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10 examples of Filipino proverbs

1. He who does not love the national language is worse than a smelly fish.
In my understanding, this proverb means that people who doesn’t love the national language
disrespects the whole country.

2. There is no need to cry over spilt milk.

In my understanding, this simply means that when you make a mistake, in the very end you
can’t do anything but regret.

3. If you plant, you harvest.

This means that if you put effort to something, there will be a good outcome regarding with that

4. A quitter never wins, a winner never quits.

This means that if you give up easily, you will never win. Therefore, you should not give up easily
if you want to be a winner.

5. If someone throws stones at you, throw back bread.

This means that you should not revenge to people harshly because it will just cause more

6. An empty container makes a lot of noise.

In my understanding, people who don’t understand something will be noisy

7. Opportunity only knocks once: Grab it or you'll lose it.

Meaning that if there is an opportunity, you should do that opportunity, because that
opportunity only happens once.

8. No pain, no gain.
Meaning that in order to achieve success, you have to endure painful and hard tasks.

9. You will know a true friend in time of need.

Meaning that the true friends are those people who help you when you are in the time of need.

10. Strength is defeated by strategy.

Meaning that no matter how strong your opponent is, you can beat him/her if you are strategic.
2 examples of Philippine myths
The myth about the Lanzones fruit The Myth of the Guava Fruit
A long time ago, the Lanzones fruit A long time ago, the guava fruit is a forbidden fruit,
was poisonous. The fruit looked edible and in a fruit orchard somewhere in the countryside, there
enough, and in fact many were tempted to lived a boy from the family of the Abas, the family who
sample it. Some people, despite the death owned the fruit orchard. The boy Abas was very friendly and
toll, could not fight off the temptation once kind, and soon the people in the place started calling him
they see the fruits abundantly display “Bay” (pronunciation: “buy”).
themselves in clusters hanging invitingly on
Bay Abas was especially kind to the needy. So every
the lanzones tree. Several deaths in the
needy folk who came by to ask for fruit from their orchard
village had been linked to eating its fruits.
he gave to liberally. Various fruit-bearing trees were in their
One day, a hungry old woman came orchard, and each one with ripe fruits he picked from and
to the village begging for food. The kind gave to anyone who asked. As he did, the orchard noticeably
villagers gladly gave the old woman food bore more fruits than any orchard in the locality. And more
and water and clothes to wear. The woman new trees also mysteriously appeared in their orchard.
was awed by the kindness of the villagers.
One day an old woman came by the orchard and
One day, while staying with the asked Bay Abas some fruits to eat. Unfortunately, not a tree
people, she learned about the lanzones had fruit that time, save the forbidden tree. Nonchalantly,
fruits that could not be eaten because they he whispered a wish, or something like a prayer and he
were poisonous. She asked the people thought of sampling the fruit to find out once and for all. HIs
where the tree was. They gladly obliged. wish, says the myth, reached the ears of the forest gods. The
Then, upon seeing the lanzones tree and its fruit quickly turned edible just before he took his first bite.
fruits, the old woman smiled knowingly. She And so from that time on, the fruit became edible and
announced to the people that the fruit was named “Bayabas,” otherwise known as Guava fruit.
edible, to everyone’s wary delight.

