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1. CAD stands for— (@) Computer Automatic Design (b) Computer Aided Decode (©) Computer Automatic Decode (@) Computer Aided Design Ans. (@, {SSC CGL Aug. Exam 2014] Expl:- Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computet Programs to create two-or three-dimensional (2D of 3D) graphical representations of physical objects, CAD software may ‘be specialised for specific applications. CAD software replaces ‘manual drafting with an automated process. CAD systems ‘The Unix operating system Is generally known a+ (0) Multi User Operating System (0) General Application (©) Single User Operating System ) (A) Single User Application Program ‘ Ans. (a) Exph- Unix (UNIX for the trademark) is a multitasking, Multi User Computor Operating System that exists in many variants, ‘The original Unix was developed at AT & T's Bell Labs rescorch centre by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and others. From the Power user's or programer’s perspective, Unix systems are characterised by a modular design that is sometimes called the "Unix Philosophy’, means the OS provides a set of simple tools that each perform @ limited, well-defined funetion, with a unified filesystem as the main means of communication and shell scripting and coramand language to combine the tools to perform complex workflows, 3. Inthe feta of internet, WWW stands for= (@) World Wide Wrestling (©) World Wide Web (©) World Wide Wordstar (4) World Without Wresting Ans. (b) [SSC (10*2) Nov. Exam 2014] Exph- WWW stands for World Wide Web, The World Wide Web is 8 system of intemet servers that support specially formated documents. The documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (Hyper Test Mark up Language) that supports sto other documents, as well as graphics, audio and video Tis means one can jump ftom one document to another sy by clicking on hots Publication Pvt. Ltd, [SSC CGL Aug, Exam 20141” 4c Which appllentio * gw internet? (@) Operating system (©) We browse, (@) Microsoft word @) System sony, nts uted fOr accestng yg ing me, Ans. (2) web browser (commonly refered to ayy ae ‘ ee for retrieving, presenting and COR) tern resources on the World Wide Wop. ang "vg ® ‘rrouree is identified by # Uniform Resourey Tana URL) and May bea web pase, Image, video or gga (nd content. Hyperlinks present in resources enable yg Pte stvigne their browsero to related resources, Tye Sy Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chm ‘Unsorted|transiction that can be used ¢9 Is called as— mn ay (Direct database access (©) Sequential database access (©) Alternate database access (@) Instance database access ‘Ans. (@) {SSC COL July Exam 2, al i Ta Direet daubase access, we can randony a data from the database, There is no need 1g w ‘a sequence, tay 6 Which Is not an extension of & pleture ayy bal} computer (jpeg (©) png © if (@) smdo Ans. @) {SSC CPO July Exam 2014 Expl- andb isnot an extension ofa picture file ona db is a database file used by microsoft Access, Though Acvess is tied info the MicrosoM Office, Mpg ‘Access ow format, which base on the Acces Jet Dang Engine. 