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Dr.dr. Tri Maharani MSi. Sp.EM

Home Address:
Jl. Dr Wahidin no. 35
Kediri 64123 – Indonesia
Phone: +62-85334030409

Head of Emergency Departement DAHA
HUUSADA Hospital
Veteran 48 Kediri EAST Java
Mobile: +62-8533-4030409
Date of birth: Agust 31th, 1971
Sex: Female
Marital status: Single
Employment # (NIP): 197108312002122005

Current Carrier

Emergency Medicine Specialist at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Advisor

Temporary WHO of snake bite,Coordiinator and founder RECS Indonesia

Field of Interest

EMS,USLS,Toxinology (snake bite and marine animal),biomedic,cardioemergency,Airway

management,crisis and disaster,,oncology emergency,public disaster,hospital disaster planning

1990 - 1996 Faculty of Medicine

University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Bachelor of Medicine
1996 - 1998 Saiful Anwar General Hospital
Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Medical Doctor
2001-2003 Postgraduate Imunologi (Master/S2) Faculty of Medicine University
of Airlangga,Indonesia
2007- 2011 Specialist Training Programme in Emergency Medicine
Saiful Anwar General Hospital
Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Emergency MedicineSpecialist
2008-2014 Postgraduate PhD(Doctoral ) Biomedic, Faculty of
Medicine University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
2011 Sandwich like program PhD Biomedic in Hipertension Departement
Gashuisberg Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Katolieke Universiteit of
Leuven Belgia


2000 certified ‘Konsep baru penatalaksanaan penyakit alergi ‘ University

of Brawijaya
2002 Certified for ‘Molecular Medicine’organized by Postgraduate program
of Immunology University of Airlangga, Indonesia
2003 Certified for’ Training emergency and disaster’b department of ealt
Provinci East Java
2004 Certified for ‘TB management ‘ organized by Departement of Health
East Java Provinci
2004 Certified for Basic Trauma life support Course’ ,organized by
Departement of Health East Java Provinci
2007 Certified for ‘Disaster Planning’ ,organized by Departement of health
East Java Provinci
2007 Certified for ‘Basic Cardiac Life Support Course’, organized by
Department of Emergency Medicine, Saiful Anwar General Hospital,
2008 Certified for ‘ ECG’ ,organized by Departement of Heart, Saiful
Anwar General hospital Indonesia
2008 Certified for ‘ TNT Nutrition’,organized by Departement of Surgical,
Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Indonesia
2008 Certified ‘Workshop Basic Ultrrasonograhy’ by University of Brawijaya
2009 Certified for ‘Flowcitometry Course’organized by Postgraduate
Biomedic Program University of Brawijaya,Indonesia
2009 Certified for ‘Workshop intraarticular injection ‘,organized by
Departement of Internal medicine ,Saiful Anwar Hospital,Indonesia
2009 Certified for ‘Advance Cardiac Life Support Course’, organized by Life
Support Training Center,organized by Indonesian Society of Heart
2010 Certified for ’Workshop on Mechanical Ventilation’, organized by
The 17th International Symposium on Critical Care & Emergency
Medicine, Indonesia
2010 Certified for’Asthma management’organized by Indonesian Society of
Pulmonologist Malang, Indonesia
2011 Certified for ’Basic Emergency Ultrasound Course’, organized by
Indonesian Society for Emergency Medicine, Malang, Indonesia and
in collaboration with Trauma & Emergency Department,Hospital
Raja Permaisuri Bainun Malaysia
2012 Certified for ‘Basic management of Snake Bite and Toxicology’organized
by Malaysian Society of Emergency Medicine,KualaLumpur Malaysia
2014 Certified for “Health,Safety working” Departement of Health Indonesia

