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Q1 Ans. od _ *WIVA-VOCE If all elements of set A are related to itself, then the relation is said to be a reflexive relation, What is symmetric relation ? A relation R is said to be symmetric if aRb = bRavy (a, 6)ER- What is transitive relation ? A relation R is said to be transitive if aRb and bRe => aRew a, b,c B is said to be a one-one function if different elements of A have different images in B. . Define a many-one function. . A function /: A — B is said to be a many-one function if two or more elements of set A have the same image inB. Define an onto function. . A function f: A — B is said to be an onto function if the range of fis equal to B. . How many functions from A to B can be composed, if A and B are two non-empty sets containing m and n elements respectively ? Fa How many one-one functions from A to B can be composed, if A and B are two non-empty sets containing and x elements respectively ? Py: ). A function can have more than one inverse function. True/False. False, There exists a unique inverse function for a given function. What is the number of relations from A to B, if O(A) = m and O(B) =n ? 2mn Riva-voce . Define a logarithmic function. A function which is the inverse of an exponential function is known as logarithmic function. is the inverse of y = a ? 1¢ inverse function of y = a* is log, iat is the base of a common logarithm ? e common logarithm is the logarithm to the base 10. t is the base of natural logarithm ? base of a natural logarithm is constant e, where e is an irrational and transcendental number nearly equal 2:71828128459 . : log 0 defined ? d the value of log 1. iplete the following : ‘ ° aL Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Aiva-voce How does we write left hand limit of function f(x) ? Lt_f&x) is left hand limit of function fx), a How does we write right hand limit of function fx) ? Ux) is right hand limit of fx). oe When Lt fix) exists ? xa Lt fix) exists if Lt_fx)= nee fe) = fla) xa bears . Can we write Lt fix) $ Lt g(x) if fx) < gx) Vx. oe =a » Yes. . Write the condition for Lt “—*= log a. x0 x . a>0,a#1. Write the value of uy ets) eae i . Complete the following : Lt x90 Ay y Fon vie . Define Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem. is. [fa function f(x) is continuous in closed interval [a, b], differentiable in (a, 4), then there exist atleast one real number ce(a, 6) such inat (6) = LOL Is Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem applicable for discontinuous functions ? - No. . Is Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem applicable for non-differentiate functions ? . No. . What is geometrical significance of Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem ? There is atleast one point in interval (a, 5) such that tangent at which is parallel to chord joining points (a, fla)) and (b, Ab). . When Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem get fail ? Lagrange’s Mean Value theorem fails for the function which does not satisfy even one of the two conditions. Riva-voce Ans. These are points from domain of ‘f where we can find maxima or minima. Q. 2. What is extreme value of function ? Ans. The value of function fat an extreme point is called extreme value. Q. 3. Are extreme points always critical points ? Ans. No. Q. 4. Local maxima or minima may occur at a critical point. Is it true ? ‘Ans. Yes. Q. 5. What is local maximum value of funetion f(x) = sin x ? Ans. 1. . What symbol is used to write rate of change of y war & “VIVA-VOCE - Define rate of change of function y = f(x). - Ifa quantity y varies with another quantity x such that y= f(x), then a dy dt” . What symbol is used to write rate of change of y wart. x ? ay ke |. What is Chain Rule ? RES de dt dt = dx. represents rate of change of y wir. x QL Ans. Q2. Ans. Q.3. Ans. Q4. ‘Ans. Q5. Ans. a *VIVA-VOCE What is the equation of circle having centre (0, 0) and radius 3 units ? P4ym9, What is the equation of circle having centre (3, 5) and radius 5 units ? (@-3)2 +(@- 52 =25. 6 ‘What does fiscolde represent ? It represents area bounded by the curve y = f(x) and the ordinates x = a and x= b. What does j I fQ)|dy represent ? It represents area bounded by the curve x = fly) and the abscissa y = ¢ and y= d. Define definite integral as the limit of sum. 6 Tas AL f(a)+ f(a+h)+ f(a+2h)+ where nh = b - a. f(a+(n-1)A)] Ans. ie VIVA-VOCE . Write down equation of X-axis in space. - ¥=0,2=0 . Write down equation of ZOX-plane. . y= 0. . Write down equation of XOY-plane. . 2=0. i. What are direction cosines of line ? Ifa, B, y are the angles which a line makes with the positive direction of coordinate axes OX, OY, OZ then Cos a, cos B, cos y are called direction cosines of that line. . By what letters direction cosines of line are generally denoted ? Lm,n. What are direction ratios of line ? . The numbers proportional to direction cosines are known as direction ratios. Complete the following : Ptm+ n= \ a Fivavoce In which interval direction angles [0, x] Write down the relationship of direction cosines of line. . cos?a + cos2B + cos2y = 1 Write down equation of plane in normal form. a> r.n=p 2 |. Write down equation of plane in cartesian form. . it my +nz=p. = > . What is the equation of plane passing through point A (a) and normal to vector n > 3)\> r-aj.n=0 . Are coefficients of x, y and z in the cartesian equation of a plane are the direction ratios of the normal to the plane ? . Yes. Write the condition of perpendicularity of two lines with direction cosines f,, m,,m and ly, my, n [ly + mymg, + nyny = 0 s "VIVA-VOCE What are mutually exclusive events ? . A set of events is said to be mutually exclusive if the happening of one excludes the happening of the ots ‘What are exhaustive events ? A set of events is said to be exhaustive if the performance of the experiment always results in the occurs of atleast one of them. Q 3. Q4 Ans. Q.5. Ans. Q6. What is conditional probability ? .. The probability of the event B, when the event A has already occurred is called the conditional probability of B and is denoted by P(B/A). P(AMB) What is the condition for formula P(B/A)= (Bia) PA) to be applicable ? Axo. What is union of two mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A and B ? AUB=S What is intersection of two mutually exclusive events A and B ? » ANB=>. eeeooo

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