Figure 4K, 4P,
4T) and multiple gaps (Figure 8D, arrows).
Distribution genotoxicity (induction of chromosome Centric ring chromatid (CRCt). CRCt is formed when
damage in root cells) and general toxicity (root growth the ends of the broken chromatid join and chromatid
inhibition and malformation) in Allium cepa L. exposed becomes circular in shape, containing the centromere
to 100–0.001 ppm MMS are shown in Table 1 and (Figure 4F).
Figure 1A–F. Results for 10 mg l−1 MMS varied from
18.4% to 28.6% aberrant cells (Rank 2003). The normal Acentric ring chromatid (ARCt). ARCt appears when the
metaphases and different types of chromosomal deviation displaced fragment of the chromatid becomes circular. It
are shown in Figures 2A, B, 3, 4A–U, 5, 6A, B, 7, contains no centromere (Figure 4G).
8A–D and Tables 2–4. Samples were taken in rivers,
springs, tarns, lowland lakes and tap water in Slovenia. Triradial chromosomes (TCs). TCs are chromosomes
with one centromere and three terminal chromatid ends
1. Chromosome number and karyotype (Figure 4H).
Allium cepa L. has 16 monocentric chromosomes
(2n =16) with basic number x = 8 (Figure 2A). Its 2.2. Chromosome damage
karyotype contains six metacentric (m), eight submeta-
Dicentric chromosomes (DCs). DCs appear with the
centric (sm) and two subtelocentric (st) chromosomes
simultaneous breakage of two chromosomes. These
(Figure 2B). Two subtelocentric chromosomes contain
chromosomes join into the dicentric chromosome which
satellites (Figure 3), which are not always seen under a
contains two centromeres and an acentric fragment
microscope. Telocentric chromosomes are not present.
(Figure 4I).

2. Types of metaphase damage chromosome Ring chromosomes (RCs). RCs appear after the double
The aberrations seen at metaphase are of three types: breakage of the long and short chromosome part. The
chromatid damage, chromosome damage, and chromatid broken ends fuse, thus forming a cyclic chromosome and
type damage in the centromere region. an acentric fragment (Figure 4J).

Table 1. Growth retardation toxicity and genotoxicity effects of MMS after 72 h of treatment at different concentrations.

Concentration of MMS 4016 Sigma (ppm) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Tap water reverse osmosis
Length of root testing plant (mm) 0–2 8–13 22–25 28–32 38–40 40–42 40–44
Level of genotoxicity (%) 0 25.5–31.0 19.5–23.5 8.5–9.5 5.5–6.5 3.0 2.0–2.5
28 P. Firbas and T. Amon

Figure 1. Examples of series of onions cultivated for 72 h in different concentrations of MMS: (A) 100 ppm; (B) 0.001 ppm;
(C) 10 ppm; (D) 0.01 ppm; (E) 1 ppm; (F) 0.1 ppm.

2.3. Centromere damage Double break centromere (DBCm). DBCm is the break-
Damages to the centromere belong in the chromatid age and displacement of the basal parts of two chromat-
damage class and are located near the centromere region ids (Figure 4N).
of the chromosome. Here are some typical damage
forms: Multiple break centromere (MBCm). MBCm arises when
the chromosome breaks in the centromere region and
Break centromere (BCm). BCm in the centromere region then breaks into four chromatid fragments. MBCm
appears when the chromosome breaks into two parts. As occurs very rarely (Figure 4O).
this type of damage occurs often it can be inferred that
the centromere part of the chromosome is the most sensi-
3. Aberrations resulting in changes in the
tive to genotoxic substances. Such deformations can lead
chromosome number
to the chromosome form designated the isochromosome
(Figure 4K). Polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set
of chromosomes. Organisms in which a particular
Gap centromere (GCm). GCm represents a narrow chro- chromosome is underrepresented (monosomy) or over-
matid breakage in the basal part of the chromatid. It represented are said to be aneuploidy. Monosomy in
appears as an unstained part of the chromosome (Fig- A. cepa is to represent without subtelocentric chromo-
ure 4L). some (2n = 15; 2n = 16 – 1) in the 6th pair (Figure 5).
Euploidy (Polyploidy) A. cepa is to represent with six
Single break centromere (SBCm). SBCm is breakage of sets (6x) and eight sets (8x) to multiply (to increase)
the basal part of the chromatid, by the displacement of basic chromosome number. Hexaploid (6x) and Octaploid
the broken longer or shorter chromatid (Figure 4M). (8x) chromosomes are examples of euploidy (Figure 6).
Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 29

