Development of Green Building Rating System Using AHP and Fuzzy Integrals A Case of India

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Development of Green Building Rating System Using AHP

and Fuzzy Integrals: A Case of India

Gayatri S. Vyas1; Kumar N. Jha2; and Dilip A. Patel3
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Abstract: The greenness of a building is measured through green building assessment tools. These tools have limitations because they cannot
be applied to all regions. The aim of this research was to develop a green building assessment tool that can rate the greenness of new buildings
in India. For this, a study was conducted by adopting nine green building components with 34 attributes relevant to the measurement of green-
ness. For evaluating the green building index (GBI), a three-level hierarchical structure was constructed in which the GBI is at Level 1, and the
nine components and 34 attributes are at Levels 2 and 3, respectively. In this study, an integrated approach consisting of an analytical hierarchy
process (AHP) and fuzzy integrals was used. The 42 responses obtained from green building experts were used to find the weights of the com-
ponents using the AHP. The relative importance of different attributes was computed using fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals. Finally, the
weighted-sum method (WSM) was employed to get the overall GBI. The results of the proposed approach are compared with Indian case stud-
ies. The findings of this article can be helpful to green building planners, designers, and developers. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-
5568.0000346. © 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Author keywords: Green building; Analytical hierarchy process (AHP); Fuzzy integral; India.

Introduction 1.4 billion, it is estimated to be less than 1,700 m3 per capita per
annum (CIDC 2014). As per a Central Pollution Control Board
The construction sector constitutes a major challenge to the envi- (CPCB 2009) report, the total water supply in India in 2009–2010,
ronment. Globally, buildings are responsible for at least 40% of including all Class I cities and Class II towns, was 48,093.88 mil-
energy use. An estimated 42% of the global water consumption and lion liters per day (MLD). Wastewater generation from all Class I
50% of the global consumption of raw materials are utilized by cities and Class II towns was 38,254 MLD, and the treatment
buildings when taking into account the manufacturing, construc- capacity was 11,787 MLD, which is approximately 31% of total
tion, and operations phases of buildings. In addition, building activ- sewage (CPCB 2009). According to these figures, there is a huge
ities contribute an estimated 50% of the world’s air pollution, 42% potential for meeting the resource gap through the treatment of
of greenhouse gases, 50% of all water pollution, 48% of all solid wastewater and reuse of the same for various applications, which
wastes, and 50% of all chlorofluorocarbons to the environment can be achieved by constructing green buildings. Municipal solid
(GRIHA 2007; Bhatt and Macwan 2012; Vyas and Jha 2016). waste comprises of 30–55% of biodegradable (organic) matter, 20–
There has been a decline in forest cover over the years in India. 35% inert matter and 5–15% recyclables (CPCB 2015). The organic
For example, during the period of 2009–2011, forest cover declined fraction of municipal solid waste contains biodegradable matter
by 367 km2. Conversely, the per capita energy consumption ranging from 30 to 55%, which can be profitably converted into use-
increased by 7.19% from 2010–2011 to 2011–2012. As per the ful products, such as methane gas (used for cooking, heating, light-
2013 key energy statistics (CIDC 2014), the per capita CO2 emis- ing, production of energy) and compost (organic manure) (GRIHA
sion of India has increased steadily from 0.69 Mt in 1990 to 1.41 Mt 2007).
in 2013. Natural resource depletion (water, mineral, forest, sand, However, currently, the practice of green building design and
rocks, etc.), loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, and the use of green rating systems aim to minimize the demand on
loss of resilience in ecosystems are the major environmental issues nonrenewable resources; maximize the utilization efficiency of
faced by India. The per capita water consumption in 1990 was these resources when in use; and maximize the reuse, recycling,
2,464 m3 per annum, but by 2025, with an expected population of and utilization of renewable resources. For example, the practice
of minimizing the distance between the labor camp and the con-
1 struction site increases labor productivity by saving travel time
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of
Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra 411005, India (corresponding author). and reduces the use of required fuel for transportation. Thus,
Email: adverse impacts on the environment can be minimized. In this
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology context, Vyas and Jha (2016) determined nine components and 34
Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India. Email: knjha@civil.iitd attributes related to the greenness of a new building using princi- pal component analysis (PCA) and presented a framework to
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, S. V. National measure the greenness of a new building in India. The hierarchi-
Institute of Technology, Ichchhanath, Surat 395007, Gujarat. ORCID: cal structure of the green building rating system is presented in Email:
Fig. 1. The details of the attributes listed in Fig. 1 and their impor-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 26, 2017;
approved on September 12, 2018; published online on January 22, 2019. tance were explained by Vyas and Jha (2016). However, they did
Discussion period open until June 22, 2019; separate discussions must be not determine the weights of those components and attributes to
submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of measure the greenness of a new building, a necessary step for
Architectural Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431. developing the green building index (GBI).

© ASCE 04019004-1 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

Attribute (Level III)

Development on brownfield, gray field, black field

Component (Level II)
Heat island effect
Loss of habitat
Site selection Daylight
Sustainable site selection
Green house gases emission
Relation between the building and its surroundings
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Air pollution
Water pollution
Noise pollution
Soil pollution
Light pollution
Embodied water for construction
Increase ventilation efficiencies
Environmental impact of materials
Material recycle
Goal (Level I) Building Water recycle
Greenness resources and Locally available materials
factors reuse Innovative water reduction technologies
Water efficient landscape / external water use
Occupant's productivity
Building Integrated project management- BIM
services and
management Renewable energy
Energy-efficient heating/cooling system
On site process
Distance of labour
Environment Low-impact construction site techniques
al health and Climatic conditions
safety Occupants health, safety and comfort
Mechanical systems
Indoor air quality
Indoor air
Plantation of adoptive plants
Cost of investment
Operation and Maintenance cost

Fig. 1. Hierarchical structure of the green building rating system. (Reprinted with permission from Vyas and Jha 2016, © Taylor & Francis Ltd.)

