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MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 15 offset [Len] RECORD PTLF ° [esa] © (2721 Field Name and Description Data Type head [HEAD] The POS Transaction Log File (PTLF) contains a record of each financial transaction (approved or denied) processed by BASE24-pos for a single processing day, Transactions declined by a Device Handler (for example, bad format), are typically not posted to the PILF. rt also contains settlement records for each POS terminal in the system. This file is an audit record at the transaction level of the system's processing and is extracted daily to provide detailed traneaction data fox processing by a host Records are written to the PTLF sequentially, and two PTLFs are always accesible to the system for logging the current day's PILF and the next day's PTL. Which PILF a transaction posts to is based on the transaction’s PIDF posting date. This is derived from the current business date of the terminal at which the transaction originated. Use of two PTLFs allows BASE24-pos terminals to be cut over at different times As terminals are cut over, transactions from those terminals begin posting to the next day's PTLF; cransactions from terminals that have not been cut over for the day continue to post to the current day’s PTLF When network settlement occurs, a new PYLY is created and the current day's PTLF is closed to the online system, At that time, the current day’s PTLF is available for reporting and extract proceesing LCONF ASSIGN: POs-PTLF PTLF RECORD STRUCTURE ‘There are five formats used in writing PILF records Financial Transaction (PTLF) Settlement Totals (PTLF-SET-REC) Clerk Totals (PTLP-CLERK-Tor) First Services (PTLF-SRVCS-1) Second Services (PTLF-SRVCS-2) 0000 ‘The values contained in the HEAD.REC-TYP and HEAD.TKEY RKBY.REC-FRMT fields identity the type of information contained in the PTLF record. The various value combinations and the resulting record format and contents include: REC-TYP REC-FRMT RECORD FORMAT AND CONTENTS MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 16 offset [Len] ° (8 8 (2 Field Name and Description Data Type 00 - Initial on 5 Financial Traneaction--Customer 04 © Settlement Totals--Batch 04 1 Settlement Totals--shift 04 2 Settlement Totals--Daily 4 3 Settlement Totale--Network 04 4 Clerk Totals 04 8 Second services 04 8 First Services 20 5 Financial Traneaction--Exception (posted) a1 5 Financial Transaction--xception (not posted) 22 5 Financial Transaction--Exception (partially posted) 23 5 Financial Transaction--xception (invalid data) ‘The following fields are included in each record written to the PILF head.dat*cim TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED. ‘The date and time the record was logged. ‘Tne value in this field is generated via a call to Tandem’s SULTANTIMESTAMP utility. head.rec*typ. byte (0:1) PIC X(2) A code indicating the type of record. The Authorization logic sets the value in this field when the record is logged. Valid values are 00 = Initial record 01 = Customer transaction 04 = Administrative transaction 20 = Exception - posted 21 = Exception ~ not posted 22 = Exception - partially posted 23 = Exception - invalid data encountered in the Pos Standard Message (PSTM) In situations where a transaction cannot be completely processed because of a processing error (e.g., invalid data, unable to locate an authorization record, etc), the Authorization process logs the transaction to the PTLF as an execption. Exception transactions are MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 17 offset [Len] 10 10. aa ae 1s 1s 37 40 [30] (a ta (221 [29] [29] a (571 Field Name and Description Data Type included as detail items in the BASE24-pos reports but aze not included in the BASE24-pos settlement totals head.cra The values in the following fields describe the cardholder and card issuer for the traneaction. This is an alternate key used for reporting and perueal purposes. head.crd.1n-byte [0:3] (uN) PIC X(4) ‘The logical network with waich the institution that issued the card is associated. head. crd.fiid.byte (0:3) (FIID] PIC X(4) ‘The FIID of the institution that issued the card head.crd.card ‘The values in the following fields identify the card used in the transaction head.crd.card.crd™num [PAN] ‘The card nunber identifying the card used in the cransaction. head.crd.card.crd“nun.num.byte (0:18) Pre x(29) head. crd.card.mbr“num.byte [0:2] (MBR-NO™] PIC 9(3) ‘The member number associated with the card used in the crangact ion. head.ret1 MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 18 offset [Len] 40 40 44 44 48 52 56 75 as] (a Gu ca) (4 (4 (281 (61 Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The values in the following fields describe the retailer involved in the transaction, These values are used for reporting purposes head. [0:3] ta] PIC x(a). The logical network with