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Airway Analysis in Apert Syndrome

Antonio J. Forte, M.D.,
Background: Apert syndrome is frequently combined with respiratory insuf-
ficiency, because of the midfacial deformity which, in turn, is influenced by
Xiaona Lu, M.D.
the malformation of the skull base. Respiratory impairment resulting from
Peter W. Hashim, M.D. Apert syndrome is caused by multilevel limitations in airway space. Therefore,
Derek M. Steinbacher, M.D., this study evaluated the segmented nasopharyngeal and laryngopharyngeal
D.M.D. anatomy to clarify subcranial anatomy in children with Apert syndrome and
Michael Alperovich, M.D. its relevance to clinical management.
John A. Persing, M.D.
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3svV2EAJi192prX/P2vETAbkjHSlA+yqN3fS+IOXHYeM= on 09/03/2019

Methods: Twenty-seven patients (Apert syndrome, n = 10; control, n = 17)

Nivaldo Alonso, M.D., Ph.D. were included. All of the computed tomographic scans were obtained from
Jacksonville, Fla.; Beijing, People’s the patients preoperatively, and no patient had confounding disease comor-
Republic of China; New Haven, Conn.; bidity. Computed tomographic scans were analyzed using Surgicase CMF. Cra-
and São Paulo, Brazil niometric data relating to the midface, airway, and subcranial structures were
collected. Statistical significance was determined using t test analysis.
Results: Although all of the nasal measurements were consistent with those of
the controls, the nasion-to–posterior nasal spine, sphenethmoid-to–posterior
nasal spine, sella-to–posterior nasal spine, and basion-to–posterior nasal spine
distances were decreased 20 (p < 0.001), 23 (p = 0.001), 29 (p < 0.001), and 22
percent (p < 0.001), respectively. The distance between bilateral gonions and
condylions was decreased 17 (p = 0.017) and 18 percent (p = 0.004), respec-
tively. The pharyngeal airway volume was reduced by 40 percent (p = 0.01).
Conclusion: The airway compromise seen in patients with Apert syndrome
is attributable more to the pharyngeal region than to the nasal cavity, with a
gradually worsening trend from the anterior to the posterior airway, resulting
in a significantly reduced volume in the hypopharynx.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
144: 704, 2019.)

atients with Apert syndrome frequently pres- the anteroposterior shortened midface length
ent with respiratory function compromise, should result in a shorter nasopharyngeal space,
even obstructive sleep apnea. In addition, which should alleviate some of the breathing com-
Apert syndrome results in a high-arched palate and promise in syndromic patients based on airflow
central groove, associated cleft palate, and bifid dynamics analysis. That is, as airflow is measured
uvula, all of which complicate breathing problems. as it goes through a shorter tube, it diminishes the
The correlation of the limited airway diameter, potential energy expended (work) in comparison
volume, and respiratory function has been widely with a longer tube with the same properties (same
studied in patients with craniosynostosis and in diameter and texture). Apert syndrome patients,
individuals without craniosynostosis.1 The obstruc- however, with evident midfacial retrusion, develop
tive sleep apnea experienced by patients with Apert worsening airway obstruction over time. Dentino
syndrome is usually attributed to the extent of mid- et al.4 documented that syndromic craniosyn-
facial hypoplasia, which characterizes Apert syn- ostosis patients actually have a longer upper air-
drome among other syndromes.2,3 Theoretically, way pathway, and there seems to be a correlation
between the severity of midfacial retraction and

From the Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo Clinic; the

­Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medi- Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
cal College, Plastic Surgery Hospital; the Division of Plastic to declare in relation to the content of this article.
and Reconstructive Surgery, Yale School of Medicine; and
the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of São Paulo.
Received for publication August 3, 2018; accepted February Related digital media are available in the full-
6, 2019. text version of the article on www.PRSJournal.
Copyright © 2019 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons com.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000005937

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 144, Number 3 • Airway Analysis in Apert Syndrome

