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An Outline of Portuguese Contact with India

Portuguese history is the major part in this World history. Portuguese power is very
dominant In India and Kerala also. Advent of the Portuguese Beneficial to all over the world
to find sea route. Present day the historians are greatly interested to study about Portuguese
history research in various Portuguese sites. In the later middle ages there emerged in Europe
a new mercantile class it was constituted by the aristocratic families of Italy. Spain and
Portugal. This new class had wealth and spirit of enterprise. They were eager to trade with the
east. They supported the national monarchs of Europe with men, money and material. It
helped the national monarchs to reduce their dependence upon medieval feudal lords. The
national monarchs provided them with all facilities for trade with the east. They encouraged
oceanic explorers to find out new route and new lands. Prince Henry of Portugal set up
school for navigators. He was popularly known as "Henry the navigator" these school
designed new types of ship. Suitable for long distance journey carrying big cargo. They
explored west coast of Africa and reached up to the Cape of Good Hope. The navigators were
helped by new inventions mariners compass, askolable and cartographic techniques. Further
more invention of gun power and canen gave them an upper hand in the wear against their

In the Middle Ages trade between east and west was carrier on through the Persian
Gulf and the red sea. The Arab merchants and sailors' one side and Italian on the other
controlled most of the euro-Asian trade. The commodities from the east were spices, silk,
cotton, fabrics, jewels, porcelain and other precious stones. The spices were used meat, fish,
wine and pastry to enhance their taste. Stories about the fabulous wealth of east thrilled the
merchants. This was confirmed by macro polos travelogues. This description of the central
Asian route as a result of the conquest of Constantinople by the ottoman Turks. In 1453
forced them to concentrate more on overseas trade. As stated earlier trade was monopolized
by the Arab merchants and sailors.
When the Europeans entered the overseas trade with the east they had to confront the
Arabs. Fierce battles were fought in the Indian Ocean for the trade monopoly mainly between
the Arabs and Portuguese.

1492 Columbus of Spain set out tO reach India but he reached America instead in 1494.

In our research we discuss the arrival of Portuguese in Malabar especially

cannanore and Calicut. The landing of vasco da Gama at Calicut. In May 1498 marked the
beginning of a new epoch in the history of Kerala. The main object of discovering new trade
route to India and expanding trade with the orient; through the immediate object of the
Portuguese was the expansion of trade, They entertained in course of time grand vision of
building up an empire in India by -bringing the local powers under subjection. These
exploration successfully connected the different continents an paved way for growth of a
global commercial economic system. The Indian sub continent including Kerala was
transformed to an integral pant of the world marketing system this was the beginning of a new
phase in the history of Kerala


The intention of the arrival of Portuguese at Cannannore and Calicut was to capture
the monopoly of trade.

Aims and objective of the study

The general objectives of the project is to study the Portuguese contact with Kannur & calicut

 To study the influence of. Portuguese in Indian ocean

 To study the arrival of foreigners
 To study the effect of Portuguese entry in Kozhikode and Kannur
 To study the struggle between kunhali and Portuguese

Scope of the study

The discovery of a new sea route to India, by Portuguese opened a new era in the history of
Trade, navigation and in the history of world. The arrival of the Portuguese to India changed
the social, cultural and economic surroundings. The rules and regulation of Portuguese made
a revolutionary change in the life of rural people.


There are various kinds of methodology used for the study is mainly qualitative or the
descriptive and analytical data are used for the study. Primary and secondary data are used for
the study. Primary data is interview. The secondary data is obtained through the analysis of the
books on history of Portuguese and other books and also websites. The sources gave lot of
details about the research topic. This method and techniques give valuable information about
the arrival of Portuguese that can be used for the study.

Review of literature

The following are the major sources used in the topic 'Portuguese contact with Kannur and
Calicut', "A survey of kerala history" and "Keralacharitham" (Malayalam) by A Sreedhara
Menon, in this book give details of arrival in Portuguese in kannur and Calicat. "Portuguese
Indian ocean European Bridgeheads written by Dr. K S Mathew". "History of Kerala" by Rajan
Gurukal and Raghavavariyar in this book give details about the conflict between Marakar and


The study is related with the arrival of Portuguese in Kannur and Calicut in the 15th century.
The topic or title is divide in to four chapter including introduction and conclusion.

The first chapter deals with the "Introduction" part of research topic.

The second chapter "The conquest of Indian ocean by the first Portuguese fleet" The third
chapter "The conquest of Kerala by Portuguese"

The fourth chapter "Effect of Portuguese contact."

The fifth chapter "Great Marakkar"

The sixth chapter deals with the last part of research is "Conclusion."

The conquest of Indian Ocean by the first Portuguese fleet

The arrival of the Portuguese in the medieval city of Calicut in 1498, in an organized effort for
trade and commerce political expansion and religious solidarity with the Christianity in the east
Indies was an epoch making event not only in the Asiatic history but also that of Europe it was
the inauguration of new historical forces which in the long run had far fetching impact on nations
and nationalities under the process of formation. The region like Malabar with their traditional'
kingdoms were exposed to the European expansion and colonial aspirations in this context a
tiny state of Western Europe, namely Portugal emerged as an important sea faring nation at the
end of 15th century. Its inventions particularly related to trans- oceanic navigation, in matters like
heavy tonnage of the Vessel, mariners compass, cartography of world and oceans made her to

achieve the credit for discovering new sea route. Although the achievements of Vasco da gama

were given laudable appraisals in all European textbook related to colonial expansion, his route
was not so significant one as perceived in search text books. The voyage up to caps of good hope,
the southern point of Africa, was effect earlier by Diaz and his companies. The eastern coast of Africa
had already established trade links with western coast of India even earlier as 12th century. "Therefore
the advent of the Portuguese on Malabar coast was not a significant event as seen in the colonial
text books. But this advent by the Portuguese became significant due to the development of
historical forces which had taken place following that event" I. Malabar was the major territorial
region which had witnessed such historical developments