The evaluation of the GBI is a challenging and complex task nature while evaluating the attributes of different components in
because it involves a high number of attributes, the attributes’ mea- the development of the new green rating system, fuzzy measures
surement units are different, numerous technical experts are and fuzzy integrals can be advantageous. The proposed approach
required from varied fields, and the process varies with different incorporates the knowledge and experience of green building
geographical conditions. However, these limitations can be over- experts; they are directly involved in the identification of the
come with the help of multiattribute decision-making (MADM) framework, and their sound judgments are considered in determin-
methods (Chang 2014), such as the analytical hierarchy process ing the GBI. All these components are expressed on a qualitative
(AHP), which was used in this study to determine the weights of scale, and thus fuzzy set theory is used to signify the vagueness in
components responsible for the greenness of a building. Moreover, the linguistic variables. In brief, the current study used the frame-
classic integrals generally overlook the nonadditive nature of work presented by Vyas and Jha (2016) and continued to develop
the attributes lying at a given hierarchical level of the framework of the the GBI by applying AHP, the weighted-sum method (WSM),
study. However, fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals can overcome fuzzy measures, and fuzzy integrals. The methodology developed
this limitation of classic integrals. Thus, to handle the nonadditive in this study is applicable to Indian new building construction.

© ASCE 04019004-2 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

Also, its application can be extended to developing countries by including climate; and the LEED India considers 51 criteria. In the
considering the climate and topography. LEED India, GRIHA, and Eco-Housing systems, the relative im-
Thus, the main objectives of the current study were as follows: portance (weight) of criteria is not considered. Existing literature
(1) to develop a methodology to evaluate the greenness of a new reveals that due to many qualitative and/or subjective attributes, it
building, (2) to illustrate the methodology using the case study of a becomes difficult to measure them while getting experts’ judgments
live construction project, and (3) to evaluate the developed rating and stakeholders’ opinion. A rating system also needs to incorpo-
system by comparing it with the existing rating systems. rate some important attributes, such as embodied water, economic
conditions, embodied carbon, loss of habitat, greenhouse gas emis-
sion, BIM, geographical and climatic conditions, and social and cul-
Literature Review
tural aspects of the region, which are not considered in the existing
rating systems. Moreover, users and stakeholders expect such rating
Green building assessment methods contribute significantly to
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systems to be user-friendly when evaluating the greenness of a

the understanding of the relationship between buildings and the
environment (Cole 1998). However, the interaction between build- building. Therefore, by applying AHP and the fuzzy integral
ing construction and the environment is still unidentified. The approach, this study attempted to develop a green building rating
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment system that includes the attributes that are missing from existing rat-
Method (BREEAM), developed in 1989 in the United Kingdom, ing systems even though they are considered to be important
was the first green building performance assessment method. The according to green building experts. The framework to achieve this
BREEAM new construction guidelines were later revised objective is explained in the next section.
(BREEAM 2011) for new construction (e.g., eco-homes and educa-
tional, industrial, health-care, multiresidential, and office buildings),
Framework for the Evaluation of the GBI
considering both design and postconstruction stages (Kibert 2013).
The BREEAM concept has been adopted by several countries across For the sake of convenience, the research method is presented in
the world in developing their respective green building environmen-
schematic form in Fig. 2; the components are described in the fol-
tal assessment rating systems. The major green building rating sys-
lowing subsections.
tems are as follows: (1) Green Star rating system launched by
Australia in 2002; (2) Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) piloted by the United States in 1998 (LEED 2015); Adoption of Green Building Attributes and Components
(3) the Green Globe system of the Building Owners and Managers Vyas and Jha (2016) identified nine components and 34 attributes
Association (BOMA), Canada’s national environmental program that can be used as a framework for measuring the greenness of
(Al Khalil 2002); (4) the Sustainable Building Tool (SBTool) buildings in an Indian context. The nine components are (1) site
developed by the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built selection (SS), (2) environment (EN), (3) building resources and
Environment, an international project that has involved more than reuse (BRR), (4) building services and management (BSM), (5)
25 countries since 1998 (iiSBE 2012); and (5) the Comprehensive innovative construction techniques (ICT), (6) environmental health
Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency and safety (EHS), (7) mechanical systems (MS), (8) indoor air qual-
(CASBEE) launched by Japan in 2001. The green ratings of Indian ity (IAQ), and (9) economy (EC).The nine components were chosen
buildings were started by the Indian Green Building Council
because they indicate the impact of the green building concept on
(IGBC) in 2006 based on the revised LEED. The Energy and
cost reduction, pollution reduction, environmental impact and
Resources Institute (TERI) developed the Green Rating for
safety, energy reduction, and air quality. The attributes correspond-
Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA 2007). The Eco-Housing
ing to the nine components are presented in Fig. 1. These were
Assessment Tool was developed by the International Institute for
derived using PCA. Presently, the Indian rating systems do not con-
Energy Conservation (IIEC 2006) of Mumbai, India, for the Pune
sider certain attributes, such as (1) embodied water and carbon for
and Mumbai suburbs in 2006 (it was later revised in 2009). The rat-
ing points and certification levels of the different green building construction, (2) economic conditions, (3) loss of habitat, (4) green-
rating systems are provided in Table 1. house gas emission, (5) BIM, (6) low-impact construction techni-
Almost all green building rating systems have been designed to ques, and (7) onsite process. Embodied water and carbon for con-
suit a specific country. Evidence (Cole 1998; Crawley and Aho struction are used through the combined processes of extracting raw
1999; Kohler 1999; Cooper 2002; Chang et al. 2007; Ding 2008; materials from cradle to grave. Embodied water is the total water
Bhatt and Macwan 2012; Alyami and Rezgui 2012; Vyas et al. required for construction. The water embodied in building construc-
2012) suggests that existing green building rating systems were tion has rarely been considered. Embodied water for construction is
developed for different regions to serve local purposes, and they are significant in the assessment of green buildings (Vyas and Jha
not fully applicable to different countries having different climatic, 2016). The economy plays an important role in the adoption of
cultural, and geographical features and built environments. The rat- green building rating systems. Due to the environmental crises, con-
ing system developed should also consider the geographic, cultural, struction patrons are demanding assurance of buildings’ long-term
and climatic variations across the country. More specifically, cer- environmental and economic performance. The construction sector
tain environmental attributes, such as climatic conditions, geo- is responsible for external and internal pollution, global greenhouse
graphical characteristics, cultural aspects, economic conditions, gas emissions, loss of habitat, and environmental damage.
resource consumption (e.g., water and energy), embodied water for The use of BIM can help with the different facets of sustainable
construction, construction materials, building information modeling design, such as determining the proper building orientation based
(BIM), government policy and regulation, population growth, and on sun-path analysis, building-form analysis, optimization of the
public awareness, may obstruct the direct use of certain existing building envelope, daylight analysis, analysis of the potential for
environmental assessment systems. water harvesting, energy modeling (minimization of energy costs),
The GRIHA system (2007) considers 34 criteria; the Eco- and planning for the reuse of materials (Vyas and Jha 2016; Ahmad
Housing Assessment Tool (IIEC 2006) considers 74 criteria, and Thaheem 2018).