which the retailer is associated head. ‘The values in the following fields compose the key to the retailer’s Pos Retailer Definition File (RDF). record head. [0:3] (FI1D] PIC x(a). ‘The FIID of the institution with which the retailer is associated. head. [0:3] PIC X(4) ‘The group to which the retailer belongs head. [0:3] [REGN] PIC X(4) ‘the zetailer region group to which the retailer belongs. head. (0:18) PIC x(28) ‘The retailer ID identifying the retailer head, ret, term*id.byte (0:15) PIC x(26) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 19 offset [Len] sa 24 37 7 aon 105 aaa a fen [32] (a (4 (6 (8 Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The terminal ID of the terminal at which the cransaction occurred. head. retl. shift*num. byte [0:2] PIC X(3). ‘The chift number with which the transaction is associated head. ret batch“aum.byte [0:2] Pre x(3) ‘The batch number with which the transaction is associated head. tern The following fields define the terminal and time at which the trangaction occurred. These fielde are used as an alternate key to peruse transactions by terminal and time. [0:3] in] PIC X(4) The logical network with which the terminal is associated head. term. fiid.byte [0:3] (FI1D] PIC X(4) ‘The FIID of the institution with which the terminal is associated head, term, term*id.byte [0:15] PIC (26) ‘The terminal ID of the terminal at which the transaction occurred. head.term.tim (TIM) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 20 offset [Len] a2 123 125 a27 129 1298 145 14s 146 16s 21 21 21 21 [42] [26] (261 a (91 (61 Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The time the traneaction occurred head. byte [0:1] PIC x(2) head. tezm.tim.nm.byte [0:1] Pre x(2). head. [0:1] Pre x(2) head. tezm.tim.te byte [0:1] Pic x(2). head. tkey The following fields identity the terminal, retailer, and clerk agociated with the transaction. Thee fields aze used as an alternate key to peruse transactions by cerminal, retailer, and clerk. head. tkey. term*id-byte [0:15] PIC (26) The terminal ID of the terminal at which the transaction occurred head. tkey.rkey head. tkey.rkey.rec*frmt PIC X(1). A code indicating the type of information in this record. Valid values are Batch Totals = shift Totals = Day Totals Network Totals Clerk Totals Data Record Services Totals Services Totals head, they. rkey.retailer*id. byte (0:18) PIC X(29) The retailer ID identifying the retailer. head. tkey.rkey.clerk“id. byte [0:5] Pre x(6) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 22 offset [Len] am 172, 172 176 as a (614) (a (a a Field Name and Description Data Type The clerk identification number. head. data*flag PIC X(1) Indicates whether the USER-DATA field is appended to the PTLF record valid values are 0 = No user-data appended 1 = User-data appended auth [AUTH] auth. typ.byte [0:3] PIC 9(4) ‘The specific meseage type of this record. Valid values 0210 = Authorization response 0220 = Authorization advice 0412 = Card issuer reversal response 0420 = Reversal 0500 = Reconciliation request auth, rte*stat.byte [0:1] PIC 9(2) A code indicating the status of a message at the system level. The value in this field is set by the Host Interface or Gateway process and used by Authorization valid values are 00 = No error 11 = Destination not available 12 = Line down 20 = Originator not available 21 = Unknown message type 22 = Unknown card number auth originator PIC X(1) Indicates where the transaction originated. Valid values are: Device controlled by BASE24 Device handler Authorization process MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 22 offset [Len] as 10 182 10 ie a (2 (81 (8 (8 Field Name and Description Data Type = Host Interface process Host, = Interchange Interface process Interchange auth. responder PIC X(1). Indicates where the response meseage to this transaction originated. Valid values are Device controlled by BASE24 Device handler = Authorization process = Host Interface process Host Interchange Interface procese Interchange auth. iss*ede. byte (0:2) PIC X(2) ‘The issuer code for the transaction. valid values are 00-29 = on-us 30-99 = Not-on-us * All auth.entry*tim TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED ‘The time at which the transaction entered into the BASE24 system. The value in this field is in Tandem’s UULIANTIMESTAMP format and ig used for time tracking purposes. auth.exit*tim TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED ‘The time at which the Host Interface or Interchange Interface process transmitted the authorization request to the authorizing entity. The value in this field is in Tandem’s JULIANTIMESTANP format auth. reentry*tim ‘TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED. Indicates the time at waich the Host Interface or Interchange Interface process received a response to its original request from the authorizing entity MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 