Lesson: Be kind and helpful to people who Lesson: Always be helpful to others and trust yourself.
are in the time of need.
8 examples of Philippine legends
The Legend of Mangoes The Legend of Durian
Once upon a time, there was a little boy One upon a time, there was a king called Barom-
named Ben who had a wonderful heart named Mai, and he ruled with an iron fist. But powerful as he
Ben. was, he couldn’t keep his young and beautiful queen from
One day, Ben saw a very old beggar and running off to her father’s kingdom every chance she got.
decided to invite the old beggar into their humble
home and he cooked food and fed the old beggar Desperate, the king consulted Impit Purok, a half-
until he could not eat anymore. After a sumptuous god hermit, on how to make his wife remain by his side.
meal, the beggar thanked the young lad. The hermit told the king to obtain three things: the egg of
the black tabon, twelve ladles of fresh milk from a
On another day, while Ben was looking for blemish-free carabao, and the nectar from the flower of
fire woods, he passed by an old man who was also the tree of make-believe. The king was able to get all three
very hungry. He invited the old man back to their items in the end.
home and gave him food and some clothes that his
father does not use anymore. Ben’s parents were Impit Purok was pleased at the completion of the
happy that they have a son who has a heart of gold task, but before he worked his magic, he made the king
like Ben. promise to make him the guest of honor at the feast
celebrating the queen’s return. Barom-Mai agreed. The
Unfortunately, the time came that Ben hermit made a magic potion using the ingredients. Impit
suddenly got very ill. His parents were troubled. Purok then told the king to plant the potion in his garden,
But despite that, they persisted to have their son and to make his wife eat the fruit of the tree that would
treated but to no avail, Ben died. The next day, spring from it.
after Ben’s death, a beautiful fairy came to Ben’s
wake and talked to his parents. She asked them to Barom-Mai followed the hermit’s orders and
give her Ben’s heart. They agreed and gave it to indeed, his wife did fall in love with him after one taste of
her. The fairy then flew away and in a mountain, the smooth and fragrant enchanted fruit. Overjoyed, the
she dug and buried Ben’s dead heart. It then king called for a big celebration, but consequently forgot
turned into a fruit-bearing tree whose fruits were to invite the hermit. Indignant at the snub, Impit Purok
in the shape of a heart and whose taste was so cursed the fruit, replacing its sweet fragrance with a nasty
sweet. odor and covering its hide with thorns. The fruit became
From then till now, people enjoy the known as durian.
benefits of this wonderful fruit.

Lesson: Never break your promise.

Lesson: Always be helpful for good outcome.
The Legend of Maria Makiling The Legend of Bayabas The Legend of
Once upon a time, there Before the Spaniards Chocolate Hills
lives a beautiful goddess named landed in the Philippines, the island
Maria Makiling. She was a very of Sulu was ruled over by a Sultan A very long time
caring and loving individual, and named Barrabas. He was selfish and ago, there came two giants
regularly helped people by giving cruel. And like a neurotic beauty from the opposite side of
fruits to the poor. It is said that these queen, he was never seen in public Bohol Island. One came from
fruits turned into gold once they without his crown. the south end and the other
were taken home, thereby helping from the north tip. The two
the people financially. One day, Sultan Barrabas fights verbally claiming that
was feasting on a massive banquet this is their island. Fearing
One day some hunters by himself when a beggar child for their lives, the people left
went up the forest and accidentally appeared out of nowhere and and settled in the remote
found Maria’s home. While they begged him for a bite to eat. At first, areas of the island.
were there, they ransacked the the sultan ignored the kid and went
place, stealing her gems and killing back to gorging on his personal It recently rained so
many animals in the process. Spiral buffet. In a fit of impatience, it’s muddy everywhere. The
Sultan Barrabas grabbed a steaming giant from the north made a
This angered her, which bowl of soup and dumped its ball out of the mud and
caused her to distrust people from contents over the child’s head. The threw it at the other one.
then on. She saw this violation as an beggar boy then abruptly vanished, The giant from the south
affront to everything she held dear as the sultan collapsed to the floor. also did this. They threw
and, soon after she placed a curse He died shortly after, and was given mud balls at each other for
upon those who would disrespect a funeral without much fanfare. several hours and after that,
the forest again. they had a fist-to-fist fight
Some months after a new and both died for good. After
sultan was crowned, a tree took the fight, the giant mud balls
Lesson: Don’t abuse the nature, root on the previous ruler’s grave. are now the chocolate hills,
On its branches hung fruits with and people safely got back to
instead, be thankful for it. protrusions on the bottom that their homes after the fight.
looked like tiny crowns, much like
the one that Sultan Barrabas never
took off. It wasn’t long before
people started calling the small Lesson: Don’t revenge
green orbs “barrabas” (which later since it will only cause
evolved to bayabas), after the king
whose face and disposition was as troubles.
sour as the fruits’ flesh.