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J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

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Table 1. Overview of green building rating systems used internationally

Green building

rating system BREEAM Green Star LEED Green Globe SBTool CASBEE IGBC GRIHA Eco-Housing

Year and origin 1989, Japan 2002, Australia 1998, United States 1996, Canada 1996, iiSBE 2001, Japan 2006, India 2007, India 2006, India (Pune and
Mumbai City only)
Certification level • Outstanding = • 1–3 stars = 10–44 • Platinum = 73–100 • 1 green globe = 85 • Acceptable • S: Excellent; BEE = • Platinum = 73– • 1 star = 50–60 • 1 star = 50–60
and percentage 85 • • –100 practice = 0 3.0 or more and Q = 100 • •
4 stars = 45–59 Gold = 55–72 2 stars = 61–70 2 stars = 61–70
score • Excellent = 70 • 2 green globes = • Good prac- ≥50 • Gold = 55–72
• 5 stars = 60–74 • Silver = 45–54 • 3 stars = 71–80 • 3 stars = 71–80
• Very good = 70–84 tice = 3 • A: Very good; • Silver = 45–54
• 6 stars = 75–100 • Certified = 36–44 • 4 stars = 81–90 • 4 stars = 81–90
55 • 3 green globes, 55 • Best prac- BEE = 1.5–3.0 and •
• No rating = ≤35 Certified = 36– • 5 stars = 91–100 • 5 stars = >90
• Good = 45 –69 tice = 5 Q = <50
• 4 green globes = (weighted • Bþ: Good; BEE =
• Pass = 30 • No rating = ≤35
35–54 score) 1.0–1.5
• Unclassified = –
• B : Fairly poor;
BEE = 0.5–1.0
• C: Poor; BEE =
Green building • Management • Management (8.1) • Sustainable sites • Project manage- • Site selec- • Improvement in Q • Sustainable • Sustainable site • Site planning (14)
parameters (%) (11) • (23.63) ment—policies tion and pro- (environmental architecture and planning (21.2) •
Indoor environment Environmental
• Health and (18.2) • Water efficiency and practice (5) ject planning quality): Q1 (indoor design (5) • Health and well- architecture (8)
well-being • Energy (19.6) (9.09) • Site (11.5) (7.6) environment), Q2 • Site selection being (9.6%) • Energy conser-
(14) • Energy and atmos- • Energy (38) • Energy and (quality of service), and planning • Building planning vation and man-
• Transport (7.4)
• Energy (17) phere (31.82) resource Q3 (outdoor (14) and construction
• • Water (8.5) agement (24)
Water (8.1) consumption environment) •
• Transport (7) • Materials and • Water conserva- (7.7) • Efficient building
• Materials (17) Resources, build- (21) • Reduction in L
• resources (12.73) tion (18) • Energy: end use materials (19)
Water (6) ing materials, and
• Land use and ecol- • • Environme- (environmental • Energy efficiency (36.5)
• Materials (11) Indoor environ- solid waste (10) • Water conserva-
ogy (5.4) ntal loadings load) : L1 (energy), (28)
mental quality • • Energy: tion and man-
• Waste (7) • Emissions and (25.2) L2 (resources and
Emission (12.8) (13.64) • Building materials renewable (7.7) agement (15)
• effluents (7) materials), L3 (off-
Land use and

• Innovation (3.4) • • Indoor envi- and resources •
Innovation in • Indoor environ- site environment) Recycle, • Solid waste
ecology (9) ronment (16)
design (5.45) ment (20) • recharge, and management
• Pollution (9) quality (21) Built environment
• Regional priority • Indoor environ- reuse of water (12)
• Service efficiency (BEE) =
• Innovation (9) (3.64) mental quality (6.7) • Other measures
quality Q/L
(12) • Waste manage-

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

• (8)
(15.1) Life-cycle CO2 • Innovation and ment (4.8)
• Social and assessment of
development (7) • Building operation
economic building during
construction and and maintenance
aspects (5) (1.9)
operation stage is
• Cultural and •
carried out Innovation (3.9)
aspects (5)
References BREEAM (2011); Kibert (2013) LEED (2015); Kibert Kibert (2013) iiSBE (2012) JSBC and IBEC (2014) IGBC (2011) GRIHA (2007, 2014) IIEC (2006)
Kibert (2013) (2013)

J. Archit. Eng.
unimportant to 7 = extremely important. The respondents were
Adopting 9 green building components and
asked to evaluate the performance and the importance of the attrib-
34 attributes from Vyas and Jha (2016) as
utes using this scale.
shown in Fig. 1
The respondents included field experts having an average expe-
rience of 11 years in green construction in India, and hence their
Establishing combined matrix for 9 opinions are of great importance. The average experience of the
components respondent is the average of the experiences of all respondents
working on green building specialization. The respondents
Determining priority vector, consistency included IGBC-accredited professionals (IGBC-AP designation)
index, and consistency ratio and GRIHA evaluators who have worked on at least five green
building sites and academicians and students pursuing their post-
graduate and Ph.D. programs who have completed a minimum of
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Computing weight for 9 components using the two courses on sustainability.

AHP Out of 110 questionnaires sent, 44 responses were received.
However, two responses were eliminated because of inadequate
Applying fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals completion, and thus 42 valid responses in total were available for
to 34 attributes the analysis.

