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its em otion s or read its thoughts, divination spells, and the illusion’s p resen ce, the creature can

re can still physically

the ch a rm ed condition. T h e spell even foils wish spells interact w ith the illusion.
and spells or effects o f sim ilar p ow er u sed to affect the
target’s m ind or to gain inform ation about the target. M ir r o r Im a g e
2nd-level illusion
M in o r Il l u s io n
Casting Tim e: 1 action
Illusion cantrip Range: S e lf
Casting Tim e: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 minute
Components: S, M (a bit o f fleece)
T h ree illusory duplicates o f y ou rself appear in your
Duration: 1 minute
space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates m ove with
You create a sou n d or an im age o f an object w ithin you and m im ic your actions, shifting position so it’s
range that lasts for the duration. T h e illusion also ends if im possible to track w h ich im age is real. You can use
you dism iss it as an action or cast this spell again. your action to dism iss the illusory duplicates.
If you create a sou n d, its volum e can range from a Each time a creature targets you with an attack during
w h isper to a scream . It can be your voice, som eon e the sp ell’s duration, roll a d2 0 to determ ine w hether the
else’s voice, a lion’s roar, a beating o f drum s, or any attack instead targets on e o f your duplicates.
other sou n d you c h oose. T h e sou n d continu es unabated If you have three duplicates, you must roll a 6 or
throughout the duration, or you can m ake discrete higher to change the attack’s target to a duplicate. W ith
sou n d s at different tim es before the spell ends. tw o duplicates, you must roll an 8 or higher. W ith one
If you create an im age o f an object—such as a chair, duplicate, you must roll an 11 or higher.
m uddy footprints, or a sm all chest—it m ust be no larger A duplicate’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity m odifier.
than a 5-foot cube. T h e im age ca n ’t create sou n d, light, If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A
sm ell, or any other sen sory effect. P hysical interaction duplicate can b e destroyed only by an attack that hits it.
w ith the im age reveals it to be an illusion, b eca u se It ignores all other dam age and effects. T h e spell ends
things can pass through it. w hen all three duplicates are destroyed.
If a creature u ses its action to exam ine the sou n d or A creature is unaffected by this spell if it ca n ’t see, if it
im age, the creature can determ ine that it is an illusion relies on se n se s other than sight, such as blindsight, or
with a su ccessfu l Intelligence (Investigation) ch eck if it can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.
against your spell save DC. If a creature discern s the
illusion for w hat it is, the illusion b e c o m e s faint to M is l e a d

the creature. 5th-level illusion

Casting Tim e: 1 action
M ir a g e A r c a n e
Range: S e lf
7th-level illusion Components: S
Casting Tim e: 10 minutes Duration: C oncentration, up to 1 hour
Range: Sight
You b e c o m e invisible at the sam e tim e that an illusory
Components: V, S
double o f you appears w here you are standing. The
Duration: 10 days
double lasts for the duration, but the invisibility ends if
You m ake terrain in an area up to 1 m ile square you attack or cast a spell.
look, sound, sm ell, and even feel like som e other sort You can use your action to m ove your illusory double
o f terrain. T h e terrain’s general shape rem ains the up to tw ice your sp eed and m ake it gesture, speak, and
sam e, however. O pen fields or a road cou ld be m ade to behave in w hatever w ay you ch oose.
resem b le a sw am p, hill, crevasse, or som e other difficult You ca n see through its eyes and hear through its ears
or im passable terrain. A p on d can be m ade to seem like as if you w ere located w here it is. O n each o f your turns
a grassy m eadow , a precipice like a gentle slope, or a as a bon u s action, you can sw itch from using its sen ses
rock-strew n gully like a w ide and sm ooth road. to using your ow n, or back again. W h ile you are usin g its
Similarly, you can alter the ap pearan ce o f structures, sen ses, you are blin ded and deafened in regard to your
or add them w here n one are present. T h e spell d oesn ’t ow n surroundings.
disguise, con ceal, or add creatures.
T h e illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and M is t y St e p

olfactory elem ents, s o it can turn clear ground into 2nd-level conjuration
difficult terrain (or v ice versa) or oth erw ise im pede Casting Time: 1 bon u s action
m ovem ent through the area. A ny p iece o f the illusory Range: S e lf
terrain (such as a rock or stick) that is rem oved from the Components: V
sp ell’s area disappears immediately. Duration: Instantaneous
Creatures w ith truesight can see through the illusion
Briefly su rrou nded by silvery m ist, you teleport up to 30
to the terrain’s true form ; however, all other elem ents
feet to an u n occu p ied sp ace that you can see.
o f the illusion rem ain, s o w hile the creature is aw are o f

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