23 offset [Len] 206 206 208 220 22 2i2 214 216 218 220 220 222 224 226 (6 21 (21 21 81 (21 21 21 21 (61 21 21 21 (61 Field Name and Description Data Type The value in this field is in Tandem’s JULIANTIMESTAMP format auth.tran‘dat [DAT] ‘The date (YYMMDD) the transaction began. The value in this field is cet by the Device Handler, Host Interface, or Interchange Interface process auth. tran*dat yy byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth. tran“dat .mm.byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth. tran*dat .dd.byte [0:1] PIC X(2) suth.tran*tim (TIM) ‘The time (HEMMSS.TT) the transaction began. The value in this field is set by the Device Handler, Host Interface, or Interchange Interface process auth, tran*tim, hh. byte [0:1] PIC x(2). auth. tran* [0:1] Pre X(2) auth. tran*] PIC X(2) auth. tran* byte [0:1] Pre x(2)*dat [DAT] The date (YYWMDD) the transaction is to be posted by BASE24, as indicated in the POS Terminal Data File (BTDF) ‘record for the originating terminal, or the message from the acquirer if the transaction is not initiated at a directly-connected terminal, The value in this field is set by the Device Handler, Host Interface, or Interchange Interface process auth post “dat .yy.byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth .post“dat .mm.byte [0:1] PIC X(2). auth post "dat .dd.byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth. aca*ichg*set1*dat [DAT] MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 24 offset [Len] 226 228 230 232 232 234 236 238 250 275 21 21 21 ts (21 (2 2 (a2 [2s] [22] Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The date (YYMMDD) the transaction is to be settled by the acquirer interchange, if an interchange is involved in processing this transaction. Otherwise, thie field ig zero-filled auth. acq*ichg*set1“dat yy byte [0:1] Pre x(2) auth. acqichg*setl "dat .nmm.byte [0:1] PIC X(2). auth. acg*ichg*set1“dat dd byte [0:1] Pre x(2) auth. iss*ichg*set1*dat [pat] The date (YYWMDD) che transaction is to be settled by the issuer interchange, if an interchange is involved in proceseing this traneaction. otherwise, this field is zero-filled auth. iss*ichg*set1“dat.yy byte (0:1] Pre x(2) auth. iss*ichg*setl",byte [0:1] PIC x(2). auth. iss*ichg*set1“dat dd byte [0:1] Pre X(2) auth. seq*num.byte [0:21] Pre x(12) The transaction sequence number generated by the terminal or the Device Handler auth. term*name*Loc. byte [0:24] PIC (25). ‘The terminal name and location as defined in the Pos Terminal Data File (PYDF), The value in this field is set by the Device Handler if the transaction originates at a dizectly-connected device auth. term*owner“name -byte [0:22] PIC x(22) ‘The name of the financial institution that owns the terminal, as defined in the PTDF. The value in this field is set by the Device Handler if the transaction originates at a directly-connected device MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 25 offset [Len] 297 220 223 Bis a9 322 224 (231 (1 (2 (a a (a Gu Field Name and Description Data Type auth. term*city byte [0:12) Pre x(23) ‘The city in which the terminal is located. The value in thie field le obtained from the PTDF if the transaction originates at a directly-connected device auth. term*st byte (0:2) Pre x13) ‘The state in which the terminal is located. The value in this field is obtained from the PIDF if the transaction originates at a directly-connected device auth. tern*entry“cde .byte [0:1] Pre X(2) A code indicating the country in which the terminal is located. The value in this field is obtained from the PIDF if the transaction originates at a directly- connected device auth, breh*id. byte [0:3] PIC x(a). ‘This field is not currently used. auth.user*f1d2.byte [0:2] Pre x(3) Regerved for future use auth.tern*tim*ofst TYPE BINARY 16 STGNED ‘The time difference between the terminal and the Tandem processor location. It is the signed (+ or -) nunber of minutes to be added to the PAS#24 Tandem eyetem time in order to obtain the terminal local time auth. acq*inst*id*num.byte [0:10] (1D-NUM] PIC $(11). ‘The route/transit number of the terminal owner as defined in the PIDF. The value in this field is set by the Device Handler if the transaction originates at a MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 26 offset [Len] 335 346 348 354 asa 358 366 fu (2 (61 (22 (4 (a (4 Field Name and Description Data Type directly-connected device. auth. rev"inet“id*num. byte [0:10] [ID-NUM] PIC 9(21) The route/transit mumber of the card issuer as defined in the Ineticution Definition File (IDF) auth, term*typ. byte [0:1] PIC X(2) The terminal type as defined in the PTDF. The value in chis field is set by the Device Handler if the tvaneaction originates at a directly-connected device auth. clerk*id.byte [0:5] PIC X(6) The clerk ID, as defined in the PTDP, of the POS device operator who performed the transaction. The value