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FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGEL1 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 28 Oct 2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Revised ‘This TCO meets all of the curriculum requirements for the Fight Instructor Ground Training Course contained iy Appendix F of FAR Part 141. a : ‘The trance will obtain the knowledge, skill, and aeronautical experience necessary to meet the requirements for the ‘ight instructor certificate with an airplane category rating anda single-engine class rating. COURSE COMPLETION STANDARDS: ‘The trainee will demonstrate through writen tests and light tests and show through appropriate records, thatthe knowledge, skill, and expericnce requirements fora Might instructor certificate with an airplane category tating and a single-engine or multiengine class rating, Course Completion Standards requize that each lesson be satisfactory. Tn addition, the trainee must meet oc exceed the standards listed for each area of operation inthe Practical Test Standards Note: Course ground and fight imes in this program are of minimum levels necessary to complete the program, Actual times may be greater in order to meet required standards. ENROLLMENT REQUIRMENTS; ‘A person must bold the following prior to enrolling in the light portion of the light instructor or additional flight instructor rating course: 8) A commercial pilot centficate or an aistine transport pilot certificate, wit an sircaft category and lass rating appropritc tothe flight instactr rating for which the course applies; and ) An instrument rating or privilege in an aircraft that is appropriate to the airerat catsgory and class tating for which the course applies, if the course i for a flight instructor airplane, TDI IN: Make Mode} Engine Scaling __ Special Equipment Diamond DA20 Continental 10240 2 Garmin 430 Diamond DAAD Lycoming 10360 4 Garmin G-1000 Diemond DA@ = —TAE 4 Garmin G-1000, Cessna 182RG Continental 0 540 4 Garmin 430 FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM: PAGE 1-2 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAT. Original FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE INTRODUCTION “This program is designed to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to obtain a certiied Fight Instructor ~ Ainplane, Single Engine or Mult-Engine Cerificate (COURSE OVERVIEW ‘The course is structured into ground and flight segments. All ground traning is completed before commencing ‘ight training, This elows all required knowledge subjects areas and lesson planning tobe satisfactory before flight instruction. ‘The flight instructor knowledge tests must be completed before fight training. UND TI Ground traning includes the following subject areas: © The learning process Elements of effective teaching Student evaluation and effective testing ‘Course development ‘Lossan planning (Classroom training techniques ‘Technical subject areas, STAGEEXAMS ‘Stage exams ae given atthe completion ofeach module of taining to measure trainee knowledge. Stage exams are ‘conducted using verbal testing from slecied questions. EXAMS ‘The final exam will measure the trinee's knowledge of the entire course us well as measure preparation forthe FAA waitten tst, ‘FLIGHT TRAINING "light training will include preflight briefings withthe student conducting the actual lesson review, technical and procedural topics and lesson completion objectives. All tasks from the CFI PTS arc included in the flight-raining course, The Flight Instructor Airplane Tuiial course may be conducted ina single engine agplanc or multi-engine airplane. STAGE CHECKS ‘Stage checks and an ead of course check are used to measure student progress. FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-3 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original HUG! ERTIFICATION COURSE OVERVIEW — GROUND G Ground |____Training _| Ground Stago|| 40 Ground Stage] 40 Total |__80 GHT INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSE OVERVIEW — FLIGHT TRAINING | — FLIGHT TRAINING = SEL_ Stage & Basic Endeof- Dual Course Instruction | Solo _| Complox | Checks | Totals Stage!| _6.0 15 75 Stagell| 12.0 6.0 (10.0) 2.0 20.0 Total | __18.0 6.0 (10.0) 35 27.5 FLIGHT TRAINING - MEL Stage & Basie End-of- Dual Course Instruction | __Solo__| Complex | Checks | Totals Stagel| 7.5 415 9.0 Stagell| 7.5 15 9.0 ‘otal | 15.0 3.0 18 FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 4 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original CURRICULUM SEGMENT: GROUND TRAINING 6 4 COURSE OBJECTIVES ‘The trainee will obtain the necessary aeronautical knowledge, instructional practice, and mect the prerequisites specified in Part 141 for the FAA flight instructor airmen knowledge test, F.0.1 knowledge test and prepare the for the ground portion of the practical test GROUND TRAINING COMPLETION STANDARDS ‘The trainee will demonstrate, through verbal and written tests and records, the prerequisites specified in Part 141 have been met and the necessary training has been completed in preparation for the FAA flight instructor airmen knowledge test. STAGE STAGE OBJECTIVES During Stage I the trainee will become familiar with leaning theoties, styles and dornains of learning, and communication techniques. The trainee will Iarn about the teaching process, teaching methods, Isson plans, evaluation of trainee performance, and human factors. STAGE I COMPLETION STANDARDS ‘This stage is complete when the trainee has completed the Flight Instructor Stage I Exam with a minimum passing ‘score of 80 percent and the instructor has reviewed each incorrect response with the trainee to ensure complete understanding. During Stage I, the trainee will complete the FOI and airplane knowledge exams. FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGELS CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE I - GROUND LESSON Course Introduction: © Materials ‘Airplane Flying