The renaissance and the protestant reformation, the geographical exploration of the 15th
and 16th centuries had a great effect on the course of history. Before those exploration, there was
contact between western and oriental countries, but this was through land. It was difficult to cover
vast distance through mountains and deserts. And brave and adventurous travelers took a long
time. Sometimes even the major part of their lives to reach their destination.
I Pius Malekantathil and T Jamal Mohemmed (edited)' Portueguese Indian Ocean and
European Bridgeheads' p.111

In the later middle ages, bold and enterprising men of Europe sailed in the unknown seas and
discovered new sea router and new continents

Owing to the relatively early expulsion of the moors from Spain, political stability, and
comparative peace, Portugual was the better placed than any other European nation to take a
lead in making geographical explorations. "As the natural resources of Portugal were poor.
The Portuguese were looking forward overseas for the lack of exploration, trade and

The oriental country is where rich and the European traveler who visited them gave
glowing accounts of the fabulous wealth. In the middle ages in the crusader brought about a
closer contact between the cristianians and Muslims Christians were eager to improve their
standard of living by earning more. This was possible by enlarging commercial contract with
the oriental countries, trade profit would be huge only if European were able to discover new
sea routes.

Consumers in European countries expressed a strong demand for oriented

commodities. Particularly the demand for Asian spices and slaves was great. And to meet this
demand European sailors and traders were working ceaselessly. The temptations of the east
like silk from china, pepper and cinnamon and other precious stones from the India and
weapons from Muslim cities made the Europeans brave death. Their was a great demand for

The capture of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, by the ottoman
Turks was one of the most important factors prompting the discovery of new sea routes
and new countries. The Turks were not tolerant and liberal minded like the Arabs,
their predecessors. They would not easily allow the European merchants to pass through
the countries under their control. For centuries trade was carried to East through three

1) The northern routes passing through central Asian to the Caspian sea and
the black sea
2) The central route passing through the Persian Gulf across the river
Euphrates to Syria and the black sea cost.

2 Ibid,112
3) The southern route along the red sea, and passing overland to the Nile
and northern Egypt.

The pioneering coork or Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal [1394-1460]

the son of king John of Portugal was responsible for the great discoveries made by the
Portuguese sailors. "The advantageous location of Portugal on the Atlantic sea board
was fully exploited by Henry, who founded a school of navigation. Prince Henry
never knew that the Dark Continent was as large as it was later discovered by explores.
By the time of his death his sailors had sailed only about half the was of America
along the western coast." 3 The Portuguese explorer coast of Africa and reached the
southern tip of the continent in 1486. He named the cape of storms as he and his sailors
were caught a dangerous storm, but the king of Portugal renamed it as the cape of good
hopes. As it gave a deficit hope of discovering or sea route to the east. He ideal in 1500
in a storm off the African coast on a voyage leol by Cabral who discovered Brazil

The fleet under to command of Vasco Da Gama what was transmitted to the captain
major and his men about the seas that they would be navigating after the infant river it
is reasonable to ask, these questions since the moment of departure corresponds to
the conformation between what is known and under control, and the expectation
the surrounds what is unknown and is being aimed at in other word, it is in the light
of what known at time of departure that one can measure the expectations of the
navigators and the success of their enterprise.

Unfortunately this is a matter on which we do not have any conclusive data, for
as Lusis adao da fan sea remarks vasco da gama has instruction on what the has to
do, he carriers instructions but one known nothing about its contents. Finally, one is not
aware if Aivaro velho would have had access to all the information that vasco da gama
had what would he really have know about the destination of the voyage besides the
vague information that they were heading for India yet there is a whole set of data
scattered in the source that allow us to appraise when the explorers faced total darkness
and when they had some shade of knowledge on the seas and coasts they were crossing.
Let us look at the attempts together information on the Indian Ocean made by the
Portuguese kings before Gama's departure. "How did the entry into the gulf of guinea arouse the
viand hope of a sea route up to the indians a similar hope would surface again at the time of the
arrival in acango around 1482-84.'4

It is important to note the various mentions about the movement of persons from the
Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. True, there are no records of movements in the opposite
direction but it u not farfetched to assume that they might have taken place and that North
African pork could be good places to get first hand information on the Indian Ocean.

Finally it is necessary to mention the must significant of the effort to collect data on the
Indian ocean was the viand expedition by afonso de Paiva and pero da covilha sent by king D.
JOAO in 1487, though there are no records to show that the outcome of the expedition
ever reached the Portuguese count to impact the preparation of the first fleet to India.

The cartography
We must pay attention to the few mape available to us tha t are approximately
contemporary to the voyages of Vasco Da Gama like the world map by henries dated 1489 or the
world globe by Martin of Bobemia. In both cases the representation of the western India ocean
is very rudimentary and is definitely based on vogue and sparse information. Particularly
with regard to the world map by henricus martelus. There is a clear contrast between its faithful
representation of the Mediterranean coasts and ports and other important geographical details as
compared to the coasts to Asia and eastern Africa where there are no such details.

Both Martelus and Martin raised the possibility 7 that Africa could stretch eastward
after the river. This is interesting because these maps no longer followed the classical
Ptolemaic representation of a closed Indian ocean. In spite of this they were not conclusive
regarding the location where the ocean separated the two continental landmasses.

Ibid P.114

The Advent of the Portuguese marked a turning point in the history of Kerala. The arrival
of the Portuguese by the end of the fifteenth century laid the foundation of colonial
occupation in Kerala effecting fundamental changes in all the spheres of the society . The
Advent of the Portuguese in the coast the Kerala was a part of the maritime exploration
of the European countries in the fifteenth century for commercial expansion. These
maritime exploration successfully connected the different continents and paved way for
the European domination over other continents. This connection between the continent
paved way for the growth of a global commercial economic system. The Indian sub
continent including Kerala was transformed to an integral pant of the world marketing
system. This was the beginning of a new phase in the history of Kerala.