Figure 2. (A) Diploid metaphase chromosome; and (B) its karyotype from the root cells of onion (Allium cepa L.) containing
2n = 16 with 6 m, 8 sm and 2 st chromosomes (Figure 2b).

4. Chromosome reorganization/reconstruction The number of damaged chromosomes increases with

In a translocation, a segment from one chromosome is the level of the genotoxicity of the substance studied
transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome or to a (Table 2, Figure 8A–D). The same holds for the number
new site an the some chromosome. Translocation in of deformations seen on a particular chromosome (Tables
onion A. cepa involves 3th and 5th chromosome. In a 3, 4).
translocation, a segment arm (3p) is transferred to a 5th
chromosome (Figure 7).
Translocation in onion A. cepa is to transfer the
chromosome arm (3p) from 3th chromosome on the 5th The chromosome damage technique has become more
chromosome. Rearrangement novel karyotype is: and more important with increasing interest in the
2n = 16; t: 3p–; 5p+ (Figure 7). genotoxic effect of pollutants, and following recommen-
dations to use onion chromosome as an indicator of mu-
tagens in the environmental samples. CAs appear in two
5. The combined damage types on a particular forms – the deviations of the metaphase chromosome
chromosome number (numerical aberration) and the morphological
There are different types of chromatid damage in the deformations (structural aberration) of the chromosomes
centromere region and in chromosome chromatids. For themselves.
example: BCm+GCt (Figure 4K), BCm+GCt (Figure 4P), We have shown several different types of chromosome
BCm+SBCt+GCt (Figure 4R), BCm+ARCt+GCt and chromatid damage, resulting in numerous changes of
(Figure 4S), BCm+DBCt+GCt (Figure 4T), and BCm+ chromosome morphology. We determined 15 types of
GCt+MBCt (Figure 4U). structural chromosome damage, one translocation and two
30 P. Firbas and T. Amon

