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Nama kelompok : Arisca Putri (2018425000)

Dwi Putri Natalia (201842500023)

Febi Rizki Anisah (201842500025)

Mukmin Let-Let (2018425000)

Rudy Alfiansyah (201842500009)





In the name of a loving and most merciful Allah. All praise and
gratitude to Allah, who by his blessing we can finish this paper well and
smoothly. Sholawat and Regards are still given to our lord the great Prophet
SAW and for his family, friends and followers who faithfully accompany him.
Thank you to family, lecturers, and friends who were involved in making this
paper with prayer and the guidance of this paper can be resolved well and

In this paper we discuss about the "temperature" that we make based

on references that we take from various sources, including books and internal
information. This is expected to add insight and knowledge that we are
looking for. We hope that it can be utilized as much as possible and as best as

There is no ivory that is not cracked, so is this paper, therefore we are waiting
for constructive criticism and we hope for the perfection of this paper.

Jakarta,13 March 2019

Compiler Team
Chapter I


A. Background

The temperature or temperature of an object is a quantity that states

the degree of heat of an object.

Hot objects have high temperatures, while chilled objects have a low
temperature. Please note that temperature is a quantity, so that which has a
temperature of course objects.

Here I made to explain about "Temperature". So that it can understand

the notion of heat and temperature and how to measure the scale of
temperature and the effect of heat on body temperature.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

In preparing this paper the author tries to identify several questions

that will be used as material in the preparation and completion of the
paper. Among them are:

1. what is meant of temperature ?

2. what are the temperature scale ?
3. how to measure temperature ?
4. what are the temperature gauges ?
5. what kinds of thermometers ?
C. Purpose of Paper

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of writing

this paper. Among them are:

1. to know about temperature

2. to find out how to measure temperature
3. to find out the temperature unit
4. to find out the temperature gauge
5. to find out the kinds of thermometers
Chapter II


A. Temperatur

Temperature is a measure of the body's 'degree of relative heat or

coldness', related to the boiling point and freezing point of water, which has a
fixed numeric value. Temperature is not a measure of the amount of heat
energy the body has. Heat energy will depend on body size (a glass will
contain less energy than one tub of water at the same temperature) and also
the nature of the material.

The temperature or temperature of an object is a quantity that states the degree

of heat of an object.

Hot objects have high temperatures, while chilled objects have a low
temperature. Please note that temperature is a quantity, so that which has a
temperature of course objects. For example the temperature of ice that is
melting, the temperature of boiling water and so on. So there is no
temperature in the place or room, which is the temperature of the place or

B. Scale Of Temperature

In America many use the Fahrenheit scale (0˚F). In making the scale, a
reference point is sought, which is called a fixed point and then made the scale
as we wish. Before 1954 two points were determined as standard references,
namely ice points and vapor points.
The ice point is a point where there is a mixture of water that saturates
the air with ice that is pressurized 1 atmosphere. Whereas the vapor point is
the temperature where there is boiling water at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Fahrenheit in 1724 determined the scale of the temperature at 32⁰F is the ice
point, at 212⁰F is the vapor point and the rectal temperature ranges from

But in the field of medicine the temperature scale most often used in
clinical practice is the scale of Celsius (or centigrade). The celsius scale is
divided into 100⁰ between 0⁰ celsius as the lowest fixed point (ice point) and
100⁰C as the upper fixed point (boiling point of water). It must be added that
this fixed point is determined at normal atmospheric pressure because its
value depends on the air pressure when the measurement is made.

The SI unit for temperature is Kelvin (K). The Kelvin scale has the
same division as the celsius scale but on the Kelvin scale there is an absolute
zero temperature where a molecular movement stops. This absolute zero
temperature situation (K) is not really obtained, but if there is a value it is -
273⁰C! then 0⁰C is equivalent to 273 K and so on.

Although the Fahrenheit scale is currently rarely used in English, it is

still often used elsewhere in the world, and many parents are still accustomed
to using it. For this reason, the conversion of temperature to this scale can be
useful, where the freezing point of ice is 320 and the freezing point of ice is
320 and the boiling point of water is 212 ⁰ F. And in Indonesia, we used
Celcius for a standar scale.
The Celcius scale discovered by Anders Celcius in 1742. He is a
Swedish astronomer. before it became known as Celsius, this scale was called
centigrade. And then the Fahrenheit scale discovered by Gabriel Fahrenheit,
stated in 1724. On this scale, the boiling point of water is at a scale of 212
degrees while the freezing point of water is on a 32 degree scale.

Kelvin Scale (symbol: K) is a temperature scale where absolute zero is

defined as 0 K. The unit for the Kelvin scale is kelvin (symbol K), and is one
of the seven basic units of SI. The kelvin unit is defined by two facts: zero
kelvin is absolute zero (when molecular motion stops, in thermodynamics),
and one kelvin is a fraction 1 / 273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of
the triple point water (0.01 ° C). The Celsius temperature scale is now defined
by kelvin. The Kelvin is named after a British physicist and engineer, William
Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824-1907). Unlike Fahrenheit and degrees
Celsius, kelvin is meaningless or written as a degree.

