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Company Analysis

The name of my company is Bangladesh Beverage, BB. And the new product I m

offering is Coconut water and the name is coco Splash® primarily I will conduct my
business in Bangladesh and then I will go international marketing.

The head office of Bangladesh Beverage, BB is situated in Dhaka. And the factory will
be set up in Chittagong. So that all raw materials are available from the southern part of
Bangladesh. If needed coconut will be easy to import from Malaysia, Maldives, Srilanka,
and from some other countries.

Customer Analysis

Most economists assume that consumers

are economic men people who know all
the facts and logically compare choices in
terms of costs and value received to get
the greatest satisfaction from spending
their time ands money. Most consumers
do not have enough income to buy
everything they want. So, most consumers

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want their money to stretch as it can. Economic needs are concerned with making the
best use of consumers’ time and money. Most consumers appreciate firms that offer
them improved value for the money they spend. But improved value doesn’t just mean
offering lower and lower price. Promotion can inform consumers about their choices or
explains product benefits in terms of measurable factors like operating cost or the length
of the guarantee. A product that one person sees a good value and is eager to buy no
interests to someone ease.

Everybody is motivated by needs and wants and the basic factors that motivate a
person to do something some needs involve a person’s physical well being. When a
need is not satisfied it may lead to a drive. The needs for liquid for example, leads to a
thrust drive a strong stimulus that encourages action to reduce a need. Drives are
internal they are the reason behind certain behavior patterns. In marketing a product
purchase results from a drive to satisfy some need.

Some critics imply that marketers can somehow manipulate consumers to buy products
against their will. But marketing managers cannot create internal drives. Most marketing
managers realize that trying to get consumers to act against their will is a wants of time.
Instead a good marketing manager studies what consumers’ drives, needs and wants
already exists and how they can be satisfied better. Identifying customer needs and
wants is of paramount importance.

In the customer survey we identified 5 different potential customers. They are players,
service holders, students, teenagers and children who are below 12. We have taken 5
potential customers from each segment, in total 25. After analyzing our potential
customers through market survey, we found out different needs and wants from them.

First of all, we have found out how many of them actually take fruit juice and then, how
many are interested in coconut drink.

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Table# 1 – Number of people interested about fruit juice & coconut drink

Number of people interested Number of people interested

about fruit juice about coconut drink
Players 4 out of 5 3 out of 5
Service Holders 3 out of 5 3 out of 5
Students 3 out of 5 2 out of 5
Teenagers 2 out of 5 1 out of 5
Children below 12 4 out of 5 1 out of 5

From table 1 and 2, we see that players take more fruit juice and more enthusiastic
about coconut drink (Here, we referred players, who are directly linked with games and
urban joggers who are seriously concerned about their health). They are more health
conscious and want to take energizing drinks. Most of them are aware of the features
such as full of salts, sugars, vitamins demanded by both sweating urban joggers and
serious athletes.

Table# 2 – Valuable attributes of other drinks versus coconut drink

Segments Other Drinks Coconut drink

Players Sweetness & cool Nutritious, healthful
Sweetness, better technology, Safety, natural, freshness,
Service Holders
portability sweetness
Natural, safety, Taste (if real)
Students Taste & color, cool
Teenagers Flavor & sweetness Natural taste (most of them are not
aware of its taste)
Children below 12 Flavor & sweetness Not aware of its taste

Service holders are moderately interested about this drink. Two of them like to take cola
drinks just because of its better manufacturing technology. But they expressed their
interest about coconut drink if it will really come naturally without artificial flavor, used by
other fruit juice manufacturer. Three of the potential customers were really interested

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about coconut drink. Their preference features were basically safety, natural, freshness
and sweetness.

Students are also used to take fruit juice and

moderately interested about coconut drink.
We found in our survey that basically the
color and sweetness of other juice attract
them; but most of them are not aware of the
artificial ingredients of these juices in the
market. Some, who are alert about this, are
interested in any juice that will come totally
naturally. They also seek out for safety.

We found teenagers interested to take fruit juice but less interested about coconut drink.
Among our 5 surveyed consumers, we found only 1 who have taken coconut water
before. They are not yet familiar with the taste of coconut drink. We have taken their
suggestions and found out that, they are interested to take a fruit drink which will be
tasty, sweet, cool, and pungent, in one word “fun drink”.

One of our most prospective consumers will be the children who are below 12. We
found from our survey that 4 out of 5 children love fruit juice very much. But in this case
also they are not yet familiar with the taste of coconut drink. Test marketing will be
needed to make them familiar with the taste of coconut drink for the first time. Like the
teenagers, they also want their drink to be tasty, sweet and flavored with real fruit.

From our analysis we found that most consumers’ wants are-

1. Totally natural drink

2. Taste with moderate sweetness
3. Safety, that is, it will not be harmful for their health

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4. Freshness
5. Real taste of the fruit not being changed
6. Little bit pungency
7. Nutritious
8. Energizing
9. Anytime consumable

Competitor Analysis

Today, competition is not only rife but growing more

intense every year. Many giant soft drink
companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fruit Juice
companies are setting up production in least
developed countries and bringing cheaper goods to
market. Because markets have become so
competitive, understanding customers is no longer
enough. cocoSplash® must start paying keen
attention to their competitors. We want to be a
successful company that is why; we have created

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design and operating systems for gathering continuous intelligence information about
competitors. A company is more likely to be hurt by emerging competitors or new
technologies than by current competitors, this is what we are exactly looking for to
challenge our competitors.