in thie field is eet by the Device Handler if the cransaction originates at a directly-connected device auth.crt*auth ‘The following fields contain the PATHWAY operator group and user identifications used for CRT Authorization auth. crt“auth.grp-byte [0:3] PIC x(4) The PATHWAY operator group identification used for CRT Authorization auth. crt“auth.user*id byte [0:7] PIC x(8) The PATHWAY operator user identification used for CRT Authorization auth. retl*sic*ede-byte [0:3] PIC X(4). The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, as defined in either the POS Terminal Data File (PTDF) or MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 27 offset [Len] 370 374 278 378 380 (a ll (6 a Field Name and Description Data Type the POS Retailer Definition File (PRDF), identifying the retailer’ line of business auth orig. byte (0:3) PIC X(4) The originator of this transaction auth. dest byte [0:3] PIC x(a). ‘The destination of this transaction. auth. tran*ede The values in the following fields identify the type of trangaction in TCTAAC format auth. tran*ede.te byte [0:1] PIC X(2) A code indentifying the type of transaction. Valid values are 10 = Normal purchase 11 = Preauthorization purchase 12 = Preauthorization purchase completion 13 = Mail/paone order 14 = Merchandise return 45 = Cash advance 16 = Card verification 17 = Balance inguizy 1g = Purchase with cash back 19 = Check verification 20 = Check guarantee 21 = Purchase adjustment 22 = Adjustment - merchandise return 23 = Adjustment - cash advance 24 = Adjustment - purchase with cash back 25 = Card Activation 26 = Additional Card Activation 27 28 Replenishment Full Redemption auth. tran*ede.t PIC (1) A code identifying the card type associated with the MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 28 offset [Len] 381 383 384 aes 386 405 (21 a (a fas] [29] a Field Name and Description Data Type transaction. Valid values are 0 = None 1 = Credit card 2 = Debit card auth. tran*ede.aa.byte [0:1] PIC X(2). A code identifying the type of account associated with the transaction, Valid values are: 00 = None 01 = DPA 11 = Savings 21 = Credit auth. tran*ede.c PIC X(1) A code identifying the transaction category associated with the transaction. Valid values are = Normal Sales draft Representation Chargeback Personal check/cash Personal check/amount of purchase Personal check/amount of purchase with cash back Government check = Payroll check Electronic check Reserved for future use peesaneunro auth.crd*typ. byte [0:1) PIC X(2) The type of card used to initiate the transaction. auth.acct facet] ‘The account number of the affected account auth. acet .acct“num.byte [0:18] PIC x(28) auth. resp*ede. byte (0:2) PIC 9(3) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 29 offset [Len] 408 416 424 428 468 4e4 (3 (8 (a [40] 6 (22 Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The reeponse code for the traneaction. For a listing of the valid codes, refer to the PASE24-pos Transaction Processing Manual. auth. ame™1 TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED. ‘The transaction amount requested. For adjustment transactions, this field contains the original amount For purchase with cash back transactions, this field contains the total amount (purchase plus cash back) ‘The cash back amount is contained in the AUTH.AMT-2 field. For preauthorization completions, this field contains the completed amount auth.amt*2 TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED. For adjustment transactions, this field contains the new amount. For purchase with cash back transactions, this field contains the cash back amount (the AUTH.ANT- 1 field contains the total amount). For chargebacks this field contains the replacement amount auth exp“dat -byte (0:3) Pre x(4) The expiration date (yymM) of the card. auth, track2 byte [0:39] PIC X(40) ‘The information taken from Track 2 of the magnetic strip on the card, or manually entered auth pin*ofst byte [0:15] PIC (26). ‘Uhie field is currently not used. auth.pre“auth“seq”nun.byte [0:11] PIC x (12) ‘The sequence number agsigned te the preauthorization transaction MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 30 offset [Len] 496 506 516 532 533 536 539 (29 [20] fae] a a a (8 Field Name and Description Data Type auth. invoice*num.byte [0:9] PIC X(20) ‘The transaction invoice number sent from the terminal, if used auth, orig*invoice*num.byte [0:9] PIC X(20). ‘The invoice number of the original transaction sent from the terminal, if used auth. authorizer byte [0:15] PIC (26) ‘The symbolic name of the authorizer of the transaction auth. auth*ind PIC X(1) A code indicating if the authorizer in the previous field (if Router 1) was the primary, alternate 1, alternate 2, or if a default action was taken. Valid values are: None = Alternate 1 Alternate 2 DFLT authorization Default action = SPROUTE Primary SPROUTE Alternate 1 Primary wen NHS auth. shift*num.byte [0:2] PIC X(3) ‘The number of the shift to which the transaction belongs auth. batch“seq"num, byte [0:2] PIC X(3) The batch sequence number for the transaction auth. apprv*cde byte [0:7] Pre x(8) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 32 offset [Len] a7 548 556 560 580 a (3 (4 [20] a Field Name and Description Data Type The approval code generated by the transaction authorizer. This code can be generated by an interchange or host, as well as by 3AS#2é-pos Authorization. If BASE24 generates the code, a _B (B preceded by a space) is inserted into the last byte of thie field auth. apprv*cde*1gth PIC 9(1) The length of the approval code that the device can handle. The value in this field is used only if an approval code is generated by Authorization. Valid values are 2 through 6 auth. ichg*resp byte [0:7] PIC X(8) ‘The interchange regponse, if there wae an interchange involved in processing this transaction. otherwise, this field is left blank. The value in this field is set by the Interchange Interface process auth pseudo*termid. byte [0:3] PIC x(a). The pseudo identification associated with the terminal auth. fr1*phone byte [0:19] (PHONE-NOM) PIC X(20) ‘The telephone number used for referral transactions auth.dft*capture*f1g PIC 9(1) A code indicating the action taken regarding the authorization and draft capture of thie traneaction Valid codes are Authorize only Authorize and capture Authorize only and expect electronic follow-up Electronic follow-up of previously authorized traneaction. Thig option does not update settlement balances 9 = Value not found. (Router was unable to match the card type to a value in the PTDF or the PROF.) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 32 offset [Len] san saz 584 586 a (2 (a fea) Field Name and Description Data Type auth.set1*flag PIC 9(1) Indicates how the terminal ie cut over if the terminal is directly-connected to BASE24 auth.2vel*ede byte [0:1] Pre 912) A code specifying the reason for reversal or adjustment transactions. Valid values are: 01 = Time-out 02 = Command reject 03 = Destination not available 08 = Customer canceled 10 = Hardware error 12 = Original amount incorrect 14 = Suspicious reversal override 15 = Misdispense reversal override 16 = Duplicate transaction 17 = Reconciliation error 18 = Reserved 19 = System error 20 = Suspect reversal 21 = MAC failure 22 = KMAC syne error 23 24 Message replay error Invalid MAC auth, rea” for*chrgbck. byte [0:1] PIC X(2) A code identifying the reason for the chargeback. Valid values are 03 = Invalid merchant 12 = Invalid transaction 18 = Customer dispute 59 = Suspected fraud 63 = Security violation 64 = Original transaction amount incorrect 68 = Supporting documentation received too late 93 = Transaction in violation of the law 94 = Duplicate transaction 96 = System malfunction auth num*of*chrgbck PIC 9(1). MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 33 offset [Len] 587 589 (2 1 Field Name and Description Data Type ‘The occurrence of the chargeback. Valid values are 1 through 9*srv“cond*cde byte [0:1] PIC $(2) A code identifying the traneaction origin. The code indicates a special condition that exists at the time the transaction is initiated. Valid values are 00 Normal presentment 01 = Customer not present 02 = Unattended terminal, able to retain card 03 Merchant suspicious 04. Electronic cash register interface 05. Customer present, but card not present 06 Preauthorization request 07 Telephone device request 08 Mail order/telephone order 08. Security alert 10 Customer identity verified an Suspected fraud 12 Security reasons a3 Representment of an item 14 Public utility terminal as Customer terminal (home terminal} 1s Administration terminal 7 Returned item (chargeback) 18 No check in envelope/all returned 1s Deposit out-of-balance/all returned 20 Payment out-of-balance/all returned 21 Manual reversal 22 Terminal error/counted 23 Terminal error/not counted 24 Deposit out-of-balance/applied contents 25 Payment out-of-balance/applied contents 26 Withdrawal had error/reversed 27 Unattended terminal, unable to retain card 28-40 = Reserved for ISO use 41-50 = Reserved for national use 51-99 = Reserved for private use*srv“entry"mde byte [0:2] PIC 9(3) A code indicating how the Primary Account Number (PAN) is entered into the system and the PIN entry capabilities when performing POS transactions. The valid values for PAN entry (Positions 1 and 2) are 00 = Unspecified MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 34 offset [Len] 592 593 596 596 a a1 [30] [30] Field Name and Description Data Type 01 = Manual 02 Magnetic etripe 03 = Bar code 04. ‘OCR 05, Integrated circuit card 06-60 = Reserved for ISO use 61-80 = Reserved for national use 81-99 = Reserved for private use ‘The valid values for PIN entry capabilities (Position 3) Unspecified = BIN entry capability = No PIN entry capability Reserved for 180 use