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Pipeline of Projects Prescribing DfMA Technologies (for construction tenders expected to be called between Jan 2019 and Dec

With the drive towards improving construction productivity and quality, projects prescribing DfMA technologies have become more prevalent in recent years. There is strong support from the public
sector, with agencies such as HDB committing to adopting PPVC for about one third of their dwelling units in 2019 and 2020. As the industry is more familiar with DfMA projects and moves beyond
piloting, there is an increase in the proportion of larger projects (above $85mil) adoption DfMA compared to last year’s pipeline.

The table below shows the expected number of upcoming projects in Singapore prescribing DfMA technologies by type of DfMA technology and construction value, for construction tenders expected
to be called between January 2019 and December 2020. The number of tenders for projects prescribing DfMA technologies in 2020 is expected to increase as more of such projects are firmed up.

≤S$40 mil S$40 mil < X ≤ S$85 mil S$85 mil < X ≤ S$150 mil S$150 mil < X ≤ S$300 mil >S$300 mil Total

Prefabricated Prefinished
1 6 23 6 0 36
Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
Mass Engineered Timber (MET) 3 1 1 0 0 5

Structural Steel 9 2 0 4 4 19

Hybrid/ Multi-tech 2 2 1 1 5 11

Total DfMA project 15 11 25 11 9 71

From the 71 projects in the table above, 5 of the larger projects with construction value of at least $150mil will be adopting prefab MEP systems, a newer DfMA technology that is gaining traction.

≤S$40 mil S$40 mil < X ≤ S$85 mil S$85 mil < X ≤ S$150 mil S$150 mil < X ≤ S$300 mil >S$300 mil Total

Prefabricated MEP Systems 0 0 0 5 0 5

DfMA: Design for Manufacturing & Assembly


The above information is provided to the best of BCA’s knowledge. All figures in the above table, including project values, are indicative only, and subject to change without notice. BCA will not be liable for any loss or damages
(including any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages) which may be incurred from any use of or reliance on the information contained in the above table.

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