We have analyzed though questionnaire both consumers’ and sellers’ perception about
our competitors important features. Average results of the marking given by the
customers and sellers are given below-

Brand Name Price Packaging Promotion Healthiness

Slice 4 5 3 3
Pran 5 3 4 1
Shezan 3 4 3 3
Sunfill 4 4 2 2
Danish 3 4 3 2
Starship 4 4 5 2
Non-fruit beverage 4 5 4 1

Here, 5 = very good

4 = good
3 = moderate
2 = poor
1 =very poor

In general, a company should monitor three variables

when analyzing competitors. They are share of
market, share of mind and share of heart.

Share of mind, share of heart and market share:

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We have asked 25 potential consumers to have an idea about our competitors’ share of
mind and share of heart that will give us the snap shot of their current market share.

In case of share of mind, about 70% of them have gone for non-fruit beverage (Coke,
Pepsi, RC and their other flavors) and rest of the 30% has chosen fruit juice products
(Slice, Pran, Shezan, Sunfill, Denish and Starship).

Share of heart is the percentage of customers who name the competitors’ product for
buying. In responds to our questions, we found that health conscious people prefer to
buy fruit juice. About 60% of them have gone for non-fruit beverage (Coke, Pepsi, RC
and their other flavors), and rest of the 40% has chosen fruit juice products (Slice, Pran,
Shezan, Sunfill, Denish and Starship).

We know that, companies that make steady gains in market share and heart share will
inevitably make gains in market share and profitability. cocoSplash® is looking for
capturing the market share in fruit juice industry by gaining the share of mind first and
then share of heart among the prospective consumers.

In the figure below, here is a snap shot of market share we are looking for in future
through gaining the mind share and heart share of the consumers.

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Identifying brand competitors:
Coconut drink is a totally new concept in Bangladesh and as cocoSplash ®is all new in
this country, it has no direct brand competitors in the market.

Identifying industry competitors:

We are in the fruit juice industry. Thus all the fruit juice companies will be our industry
competitors. But we will consider only those companies, who are doing well in the
market. We have found out our competitors through the market survey in different
locations of Dhaka City. The main industry competitors of Coconut Drink are mango
flavor and next to orange, apple, lechee and others flavored fruit juice product.

In the competitor analysis we surveyed 16 different departmental stores of 4 different

areas of Dhaka city. We found that our close competitive flavors are mango and orange.

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Table# 3 – Number preference between mango and orange flavor
Areas Mango Orange Others
Mohakhali 3 out of 4 1 out of 4 0 out of 4
Farmgate 2 out of 4 1 out of 4 1 out of 4
Lalmatia 4 out of 4 0 out of 4 0 out of 4
Mohammadpur 3 out of 4 0 out of 4 1 out of 4

Basically, cocoSplash ® is has a number of industry competitors in the fruit juice

1. Slice
2. Shezan Juice
3. Pran Juice
4. Danish Juice
5. Starship Juice
6. Sunfill

Identifying form competitors:

We cannot ignore the form competition, because ignorance will lead us to Marketing
Myopia. Thus we need to be careful about our form competitors, which encompass
competitors like Coca-cola, Pepsi, RC and their other flavors; including their soda-based
drinks. We have to vie with different soft drinks companies, which are as follows:

1. Coca-cola 3. RC

a) Sprite a) RC lemon

b) Fanta b) Orange Crown

2. Pepsi c) Upper 10

a) 7 up 4. EURO

b) Mirinda a) EURO lemon

5. Double Cola

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We seek out from this market survey our main contenders as well as what features they
are giving, to create a position in the soft drinks market. But, we found that our
competitors have failed to give proper satisfaction to the customers, because their
ingredients are not wholesome. They are using artificial color and flavor; although it
gives them real taste of mango, orange and other flavors, but these are very much
harmful for human health. This will be our one of the greatest competitive feature to
capture the fruit drink industry. Recently, Pran launched lechee juice, which is using
detrimental ingredients that are very unwholesome for human health. Although it has
created demand in the fruit drink market, but conscious customers are not getting
proper value because of artificial flavor.

Owners and sellers of departmental stores and grocery shops who have direct
negotiation with the consumer, suggested that if we can launch real taste Coconut drink,
it should create great market demand in the fruit drink industry.

Customer value Analysis

We believe customers choose between competitive brand offerings on the basis of
which delivers the most customer value. Customer value is given by:

Customer value= customer benefits - Customers costs

Our competitors’ value = customer benefit - customer costs

= (Taste + sweetness) – (product price + health cost)
Here, health cost referrers to the side effect of the harmful artificial ingredients used by
the existing fruit juice manufacturers. It increases the customer cost and lowers the
overall customer value.

cocoSplash ‘s value = customer benefit - customer costs

= (Taste + sweetness + all natural flavor) – (product price)

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On the other hand, cocoSplash has no such side effects on the human body because
of real and all natural ingredients. It will increase customer benefits and reduce
customer costs; which will undoubtedly give a much higher customer value.

Market Challenger Strategy

cocoSplash® will be a market challenger in the fruit juice market. A market challenger
must first define its strategic objective. The challenger must decide whom to attack to
gain the market share.

