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E-Police Web System

Final Project of BS (CS)


Mam Nabila Ishfaq


M. Shahram Iqbal 15-ARID-3888

Saqib Farooq 15-ARID-3899



Dedicated to our beloved parents and to all those, whose
prayers always pave the way to success for us.

Project Title : E-Police system Web System

Organization : PMAS Arid Agriculture University Burewala Campus

Undertaken By : Saqib Farooq (15-ARID-3899)

M Shahram Iqbal (15-ARID-3888)

Supervised by : Mam Nabila Ishfaq

Date started : March 14, 2019

Date completed : July 22, 2019

Technologies Used : HTML, CSS, ASP.Net, JAVASCRIPT.

Operating System : Window 8.1

System Used: Dell Ci5 5thGenration, 250 SDD, 4 GB RAM


ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY, who gave us the strength to work to complete this project on time
and with the best possible quality and our family and friends who supported us in every step of
life and mostly the past four years of university life. We would like to thank and sincerely
acknowledge the help of our supervisor Mam Nabila Ishfaq whose complete guidance, support
and encouragement gave us a real motivation in doing this project.
We would like to thank all the volunteers who helped us out while testing of this application.
Lastly, we would like to thank all the faculty members of Computer Science department for
their help, time, and support that was gladly given to us on the time of need.

Saqib Farooq
M Shahram Iqbal

We hereby declare that this project, neither whole nor as a part has been copied out from any
source. It is further declared that we have developed this project and accompanied report
entirely based on our personal efforts. If any part of this project is proved to be copied out from
any source or found to be reproduction of some other, we will stand by the consequences. No
Portion of the work presented has been submitted of any application for any other degree or
qualification of this or any other university or institute of learning.

Saqib Farooq

M Shahram Iqbal
It is certified that the contents and form of the project entitled “E-police Web System”
submitted by the following students (M Shahram Iqbal, Saqib Farooq) has been found
satisfactory for the requirements of degree BS (CS)

PMAS - Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

For the award of the degree of



Supervisor: _____________________
Mam Nabila Ishfaq

Examiner1: _____________________

Dated: Director: __________________________


The World Wide Web (WWW) eventually bring about of billions of documents as the Web is
a “free forum” wherever everybody without much technical skills, content review, or
Censorship can publish pretty much everything, unluckily, this tactic comes at a slight price.
Studying about and constructing websites now a day is much common and online university
portal have turn into a major center. Presently there are numbers of university portals working
all over the world to help the users.
We have developed our system that quickly provides easy to access for police employees to
view their records and all other detail. Using E-Police Web System, the administrators will be
able to login, after login he has the ability to control all the activates .He can add/update
employee personal data, take attendance of present Employee ,add leave report of absent
Employees, assign/update duties to them, add FIRs. Employee will also be able to login. He
can view all the details and download reports. All the data is available to anyone to anywhere
using internet.

Project in Brief ...............................................................................................III

Acknowledgement ..........................................................................................IV

Declaration ......................................................................................................V

Certification ....................................................................................................VI

Abstract ...........................................................................................................VII

Table of Contents ...........................................................................................IX

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................1

Chapter 2 Software Requirement Specification ..........................................6

Chapter 3 Design and Architecture ..............................................................13

Chapter 4 Implementation ............................................................................32

Chapter 5 Milestone ………….......................................................................34

Chapter 6 Implementation .............................................................................38

Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work …………......................................51

Chapter 8 User Guide .....................................................................................53


Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Project Overview ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Project Scope ............................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Proposed Solution ....................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Proposed System Component...................................................................................... 3

1.5 Main Feature of Proposed System .............................................................................. 3

1.5.1 Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 3

1.5.2 Less time Consumption........................................................................................ 3

1.5.3 Facilitated Data Input ........................................................................................... 3

1.5.4 Scalability ............................................................................................................ 3

1.6 Tools and Technologies .............................................................................................. 3

1.7 Introduction to Tools and Technologies...................................................................... 4

1.7.1 MS Visual Studio ................................................................................................. 4

1.7.2 Google Chrome .................................................................................................... 4

1.7.3 Microsoft Visio .................................................................................................... 5

1.7.4 ASP.NET (Core) .................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................... 6

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION .................................................................. 6

2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Intended Audience ............................................................................................... 7

2.1.3 Scope .................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.4 Definitions and acronyms .................................................................................... 7

2.1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviation ................................................................................ 7

2.2 Requirements Description ........................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 8

2.2.2 General requirements ........................................................................................... 8

2.3 Requirements Specification......................................................................................... 8

2.3.1 Admin Module (AM) ........................................................................................... 8

2.3.2 Admin Module ..................................................................................................... 9

 Functional Requirements............................................................................................. 9

2.3.3 Employee Module .............................................................................................. 10

 Functional Requirements........................................................................................... 10

2.3.4 Requirement status: ............................................................................................ 10

Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................................. 11

3 DESIGN AND ARCHUTECTURE ................................................................................. 11

3.1 Use Case Diagram ..................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Activity Diagram ....................................................................................................... 11