It has proved very convenient to apply colchicine

which arrest dividing cells at metaphase (Al-Sabti and
Kurelec 1985; Al-Sabti 1989; Kumar and Panneerselvam
2007; Ragunathan and Panneerselvam 2007; Palanikumar
et al. 2011; Panneerselvam et al. 2012).
Rainfall and snowfall and petrochemical wastewater
predominantly induced breaks, fragments, ring chromo-
somes and dicentric chromosomes (Al-Sabti 1989).
Al-Sabti and Kurelec (1985) took environmental samples
from the river Sava and made a two phase analysis. In
the first phase he was sampling just the water from the
river. In the second phase he added to the river samples
also the benzene and chloride. Both phases showed
breaks, fragments, ring chromosomes and dicentric
chromosomes, but these anomalies were more
pronounced in the second phase. CA measurement in the
Allium metaphase test is suitable for measuring the
cytogenotoxic potential of chemicals present in waters.
Cytogenetic effects of the food preservative potassium
metabisulphite in Allium cepa root meristem cells
induced CAs: breaks, gaps, multiple breaks and chroma-
tid breaks (Kumar and Panneerselvam 2007). Sodium
azide is a well-known potent mutagen, although it fails
to induce CAs in root cell type such as break, gap,
iso-chromatid break and exchange (Ragunathan and
Panneerselvam 2007). CAs increase with increasing con-
centration of the test chemical and a longer period of
treatment. Curcumin induces CA in A. cepa root tip cells
in an insignificant manner when compared with an
untreated control. Sodium azide alone induces CAs sig-
nificantly with increasing concentrations. The total num-
ber of aberrations was significantly reduced in A. cepa
L. root tip cells pretreated with curcumin. Curcumin has
Figure 3. Subtelocentric chromosomes with satellites (arrows); antimutagenic potential against sodium azide induced
some chromosomes are damaged. CAs in Allium cepa root meristem cells (Ragunathan and
Panneerselvam 2007). Glycidol is used as a stabilizer in
the manufacture of vinyl polymer-induced CAs in
types of changed chromosome numbers. In the literature A. cepa L. root meristem cells. Different concentrations
the Allium anaphase–telophase test has been most often of glycidol induced cytological abnormalities such as
performed without the application of the colchicine (Rank breaks, gaps, exchange, multiple breaks and chromosome
2003). Genotoxic substances in the cells induce the aber- fragments (Panneerselvam et al. 2012). Increasing
ration called c-mitosis, which is the result of damaged concentrations increased the number of CA.
mitotic apparatus, and leads to metaphase chromosomes To date, a variety of plant compounds have been
being freely distributed in the cell. studied extensively with regard to antimutagenic, anticar-
Meristem cells of Allium roots treated with the cyto- cinogenic, and antigenotoxic activity. Nevertheless, very
static colchicine show a much clearer picture of the few of them have been studied in terms of clastogenicity.
metaphase chromosomes. The observations led us to the The clastogenic activity of curcumin (the active compo-
conclusion that there is a positive correlation between nent of turmeric) and aloin (the active component of
the level of genotoxicity of the substrate and the number aloe) had significant dose- and time-dependent clasto-
of CAs – including one or several damages on a single genic effects on the test plant system (Allium cepa L.).
chromosome up to damages on multiple chromosomes Cytological abnormalities, such as breaks, gaps,
and even changed chromosome number. Our results also exchange, multiple breaks, and chromosome fragments,
show that substrates with high genotoxic level induce a were scored. The frequency of CA increased as the con-
greater number of damaged chromosomes as well as centration increased (Palanikumar et al. 2011).
more identical or different damages on the same chromo- Various types of structural chromosomal abnormali-
some. Low genotoxic levels induce less-damaged chro- ties can be cytologically divided into chromosome type
mosomes as well as fewer damaged sites on a particular and chromatid type. Chromosomal type damage are pro-
chromosome. duced when breakage and reunion involves the whole
Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 31

Figure 4. Chromatid and chromosome damage: (A, B) SBCt; (C) DBCt; (D) IctB; (E) MBCt; (F) CRCt; (G) ARCt; (H) TCs; (I)
DCs; (J) RCs; (K) BCm; (L) GCe; (M) SBCe; (N) DBCe; (O) MBCe; (P) BCm+GCs; (R) BCm+SBCt+GCt; (S) BCm+ARCs+GCt;
(T) BCm+IctB+BCt; (U) BCm+GCt+MBCt.

Figure 5. Monosomy (2n – 1) in the chromosome set of the onion (Allium cepa L.). Subtelocentric chromosome (arrow) is without
homologue couple in chromosome set.

Table 2. Correlation between the genotoxicity level and the number of damaged chromosomes in chromosome set. Samples: envir-
onmental complex mixture as wastewater; river, spring, tarn and lowland lakes, to stain out to deposit positive, and drinking water in
Slovenia; negative control = reverse osmosis tap water filtration; control= 10 ppm : methyl methanesulphonate (MMS).

Level of No. of chromosomes damaged in

Environmental complex mixture genotoxicity (%) metaphase cell
Negative control (reverse osmosis – tap water) 1 ppb MMS 2 1
River, spring, tarn and lake water, 0.1 ppm MMS 3–7 1–4
Lowland lake and river water, effluent wastewater, 1 ppm MMS 5–25 2–7
Effluent urban/communal system wastewater, 10 ppm MMS 25–35 3–10
Effluent urban/communal/industrial and agricultural wastewater, to 30–50 7–16
stain out to deposit

chromosome. These lesions are produced in interphase genotoxic chemical agents when cells are exposed in the
(G1 and G0) before the DNA and chromosome material S-phase or G2 states of interphase.
has been duplicated during the DNA synthesis period. Very specific chromatid damage appears in the cen-
This will lead to chromosome damage visible at the tromere region of the chromosome and on its chromatids.
next mitosis. Chromatid type damage is produced by The centromere is a part of the chromosome. The most
32 P. Firbas and T. Amon