Computing the Weights of the Nine Components by

Applying weighted sum method (WSM) for
developing Green Building Index (GBI)
the AHP
The study determined the weight of each component of the green
building using the AHP because it offers a number of advantages
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the research method.
over conventional approaches, such as entropy, mean, and weighted
mean. The conventional approaches provide a set of systematic
Low-impact construction is an approach to land development (or steps for problem solving without involving the relationships
redevelopment) that works with nature to manage stormwater as among the components, but AHP uses pairwise comparisons among
close to its source as possible (Vyas and Jha 2016). Minimizing the the decision components, and hence decision makers achieve the
onsite processing of building components by incorporating prefab- desired goal in an enhanced way, incorporating a group consensus
rication and precast construction techniques helps to reduce air, (Saaty 1986). Although there are certain limitations of the AHP,
noise, and soil pollution. they have been addressed in this study. For example, the problem of
Vyas and Jha (2016) conducted a questionnaire survey of green rank reversal does not apply to this study because all nine compo-
building experts in India and performed a PCA of the results. The nents were considered for analysis. Similarly, the problem of incon-
PCA determined the important attributes to be used in the newly sistency was avoided by using the geometric mean, in which a more
developed rating system. Although such attributes as the housing consistent respondent is given higher weight, but a response with
density (number of units/area), onsite processes, geographical and inconsistency is not ignored altogether. The study used the method-
climatic conditions, social and cultural aspects of the region, and ology adopted by Wakchaure and Jha (2012). Finally, the third limi-
fire risk were also considered in the initial questionnaire, these tation, which is the variation in verbal expressions from one person
attributes were not found prominent based on experts’ judgment to another and their dependence on the type of elements involved in
and the PCA analysis. Hence, these were omitted from subsequent the comparison, was eliminated by consulting only those green
analysis. building experts who had completed the first round of the survey.
The AHP was used to prioritize parameters based on different crite-
ria to obtain the output. The AHP helps the decision maker to sense
Questionnaire Design for the Computation of Weights
the depth of the problem by giving an indication of values that can
by the AHP and Fuzzy Measures
be considered as low, high, or medium, and it avoids a biased
Based on the nine components and 34 attributes described previ- approach (Vaidya and Kumar 2006; Wakchaure and Jha 2012).
ously, a questionnaire was developed to elicit the responses of green Therefore, the AHP is appropriate for this kind of problem because
building experts to obtain their weights. For this, a questionnaire the nine first-level green building rating components are independ-
survey was adopted because the participating green building experts ent and expert judgment is involved in the process. When multiple
were situated in distant locations throughout the country. experts (in this study, 42, as mentioned earlier) judge the same crite-
The questionnaire consisted of two parts: Part 1 pertained to the ria, there are chances that responses of some respondents might
determination of weight using the AHP, and Part 2 elicited exceed the consistency ratio beyond 0.1. Under such situations, the
responses for the application of fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals. best way is to approach such respondents again and request a revi-
The Part 1 questionnaire for the AHP was designed to elicit sion in their responses. Needless to say, this is a time-consuming
responses from Indian green building experts for the computation process, and there is no guarantee that the revised consistency ratio
of relative weights for different green components on Saaty’s will be less than 0.1. Some researchers (Vaidya and Kumar 2006;
(1986) 9-point scale, where 1 = equally important, 3 = moderately Ding 2008; Ali and Al Nsairat 2009; Bhatt and Macwan 2012) also
more important, 5 = strongly more important, 7 = very strongly recommend combining all the responses by their geometric mean
more important, and 9 = extremely important. Experts were also and finding out the weights. Although using the geometric mean
allowed to judge the criteria using intermediate (in between) terms ensures that the consistency ratio of the combined responses
(i.e., 2, 4, and 6). However, no respondents used these intermediate becomes less than 0.1, Saaty (1986) does not approve of this. Saaty
terms. recommends considering all responses irrespective of their consis-
In Part 2 of the questionnaire, questions on 34 attributes were tency ratio and further recommends that responses with low consis-
designed on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 = extremely tency ratio should be given more weight in the analysis, whereas

© ASCE 04019004-5 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

responses with a high consistency ratio should be given lower weights of the nine components by the AHP, it necessary to deter-
weight (Wakchaure and Jha 2012). mine the relative importance of attributes and to integrate them.
The step-by-step procedure for determining the evaluation crite- Because the attributes are interdependent, l -fuzzy measures and
ria weights by the AHP is as follows: fuzzy integrals were employed to decide and evaluate the relative
• Step 1: Develop a hierarchical model for the calculation of importance of attributes under each green building component
weight for the components. A hierarchical model for the AHP at (Banon 1981; Patel and Jha 2017). The steps performed for l -fuzzy
the component level (nine components) is provided in Fig. 1. measures and fuzzy integral are explained as follows (Patel and Jha
• Step 2: Construct pairwise comparison matrices for each 2017):
response among all the components in the extent of the hierar- • Step 1: Define the membership functions of fuzzy linguistic
chy system. A pairwise comparison matrix for each response sets. As mentioned earlier, in the real evaluation process,
is constructed as presented in Eq. (1), where x12–x1n are the respondents were asked to evaluate the performance and the
responses of respondents 1 to n. importance of the attributes on a 7-point scale. Accordingly,
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2 3 linguistic variables for Xij (linguistic evaluation value of jth

1 x12 … x1n
6 7 component for ith attribute of green building rating system
6 1=x12 1    x2n 7 for a given new construction building project) and Wij (lin-
6 7
A¼ 6 6 .. .. ..
.. 7 (1) guistic weight value of jth component for ith attribute of the
6 . . . . 7 green building rating system) and their membership functions
4 5
were defined as consisting of seven elements, described later
1=x1n 1=x2n    1 in the article. The symmetrical trapezoidal-shaped member-
ship functions, which are used most often, were employed in
• Step 3: Calculate priority vectors. A priority vector or a rela-
this study.
tive weight for each respondent is calculated as the row • Step 2: Aggregate fuzzy values of both attributes and weights.
Saaty (1986) recommends the use of the geometric mean for
• Step 4: Determine the maximum eigenvalue l max. The eigen-
the synthesis of judgments. According to the linguistic values
value is calculated as
defined in Step 1, after taking the geometric mean of the k
λmax ¼ total of column  relative weight (2) (number of respondents) values, the fuzzy evaluation value of
the jth component for the ith attribute, f Xij , and the fuzzy
weight value of the jth component for ith attribute, W fij ; are
• Step 5: Calculate consistency index and consistency ratio. A
computed following Eqs. (6) and (7).
consistency index (CI) is calculated for each of the nine com-
ponents using Eq. (3). fij ¼ ðXij  Xij2      Xijk Þ1k
X (6)
ðλmax  M Þ
CI ¼ (3)
ðM  1Þ fij ¼ ðWij  Wij2      Wijk Þ1=k
W (7)
where M = number of components. The consistency ratio (CR)
is obtained using Eq. (4). • Step 3: Conduct defuzzification. Delgado et al. (1998) recom-
mend using multiple transformation functions for defuzzifica-
CR ¼ (4) tion. In this study, three methods were used to obtain the
RI defuzzification
 (Patel and Jha 2017): (1) distance meas- 
where RI = random index obtained by Saaty’s table (Saaty and e
urement M1 W ij (Chen 2000), (2) central value M2 W e ij
Kearns 1985). (Delgadoet al.
• Step 6: Prepare a combined matrix by synthesizing the 42  1998), and (3) center of gravity (center of
area) M3 We ij .
responses based on the consistency ratio of the 42 responses.      
A combined matrix is prepared based on the 42 responses. The mean of M1 W e ij ; M2 We ij , M3 W e ij is the final
Assuming a comparison between the components i and j, a cell defuzzification number M W e ij given in Eq. (8).
entry rij in the combined matrix is derived based on Eq. (5).
h i w þw þw1 þ…þw
  e ij þ M2 W
M1 W e ij þ M3 W
e ij
rij ¼ xw1ij1  xw2ij2  xw3ij3      xwnijn ð 1 2 3 nÞ
(5) e ij ¼
M W (8)
where x1ij , x2ij , ..., xnij are the cell values given by respondents
• Step 4: Compute fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral. The
R1, R2, ..., Rn, respectively, while comparing the ith component
with the jth; and the terms w1 ; w2 ; …; wn are the priority l -fuzzy measure can be computed by using Eq. (9). For
weights derived from subtracting the respective consistency gðX Þ ¼ 1, this is as follows:
ratios from 1 for the respondents R1, R2, ..., Rn (Wakchaure and Y
Jha 2012). λþ1¼ ð1 þ λgi Þ (9)
• Step 7: Calculate the priority vector, l max, CI, and CR for the i¼1
combined matrix. These are calculated as explained earlier.
One can refer to Patel and Jha (2017) for the derivation of
Applying Fuzzy Measures and Fuzzy Integrals on Eq. (9).
34 Attributes Hence, if the fuzzy densities are known, gi, for i = 1,2, …,