Among the five different attacking strategies we will choose the Flank Attack strategy.
Flank attack is the major principle of offensive warfare is concentration of strength
against weakness. It works by spotting out areas where the opponent is
underperforming. We will point out the bad effects of the existing beverage products on
human health and will give emphasis on the health curing features of cocoSplash®.
Common drawbacks of the existing beverage products includes, using artificial color
and flavor, unwholesome preservatives, harmful gas for making pungency etc.
Moreover, no fruit juice in the market uses natural ingredients.

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Product Analysis

cocoSplash® is a totally new fruit drink in Bangladesh. It has a bright future through
the invention of a new cold sterilization process that retained its flavor and all its
nutritional characteristics. Micro filtration technology, which filters the water through a
medium, such as porcelain or a polyacrylic gel - that retains all microorganisms.

Any real fruit juice cannot eat after 24 hours. So to sell the coconut water we should
preserve it so that it can be sell at some days after manufacturing. so we will use FDA
approved materials to preserve the coconut juice. And it is strongly recommended that
the cane of coconut juice will be kept in refrigerator.

cocoSplash ® will satisfy all its potential consumers because:

• cocoSplash® is more nutritious than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol
• It is More Healthy than Orange Juice - Much lower calories
• It is Better than processed baby milk- It contains Lauric acid, which is present in
human mother's milk
• It is a naturally sterile - Water permeates though the filtering husk
• It is a universal donor- Its identical to human blood plasma
• It is a Natural Isotonic Beverage - The same level we have in our blood.

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• It will save lives in 3rd world countries through Coconut IV.

Besides these benefits cocoSplash®

have a number of healthy features:
 It will stop human cravings
for sugar,
 It will aid digestion of all

Product Analysis  It will have a tonifying

affect on the intestines,
 It will cleanse the liver,
 It contains high levels of
valuable minerals, including potassium, natural sodium, calcium, and
magnesium, which will make hair, skin and nails stronger,
 It appears to have a beneficial, cleansing effect on the endocrine system
(adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries).
 Women find that their periods are cleaner and healthier; some who had
experienced early menopause have found this important monthly cleansing
returning again.
 It will increase energy and will give people an overall feeling of good

Core features/attributes of cocoSplash® :

 cocoSplash® is a sweetened coconut water that contains shavings of young

 It is a surprisingly fun beverage that when poured into a glass clearly shows off
its coconut chunks;

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 It will collect water from the young coconut, unlike the dry, chewy mature coconut
many people of Bangladesh are used to;
 The all-natural flavor of the coconut water is sweetened with a bit of added sugar;
 This product should be a hit within communities that traditionally consume
coconut water.

Ingredients of cocoSplash ®:
Coconut water, young coconut pulp, sugar, sodium metabisulphite (as preservative)

Nutrition Facts:
Servings per container 1.5 ltr;
Calories 130; Total fat 2g; Saturated fat 1g; Cholesterol 0g;
Sodium 3.7g; Total carb 30g; Sugars 8g; Protein 0g;
Calcium 4%; Vitamin C 20%; Iron 2% Potassium 44.1g;
Chloride 17.7g; Magnesium 150mg

SWOT analysis of
coco Splash®


 cocoSplash is the first ever company, who will

inaugurate Coconut Drink for the first time in the soft
drinks market of Bangladesh;

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 it has a great prospect as a sports drink in the playground with competitor
remaining in the soft drinks market;
 We are the introducer for this product, which can be used for the physical
 Benefit from this product for the above purposes is well guaranteed in the arena
of research people as a energy drink;
 It also works as medicine for some diseases;
 Marketing wizards have an explanation for the triumph of sports drinks over plain


 Coconut Water is a newly invented product. So, customer awareness will be less;
 Firstly, lot of promotional activities has to be done and it will increase initial cost,
which will turn into loss for this product in early stage;
 Lots of competitors exist in soft drinks market, we have to vie with existing
competitors as well as potential competitors;
 We have no direct competitors, who are supplying in the present market. That's
why; we don’t have a benchmark for our product to compare our standard. But,
we can compare standard with other form competitors;
 People of the third world country like Bangladesh are not as much as health
conscious in comparison to developed countries;
 Although children are the main customers of the fruit juice product but they don’t
have enough idea about the taste of coconut water.


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 Simple production process gives tropical country like Bangladesh the key to a
booming market;
 Sports drinks are now the most rapidly expanding sector of the world's soft drink
 The Coconut Drink is a biologically pure, very tasty and full of the salts, sugars
and vitamins demanded by both sweating urban joggers and serious athletes;
 Fresh coconut water is already highly valued in tropical countries;
 A young coconut between six and nine months contains about 750 ml of water -
really, it's juice that eventually becomes the flesh;
 It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we
have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak;
 Coconut water as a natural contender in
the sports drinks market.
 A recent study found that sports drinks
come in more than 30 flavors, including
from apple, banana, cherry, ginger,
ginseng, lichee and mango. It appears
none is coconut flavored - yet.
 In Bangladesh, there is very few sport
drink available in the market. So in
Bangladesh it has a bright future.


 Raw materials of Coconut Water are fully depending on environmental supports.