7. Anibble is equal to bits. comput @ 4 () 8 © 6 @ 2 Ans, -(a) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2013) Expk- A nibble is a4 bits aggregation. It contains 4 Bia; Gam are 16 (24) possible values, s0 a nibble is equal toa singe hexadecimal digit, ©) Looping (@) Compiting [SSC CGL Exam 2013] ) [SSC (14a) aa A a Ra Exam 2013 2 and te avs of the image 2 4 get inch. This type of printer canny 1S Abromeris x software eter at sme. © Toad ow ina LAN waste generated by and lye ©) Tologinios e ° mee Personal computers i a hia uet ina LAN Posialwase ©) Computer vaste (Nong ofthaabéve @ Bees © Pomme Aa Oy el [SSC MTS Exam, 2013} ee 3 at od lecwone waste (cht, paws a ype af) Wide Web ee cnuld enter the Waste seam, computer) | PD refers to > Wy, Digital Video Developer, (><)? \LG (e)_ Digital Video Device -. \K In MS-Word, Replace option comes under the menu. (©) Digital Video Dise) (®) View (b) File (@ None of the above (©) Insert @ Bait Ae Go [SSC MTS Exam, 2013] Expl In MS-Word, .comes under the edit menu. ‘1%, CPU refers to- (©) Cental Processing Unit ©) Control Program Unit (©) Cental Program Unit @ 6 &) 8 (4 Control Program Usage @ 0 @2 Ans. (a) [SSC MTS Exam, 2013] ; 18, Which ofthe following Is an impact printer? (a) Astorage device — (0) A processor (®) Laser printer (@)._Daisy wheel printer (9 Apor type (© A serial bus standard (©) Inet printer (4) Bubblesjt printer an (SSCMTS Exam,2013] Ans, (®) ‘ {SSC COL Exam 2013] 13. USB refers to- ‘Expl An iaipact printer is @ type of printer that operates bY sting ato plats ead pie ink tbo Do-at Identify the odd term amongst the following eroups- (8) Microwaves (@) Coaxial cable (©) Optical fibre (© Wwisted pair wire Ans. (a) [SSC CGL Exam 2013] Rips Costa cable, opal Sire and vised pa wire ‘medium for the waves and microwaves a = transfering the waves 20, What type of Information System would be recognised by digital ctreuits? (2) Only Roman System (b) Hexadecimal System (© Binary System (4) Bothaandb Ans. (@) {SSC CGL Exam 2013] ‘Expl:- Digital circuits represent signals by discrete bands of analog levels, rather than by a continuous range. All levels within a band represent the same signat state, digital ial recognised bth hexadecimal and binary Informatin 2 Provider (ISP) in India in terms of market share (b ‘on subscriber base) with 9.97 million? @ MINL (©) Bharti Aine (© BSNL @ Hatway C. os esse ‘Expl:- BSNL (9.97 million) broadband subscriber with continues to lead the table of top 5 intemet service providers followed by Bharti Airtel (1.4 million), MINL (1.10 million), Hathway (0:37 million) and You Broadband (0.22 millioa). ~ ‘Sh, The expansion of RDBMS Is— Both the ALU and Control Section hayg, 74 forage locaton clled- may ) Acura, ™, (o) Registers (© Bus @) Addre Ans. (9) {SSC (io) ‘od control sect 2 a ie pee Cetera Nt vailable a8 a part of ACPU of other ea 35, A translator for the assembly language u language I a: ny (a) Assembler ©) Compiter (Interpreter © Linker ‘Ans. (8) SC (lO E,, rare “PARAM Ip Xo) Pune (a) Chennai fo Bergan, @) Kola (a) Repuirable Database Management Sytem, (b). Relational Database Management System (@). Relational Database Memory System (@)_ Recurring Database Memory System ‘Ans. (0) (SSC (1042) Exam, 2 ~The Reftional Database Management Syricn Database Management System that isbidontenaa) 22, Telnet isa (@) Browser (@) Protocol 28. Abugin-a program Is- (©) Gateway (@ Search engine (@ Statement ©) Entor ‘Ans. (0) [SSC (10 +2) Exam 2012] (9 Symax (@) Both *b’ and 'e Expi= Telnet is a network protocol that allow the users 10] Ans. (b) (SSCFCI Exam ny connect to remote computers over a TCP/IP network, Fae A aga propane ever whi cae ap 23. The term ODBC stands for- to crash or produce invalid result (@) Object Database Communication 29, Which one of the following allows computers to tran (©) Open Database Communication data using a telephone line ? (©) Open Database Connectivity (@) Keyboard © oy (@) Object Database Connectivity (©) Modem (@ Printer Ans. (¢) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2012] Ans. (c) [SSC FCI Exam 201, Expk= Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard application program interface for accessing Database ‘Management System (DBMS). Expl A modem isa