Reserved for national use Resezved for private use auth. auth*ind2 PIC X(1) A code indicating if the authorizer in the AUTHORIZER field (if Router 2) was the primary, alternate 1, alternate 2, or if a default action was taken. Valid values are: None = Alternate 1 Alternate 2 DFLT authorization Default action SPROUTE Primary SPROUTE Alternate 1 Primary we eRNHO auth. orig*crney*ede. byte [0:2] [cRNCY-CDE) PIC 9(3) A code indicating the currency of the transaction. ‘The value in this field is initialized by the Device Handler from the PTDF if the transaction originates at a directly-connected device auth user*£ld4 byte [0:29] PIC X(30) auth.mult*crney (REDEFINES USER*FLD¢] MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 35 offset [Len] 596 599 607 620 es a (8 1 (3 (a Field Name and Description Data Type The following five fields apply only in multiple- currency eysteme; they are redefined ag a user field in single-currency systems. Multiple-currency systems are not currently supported by BASE24 auth mult“crncy. auth*crney*ede .byte [0:2] IcRNcy-cDE} PIC 9(3). A code indicating the type of currency used in the response from the authorizing entity auth.mult*erncy. auth*conv*rate. byte [0:7] PIC 9(8) ‘The exchange rate of the authorizing entity used to compute the the final settlement amount, The first digit contains the offset of the decimal point from the vight-hand side, Unlese multiple currencies are involved, the default value is 61000000 auth.mult“crncy.setierney*ede.byte [0:2] [eRNCY-cDB) Pre $(3). A code indicating the type of currency used in the settlement of the transaction. auth.mult*erney. set]*conv*rate byte [0:7] Pre 9(8) ‘The exchange vate of the settlement entity used to compute the final settlement amount. The first digit contains the offset of the decimal point from the right-hand side. Unless multiple currencies are used, the default value is 61000000 auth mult*erney.conv*dat*tim TYPE BINARY 64 SIGNED ‘The time and day when the exchange rate was applied between the transaction amount and the currency of the database. The value in this field indicates waen the actual conversion between the currency of the transaction and the currency of the database occurred. The value in thie field is displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GM?) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 36 offset [Len] 626 626 627 627 (61 foal a fea) Field Name and Description Data Type auth.refr The values in the following nine fields indicate to the Refresh process waen to impact the Positive Balance File (PBF) and how to impact the various amount fields in the PBF, when impacting is required A reversal trangaction does not affect the codes in the following nine fields. when the value in the AUTH.TYP field identifies the transaction as a reversal, the Refresh process multiplies the values in the AUTH-ANT-1 and AUTH.AMT-2 fields by negative 1 to determine how to impact the various P2F amount fields. Adding an amount that has been multiplied by negative 1 has the same effect as subtracting the amount auth. refr.imp*ind PIC X(1). A code indicating whether this record should be considered when impacting a set of account records that has been refreshed. Valid values are 0 = Do not use the record for impacting 1 = Use the record for impacting. auth.refr.avail*bal PIC X(1). A code indicating the manner in which thie record impacts the amount in the AVAIL-BAL field in the PBF account records, Valid values are: 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance auth. refr.avail*er PIC X(1). [REDEFINES AVATL“BAL] A code indicating the manner in which this record impacts the amount in the AVAIL-CR field in the PBF account records. Valid values are No effect on balance Add to balance Subtract from balance MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 37 offset [Len] 628 628 629 629 620 a a a a a Field Name and Description Data Type auth. refr.ledg*bal PIC X(1) A code indicating the manner in which this record impacts the amount in the LEDG-BAL field in the PBF account records, Valid values are 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance*Imt PIC X(1) (REDEFINES LEDG*BAL] A code indicating the manner in which thie record impacts the amount in the CR-LMT field in the PBF account records. Valid values are. 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance auth. refr.amt*on*hold PIC X(1). A code indicating the manner in which this record impacts the amount in the AMI-ON-HOLD field in the PBF account records. Valid values are 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance auth.