Handbook Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Aviation Instructors Handbook Private, Commercial, CFIPTS AC's ftom PTS FAA Web Sites, Private/Commercial Jeppesen Books Aiteraft POH Current Sectional/Class B Maps AFD 2000000000 Explain Course Map ‘Assign Homework CFI Syllabus, TSA ASF Online Courses Lesson Objectives: * Tis lesson introduces the course and explains an overview of th responsibilities of becoming an instructor. An introduction fo learning fundamentals is presented, Content Introduction Becoming « CFI sis 1 Responsibilities CF] Aviation Safty 1 Accident Reports 1 Professional Attributes CD Professional Qualifications 1 Knowledge and Sli FF instoctr Privileges ‘Definitions of Learning © CH Role in Learning 1 Student Role in Learning FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL STAGE. GROUND LESSON Lesson Objectives: PAGEI-6 3/1/2010 Original ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will be introduced to learning theories, including the principles of the Jearning process and how they are applied to flight training. The trainee will understand how each of the clements of the learning process is interrelated. In addition, the trainee will become familiar with the characteristics of learning, learning styles, domains of learning, and the transfer of learning. ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge of human behavior and how it applies to a learning environment, Specifically, the trainee will learn about human needs, defense ‘mechanisms, and how trainees react to stress Content: Learning Tools Learning Defined GF Characteristics of Learning 7 Principles of Learning GF Levels of Leaming ©) Leaming Physical Skills CO Forgetting and Retention Behaviorism CO Definition Gl Examples of Human Hands 1 Behaviors Affected By Reinforcement 1D Defense Mechanisms ‘Human Behavior [Influencing Human Behavior Human Needs Physical & Safety 1 Social & Exo © Self-Pulfillment (Defense Mechanisms [Compensation Projection © Rationalization ] Denial of Reality 1 Reaction Formation CO Flight El Aggression Gl Resignation Practical Psychology for Flight Insructors (1 Anxiety 7 Normal Reaction to Stress (D Abnormal Reaction to Stress i Psychologically Abnormal Trainees Cognitive Theory [1 Definition ( crirute Exam of Gy Measurement of Domains of Learning 1 Leaming Styles (Domains of Learning 1 Cogaitive Domain Gi Psychomotor Domain O Aftective Domain FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE IL-7 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE. GROUND LESSON 3 Lesson Objectives: * During this lesson, the trainee will lear the principles of the teaching process used inthe classroom or for individual instruction. Specifically, the trainee will learn how to apply the four basic steps normally required for effective teaching, Also, the trainee wil lear the basi principles of effective communication, Jin addition, the trainee will ear the barriers to communication and how to avoid them daring instruction, ‘The PTS outline and its purpose is discussed in detail, The student will understand how the FAR's and the PTS regulate pilot exams. Content: Introducing the Teaching Process 1 Preparation CG Performance-Based Objectives © Description of the Skill or Behavior 1 Conditions & Criteria () Other Uses of Performance-Based Objectives Fy Presenation 1 application 7] Review and Evaluation prs PT: Introduction/Outline 1 Advisory Circulars (By Special Emphasis Areas (1 Aireratt Required EB Plight Instructor Responsibility 1 tstrvctional Knowledge Communication 1 Communication Process 1 Confusion Between the Symbol and Symbolized Object CO Source [] Symbols Cy Receiver 1 Baniers to Bitective Communication (Leck of Common Experience 5 Overuse of Abstractions CO Interference Gy Developing Communication Skills © Instrwetional Communication (5) Practicing Communication C7 Biective Listening FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGEI8 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE I- GROUND LESSON 4 Lesson Objectives: ‘© The student will understand how to find end organize material used for lesson development. The student will demonstrate different teaching methods through simple topics selected by the instructor. The CFI PTS AOA Tis discussed in detail. ‘The outline to be used in lesson planning is introduced. Conten Focusing on Teaching Methods (Organizing Material 1 Introduction © Attention 2 Motivation Ey Overview Development © Conctusion Selecting Teaching Methods 1 Lecture Method 1 Lecture Styles [5 Advantages and Disadvantages ofthe Lecture Method Ci Cooperative Learning Method G] Guided Discussion Method C Demonstration-Performance Method 1 Telling-and-Doing Technique © Integrated Method of Flight Instruction (2) Computer-Based Training Method (Using fnstructional Aids 1 types of fastruetional Aids 5) Test Preparation Material Obstacles to Learning CFIPTS AOAT Instructional Knowledge © Commercial Skills FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 9 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original GET-GROI INS Lesson Objectives: * Daring tis lesson, the trainee wil cian the instructional knowledge of how a couse of wining is conducted. Specifically, the trainee will become familiar with objectives and standards, block, of learning, syllabi, and lesson plans, including how to use a lesson plan, Contents Designing Effective Lessons C1 Course of Training Ey Objectives and Standards C Blocks of Learning 5) Private Pilot Pre-solo Training (61-87) CF] Training Syllabus (School Syllabus) Gy Sytiabus Format and Content OF How to Use a Training Syllabus © Lesson Plans CF Characteristics ofa Well-Planned Lesson [J Lesson Duration and Organization EF] The Positive Approach 1] How to Use a Lesson Plan 5] Private Pilot Syliabus and FAR 61.87 1] Presolo Knowledge Test [Lesson Plan Ontine for a Knowledge Based Lesson i Lesson Pen Outline for Skills Based Lesson 1 EAR 61 Subpart c C7 PeeSoto Training Gy Solo Endorsements OO Student skitis FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGEL-10 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original .GEI- GROUND LESSON Lesson Objectives: = During this lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge of how to evaluate the performance ofa trainee. Specifically, the trainee will learn about performance evaluations and the various types of cnitiques. Content: Critique and Evaluation Ey Critique Versus Evaluation C Critiques Gi Characteristics of an Effective Critique Gy Methods of Critiquing (Fy Instructor Trainee Critique 1D Trainee-Led Critique (J small Group Critique 1) Critique by Another Trainee 1G Oral Quizzing OD Written Tests Performance Tests [Evaluating Your Own Performance 1 Stage Quizzes 7 Using the PAR 141 Lesson Plans and Making Evaluations 1 FAR 61 Subpart c 1 Student Cross Country Training ( Cross Country Endorsements ( Student Skills FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE LI CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGEI- GRot ON Lesson Objectives: * During this lesson the trainee will study factors of aeronautical decision-making as itis pertains to flight instruction, Specifically, th trainee will earn about the decision-making process rok ‘management, self: inst nce oie te factors concerned with decision making. In addition, the vainee will sia ions insight into aviation physiology. Content: Making Decisions C1) Exploring Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) 1 Applying ADM to Insteuction ( History of ADM 7 Explaining the Decision-Making Process Problem Definition 1 Factors Affecting Decision Making CF Understanding Pitot-In-Command Responsibility 1 Performing Self-Assessment (7 Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes Describing Resource Use 1B) Workload Management Maintaining Situational Awareness 1D Understanding Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CIT) tdentitying Operational Pitfalls C7 Evaluating Trainee Decision Making ‘Teaching Aviation Physiology 1) Motion Sickness 1 Hypoxia Dy Pressure etects EF Scuba Diving O Stress Oy Fatigue Noise Alcohol, Drugs, and Performance (Fitness for ight 17 Medicat Requirements APA Medical and Drug Guidelines FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC, FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-12, CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE I- GROUND LESSON 8 Lesson Objectives: eLearn how and when to intervene. Safety issues are discussed and how to analyze risk versus reward Private and commercial PTS tastes are analyzed. In-depth studies of 61.874 tasks “preflight planning and preflight preparation” are discussed. Content: ‘Transitions tothe Right Seat [1 Demonstration Ey Intervention CO satey ] Analysis of Performance Cy Tining vs Risk Private vs. Commercial Pilot CO ThePrs O skits Ty Knowledge 1 CRI Expectations 61.87(a) Preflight Preparation Gi Preftight Planning FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC, FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE L-13 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE. 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE GROUND LESSON 9 “Lesson Objectives: ‘+ During this lesson, tho trainee will become familiar with essential fight safety practices. Specifically, the trainee will learn to analyze weather conditions, preflight activities, ground operations, and inflight operations in relation to how they apply to fight instruction ‘Lesson Completion Standards: © The trainee will complete Exercise 48 with a minimum passing score of 80 percent, and the instructor will review each incorrect response to ensure complete understanding before the trainee progresses to Ground. Lesson 11, Content: (Preflight Considerations El Marginal Weather Judgment Opportunities BF Ground Operations Cy Checks Use D7 Propeller Hazards 1D Taxing 1 Runway Incursion Avoidance FAA and AOPA Programs G1 Land and Hold Short Operation (D Aizport Signs, Lighting, and Markings 1D FAA and AOPA Programs Wake Turbulence 1 Collision Avoidance FAA Advisory Material 1 Visual Scanning Wind Shear © Feel Exhaustion 1 Developing Judgment Skills C1 Lesson Plan: Collision Avoidance, Wake Turbulence, Wind Shear, Aiport Ground Operations and Signs, Pre- Solo Training and Endorsements FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE L-14 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGEI- GROUND LESSON 10 Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will learn what is expected of a professional flight instructor, including qualifications, responsibilities, continuing education requirements, and teaching skills. In addition, prospective trainees will lean more about how to improve their professional image. Conten Developing a Professional Image G1 Professional Qualifications 1 Steen ategrity 1) Ccedibitity Cy Personal Appearance and Habits ( Demeanor Cy Responsibility to Trainees 1 Acceptance ofthe Trainee 1D) Proper Language Cy Reducing Traince Frustrations [Become a Positive Role Model (2) Enhancing Your Qualifications (Expanding Your Technical Knowledge (Building Aeronautical Experience EF Improving Teaching Skills (Polishing Your Image (Flight nsuuctor Limitations CF skis Required Professional Development Endorsements (1) FAA Advisory Circular C1 Presaio 1] Soto iitiat ) Cross County initial Gy Practical Test Ol cas 1 80Dey soto [Fy Cross Country Specific Fights Gy Repeated Aispor Solo Operations FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE L-15 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original. ‘STAGE GROUND LESSON 11 Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will become familiar withthe ground training requirements for private and ‘commercial pilots. Specifically, the trainee will rview and gain up-to-date knowledge of FAR Part 61, subparts C, B, and F, and PAR Part 141, Appendices B and D, as applicable. The trainee also will review pertinent part of other aeronautical publications such as the AIM, advisory circulars, and the practical test standards. Lesson