n, the l -fuzzy measure can be constructed. For gij ¼ S W e ij ,
The study used l -fuzzy measures and integrals (Sugeno 1974) to
evaluate the attributes of each component. After determining the this is as follows:

© ASCE 04019004-6 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

 l h  i  Measurement of Green Building Components at the

e i1 ; X
e i2 ; …; X
e il
 1 Y 
e ij  1
gλ ¼ X ¼  1 þ λS W  Second Level of the Hierarchy Using AHP
λ  j¼1 
As mentioned earlier, a seven-step procedure was used to calculate
(10) the weights of the second level of the GBI using AHP. As suggested
      h i   in the seven-step procedure, the CRs for the respondents R1, R2, ...,
e ij ¼S X
Suppose h X e ij . If S X
e il >S Xe iðl1Þ >…> S X
e i1 ; R42 were calculated, and it was found that for some of the respond-
then the fuzzy integral can be computed using Eq. (11). ents, the CR exceeded the limit of 0.1.
n  h io Thus, in line with Saaty’s (1986) recommendation as explained

~ i1 ; X
hi ¼ hðXij Þ gλ X ~ i2 ; …; X
~ il  gλ X~ i1 ; X
~ i2 ; …; X
~ iðl1Þ þ    earlier, a combined matrix of 42 respondents (R1, R2, ..., R42) was
h i prepared following Eq. (5). For illustration, in comparing the com-
þ hðXi1 Þgλ X~ iðl1Þ ¼ gλ ðXil ÞfhðXil Þ  h Xiðl1Þ
g þ    ponents EN (environment) and SS (site selection), the response
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  given by the respondents R1, R2, R3, ..., R42 were 7, 1, 6, ..., 2,
~ i1 hðXi1 Þ
þ gλ X (11) respectively. The CR of the respondents R1, R2, R3, ..., R42 were
computed to be 0.7271, 0.2698, 0.3455, ..., 0.0935, respectively.
Thus, the cell entry in the combined matrix provided in Table 2
Applying WSM for Developing GBI is given by
The WSM is the simplest but most widely used MADM method. Xij ¼ ½7w1  1w2  6w3      2wn ðw1 þw2 þw3 þþwn Þ
The MADM is especially suitable for the design/planning aspect,
which aims to achieve the optimal goals by considering the various ¼ ½30:2729  50:7302  70:6545
interactions within the given constraints (Tzeng and Huang 2011). 1
Each building project is assessed with reference to every green at-      20:9065 0:2729 þ 0:7302 þ 0:6545þþ0:9065
tribute. In this way, the overall or composite performance score of
the project is calculated using Eq. (12). ¼ 1:246
Pi ¼ j¼1
Wj ðhij Þnormal (12) where w1, w2, and w3 are priority weights obtained by 1 – CR. In a
similar manner, all the cell elements of Table 2 were obtained. The
where Wj = weight of component; and (hij)normal = h index obtained normalization matrix and weight of the nine green building compo-
from the fuzzy integral. nents are provided in Table 3.

Illustration of Measurement Measurement of Green Building Attributes at the Third

Level of the Hierarchy Using Fuzzy Measure and Fuzzy
To compute the composite performance score of the project, the Integral
evaluation procedure proceeds from Level 3 (attributes) to Level 1 To illustrate the measurement of attributes at the third level of the
(GBI), as presented in Fig. 1. hierarchy, one of the green building components, building resource
and reuse (BRR), is explained here. This component has five attrib-
Table 2. Combined matrix utes, (1) material recycle (BRR1), (2) water recycle (BRR2), (3)
locally available material (BRR3), (4) innovative water reduction
technologies (BRR4), and (5) water-efficient landscape (BRR5), as
SS 1.000 0.801 0.947 0.986 0.847 0.588 1.438 0.774 0.459 presented in Fig. 1. The procedure consisted of four steps.
EN 1.246 1.000 1.030 2.051 1.490 0.503 1.716 0.942 0.855 In Step 1, respondents were asked to weigh the importance of
BRR 1.054 0.971 1.000 1.482 0.791 0.401 1.687 0.612 0.649 the 34 attributes on a 7-point scale, from extremely unimportant
BSM 1.012 0.488 0.679 1.000 1.122 0.459 2.004 0.580 0.512 (EUI) to extremely important (EI), as presented in Table 4.
ICT 1.180 0.674 1.265 0.890 1.000 0.972 1.024 0.677 0.552 For example, the responses of one respondent were (EI, LI, N,
EHS 1.695 1.986 2.491 2.239 0.960 1.000 3.303 1.010 0.868 LUI, EUI). The respective fuzzy values would thus be (0.85, 0.90,
MS 0.695 0.582 0.593 0.500 0.974 0.302 1.000 0.409 0.499 1.00, 1.00), (0.55, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75), (0.40, 0.45, 0.55, 0.60), (0.25,
IAQ 1.287 1.060 1.642 1.725 1.477 0.987 2.450 1.000 0.878 0.30, 0.40, 0.45), and (0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.15), as presented in
EO 2.177 1.140 1.541 1.842 1.814 1.118 2.000 1.142 1.000
Table 4.