3.3 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................... 12

3.4 ER Diagram ............................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................. 19

4 IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 19

4.1 Developer Productivity ............................................................................................. 19

4.2 Improved Performance .............................................................................................. 19

4.3 System Requirements ................................................................................................ 19

4.3.1 For Visual Studio 2017 ...................................................................................... 20

4.3.2 Features .............................................................................................................. 20

Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................. 21

5 MILESTONE.................................................................................................................... 21

5.1 Project Management .................................................................................................. 21

Chapter 6 .................................................................................................................................. 28

6 TESTING AND EVALUATION ..................................................................................... 28

Testing Objectives ..................................................................................................... 28

6.1 Testing Strategies ...................................................................................................... 28

6.1.1 Code Testing ...................................................................................................... 28

6.1.2 Specification Testing ......................................................................................... 28

Chapter 7 .................................................................................................................................. 40

7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ......................................................................... 40

7.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 41

7.2 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 41

7.3 Achievements ............................................................................................................ 41

Chapter 8 .................................................................................................................................. 43

User Guide ............................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 1: Use case diagram of E-Police Web System ............................................................. 13
Figure 2: Activity diagram of E-Police Web System .............................................................. 14
Figure 3: Sequence Diagram of E-Police Web System ........................................................... 15
Figure 4Sequence diagram of Employee Module .................................................................... 16
Figure 5: Database schema of E-Police Web System .............................................................. 17
Figure 6: ER diagram of E-Police web System ....................................................................... 18
Figure 7: Sign up form ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 8: Login form of E-police Web System ....................................................................... 45
Figure 9: Dash Board of E-Police System ............................................................................... 46
Figure 10: Add Employee details ............................................................................................ 47
Figure 11: View employee of E-Police Web System .............................................................. 48
Figure 12: Add Duties in E-Police Web System .................................................................... 49
Figure 13 view assign duties of all employee .......................................................................... 50
Figure 14 add FIR's .................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 15: view FIR's ............................................................................................................... 52
Figure 16 Add Attendance ....................................................................................................... 53
Figure 17Add and view news .................................................................................................. 54
Figure 18 change password ...................................................................................................... 55
Figure 19 Employee view with news feeds ............................................................................. 56
Figure 20 view duty ................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 21 view FIR's ................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 22 view attendance ....................................................................................................... 59
Figure 23 down load Reports ................................................................................................... 60
Figure 24 change password ...................................................................................................... 61
Figure 25Admin profile ........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 26 view profile of Employee ........................................................................................ 63
Figure 27 Update Employee Data ............................................................................................ 64
Figure 28 Update Duties .......................................................................................................... 65
Table 5.1: Milestone ............................................................................................................... 23
Table 5.2: Project Deliverables ................................................................................................ 25
Table 5.3: Project Resources ................................................................................................. 26
Table 6.1: Admin Sign up Testing of E-Police Web System .................................................. 29
Table 6.2: Admin Login Testing of E-Police System .............................................................. 30
Table 6.3: Add New Employee Testing of E-Police Web System .......................................... 31
Table 6.4: Update Employee Testing of E-Police Web System .............................................. 32
Table 6.5: Add new FIR testing of E-Police Web System ...................................................... 33
Table 6.6: Assign new Duty Testing of E-Police .................................................................... 34
Table 6.7: Update Duty Testing of E-Police Web System ...................................................... 35
Table 6.8: Take Attendance Testing of E-Police Web System ................................................ 36
Table 6.9: Add News Testing of E-Police Web System .......................................................... 37
Table 6.10: change Password Testing of E-Police Web System ............................................. 38
Table 6.11: Employee Login Testing of E-Police Web System .............................................. 39
Table 6.12: Download Reports Testing of E-Police Web System ........................................... 40
Chapter 1


According to World Bank definition, "E-government refers to the use by government

agencies of information technologies like wide area network, the internet and mobile computing
that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses and other arms of
government”. The police persons would also be able to identify any criminals and this is possible
if a database is available for any citizens including criminals' and innocents' all information. For
the public safety there would be record about the wanted persons, suspected criminals' history,
wanted cars, stolen cars, cases, news and events, contact details, recommendations and so on.

E–Police: Online Crime Reporting System is intended to provide total computerized

information system support for the work of the police. Its primary activities are not
transparency-related, but help provide police officers with information on criminal cases and
on criminals.

1.1 Project Overview

E-Police Web System consist of two main modules admin module and Employee
module. Admin module also containing many parts like attendance management, Duty
management, FIR management and complete Employees Recodes. First the admin will register
in the website in which he put all the information about him that may be consist of name, Email,
password etc. After registration admin login to website. All the activities are performed by the
admin. The admin has the authority to add employees in police station databases, assign duties
to them, Take attendance of Employees. And he has also ability to manage all the events and
news of current affairs.

