Chapter 2 Revision

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Chapter 2


In this chapter are presented the research design, research locale,

population and sample, research instrument, data collection and statistical tools.

Research Design

The researcher used the descriptive correlation design for the study. A

descriptive research describe phenomenon of a particular group and validate its

findings. Calderon & Gonzales (2010) stated that descriptive research “describes

and interprets what is”. It is a process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and

tabulating data about the cause - effect relationship and make adequate

interpretation about that data with or without the aid of statistical methods.

Observation, unstructured interview will employed to check the validity of their

response. A correlation research design helps to predict score and explain the

relationship among variables. It is used to relate two or more variables to see if

they have influence each other (Taiwo and Faw). This research design is the most

appropriate research design in determining the community policing and

performance of police officers.

Research Locale

The location of the study is the 3rd district province of North Cotabato and has total

population of 459, 703. The North Cotabato lies on the eastern part of Region XII

and is strategically located in the central part of Mindanao. It is


Figure 2. Maps of the Philippines highlighting of 3rd district Province of North


bounded on the North by the Province of Bukidnon, on the northwest by Lanao del

Sur, on the East by Davao City, on the Southeast by Davao del Sur, on the West

by Maguindanao Province and on the southwest by Sultan Kudarat. According to

2015 census, the province has a total population of 1,379,747 whereas it has 1

city, 17 municipalities and 543 barangays.

Provincial Governor Lala Mendoza said that the province of North Cotabato

together with North Cotabato Provincial Police Office and the help of Local

Government Unit are determined in anti- criminality campaign happening in the

municipality. To achieve this, the collaboration of police officers and communities

are important. The full cooperation of them are necessary action to resolve all

crimes and disorder and the situation could eventually get better.

Population and Sample

The number of police officers in 3rd district of North Cotabato Provincial

Police Office used in determining the total population and selection of the

respondents will be used universal sampling. Universal Sampling is referred to as

the selection of sample where not all the people in the population have the same

profitability of being included in the sample and the probability of being selected is

unknown. The researcher preferred to use universal sampling technique to select

respondents from 3rd dictrict of North Cotabto Provincial Police Office because

they may provide useful information to test the hypothesis of the research (Richard

& Margaret, 1990).

The subjects of the study will be the police officers of the 3rd district of

North Cotabato Provincial Police Office which are the Banisilan, Carmen,

Kabacan, Matalam, Mlang and Tulunan Municipal Police Stations. An exclusion

criterion for this study will be the chief of police and non - uniformed personnel of

3rd district municipal police stations because they might not suitable to test the

hypothesis of the study and answer the questionnaire which might create bias or

wrong interpretation. No individual subject should be excluded without properly

justification or requirement to do so. The researcher believed that the police

officers are the suitable respondents for which they can answers the general and

specific research objectives of the study. The time frame of the study will begin

after the questionnaires are done being validated and upon approval of ethics

review committee.

Research Instrument

The researcher will be prepared a researcher-made questionnaire based

on the downloaded questionnaire on level of effectiveness of community policing

authored by Laru- an & Beup (2015) and performance appraisal system of the PNP

organization. The preliminary draft will be submitted to the research adviser for

comments and suggestions; afterwards, panel of experts will be consulted to

ensure the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts as follows: The first part

consisted of the demographic profile of the respondents, particularly the age,

gender, occupation, marital status, and educational attainment; the second part

tackled the level of effectiveness of community policing with the indicators of patrol

activities, traffic investigation and criminal investigation and performance of police

officers in 3rd district of North Cotabato with the indicators of output, job knowledge,

work management, interpersonal relationship, concern for organization and

personal qualities.