device tat enables a computer o tans] data overa telephone line or cable fine Y ye Program that oj, ” rrepares them for execugg tm lie (SSC CGL Exam 2012} mh . - reegittteaRt, the formatting character should be a by the symbol Firmware © e © Neto © %° ® : fe E88, ia {SSC CGL Exam 2012] i+ Character ‘is used a ible, The fl is for listing the values of control “a bug in ® PrOBram is alan — % define the format of| Sy Statement © Ene 38 ABit refers to | @ sym. @ Bath a 2 Binary informatics (b) Bilingual information (©) Binary termintvor’(" (4) Binary digit ans (CS ANE cnn oo e201 Exp "A"Bit refers to binmy Gg Wm te bale oat a] a Gand 7 Computing. Abitan have only one ofthe values 39 (@) Distance learning (b) Online banking Bap 202 (©) E-commerce (4). Multimedia () . [SSC Constable (GD) Exam, 2012] are picture commands, object that represents a file, ory Which one of the following yc MH ommand? ey aS MS-008 exteral @ DR \Qo Cory (FORMAT ce ihr 40. The act of writing new data into regster— 7) pie (©) Is possible only when the register san accumulator a (102) Exam 2012) (©) Is possible only when the register is an accumulator or ‘Exph- FORMAT is an MS-DOS ‘extemal Gor command used to format Grmand, 1 a ee ash die. ont tps pation on iar instruction register (6) Erase the previous contents ofthe register 35, Anaddress consists of- (4) _Isnon-destructive to existing contents Al (a) Anoffset (©) Atase register ns. (b) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2012] (©) Amindex register (4) All of the above ans, (0) (S8C(10+2) Exam 2012) 4. Bapl:- An address consists ofan oftel a base nga ad a (a) Jacdisk (b) Super disk index ‘register. To identify location of a data. (©) Worm disk (@) Zip disk 36. Av» is an input device, whieh is used for converting Ans. (€) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2012) pictures, maps and drawings * into dlgltal form for storage in computers. Expl:- Worm disk is an optical disk. It stands for write-once, read-many, With a worm disk drive, you can write data into @) OC () OMR ‘worm disk, but only once. After that the worm disk bebaves jast (©) MICR (@) Digitizer like a CD-ROM. rograms and datatobe used by, N 7 42, The term API refers to- oe "hy ® lication Program Interface it Ont o Moisios een als (ose o ioe, (©) Applied Program interaction (©) Storage [ssc (@)_ Application Process Interface Ans. (0) FCI Bian ‘Ans, (a) (SSC(10+2)Exam20121 TEE Expl: A Programm Interface (API) le aa application| | by be poets ‘specifies ea aes toftoure comp-| | 10k id tags dis; th 43. A3.Sinch floppy disc ean store... dats, oar HTML, #1 TY the eal te n- (8) 14 bytes (b) 1.44 MB .) Black colour (b) Background (© 144KB @® Lop e pold (® Bright Ans. (0) [SSC (10+2)Eeam2012] ‘i {SSC FCI Ean 9 . ns, 0 ~ 44, lek the odd one out— TFA jatntion with tis tag 15 10 marcy (ext ag boig (®) Javacticnts (®) Worms ying any extra. Lice (©) Trojan horse @ Virus ‘50, Which of the Yoll6wing ls not 2 hardware? ‘Ans. (a) (SSC (1042) Exam2012] (a ef) Paine enue @ Java v ” ISSCFCI Eso p « : P Interface. te — ‘several computer software - Tava iva sot of Products) 45, The rate at which scanning is repented In a CRTs EPP ITE 4 sytem for developing aplication son called- . ious wine cose i mee (®) Reftesh rate (8). Resolution iis (©) Hpitch (@) Bandwidht (a) Database programs Ans. (a) A [SSC(10 #2) Exam 2012) (©) Word processors TExpli- The refesh rate the numberof times a displays image] (¢)_ Spreadsheets is repainted or rteshed per scond, Iti expresied in Hert.) 4)Compiters is also refeered asthe scan rate, 46, The symbols used In sn assembly language are— Ans. (@) {SSC Fet2o1q, Tapli= The Syricm software is « type of computer propa (@) Codes (0) Mnemonics is designed to run a computers hardware and appli (©) Asenber ———() Mashine Codes le ens Comple eugper ‘Ans. (b) [SSC FCI Exam 2012] | utilities etc. vi ‘52, When a group of computers I connected together Ted to define or ral aren without the help of telephone lines cae Expli- Ammnemonies ia tern, symbol or name % specify a computing function In assembly language, mnemonics 5 are ied to specify an opcode to represens a compe and (@) Remote Communication Network (RCN) operational machine language instruction. (©) Local Area Network (LAN) 47, ‘The NOSHADE attribute In HTML (©) Wide Area Network (WAN) (8) Defines the thickness ofthe line (6) Value Added Network (VAN) wy Displays = bi in red . ‘Ans. (0) . {SSC MTS Exam, 2012, Depart ie ee aah gy Tupi When a goupof computers are connected ine walla (4) Displays the Example in red such as home, school or office building using network media, Ans. (b) [SSC FCI Exam 2012] J ahis network is called Local Area Network (LAN). The most TEipl-No sade altribute create a fiat look solid line Tedisplays| | widely used LAN technology is the Ethemet and itis specied the line in red ina standard called IEEE 802.3. (4), Abii nteipenge (0) YOO IH erg @ ‘Vacuum tubes i “ generation compu e aah 1 intelligence, Very tat © Waal ao att gate, Vist Sa Teg Bie] FenocaDigiat Asssant ge tubes are the base of et genet Bdvanceg se, VES, ® Personal Development Agency here 4065 a computer ggg —eeeeetpag |) Personal Dea autorny (4) Personal Data Array ‘Ans. (a) = . om Cd () Memory Chip yy crea, te ins (2) Floppy Disk {SSC (10 +2) Exam 2011] oral Digial Asian’ (PDA) & a term for any infocmaton hand-held device that provides computing and business woe 18* 34 tetsicval capabilites for personal ot The letter G used in 2G Spec Sands for (a) Governance ©) Gees © (©) Generation @ Sie 4 Any. oS Modem is a device used for connecting 2 computer by & 'elsphone line, consisting of modulation that ghals into audio signals and a c Double is a data type * Abug in a program is a/an— (2) Statement (©) Enor : cy (a) Primitive wa =) ; - (System defined onl Ke (9) Signance (@ Both ‘bande » AR oma) [SSC (1042) Exam 2011] 423 (1042) Exam 2011) Expl Abog i ogra sma er which causes ropa oF produce invalid result 8 DOSise (@) Direct Operating System (©) Dual Operating System ised for previse Values such as cu 7, Today, most ofthe computers avaliable arg (2) 3rd generation computers . © Disk Operating System (b) 4th generation computers . @ Diakup Operating System (©) Sth generation computers Ans. (9° {SSC (10+2) Exam 2011] (@) 6th generation computers (@) 8bits (&) I2bits 58, A high-speed network that connect city or town, nnect local netwerls ina a) gig, (@ 2bits () LAN © MAN ‘Ans. (@) {SSC (10 +2) Exam 2011] () WAN (® TAN Ans. (0) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2011) Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication Pvt | id aii 64. The Small and cheap computers built Into several home 8 sie sappllances are of which type? en ait: (Mainframes (b) Mini Computers 70, ATMs the abb icin (©) Micro Computers (4) None ofthe above (9) Automatic Teller Mact® “aurmated Teller Machine Ans, () {SSC (1042) Exam 2011) 0) 65, Whats the process of defining tables? (2) Data definition (b) Data normalisation (©) Index definition (4) Data administration Am ©), [SSC (10+2) Exam 2011} 74, Where was India's first computer Installeg? - - an lstnate of Technology, Delhi [Expl The process of defining tables im relational database (a) Indian stint of Tec called index definition, : (o) Indian Instn of Ssiene, Bangalore 66, Which of the following is an Example of a database ~~) Indian ipmtgndsSeel Company Limied, Bung ae (@)_ Indian