The conquest of Kerala by Portuguese

The landing of Vasco Da Gama at Calicut in may 1498 market the beginning of a new
epoch in the history of Kerala, the Portuguese navigator was sent to the east by Domo
Manuel, the king of Portugal, with the object of discovery new trade route to India and
expanding trade with the orient. Though the imitate object of the Portuguese was the
expansion of trade, they entertained in course of time grand vision of building up an empire
in India by bringing the local powers under subjection. "The better rivalry between the
Zamorin on the one side and Raja of cochin, the Kolathiri and other minor powers on the
other created conditions favorite for the partial realization of the Portuguese stream at least
for a short a period. The raja of Cochin who was smarting under the yoke of the Zamorin
saw in the arrival of the Portuguese on the coast a golden opportunity to get foreign
assistance against his traditional enemy and build up his political strength" 5* The cold
reception meted out the Portuguese at Calicut and the frustrating experience of the
Portuguese captains with the Zamorin helped to bring the Cochin Raja and Portuguese
closer together in a defensive and offensive alliance. In the role of defender of the freedom
of Kerala against the Portuguese aggression and the Cochin Raja that of an accomplice of
Portugal. The Kolathiri too rend erect much help to the Portuguese in view of his
traditional enmity towards the Zamoin, but there were. Occasions when the took a firm
start against them. the raja of quilon and parakal were allies of the Portuguese it was the
willing help rendered to them by the local powers that helped the Portuguese to establish
their commercial supremacy of the Kerala coast for more than a century and a half. The
main events in the history of the rise and fall of the Portuguese power in Kerala many
now be summarized

Vasco Da Gama

The leading of Vasco Da Gama at Calicut in may 1498 marked the beginning of
an epoch in the history of Kerala. The Portuguese navigator was cast by Domo Manuel,
the king of Portugal with the object of discovering a new trade to india and expanding trade
with the orient.
A Sreedhara Menon, ' A survey of Kerala History' P.217

Through the immediate object of the Portuguese was the expansion of trade they enter
timed in course of time grand vision of building up an empire in India by bringing the local
power under subjection. The better rivalry between the Zamorin on the one side and the
raja of cochin, the Kolathiri and other minor power on the created conditions favorable
for the partial realization of the Portuguese stream at least for a short period. The Raja of
Cochin who was smarting under the yoke of the zamorin saw in arrival of the Portuguese
on the coast a golden opportunity to get foreign assistance against his traditional enemy and
build up his political strength. The cord reception meted out to the Portuguese at
Calicut and the frustrating experience of the potting else captains with the Zamorin
helped to bring the Cochin Raja and the Portuguese closer together in a defensive and
offensive alliance. "In the Portugal fight that followed the Zamorin played the role of the
defender of the freedom of Kerala against Portuguese aggression and the cochin raja that of
an accomplice of Portugal."6 The Kolothiri too redirect much help to the Portuguese in
view of his traditional enmity towards the Zamorin, but there were occasionally when the
he took a firm stand against them. the raja of Quilon and Purakkad were allies of the
Portuguese it was the willing help rendered to them by the local powers that helped the
Portuguese to establish their commercial sperm any on the Kerala coast for more than a
century and a half. The main events in the history of the rise and fall of the portray use
power in Kerala may now he summarized.

Vasco Da Gama's Expedition

On his arrival at Calicut in may 1498. Vasco Da Gama was received by the
Zamorin and his subject with traditional hospitality. The Portuguese navigator met the
Raja at this residence situated a few miles outside Calicut city. The interview between the
two leaders failed to produce any concrete result. The request of Vasco Da Gama for
permission to leave factor behind him in charge of the merchandise which he could not sell
was tunnel by the Zamorin. The ruler of Calicut insisted in payment of custom duty by
the Portuguese in accordance with the law of the land. Vasco Da Gama left Calicut in
august and broke journey at cannanore at the invitation of the kolathiri raja who offered to
the Portuguese facilities for trade at cannanore.
Ibid, p.218

The kolathiri entered into an informal agreement with Vasco Da Gama regard to the
loading of Portuguese vessels. The Portuguese captain sail from cannanore in November
1498 and reached Lisbon in 149 9. Vasco Da Gama was given a hero's welcome on return

to this country, for his mission the East was an unqualified success, the cargo who took
with him alone being worth 60 times the coast of the expeditiion.


The next expedition was equipped and sent by the Portuguese king under the
leadership of pectro alvarez cabral. It consisted of 33 ships and 1500 men. After a perilous
voyage cabral reached India with only six ships. "Through tactless and self opinionated
officers, cabal's mission was not a failure. His agent Aires correa arrived at a settlement
with the zamorin under which the Portuguese got the right to erect a factory at a Calicut."7-
But the keen competition between the local Arabs and the Portuguese in the Indian waters
created a crisis in the relations between the Portuguese and Calicut. The Portuguese
captured several Arab vessels lying in the Calicut port and massacred their crew. Such
premeditated acts of Portuguese barbarism infuriated the people of Calicut. The indignant
mob destroyed the Portuguese factory and keeled more than half of the Portuguese on
land cabal now left Calicut in panic and sailed for Cochin.

On reaching Cochin on Christmas eve in December, 1500 the Portuguese captain was
warmly received by the Cochin Raja. The Portuguese were given all facilities for trade at
Cochin. "The Raja also entered into an informal treaty with the Portuguese grading them
permission to build a factory at cochin during cabal's so forum at cochin he got cordial
invitations from the rulers of Quilon an Cannanore promising him all help at these places to
local his ships on favorable terms".8 Through Cabral could not proceed to Quilon, he called at
Cannanore. On his way and helped by the Kolathiri raja to load some more cargo in his ships.
On his journey from cochin to Cannanore Cabral's party was interpreted by a strong fleet
of the Zamortin, but he managed to escape without any serious loss.