If environmental degradation is in front of us, we will fail to deliver our production;
 If we will fail to arouse people's awareness for their health, we will not be able to
survive for a long run in the present market.

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 In future, if the giant beverage companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi introduce
coconut water in our growth stage, it will be difficult for us to operate in a rapid

Most commercial production today is carried out in Indonesia, the Philippines and
Thailand, using high-temperature/short-time pasteurization (the same technology used
in UHT long-life milk). But thermal processing has a drawback - it eliminates not only the
risk of bacteria, but also some of coconut water's nutrients and almost its entire delicate
flavor. This severely limits the product's marketability. Unfortunately, its mainstream
appeal on the Bangladesh market is going to be extremely limited.

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Targeting market requires marketers to take three major

1. Identifying and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and
preferences (market segmentation).
2. Select one or more market segments to enter (market targeting).
3. For each targeted segments, establish and communicate the key distinctive
benefits of the company's market offering (market positioning)

Market Segmentation

Marketing segmentation is the process of dividing the total market in to market groups
consisting of people who have relatively similar products needs. The purpose is to
design a marketing mix that more precisely matches the needs of individuals in a
selected market segment.

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A marketing segment consists of individuals, groups, or organizations with one or more
similar characteristics that cause them to have relatively similar products needs. We
divided our market in five groups.

The segmentation approach differs from the total approach because it aims one
marketing mix at one segment of a total market rather than directing a single marketing
mix at a total market.
Segmentation process

Needs based segmentation:

To find out customers' latent needs and wants, we have commenced a market survey
among the potential segments. We came into knowledge that these potential segments
are not getting any fruit drink from natural ingredients. Rather, they have fruit drinks in
the market full of artificial color and flavor. We have grouped customers based on some
specific needs and benefits. One group wants nutritious and healthful drink; one group
wants safe, natural and fresh drink; and other groups want only natural flavor.
Customers were quite indifferent for the all-natural flavor.

Segment Identification:
We have identified five different segments. They are players, service holders, students,
teenagers and children who are below 12. Players are health conscious and want to
take energizing drinks. Service holders want coconut drink to come totally naturally
without artificial flavor, used by other fruit juice manufacturer. Their preference features
were basically safety, natural, freshness and sweetness. Color and sweetness of other
juice attract students most. Teenagers are interested to take a fruit drink, which will be
tasty, sweet, cool, and pungent. Children below 12 also want their drink to be tasty,

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sweet and flavored with real fruit. These wants are easily identifiable and distinct from
segment to segment.

Segment Attractiveness:

cocoSplash® has identified its market segment opportunities, we have evaluated the
various segments and decided how many and which ones to target. In evaluating
segments we have to look at the segments attractiveness indicators. To find out the
segment attractiveness we have considered some characteristics of the segments.
Through our market survey, we found three segments to be most attractive and
appropriate. They are players, service holders and children below 12.

Segment Profitability:
From the segment attractiveness, we see that three segments to be most attractive and
appropriate. They are players, service holders and children below 12. Players will buy
this product more because of its energizing and nutritious features. Moreover, sports
drinks are now the most rapidly expanding sector of the world's soft drink industry.
Safety and natural flavor will drive service holders to purchase cocoSplash. It will be a
sweetened real coconut flavor drink with coconut chunks, which will attract children
below 12 more. Along with the growth of sales volume, total profitability will go up.

Segment Positioning:

We found out a unique customer needs and characteristics, which emphasizes on the
all-natural flavor of coconut water. cocoSplash® focuses on the Value proposition, the
one thing that makes it different than any other fruit drinks. It is the one reason we think
consumers will by the product. The central benefit of cocoSplash® is its all natural

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freshness that other products in the market failed to provide to the customers. It will
deliver this particular customer value proposition to a definable market in order to exist.
Competition is all about value: creating it and capturing it.

Base of Segmentation

We have segmented our market on the basis of demographic segmentation.

Demographic segmentation is dividing the market into groups on the basis of such
variables as age, family, size, gender, income, occupation, education, religion etc. On
the basis of the definition we have segmented our market on the basis of occupation
and age.
Pattern of market segmentation

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Our segmentation pattern is close to Clustered preference. The market might reveal
distinct preference clusters called natural market segments. cocoSplash® will position
itself in the center of the market hoping to appeal to all groups.
We have segmented our market into five groups. They are players, service holders,
students, teenagers and children who are below 12. Besides these 5 segments we have
another prospective segment, doctors. Doctors may prescribe cocoSplash® as a
curing medicine for diarrhea, dehydration, cravings for sugar, digestion, intestines
disease or for cleansing the liver. This can be meeting by the feature “nutritious”.

Market Targeting

cocoSplash® cannot serve all customers in a broad market like soft drink market. The

customers are too numerous and diverse in their buying requirements. cocoSplash®
needs to identify the market segments it can serve effectively. We have examined levels
of segmentation, patterns of segmentation, market-segmentation procedures, and

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bases for segmenting consumer and business markets and requirements for effective

cocoSplash® is embracing target marketing. Here sellers distinguish the major market
segments, target one or more of these segments and develop products and marketing
programs tailored to each. Instead of scattering our marketing effort, we focus on the
buyers; we have the greatest chance of satisfying.