2014 Certified for”ITC DRR” Departement of Health and WHO Indonesia

2014 Certified for ‘Advance management of Snake Bite and
Toxicology’organized by Malaysian Society of Emergency
Medicine,KualaLumpur Malaysia
2015 Certified for international program snake bite and emergency
management dr Koesnadi Hospital
2015 Certified for sudden cardiac arrest and code blue course ,Symphosium
critical care and emergency medicine Bali
2015 Certified training PONEK by jaringan nasional pelatihan klinik kesehatan
reproduksi dan pusat pelatian klinik tersier Surabaya
2015 Certified ‘ Pain manajement’ by Koesnadi Hospital Bondowoso
2015 Certified ‘Komunikasi efektif’by Koesnadi Hospital Bondowoso
2015 Certified’Clinical practice and drugs update or emergency cases’by
Sultan Agung Islamic University
2015 Certified ‘Toxicolog & envenomation management ‘by Emergenc
Specialist program University of Brawiijaya
2015 Certified ‘Peningkatann kapasitas kera kesehatan Kerja’by
Departement of Health Jakarta
2015 Certified ‘Pelatian Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat (PPGD)by Dinkes
provinsi Jatim
2015 Certified’Pre Hospital and Emergency medical service ‘by PPNI
2015 Certified ‘SPI level 1’ b dynamic consultan grup
2015 Certified’Snake bite Envenomation Manajement’b Malaysian Society
on Toxinology
2015 certified ‘Managemen HIV-AIDS’by Koesnadi Hospital
2016 Certified’Snake bite manajemen’ by University Cendrawasih Papua
2016 certified’snake bite manajemen ‘by University Papua
2016 Certified’Snake bite manajemen’by University Semarang
2016 Certified’Snake bite manajeme’by IDI Denpasar
2016 Certified’snake bite manajemen’by University ofGajah Mada
2016 Certified ‘snakke bite manajemen’by Uniiversity o Brawijaya
2016 Certified ‘snake bite manajemen ‘by Akper Kesdam Denpasar
2016 certiffied’Snake bite envenomation management’Perak Malasyia
2016 certified’Imunisasi’ Departement Health Provinci East Java
2016 certified’Triage in Emerrgency Departement’by Dr Soedomo Hospial
of Trenggalek
2016 certified’USLS level 1’by WINFOCUS
2016 certified’Snake bite’by Sosrodoro hospital Bojonegoro
2016 certified’Adminkes’by Departemen of Health Provinci East Java

2016 certified’AMSEM “by Malasyia toxinology
2017 certified’Emergency Pulmonology’ b PDPI Indonesia

Presented of Symposium & Conference

2003 Facilitator in’Young symphosium of sexual education’ organized by

Society of Christian young in Bondowoso,East Java Indonesia
2004 Facilitator in ‘Healthty in erderly’ organized by Society of Erderly in
Jember East Java Indonesia
2004 Facilitator in’ Mini symphosium of healthty’ organized by GMIT
church in Kupang South East Timor
2008 Participating and presented in International seminar of molecular
ICMCA-ATM 2009-Brawijaya
2009 Facilitator in ‘ Church and healthty’ organized by GMIM church in
Buton Island South Celebes Indonesia
2010 Participatingin and presented ’17th International Symposium on
Critical Care & Emergency Medicine’, organized by Indonesian
Society of Critical care (Perhimpunan Kedokteran Gawat Darurat
Indonesia), Bali, Indonesia

2010 Participating and presented in International Conference in Emergency

Medicine 2010, organized by International Federation of Emergency
Medicine, Singapore
2011 Participating and presented in International 1st International Clinical
Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICCEM) 2011,Kuala Lumpur –
2011 Participating and presented 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Indonesian Heart Association (ASMIHA), Jakarta– Indonesia
2011 Participating and presented in the17th World Congress on Disaster
and Emergency Medicine (WCDEM), organized by World
Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM), Beijing
– China
2011 Participating and presented in the Asian Conference on Emergency
Medicine 2011, organized by the Asian Society on Emergency
Medicine, Bangkok – Thailand
2011 Participating and presented in International conference of Basic
Science Malang Universitas Brawijaya
participating and presented in SEARAME international conference
medical student in South East Asia Jakarta Indonesia

2012 Participating and presented in Basic management snake bite and

toxicology Kualalumpur Malaysia
2012 Participating and presented in PEMC Seoul Korea

