P1 Describe How Marketing Techniques Are Used To Market Products in Two Organisations Ass 3

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P1 describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations

Answer: In this section I have taken a two firms which will covers a whole assignment. Firms are
Coca-Cola and Nike
Marketing is an action firms takes in order to promote and sell its products or services; it also includes
research and advertisement of the product or services. Marketing is phenomena where firm advertise its
products or services. The main purpose of the marketing to counter your rival and earn the market shares
through advertisements and other techniques. Marketing helps in raising brand awareness and maximize
the sales. Main objective of the marketing is achieve overall expectation of the firm. Firm try to meet set
objectives through marketing for example, frim aim to achieve higher sales, Firm aim to expand its
market, aims to introduce new product, aim to create more awareness among the customers. (BEATTIE,
2019) Discussed the 7 main techniques of marketing. But generic marketing techniques includes;
 Branding
 Relationship marketing
 Growth strategies
 Survival strategies
 Brand building and positioning.
Coca-Cola is among best car seller in Eastern region. Coke has applied Bradding strategies in order to
facilitate its consumers. Another techniques which Coke uses is brand building and positioning. Thorough
branding Coke try to fill the gaps, what they have promised and what they are delivering. From last few
decades Coke trying its best to come up with unique designs in bottles, inside computer system updating
to insure quality and safety features ,now, have become a Coke’s top priorities.
Whereas, Nike believes in relationship marketing and branding, Nike through its emotion advertisement
triggers a more effective outcomes. Nike through messaging keep track on its customers and their needs,
Nike also send them a wishing/greeting messages to realize them their importance.

P2 describe the limitations and constraints of marketing

Answer: This constraints includes different act laws (Trooper, 2011), first one is sales of Goods
Act 1979; states that dealer or seller of that product must mention the description regarding to
stuff, quality and purpose of that item. For example what kind of material company did use
during making that item, quality of that item, and a purpose of that item. Seller of that item must
mention all the detail regarding to that specific item.
Another constraints is Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading; it talks about consumer rights
and safety. According to that law dealer or seller of the item must provide a definition of the
item. Seller must be honest towards its customer and entitle to show a trustworthiness. For
example an online dealer is seller a cloth, so must define the item and provide a customer with
full detail.
Consumer Credit act is a legislation that regulates consumer credit and consumer hire
agreements, this act ensures that these agreements may include personal loans, hire-purchase
agreements, store cards and credit cards. This law requires most businesses that lend money to
customers or offer goods and services on credit or engage on certain credit activities to be
licenced by OFT. Trading without a licence in such cases is a criminal offence and can result in a
fine and/or imprisonment.
Consumer Protection is another constraints; it says that businesses must act in fair means so the
companies must avoid unfair means of transition with consumers. So, companies do not lie to
their customers and must have a fair and transparent mode of transaction.
Distance Selling is another limitation; this act was developed to protect those consumers who
like or prefer to shop online. A lot of consumer’s purchase goods and services online by using
different online modes such as through the mail and over the phone and by using any mobile app.
These are all examples of distance selling. Companies that normally sell its products and services
by above mentioned modes; they have systems in place for trading this way, such as letters and
emails they send to customers they dealt with from a distance. These businesses need to comply
with the consumer protection (Distance Selling) regulations 2000.
Data protection act; consumer related data is stored in computer system by companies, they use
this information for their personal use such as modifying their strategies, ensure the availability
of products, maintain relationship with customers. This act provides a safeguard to consumer’s
data. Firms are responsible for the leakage of any sensitive data and they are responsible to
provide safety to this information.

M1 compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations

Answer: In this section I will discuss the different marketing strategies that Nike and Cola are
suing to appeal their customers and what approach business uses to get information regarding to
their customer’s needs. Different techniques they uses are;
 Branding
 Relationship management
Nike uses the relationship management strategy, in order to keep in touch with its customers and
gets their feedback. It helps Nike to be aware of customer needs and demands and also help Nike
to increase its market share. Relationship with customer increase their satisfaction level and their
loyalty become more effective and long lasting. Whereas, Cola more focus on branding strategy.
Where it makes better branding strategies. It’s a long plan, so to keep brand alive and keep
competitive edge branding strategy really helps.