Selective specialization:
In Selective Specialization the
firm selects a number of segments
each objectively attractive and
appropriate. There may be little or
no synergy among the segments
but each promise to be a
moneymaker. Primarily,
cocoSplash® is going to target
mainly three segments, Players,
service holders and children below 12. Because, through our market survey, we found
these three segments to be most attractive and appropriate. Players are health
conscious and want to take energizing drinks. Service holders want coconut drink to
come totally naturally without artificial flavor, used by other fruit juice manufacturer.
Three of the potential customers were really interested about coconut drink. Their
preference features were basically safety, natural, freshness and sweetness. Coconut
water is very health friendly and works as medicine. Children who are below 12 might
be most prospective consumers. Children love fruit juice very much. But in this case
also they are not yet familiar with the taste of coconut drink. Test marketing will be
needed to make them familiar with the taste of coconut drink for the first time. They
want their drink to be tasty, sweet and flavored with real fruit.

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Teenagers and Students are not our primary concern to target because most of them
prefer cola and other soda-based drinks. In future we will try to capture them by alerting
about the bad effects of these drinks that use unwholesome ingredients.


Management’s ability to position a product appropriately in the market is a major

determinant of company profit. A product’s position is the image that the product
projects in relation to competitive products. Positioning is the act off designing the

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company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target
market. The end result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer- focused
value proposition that means why the target market should buy the product.

Unique Selling Proposition:

It means promoting one central benefit. cocoSplash has a
lucrative central benefit that other products in the market failed to
provide to the customers, that is, its all natural freshness. This
central benefit will be reflected by our Slogan-

“essence of natural freshness”®

We can choose a combination of the following positioning strategies:

Positioning in relation to competitors:

For some products the best position is directly against the competition. Thus,
cocoSplash is looking for position itself by capitalizing the drawbacks of its
competitors. By making the consumers aware of the bad sides of other fruit drinks and
the side effects on human body cocoSplash will get the position in the market as a
safe, natural and energizing drink.

Positioning in relation to benefit:

cocoSplash® can position itself as the leader in a certain benefit. As we mentioned
before, our central benefit is the all natural drink of young coconuts. Its natural
refreshing flavor of coconut will not only give the consumers the taste but also many
more healthy and nutritious features. These are:

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 It will stop human cravings for sugar,
 It will aid digestion of all foods,
 It will have a tonifying affect on the intestines,
 It will cleanse the liver,
 It contains high levels of valuable minerals, including potassium, natural
sodium, calcium, and magnesium, which will make hair, skin and nails stronger,
 It appears to have a beneficial, cleansing effect on the endocrine system
(adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries).
 Women find that their periods are cleaner and healthier; some who had
experienced early menopause have found this important monthly cleansing
returning again.
 It will increase energy and will give people an overall feeling of good

One of the most profound statements made on the subject

of positioning comes from Louis Carroll's “Alice In the
Wonderland”. When Alice asks the Cheshire Cat which
path to take, he responds, "If you don't care where you're
going, it doesn't make a difference which path you take."

From a management perspective, positioning is the

heartbeat of an effective communications plan. We should
not confuse a positioning statement with market position.
As Harry Beckwith states so clearly in his book Selling the
Invisible, "A position (or statement of position) is a cold-
hearted, no-nonsense statement of how you are perceived
in the minds of your prospects. A positioning statement, by contrast expresses how you
wish to be perceived. It is the core message you want to deliver in every medium."

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Today's economies are afflicted with surpluses, not shortages. In a Bangladesh market,
there are not only several brands of Soft Drinks but one brand just for example, Coca-
cola offers a four or five different varieties. Danish or Shezan mango Juice Companies
are also marketing different types of flavors.

No company can win if its product and offering resembles the offerings. Today, most
companies are guilty of strategy convergence- namely undifferentiated strategy.
cocoSplash® must pursue meaningful and relevant positioning and differentiation.
This Coconut drink’s offering must represent a distinctive big idea in the mind of the
target market. This will also bring new features, new convenience and enjoyments.
Yet even when a company succeeds in distinguishing itself, the differences are short-
lived. Competitors are quicker than ever copying good ideas; therefore cocoSplash®
constantly think up new value-adding features and benefits to win the attention and
interest of choice-rich, price prone consumers.
cocoSplash® will normally reformulate its marketing strategies and offerings with
Economic conditions change, competitors’ launch of new assaults and product passes
through new stages of buyer interest and requirements. Consequently, strategies
appropriate to each stage in the product's life cycle will develop. The goal is to extend
the product's life and profitability, keeping in mind that the product will not last forever.

Mix and Match of the Elements of Brand


Choice Memorability Meaningful Adaptability Transferabilit Protact-

Elements y ability

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The name cocoSplash is easy to keep in memory. Because it is and is a very easy
word and easy to pronunciation. So people will not find difficulties to remind the name
when they go to the market.

cocoSplash® has a good meaning. Here the word coco comes from the word coconut,

the main raw material and the word Splash means spray or wet. The ultimate meaning

of cocoSplash® stands the soft wet spray of coconut water. So we can say there is a
good meaning of the product name which is an uncommon and match with the product.