airway compromise. Doerga et al. considered that six girls, and the control group had 10 boys and
the respiratory impairment of Apert syndrome was seven girls (Table 1).
attributable more to multilevel limitation of airway
space than to a single level,5 and there are varieties Nasal Cephalometry
of potential restriction sites. Therefore, the pur- Patients with Apert syndrome developed a 2
pose of this study was to evaluate nasopharyngeal percent (p = 0.81) increase in nasal bone length
and laryngopharyngeal anatomy in children with and an 11 percent (p = 0.15) increase in nasal bone
Apert syndrome and its relationship with subcra- width. Nasal base width was decreased by 6 per-
nial structure development using three-dimen- cent (p = 0.40) in patients with Apert syndrome.
sional measurements. In addition, nasal tip projection and length were
increased by 9 (p = 0.24) and 2 percent (p = 0.73),
PATIENTS AND METHODS respectively. (See Table, Supplemental Digital
Content 3, which shows nasal measurements of
This retrospective analysis was performed in
Apert syndrome patients versus controls, http://
concordance with the Yale University Human
Investigation Committee (no. 1101007932). We
obtained computed tomographic scans of patients
without previous surgical intervention to correct
midfacial retrusion. Clinically diagnosed patients The nasion-to–posterior nasal spine, sphen-
with Apert syndrome and age- and sex-matched ethmoid-to–posterior nasal spine, and sella-to–
controls without confounding abnormality were posterior nasal spine distances decreased 20
included in the study. (p < 0.001), 23 (p = 0.001), and 29 percent
Digital Imaging and Communications in Med- (p < 0.001), respectively. The distance between
icine data were measured using Surgicase CMF basion and posterior nasal spine diminished by 22
software (version; Materialise, Leuven, percent (p < 0.001) as well (Fig. 1 and Table 2).
Belgium). Following segmentation, craniomet- For the space around the oropharyngeal and
ric and volumetric analyses were performed fol- laryngopharyngeal space, the distance between
lowing the same technique used in our previous bilateral gonions and the distance between bilat-
work.6–9 Volumetric and linear measurements are eral condylions became proportionately short-
described. (See Table, Supplemental Digital Con- ened, by 17 (p = 0.017) and 18 percent (p = 0.004),
tent 1, which lists definitions of nasal measure- respectively, indicating a reduced bony diameter
ments, See Table, in the mediolateral direction throughout the
Supplemental Digital Content 2, which lists defi- length of oropharyngeal and laryngopharyngeal
nitions of airway measurements, http://links.lww. airway. The distance from the posterior tongue
com/PRS/D651.) An interobserver analysis was to the posterior pharyngeal wall was decreased
performed in a series of test patients before the 13 percent in patients with Apert syndrome com-
completion of data analysis, and the intraclass cor- pared with the control group (1.00 ± 0.33 mm
relation coefficients were greater than 0.94. The versus 1.15 ± 0.32 mm), suggesting an antero-
Mann-Whitney U test was used for age compari- posteriorly reduced diameter. [See Figure, Sup-
son, and the chi-square test was used for gender plemental Digital Content 4, which shows the
comparison (IBM SPSS Version 24.0; IBM Corp., tongue-to-pharynx distance of 1-year-old male
Armonk, N.Y.). A two-tailed t test was used for sta- control (left) and Apert syndrome (right) patients
tistical analysis, and values of p ≤ 0.05 were con- (sagittal plane). The distance between the pos-
sidered significant. Two-tailed statistical power terior tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall
analysis (alpha = 0.05) was performed for statisti- of patients with Apert syndrome is insignificantly
cally significant values to ensure reliability.
Table 1.  Demographic Information
Syndrome Control p
Demographics Mean age ± SD, yr 5.31 ± 5.04 5.87 ± 3.62 0.505*
Twenty-seven patients were included in this Sex
study, 10 in the Apert syndrome group (mean  Male 4 10
 Female 6 7 0.484†
age, 5.31 ± 5.04 years) and 17 in the control group  Total 10 17
(mean age, 5.87 ± 3.62 years) (p = 0.77). Patients *Mann-Whitney U test.
with Apert syndrome consisted of four boys and †χ2 test (Pearson χ2 = 0.490).

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2019

Fig. 1. Bony structure distance (with posterior nasal spine as a reference) developed significant shortening in a patient with Apert
syndrome (right) compared with a control patient (left) aged 6 years; male control and Apert syndrome patients are representative.

decreased compared with controls, http://links. volumetric analysis and bony structure cephalom-] etry. This better describes the overall deformity,
Correspondingly, the pharyngeal airway vol- leading to a substantiated hypothesis on the etio-
ume (Fig. 2) was significantly decreased in the pathogenesis of the significant functional airway
Apert syndrome group by 40 percent (2.54 ± impairment.
1.19 cm3) compared with the control group (4.20 Midfacial hypoplasia of bony structures in
± 1.97 cm3; p = 0.01). Nasal airway volume was also patients with Apert syndrome is associated with
decreased in the Apert syndrome group by 18 per- cranial base malformation and misshapen subcra-
cent (p = 0.25). nial anatomy.6,15,16 These abnormities could con-
tribute to deformed airway structures.17 Initially,
airflow begins at the nose, then the nasophar-
DISCUSSION ynx, oropharyngeal, and hypopharynx area. Both
Previous studies have explored the use of bony and soft-tissue analysis adds to the discussion
computed tomographic scan analysis when exam- regarding the anatomical influences on patients
ining craniofacial malformation in patients with with respiratory insufficiency caused by Apert syn-
Apert syndrome.10–14 This study is unique in that drome. Although soft-tissue movement during
it simultaneously measures cephalometric dis- inspiration and expiration is readily appreciated,
tances to integrate such data with both airway sleep-related muscle relaxation also contributes