2013 Participating and presented in Basic management snake bite and

toxicology Kualalumpur Malaysia,Advisor member AMSEM
2013 Participating and presented in International Physiology Conggress
2013 Participating and presented in PIT EM
2014 Participating and presented in AMSEM ,Malaysia,
advisor member AMSEM
Participating in International concorsium and disaster reduce
2015 Presented in International conference snake bite and emergency
Presented in SEM Kualalumpur Malaysia
2015 Presented in ACEM Taipei Taiwan
2016 Advisor Temporary WHO of snake bites in Indonesia in Delhi India
Faculty member AMSEM
Pereview pedoman BPOM untuk penatalaksanaan snake bite dan
racun alam
Key note speaker in AVIS by LIPI
Speaker in Symposium to bioresources and expedition by LIPI
Speaker in ARK by National geography (Bogor,Bali,Jogja)
Speaker in AMSEM and faculty member AMSEM (Asia Marine and
snake bite envenomation management)
Speaker in Neurology Meeting ‘Neurotoksinologi’by Sebelas mmaret
Speaker in Snake bites symphosium by Comata Biology faculty
University of Indonesia
Speaker in snake bites symphosium by PPDS Surgeron University of
Padjajarann Bandung
Speaker in snake bites symphosium by biology faculty university of
2017 Speaker Emergency training and code blue in Dr Harjono hospital
of Ponorogo
Speaker Early warning system and code blue in Abdoer Rahim
Hospital of Situbondo
Speaker Snake bites training in Gunungjati hospital of Cirebon
Speaker Snake bites training in Cargill palm Oil Ketapang West
Speaker Snake bites guideline WHO 2016 in Faculty Medicine
University Of Jember

Professional Experiences

1990-1996 Medical student in Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya,

1996 - 1998 Medical intern at Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Indonesia
1998 - 2000 Attending physicians for several private out-patient clinics (general
doctor in Emergency Departement in Kepanjen General Hospital,
Salvation Army hospital of Turen,Lafalette hospital).

2000-2003 General Doctor in Goverment Minihospital of Sawahan Nganjuk East
Java Indonesia
2001-2003 Postgraduate student in Master Immunology Airlangga University
2003-2007 Head of Goverment MiniHospital in Pakem Bondowoso East Java
2010 Team of Emergency & Disaster for vulcano disaster, Merapi vulcano
Center of Java Indonesia
2007 - 2011 Emergency Medicine Specialist Trainee in Department of
Emergency Medicine atSaiful Anwar General Hospital/Faculty of
Medicine University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
2011 -2014 Postgraduate student in PhD programme of Biomedic in Faculty of
medicine University of Brawijaya Indonesia
2014 - 2015 Emergency Medicine Specialist and staff Crisis and disaster
programme Department of Health East Java Provinci , Indonesia

2015 Head of Emergency Departement and emergency Physician of Dr

Koesnadi Hospital Bondowoso
2016 Emergency Medicine Specialist and staff Crisis and disaster programme
Department of Health East Java Provinci , Indonesia
2016 - now Head of Departement and Emergency Dungus Hospital Madiun

Published Research and Articles

2003 Popular publication Introduction of 24 and 40 protein borna virus in

psychiatric patient :, published in Nopember 2003 in Jawa
pos,Surya pos,Gatra magazine,Indoppos, Indonesia

2011 The Influence of Status and the Patterns of Driving License

Ownership toward the Gradation of Open Fractures According to
Sardjito Scoring System Suffered by Motorcycles Accident Patients in
Emergency Department of Saiful Anwar General Hospital from April
to June 2010. Prehosp Disaster Med 2011;26(Suppl. 1):s5.Doi:
2011 Serum Collagen Markers and Heart Failure Publish in Cardiovascular
& Haematological Disorders-Drug Targets, 2011, 11, 000-000
2011 Downmodulation of peroxiredoxin-3 expression by angiotensin II in
cardiac fibroblasts through phosphorylation of FOXO3a by Akt
Publish in Journal Oxidant and antioxidant International Journal(
Oxid Antioxid Med Sci 2012; 0(0):0-0 ISSN: 2146-8389)
2014 Effect of extract Ipomoea Batatas cultivar kawi mountain chronic
inlamatiion in wistar rats ith atherogenic diet.IEESE Internasional
Journal o Science and Technology (IJSTE), vol 3 no 1,Marrch 2014,1-
7,ISSN: 2252-5297
2015 Out of Hospital cardiac arrest in Bondowoso Taipei Taiwan

2016 Snake bite manajemen Warta Herpetofauna Jakarta
Guideline for te management of snake bites WHO 2016
2017 Pedoman penatalaksanaan toksinology oeh BPPOM

