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Name: Engr.

Syed Shah Hasnain Paper: X

Total Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 1 hour and 20 mins


i. Choose the most suitable option.

ii. Write the answer in the box.

iii. Don’t circle any option.

iv. Don’t mark any option.

v. Don’t over-write.
vi. Each question carries one mark.
vii. No negative marking.

1. The unit of specific gravity is ________

A) kg/ B) / C) kg/ D) None of these.
2. Best shape of notch is:
A) Rectangular B) Triangular C) Circular D) Trapezoidal.
3. Co-efficient of velocity ( ) is given by:
A) B) × C) D) +
4. Resultant pressure “R” at dam is calculated by:
A) √ + B) + C) P+W D) +
5. The resultant upward pressure experienced by a floating body is called:
A) Buoyancy B) Adhesion C) Cohesion D) Raising Action
6. Discharge measured by a notch is of _____ type.
A) Theoretical B) Total C) Actual D) Total.
7. ________ is the special ship used to push other ships.
A) Barge B) Pontoon C) Tug D) Titanic
8. In Peizometer, the tube is bent at an angle of ______.
A) 30° B) 45° C) 60° D) 90°
9. The ability of a body to do work is:
A) Discharge B) Energy C) Force D) Flow
10. In case of open channel, water flows under ______.
A) Gravity B) Atmospheric Pressure C) Friction D) Gauge Pressure.
11. Which one is the best hydraulic section?
A) Circular B) Triangular C) Trapezoidal D) Rectangular.
12. The moment of inertia of a rectangular plate about the centroid is given by:
A) B) c) D)
13. The unit of density is:
A) g/ B) kg/ C) N D) /g
14. Formula V = C √ gives _____ type of velocity.
A) Theoretical B) Actual C) Total D) Average.
15. Absolute Pressure = ___________
A) Atmospheric Pressure – Gauge Pressure B) Gauge Pressure – Atmospheric Pressure

Prepared by: Engr. Syed Shah Hasnain

Hydraulics (CT-3rd)
Page 1 of 3
Name: Engr. Syed Shah Hasnain Paper: X
C) Atmospheric Pressure x Gauge Pressure D) Atmospheric Pressure + Gauge Pressure.

16. If a circular pipe has an area of 4 , then its hydraulic mean depth is _____
A) 1 m B) 2 m C) 3 m D) 4 m
17. Major loss of head is due to:
A) Friction B) Obstruction C) Bend D) Exit.
18. A rectangular channel is 2m deep and 3m wide, its wetted perimeter is _____ metres.
A) 8 B) 7 C) 5 D) 4
19. Kinetic energy possessed by a liquid is due to its:
A) Velocity B) Position C) Pressure D) None of these.
20. Pressure in the liquids increases as ________ increases.
A) Width B) Gravity C) Height D) Temperature
21. Hydra means:
A) Oil B) Water C) Liquid D) Petrol
22. 1 litre = ______ .
A) 1000 B) C) 100 D)
23. The unit of discharge is:
A) Cumec B) Cusec C) c /sec D) All of these.
24. Bottom edge of a notch is called _____ .
A) Sill B) Bed C) Crest D) Both A & C.
25. The difference of heads between two ends of a pipe 300 metres long and 1000 mm dia is 4
metres. If the Darcy’s co-efficient is 0.01, then discharge flowing in the pipe in terms of
/sec is: (Formula: = )
A) 0.2 B) 2 C) 20 D) 200
26. A weir is said to a narrow crested, if its width “b” is less than _____.
A) ⁄3 B) ⁄ C) 2 ⁄3 D) 3 ⁄2
27. The formula to find area of a circular body is:
A) B) C) D)
28. 1 m = _____ cm
A) 1 B) 10 C) 100 D) 1000
29. A rectangular notch is discharging 0.5 / of water under a constant head of 30 cm. If
= 0.60, then find the width of the notch in cm is:
(Formula: = . . . ⁄ )
A) 171 B) 161 C) 151 D) 181
30. The study of pressure exerted by liquids at rest is called ____.
A) Hydraulics B) Hydrostatics C) Hydrokinematics D) Hydology
31. The path followed by a single fluid particle during flow is called:
A) Stream Line B) Path Line C) Flow Line D) Straight Line
32. If L = 10 , n = 10 and H = L-1 , then Q in cumecs is:
(Formula: = . ( − . ). ⁄ )
A) 25 B) 50 C) 75 D) 100.
33. ________ is used to measure velocity.
A) Pitot Tube B) Venturimeter C) Orifice D) Orifice meter.
34. The surface tension of liquids is due to _____
A) Atmospheric Pressure B) Adhesion of molecules C) Cohesion of molecules
D) Self-Weight of the liquid
35. The formula for area of a triangle is given by:
A) bd B) C) D)
36. The specific weight of water is equal to _____

Prepared by: Engr. Syed Shah Hasnain

Hydraulics (CT-3rd)
Page 2 of 3
Name: Engr. Syed Shah Hasnain Paper: X
A) 9.81 / B) 1000 kg/c C) 9.81 kg.m/ D) 1
37. Standard Atmospheric Pressure = _______ m of mercury.
A) 0.76 B) 76 C) 10.3 D) 1.03
38. 1 cumec = _____ cusecs.
A) 27 B) 31 C) 35 D) 39
39. is the unit of:
A) Area B) Length C) Volume D) Perimeter
40. If the head of the water at the downstream is below than the orifice, then the orifice is
_____ orifice.
A) Fully Drowned B) Partially drowned C) Free D) Zero
41. Length of mouth piece should not be less than ______ times its diameter.
A) 8 B) 6 C) 4 D) 2
42. The specific gravity of water is:
A) 1000 kg/ B) 1 g/ C) 1 D) 100
43. A rectangular plank is 1m long, 2m wide and 3m deep. Find its volume.
A) 1 B) 1.5 C) 3 D) 6
44. The line joining pressure heads of a liquid flowing in the pipe is called _____ line.
A) Total Energy B) Pressure Head C) Pressure D) Hydraulic Gradient.
45. Acceleration due to gravity (g) has the value of:
A) 9.81 m/ B) 98.1 m/ C) 10 m/ D) 100 m/
46. ℎ = ______
A) / B) / C) + D) ×
47. Formula of discharge is:
A) Q = B) Q = C) Q = A.V D) Q = A+V
48. A small rectangular orifice of 0.08 is discharging water under a constant head of 0.4m.
What will be the discharge in / , if is 0.60.
(Formula: = . . )
A) 0.134 B) 0.104 C) 0.116 D) 0.126
49. If a floating body has zero metacentric height, then it is _______ equilibrium.
A) Neutral B) Zero D) Unstable D) Stable.
50. In case of Cippoletti Weirs, the horizontal to vertical side slopes is taken as:
A) 1:4 B) 4:1 C) 1:2 D) 2:1

Prepared by: Engr. Syed Shah Hasnain

Hydraulics (CT-3rd)
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