*bal PIC X(1). [REDEFINES AMT*ON*HOLD] A code indicating the manner in which this record impacts the amount in the CR-BAL field in the PBF account records. Valid values are No effect on balance Add to balance Subtract from balance auth. vefr.tt1*fleat PIC X(1) A code indicating the manner in which this record MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 38 offset [Len] 631 622 623 a a (a Field Name and Description Data Type impacts the amount in the TOTAL FLOAT field in the PBF account records, Valid values are 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance auth. refr.cur*float PIC X(1) A code indicating the manner in which this record impacts the amount in the CURRENT FLOAT field in the PBF account records. Valid values are 0 = No effect on balance 1 = Add to balance 2 = Subtract from balance auth.adj*set1*impact*f1g PIC X(1) A code indicating whether adjustments have settlement impact. The value in thie field is defined in the HOST-ADJ-PROCESSING field in the Base segment of the IDF record for the card issuer, Valid values are 0 = Adjustments do not have settlement impact 1 = Adjustments do have settlement impact auth.zefe*ind An alphabetic indicator get by the Authorization process from a corresponding field in the IDF. It is used by the Refresh process to determine when transaction impacting can be terminated When the Refresh process finishes refreshing the PBF, it begins impacting the file with new transactions being added to the PTLF. At that time, it increments the value in the 28FR-IND field in the IDF (A to 2, 2 toc, C to D, ete.) and sends a message to the Authorization process containing the refreshed PBF file name and the new REFR-IND field value. Thus, when transactions begin appearing in the PTLF with the new REFR-IND field value, the Refresh process knows that the Authorization process is using the refreshed PBF and that it can stop impacting the PEF Four different settings exist. However, three settings are used because an institution can have three separate MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 39 offset [Len] 633 634 635 636 637 64s 659 670 a a fl m1 fu fu Gu (a Field Name and Description Data Type PRFs used for BASH24-pos and, therefore, three refresh schedules: one for checking accounts (PEF1), one for savings accounts (PBF2) and one for credit accounts (PBF3) auth.refr*ind pbfi Pre x(1). auth.vefr*ind.pbf2 Pre x(1) auth.vefr“ind.pbf3 PIC x(1). auth refr"ind.pbf4 Pre x(1) auth. frwd*inst*id*num, byte [0:10] [TD-NoM] PIC 9(21) ‘The identification of the forwarding institution for full fee accounting. This field contains the value taken from the FORWARD-INST-ID parameter in the LCONF and is used for logging purposes only. The value in this field is loaded by the Authorization process auth. crd*accpt*id*num. byte [0:10] [rD-NoM] PIC 9(21). A code identifying the card acceptor on a 0200 transaction originating from an acquirer host. This field is only used in cases where the acquirer is not the actual card acceptor. Othezwise, thie field is left blank auth. crd*iss*id*num.byte (0:10) [1D-NoM] PIC 9(21). A code identifying the actual card issuer on a 0210 response from an authorizing host, if desired. This field is only used in cases where the receiving institution is not the actual card acceptor. Othezwise, this field is left blank auth. orig*msg“typ byte [0:3] Pre x(4) ‘The original meeage type associated with the transaction. The value in this field is used for adjustments, representments or reversal transactions MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PAGE: 40 offset [Len] eva 674 676 678 eso 682 686 68 702 708 (8 21 21 (21 21 ta tz] (4 a a Field Name and Description Data Type auth orig*tran*tim (rm) The original time (HEMMSSTT) at which the transaction occurred. The value in this field is used for adjustments, representments or reversal transactions. auth. orig*tran*tim.ha.byte [ PIC X(2). auth.orig*tran* [0:1] PIC X(2) auth. orig*tran* [0:1] PIC X(2) auth.orig*tran* byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth orig*tran“dat byte [0:3] PIC X(4). ‘The original date (MMDD) on which the transaction occurred. The value in this field is used for adjustments, representments or reversal transactions auth orig*seq”num. byte [0:12] PIC X(22). ‘The original sequence number assigned to the transaction. The value in this field is used for adjustments, representments or reversal transactions auth.orig*b24*post“dat byte [0:3] Pre x(4) The original date (MMDD) on which the transaction was posted to BASE24. The value in thie field ie used for adjustments, representments or reversal transactions auth.excp*zsn"cde byte [0:2] Pre x(3) A reason code indicating why the exception flag is set This field is used only for exception records. For any other records, this field is set to blanks auth overde*fig Pre x(1) MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 42 offset [Len] 706 126 735 [20] (91 a Field Name and Description Data Type A code distinguishing between normal transactions and transactions handled through CRT Authorization. valid values are: 0 = Normal transaction--Transaction received from Pos device without CRT Authorization involvement 1 = Referral override with response sent to the