The name cocoSplash® is not related with culture, religion, emotion politics or any bad
symbol. So it has a great chance to be adapted with any country, any culture, to any
religion or any location of the world. So we can say the name has the adaptability

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Transferability: The meaning of the name says whether the name is transferable or
not. Because the transferability of a name depends on the meaning of that name. If the
meaning varies across culture or country the name will not be transferable to that
country. That means if the name has some thing bad or odd meaning in any particular
geographic area within a nation or in any other country the name will not be acceptable.
Ultimately it ends with the result that the customer will through out the product. Here the
meaning of the name is related with nature. And nature is accepted with allover the
world. So we can say that the name is transferable to all over the world.

The name is registered that’s why there is a ® with the name so the name looks like
cocoSplash®. So it is the intellectual property right of the company. No other company
will be able to use the name. If any other company tries to do so it will give the right to
go for legal steps.


The Logo is easy to memories. Because there is a combination if fun and color in the
logo. Fun is the presence of snapped coconut to represent “O” which makes the logo
more attractive. The large& red S in the middle of the logo. So people will be able to
remember the logo.

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Here the logo is a combination of name and slogan. But the name is in a different style.
The ”O”s of cocoSplash® are replaced with the snapped coconut. And “S” of Splash is
in a large font and in read color to make it attractive. In the logo slogan is also present
to make it strong. In the background there is a picture coconut tree with coconut, which
represents that, the water of coconut is real which comes from real coconut.

In the logo there is no symbol of any specific culture, religion or any other bad sign or
symbol. So is easy to adapt to anywhere in the world to adapt.

The logo is transferable to anywhere in the world. Because it does not carry any bad
symbol. And the meaning of the logo will be same allover the world. The coconut is
edible to anywhere of the country as well as anywhere of the world. The meaning is that
the cocoSplash® comes from nature (coconut) so people will attract by the clarity and
purity of the beverage.

The logo is also registered so that there is a ® in the top of the logo. So the company
has an intellectual property right. So no other company will be able to copy the logo. If
so cocoSplash® has the right to go for legal action.


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“…Essence of natural freshness”®

Memorability: The slogan is memorable. Because it says something different things

different. In the slogan the company is promising to provide the pure and fresh drink.
This slogan is also present in the logo. So it is easy to take a place in the mind of the

Here the slogan is “….essence of natural freshness”. It has a good meaning that can
attract customer. The meaning says that this drink is from the core of nature. That
means the drink comes from coconut. It says all it’s are fresh and that fresh is from the
core of nature.

In the slogan the cocoSplash® is promising to give the freshness in the drink from the
core of nature. Natural things are always acceptable in all over the world. So the slogan
with such promise is expected to be adaptable all over the world.

Transferability: The promise of the slogan is transferable. Because in the slogan, the
company is promising to customer to give the touch of freshness from the core of the
nature. This promise is expected and accepted to all people. So we can say that the
slogan is transferable.

The slogan is registered so that there is a ® at the end of the slogan. So it gives the
intellectual right so that no other company can copy the slogan.

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Color of the drink cocoSplash® is something different from other drink in the market. It
is not clear like water but little white. So people will remember the color.

The meaning of such color is that it is not artificial. The color says that the product is
The color may be moderately adaptable. Some people may not accept the color as it is
not 100% clear. But some people will accept. So we can say it is moderately adaptable .

The color of coconut water is same allover the country as well as all over the world. So
as like its adaptability, transferability is also moderate.
The color of a drink is not protractable because it cannot be registered. So the color of
cocoSplash® not protactable. Any other company can launch this business and this
company will not be able to protect it.


Page 32 Bangladesh Beverage

The Package is memorable among all other beverage because it is somehow different
from other beverage. So people will remember it.

The cane says the meaning of the package in the package there is a picture of coconut
tree and coconut and the color is green matched with green coconut. That means it
everything in the cane is coconut water.

The cane is acceptable. Because it can protect the quality of the beverage and the color
and design is matched with the main product.

This type of cane is common allover the world so people of any corner of the world of
the country will accept it.

The package is not possible to register. So it is not possible to protect

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Advertisement Media:

To become successful it is not enough to produce the best quality product or providing
the best service, to survive and to become the market leader it is necessary to inform
people about the best thing of the product or service and to attract people

Media that we will use:

1. TV media
2. Newspaper & Magazine

Print media as an advertisement


cocoSplash® has segmented its market based on demography, like Players, Service
Holders, Students, Teenagers and Children below 12 and patient. All these are
reachable by newspaper.

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The reasons of choosing newspaper as a print media:

cocoSplash® has decided to give its advertisement on TV, Outdoors and in newspaper.
Some reasons for choosing newspaper are as follows:

Extensive Penetration: One of the primary advantages of newspaper is the high

market coverage. The extensive penetration of newspapers makes this media as a
mass media and provides advertisers with an excellent opportunity to reach all
segments with the message.

If we analyze the target customers of cocoSplash® we can say that, most of them are

educated and newspapers are the necessary part of their lives. As cocoSplash® has
target customers more than one geographic location of the country, by newspaper they
can reach to its target customers with their advertisement. So, they must be informed in
a polite manner. So, newspaper can play an important role to do it.

Flexibility: Newspaper has flexibility on the advertisements they offer. First, they are
flexible in terms of requirements for producing and running the advertisement.
Newspaper ad can be written laid out, and prepared in a shorter time then many other

Acceptance: It is natural that people has more trust on something written and if it is in
any reputed newspaper its trustworthiness reaches to very high. And this tradition is
more in Bangladeshi people. So by using newspaper cocoSplash® can have a good
acceptance to its target customers.