The only person who has all the authorities is admin. When an employee appointed in
police station admin will add all the background data in the databases. The employees can only
see their data don’t add or edit it. The admin has the ability to assign duties to the present
employees with complete description.
In the FIR System if persons want to register the complaints they come to the police
station and admin will add FIR data. For the security of system we don’t give the authority to
the user to check the FIR status .They can only get FIR status information from their related
investigation officer.

In the second module that is Employee management, containing all the information
about the employees. First employee Login with E-mail and password. Every employee has
own unique-mail number. If E-mail don’t exist he request to admin to add him and then he fill
the registration form and submit is to the databases. After Login with E-mail he can see
information against that E-mail. The employee can see their attendance status, Duty aria and
description, news about current affairs and check FIR’s under their investigation. They can also
downloads pdf report of required data. After doing all the desired activities they will logout.

1.2 Project Scope

This project will definitely help the police system in making the police work more
efficient through equipping the police with modern solutions i.e. it aims to ensure solutions and
means for the police officers that support their main activity and it will be interesting for
audience in the context of law and order situation in our country. At last we recommend to
developing countries that to take necessary steps for upgrading the present police system to e-
police system by overcoming the issues and challenges.

1.3 Proposed Solution

We are intended to develop a complete web application which can enable: Admin to

 Manage Employees Data

 Manage news
 Manage duties
 Take Attendance
 Manage FIR’s

We are intended to develop a complete web application which can enable: Employee to

 View news
 View assigned duties
 View FIR’s
 View attendance
 Download Reports

1.4 Proposed System Component

 Signup
 Login
 Admin module
 Employee module

1.5 Main Feature of Proposed System

With the objective to state practices of mobile and pc users, we offer the best possible
combination of the following characteristics. The purposed system has the following main

1.5.1 Efficiency
For the efficiency is concerned with the minimum processing time as well as the
optimal use of system resources in designing the proposed system.

1.5.2 Less time Consumption

E-Police Web System will save the time of both police cops and admin to access data

1.5.3 Facilitated Data Input

Employee and admin can easily perform operations.

1.5.4 Scalability
Our system and its component can be modified to fit the problems.

1.6 Tools and Technologies

The selection of technology is very important and mostly depends on the understanding
of the system. While selecting appropriate technology, several issues must be kept in mind. For
instance, the budget, user interface complexity, deployment constraints for user interfaces,
number and type of user, variable, type of system interfaces performance and scalability.
1.7 Introduction to Tools and Technologies
This scenario includes two important factors:

1. Get experience in any tool and then develop project in that particular tool.
2. Select the tool according to the requirements of the projects and get expertise in that
tool. So, the technologies used are
 Visual Studio 2017
 Google Chrome
 Microsoft Visio

1.7.1 MS Visual Studio

Visual Studio, also known as Microsoft Visual Studio and VS, is an integrated
development environment for Microsoft Windows. It is a tool for writing computer
programs, websites, web apps, and web services. It includes a code editor, debugger, GUI
design tool, and database schema designer, and supports most major revision control
systems. It is available in both a free "Community" edition as well as a paid commercial
Visual Studio .NET includes other built-in tools, like a form designer, which is useful
when building GUI applications; a Web designer that creates dynamic Web pages; a class
designer that is used to create custom libraries, and a schema designer for database
1.7.2 Google Chrome
The Google Chrome Web browser is based on the open source Chromium project.
Google released Chrome in 2008 and issues several updates a year. It is available for Windows,
Mac OS X, Linux, and Android and is operating systems. The Google Chrome browser takes
a sandboxing-based approach to Web security. Google Chrome is a simple web browser that's
easy to navigate. While it wasn't as fast as Mozilla Firefox in speed and navigation tests,
Chrome still performed better than average. It is the preferred browser of many users because
it's versatile and compatible with a variety of devices and operating systems. Google is a
website for internet search and Chrome is a browser. Without knowing more about your needs
or what you want to do with your device, it's not possible to answer your question. Technically
you only need Chrome browser since that incorporate the Google Search app. You can use
Chrome as internet browser.

1.7.3 Microsoft Visio

Visio is a program that falls under the Microsoft Office Suite of products. It is used for
many things that utilize layouts, diagrams, and charts. The graphics that are used in Visio are
standard images utilized by flowcharts, decision diagrams, playbooks, and even network
Put simply, Visio is a Microsoft Office program that functions like a visualization tool to show
data in an easily understandable way. Most often used for data that fits well with diagrams and
charts, Visio takes standard images and allows flowcharts and decision diagrams to utilize
those images to explain data.
1.7.4 ASP.NET (Core)

ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework, and higher performance
than ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft and the community. It is a modular framework that
runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET Core.
However the expected version ASP.NET Core 3 was announced to work only on .NET
Core dropping support of .NET Framework.
Chapter 2


2 Introduction
The software requirements specification (SRS) is a comprehensive description of the
intended purpose and environment for software under development. The SRS fully describes
what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform.