Completion Standards: © Through oral quizzing, the instructor will determine that the trainee has obtained the instructional knowledge required to teach the material covered in this lesson before progressing. Content: Regulations and Related Publications Cy FAR Patt 1 (Applicable Definitions) FAR Part 61, Subpart C, Trainee Pilots 2 FAR Part 61, Subpart B, Private Pilots [] FAR Part 61, Subpart F, Commercial Pilots ©] Far Pator Cl FAR 141, Appendix B, Private Pilot Certification Course FAR 141, Appendix D, Commercial Pilot Certification Course (2 nrss 830 GF Actonautical Information Manual (Applicable Subjects) 1 Appropriate FAA Advisory Circulars FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM. PAGE IL-6 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE I - GROUND LESSON 12 Lesson Objectives: ‘During this lesson, the trainee will become familia with privileges and responsibilities tht apply to a certificated flight instructor. Specifically, the trainee will lear about how to provide ground taining under Parts 61 and 141. In addition, the trainee will become familiar wth required endorsements, record Keeping, and knowledgelpractical test procedures. Conte Exercising Instructor Privileges (7 Preparing to Instruct Cy Contticates and Ratings Gy Your Medical Certificate Providing Instruction Under Part 61 and Part 141 1) Aeronautical Knowledge Requirements Home Study Courses Aeronautical Experience Requirements Authorized Instructor Records 2 CrIRenewal 2 Ground Instructors D Training the Trainee Pilot 1B The Trainee Pilot and Medical Certificates Limitations and Wavers (G1 Advising Your Trainees D2 Medical Application Form © Documentation of Training E Knowledge Tests Practical Tests © The 8710-1 Form [F) Aadditional Training and Endorsements (D How to Make Log Book Endorsements 1D How to Log a Flight/Ground Lesson FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-17 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE I- GROUND LESSON 13 Lesson Objectives: Review of all material in previous lessons, During this lesson, the trainee should display an orgenized material binder including: Material List Online Sources Private Pilot Syllabus PreSolo Test PreSolo Cross Country Test Ground Based Knowledge Lesson Plans Flight Maneuver Lesson Plans Endorsements Flight Reviews 10. CEI Responsibilities and Limitations 11. Advisory Circulars 12. Reference Material STAGE L- GROUND LESSON 14 STAGE TEXAM Lesson Objectives: ‘© The exam adininistered during this lesson evaluates the rainee"s comprehension and instructional ‘knoviledge ofthe material presented during this stage of taining, ‘Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© The trainee's ability to make presentations on the topics from this stage is evaluated by the Chief or Assistant Chiof Instructor. The student should exhibit verbal skills so thatthe instructor ean ensure that the trainee has gained instructional knowledge, Content: PTS AOAT ( Definition of Learning 1 The Learning Process Learning Theory 1B Characteristics of Learning Principles Elements of Communication CG Communication Barriers 1 Steps in tho Teaching Process Explaining the Integrated Method Levels of Learning 1 Characteristics of oral quizzing 1 Explain Defense Mechanisms 1D How Human Behavior Affects Learning FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE L-18 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original AGE I STAGE Il OBJECTIVES . During Stage IL the trainee will begin to apply the principles of planning and organizing ground and flight teaining lessons. The trainee will acquire practical experience by conducting practice ground training lessons. In addition, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge required to facilitate private and commercial pilot trainees, including recognition, analysis, and correction of common trainee errors.. STAGE II COMPLETION STANDARDS ‘This Stage is complete when the trainee has completed the Stage II Exam and Flight Instructor — Airplane End-of- Course Exams, with « minimum passing score of 80 percent, and the instructor has reviewed each incorrect response to ensure complete understanding. STAGE II - GROUND LESSON 15 Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional practice with methods to explain basic aerodynamics. Content: Presenting Private Knowledge (7 Principtes of Flight 7 Structure of Atmosphere 1 Pressure Density OF Temperature Oy Newton's Laws Bernoulli Principles 7 Aerodynamic Principles Four Forces, OD Airfoiis 1] Development of Lit Lift and Stalls BF Angle of Attack FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-21 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE II- GROUND LESSON 20 Lesson Objectives: ‘+ During this lesson, the trainee will obtain instructional experience on commercial trainee pilot ski Specifically, the ainee will earn how to instruct commercial pilot trainees inthe operation of complex aircraft systems and in the performance of commercial plot maneuvers. Content: Enhancing Flight Skis - SEL (J Instructing the Commercial Trainee ‘Teaching in Complex Airplanes: Flight Profiles and Systems Teaching Commercial Pilot Maneuvers Gi Perfecting Stcop Turas Performing Chandelles 1 Frying Lazy Bights 2 Executing Bights-on-Pylons C7 Refining Emergency Procedures CO Steep Spirals DB Accuracy Landings Enhancing Flight Skills MEL ‘This esson not required STAGE I- GROUND. IN 24 Lesson Objectives: © During ths lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional experience necessary for special instruction, ‘Specifically the trainee will become familiar with the basic requirements and procedires for providing specialized instruction, including flight reviews, instrument proficiency checks, and various check-oues or transitions, Content: Providing Specialized Instruction (Conducting Flight Reviews Performing tnstrument Proficiency Checks GF Aircraft Transitions 1 Performing Aircraft Checkouts (Complex and High Performance Checkouts E) taitwheet