Essay Motivation Learning

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Name : Egy Ayu Helsandy

NIM : 170203192




Learning is an effort to direct students in the learning process, so that they get the
learning objectives as expected. Effective learning is needed to achieve that goals. The
effectiveness of learning will be realized by a teacher if the teacher can carry out the role in the
the classroom properly and optimally. Learning effectiveness is condition where students can
express all their potential in participating in learning activities. The role of the teacher in the
classroom is as an educator, teacher and trainer. Educator that is continuing and developing
values of life, teacher that is continuing and developing science, and trainer that is developing
student’s skills. In teaching and learning activities in classroom, teachers are required to
provide students with knowledge and skills, not only about theory but also practice, there are
other factors that influence the success of transferring knowledge to students, such as classroom
management, teaching strategies, learning materials and students. In this case, understanding
the content of the lesson is not enough to become an expert teacher (Woolfolk, 2007).

Learning motivation is one of the factors that determines effectiveness in learning.

Building learning motivation is also the efforts to increase learning effectiveness. If student
motivation is high, it will stimulate students to develop their potential in participating in
learning activities. Motivation can be defined as making choices of “goals to pursue and the
effort devoted to that pursuit” (Brown, 2007, p.85). Learning motivation is the power to move
the psychic that exists within individual students and can provide encouragement to learn to
achieve the objectives of learning. Gorman (2004) states that motivation is a complex process
or driving force of everyone to reach the goal or target through action. Motivation aims to
encourage someone to arise the desire to do something, so that they can get results or achieve
certain goals. Learning motivation is very important if students realize it, students will learn
well and it will improve learning achievement. To attract student’s attention to lesson and
activities in the classroom, motivation is very needed. So that they can have a impressive
teaching and learning process. In this case, a teacher must understand that there are differences
between them such as differences in their personal experiences at home and neighborhood
environment. These needs and differences lead to different levels of attention. Therefore,
teacher need to work hard to get student’s attention, not only cognitively and physically but
also emotionally (Dahliana, 2019). Not only by improving motivation, teacher must also
choose appropriate learning method and materials in order to attract student’s attention in the
classroom. Teachers need to make situations that direct students to have enthusiasm and
motivation to learn.

There are some factors influencing motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is the
encouragement of learning that occurs due to stimulation within the individual for learning.
Intrinsic motivation is a motive that comes directly from within a person, not because of
compulsion from others or the environment. Ryan and Deci (2000, p.57) state that,
“intrinsically motivated activities were said to be ones for which the reward was in the activity
itself”. Meanwhile extrinsic is the encouragement of learning that occurs due to external
stimuli, such as friends, teachers, parents, rewards, etc. Woolfolk (2007), cited in Dahliana
(2019) states that intrinsic motivation need to be encouraged and extrinsic motivation can be
used to support learning process.

Based on the description, it can be seen that motivation greatly influences the
effectiveness of learning. Motivation can encourage students to increase their desire to learn.
The teacher is the main role in improving learning motivation. Learning activities provide by
the teacher and the way the teacher interacts with students are aspects to encourage student
motivation to learn and increase learning desires. Although there are other aspects, but the role
of teacher cannot be separated.

Woolfolk A. (2007). Educational pshycology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to language pendagogy.

New York: Pearson Education Inc.

Gorman, P. (2004). Motivation and Emotion. London: Routledge Publisher.

Ryan, R.M., & Deci, E.L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: classic definitions and
new directions. Contempory Educational Pshycology, 25, 54-67.

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