Table 3. Normalized matrix

SS EN BRR BSM ICT EHS MS IAQ EO Relative weight = row average Weight (%)
SS 0.088 0.092 0.085 0.078 0.081 0.093 0.086 0.108 0.073 0.087 8.713
EN 0.110 0.115 0.092 0.161 0.142 0.079 0.103 0.132 0.136 0.119 11.903
BRR 0.093 0.112 0.089 0.117 0.075 0.063 0.102 0.086 0.103 0.093 9.332
BSM 0.089 0.056 0.061 0.079 0.107 0.073 0.121 0.081 0.082 0.083 8.306
ICT 0.104 0.077 0.113 0.070 0.095 0.154 0.062 0.095 0.088 0.095 9.533
EHS 0.149 0.228 0.223 0.176 0.092 0.158 0.199 0.141 0.138 0.167 16.716
MS 0.061 0.067 0.053 0.039 0.093 0.048 0.060 0.057 0.079 0.062 6.200
IAQ 0.113 0.122 0.147 0.136 0.141 0.156 0.147 0.140 0.140 0.138 13.800
EO 0.192 0.131 0.138 0.145 0.173 0.177 0.120 0.160 0.159 0.155 15.497

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Table 4. Linguistic values of wij and xij and their membership functions GBIi ¼ h1  W1 þ h2  W2 þ    þ h9  W9 (13)
wij xi Membership function
Extremely unimportant Extremely poor (EP) (0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.15) GBIi ¼ h1  0:073 þ h2  0:094 þ h3  0:094 þ h4  0:082
(EUI) þ h5  0:092 þ h6  0:165 þ h7  0:056 þ h8
Very unimportant (VUI) Very poor (VP) (0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30)
Little unimportance Little poor (LP) (0.25, 0.30, 0.40, 0.45)  0:144 þ h9  0:197
Neutral (N) Neutral (N) (0.40, 0.45, 0.55, 0.60) For illustrating the GBI, the case of an institutional building in
Little importance (LI) Little good (LG) (0.55, 0.60, 0.70, 0.75) India in a hot and dry climate was considered for the different green
Very important (VI) Very good (VG) (0.70, 0.75, 0.85, 0.90)
building attributes in linguistic terms and entered into a Java pro-
Extremely important (EI) Extremely good (EG) (0.85, 0.90, 1.00, 1.00)
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gram. The GBI values for 21 Indian green buildings (certified by ei-
ther the GRIHA or IGBC) were calculated, and the results were
In Step 2, by accumulating the 42 evaluation values, the fuzzy compared. The case study is discussed in later in the article.
linguistic values of BRR can be obtained. Afterward, their corre-
sponding defuzzification values can be computed in Step 3. Thus,
the fuzzy linguistic values of the five attributes (from BRR1 to Result and Discussions
BRR5) were defuzzified and determined as 0.7173, 0.7505, 0.6748,
0.7309, and 0.6867, respectively. In Step 4, the value of l is The major motivation for launching and operating environmental
obtained using Eq. (9), as follows: assessment methods is to promote energy efficiency and reduce car-
bon emissions (Lee and Burnett 2008). For example, both BREEAM
1 þ λ ¼ ð1 þ 0:7173Þð1 þ 0:7505Þð1 þ 0:6748Þ and LEED focus on these two factors (Alyami and Rezgui 2012;
Poveda and Young 2015; Darko et al. 2017). This is probably attribut-
ð1 þ 0:7309Þð1 ¼ 0:6867Þ; thus λ ¼ 0:998 able to the fact that the consumption of fossil fuels contributes to
numerous negative environmental phenomena, such as pollution, acid
For a given project, the values of the five attributes in descending rain, erosion, and elevated concentrations of greenhouse gas emis-
order are as follows: h(BRR2) > h(BRR4) > h(BRR1) > h(BRR5) > sions in the atmosphere (Dasgupta et al. 2014). Therefore, this issue
h(BRR3). According to Eq. (10), the fuzzy measure for BRR can be has been given top priority in the area of sustainable development and
obtained as follows: green building principles (Berardi 2012; Cole and Valdebenito 2013).
gλðx1 Þ ¼ 0:7505; gλðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ 0:7505 þ 0:7309 However, certain essential factors require customization to suit the
Indian context, including (1) the adaptation of green building rating
þ ð0:998Þ ð0:7505Þ ð0:7309Þ ¼ 0:9338 components and attributes and (2) the development of an appropriate
weighting system. The multiple consultation stages during response
gλðx1 ; x2 ; x3 Þ ¼ 0:9338 þ 0:7173 þ ð0:998Þ ð0:9338Þ ð0:7173Þ collection and interviews of experts were crucial in verifying the
applicability of selected building assessment categories and criteria.
¼ 0:9823
This consultation process was a powerful method to engage with the
built environment because the complexity of this field cannot be con-
gλ ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 Þ ¼ 0:9823 þ 0:6867 solidated by the use of a single tool. Expertise contribution, using the
þ ð0:998Þ ð0:9823Þ ð0:6867Þ ¼ 0:9953 human capability for synthesizing various factors on common
ground, is therefore the only method of forming a comprehensive and
coherent assessment system. Human judgment can also be converted
gλðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ; x5 Þ ¼ 0:9953 þ 0:6748 into mathematical form and used more accurately in the evaluation of
þ ð0:998Þ ð0:9953Þ ð0:6748Þ ¼ 1 certain specific circumstances through the use of AHP and fuzzy inte-
grals. Therefore, the development of the GBI used this technique in
Using Eq. (11), the value for BRR can be computed as follows: the delivery of an applicable weighting system, which is at the core of
hðBRRÞ ¼ hðBRR2 Þ  1 þ ½hðBRR2 Þ  hðBRR4 Þ  0:9953 the correct functioning of the assessment method.
Developing a green building weighting system of attributes is
þ ½hðBRR4 Þ  hðBRR1 Þ  0:9823 considered a necessary stage for developing assessment tools. This

