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The permanent maxillary canine -

General Aspect :-

The outline of the label and lingual aspect of the maxillary canine is a series
of curves in arches except for the angle made by the tip of the cusps

The cusp has a mesial and distal incisal ridge


Mesial half - makes contact with lateral incisal

Distal half - makes contact with first premolar

Resemblance :-

MH - resemble a portion of incisal

DH- resemble a portion of premolar

With comparison to Lateral Incisor:-

the incisal portion is thicker labiolingual.

With comparison to Central Incisor:-

Labio lingual measurement- The crown is of 1 mm greater

The mesio distal measurement -The crown is approx 1 mm less

The cingulum- shows greater development

The root of maxillary canine is the longest with possible exception for that of
mandibular canine

Detailed description:-

labial aspect-
root and Crown are mesio distally with respect to maxillary Central Incisor
the general difference is of 1 mm

the cervical line labially convex with convexity towards the root portion.

Mesially- outline of the cervical line may be convex from the cervix to the
centre of the mesial contact area.

Distally- the outline of the crown is usually concave between the cervical
line and the distal contact area

The label surface of the crown is smooth with no developmental lines of not
except shallow depression mesially and distally.

Root of maxillary canine appears cylinder from the label aspect when
compared to the bulk of the Crown.

It is conical in form with a blunty pointed Apex.

The labial surface of the crown is smooth and convex at all the points.

Lingual aspect-

the crown and root are narrower lingually than lalabially.

The cervical line shows a more even curvature.

The line may be straight for short interval and this point.

Cingulum :-

Large at some instances.

Pointed like a small cusps.

Definite regions are formed on lingual surface of crown below the cingulum
and between strongly developed marginal ridges.

Medial and distal lingual fossa are present in the form of concavity.

The root portion:-

The lingual portion of the root of maxillary canine is narrower than the
labial portion.

Developmental depression on the middle and distal surface of the root can
be seen in most cases.

The lingual ridge of the root is rather narrower but smooth.

The medial aspect:-

It generally shows greater bulk and greater labiolingual measurement than

any other anterior teeth.

Outline of crown is wedge shaped.

The crest of curvature is found at the level more in size and because the
middle labial and lingual lobes are more highly developed the entire labial
outlines from the mesial aspect exhibit small convexity from the cervical line
to the cusps tips.

Then the maxillary Central Incisor does from the cervix of incisal Edge the
cervical length at the base of the crown from the aspect curves towards the
cusp of average by proximity 2.5 mm at the CEJ.

The outline of the root from this aspect is conical with a tapered of blunty
appointed apex.

The label outline of the root may be almost perpendicular with most of the
tapering appearing on the lingual sides the mesial surface of the canine.

Crown present convexity at almost all points.

The exception lies for a small circumscribed area above the contact area.


Mesial surface-

Broad have Shallow developmental depressions.

Distal aspect some what the same as mesial aspect is slight variation.

Variations :-

The cervical line exhibits less curvature towards the cusp ridge.

The distal marginal Ridge is nearer and more irregular in outline.

The surface displays more concavity .

The developmental depression and distal side of root is more pronounced.

The incisal aspect:-

If the incisal aspect of root is correctly posed so that long axis of the root is
directly in the line of vision of the tip of the first cusp is labial to the centre
of the crown labiolingually and mesially to the centre mesiodiatally.

The Ridge of the middle labial lobe is very noticeable leaving from the incisal

The cingulum-

Development makes up the cervical third of the crown lingually.

Chronology and Measurement:-


First evidence of calcification- 4 to 5 months

Enamel completion- 6 to 7 years.

Eruption- 11 to 12 years.

Root completion- 13 to 15 years.

Measurement (in mm)-

Cervico incisal length of crown 10.0

Length of root 17.00

Mesiodiatal diameter of crown at cervix 5.5

Buccolingual diameter at Crown 8.00.

buccolingual diameter of crown at cervix 7.00

Cervical line mesial 2.5

Cervical line distal 1.5

Distal diameter at Crown 7.5


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