The newspapers that cocoSplash® has decided to give their


Page 35 Bangladesh Beverage

The newspaper that cocoSplash® has decided to give their advertisement is The Daily

Prothom Alo and The Daily Star. cocoSplash® has chosen this newspaper to put their
advertisement because it has the highest circulation and this newspaper has a good
acceptance to the middle class and upper middle class people and to lots of other
people. So it will be easy to reach its target customers by using The Daily Prothom Alo
and The Daily Star. In Bangla newspaper class, The Daily Prothom Alo and in the
English newspaper class, The Daily Star has the highest circulation.

Here the circulation of some leading newspapers is given:

Name of the Newspaper Number of Circulation

The Daily Prothom Alo 250000-300000
The Daily Star 60000-70000

The Advertisement

In an advertisement the target people should be attracted by the USP (Unique Selling
Proposition). The Message that is presented to the Target Customers should have the
link with that USP.

The USP of cocoSplash® is that “……essence of natural freshness”®

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The Advertisement will be published on the right corner on the front page of newspaper.
The size of the advertisement is 9.5 // X7.5//, which covers the four column of newspaper.

The advertisement will go to the newspaper in a sequentially, not in a sudden day. In

the first day there will be the first ad that will not flash all the messages. It will just say “
For the first time ever in Bangladesh.” “Freshness taste and health all together

Between these two sentences there is a picture of a man standing under the open sky
spreading two hands. This picture says that the customers are happy and are freed to

In the second day same picture will go in newspaper but with a picture of the cane of
cocoSplash® with more information of the cocoSplash® and instruct to go to page
Where the main newspaper advertisement will be printed.

In this advertisement there is a picture where the cane is in water that means the
cocoSplash® is as pure as water and all the information about the cocoSplash®
and some pictures of coconut tree is also present.

The color combination of the advertisement makes it more attractive. The color is
mainly dominated by green and watercolor.

About VIPS (Visibility, Identity, Promise, Simplicity)

Visibility: The advertisement has the highest visibility. The size and color combination
make the advertisement more attractive. It will take two days first day just in the first

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page In the first day there will be the first ad that will not flash all the messages. It will
just say “ For the first time ever in Bangladesh.” “Freshness taste and health all together
naturally? The area of placement (Front Page) of the advertisement in the newspaper
makes it more visible to our target consumer.

In the second day there will be an ad in the front page and in the 3 rd page there will be
the main advertisement. So visibility will be high. The pictures and color combination
and the placing of the advertisement make the advertisement more visible.

Identity: cocoSplash® has it’sown identity in the market.

Promise: in the advertisement we are promising to give the natural freshness. It also
promises to give iron calcium protein calories Vitamin C and magnesium. It also
promises for no fat no artificial color and no artificial flavor. And also some promises
about health.

Simplicity: The advertisement got the simplicity. The whole advertisement is easily
described by a simple picture format.

The advertisement will placed once a month in two different newspapers to get the
maximum reach.

The cost will be approximately Tk.160000 (Tk.5000 per Column X Inch) including
commission in The Daily Prothom Alo.

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Television media:

The reasons of choosing Television media:

cocoSplash® has decided to give its advertisement on TV, Outdoors and in

newspaper. Some reasons for choosing Television are as follows:

Page 39 Bangladesh Beverage

cocoSplash® target customers are the Players, Service Holders, Students,
Teenagers and Children below 12 and patient. All these are reachable by newspaper.
So the advertisement media that is to be used should have the ability to reach the target
customers and can attract and influence those customers. That means the media must
have a good access by the target customers and has a great trustworthy.
TV is such a media, which has all these qualities and matches with the target

Creativity and impact:

In the Television advertisement it is possible to show the product in realistic manner by
presenting in an audio visualized form. It is possible to convey a mood or image of the
brand and as well as to develop emotional, threat or fun appeal.
In the TV advertisement it is possible to demonstrate the product fully in a short time.

Coverage and Cost effectiveness:

Now a days TV is considers as a mass media, any TV advertisement can reach a lot of
people. So it can say that the coverage of TV is high. It is also true that the cost of TV
advertisement is not that much high in this day.

Captivity and Attention:

It is possible to reach customers by providing TV advertisement at the time when the
customers watch their favorite program. So if the advertisement is so attractive It will be
very much possible to get the attention.

Selectivity and flexibility:

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Although it is said that Television advertisement can’t reach the selective media. But it is
also possible to reach and influence the target customers by TV advertisement with
good broadcast time and with some creativity on the advertisement.

Different TV channels where the Advertisement will be aired:

We have chosen ATN Bangla, Channel-I, N-TV and BTV for the advertisement media.
The ad will be placed under a package. The advertisement will be placed before the
News. The cost of giving advertisement is almost same in every cannel. The 30-second
advertisement will be cost approximately tk.13000. We will give the advertisement total
30 minutes in a month in every channel. Which means the advertisement will be air
twice a time in everyday.

The Story

The following story will be made as a television advertisement.