D1 evaluate the effectiveness of the use of techniques in marketing products in one organisation
Answer: the paper (Saif, 2015) examined the impact of marketing techniques on firm’s
performance. Study found that factors such as promotion, prices and advertisement have a
significant impact on firm. Author (Caroline, 2017) examined the impact of different marketing
strategies on firm, author found a positive and significant impact of different variables on sales
and frim. Author also concluded that promotion strategies cause a positive and significant impact
on firm’s sale; it helps customers to be informed from firm’s products and services. Place
strategy also have a significant impact on sales. Another variable was location-based strategy,
which also place a positive impact on firm’s performance, it helps in removal of barriers. Pricing
strategy helps in gaining more market shares and making new customers profiles.
Empirical evidence supports over view that marketing strategies have significant results on sales,
coca cola’s and Nike’s strategies has made them market leaders in their respective industries and
helped them to earn market portion. That’s why Coke had eliminated the kingship of Thumbs up
in India by takeover (Ghaswalla, 2013).

P3 describe how a selected organisation uses marketing research to contribute to the

development of its marketing plans
Answr: Marketing research is used to improve the quality of the services and goods firm offering
to its customers. It includes improving websites, quality, customer care, processes and operations
within the firm. Nike have improved its services and products by adding variety, and satisfying
the needs of its customers. Market research have two main types, including primary research and
secondary research. Nike conducts primary research through survey and face to face interviews
and by asking to fill questioners from customers. By conducting primary research Nike can
easily get an idea about its customers needed items? What they want? When they want? What
quality do they need? Secondary market research helps in identifying competitors, their market
capabilities, competitive edge by using secondary data. Study (Ehindero, 2013) found that for
developing new product managers should conduct market research, by planning and execution of
research helps the firms to which product to develop, from what market, when to produce and
where it should be produce (location).

P4 use marketing research for marketing planning.

Answer: Study takes a hypothetical data;
 50% want Cola
 60% want white
 40% want new flavour
 20% compliant for a shape of the bottle
 40% prefer coca cola.
 30% complaint for unavailability of cola.
Manger in coke has conducted market research in order to get a better idea of its products. By
conducting SWOT analysis, Manger found that Cola market has lower market shares, because
40% percent prefer coca cola. Manager further concluded that customer are demanding new
flavours. Now Coca-Cola has an open opportunity to introduce new flavour to gain more market
Weakness can also be noticed, 20% compliant for a bottle shape, now coca cola has to improve
its quality but insuring a better quality bottles. Another weakness manager has found that they
have delivery problems. Customers has a w\switching option. To gain more market share cola
has to work on quality and the availability of the cola in a market and also by offering new

M2 explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a

selected organisation’s marketing plans
Answer: (Zaborek, 2015) has discussed an appropriate tools of selecting a proper research and
techniques for market research and discussed some of the limitations in market research.
 Inappropriate training to researchers can lead to misapprehension of questions to be asked
for data collection.
 Many business executives and researchers have ambiguity about the research problem
and its objectives. They have limited experience of the notion of the decision-making
process. This leads to carelessness in research and researchers are not able to do anything
 There is less interaction between the MR department and the main research executives.
This makes ineffectiveness, department have their respondent who carry out the research
on the basis of department.
 MR faces time constraint. They have less time to conduct their research, sometimes it
may lead them to lose first mover advantage.
 Huge cost is involved in MR as collection and processing of data can be costly. It
involves collecting data from a primary source, for that purpose Nike has to design
detailed questioners and has to conduct an interviews. Another reason is that Nike carry
out this research by itself which cost Nike a lot.
 MR is conducted in open marketplace where numerous variables act on research settings.
 Unpredicted consumers; sometimes consumers have no idea about the product which
makes default for Nike to get desired results or data.

