Part 4 - Enable Loadable Module Support

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1301/2018 figuration Guide Part 4- [+] Enable loadable module support ~-> | DOTSLASHLINUX DOTSLASHLINUX Ce nO coe ee eee corny ry rs Crs Seneca Coe General sep cess eee eee cess prensa Core ee ee Cres eee cor Ceres cee Cea ee Ceres oho Click Here See Ceres File systems —> Coa ee cess See Cres + Cryptographic APL ae hore Cores ey Coes Kernel Sources: Be cee eer pete eee YT oer Pee Rca ar ee eee meets ete near tt it eect es pete eC aio ar ott eee sty eee ae eee eee ete Res etc eure ret ens Excluded QeMU-virtualization-related options in favor of Virtualsox tee ee eer tns Excluded 32-bit support een eens Deets eee oes ects small size Peart eee poeswe ast 2469 (grep -c ‘CONFIG_' DOTSLASHLINUX. config) ote tae Soro neat) hw doslashlinux. com fermel-configuration-quide-part-4-enable-oadable-module-suppor ‘module support > | DO The Linux Kemel Configuration Guide Part 4 - [+] Enable loadable module support eee erat PROCS ene eR ot Dea Eee Se oee hwur 1301/2018 or cae eee figuration Guide Part 4- [+] Enable loadable module support ~-> | DOTSLASHLINUX oes eT ee TTT Cue Ro en RO sea this) an? poste Perro Per cn Ree ee een se ee es eee ee ete eer ete Coe eee en eee a Cree eee ee eee a UL ees eee cee eee ce Ce vot ee cece neo ceca Sennen eatery epson renee eT ote coe iene Renn terre Stee ee ore cece es Oe eect ee RC OR U ee ERTS Etat eC ss boolean cota You can safely exclude this option as forcing modules to load is dangerous cae [+] Module unloading symbol el: aiat coos ener seme ttn tory Dene ee ea ae een Oey ee sn ee as eScrnscy Se ee eens eects Post Perec] ee ee erect eee een ET ce ee ee eee ete Cone et eee ee eee scene ets tee ee se er eet ae ete Cee ee cTed ee oo ee eee reed ete ence ener epee enon cys hw doslashlinux.comy .emel-configuration-quide-part-4-enable-oadable-module-suppor 1301/2018 coe rene figuration Guide Part 4- [+] Enable loadable module support ~-> | DOTSLASHLINUX Loe ec Cee Te Roe eRe ae ued Pee erent eee eccentric es eee ce ecm ea Cree eae erece) eC et eens area boolean eee Senet Rien cc ere enc Copter ee et er oe ree are ] Module versioning support Punt Help: aya coe ener Prete erence sence SRA eee ote cent eee eee emer or ent etre Se ee ne ee ny ec a erect kee erated ares boolean eee) Peet Ren ce ere cr noe sstry ees ] Source checksum for all modules Punt pate iat Coa Swe Pee eee a sce erences etn eee eee eet eet) eee ee eee ener eres eet eer cence ne neces Se oe ence et ten? Seer te eater Caer errant) Sree eco nema ea? cate concn CCE oot Rn Ce eee Ont ad Pacey PVCOMICR EIR CenniTeitoy eT ote eee OR cn een OR CR eS nS 4s sinply appended to the module. For more information see Perec ecerertreers hw doslashlinux. com fermel-configuration-quide-part-4-enable-oadable-module-suppor 1301/2018 coos figuration Guide Part 4- [+] Enable loadable module support ~-> | DOTSLASHLINUX Cee Ce ee ae ey Eee ete etcetera nee erry een eee eee ee een eer eee eect ees Ce ser er emer erect tect ee eae ee eee erecta) coset cote Ronee Ree Ce eee et Con Sartre aes eRe cee ene cic) eT Help or coos Reason: Cee ee ee eee ec eer Sr eae eee ote ee ee eae oes ut-of-tree kernel modules installed using Kbuild will also be eee eeccs Poe nee c ee ee crt ees cee eee eure acer Note: This is fully compatible with signed modules. cece aeea boolean coe) Pea te Rien ce co ec Cer Scy Kernel nodules will slightly increase your boot tire. pet ee ce ee eee] epee oe esas Eye rate Coen enema Ce ee nee geo rea eScc Soe eee Neen en RCo nema cay eee eect ete unite nomen tn rnany of those exported symbols might never be used. eee Cree Ree een ed Site Ne cnt ene eae Ceti teces ee oe eee cnet eee eireteny ee ne ae eam er cee Se eC cere conte poste hw doslashlinux. com fermel-configuration-quide-part-4-enable-oadable-module-suppor 1301/2018 ‘The Linux Kernel Configuration Guide Part 4 - [+] Enable loadable module support > | DOTSLASHLINUX Coe al eee estes Senne cr ect ee et een ret peebeaed Cee een ce econo Se ee eee eee ee et ee eee ces ore ny eee feitiecu eS One of DOTSLASHLINUX followers 4 (Yang Mam) fiom China, decided to follow up withthe series and provide Chinese eanslation of the kernel eee se hitps:shweu dotslashlinux compost the-linux-kemel-configuation-quide-part-1-enable-loadable-module-suppor 66

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