CRT Device Handler--Transaction was not authorized due to ineufficient information and has been referred for manual authorization 2 = Referral override with transaction sent out of CRT Device Handler/Router/Authorization--Force-post transaction indicating whether a transaction that was previously referred for manual authorization has been approved or declined 3 = Normal CRT Authorization transaction--Transaction veceived from CRT Authorization terminal instead of POS device, but no referrals were necessary. auth addr. byte (0:19] PIC x(20) ‘The cardholder billing address received with the transaction when performing addzess verification. ‘his field contains zeros when the transaction contains a status code without an address or ZIP code auth. zip*cde byte [0:8] PIC X(3). ‘the cardaolder billing ZIP code received with the transaction when performing address verification. This field contains zeros when the transaction contains a statue code without an address or ZIP code auth addr*vrfy*etat PIC X(1) A code identifying the result of comparing address verification information received in the transaction and address verification information contained in the processor's database. Valid values are A = ADDRESS--Addresses matched, but ZIP codes did not match, E * = BRROR--The transaction was not eligible for address verification or an editing error occurred while attempting to process the message N = NO--Addzesses did not matca and ZIP codes did not match R ¥ = RETRY--Primary and secondary authorizers were MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 42 offset [Len] 736 37 a a Field Name and Description Data Type unavailable or declined the transaction and addres verification wae not performed on BASE24-pos. § * = SERVICE NOT SUPPORTED--BASE24-pos authorized the transaction, but did not have the add-on Address Verification module U * = UNAVAILABLE--Addzess information was not available to the processor performing address verification W = WHOLE ZIP--Nine-digit ZIP codes matched, but addresses did not match. X = BKACT--Addresses and nine-digit 21P codes matched Y= YES--Addresses and five-digit ZIP codes matched. 2 = ZIP--Five-digit ZIP codes matched, but addresses did not match * = Address verification information wae not included in this transaction (_ denotes a blank character) 0 * = Address verification information was included in this transaction, but was not verified. A czansaction to be verified by a host or interchange carries this code. A transaction to be verified on BASE24-pos, but declined before address verification could be performed also carries this code. * This value identifies a reason that a comparigen was not made. Each interchange specifies the value it uses to identify this reason. BASE24 Interchange Interfaces substitute the interchange- specific value before sending the message from BASE24-pos to the interchange. Refer to section 1 of the PASE24-pos Address Verification Manual for a listing of interchange-specific values. BASE24 Interchange Interfaces do not change a value received from the interchange auth. pin*ind Pre 9(1) An indicator ag to whether the PIN was present, in the transaction, valid values 0 = PIN not present 1 = PIN present*tries PIC X(1) The number of PIN tries MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 43 offset [Len] 8 738 ne 740 742 a4 744 746 748 750 752 753 786 (nal (61 21 21 21 (1 (2 a (331 [2021 Field Name and Description Data Type auth.pre“auth*te The expiration date and time assigned to a pre-auth entry when it is added to the CAF, UAF ox PBF auth pre“auth*ts dat (DAT) auth. pre*auth*te.dat yy byte [0:1] PIC X(2). auth pre“auth* [0:1] PIC X(2) suth.pre“auth*te.dat dd.byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth.pre“auth*ts.tim (rz) auth.pre“auth*ts. tim.hh byte [0:1] PIC X(2) auth. pre*auth*te. [0:1] PIC (2) auth.pre“auth*ts. [0:1] PIC x(2) auth.pre*auth*te,tim.ct byte [0:1] PIC (2). auth.pre“auth*hlds“1v1 PIC X(1) A code identifying the file or files in which a pre-auth hold entry is stored. Valid values are 0 = No holds level, or not applicable 1 = Holds stored at CAF level 2 = Holds stored at PBF level 2 = Holde stored at CAF and P8F levele 4 = Holds stored at UAF level auth user*£lds byte [0:32] PIC X(33) Reserved for future use. user“data (USER-DATA) User-defined information that BASE24-pos can carry in its internal message but does not recognize and does not use for processing Thie user data is available for all messages, but is appended to the message only if the DATA-FLAG field is set tol MM/DD/YY HEN S$VOLUME PS6ODDL = PTLF PACE: 44 offset (Len] Field Name and Description Data Type 796 (2) user“data, len TYPE BINARY 16 SIGNED The length of the variable information in the USER- DATA.INFO field 788 200] user“[0:199] PIC X(200) . User-defined information that PASE24 can carry in ite internal message END [size sss]

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