In a hot summer a man wearing shirt pant (ruff &tuff) is walking in

the street at noon. He is feeling thirsty. There are lots of dewdrops
in his face and his all body is wet. He is trying to wet his lips by his
tongue. But his tongue is also dried, he is loking around. Suddenly
he sees a coconut tree. He goes under the tree, looks around with a

Page 41 Bangladesh Beverage

motive in eyes and starts to climb on the tree. Whenever he is on
the half of the tree the gardener comer with a large bamboo. catch
him and tight him with a rope and taking him to the road. People
are looking at him. But there are some young cricket player are
coming from the play ground with bat and ball are drinking

cocoSplash® and smiling at his foolishness. Their eyes says “hey

foolish why have u gone to steel the coconut although u can get it
from store”.

To successful in marketing the story should have Relevance, Originality and Impact
fullness. (ROI.)

Relevance: the story is related to the product here the intention to steel of coconut
and players with cocoSplash® are relevant with the product.

Originality: This story was not presented in any other advertisements.

Impact fullness: This advertisement story will be impact full because it has fun appeal.
The steeling of coconut, climbing on the coconut tree, presence of gardener made of
funny. and this funny things may impact on the customers mind.

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Outdoor advertisement

The reasons for going outdoor advertisement:

cocoSplash® has decided to give its advertisement on TV, Outdoors and in

newspaper for this moment. Some reasons for choosing Outdoor advertisement are as

Wide coverage of local market: If the board can be placed in perfect place it is
possible to make it effective for twenty four hours that means for days and night. A GRP
showing that could yield exposure to an equivalent of 100 percent of the marketplace
[Source: Advertising & Promotion: An integrated marketing Communication Perspective,
G E Belch and M A Belch, 6th Edition]

Page 43 Bangladesh Beverage

Frequency: It is expected that cocoSplash® Outdoor advertisement will be placed in
road side wall and in the sideboard of stadium.
Location flexibility: Outdoors can be placed any place where there is no restriction of
government or any other organizations.

Creativity: In the outdoor advertisements there are lots of chances to present of

creativity in a limited place. The billboard must have a good humor and threat appeal,
which must be bring with creativity
Ability to create awareness: It is planned to place the Outdoor advertisement will be
placed in roadside wall and in the sideboard of stadium.

Less cost: Although outdoor advertisement is very costly in international context but in
Bangladesh perspective outdoor advertisement is less costly than many other media.
In out door advertisement we will go for billboards and posters.

In the billboard there is a man standing spreading his two hands under the open sky.
And bellow the picture there is a sentence “ Human body urges for natural touch” and
below this sentence there is a picture of cane of cocoSplash® and a glass of coconut

water. That represents that this demand of body will be meet by cocoSplash®

In the poster there are more information about cocoSplash® . About coconut water its
benefits. There is a picture of a cane in the water and some pictures of coconut trees.
These posters will be posted all over the country

Trade promotion:

To enhance our IMC Mixing we will also do trade promotions.

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Traders will get point-of-purchase display allowance, buying allowance. Under buying
allowance there will be a discount for the retailers,

Consumer Promotion:
We will arrange free sampling in school, college and universities to inform about this
new product and to give them real taste we will offer them cocoSplash® and a real
coconut to taste and thus we will prove our novelty.

Creating valueProduct
for thereengineering
product by quality dimension
elements, to create differentiation and competitive edge.
Element Perfo Fea Confor Reli-ability Dur-ability Service Style
rmance tures mance and
Taste is This is a This is real cocoSplash® cocoSplas Makes The
cocoSplas good beverage. coconut is using FDA h® hair. Skin product
h® and it It is liquid water. No approved is using and nails has no
tastes so it has artificial chemical to FDA stronger. style as
like real no fixed color or preserve. approved it stops it is
coconut size. artificial cocoSplash® chemical to human liquid.
water as flavor is has also preserve. craving but the
it is included in taken BSTI After for sugar, cane is
taken of cocoSplas permission to bottling it is clean good
real h® only market edible up to women’s enough
virgin FDA coconut 30 days. period, to
Coconut. approved water. again notify the preserve
chemical is in the intestines, the
added to package the cleans coconut
preserve. manufacturin the liver water.
So we can g date and and gives
say expire date is the
cocoSplas also
mentioned. feeling of
h® is good
So it is

Page 45 Bangladesh Beverage

almost reliable As it health.
100% is new in this
natural. country
people may
not rely. But
by strong IMC
we should
customers its

Selecting Secondary brand


There are eight ways to do secondary brand association. these are:

1. Company
2. Countries or geographical are
3. Channel of distribution
4. Other brands
5. Character
6. Spoke person
7. Event
8. Third party sources
Among these eight we will use company, geographical area channel of distribution,
spokesperson, event and Third part sources.

1. Company: we will attach the company name Bangladesh Beverage will be

mentioned in the package. Because whenever we will go for international marketing it
will carry the identity of Bangladesh.

Page 46 Bangladesh Beverage

2. Geographical area: Primarily for domestic market we will use Coconut from south
Bangle and it will not be mentioned. but when we will go for international marketing we
may use coconut of Srilanka and Indonesia. Then it will be mentioned.

3. Channel of distribution:

4. Spoke person: primarily we will hire Bangladeshi Cricket sensation Mohammad

Ashraful as our spoke person.
5. Event: We will organize concert for music. And sometimes we will organize sports
programs. We can arrange some events in school, college and in university.

6. Third party sources: We will give award to the man of the match in different sports
programs and in international sports events.

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