Pancha Buddha

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Pancha Buddha -k~r a'¢_

Pancha Buddha is also known as Pancha Tathāgatas -k~r tyfut_ or Dhyāni Buddhas -WofgL
a'¢_. These five Buddhas represent the essence of the five primordial defilements: lust, hatred,
delusion, pride and jealousy. Each of the five Buddhas embodies the primordial purity of these
five defilements which obscure (confuse) our mind. These five Buddhas are not subdivisions of
the Śakyamuni Buddha -zfSod'gL a'¢_.

The names of Five Buddhas are:

1. Vairochana (j}/f]rg) – located at the centre, colour – white

2. Akṣobhya (cIof]Eo) – located in the east direction, colour - blue
3. Ratna Sambhava -/Tg ;Dej) – located in the south direction, colour - yellow
4. Amitābha (cldtfe) – located in the west direction, colour - red
5. Amoghasiddhi (cdf]3l;l4) – located in the north direction, colour - green

Each Buddha is seen in the various hand postures (Mudrās) -d'b|f_: Vairochana -
Dharmachakra -Wfd{rqm_ (Teaching the law or turning the wheel of law), Akṣobhya -
Bhumisparśa -e"ld:kz{_ (Touching the earth with one hand), Ratnasambhava -Varada -j/b_
(Boon-giving), Amitābha - Dhyāna -Wofg_ (Meditation) and Amoghasiddhi - Abhaya -ceo_
(Protection). The Pancha Buddhas are so popular in Nepal that they are found in every stupas -
:t'kf_ and Chaityas -r}To_ and found painted in the main entrance of the Buddhist house.

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