Checkouts 1 Bigh-altitade Checkouts 1 Military to Civilian Transition (21 Instructing in Homebuilt Aircraft C1 Instructing Aicine Transport Pilots FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-22 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE Il - GROUND LESSON 22 Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will conduct a comprehensive ground-training lesson using instructional aids ‘where appropriate. The trainee will include all elements of the subjects presented and demonstrate acceptable organization. The tainee will review ground instruction requirements, FOI material, and practice ground and flight lessons, including emergency procedures and spin training. ‘Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© This lesson is complete when the trainee demonstrates the ability to adhere to a preplanned lesson and effectively communicate the material contained in the lesson. The traince will also demonstrate the ability to select the most effective instructional aid for the material presented. The instructor will evaluate and critique the trainee’s presentation and make specific suggestions for improvement. Content: 1 Conduct a prownd-training lesson as assigned by the instructor ‘Preparing Future Flight Instructors [1] Who Should Become a Fight Instructor? © FARs and Endorsements [Aeronautical Decision Making [Landings and Safety (© Human Factors for CEI Trainees [Fy Applying Human Fectors Knowledge 7] StallSpin Awareness Training (J Demonstration Stalls 1 Spin Training 7 spin Aerodynamics [] Spin Training Sequence (spin Limitations 1 Certification Cetegory Safe Altitude (Parachutes and Spin Training FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 1.23 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ROUND LESSON 23 Lesson Objectives: * During this lesson, the traince will conduct a ground-training lesson on the subjects assigned by the instructor. The trainee will strive to correct any deficiencies noted in previous ground instruction sessions and increase the overall effectiveness of the presentation. In addition, the trainee will review the regulations that specifically apply to flight instructors. Lesson Completion Standards: * This lesson is complete when the trainee demonstrates the ability to adhere toa preplanned lesson and effectively communicate the material contained in the lesson. ‘The instructor will evaluate and eritique the teanee's presentation and make specific suggestions for improvement. In addition, through oral quizzing, the instructor will determine that the winee has obtained the necessary instructional knowledge to teach the assigned regulations. Content: C1 Conduct a ground-training lesson as assigned by the instructor. Preparing Future Flight Instructors 1 Applicabiticy (7 Blisibitity Requirements 7 Acronantical Knowledge 1 Right Proficiency 7 Flight instructor Records C7 Additional Flight Instructor Ratings 7 Right Instructor Privileges 1 Fight instructor Limitations and Qualifications 7 Renewal of Flight Instructor Certificates C7 Expited Flight Instructor Certificates and Ratings ‘AGE I LESSON 24 System Safety Program Content: Firs Whatis errs Why is FITS Needed 1 Keys to Success Gy Program Overview OF) Training in a TAA System Safety 1 Introdvetion C What is it Dy Risk Menagement 7 Risk Management Process D2 Risk Tools (Hazards and Risks 1 Safety Decision Process 5 Developing Scenarios FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 1-24 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE Il - GROUND LESSON 25 Lesson Objectives: ‘The trainee will formulate comprehensive answers questions testing knowledge of material from thelist of PTS events listed below, During the discussion, the trainee wil explain the answers given and demonstrate thatthe material i thoroughly understood. Lesson Completion Standards: '® The trainee will demonstrate the understanding of the concepts presented in the Pilot Briefing at a level that ensures that the teaching process can take place effectively. In addition, the trainee will complete the Stage 11 Exam with a minimum passing score of 80 percent, and the instructor will review each incomrect response to ensure complete understanding before the trainee progresses to Stage III. Content: Lesson plans for the Private Pilot Course ‘STAGE Il. GROUND LESSON 26 STAGE EXAM, ‘Administered by Chief or Assistant Chief Instructor Lesson Objectives: ‘© This testing session evaluates the traince's comprehension of the material presented in Stages I and II of the flight instructor course in preparation for the FAA Flight Instructor - Airplane End-of- Course Examination, Lesson Completion Standards: Meet CF knowledge requirements [1] Lesson Preparation LC] Presentation of Selected Lessons + Review areas deficient from (1 Knowledge Test Fundamentals Test + Completion of Ground Writen Test Ground Lessons are complete for Airplane Single Engine once lesson 26 is finished. FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-25 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original “AGE II - GROUND LESSON. Lesson Objectives: ** During this lesson, the trainee will review fundamentals of instruction knowledge areas and obtain instrctionel knowledge of mult-engine systems, engine-out aerodynamics, performance, an limitations, including V-speeds. Tn addition, the traince will lear about multi-engine Weight considerations, single. engine ceilings, and decision making in multi-engine training, ‘Lesson Completion Standards: * Through oral quiezing, the instructor will determine thatthe trainee understands the FOL knowledge areas, Inaddition, the trainee will complete Chapter 1 before the trainee progresses to the next lesson, Content: Integrating Multi-Engine Knowledge (Instructing in Multi-Engine Airplanes Explaining Muli-Engine Systems Dy Blectrical Systems Cy Fue! Systems (] Propeliers 1 Synchronization (] Feathering Gy Un-feathering Oy Teaching Engi D zero slip 1) Ciitical Engine (5) Minimum Control Airspeed 1B