is the second stage after establishing the components. This tool can
þ hðBRR1 Þ  hðBRR5 Þ  0:9338
define the importance of each attribute according to the local con-
þ ½hðBRR5 Þ  hðBRR3 Þ  0:7505 text within which the tool is developed. In this study, the AHP
method was used to determine the weights of components accord-
Similarly, the other data can easily be computed using MATLAB ing to participants’ responses. Environmental health and safety was
or Microsoft Excel. The l s of the remaining greenness components ranked as the most important assessment category, with a relative
were calculated and obtained as follows: (1) SS = –0.999, (2) EN = share of 16.716%. The components of economy and indoor air qual-
–0.999, (3) BSM = –0.992, (4) IC = –0.938, (5) EHS = –0.767, ity had a share of 15.497 and 13.800%, respectively, in the total cer-
(6) IAQ = –0.868, and (7) EC = –0.878. tification. Ali and Al Nsairat (2009) developed a rating system for
Jordan (a developing country) and found that the main categories
were site (10.3%), energy efficiency (23.0%), water efficiency
Measurement of GBI at First Level of the Hierarchy
(27.7%), material and resources (10.3%), indoor environmental
Using WSM
quality (11.8%), waste and pollution (6.4%), and economics
Finally, at the first level of the hierarchy, the GBI can be calculated (10.0%). In comparing the results of this study, it is found that the
by applying the WSM, and thus the following formula is obtained: results obtained are reasonable (Ali and Al Nsairat 2009). The

© ASCE 04019004-8 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

process of designing a green building assessment tool rests on con- is yes, then EP will be considered. The answer no will be consid-
textual information about the major branches that make up the ered only when the construction is not on land that is specifically
building among the local context of environmental, social, cultural, identified as a habitat for any species on the endangered list of
and economic aspects. In addition, it must be initiated using a sys- the Wildlife Institute of India (WII). Here also, for the not appli-
tematic process, based on reviewing and analyzing practical inter- cable response, the attribute will not be considered in the rating
national assessment systems. The proposed green building rating system.
system for new construction is based on focusing on following com- For the attribute heat-island effect, the parameters measured
ponents: site selection, environment, building resources and reuse, include heat-island effect—roof and heat-island effect—nonroof.
building services and management, innovative construction techni- The parameter heat-island effect—roof depends on the solar reflec-
ques, environmental health and safety, mechanical systems, indoor tance index (SRI) of the roof surface, and its value is determined
air quality, and economy. Each component is defined by a number from ASTM-C 1371 (ASTM 2015). The parameter heat-island
of attributes. Each attribute is defined by parameters.
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effect—roof is measured on a fuzzy scale considering the values of

After reviewing the results, the final framework of the system the SRI, as follows: (1) EG if the range of SRI is 71–100%, (2) VG
was determined; it is composed of nine components, 34 attributes, if the range of SRI is 60–70%, (3) G if the SRI range is 50–59%, (4)
and 68 parameters. These attributes and parameters are given in N if the SRI range is 45–49%, (5) LP if the SRI range is 35–44%,
Appendix S1. Finally, this framework was translated into an assess- (6) VP if the SRI range is 30–34%, and (7) EP if the SRI range is 25
ment system that identifies the green rating of a building in terms of –29%. For the parameter heat-island effect—nonroof, the suggested
the assessment items. green building measures are (1) providing shade/using light-
The assessment system is classified as a criteria-based tool, colored material (minimum reflectance 0.3)/open grid (minimum
which is defined as a system of assigning relative points to a 30%) of nonroof impervious area including parking, walkway, and
selected number of attributes on a certain scale consisting of five so forth; (2) placing at least 50% of parking spaces underground or
levels: five green leaves, four green leaves, three green leaves, two covered by structured parking and/or; (3) using an open-grid pave-
green leaves, and one green leaf. The system includes the new con- ment system (less than 50% impervious) for a minimum of 50% of
struction of the building and its nearby environment. The proposed the parking lot area. The green building assessor has to enter the
system can be implemented at the initial stage of construction. This combined percentage of measures, as follows: EG if the range is 71
system defines economic, social, and environmental aspects of sus- –100%, VG for 50–70%, G for 45–49%, N for 10–45%, LP for 31–
tainability. These assessment items are classified in different hier- 35%, VP for 26–30%, and EP for 20–25%.
archical levels: category level, component level, attribute level, and The measurement scale for 68 parameters is provided in
parameter level. A Java program was developed to calculate the Appendix S1. It may be noted that the certification standard is based
GBI, which represents the overall level of greenness of a building. on the addition of points for each of the items of the assessment sys-
In the developed program, a user has to enter the attribute data in tem. When all favorable conditions and maximum possible values
linguistic terms, and the program will automatically give an overall for each parameter are considered, a maximum score of 0.76 is
green rating of the building, making this rating system very simple obtained for the GBI. This is because the GBI is developed by using
and easy to use. fuzzy measures and fuzzy integrals. Five performance levels are
Even though the development in this study is based on data col- considered: five green leaves (0.76–0.61), four green leaves (0.55–
lected from the Indian construction industry, the methodology
0.60), three green leaves (0.47–0.54), two green leaves (0.39–0.46),
would suggest much broader geographical applicability; the system
and one green leaf (<0.39), as presented in Fig. 3.
can be applied to develop a GBI for international use using a similar
One green leaf does not meet the criteria of a green building
according to the proposed system. The categorization criteria of the
greenness levels were based on the analyses of the developed rating
Guidelines/Recommendations for Computing the GBI systems, such as the GRIHA, IGBC, and Eco-Housing systems.
It should also be pointed out that certain attributes, such as
As presented in Appendix S1, each component is defined by a num- greenhouse gas emissions and loss of habitat, are difficult to quan-
ber of attributes. To measure each attribute, the relevant parameters tify in terms of cost, so these were omitted from the cost analysis.
were identified. The parameters of each attribute were decided To make the GBI easy to implement by prospective users, a Java
based on existing literature and opinions of practitioners. The value program was developed. Java is a preferred computer programming
of each parameter was determined based on Indian standards and language for making an easy-to-use interface. A flowchart of the
international standards, as indicated in Appendix S1. Java-based program is given in Fig. 4.
From the case study data, the attribute development on brown- As mentioned earlier, in the developed program, users are sup-
field/gray field/black field was determined to have three relevant pa- posed to give their feedback on all 68 parameters in terms yes/no/
rameters: (1) brownfield redevelopment, (2) gray-field (underused not applicable or in terms of some quantitative value.
building area) redevelopment, and (3) black-field (blighted urban Once these inputs are provided, the program directly gives the
area) redevelopment (Appendix S1). The answer to each of these GBI value based on the predefined weights of components and
parameters is to be provided by the assessor in terms of yes/no/not attributes. A typical snapshot of the Java-based computer program
applicable. A yes response would be considered extremely good for the site-selection component is provided in Fig. 5. The program
(EG), whereas a no response would be considered extremely poor similarly considers the other components and their related attributes
(EP) (Appendix S1). In the case of a not applicable response, the at- and parameters.
tribute will not be considered in the rating system. The Java program developed in this study for the computation
Similarly, the attribute loss of habitat is measured by one param- of the GBI is user-friendly, and different stakeholders will find it
eter: construction on prohibited land (Appendix S1). Its actual mea- transparent, customizable, and logical to use. The GBI derived
surement is very difficult. The assessor will measure this parameter from the detailed analysis in this study is recommended for cal-
in terms of yes/no/not applicable. If the response is no, the EG con- culating the greenness of a building. The drop-down boxes pro-
dition as per Appendix S1 would be considered, and if the response vided in the program for different options are based on national