As the system is developed to provide a solution to replace manual file system through online
web portal, As the users are the one considered to gather requirements so developer has to
develop the system which is the best regarding the user requirements so, following are the areas
to consider for requirements gathering.
 Functional Requirements
 External Interface requirements
 Performance requirements
 Project Objectives
 Use Cases

2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our software
product, its parameters and goals. This document describes the project's target audience
and its user interface, hardware and software requirements. It defines how our client, team
and audience see the product and its functionality. Nonetheless, it helps any designer and
developer to assist in software delivery lifecycle (SDLC) processes.

2.1.1 Functional Requirements

A functional requirement document defines the functionality of a system or one of its
subsystems. It also depends upon the type of software, expected users and the type of system
where the software is used. Functional user requirements may be high-level statements of what
the system should do but functional system requirements should also describe clearly about
the system services in detail. Functional requirements are supported by non-functional
requirements: also known as quality requirements: which impose constraints on the design or
implementation such as performance requirements, security, or reliability. Generally,
functional requirements are expressed in the form "system must do <requirement>".

2.1.2 Intended Audience

The intended audience of this document is:

• Supervisor
• Developer
• Client

2.1.3 Scope
This document covers all the possible requirement with details and describe all
the users who will use this system after deployment. This document include all
those thing about what this system will do after deployment. This document is
limited only to describe the Police management system.

2.1.4 Definitions and acronyms

Keyword Definitions

Admin User of System that interact and control all activities.

Supervisor The one who monitor the whole process of software development.

Developer The one who develop the software/application.

Client The one who reviews our system.

2.1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviation

Acronym or Definitions

SRS (Software Requirement Specification) A document that completely

describes all of the functions of a proposed system and the constraints
under which it must operate. For example, this document.
FIR (First Information Report) A written document prepared by the police when
they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offense.
PS (Police Station) The office and headquarter of local police force.
2.2 Requirements Description
This SRS is developed in view of all of the above components. All components must
operate optimally for the success of the proposed System.

2.2.1 Introduction
This documentation is an agreement between developer and supervisor about what
will be developed in this project, what requirements will be fulfilled during the
development period. Requirements can also be refurnished as per demand from the
supervisor as the project continues. This SRS will completely define all the module
which will create in whole project.

2.2.2 General requirements

The proposed system must support and be compatible with following general

• Security (Secure access of confidential data)

• Availability (24 hours online).
• Usability (Easy to use with user friendly interface on WEB).
• Flexibility. (Flexible service based architecture).

2.3 Requirements Specification

In this Section we elaborate the functional requirements specification for the
proposed system. First, we discuss the high-level requirements for the system,
which are classified in modules as follows:

2.3.1 Admin Module (AM)

 Employee Record Module (ERM)
 Attendance Management Module(AMM)
 Duty Management Module(DMM)
 FIR Management Module(FMM)
 Reporting Module(RM)
2.3.2 Admin Module
This module has high priority because it’s the starting point of our system. Every further
module is dependent upon this module. This module will control all the system and the
functionality of the system.

 Functional Requirements
Detail features of this module are described here;

ID Status Priority Description Source

AM-001 I High Ability to Add/Remove Employees Data Supervisor

AM-002 I High Ability to take attendance.

AM-003 I High Ability to assign duties.

AM-004 I High Ability to add news.

AM-005 I High Ability to add FIR’s

AM-006 I High Ability to change or reset user’s password.

AM-007 I High Ability to control user Login & Logout.

AM-008 I High Ability to create/mange reports.

2.3.3 Employee Module
This module has high priority because require system is highly depends upon Employees.
Every further module is dependent upon this module. This module will see all the system and
the functionality of the system.

 Functional Requirements
Detail features of this module are described here;

ID Status Priority Description Source

EM-001 I High Ability to view Employees Data Supervisor

EM-002 I High Ability to view attendance.

EM-003 I High Ability to view assign duties.

EM-004 I High Ability to view news.

EM-005 I High Ability to view FIR’s under their


EM-006 I High Ability to change or reset user’s password.

EM-007 I High Ability to change profile.

EM-008 I High Ability to Download all reports.

2.3.4 Requirement status:

I = initial (this requirement has been identified at the beginning of the project),

D = dropped (this requirement has been deleted from the requirement definitions),

H = on hold (decision to be implemented or dropped will be made later),

A = additional (this requirement was introduced during the project).