Figure 6. Euploidy in the chromosome set of the onion (Allium cepa L.); Basic chromosome number (x=8) is increased from 6
times (six sets, 6x – hexaploid, left image) to 8 times (eight sets, 8x – octaploid, right image). This was likely the cause of
environmental xenobiotic chemicals.

Figure 7. Translocation (t: 3p –; 5p+) in the chromosome set of the onion (Allium cepa L).

common damages are near to the centromere region or Chromatid damages are therefore classified according to
in the centromere region itself. This implies that the cen- their location: damage in the centromere region and
tromere region is most sensitive to genotoxic agents. damage on the other chromosome parts. The scope of
Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 33

Figure 8. Different number chromosome damage in metaphase cells obtained from the meristem root-type cells of onion (Allium
cepa L.): (A) one damaged chromosome; (B) four damaged chromosomes; (C) eight damaged chromosomes; (D) whole chromosome
set is damaged.

Table 3. Different subtypes of damage on a particular chro- Table 4. The most frequent appearances of identical sub-types
mosome. of chromosome damages on a single chromosome.

Number of damages on a single Chromosome damage Chromosome damage Number of damages on a single
chromosome type type chromosome
1 BCm BCm 1
1 DBCt GCt 1–4
1 MBCm SBCt 2
2 IctB, RCs DBCt 2
2 RCs, SBCt MBCt 2–4
2 BCm, RCs CRCt 1
2 CRCt, ARCt ARCt 1
3 BCm, CRCt, ARCt RCs 1
4 BCm, IctC, GCt, MBCt DCs 1
5 BCm, GCt, RCs, IctB, IctB 2
34 P. Firbas and T. Amon

damage can include one to eight, sometimes even 12 on a healthy organism. This test also shows an excellent
chromosomes. All the chromosomes in the cell can even correlation with similar tests applied on mammals and
be damaged. The number of damaged chromosomes other vertebrates. So the results can be extrapolated to
increases with the level of the genotoxicity of the sub- man.
stance studied, and the same holds for the number of Using colchicine we are able to modify the basic
deformations seen on a particular chromosome. Most Allium test on three levels: (i) an Allium general toxicity
agents shown to be carcinogenic and/or mutagenic to test by detecting elongation or inhibition and malforma-
plants and animals have also been shown to be carcino- tion of the roots of onion bulbs; (ii) an Allium anaphase-
genic in man, so further investigations are necessary to telophase test including an aberration in the cell division
identify contaminants of our ecosystem, and thus reveal principle in the late anaphase and early telophase; and
more information on diseases such as cancer (Al-Sabti (iii) an Allium metaphase test used for study of the spe-
1989). cific morphology (structure) of metaphase chromatids
Polyploidization refers to a numerical change in a and chromosome damage.
whole set of chromosomes. It has already been shown
that the influence of chemical or physical agents on the
eggs immediately after fertilization could also be References
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1991). control. Cytobios. 58:71–78.
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their failure to separate (move apart) properly during cell
Al-Sabti K, Kurelec B. 1985. Chromosomal aberration in onion
division. Cells with an extra chromosomes are referred (Allium cepa) induced by water chloration by-products. B
to as trisomic (2n + 1), and cells which lack a chromo- Environ Contam Tox. 34:80–88.
some as monosomic (2n – 1). Plant cytogenetics, using Bakare AA, Adeyemi AO, Adeyemi A, Alabi OA, Osibanjo O.
the Allium metaphase test, identifies the same chromo- 2012. Cytogenotoxic effects of electronic waste leachate in
Allium cepa. Caryologia. 65(2): 94–100.
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dy, euploidy and translocation. These CAs cause clinical 2. New York: The National Foundation.
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