Centertine Thrust (7 Interpreting Performance Considerations and Limitations Cy Diag Reduction Fotlowing Engine Failure 1 Pilots Operating Handbook OF) Airspeed Limitations 1 Published Vice Ow C1 Vyse 2 Vase Vee Accelerate-Stop Distance © Accelerate-Go Distance 1 Density Altitude Considerations Weight Limitations 1) Zero Fuel Weight OF Single Engine Ceilings C7 Integrating Decision Making in Muli-Engine ‘Training Oy Accident Statistics Preflight and Takeoff Briefings (7 tnstrument-Rated Multi-Engine Trainees -Out Aerodynamics FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 1-26 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE IIl - GROUND LESSON 28- MEL Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will obtain instructional knowledge of multi-engine maneuvers and. procedures. The trainee will review engine-out operations, including the acrodynamics associated with single-engine procedures and maneuvers. In addition, the trainee will gain an understanding of the importance of engine-out operations within the scope of a multi-engine training program, Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© The trainee will complete Chapter 2 with a minimum passing score of 80 percent, and the instructor will review each incorrect response to ensure complete understanding before the trainee progresses to the next Iesson. Content: Mastering Multi-Engine Skills Aircraft Familiarization (2) Presighe Cy Staring Engines CO Taxing (C] Takeoff Considerations (Cj Maximum Performance Tekeoft 1 Approzch and Landing Cj Teaching Mult-Bngine Maneuvers 1) Steep Tums C) Maneuvering During Slow Fight sails ] Emergency Operations {Gy Introduction to Engine-Ovt Maneuvering Gi Simulated Engine-Out Maneuvering Gy Engine-Out Procedures Gy Engine-Out Maneuvers Simulated Engine-Out Takeoff Cy Simulated Engine-Out Approaches and Landings Loss of Directional Control Demonstration Drag Demonstration [Importance of Zero Sideslip Gy Safety Considerations for Engine-Out Training (Fy Spin Considerations (5 Obtaining Mult-Engine Instrument Procedures FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM. PAGE 1-27 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE III - GROUND LESSON 29- MEL, Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will obtain instructional knowledge of the information contained in the POH. or Airplane Flight Manual for the taining airplane. Specifically, the trainee will leern to examine and understand important limitations, normal/emergency procedures, performance data, weight and balance ‘computations, and systems, including basic handling, servicing, and maintenance procedurcs, Lesson Completion Standards: © Chapter 3 questions will be completed before progressing to the next lesson. Content: Pilot's Operating Handbook CO. General Limitations Emergency procedures © Abnormal Procedures [By Normal Procedures O Performance Weight and Balance Equipment List [Description ofthe Airplane and Its Systems Cy Handling, Servicing, and Maintenance ) Supplements 7 Sefety and Operational Tips FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 1-28 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original ‘STAGE III - GROUND LESSON 30- MEL Lesson Objectives: * Gain additional insight into the aeronautical knowledge requirements needed to teach trainees in multi- engino airplanes. Specifically, the trance will review the applicable regulations, Practical Test Standards, and other aeronautical publications for current information on learning to fly multi-engine airplanes. Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© Chapters 4 and 5 will be completed before progressing to the noxt lesson. Content: Regulations & Related Publications (I) FAR Part 61 (Subparts B, F,F) F] FAR Par 141 (Appendices B,C,D) (] Practical Test Standards (Private 1] Pitot Aizplane MultEngine Land, Commercial Pitot Ainplane Multi-Engine Land, Instrument Reting- Airplane) ( Aisplane Flying Handbook, FAA-H-8083-3, (Applicable Chapters) 1 Canent PAA Advisory, Circulars (Applicable Subjects) Commercial Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge Areas 1 Applicable Sections of Part 61 Related to Commercial Pilot Privileges, Limitations, and Flight Operations (1 NTSB Accident Reporting Requirements 1 Basic Aerodynamics and the Principles of Flight TG Meteorology to Include Recognition of Critical Weather Situations, Windshear Recognition and ‘Avoidance, andthe Use of Aeronautical Weather Reports and Forecasts Safe and Biticient Operation of Aircraft 1] Weight and Balance Computations 1 Use of Performance Charts © Significance and Effects of Exceeding Aircraft Performance Limitations 5) Use of Aeronautical Charts and a Magnetic Compass for Pilotage and Dead Reckoning (Use of Air Navigation Facilities Aeronautical Decision Making and Judgment 1 Principies and Fonctions of Aircraft Systems 1D Maneuvers, Procedures, and Emergency Operations Appropriate tothe Airraft (5 Night and High-Alttude Operations Gy Procesures for Operating within the National Airspace System STAGE IMI - GROUND LESSON 31- MEL. STAGE EXAM Lesson Objectives: © This exam evaluates the wi e's comprehension of the material covered in Stage II. Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© This lesson and stage are complete when the trainee has completed the exam with a minimum passing seore of 80 percent, and the instructor has reviewed each incorrect response to ensure complete understanding, Conten C) Malti-Engine Flight Instructor Stage [Exam FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE [-29 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGEIV ‘The trainee will review the principles and concepts of multi-engine performance, complex airplane systems, and environmental systems. In addition, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge required to teach these subjects BTION STANDARDS ‘This Stage is complete when the traince has completed the Multi-Engine Flight Instructor End-of-Course Exam with 2 minimum passing score of 80 percent, and the instructor has reviewed each incorrect response to ensure complete understanding. STAGE IV - GROUND LESSON 32- MEL Lesson Objectives: ‘+ During this lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge required to teach the performance ‘considerations associated with multi-engine airplanes, Lesson Completion Standards: ‘* The instructor will determine thatthe trainee has obtained the instructional knowledge required to teach the performance considerations associated with multi-engine airplanes before progressing to the next lesson, Content: [1] Aigplane Weight and Balance Performance Chars 1D Performance Factors STAGE IV- GROUND Lesson Objective ‘+ Daring this lesson, the trainee will obtain the instructional knowledge required to teach the principles and operations of complex airplanes systems typically found in multi-engine airplanes. Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© The instructor will determine thatthe traince has obtained the instructional knowledge required to teach the principles and operations of complex airplane systems typically found in multi-engine airplanes before progressing to the next lesson. Content: Controllable Pitch Propellers [Fuel Injection and Turbocharging G1 Landing Gear Systems Electrical System 1 Hydraulic System Blecuo-Hydraulie System Circuit Breakers Cy Airspeed Limitations 1 Emergency Gear Extensions FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 130 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE, 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original ‘STAGE TV - GROUND LESSON 34- MEL Lesson Objectives: © During this lesson, the trainee will obtsin the instructional knowledge required to teach the principles and operations of environmental systems typically found in multi-engine sirplanes. ‘Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© The instructor will determine that the trainee has obtained the instructional knowledge required to texch the ‘principles and operations of environmental systems typically found in multi-engine aixplanes, Content: (I Oxygen Systems Cabin Pressurization 1B) tee Control Equipment and Systems STAGE IV - GROUND LESSON 35- MEL, STAGE EXAM (3.0) Lesson Objectives: ‘© Prior to this lesson, the trainee will prepare answers to the essay questions contained in the Multi-Engine Flight Instructor Oral Questions Pilot Briefing using appropriate references. ‘The trainee will explain the answers given and demonstrate that the material is thoroughly understood. In addition, the trainee will demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge to multi-engine flight instruction. The exam administered t certification from the right seat of the taining aizplane. Appropriate maneuvers and procedures will be practiced using visual and instrument references, as indicated in the lesson content. ‘Throughout the course, the trainee will use proper resource management techniques, exhibit positive exchange of aircraft control procedures, and display sound aeronautical decision making (ADM) skills. ‘STAGE I COMPLETION STANDARDS The trainee must successfully complete each ofthe lessons in Stage T and demonstrate the use of proper cockpit procedures, including the positive exchange of flight controls and effective ADM skills. Additionally, the trainee will be able to perform all maneuvers from the right seat ofthe sirplane in accordance with the evitera set forth in the current FAA private pilot, commercial pilot, and flight instructor practical test standards, as approprite. FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 132 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 Original Lesson Objectives: © During this lesson, the trainee will learn the fundamentals of analyzing and performing the listed flight ‘maneuvers and procedures and become familiar with the new visual perspectives used when flying in the right sea of the airplane, The trainee will discuss how the use of checklists is an essential element of effective resource use and workload management. Lesson Completion Standards: © Atthe completion of this lesson, the trainee will be able to petform and analyze the proper procedures for ‘conducting the airplane and systems preflight inspection, basic airport operations, and ground reference ‘maneuvers. During airport operations, the trainee will maintain @ constant vigilance and awareness ofall, ‘other traffic. In addition, the trainee will demonstrate the correct entry and execution techniques for the listed mancuvers, including the basic instrument maneuvers. Lesson Introduction Preflight Briefing Certificates and Documents (1 Weather Information Fy National Airspace System (5 Operation of Systems Performance and Limitations Minimum Equipment List 1 Acromedical Factors Airport Operations [7 Radio Communication and ATC Light Signals Fy Ainpor nd Runway Markings and Lighting Gy Runway tneusion Avoidance Oy Engine Starting Cy Before Takeoff Chock ‘Tasting 1 Normal C1 Crosswind Basic Maneuvers 7 Steaightand-Level Flight G Level Turns Cy Straight Climbs Climbing Turns Fy Straight Descente 1 Descending Turns Ground Reference Maneuvers (1 Rectangular Course (Turns Around a Point Postflight Procedures Ey afer Landing Parking and Scouring Ground Operations/Preflight Procedures [5 Visual/Peftight Inspection (Cockpit Management Use of Checklists Positive Exchange of Flight Controls ‘Takeoffs and Climbs © Normal 1D Crosswind Basic Instrument Maneuvers 7 Radio Communications, Navigation Systeme/Puiltes and Radar Services ( Swaight-and-Level Flight Cy Constant Airspeed Climbs & Descents Cy Tums to Headings TB Unusual Attitudes Approaches and Landings Normal O Crosswind FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 1-33 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original st LESSON 2- SEL ‘Lesson Objectives: ‘© During this lesson, the trainee will demonstrate the accurate analysis and performance of those maneuvers and procedures listed for review. In addition, the trainee