Stasi Insie, Caleuta is % il Organiser ©) Paradox mo 4 (SSCCOL Een, (©) Quattro pro (@ Corel draw “ia a apa HARI Oe Ts Soe Ans. (a) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2011) 2 Calta in 1956. It was the frst computer ian [Expl A database manager i & set of computer program, tat] | provides basic databate management functionalities including |° 57 wat isthe commonly used unit for messuring ge ‘creation and maintenance of database, Av" of data transmission? Peed iser do the function such as address book and calender. (@) Mega Hertz (b)_ Characters per secong 67, What are the signals that inform the Operating System (© Bitspersecond (4) Nano seconds hat some ativty has taken place? ><) eile ISSCCGL Exam a) (©) Informers &) Taugrupts? | (© Events ~) Pugs : ‘Ans. (@) Qu So? [SSC (1042) Exam 2011) peeds b p Papi Handlesare thosignals that inform the Operating System] 73. In which of the following areass a spreadsheet softwar, that some activity has taken place, amore useful? (©) Publishing | (a) Psychology (© Statistics (@) Message sending (SSC CGL Exam 2011) 68. Virus in a computer is s— (8) Chemical that attacks siicon (b) Micro-organism that disturbs integrated circuits Ans. © (©) Programs that damages the computer software (@)_ Noe of the above Ans. (6) [SSC (10+2) Exam 2011] Exph-A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate 74, AGroupware is 2- iself and spread from one computer to another without your (@ Harivare (0) Nework peer ares . SN eee oie (® Firmware 69. Alta Vista ls a~ Ans, © [SSC CGL Exam 2011) (3) Program (b). Software (©) Browser (@ Search engine Ans. (d) [SSC (10 +2) Exam 2011] Expl A Groupware i also called collaborative software refers to programs that help people work together collectively| hile located remotely from cach other. outlook is a isn eho wi = eee all mplicain, bu cect LEAKS, whistleblower, fh Tension bated i 'SSS Cot Beam 29 4 jails te an We ae ‘whistleblower organisation ‘ca, ein, nes els a aig bles E ikileaks does not have ta from anonymous ay based in Sweden,” Sl hedge, ‘a parallel port is most often uj ae ye (@) Mouse as ‘ ISSCCGL Exam 2011 parle por i ued to connes nonber of pnt, Sanne, DIWOFK adap, Bui = ets ‘9, The rst operational electronic digial compaterig Used (a) ENIAC (b) EDVAC (9 EDSAC @ uNac ans. (8) {SSC Stenogrepher Exam 2011] DTPstands for— (@) Daily Text Printing (b) DeskTop Publishing (© Desk Top Printing (4) Daily Text Publishing as. (0) [SSC Stenographer Exam 2011] ee a ee a ae ee ee | a. Wy — ® f he following snot x computer network? 5 Wide rea Nework (6) Loeal Area Network the % Personal Network (4). Metropolitan Area Network * {SSC MTS Exam, 2011} ES: Compaer fod WAN teced crak can be classified lata LAN, MAN erwort P24 Upon the area of ther connectviy, Personal aie ©) 168 (©) 1MB @ 1KB [SSS 10 +2) Exam 2010] ‘science, there is only two Binary digits Le.,0 ‘and units are calculated in 2n, Where is number Tho is used es'2 symbol to 1000, in computer 1 fi. = les 1024, 1024 {i.e., 210). So, 1 KB =1 x 1024 By ay “Ted ttim VEC-XP refers, (3) Penal Computer External Technology (0) Personal Computer Extended Technology (©) Personal Computer Expanded Technology (® Personal Computer Embeded ‘Technology Ans (b) {SSC (10+2) Exam 2010] Expk- IBM, @ ‘Weveloper Tunched beeen Teneo y OCT) as it carried many new and exteaded features ke har disk, more memory, CGA graphic card and gtd of| from its earier version. 