Table 2.  Airway Measurements of Apert Syndrome Patients versus Controls

Variables Apert Syndrome Controls p Statistical Power (%)
Mean GOR-GOL ± SD, mm 64.54 ± 11.59 77.60 ± 9.62 0.017* 94.6
Mean COR-COL ± SD, mm 64.72 ± 9.34 79.19 ± 11.67 0.004* 99.8
Mean N-PNS ± SD, mm 47.13 ± 6.04 58.84 ± 7.45 <0.001* 100.0
Mean ES-PNS ± SD, mm 27.27 ± 4.12 35.22 ± 5.99 0.001* 100.0
Mean S-PNS ± SD, mm 27.35 ± 4.69 38.55 ± 5.05 <0.001* 100.0
Mean BA-PNS ± SD, mm 31.23 ± 4.91 40.07 ± 3.23 <0.001* 100.0
Mean tongue-pharynx distance ± SD, mm 1.00 ± 0.33 1.15 ± 0.32 0.29 —
Mean pharyngeal airway volume ± SD, cm3 2.54 ± 1.99 4.20 ± 1.97 0.01† 75.1
Mean nasal airway volume ± SD, cm3 8.02 ± 4.76 11.36 ± 4.08 0.1 —
GOR, right gonion; GOL, left gonion; COR, right condylion; COL, left condylion; N, nasion; PNS, posterior nasal spine; ES, ethmosphenoid
synchondrosis; S, sella; BA, basion.
*p < 0.01.
†p < 0.05.

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 144, Number 3 • Airway Analysis in Apert Syndrome

Fig. 2. Pharyngeal airway volume and nasal airway volume measurements represented on sagittal view show significantly less
pharyngeal airway volume in patients with Apert syndrome compared with controls. Computed tomographic scans of a 6-year-
old male control subject (left) and an Apert syndrome patient (right) were used as representative examples.

to understanding airway function.18 Segmented The soft-tissue volume correlated with the
structural analysis is beneficial in that it may pro- growth-restricted bony structure, to a certain
vide individualized surgical planning for patients extent. The smaller mandible size, defined by
with Apert syndrome with airway restriction the proportionately shortened distance between
symptomatology. bilateral gonions and the distance between bilat-
Apert syndrome patients in this study basically eral condylions, was consistent with reduced bony
had normal nasal length, width, and projection, diameters. This was evident in the mediolateral
which are consistent with the study by Rosenberg dimension throughout the entire length of the
et al. and our previous study.19,20 Consequently, oropharyngeal and the laryngopharyngeal air-
the nasal airway volume of patients with Apert way. Considered together, the shortened distance
syndrome was similar to that of the control group. between the posterior nasal spine and basion indi-
Therefore, nasal surgery is likely not helpful for cates an anteroposterior shortening of the laryn-
improving the breathing function for this group geal diameter. Therefore, the data support the
of patients.21 concept that airway compromise is related to the
Doerga et al. considered that the respiratory bony structures in many horizontal dimensions.
impairment of Apert syndrome was attributable Of note, the distance between the poste-
more to multilevel limitation of airway space than rior tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall
to single-level limitation.5 Dentino et al. docu- in patients with Apert syndrome, compared with
mented more evident posterior airway dimen- controls, is only slightly decreased. It is noted
sional limitation.4 Their study was supported by that the tension and movement of the surround-
the subcranial dimensions documented in this ing soft-tissue structure changed with inspiration
study, illustrating that the bony structures around and expiration and with patient head orientation
the nasal and the nasopharyngeal space, from during computed tomography.22,23 These could be
anterior to posterior, become progressively more influencing factors in this measurement. A stan-
reduced, which in turn results in significantly less dard protocol of positioning while obtaining com-
pharyngeal airway overall. These findings were in puted tomographic scans of patients with Apert
accord with the clinical observation of patients syndrome and controls is recommended for more
with Apert syndrome having more severe and fre- accurate comparison of this distance, including
quent breathing obstruction symptoms related the standard head orientation and hyoid bone
more to the laryngopharyngeal region than to the position (inspiration or expiration, with or with-
nasopharyngeal region.5 out swallowing, and with or without endotracheal

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September 2019

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