7. Ibid, p.219

8. Ibid pp.220

On the whose cabral's expedition was a triumph for the Portuguese. In so far as it won for
them an ally in the Cochin Raja and a fine harbouor from where they could safeguard their
commercial and political interests on the Kerala coast even before the expedition of cabral
returned home the third expedition under joao de nova and left for India. As the Portuguese
captain advance information about the hostile attitude of the Zamorin, he avoided touching
Calicut and landed only at cochin and Cannanore where the rules offered him all help to load
his ships.

Vasco Da Gama's second mission

The reports of the hostility of the zamorin towards the Portuguese and of the poor
performance of cabral in the encounter with the Calicut fleet had upset. Dom manuel so much
that he equipped in the meantime another. Expedition of 15 ships and 800 men under Vasco
Da and dispatched it to Indian in February 1502. "Vasco d agama fleet landed at anjadiva and
started capturing of the Arabs vessels that the Portuguese come across in the Indian waters.
He later visited cannanore and was cordially received by the kolathiri who agreed to sell
pepper and other spices to the Portuguese at cannanore".9

At the spices prevailing at cochin Vasco Da gama then proceeded from Cannanore to
Calicut. He called upon the Zamorin to expel all the Muslim from the city. But the etermand
was naturally turned down. The Portuguese there upon bombared the city. The rice vessels
lying in the Calicut port were captured and the crew barbarously treated their hand, pars, and
noses being cut off. After his sojourn at Calicut Vasco Da Gama sailed for Cochin. The Raja
was placated with extravagant gifts including a gold crown and cajoled into signing a
humiliating treaty under within he was forced to sell to the Portuguese pepper, Cardamom and
other spices grown in his kingdom at prices to be fixed by captain and the Raja. The Portuguese
were also given the exclusive right to build factories and station at select places in the Cochin

During Vasco Da Gama's stay at Cochin the invitation from Quilon was renewal. The
Captian accepted the invitation with the approval of Cochin Raja. To Portuguese ships called
at Quilon and returned to cochin loaded with pepper.

Ibid, p.220

In the meantime the stage was being set for a major clash of arms between cochin
and Calicut. Vasco da gama left cochin in a hurry out of concern for the saftely of the rich
cargo which he had acquired. Not all the centreacters of the cochin raja for the rich cargo
which he had acqamorin could started him to change his mind. On his return voyages vasco
da gama had to encounter the zamorin fleet but the managed to sail away without any serious


The Portuguese king decided at his stage to appoint a full fledged viceroy to safeguard
the interest of Portugal in the east Francisco D Almedia was according appointed in 150 as
the viceroy of the Portuguese possessions in the east.

His main works was to erect or strengthen in Portuguese forts at anjadivm Cannanore,
Malabar and Cochin. The Cannanore fort was named for Angelo. The strengthening of the
Portuguese positions on the Kerala coast alarmed the zamorin. The router put a fleet of 200
vessel manned by Turks and Arabs into action against the portugues. Almedias son Laurenco
interepted the Zomarins fleet of cannanore and inflicted heavy loss [march 10, 1506] the
Zamorin succeeded at this stage in concerning . the Kolathiri of the real motives of
Portuguese policy in Kerala. "The Kolathiri was already annoyed with the Portuguese for
their violation of the safe conduct guarded to the ships of the Muslim merchants of
cannanore"1°. He respected to the Zamorin overtured and decided to put up a commen fighed
against the Portuguese. For angelo was bedieged by the kolathiri's troops. The sirge lasted for
four months and the poruguese garrison had to undergo incalcuble a suffering. The sing 1 was
when a portuguse fleet of II ships and 300 men under Da cunha arrived on the scence from
Europe. The kolathiri seed for peace and accepted terms favourable to the portuguse the
turned their attention to the zamorins feet and cripped it in action on the high seas. In the
mean time, on Egyptain fleet under mr. hussian arrival in indial waters[ 1503] at the request
of the musliam merchants of Calicut and defeated the portuguse in the battle of chaul. The
portuguse lost the command of the sea for the time being However, in 1509 they took

10 Ibid , P.223

The combined fleet Egyptians and Zamorin was attacked and the Egyptians withdraw
from the filed leaving the portuguse again in command of the Indian water. A medice left
Indian in 1509 and was succeed by Affanso de Albuquerque.


Albuquerque was very indigent at receiving this news and resorted to have a fort built at
Calicut of any coast. He arranged a fleet to be prepared in order that he might himself go and
carry out the business. Before starting however he sent in advance Dom Garcia to demand
of the following conditions: first that he should grant space in the redstart to front of his jetty,
on which built a fortress capable of foresting the Portuguese factors from the troubles they
had hitherto suffered at the port: secondly, that he should gives what ever pepper might be
required for the lading of the ships bound to Portugal in exchange for Merchandise of various
kings, according to the weights and price current at cannanore, and that the Portuguese factor
should be allowed down for sale to the market place, in accordance with the custom of the
courtesy; thirdly, that he should repay all the property which the mars had taken from the
Portuguese in time past: and forty that the should pay a yearly tribute towards the expense of
the fortress and those in charge of iti, equivalent to one half of the payments compulsory on
the Moorish merchants for the sale conduct of their shipping.

Portuguese occupation of Indian for nearly for months from march 10 th to July 3rd,

1504 in spite of the disaffection fo the cochin nagars, be held at buy the flower of the
zamorins army consisting of 570, 00 men, with 5 big guns and 160 boats again and again
zamorins fierce attempts to force a passage across the backwater at the Edapalli ferry were
foiled, and Pacopco's resources were strimed to the almost to repeat simultaneous were
strimed to the almost and valangica ferris but his in dimitable spirit and heavy guns were
proof against all attacks and when the zamorins rejected in despair on July 3 rd be astonished
every one by setting sail in the teeth of the moon soon and putting down and particle out
breaks at Uilon. Lopo sourez de albergaria had in the men home arrived with the fleet of the
year, and, with pacheo's assistance attacked buried cannanore. The moors, at this time,
disheartened by their trade losses, were leaving the country in large numbers and had
assembled a fleet at partala. Yin, kollan to take them back to Arabia another of sourez
exploits was to fall on this fleet and to capture seventeen vessel and slay two thousand of