Lesson: Don’t be mean to people

in need.
The Legend of Mount Kanlaon The Legend of Makahiya The Legend of Makopa
There once lived on the island of Long time ago, there Once upon a time, there was a town that
Negros a princess named Anina who lived a was a couple in Barangay never goes hungry because of a mysterious gong that
very sheltered life. One day, Anina Masagana (Pampanga today) provides them with the food they wish. Some bandits
overheard her father talking to the who wanted a daughter. Their from a different town plotted to steal it away from
kingdom’s chief priestess. The priestess wish was granted and the the townspeople and hide it in their own town. The
was frantic about a report that they could wife gave birth to a baby girl. townspeople were informed about these bandits’
not find a single maiden who was They called her Maria. Maria plot of stealing their most precious gong, so they hid
unblemished. was very beautiful but very it somewhere in the forest.
shy that she wouldn't go out
Later, Anina asked her father from their house. At last, the bandits invaded their town and
what it was all about, and the king finally the townspeople fought with all their might to drive
broke down. There had long been a seven- Weeks later, these bandits away. They were successful and the
headed dragon threatening the kingdom, Spaniards came to their town. bandits fled all wounded or dying. Unfortunately, the
and the monster could only be appeased if The Spaniards were very cruel battle has caused the townspeople many lives as well
an unblemished maiden was sacrificed to that they get everything they including the lives of the people who were assigned
it. wanted. They rob houses and to hide the mysterious gong. Nobody knew where
In fear, all the women in the kill everyone who gets in their they hid the mysterious gong and so, they still have
kingdom had cut themselves to disqualify way and who refuses to give suffered the loss of their treasure. The gong was not
themselves from the sacrifice. Parents cut what they wanted. found for years and the townspeople grew hungry.
their own baby girls so as to spare the
infants from the sacrifice. But the king and The couple was very Years passed and nobody had found the
the queen couldn’t bring themselves to frightened to lose their mysterious gong. The people are suffering from
mar their daughter’s beauty, and so Anina daughter so, they hid Maria in poverty already.
was the only remaining unscarred female the bushes so the Spaniards
in the kingdom. couldn't find her. One day, a young boy was walking along the
forest and saw a tree with fruits that look like a gong.
Anina did not weep. Instead, she After the Spaniards The young boy climbed up the tree, tried eating the
willingly offered herself for the sacrifice. left their town, the couple fruit and was surprised that it tastes really good. He
Fortuitously, on the day she was to be tried to look for Maria but took some of its fruit along with him to give to the
brought to the mountain where the dragon they couldn't find her even in townspeople.
lived, a man calling himself Khan Laon the bushes where they hid
appeared. He said he can slay the dragon her, instead they found a little Upon seeing the fruit that the boy brought
and spare Anina’s life. He asked the help of plant that is very sensitive with him, they believed that the mysterious gong was
the ants, the bees and the eagles. that when you touch it, it hidden underneath that tree. They immediately went
would immediately close. to the place where the young boy had found the tree
The ants swarmed over the with the gong-shaped fruits and there they dug out
dragon’s body and crept under its scales to So they thought it the roots and everybody rejoiced as they have found
bite its soft, unprotected flesh, while the was their daughter, Maria. their lost treasure. Underneath the tree was the
bees stung the fourteen eyes of the dragon They called the plant mysterious gong.
till it was blind. The largest eagle carried "Makahiya" that means
Khan Laon to the mountain where he was "touch me not," like their They had found the key to their abundant
able to easily chop off the seven heads of daughter who was very shy. life and they never went hungry again. In addition to
the writhing beast. that, they also enjoy the delicious gong-shaped fruit
and up this very day, people still enjoy the delicious
In gratitude, the king gave Khan fruit now known as Makopa.
Laon his daughter Anina to be his bride, Lesson: Always protect
and the people named the mountain after
the noble lord, and that is how Mount your family.
Kanlaon got its name. Lesson: Never steal anybody’s property and be
Lesson: Be always brave.

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