And the last is Reamur. The Réaumur scale is a temperature scale

named after René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, the first to suggest it in
1731. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Réaumur, the boiling point of
water is 80 degrees. So, one degree of Réaumur is equal to 1.25 degrees
Celsius or kelvin.

This scale was originally made with alcohol which was already somewhat
decayed, so the Réaumur thermometer made with mercury is not a true Réaumur
thermometer. Réaumur may choose the number 80 because it can be divided 4
times with integers (40, 20, 10, 5), while 100 can only be divided twice with
integer results (50, 25). The Réaumur scale is widely used in Europe, especially in
France and Germany, but was later replaced by Celsius. Currently the Réaumur
scale is rarely used except in the candy and cheese industry.
C. Formulation

from the explanation above, note the boiling point of water and
freezing water as follows:

by knowing the difference in the scale distance between freezing and

boiling, make a comparison of all of them. First, we look for the difference
between the lower and upper points of each scale:

C: F: R: K

100-0): (212-32): (80-0): (373-273)

100: 180: 80: 100

After we simplify it, it will become:

5: 9: 4: 5

then this comparison is used to be a calculating tool in changing the scale.

Example : from 80⁰ celcius, what is the degree of reamur, kelvin and

 Celsius → R

= (4/5) x 80

= 64⁰R

Because Reamur and Celsius both start from 0⁰, the result: 64 + 0 = 64⁰ R

 Celsius → K

= (5/5) x 80

= 80

Because K starts at 273, the result: 273 + 80 = 353 K

 Celsius → F

= (9/5) x 80

= 144

Because Fahrenheit starts at 32, the result: 144 + 32 = 178⁰ F

Another Example : From 300K , what is the scale in Celcius, Fahrenheit and Reamur?

 Kelvin → C

= (5/5) x (300-273)

= 27⁰ C

[Less 273 so that the lower point is equal to Celsius, which is 0]

 Kelvin → F

= (9/5) x (300-273)

= (9/5) x 27

= 48.6

Because the point is below Fahrenheit 32, the result: 48.6 + 32 = 80.6⁰ F

 Kelvin → R

= (4/5) x (300-273)

= (4/5) x (27)

= 21,6⁰R

[Less 273 first so that the bottom point is the same as Reamur, which is 0]

Things to note are the scale of the comparison and the location of the upper and
lower points on each scale.
D. Thermometer

A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature, or change in

temperature. The term thermometer should be from Latin Thermo which
means heat and meter which means to measure. The working principle of the
thermometer varies, the most commonly used is the mercury air thermometer

Type of thermometer

1. Mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer in a glass is a thermometer made from

mercury placed in a glass tube. The calibrated sign on the tube
makes the temperature readable according to the length of mercury
in the glass, varying according to temperature. To increase
accuracy, there is usually a mercury bulb at the end of a
thermometer that contains most of the mercury; expansion and
volume constriction

2. Thermocouple

thermocouple is a temperature sensor that is widely used to

convert temperature differences in objects into electrical voltage
changes (voltage). Simple thermocouples can be installed, and
have the same standard type of connector, and can measure
temperatures in a fairly large temperature range with a limit of
measurement errors of less than 1 ° C.

3. Infrared thermometer

Infrared thermometer also called a laser Thermometer is a

temperature measuring device that uses infrared radiation and can
measure temperature or temperature without touching the object to
be measured in temperature.

4. Galileo thermometer

Galileo thermometer is a thermometer made of a closed

cylindrical glass containing clear liquid and a series of objects
whose density is such that they rise or fall according to changes in

5. Thermistor

Thermistor is a device or component or electronic sensor used

to measure temperature. The basic principle of a thermistor is a
change in the value of resistance (or resistance or resistance or
resistance) if the temperature or temperature regarding this
thermistor changes. This thermistor is a combination of the term
thermo (temperature) and resistor (measuring device for

6. Alcohol thermometer

An alcohol thermometer is a thermometer that uses alcohol as a

measuring medium, which is an alternative to a mercury
thermometer with the same function. But it's not the same as
mercury in a glass thermometer. The contents of the alcohol
thermometer are non-toxic and will evaporate quickly enough. The
space at the top of the liquid is a mixture of nitrogen and steam
from the liquid. With increasing temperature the volume rises. The
liquid used can be either pure ethanol or isoamyl acetate,
depending on the manufacturer and work related to temperature.
Because this thermometer is transparent, the liquid made must be
visible with the addition of red or blue dyes. This thermometer can
only measure the body temperature of living things (humans and
animals). This thermometer cannot measure the temperature above
78 ° C.

7. Body thermometer

A body thermometer is a thermometer that is used to measure

the temperature of a human body. The use of body temperature
thermometers is very easy even we can use it alone at home.

The thermometer that we use to measure the temperature of this

body usually has a measurement area between 35 degrees Celsius
to 42 degrees Celsius

8. Laboratory thermometer
Laboratory thermometers are used to measure temperature or
temperature changes with a high degree of accuracy. Traditional
glass thermometer designs offer convenience and low cost.

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