The Portuguese were pre occupied with the development of trade in Kerala. They
were not interested in establishing political authority over the land. They made several
intrigues and conflicts with the regional and local rulers of Kerala. The sake of extracting
more and more wealth. They placed some areas under their Kerala for the benefit of their
trading activities. The political decentralization of Kerala, though began proper with the
Portuguese was completed during their intervention. They never wanted the Naduvazhis in
Kerala maintain friendly relation among themselves and also unite Kerala under one political
authority. They knew that the centralization of political authority. Would effect them
negatively. So they tried to turn the local rulers against each other. With their advert the
political Fragmentation was complete

The Portuguese contact led to some results in political economic and social fields.
"The most important political results was that the political disunity and a half Portuguese
contact o the even of Portuguese arrival the Zamorin of Calicut was making a high bid for the
political unification of Kerala under his hegemony".11 The arrival of the Portuguese reversed this
process and the pace of the balkanization Country while checked the explaining power of the
Zamorin a receding cochin ruler. It was the basic aim of Portuguese policy in Kerala to both
up the power and prestige of the minor chief of the major rajas among the minor powers which
became powerful under Portuguese were purakkad, veetat. The disunion of Kerala thus
vaccum in the country and paved the way for it’s by the Mysore rulers and the English in later
periods. The Portuguese contact led to some changed in the economic field. The Portuguese put
an end to the age long connection between Kerala on the one hand Arabia and Egypt on the
other hand. At the same time the trade with European grew in the country from new sources
increasing trade contact with Europe also led to the introduction of fashion and luxurious the
ornamental the building of bungalow type were introduced by the Portuguese on Malabar coast.
The essential of Kerala came to influence by the Portuguese ideas and style the local powers
Lope Form the Portuguese the European technique and weapon of ware fare the assumed
special important in the war of the period several new towns came into existence on old town.
During the period of Portuguese contact. The Calicut

cochin and grew importance while quilon and Cannanore for was of Portuguese. It is said of
Portuguese cochin that is " mind well compare within some of the best cities in Europe'

"The Portuguese introduced in to Indian lashewnat. Tobacco, the Portuguese

promoted the scientific cultivation of pepper and ginger on an extensive sale and even the
masses of people took to the credit for having introduced charged in coconut cultivation also
goes to the Portuguese under the coconut came to be cultivated for commercial purpose rather
than or near house hold use an improved variety of coconut of seed was popularity by them"

The effect of Portuguese impact on traditional Kerala society were indeed for teaching
since it has to face a social and different religious system which was reading different every
section of Kerala society was effected in some way. or other. The introduction of gun power
by the Portuguese revolutionized the technique of warfare by making the most important
wing of the arms. "The nair the traditional with sword and shield facing an entirely hopeless
unable to cope with it they had to scale at the some time cavashy which head come in to
increasing by this time as a using of the army the traditional caste structure was also
subjected to heavy strain under the Portuguese impact".13 The Portuguese who were interest
gave them all encouragement those who they changed their religion aurally got some
economic advantages and extra privileged. Which they did not enjoy as Muslims who both
external internal were prevent by the Portuguese from trading in those items in which later
had a vital interest their volume of foreign trade was result of some of the steps taken by the
Portuguese authorized. the result of all this was that the Muslim were outset from their old
position of field of trade and commerce and reduced to the position of pretty retail trades
dealing with some relatively main items only.

The Portuguese contact led to some result in the education and cultural field as well
the Portuguese founded the logical seminaries and colleges at cochin, Ankamali and
vaipicotta helped to spread the knowledge of latin and Portuguese among the local people.

11 Ibid. p.189

13 .Ibid. PP 189
Even some of the native rulers like the cochin raja are said to have mastered the Portuguese
period also marks beginning of studies and research By European scholars Garcia work on the
medicinal plants. India is one of the earliest studies on the subject francis Xavier the accounts
of the Kerala coast left by such observed as duam barbosha hasper correa and others also deserce
mention among the beneficial result of Portuguese contact with Kerala. Journers honsalver in
sapnish Jesuit cut out type in the local language fro printed books. The Portuguese set up
primring presses cochin and cotta the chvittunadakam the Christian counter part of the hindu
kadakali originated and grew up a popular from of entertainment under the Portuguese missionaries
apart from some of this influence the relation between Portugal and Indian were barren culted and
political results and there is in that history nothing which any civilized nation can be pround of

Religious history of the period

The Portuguese administrator in Kerala had no religious there were fanatic followers of
catholic Christianity the Portuguese Considered it their duty to spread catholic in Kerala and
other part to spread in 1484 Pope Nicholas issued a bull giving a fanso of Portuguese supremacy
over the countries they night discovered in Africa and Indian. The bull gave the Portuguese miral
right to undertake the work of convention. They included in concervation and religious
persecution in goa. In 16 th govoda thus field for goa to Kerala to escape religious persecution
of the Portuguese and settled in the towns of Kerala. The Portuguese harassed the jews an they
flod cannanore in 1565 the Portuguese destroyed the write jews synagogue in Mattanchery in
1567. The Portuguese were bitter enemies of Muslims also they resorted to conversion and
distraction of mosques.

"In order to please the local hindu rulers of kerla the portugues did not attacks had the
courage to plunder and destroy famous hindu temples the vattakara and puthuchery temple
they tried to attacks more people to Christianity by giving them special favours."14


A Sreedhara Menon Keralacharitham' p.227

There were Christians in Kerala. Before the Portuguese arrived they were Syrian
Christian. the popularized latin sites they started seminaries. The first seminary
was founded at cannanore in 1541 to train priets a Jesuit college woes started at cochin.
To pleae thelocal Christian community a seminary to give training in Syria was started
at vaippenvotta. The dices of cochin for latin Christians was founded in 1557 francis
Xavier and other Jesuit missionaries come to Kerala and carried on conversion.