Chapter 3


In Software Design and Architecture Specialization, we will learn how to apply design
principles, patterns, and architectures to create reusable and flexible software applications and
systems and how to express and document the design and architecture of a software system
using a visual notation.
The unified modeling language (UML) offers standard and notations for describing objects
structure and behavior and has emerged as the design medium of choice for developing large
scale distribution object of application. Rational Rose supports the development of the majority
of these models as follow:
 Use case diagram
 Activity diagram
 Sequence diagram
 ER diagram
3.1 Use Case Diagram
A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram in UML. Use case diagrams model
the functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services,
and functions that the system needs to perform. In this context, a "system" is something being
developed or operated, such as a web site. It provides a user’s particular of the system:
 Actor: An actor is a user of the system playing a particular role.
 Use case: use case is particular activity a user can do on the system.
 Relationship: Relationship is simply illustrated with a line connecting actors to use
3.2 Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects
of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart that will represent the flow from one
activity to another activity. The basic purposes of activity diagrams is similar to other four
diagrams. It captures the dynamic behavior of the system. Other four diagrams are used to show
the message flow from one object to another but activity diagram is used to show message flow
from one activity to another. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended
to model both computational and organizational
Processes (i.e., workflows), as well as the data flows intersecting with the related activities.
Although activity diagrams primarily show the overall flow of control, they can also include
elements showing the flow of data between activities through one or more data stores.
Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with arrows.
The most important shape types:
Rounded rectangles represent actions;
Diamonds represent decisions;
Bars represent the start (split) or end (join) of concurrent activities;
A black circle represents the start (initial node) of the workflow;
An encircled black circle represents the end (final node)
Arrows run from the start towards the end and represent the order in which activities happen.
3.3 Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams are a popular dynamic modeling solution in UML because they specifically
focus on lifelines, or the processes and objects that live simultaneously, and the messages
exchanged between them to perform a function before the lifeline ends. Along with our UML
diagramming tool, use this guide to learn everything there is to know about sequence diagrams
in UML. A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how—and

in what order—a group of objects works together. Sequence diagrams are sometimes called

event diagrams or event scenarios. A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines,
different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages
exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur.
3.4 ER Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a
database. An entity in this context is an object, a component of data. An entity set is a
collection of similar entities. These entities can have attributes that define its properties. By
defining the entities, their attributes, and showing the relationships between them, an ER
diagram illustrates the logical structure of databases.
Add/Update FIR's

Downlaod Add/remove
Reports Employee Data

Assign Duties


View Duties

View Attendance

Change Profile
Employee Administrator

View All


Create Reports

View FIR's Add News

Take Attendance

Figure 1: Use case diagram of E-Police Web System




Employee Home

If employee

If admin

Admin DashBoard

Add/Update Take Attendance Add FIR's Add News Create Reports

Employee Data



Assign Duties



Figure 2: Activity diagram of E-Police Web System

Admin GUI Database

Vis it E-Police

Pleas e Login First

userna me and pass word VerifyUs er()


Login state() Boolean status

View Employee List

List of employees

fetching employee list

All employee List Displayed

AddE mployee

Enter New Employee Details

Employee details entered SaveEmployeeDeta ils

saving details

Success mes sage

Take attendance & assign duties

select employee and attendane state

deta ils save attandance s tate

Deta ils saved

Add News

Enter News

News entered SaveNewsDetails

saving details

Success mes sage

Generate Report

Select type of report

Type and details Generate report


Downloa d report

Update E mployee Deatils

Select employee


Editable form for employee details

Update details

updating employee details

Success or error message

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram of E-Police Web System

Employee GUI Database

Visit E-Police

Please Login First

userna me and password VerifyUser()


Login state() Boolean status

View Employee Details

Deatils of employees

fetching employee details

All employee List Displayed

View News

News Deatils

NewsDeta ils

fetching NEWS details

News in detail

Generate Report

Select type of report

Type and details Generate report


Downloa d report

Change Password

Enter Current Passwrod a nd new

Verify and change password

verifiying and updating

Success or error message

Figure 4Sequence diagram of Employee Module

Figure 5: Database schema of E-Police Web System
Figure 6: ER diagram of E-Police web System
Chapter 4

E-Police Web System is designed for ease to access and maintain data about police
Employees and cases in an online platform. So that the admin can easily add the detail of
employees, their duties, Attendance and investing FIR’s. And the Employee can easily view
all the data via internet.

4.1 Developer Productivity

Visual studio 2017 is used to during the development of server side code. Visual Studio is best
tool now a days for .net platform development. It also provide IIS server to test and deploy web
applications as local server. Visual Studio provide very strong debugging to check out bugs
and error. It provide very strong intelligence as well to avoid syntax errors.
4.2 Improved Performance
It provides better performance by taking advantage of early binding, just in time
compilation, native optimization and caching services right out of the box. All processes can
be created in their place, which helps to keep the application constantly available to handle
requests. Therefore performance is improved.
4.3 System Requirements
For packaged products, system requirements are often printed on the packaging. For
downloadable products, the system requirements are often indicated on the download page.
System requirements can be broadly classified as functional requirements, data requirements,
quality requirements and constraints. They are often provided to consumers in complete detail.
System requirements often indicate the minimum and the recommended configuration. The
former is the most basic requirement, enough for a product to install or run, but performance
is not guaranteed to be optimal. The latter ensures a smooth operation.

Hardware system requirements often specify the operating system version, processor type,
memory size, available disk space and additional peripherals, if any, needed. Software system
requirements, in addition to the aforementioned requirements, may also specify additional
software dependencies (e.g., libraries, driver version, and framework version). Some
hardware/software manufacturers provide an upgrade assistant program that users can
download and run to determine whether their system meets a product's requirements.