D2 make justified recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used to
contribute to the development of a selected organisation’s marketing plans.
 Nike should know its targeted customers. Who are they? Children, infant or adults?
Before analysing Nike should gather enough information regarding to its targeted
 Nike then need to analyse costumer’s information in deep detail; this will help Nike in
their understanding will get better and better which then they can put all that knowledge
into action.
 As on MacDonald failed in several industries such as McHotel. Reason were Mac failed
to deliver its customers with their required needs. There 4 are types of researches
(discussed above) can help Nike to get analyse its customer’s needs. So it’s better for
Nike to conduct research before entering into nay new market
 Today’s world converting itself into new technological age, now Nike has to make itself
up to date for conducting future research.

P5 explain how and why groups of customers are targeted for selected products
Answer: By designing market segmentation Nike and Cola can easily have more market shares.
Both firms divined their customers into different market segmentation in order to get better
understanding of their customers and their needs. These segmentation or approach includes
Demographic segmentation, where Nike divides its customers according to their gender and
ages. Another approach is geographic segmentation, through this Nike and Coca cola determine
their targeted customer’s on the basis of geographical location. Nike does not offer summer
collection in Serbia and Russia. Another targeting strategy is Psychographic segmentation, here
Nike and Cola both emotionally target their customers. National songs and dresses Coca cola
uses in order to attract its customers.
Why they use? Segmentation helps (Koo & Koo, 1997) in getting better understanding of firm’s
customers. It helps managers to get detailed information regarding its customers. this techniques
helps to get feedback regarding the services and products Nike and cola offering, Segmentation
also helps to get feedback about Nike’s and Cola’s new products.

P6 develop a coherent marketing mix for a new product or service.

Answer: Marketing mix helps a Nike and Cola to achieve its objectives by making a unique or
better mix of strategies. Study (Goi , 2009) has discuss the major 4 P’s which combines a
different market strategies in order to gain market shares. Product, place, promotion and price.
Nike and Coca-Cola uses the mix of 4 p’s in order to design their market strategies, they keep
track on it and modify the elements of P’s according to their needs.
Relationship between P’s and SWOT analyse plays a crucial role. Cola and Nike both apply
SWOT analysis on the elements of P’s to get a better results, for example Nike would analyse the
product strength and its weakness, and this would help Nike to get better understandings of its
new product. Nike search for market opportunities of new product and what would be the threats
for new products. That’s why Nike had have made division of Indian market by offering
different products in two different regions.

M3 develop a coherent marketing mix that is targeted at a defined group of potential customers.
Answer: (Goi , 2009) paper concluded the mix of logical market strategies. By using market
segmentation Nike and Coca cola can better use P’s strategies to increase market share, increase
the number of existing potential customers and their needs. Potential customers are loyal to the
products and services both firms are offering. But Nike and Cola may lose their potential
customers by increasing or changing the any of the element of P’s.

BEATTIE, A., 2019. 7 Popular Marketing Techniques for Small Businesses. [Online]
Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/11/small-business-
[Accessed 1 Jun 2019].
Caroline, M. K., 2017. The effect of marketing stratagies on sale performance of small and
medium businesses in Kenya.
Ehindero, M. J., 2013. The Impact of Marketing Research on Product Development.
Ghaswalla, A. N., 2013. No regrets selling Thums Up, says Bisleri chief Ramesh Chauhan.
Available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/no-regrets-selling-thums-up-
[Accessed 2 Jun 2019].
Goi , C. L., 2009. A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?. Internatioanl journal of Marketing
Studies., 1(2009).
Koo, L. C. & Koo, H., 1997. Customer Segmentation through Quality/Service expectation.
Resarch gate, Issue 1997.
Saif, N. M., 2015. How does marketing strategy influence firm performance? Implementation of
marketing strategy for firm success. International Journal of Innovation and Economic
Development, Volume 1, pp. 7-15.
Trooper, S., 2011. Introducing The Basics Of Marketing. [Online]
Available at: http://leahjones321.blogspot.com/2011/12/limitations-and-constraints-of.html
[Accessed 2 Jun 2019].
Zaborek, P., 2015. Elements of Marketing Research. Warsaw School of Economics, Issue 2015.

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