Hinterland of Cannanore

"The hinderlands of cannore were the main centres of production of spices and other
good were the commercial products were taken to the sea ports for export, and traders
bought them from the agents who were very active in the sea ports. Malabar during the
Portuguese period gave prime importance to the production of spices, perfumes, woods
and precious stones. The hinterlands of Malabar had a variety of birds and animals,
especially peacocks and elephants15 ". Madayi was prosperous ports even before the
arrival of the Portuguese. The kingdom of Kolathunadu had a network of for rivers: in
the North there are rivers Ezhimala and Kavai and in the south, rivers Thaliparamba
and valapattanam. The riverbeads of Kolathunadu was rich and prosperous. Traders

brought products from hinterlands using this river network transportation.


The port of cannanore was situated in the van of the headland by the side of
the mappila bay. It become a full fledged international part only by the later part of the
fifteenth century. The oldest part only international trade in North Malabar was the port of
the Eli or Ezhimala under scoring his role in trade durate borbosa made reference to "the
ships of both moors and heather" In the port and abundance of timber and cinnamon in
the neighboring hills.

Among these parts it was only cannanore that reminds as the main part accessible
to big vessels on account of its convenient anchoring facilities for sailing vessels
and international trade relations relations cannanore emerged as the central part while
others functioned as satellite ports or may stations to the main port were took place the
luck of export and important operation produce from the through the satellite ports oversea
export, in 1504 the price of a bhara of pepper was fized at 160 panam and ginger at
go panam in cannanore spices Portuguese from cannaore and cochin were exported

to history and from there re-exported to cannanore become a link in the chain of
north west atlantic trade already in 1501 cannanore had supplied about zero pepper for
European trade.

Cannanore was also a centre of trade in diamonds and precius stones brought from
the mines in the kingdom of vijanagara. Hence ships carrying horses from hormus to the
port of cannanore were seized in 1507


The origin of the kunhali marakkar is not clear. According to tradition they were originally
marine merchants of cochin. Who left for ponnai in the zamorin's dominion when the
Portuguese came to cochin and got favour from the raja. The zamorin took them into his
service and eventually they became the admirals of the Calicut fleet. The kunjali choose the
very best men to man the navy. Kuti ali was the bravest of the person so choosen. In 1524 the
Calicut fleet under his command inflicted heavy damage on Portuguese vessel. "Kutti Ali
used light and fast moving armed boats to attack the heavy Portuguese vessels and developed
his own techniques of guerilla warfare on the sea" 16. His "hit and ran" tactics caused
considerable havoc to Portuguese shipping and trade. Henrique de Menezes organized a
power than expedition against kutti ali and destroyed serval of his ships in the port of
ponnani. In 1525 he attacked pantalayani kollam which was a strong hard of the kunjali. The
aragan of purakkad which was present at his attack as and ally of the Portuguese was sot at
and wounded by the Portuguese governer who suspected him of disloyalty The chief of
purakkad, there after , turned against the poring use and helped their enemies in several ways
min the future wars

The term kunjali amrakkar is an honorific title given by the Zamorin to the oldest
member of mrakkar family. The house which had its origin in obscurity came to be prominent
one in its encounter with the Portuguese under the command at kinjali marakkar 1 [1507-
1531]. It is believed that he had originated a policy of " hit and run" against the huge vessels
of the Portuguese in the Arabian water. The Portuguese friendship trade of marakkar in
cochin. As such they were constrained to migrate to Calicut, a free port of much international
reputation as a trade emporium

The kunjali marakkar 11[1531-1571] was in power for 40 years. he adopted all
strategies in the naval encounters generally followed by the Portuguese. The contacts with
the Portuguese had resulted in substantial changes of the native strategy of naval encounters,
craftsmanship of the vessels, use of artillery etc.

16 A Sreedhara Menon, 'A Survey of Kerala history ' p.226

The Portuguese fleet. The Zamorin tried also at diplomatic level to organize an effective
defence by inviting the siltain pof gujara and sulaiman of tarking to john his porgramme. In
1540, Calicut enfrced a treatly with the enemy. But the unofficial wars were waged by the
soarten at different places.

The chaliam fortress of the portuguese, on the southern bank of the river mouth was
recaptured by the Calicut forces in 1571, which was a land marks in the achievements of the
Marakkar house the conquest of chaliyam practically brought an end to the Portuguese
shipping in Calicut. Pattu marakkar III [1571-1595] who was permitted to construct a fortress
at kottakal, in the north for froniter of zamorin territory simultaneously the Portuguese
gained a concession from the zamorin and erected a fortress at ponnani in 1582.This had taken
place while the marakkar house was in a life and death taken Struggle against the Portuguese.
The situaton gradually alienated this hours from in zamorin. The repture came to its
highest watermark when Muhammad kunjali marakkar IV [1595-1600] was at the helm
affairs when the assumed the title the king of kotta, the Zamorin himself led a force against
him. the Portuguese, exploiting this situation sent a naval force in support of the Zamorin.
In march 1600 furtaclo the Portuguese captian, in an encounter, at kottakal captured kunjali
marakkar IV as a prisoner and took him to goa where he and his followers were executed

in 1600 the zamorin besieged the fortress of kinjali with an army of 6000 men and he
was ably supported by the potuguese fleet under andre furtado. Having found his Portuguese
position hopless kinjali surrendered to his erstwhile master, the zamorin on a solemn primise
of pardon but the zamorin barke his word and handed over his old admind to the Portuguese
kinjali IV and his men were taken to goa and executed. Kinlai body was cut to pieces and
exhibited at the beats at bardes and panijn. His head was solted and sent to cannanore and it
was displayed there on a standard as a warning to local Muslims

"The end of the kunjali marakkar is one of the tragic episodes in Kerala history
and it is all the more so in view of the ignoble treachery of the zamorin who was once his lord
and master."17

Pius malekandathil and T Jamal Mohammed (edited) 'The Portueguese Indian Ocean and

European Bridgeheads '.Dr.K S Mathew p.1

It was indeed am irony of history that the kunjali marakkar. who had all along been the main
props of the zamorin power and strength in his fight against. Portuguese tyranny had to be
crushed by an unholy and opportunities alliance between the zamorin and his traditional
enemy. The former cic not crown himself with glory by his unparatiotiv conduct. The
treatment mated out to kunjali by zamorin in his hour of victory has always remained a blot
on his family escutcheon. The patriotic exploit of the kunjlai amrakkar continue to evoke
heroic memories among the people of Malabar even today. There can be no doubt that the
lives of these chief reflect glory and honour on all Malabar, for their, achievement against the
naval tyranny of Portuguese from indeed a great chapter in the history of Malabar.