4.3.1 For Visual Studio 2017

 1.8 GHz or faster processor
 2 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine)
 6 GB of available hard disk space5400 RPM hard disk drive
 DirectX 9-capable video card (1024 x 768 or higher resolution)
4.3.2 Features
 Reduce work load.
 Less paper work.
 Time saving
 User does not need to take any additional effort to understand the functionality and
navigation in our web Site.
 Maintain record of all the police station data.
The following are the main screens and features in our application:
 Admin Module
 Employee module
Chapter 5


5.1 Project Management

Project management is the discipline of using established principles, procedures and
policies to successfully guide a project from conception through completion. Often abbreviated
as PM, project management requires the application of those principles and procedures as well
as tools and technologies to ensure that a project can be completed in a way that meets all
articulated outcomes, from spending limits to end-goal objectives. The project management
plan is expected to effectively and efficiently guide all aspects of a project from start to finish,
with the ideal goal of delivering the outcome on time and on budget.
A project plan often begins with a project charter, and it is expected to identify potential
challenges in advance. Risk management is needed to anticipate and handle any roadblocks or
surprises that arise so that the project keeps on schedule. Project management commonly
involves overseeing teams from multiple functional areas within an organization as well as
overseeing teams and workers from multiple organizations who are expected to work together
for part or all of the project's duration to reach the common goal.
Project managers, thus, need to be able to communicate effectively across many disciplines
and inspire unity of action among many workers in order to deliver a successful project. The
primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given
constraints. This information is usually described in project documentation, created at the
beginning of the development process. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and
budget. The secondary and more ambitious challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary
inputs and apply them to meet pre-defined objectives.
The object of project management is to produce a complete project which complies with the
client's objectives. In many cases the object of project management is also to shape or reform
the client's brief in order to feasibly be able to address the client's objectives. Once the client's
objectives are clearly established they should impact on all decisions made by other people
involved in the project - project managers, designers, contractors, sub- contractors etc. If the
project management objectives are ill-defined or too tightly prescribed, it will have a
detrimental effect on decision making
Table 5.1: Milestone
Estimated schedules-list key project milestones relative to project start
Project milestone Target date
 Project start 14/March/2019

 Initial phase 17/March/2019

 Analysis and planning 22/March/2019

 Software requirement and architectural design 28/March/2019

 Software Design Document 15/April/2019

 Re-submission of SRS and design document 29/April/2019

 Front end Design for admin Module(Using HTML, Bootstrap, 6/May/2019


 Starting database operation inserting data of tasks and retrieving, 11/May/2019

modifying and deleting.

 Database Schema + Front-End Design merged in format 17/May/2019

 Admin module (Registration, Login , Dashboard) 20/May/2019

 Front end Design for Employee Module(Using HTML, Bootstrap, 23/May/2019


 Employee module (Registration, Login , Home) 31/May/2019

 Update profile View Details 5/June/2019

 Update profile and complete Admin Dashboard(add employees 12/June/2019

data, add FIR’s, Take attendance ,assign duties, Add news)

 Complete Employee Module (Generate pdf reports ) 25/June/2019

 Complete Admin Module(change password) 1/July/2019

 Testing 12/July/2019

 Testing and maintenance of project 19/July/2019

 Deployment 22/July/2019
 Project complete 25/July/2019

Table 5.2: Project Deliverables

Deliverable Date Accepted Contingencies of condition

SRS 28/March/2019 None

Software design 15/April/2019 None

Implementation 6/May/2019 None

Project complete 25/July/2019 None

Table 5.3: Project Resources

Resource Person Organization Received Resource

(Describe or name the resource used)
Saqib Farooq 15-arid-3899 PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Burewala campus
M Shahram Iqbal 15-arid-3888 PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Burewala campus
Customer Support PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Burewala campus
We are providing a digital system to the police
Facilities PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Burewala campus
Admin can:
 Manage Employee Records
 Manage Fir’s
 Manage Attendance
 Create reports

Equipment PMAS Arid Agriculture University Burewala

Visual Studio

Google Chrome

Microsoft Visio
Chapter 6


Test & Evaluation (T&E) is the process by which a system or components are compared against
requirements and specifications through testing. The results are evaluated to assess progress of
design, performance, supportability, etc. Developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) is an
engineering tool used to reduce risk throughout the acquisition cycle.

Testing Objectives
 To find failures and defects.
 To evaluate work products such as user requirements, design and code
 When we test we can build confidence in the level of quality of the software and
release the software with confidence.
 To provide sufficient information to stakeholders to allow them to make decisions
especially regarding the level of quality of the test object.
 To check whether all specified requirements from the user have been fulfilled
 An effective test is one that contains un-expecting testing record set with high probability
of defecting undiscovered errors during program design and development phase.
6.1 Testing Strategies
There are two strategies adopted mostly for the system testing which are as follows:
 Code Testing
 Specification Testing
6.1.1 Code Testing
In code testing the logic of entire software has been tested and results are checked in time and
again to ensure 100% success during its run.
6.1.2 Specification Testing
In this strategy, first the software specification is examined as what the software should do and
how should it do under various conditions. Then different test case has been developed and
each of them is applied to confirm the performance of the requirements.
Table 6.1: Admin Sign up Testing of E-Police Web System

Test ID 001 Test Name Admin Sign UP

Written By: Saqib Farooq Documented Date: 12th July 2019
Software Name: E-Police WS Test Level Unit testing

Test objectives Admin must Sign up.

