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Exercise 1: Choose the correct answers:

1. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was ____ to serve on the U.S Supreme Court.
A. the woman who first B. the first woman C. who the first woman D. the first and a woman
2. The new design failed because it was not _____ the original one.
A. as convenient as B. more convenient C. convenient than D. most convenient
3. Television advertising costs ______ print advertising.
A. most than B. as much C. more as D. more than
4. Trying to cut costs by 8% may be _____ task the team has faced yet.
A. a hard B. as hard as C. the hardest D. harder than
5. The wildlife preserve is _____ tourist attraction in the city
A. as popular as B. more popular than C. most popular D. the most popular
6. The final report on the project needs to be completed _____ possible.
A. as quickly as B. quickly as C. more quickly than D. as quick as
7. The Royal Hotel offers ____ accommodation in the city.
A. better than B. best than C. the best D. as good as
8. People are not so honest as they once were. They are ____ honest.
A. as B. less C. so D. fewer
9. Of all the sports he played, _______
A. he liked tennis least. B. it was tennis which was his least liked
C. tennis was liked least by him D. tennis was disliked by him most.
10. I wish Charles worked as hard as Mary _____.
A. did B. can C. does D. will
11. I can’t stand this weather. It’s getting ______.
A. more and more B. coldest and coldest C. further and further D. worse and worse
12. She never says a word; she’s as _____ as a mouse.
A. quiet B. small C. slight D. noiseless
13. Of all the national parks in the United States. Yellowstone is _____ famous.
A. one most B. one of the most C. of the most D. the most one
14. The more you water this plant, the ______ it will grow
A. best B. tall C. faster D. wetter
15. From now on, we won’t be able to go out as much as we _____
A. were B. used to C. had D. will
16. English is used by a _______ number of speakers than any other languages
A. greater B. great C. greatest D. greatly
17.The economic conditions today are _____ they were in the past.
A. much more good B. much better than C. much better D. the best than
18.Peter is the ____ student in my class.
A. taller than B. so tall as C. the tallest D. tallest
19.The deep oceans contain some of the _____ of all living creatures.
A. strangest B. strange C. as strange as D. stranger
20.Jane is not _____ her brother.
A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that
21.He drives as ____ his father does
A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as
22.What’s the ____ film you’ve ever seen?
A.good B. best C. better D. the best
23.Jane is ______ age as Mary.
A. as same B. the most same C. the same D. more same
24.I’ll be there ____ I can.
A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as
25.This shirt and that one ________.
A. alike B. are alike C. as like as D. the same
26.I want to buy some shoes ______ the ones you have on.
A. like B. are like C. are alike D. likely
27.Meary and her mother do not ____.
A. alike B. look like C. look alike D. like
28.Despite its smaller size, the Indian Ocean ______ the Atlantic Ocean.
A. as deep as B. is the same deep as C. deeper as D. is as deep as
29.This one is prettier, but it costs _______ as the other one.
A. as much as B. twice as much C. as many D. twice as many
30. You can take _____ books as you want many B. as much C. so much D. too many
31.Of the two sisters, Linda is ____. beautiful B. the most beautiful C. more beautiful D. so beautiful as
32.The lab is ______ from the bus stop than the library.
A. far B. farther C. further D. B and C
33.The ______ accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.
A. badest B. most bad C. worse D. worst
34.He finished the test _____ of all.
A. rapidly B. the most rapidly C. most rapidly D. more rapidly
35.Many chemical react _________ in acid solutions.
A. more quickly B. more quick C. quicker D. as quickly more
36. The younger you are, ______it is to learn.
A. easier B. you are easier C. the easier D. the easy
37.It’s becoming _____ to find a job.
A. more difficult and more B. more and more difficult
C. most and more difficult D. more difficult than
38. ______ electricity you use, _____ your bill will be.
A. The more ….. the higher B. The most …. The higher
C. The more …..the high D. More … higher
39.The more I got to know Tom, ____ I like him..
A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer
40. The room in the front _____ noisier than those in the back.
A. are more B. are little C. are very D. are much
41. _______ you are, ____ you concentrate.
A. Tired …. The least hard B. The more tired …… the harder
C. The tireder ….. the harder D. The tired ….. the harder
42.______ the man gets, _____ he becomes.
A. The more old …. The more weak B. The older… the weaker
C. The older ….. the weakest D. older …… weaker
43. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably ________
A. the less qualified B. the qualified less
C. the most little qualified D. the least qualified
44.__________ 100 billion stars are in the Milky Way.
A. As many as B. As much as C. As more as D. As most as
45. The CDs here are more expensive______ over there.
A. those B. than those C. than that D. than this
Exercise 2: Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given
1. Helen earns nearly as much money as her boss
A. Helen’s boss earns a bit less than she does
B. Helen’s boss earns a little more than she does
C. Helen earns more money than her boss
D. Helen’s boss earns as much as she does
2. Russian is more difficult than German
A. German is a bit easier than Russian
B. There’s not much difference between Russian and German
C. German is a lot more difficult than Russian
D. German isn’t as difficult as Russian
3. There are just as many cafes in London as in Paris.
A. There are more cafes in London
B. There aren’t as many cafes in Paris
C. There are about the same number of cafes in Paris and London
D. London has the most cafes
4. A tennis ball isn’t nearly as heavy as a cannonball
A. A cannonball is a bit heavier than a tennis ball
B. A tennis ball is a lot lighter than a cannonball
C. A tennis ball is heavier than a cannonball
D. A cannonball is as heavy as a tennis ball
5. She can’t cook as well as her mother can
A. Her mother can cook better than she can
B. She can cook well and her mother can either
C. Neither she nor her mother can cook well
D. Both she and her mother can’t cook well
6. Julie has less money than Tom
A. Julie and Tom both have less money
B. Tom has more money than Julie
C. They each have some money but Julie has more
D. Neither Tom nor Julie has any money
7. Tony’s English is much better than it was.
A. Tony speaks better English now than he did before.
B. Tony has started to learn English but doesn’t speak it well
C. Tony’s English was much better than it is now
D. Tony has always spoken good English.
8. I had not expected the journey would be so long.
A. The journey would be longer than I had expected
B. The journey was as long as I had expected
C. The journey was longer than I had expected
D. The journey was not so long as I had expected
9. No one in the class plays tennis as well as Tom.
A. Everyone can play tennis as well as Tom
B. Tom is the best tennis player in the class
C. Tom doesn’t play tennis as well as everyone.
D. Tom is good at playing tennis.
10. Mr. Lam drives more carelessly than he used to.
A. Mr. Lam doesn’t drive as carelessly as he did.
B. Mr. Lam didn’t drive as careless as he does.
C. Mr. Lam drove as carelessly as he did.
D. Mr. Lam didn’t drive as carelessly as he does now.
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions
1. Tom looks sadly when I saw him yesterday. Do you know the reason?
2. The more expensive the hotel is, the best the service is.
3. Our teams lost the game because we didn’t play very goodly
4. We should go sightseeing today because it is a sunny nice day.
5. The most you practice your English, the faster you will learn.
6. She is very intelligent. In fact, she is one of the more intelligent students in our school.
7. I think she’s 20, but in fact she is much elder than she looks.
8. As I waited for the interview, I became much and more nervous
9. Your English has improved. You speak more fluently as you did the first time we last met
10. Give my best wishes to your parents. I hope they are good.
11. Classes in the University are more difficult than them in the college.

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