After the initial envounters the kinjali marakkar grew friendly with the Portuguese.
They were good supportes of the Portuguese in their early years. despite the conflicts over
carthas, Portuguese relations with the markkar on the Malabar coast was not always one of
enmity. In fact, the marakkars required the supported of the Portuguese to o. As coastal
traders and cargo suppliers, the kunjali marakkars always need a stable group of overseas
traders and the Portuguese who had taken precedence over the Arab al karimi traders
constrained the marakkar to shift their dependency from the latter to the former. At one point
in time, the kunjali marakkar helped the Portuguese by providing 1500 seamen to confront

the samutiri.

Nevertheless, the kunjlai marakkar and Portuguese were freaquently in conflict over
issue apparently various but fundamentally in one, that is economic rivalry. One of the
serious issues was the rise of the cassados. Cassados were offsprings of Portuguese men who
took local spouses. By the latter half of the sixteenth century CF, cassados emerged as an
organized trading group on the Malabar coast under Portuguese protection. "The kunjlai
marakkar revolved against the Portuguese with vengeance when the cascades began to push
kunjlai marakkars out from their coastal trade monopoly at various places on the Malabar

18 Rajan Gurukal and Raghava Variyer History of Kerala p.196

Therefore, the marakkar strongly confronted both the Portuguese and the casadose however, as
usuall, this conflict also subsided through compromise for economic reasons.At times
marakkar conflict with Portuguese have been charactersied as commanel. Accordingly,
kunjlai marakkars and many inusalaman fishermen are said to have fought against the
Portuguese with the spirit of the jihadis (the religious duty of holy fight against the infidels).
It is possible that isamic religious sentiment many have been used to strengthen the solidarity of
mussalmans tuhfath ul mujjahiddin by shaik zaimuddin ( 1510- 1583 CE) an Islamic scholar
of ponnani, is the famous contemporary source on the subject. It excites isalmic solidarity
through anarration of the history of musalmans of Malabar, highlighting their miserable life
with the arrival of the Portuguese

Kunjali Marakkars Constitute a formible force the resisted the Portuguese from
establishing themselves on the Malabar coast till the close of the sixteenth century CE. It was
at ponnai that they fought the Portuguese for the first time and lost. Router from ponnai,
kunjali marakkar established themselves at kottakal and become known as kottakal kunjlai
marakkar. However, as mentioned already, the Portuguese could not afford permanent enmity
with kunjlai marakkars, with who were their cargo supplies.

While the Portuguese permanently fought the al karimi merchants as their rivals in
spice trade,They always patched up their rifts with the kunjlai marakkars, whose support was
cmicila in coastal transaction with the al karimi merchants losing grip in the network of spice
trade and cassado kinsmen becoming prominent in the coastal transactions, the Portuguese were
attempting to stablice their control over all trade activities on the Malabar coast. They approached
the samutiri for permission to build forts at chaliyam and ponnani, but the samutiri declined
their forceful attempt at building a fort at chaliyam was foiled by the strong resistence of the armed
contingent of the kunjlai markkar. The Portuguese were not able to established control over the
Malabar coast despite their aggressive moves during 1597-99 due to formidable attacks by
the kunjali marakars. Finally, the portuguse gained an upper hand only through the treachers
murder of the most assertive kunjlai marakkar of the time. The paradox is that it was samutiri,
who in retaliation to a humanilation meted out to him, deceitfully trapped this kunjali marakkar
and handed CE, however, the Portuguese succeded in establishing themselves at kollam, kochi,
kotunkolur, Kozhikode and kannur by building their forts at strategic centuries.


The zamorin of calicut had now emerged as the leader of the fight against the
forces of Portuguese expanisom in Kerala. He was alarmed at the growing friendships
between the portugese and the cochin raja, his vassal. "A message was sent by the zamorin
to the cochin raja calling upon the latter to declare categorically whether he preffered the
friendship of a foreign power to that of Calicut" He was also called upon the expel all
the Portuguese nationals from his kingdom. The raja who had been dreaming of a glories
future for his kingdom under Portuguese patronage refused to oblige the zamorin. The
Calicut army now marched against cochin [march, 15031 the cochin forces assisted by the
Portuguese under lorezo Moreno heroically defined their fort at Edappalli, but there were
forced to with draw under heavy pressure form the zamorins aramy which attacked them
both from the land and the sea. The cochin army suffered heavy losses in men and
material, there, princes of the royal family. Themselves losing their lives in the fight. The
cochin raja took refuge in the sanketam of the Elangunnapuzha temple. Meanwhile the
monsoon broke out and the zamoin departed for Calicut with plans to renew military
operation after the onam festival in August. A strong garrison was, however, left behind
in the town in cochin.

In September 1503, a Portuguese naval squadron under franciso de Albuquerque

arrival at cochin and it was Joined at vaipin by another vessel under purtae pachecco. The
leagured cochin garrison at vaipin welcome the arrival of reinforcement. The Calicut army
situation at cochin soon withdraw from there in panic. The cochin raja was brought back
to cochin in triumph by the Portuguese and reinsated on the throne. To the wake of their
victory the portuguse forces ravaged the terriroty of the raja of Edppali and burnt down
many villages massacring the unarmed civilian population in large numbers.