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS2017
Test input Email and Password.
Pre-condition Sign up form must be accessible to admin.
Step 1 Access the Sign up Form.
Step 2 Enter details as required.
Step 3 Click on sign up.
Expected result Sign up successfully if admin enter valid Email,
password otherwise show error.
Post condition Admin must be sign up first to become part of system
Actual result Admin is successfully Sign up.
Status Success
Table 6.2: Admin Login Testing of E-Police System

Test ID 002 Test Name Login

Written By: Saqib Farooq Documented Date: 12th July2019
Software Name: E-Police WS Test Level Unit testing

Test objectives Admin must Login himself.

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS 2017
Test input Email and password.
Pre-condition Login form must be accessible to Admin.
Step 1 Access the login Form.
Step 2 Enter details as required.
Step 3 Click on login
Expected result Login successfully. If admin enter valid information
otherwise show error if Admin enter wrong
Post condition Admin must be login as members of system
Actual result Admin is successfully logged in
Status Success
Table 6.3: Add New Employee Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 003 Test name Add new Employee

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 12 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must add new Employee.

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS 2017
Test input Enter Employees data
Pre-condition System must provide Employee Add form
Step 1 Access the Employee Add form
Step 2 Enter Employee data
Step 3 Submit data
Expected result Data submitted successfully, if any field empty then it
show required to fill it
Actual result Data submitted successfully
Status Success
Table 6.4: Update Employee Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 004 Test name Update Employee

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 12 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must update Employee

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS2017
Test input updated student data
Pre-condition System must provide student update form
Step 1 Access the student update form
Step 2 Enter new data
Step 3 Submit data
Expected result Data updated successfully.
Actual result Data updated successfully
Status Success
Table 6.5: Add new FIR testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 005 Test name Add FIR

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 15July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must generate security key

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB , VS2017
Test input Enter FIR data
Pre-condition System must add FIR
Step 1 Enter All information
Step 2 Submit data
Expected result Add FIR successful if any required field is not empty
Actual result Add FIR
Status Success
Table 6.6: Assign new Duty Testing of E-Police

Test id 006 Test name Assign duty

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 15 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin will add new duty

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB ,VS2017
Test input Enter duty’s data
Pre-condition System must provide add duty form
Step 1 Access add duty form
Step 2 Enter duty data
Step 3 Submit data
Expected result Data submitted successfully, if any field empty then it
show required to fill it
Actual result Data submitted successfully
Status Success
Table 6.7: Update Duty Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 007 Test name Update Duty

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 15 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must update duty

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB,, VS2017
Test input Updated data
Pre-condition System must provide Duty update form
Step 1 Access the Update duty form
Step 2 Enter new data of duty
Step 3 Submit data
Expected result Data updated successfully
Actual result Data updated successfully
Status Success
Table 6.8: Take Attendance Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 008 Test name Take Attendance

Written by M Shahram Iqbal Documented date 17 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must Take attendance of employees

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS2017
Test input Add attendance data
Pre-condition System must provide Attendance form
Step 1 Access the Add attendance form
Step 2 Fill data in form
Step 3 Submit data
Expected result Data Submitted successfully
Actual result Data Submitted successfully
Status Success
Table 6.9: Add News Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 009 Test name Add news

Written by M Shahram Iqbal Documented date 17 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Admin must Add News

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB , VS2017
Test input Add News
Pre-condition System must add News form
Step 1 Access the Add News form
Step 2 Enter News
Step 3 Submit
Expected result Add News successfully
Actual result Add News successfully
Status Success
Table 6.10: change Password Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 10 Test name Change password

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 18 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Teacher must Change Password

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS2017
Test input Change password
Pre-condition System must provide change password form
Step 1 Access the Change password form
Step 2 Change password
Step 3 Submit
Expected result Password change successfully
Actual result Password change successfully
Status Success
Table 6.11: Employee Login Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 11 Test name Employee login

Written by M Shahram Iqbal Documented date 18July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Employees must login themselves

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB ,VS2017
Test input Enter Email, password
Pre-condition System must provide Login form
Step 1 Access the Login form
Step 2 Enter Email and password
Step 3 Click login
Expected result Login successfully. If admin enter valid information
otherwise show error if Admin enter wrong
Actual result Login successfully
Status Success
Table 6.12: Download Reports Testing of E-Police Web System

Test id 12 Test name Download reports

Written by Saqib Farooq Documented date 19 July 2019
Software name E-Police WS Test level Unit test