34. ENIAC was (©) Anclectraic calculator (©) Anclectronic computer (©) Anmemory device (© Anengine Ans. (0) {SSSC (10 +2) Exam 2010} 85. One byte consists of- (@) Ibit (b) A bits (©) Bbits (@) 10bits ‘Ans. (€) [SSC (10 +2) Exam 2010} sae 86, An intelligent terminal (8) Has a microprocessor, but cannot be programmed by the user (®) Can process small data processing jobs, with the use of * alarge CPU (©) _ Interacts with the user in English (4) Cannot take data from the user Ans, 0) [SSC CGL Exam 2010} well as sending data and recei 87. The Processors speed of a computer is measured in— (BPS MPs (© Baud @ Hens Ans. (b) [SSC CGL Exam 2010] Fxpl:- Processors speed of « computer is measured in Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) because the processors work is to give instructions. Higher the MIPS of processor than more efficient the p or. 88. C language is a— ws (@) Low level language aly (b) High level language A +f ge (©) Machine level languages. > (@ Assembly leveL Ianguagé [SSC CGL Exam 2010) Ans. (b) [Bxpl:- C is high level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in Bell Laboratory °C’ considering the change it has brought in programming and the later more powerful and developed versions borrowing from it, gave it the status of mother of ig languages. 89. Window 7, the latest Operating System from Microsoft Corporation has Indian languages fonts. ~ @ 14 (b) 26 ©” @ 4% Ans. (d) [SSS CGL Exam 2010] Expl:- Considering the ever growing IT industry in India and reaching it in every nook of the country. Microsolt when launched Window 7, itadded many of the local languages fonts of India to reach itto 49 Indian languages fonts. 90, Ina 14” TV or computer monitor, the dimension of 14” stands for- (3) The length ofthe sereen (by, The brent ofthe seeen y (¢)_ The agonal ofthe ren (4) The maxon length of he eeey [ ISSC s4g ay Gancaion of televisions wea ee a sold have been calculated «Uae So, pen the shape changed to Now, when Ans. (0) ji, Who iscaled the Father of Computer 7 (a) Charles Babbage (0) Stephen Hawking (9 WGGrece (@) John Lenton Ans. 0) {SSC lnvestigni Ban, =. Charles Babbage gave the concept of 24 Baer he st ie and also invented he ey =D ree So, he is termed a Tater of compu Sag go, Whats soe? fatigious technique oftricking web tal normation fa cevie that sends and receives data in, (A form of computer engineering (@ A digital press that is used 10 dspay ig monitor 78 nae, Crt Ans. (a) esc) CPO Exam 2 Taps The wa Expl Teletext is a television information raieval saves sare Cs Ifa CD-ROM is ead at the same sped gy) Teletext means of sending text and diagrams to a property| | CD, the data tmnsfer rate is 150 kbytes, commonly refs equipped television sereen by use of one ofthe vertical blanking |- | as IX. By increasing the specd at which the discs spin, ya} interval lines that together form the dark band dividing picture | | be transferred at greater rates. d horizontally on the TV sereen, 11, Which ofthe following ereul I used as Memon am 106, ‘The Processing of a datafile to reduce sid for storage in computers? Mee on disk is termed— 1 (@) Rectifier (®) Flip-Flop (®) Aroplification (6) Reduétion (©) Comparator (@) Attenuator (©) Compression \.)_(@)>Rarefaction ‘Ans. @) ESSCCGL Em 2m Ans. (@) } [SSC.CGL Exam 2004] Tapir Flip Flop con be wed for sorag6 oF memo aay Fp Fop rah na cat tat es 2 ble sates Tc the circuit can be change by signal applied to 1 or more conga '- Compression is the processing of a datafile to reduce ils size for storage on disk. Itallows users (o make one or more files into a smaller zip file, isnot reckoned 107. What is an organisation's introductory web page called? 