19 A Sreedhara Menon, Survey of Kerala history p.221

The greatful Raja of cochin granted permission to the portuguse to eract a fort at coshuin the
foundation stone or which was laid on September 27 fort mauel in bonour of the king of
Portuguese. At the instance of the Portuguese the cochin raja also conctuded a treaty with the
arnchi kaimals under which the later repudiated allegiance to the zamorin and acknowledged
the supermacy of cochin.

The zamorin of Calicut was now making feverish preparation for another fight with
the cochin raja and his Portuguese alliee. Durate pachecco with 150 portuguese solidiers and
300 native soliders was in charges of the degence of cochin the zamorin tried to strave cochin
into submission by enforcing an embargo on all trade in rice with that port with the help of
the muslim merchants. But this move failed and the zamorin therefore desided to strat large
scale military operation[1504]. The zamorin had now under the his control a navy of 280
vesseld named by a crew of 4000, men and an infantry of 60,000 men under the command of
the erlpad and the raja of edppali. His attempt to attack cochin by crossing the water ferry
from kumbalam to paluuruthi was foiled by the timely action of pachero. The Calicut army
suffered heavy casualities with 19008 soldiers losing their lives in the fight and 13000 in
cholera. The zamorin was dorced to withdraw after a protected campaign which lasted for
fivr months. The bedcle at cochin was soon followed by another at cannanore. In 1504 the
Portuguese se captured cannanore from the zamorin and fortified it the raja of cannanore
school off his allegiance to Calicut and accepted Portuguese protection with the capture of
cannaore. The Portuguese with the first round of their fight in kerla. The commercial interest
were now firmly established in quilon, cochin and cannanore.


This Study of "Portuguese Contact With Kannur and Calicut" elucidate and trace out the
Continuous presens of the Portuguse contact in east.The Discovery of new Searoute to India
via Cape of Good Hope , rounding South Africa and the arrivel of portuguse in the fag end of
Fifteenth century to Malabar, resulted not only in the trade of spices but also in the encounter
of culture.

The Portuguese, Who explored South Asia, especially kerala ,for spices,like
pepper,clove,cinnamon etc.had to establish constant or in a way permenant relationships with
the different occupational groups of people to make available the spices and to facilitate for
its trade and export.The unfavorable situation in Calicut created by the Zamorin through the
instigation of Arab and west asian muslim merchants,who were rivals of Portuguese in
trade,made the Portuguese turn to kolathiri of cannanore and the Raja of cochin, who were
opposed to Zamorin.Slowly,the Portuguese realized the rivalry existed among the rulers and
different occupational groups and gradually assimilated to the kerala situation.The
Portuguese could established treaties with these Kings and also with the queen of Quilon and
made sure the availability and regular supply of Pepper besides sanction to construct forts and
factories were also secured by them from the regional chieftains.As Such,Portuguese forts
were established at Cochin,Kottappuram,Palliport,Calicut,Cannanore and at Quilon.

The Portueguse landed at Cannanore it was a Floushring centre of trade with

the Moorish merchants on good terms with everyone. Vasco Da Gama with his people visited
Cannanore for trade when they were not able to have enough trade with Calicut or
Cochin. Their first visit was quite satisfactory because they could collect enough commodities
of trade on their way back to Lisbon. The co-operation of the king and local merchants of
Cannanore stimulated the Portuguese to continue their trade link with the kingdom of
cannanore.It was the humble begging of cannanore's economic trade link with Portuese

The Portuguese dominated the trade and Governance of Kerala for as long as 150
years. Their Power- was destroyed by the entry of the Dutch. In a Battle at Cochin in 1663,the
Dutch Army defeated Portuguese. They were never able to recover from such a defeat and it
virtually ended any power they enjoyed in Kerala.


Gogulan M 23/11/2019 12.30pm 1.30pm -

1. what is the relationship between Portuguese and st.Angelo fort ?

Ans: Fort at.Angelo is one of the most important seashore forts of Kerala.For establishing
commercial realtors with the Portuguese the king of kolathunad offered a site to construct a
factory at Kannur.The Portuguese navigator, Vasco da Gama first came to Malabar Coast in
1498 A.D and strengthened more cordial relation with the kolathiri Raja.The Portuguese
navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500A.D made adjacent installations in the fac tory
subsequently,in 1501 A.D Joao D Nova established a small factory at Kannur (cannanore)
and he returned back to Portugal.During the second visit of Vasco da Gama in 1502 A.D,he built
a palisade with the permission of kolathiri Raja and two hundred Portuguese soldiers were
stationed at the factory.In 1505 A.D Dom Francisco d' Almeida, the first Portuguese viceroy
to India obtained permission from the kolathiri Raja to construct a fort and it was completed in
1507-A.D. The fort was named as at.Angelo.

2. How is the Architecture of at.Angelo fort?

Ans: The fort st.Angelo is a composite feature of the Portuguese,Dutch and the English
architecture right from the early 16 century A.D.It is massive built of laterite roughly
triangular on plan with high ramparts on a rocky promontory, surrounded by sea all other sides,
while dry most runs from the land side of the fortress on one side.During the period of Portuguese
inorder to isolate the fort from the mainland a water most, .connecting Arabian Sea to the
mapila Bay was constructed.Most of the buildings like chapels,house of mercy prison, offices
and other amenities in the fort were built by the Portuguese.The Dutch people built the horse -
stables and ammunition house inside the fort .The main gate is towards the land and protected
by bastions.


Primary Sources


1. Gogulan M, He was a Assistant police of tourism, related with fort of Kannur ,

in 23/11/2019

Secondary sources

English Books

1.Pius Malekandathil and Jamal Mohammed T, " The Portuguese Indian Ocean and
European Bridgeheads",published Institute for Research In Social Sciences and
Humanities of MESHAR

2.Rajan Gurukkal and Ragava Varier, "The History of Kerala",published by


3.Sreedhara Menon A, "A Survey of Kerala History",published Viswanathan printers and



Malayalam Book
.Sreedhara Menon A "Keralacharitham"published , DC Books 2007


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