Test objectives Employee must download reports

Test environment Dell, Window 8.1, RAM 4GB, VS2017
Test input Select file to Download
Pre-condition System must provide Download form
Step 1 Access the Reports form
Step 2 Select Report
Step 3 Download report
Expected result Report download successfully
Actual result Report download successfully
Status Success

Chapter 7


In this chapter we will first provide conclusion of our project and then we will provide a way
to extend this project which will mention in section Conclusion and Future Work respectively.
7.1 Conclusion
To conclude we can say that we have developed the system to digitalize police department
Of Pakistan. Now all the police Station operation will be perform online. There will be no more
paper work it will reduce human efforts to manage piece of paper and bundle of files manually.
Now all the recodes of employees, FIR’s, Attendance and duties recode will be saved on our
centralized database system. The system will be available to anywhere to police cops using
internet. The system is secured with authentication only registered member can login to our

7.2 Limitations
The project is developed keeping in view the research oriented requirement of a final
master project. We are using free webhost server for our project as its university project. It may
cause down server. In future we may buy a server for our project.

7.3 Achievements
We feel very proud after development and implementation of our final project
successfully. Before developing through this project although we have good theoretical
knowledge of software engineering, being student of computer science, but it is far away from
theory to develop a real life system that completely fulfill the requirements.
We had a very good interaction with our supervisor Man Nabila Ishfaq. They helped us in
coding as well as in documentation. They helped us to develop the system well in time. During
the development of this project, we experienced a lot of new things.
During development period, we have achieved the following benefits:

 Project Management and scheduling

 System analysis and Data collection
 Good knowledge of System designing and modeling
 Latest tools and technologies
 Testing strategies
 User documentation
 uptake for UML
During testing and implementation finding a bug and its fixture was totally new and healthy
experience. For this purpose, first we decided what should be tested, how it should be tested,
and then we came up with a testing plan and ran the tests to verify the system worked how it
was supposed to. It was through those experiences that I learned that most developers have no
clue about how testing is actually done, and how valuable this understanding can be for
developers who really want to excel in their careers.
One of the very important aspects of the project was how to document our project properly.
The first time is always the hardest. The purpose of the Project Document is to capture and
record basic information needed to correctly define and plan the project. Documentation should
expand upon the Project Mandate and state what the project is aiming and planning to achieve
and the reason for the importance of meeting these aim.
Chapter 8

User Guide

A user guide is essentially a book-length document containing instructions on

installing, using, or troubleshooting a hardware or software product. A user guide can
be very brief—for example, only 10 or 20 pages or it can be a full-length book of 200
pages or more. While this definition assumes computers, a user guide can provide
operating instructions on practically anything—lawnmowers, microwave ovens,
dishwashers, and so on. The more complex the product, the greater the page count.
When this happens, some elements of the user guide get split out into their own separate
volumes—especially the installation procedures, troubleshooting procedures, and the
commands. The user guide is a combination of many things presented in this online
textbook. At its core is instruction writing; you need to be good at the writing style,
headings, lists, notices, highlighting, tables, graphics commonly used in instructions.
Figure 7: Sign up form

Description: if the admin is not registered in Database then he enter Patti-No, Email and
password and click the sign up button. After verification of Email and Patti-No he can Login
to the website.
Figure 8: Login form of E-police Web System
Description: This is main page of E-Police Online. This page can be visited by any Employee.
Employee can access web site from this page. The admin can also login from this page.
Figure 9: Dash Board of E-Police System
Description: This is the dashboard where admin can control all the activities.
Figure 10: Add Employee details
Description: This is the Add employee add form. Admin will fill it to add a new employee.
Figure 11: View employee of E-Police Web System

Description: Admin can view all the details of employees.

Figure 12: Add Duties in E-Police Web System
Description: Admin can assign duties here.
Figure 13 view assign duties of all employee
Description: Admin can view all the duties detail of all the employees.
Figure 14 add FIR's
Description: Admin can add FIR’s of the Victims.
Figure 15: view FIR's
Description: Admin can view FIR’s.
Figure 16 Add Attendance
Description: Admin can take attendance of employee who are present and create leave reports
of those who are not present.
Figure 17Add and view news

Description: Admin can add news of current affairs and also view all news.
Figure 18 change password
Description: Admin can change current password.
Figure 19 Employee view with news feeds

Description: After employee login he can view all the news.

Figure 20 view duty

Description: Employees can view their duties.

Figure 21 view FIR's

Description: Employees can view all FIR’s under their investigation.

Figure 22 view attendance

Description: Employee can view their attendance status.

Figure 23 down load Reports

Description: Employees can download all types of reports.

Figure 24 change password

Description: Employees can change login password.

Figure 25Admin profile

Description: View profile page for Admin to view his/her profile.

Figure 26 view profile of Employee
Description: View profile page for employees to view their profile that is submitted by admin.
Figure 27 Update Employee Data
Description: Admin can update data of employees by clicking the edit button and fill the
update form.
Figure 28 Update Duties
Description: Admin can update assign duties by clicking the edit button and fill the update

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