Research Projects

1988 Team research project with topic’ growth and sound in soybean’Indonesia
2002 Individual research project with topic on ‘Borna virus’ in Indonesia
2005 Individual research project with topic on Disaster of measles in Pakem Bondowoso in
2009 Individual research project with topic’Universal precaution with gloves for HIV –AIDS
in Emergency Room’, Presented in International seminar of molecular ICMCA-
ATM 2009-Brawijaya
2010 Individual research project with topic’ The Recognition of Detection Monoclonal
Antibody Type IV Collagen In The Serum of Myocardial Infarct Patients In
Emergency Department - Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang’
2010 Individual research project with topic ‘ The Influence of Status and The Patterns Of
Driving License Ownership Toward The Gradation of Open Fractures According
to Sardjito Scoring System Suffered By Motorcycles Accident Patients In
Emergency Department of Saiful Anwar General Hospital From April To June
2010 Individual project with topic’ Location of fracture in the old and young man in
Emergency room’
2011 Thesis research with topic on The Influence of Status and The Patterns Of
Driving License Ownership Toward The Gradation of head injury Suffered By
Motorcycles Accident Patients In Emergency Department of Saiful Anwar
General Hospital From Oktober To Desember 2010
2011 Individual project with topic’ Relationship building training commitment on
patient satisfaction with 5S policy in saiful anwar hospital malang’
2011 Individual research with topic’Correlation among early mobilization in cervical
injury patient with cardiovascular,gastrointestinal,urogenital function’
2011 Individual project with topic’ Medical Engineering Innovation as Alternate Issue on
ER Teaching-Learning: Case Study of AutoCPR Apparatus Design 1’
2011 Individual research with topic’ Relationship between sympathetic activity with
forgive in patients hypertension’
2011 Team research with departement Hipertension Gashuisberg Hospital ,faculty
medicine Katolieke Universiteit of Leuven Belgia with topic’Serum Collagen
Markers and Heart Failure’
2011 Team research with departement Hipertension Gashuisberg Hospital ,faculty
medicine Katolieke Universiteit of Leuven Belgia with topic ‘ Downmodulation
of peroxiredoxin-3 expression by angiotensin II in cardiac fibroblasts through
phosphorylation of FOXO3a by Akt’
2012 Individual research with topic’Early detection of Plaque rupture’.
2012 Dissertation research with topic’Effect antosianin from Ipomoea batatas varietas
purple kultivar kawi mountain to reduce atherogenesis
2015 Efektifitas borang gigitan ular trimeresurus albolabris dan insularis di Bondowoso

2016 Efektifitas pengompresan bullae gigitan trimeresurus sp dibandingkan dengan
metode bullektomi
Identiikasi dan pemetaan species ular di Kabupaten Bondowoso

Achievements& Awards

2003 Awarded the best minihospital in family planning in Bondowoso

2007 Awarded full scholarship for Emergency Medicine Postgraduate
Programme from Goverment Bondowoso city
2008 Awarded full scholarship for PhD Biomedic Postgraduate Programme
from Departement of Education Indonesia

2010 Dato Abu Hasan Award runner up oral presentation in International

Critical care and emergency medicine 2010 Bali

2010 Dato Abu Hasan Award third place oral presentation in

International Critical care and Emergency medicine 2010 Bali

2011 Awarded The Best clinical case poster ‘Correlation among early
mobilization in cervical injury patient with cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal,urogenital function presented in the 1st International
Clinical Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICCEM) 2011,Kuala
Lumpur –Malaysia
2011 Awarded full scholarship for Sandwich like program PhD Biomedic
from Departement of Education Indonesia in Katolieke Universiteit
of Leuven Belgia
2016 Awarded to education first aids snake bite and management from
National Geography (ARK)

Language Skills

Indonesian as first language, and English as working knowledge.

Organizational Members & Projects

1998-date Member of Indonesian Medical Doctor Association (IDI)

2010 -date Boardmember of Indonesian Society for Emergency Medicine

2012-date Advisor member AMSEM Malaysia
2016-date Faculty member AMSEM
2014-date Koordinator RECS Indonesia
2016-date Advisor temporary WHO of snake bites

Madiun,12 June 2017

Dr.dr.Tri Maharani MSi SpEM

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