112. Which ofthe following is not reckoned as a value sggeg telecommunication service? oie Oa (®) Electronic Mail (b) STD a o ‘hones alias ana (© FAX (@) Radio-Paging Service ns, (S8CCGLEam 2003] Seg Expl:- An organisations introductory web page is called home ;page, The first page that appears upon to open a web browser Program, which is also called start page, index page or main, ‘Expl Value-added telecommunicaton services provides vag] addition tothe customers information by enhancing is fer content or by providing for its storage and retrieval. Fax is not value added service. 113. The basic application of an AND gate in computers iy for- (@) Addition (©) Substraction (©) Multiplication @_ Division 108. The first computer language developed was- () COBOL (b) BASIC fc) FORTRAN (@) PASCAL Ams. (c) [SSC SO Exam 2003] Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication Pvt. Ltd, "8 Taormation Te ® « *hnology Is the combination of ® ‘ing, business and communications Business, intemet and software © Mice @ Am (@) Database management, communications and iteret lectronies, computing and communications [SSC Matric Level Exam 2002] Exph-tTisthe Sthecomt iaeaseton ec, become se age tema pets whe 19, ‘How much data does a standard foppy disk hold? @ site ©) 144 MB (© 20mp as ¢ a {SSC CCL Esa (® 168 7 ey 4 ee ore yc te inp ~ = {SSC Matric Level Exam 2002] system : sph : peo So mal betwen ‘ser on diffe ja 73 Di Floppy disks tas diferent dau holding capacities upon the type of floppy di 440 KB etc, But, the mos floppy disks, Such as 720 KB 1 5 st standard and common floppy dis bei teed have 1440 KB ie, 44 MB of data stone ca =" 120, (©) Magnetic Necdle it teetronis “device that produces sounds from pe paxEl i sound Cad (@ Graphics Cart ’ yee 1 min ile isa ISSC Man (ch QSinttsiser (6) Scanner ye Level Exam/20q)) °,). 6) Speake iam is writen over a CDROM G Ue * Sard ee eae icrscopie lve. When paca 888 ses of ® [SSC Matric Level Exam 2002] aenit) B aed beam makes a specific asses over| [Expl-Asynibe ———_ ¢ refiected bee “ES & Specific pattern as it Synthesiser generates electric signals which is converted. swe over dik a9 ore eee of sun og heaves ee light. So, i convened ee t=BIn| | isan electronic instrument capable of producing wide rango of ie be this readable. ‘to binary | Lsignals and hence, wide range of electronic sound. ou undergo a CAT scan then, 21. A technique for producing in which one im: me a nr oa @ AComputer aided test (a) Embedding (b) Linking ® A Computerised axial topography (©) Morphing (@) Scanning (@ AComputer aided tomography Ans. (0) [SSC Matric Level 2002) (4) A Computerised axial tomography ~ ¢ es y Expl Morphing sa technique of special effect in pictares and as. @) [SSC Matric Level Exam 20021 | Snimation which seamlessly transit one image into another. It is Gis CAT sean stands for Computerised ANAL T = bobo) fantasy and imaginery sequcnce in an animation | fsch is an imaging procedure to produce images of pars of| 122, 1 ie eas ofthe body wil the hl of . Information in a combination of graphics, text, sound | ee ‘omputer-provessed Video and animation is called 117, Microsoft Power Point isa software designed terrace) Miltiprogram ——(b)_ Mutifacet (@ Intemet Browsers (b) Data Bases (© Multimedia (4), Mutiprocess (©) TextDocuments (4) Multimedia Presentations 8 © SSC Matte Level Bitte 2007] ‘Multimedia is a combination of different kind of | information so thatthe single outcome is most effective at the user end. IW enhances the quality of information from its predecessor versions which are distinctive and isolated from cach other, ans. 8) {SSC Matric Level Exam 2002} Expl MS Power Point is used to design, edit, crate mulimeda] esetations which comes in slides and can use features like gapties, animations, sounds ete to enhance the quality end effectiveness of the presentation, | Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication Pvt. Ltd. 495

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