A 5-level likert scaling system was used to determine the level of the

community policing of police officers, as follows:

4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree The respondents are always manifested

with the community policing

3.40 – 4.19 Agree The respondents are oftentimes manifested

with the community policing

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided The respondents are sometimes

manifested with the community policing

1.8- - 2.59 Disagree The respondents are oftentimes not

manifested with the community policing

1.00 – 1.79 Strongly The respondents are not manifested with

Disagree the community policing

A 5-level likert scaling system was used to determine the level of the

performance of police officers, as follows:

Range of Mean Descriptive level Interpretation

4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree The respondents are always manifested

with the performance of police officer

3.40 – 4.19 Agree The respondents are oftentimes manifested

with the performance of police officers

2.60 – 3.39 Undecided The respondents are sometimes

manifested with the performance of police

1.8- - 2.59 Disagree The respondents are oftentimes not

manifested with the performance of police

1.0 – 1.79 Strongly The respondents are not manifested with

Disagree the performance of police officers

Data Collection

In gathering the needed data, the first step will be going to made by the

researcher is to forward a letter of permission both to the office of municipal police

stations and to the respondents. Once the letter is approved, the questionnaire will

be administered among the respondents with the assistance of the researcher by

guiding the respondents in answering the questionnaire explaining as the same

time the relevance of the study, particularly desired fair treatment from the PNP

personnel. The answered questionnaires will be collected by the researcher for

statistical computation, tabulation, analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Tools

In the interpretation of data. The researcher will be using of the following

statistical treatment

Mean. Is used to determine the level of community policing and

performance of police officer.

Person (r). This will be used to determine the relationship between

community policing and performance of police officers.

Regression Analysis. This will be used to determine which domain of

community policing predicts performance of police officers.

Ethical Considerations

The researcher observed full ethical standards in the conduct of the study

following the study protocol assessments and standardized criteria, particularly in

managing the population and data, particularly in the areas of voluntary

participation, privacy and confidentiality, informed consent process, risks, benefits,

and bio-safety.

Voluntary Participation. All respondents have the prerogative for voluntary

participation. They were approached one by one by the researcher and in a way

recruited. They have the free-will to participate in the study without any conditions

on consequence or penalty. Thus, after the purpose and the benefits of the study

are presented to the respondents, the respondents’ right to participate and

contribute their reactions to the study were carefully considered and adhered upon.

Privacy and Confidentiality. The respondents choice of privacy and

confidentiality is respected; any personal and/or professional information that are

keep in private and utmost confidentiality.

Informed Consent Process. The research questionnaire was free of technical

terms and is easily understandable to the respondents of the study. It provided the

population a clear view of benefits the station may generate after the conduct of

the study; no research questionnaire is given to any respondent without the

permission from the authorize command channel.

Recruitment. All the respondents are courteously approach and will be asked

if they can volunteer in the study as respondents by answering a questionnaire;

the study will be thoroughly explained to the respondents and once they agree,

they will be given the questionnaire will be guided by the researcher in answering


Risks. No risky situations are involved in the study that the population may

experience in the area of physical, psychological, or socio- economic concerns.

Benefits. The police stations, local goverment unit, community, particularly the

police officers and the police - community relation section will be benefitted from

result of the study by improving the critical thinking skills and providing workshop

seminars in formulating ways to combat and prevent crimes and will allow them to

improve its capability as far as policing and performance is concerned.

Biosafety. It is guaranteed to the respondents of the study, No medical or

scientific experimentation are conducted that jeopardized biological and

environmental subjects.

Plagiarism. The researcher employed the American Psychological

Association (APA) format wherein proper citation and referencing is utilized and

the manuscript is submitted to Turnitin for thorough checking making sure the

manuscript attributed to the sources.

Fabrication. No tampering of data took place and no false data are

incorporated in the study; only the result of the study is included to make sure the

study is accurate.

Falsification. Data gathered will not be manipulated and documents

attached to the manuscript particularly in the appendices are original and are not

just manufactured and no forgery is also committed in the making of the study.

Conflict of Interest. No conflict of Interest of the part of the researcher is

hidden, except that the main motive of the study is to augment the educational

attainment of the researcher to continue serving the people more effectively.

Deceit. No deception will be employed in convincing the respondents to

participate in the study; all the purpose, motive and intention in conducting study

is disclosed to them beforehand.

Permission from Organization/ Location. All the necessary letters will be

forwarded tot he proper authorities to secure permission to conduct the study,

particularly from the Chief of Police of 6 municipal police stations.

Authorship. No copyright law is violated by this research and the researcher

vouch that she is the sole author of this research study and willing to publish this

research work if so advised by her adviser, panelists or any individual in the

graduate studies who would recommend it.

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