will begin to learn the analysis and performance of maneuvering during slows flight and stalls, as well as slips to a landing. ‘The trainee will explain the ‘importance of maintaining situational awareness to prevent runway incursion incidents Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© Atthe completion of this lesson, the trainee will be able to analyze and perform the listed proficiency and demonstration stalls with a minimum loss of altitude. While maneuvering during slow flight, altitude will be maintained within 50 feet and heading maintained within 5° of that assigned, In addition, the trainee will correctly and accurately analyze and perform crosswind takeoffs and landings and slips while maintaining airspeed withia five knots of the recommended elimb or approach airspeed. Lesson Review: Preflight Briefing CF Ground Reference Fy Crosswind Operations O Stalls CF Stow Fight ‘Taxing ‘Takeoffs and Climbs 1 Normat Noma 1B Crosswind 1 Crosswind Basic Maneuvers Basic Instrument Maneuvers Fy Suaight-and-Level Fight 1 Straight-and-Level Flight (Level Turns 5) Constant Airspeed Climbs 1 Swaight Climbs 1 Constant Airspeed Descents EF] Climbing Turns (Tums to Headings () Suaight Descents (5 Unusual Attinades 1) Descending Turns (Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services Stalls O Power On 1D Power ott 5) Crossed-Control Stalls (Demonstration) B Blevator ‘Trim Stalls (Demonstration) El Secondary Stalls (Demonstration) O Use of Distractions Ground Reference Maneuvers (Cy Rectangular Course Approaches and Landings CO s-tums (Normal (Turns Around a Point Ey Crosswind CO Forward Slip to a Landing FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I34 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original sti ‘LIGHT LESSON 3- SEL Lesson Objectives: ‘© Tho trainee will demonstrate the accurate analysis and performance of those maneuvers listed for review. In addition, the tainee will develop the ability to properly perform the listed takeoffs and climbs, approaches and landings, and go-arounds. The trainee will describe how aeronautical decision making (ADM) principles apply to exercising good judgment when executing takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds. Lesson Completion Standar: © Atthe completion ofthis lesson, the trainee will be able fo demonstrate the correct procedures for short- field and soft-field takeoffs and climbs, short-field and soft-field approaches and landings, and go-arounds. During the demonstration of short-field take-offs and climbs and approaches and landings, the trainee will ‘maintain airspeed within five knots of the manufacturer's recommendations. While demonstrating the soft- field takeoffs and climbs, the trainee will observe the proper airspeeds and liftoff techniques. During the sofi-field landing, airspeed will be maintained within five knots. While performing the go-around, the ‘manufacturer's recommended airspeed and flap retraction sequence will be used. In addition, the trainee ‘will be able to analyze and perform the elements involved in the performance of each of the review ‘manouvers and explain how each element is important to the performance of the entire maneaver. Preflight Briefing i Stalts G2 Slow Flight 1D ShorySok Field Ground Reference Mancuvers (Rectangular Course 1 S-Torns Cy Turns Around a Point Stalls Power On 1 Power of [5] Crossed.Contrl Stalls (Demonstration) CZ Elevator Trim Stalls (Demonstration) [L] Secondary Stalls (Demonstration) (Use of Distractions 5] Forward stip toa Landing ‘Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds [1 Short-Field Takeof? and Climb O Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb I] shore-Field Approach and Landing Gy Soft-Fietd Approach and Landing O Go-Arounds FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 135 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL, Original STAGE I- FLIGHT LESSON 4- SEL, Lesson Objectives: ‘© The trainee will demonstrate the analysis and performance of the maneuvers listed for review, including the completion of a cross-country flight, In addition, the trainee will apply the correct emergeney procedures. ‘The trainee will demonstrate how situational awareness is maintained during eross-country fight by effectively using resources, proper communication skills, and workload management principle, ‘Lesson Completion Standards: ‘© The trainee will demonstrate the performance of steep turns within 100 feet of assigned altitude and 5° of | desired angle of bank. All emergency procedures will be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and safe operating procedures. ‘The trainee also will be able to analyze and perform the clements involved in the performance of each of the listed takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds, and explain how each element is important to the performance of the entire procedure, Preflight Briefing [1] Emergency Landings 51 Navigstion ‘Takeoffs, Landings and Go-Arounds (1 Short-Field Takeoff and Climb 1 Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb 1 Short-Field Approach and Landing 1 Soft-iela Approach and Landing 1 Go-Arounds Navigation [1] Piotage and Dead Reckoning (] Navigation Systems and ATC Radar Services 1 Diversion CF Lost Procedures Emergency Operations [Emergency Descent Cy Emergency Approach and Landing Gy systems and Equipment Malfunctions C1 Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear FALCON AVIATION ACADEMY, LLC. FAR 141 TRAINING PROGRAM. PILOT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE I-36 CATEGORY OF TRAINING: AIRPLANE 3/1/2010 CURRICULUM: FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - INITIAL Original STAGE L- FLIGHT LESSON 5. SEL. Lesson Objectives: * During this lesson, the trainee will practice the review maneuvers and procedures to learn the analysis and performance of cach cloment required for their performance. Additionally, the trainee will leara the

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