© ASCE 04019004-9 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

GBI Rating Benchmark

Five green leaves 61 to 75

Four green leaves 55 to 60

Three green 47 to 54
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Two green leaves 39 to 46

One green leaf < 38

Fig. 3. Certification criteria in the newly developed rating system.

Comparison of Newly Developed Rating System with

Start Existing Indian Rating Systems

The newly developed rating system was compared with 21 IGBC-

and/or GRIHA-rated buildings. Out of these buildings, it was found
Input values from user in the form
that there are nine 5-star- or platinum-rated buildings, five 4-star- or
of radio buttons or input numbers
gold-rated buildings, two 3-star- or silver-rated buildings, and five
2-star-rated buildings. When these buildings were evaluated using
the proposed rating system, a total of nine buildings obtained 5
Are input values No Go to the next leaves, three buildings obtained 4 leaves, four buildings obtained 3
in the range? condition for leaves, three buildings obtained 2 leaves, and two buildings
ranges obtained 1 leaf. It was observed that for some buildings, the green
rating decreased because these were originally rated 4–5 years ago.
This shows that IGBC and GRIHA rating systems and the newly
developed green building rating system are closely correlated
Multiply the values corresponding because they give similar results. However, the new rating system
to fuzzy number. is easier for stakeholders to understand because it uses linguistic
terms and gives the immediate status of the green certification of the
Defuzzify the values Table 5 provides a comparison of the newly developed green
building rating system and other Indian green building rating sys-
tems. In the newly developed rating system, the economy has a
Multiply the sum with weight of 15.497%, but the other rating systems, except the one
corresponding AHP weight developed by Ali and Al Nsairat (2009), do not include this compo-
nent. Whereas the Eco-Housing, IGBC, and GRIHA systems
resulted in values of 14, 14, and 17% weights, respectively, for the
Add all values to get GBI site-selection component, the newly developed rating system
resulted in a weight of 8.713%. Other points of differences among
the four rating systems are as presented in Table 5.
Fig. 4. Flowchart for the development of Java-based GBI.

Summary and Conclusions

and international codes. A prospective user should select the
appropriate option to calculate a realistic GBI. The GBI should The proposed assessment framework consists of nine components,
be calculated and reviewed at various stages of green building 34 attributes, and 68 parameters to develop a green rating system
projects (e.g., planning, designing, construction, operation and for new building construction. Site selection, environment, building
maintenance). resources and reuse, building services and management, innovative
When all data pertaining to a building are entered into the Java construction techniques, environmental health and safety, mechani-
program, the final outcome is obtained in terms of the number of cal systems, indoor air quality, and economy are considered as the
green leaves. Most of the green building experts opined that the sug- nine components. The parameters of each attribute were determined
gested criteria for assessing green buildings are comprehensive, ef- based on existing literature and the expert opinions of practitioners.
ficient, and appropriate for India. Attributes and components were determined with the help of PCA

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J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

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Fig. 5. Snapshot of the site-selection component with attributes and their parameters.

Table 5. Comparison of newly developed rating system with Eco- consumption (e.g., water and energy), construction materials,
Housing, IGBC, and GRIHA government policy and regulation, BIM, and public awareness,
among others.
Rating system The system proposed in this study can produce noteworthy bene-
Newly developed fits that are not likely to result from standard practices; in addition,
rating system Eco-Housing IGBC GRIHA it will enhance social and economic impacts rather than merely con-
Component (%) (%) (%) (%) centrating on the more conventional approach of minimizing the
Sustainable site 7.34 14 14 17 environmental impact. If sustainable decisions are made from pre-
Environment 9.45 14 19 10 design to the operation stage through demolition, many of the nega-
Building resources 9.43 10 16 8 tive outcomes can potentially be prevented or reduced. Such a com-
and reuse prehensive tool will help in ensuring a building is more sustainable
Building services 8.25 10 15 6 and environmentally adaptive. The scientific approach, multidisci-
and management plinary stakeholder knowledge, and rich practitioner experiences
Innovative con- 9.25 2 7 5 have been used in developing the new green building rating system.
struction techniques This study proposes a number of recommendations for the develop-
Environmental 16.50 20 15 11 ment of a green building rating system. In general, the development
health and safety of such an assessment framework should be grounded in technical
Mechanical 5.61 6 2 8 knowledge and scientific research. Multidisciplinary green building
systems stakeholders should contribute to the development of such an
Indoor air quality 14.46 24 12 35 approach because it requires active participation and a collaborative
Economy 19.71 0 0 0 process. The main aim should be strategies and goals for sustain-
ability. The assessment framework should include the local context
of the country, depending on its culture, issues, players, practices,
in a previous study. In this study, the weights of each component and institutions. Thus, it will be vital for each country to propose its
and attribute were calculated using the AHP (for the second level) own attributes in its own way to serve its shared objectives.
and fuzzy integrals (for the third level), respectively. In this system,
each attribute is evaluated based on its respective parameters, and
each component is evaluated based on its attributes. Finally, the Acknowledgments
GBI is computed using the WSM at the top level of the framework.
The GBI represents the greenness of the building for new construc- The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the green
tion. Thus, a new rating system has been developed, and it possesses building experts who participated in the survey.
some useful features.
The newly developed green building assessment tool also
considers and includes environmental attributes, such as cli- Supplemental Data
matic conditions, geographical characteristics, cultural aspects,
economic attributes (e.g., cost of investment and operation and Appendix S1 is available online in the ASCE Library (www.
maintenance costs), embodied water for construction, resource

© ASCE 04019004-11 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(2): 04019004

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