Csequiz 2019

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Choose the correct answer

~Casting refers to implicit type conversion.
=Coercion refers to implicit type conversion.
~Casting means coercion.
~Coercion refers to explicit type conversion.

printf (“%d”, printf (“tim”));

~results in a syntax error
=outputs tim3
~outputs garbage
~outputs tim and terminates abruptly

Consider the following line of code

float a = 0.5, b = 0.7;
if (b < 0.8)
if (a < 0.5) printf (“ABCD”);
else printf (“PQR”);
else printf (“JKLF);
The output is
~None of these

The following program fragment

int *a;
*a = 7;
~assigns 7 to a
~assigns address of a as 7
~results in compilation error
=segmentation fault

The control automatically passes to the first statement after the loop in
~continue statement
=break statement
~switch statement
~if statement

Unsigned integer occupies

~Two bytes
=Four bytes
~One byte
~Eight bytes

Each C preprocessor directive begins with


What is the output of the following program segment?

long i = 65536;
printf(“%d\n”, i);

The number of arguments supplied from the command line, by convention, is known as
=arg c
~arg v

What will be the output of the following program segment?

char *p = “ayqm”;
printf (“%c”, ++*(p++));

What will be the output of following program segment?

int x=15;
printf(“\n%d%d%d”, x!=15, x=20, x<30);
=0, 20, 1
~15, 20, 30
~0, 0, 0

If a = 5 and b = 7 then the statement p = (a > b) : a ? b

~assigns a value 5 to p
~assigns a value 7 to p
~assigns a value 8 to p
=gives an error message

To access a structure element using a pointer, ___________ operator is used

~dot (.)
~pointer (&)
~pointer (*)
=arrow ( → )
When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the
into the corresponding bits

Which of the following is not a programming language?


~prints the name of the source code file.
~prints argv.
~prints the number of command line arguments.
=prints the name of the executable code file.

The postfix form of the following infix notation is : ( A + B ) * ( C * D − E ) * F

=AB + CD * E − * F *
~AB + CD − EF + − * *
~AB + CDE + − * F *
~ABCDEF * − + * +

The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of depth d (with root at depth 0) is
~2d − 1 + 1
=2d + 1 − 1
~2d − 1 − 1
~2d + 1 + 1

Inorder to get the information stored in a BST in the descending order, one should
traverse it in which of the following order?
~left, root, right
~root, left, right
=right, root, left
~right, left, root

Every internal node in a B-tree of minimum degree 2 can have

~2, 3 or 4 children
=1, 2 or 3 children
~2, 4 or 6 children
~0, 2 or 4 children
The number of comparisons required to sort 5 numbers in ascending order using
bubble sort is

The complexity of adding two matrices of order m*n is

~m + n
~max(m, n)
~min(m, n)

In a binary tree, the number of terminal or leaf nodes is 10. The number of nodes
with two children is

How many distinct binary search trees can be formed which contains the integers 1,
2, 3?

The result of evaluating the following postfix expression is

5, 7, 9, *, +, 4, 9, 3, /, +, -

The data structure needed to convert a recursion to an iterative procedure is


A binary tree stored using linked representation can be converted to its mirror
image by traversing it in
~Any order.

The prefix form of an infix expression A+B-C*D is

~-+A B C * D.
=-+A B * C D.
~- + *ABCD.

The number of edges in a simple, n-vertex, complete graph is


The largest and the second largest number from a set of n distinct numbers can be
found in

Applications of Linked List are

~Simulation , event driven systems
~Postfix and prefix manipulations
~Dictionary systems, polynomial manipulations
=Fixed block storage allocation, garbage collection

The extra key inserted at the end of the array is called a

~End Key
~Stop Key

Which of the following operations is performed more efficiently by doubly linked

list than by singly linked list
=Deleting a node whose location is given.
~Searching of an unsorted list for a given item.
~Inserting a new node after node whose location is given.
~Traversing the list to process each node.

One can determine whether a Binary tree is a Binary Search Tree by traversing it in
=(B) Inorder
~Any of the three orders
What is the output of the following code
char symbol[3]={‘a’,‘b’,‘c’};
for (int index=0; index<3; index++)
cout << symbol [index];
~a b c

In C++, dynamic memory allocation is accomplished with the operator ____

~malloc( )

If we create a file by ‘ifstream’, then the default mode of the file is _________
~ios :: out
=ios :: in
~ios :: binary
~ios :: app

You can read input that consists of multiple lines of text using
~the normal cout << combination.
~the cin.get( ) function with one argument.
=the cin.get( ) function with two arguments.
~the cin.get( ) function with three arguments.

The keyword friend does not appear in

~the class allowing access to another class.
~the class desiring access to another class.
=the private section of a class.
~the public section of a class.

The operator that cannot be overloaded is

~( )

A struct is the same as a class except that

~there are no member functions.
~all members are public .
=cannot be used in inheritance hierarchy.
~it does have a this pointer.
Pure virtual functions
=have to be redefined in the inherited class.
~cannot have public access specification.
~are mandatory for a virtual class.
~None of the above.

Use of virtual functions implies

~static binding.
=dynamic binding.

this pointer
~implicitly points to an object.
~can be explicitly used in a class.
~can be used to return an object.
=All of the above.

Data members which are static

~cannot be assigned a value
=can only be used in static functions
~cannot be defined in a Union
~can be accessed outside the class

Which of the following is false for cin?

~It represents standard input.
~It is an object of istream class.
=It is a class of which stream is an object.
~Using cin the data can be read from user’s terminal.

It is possible to declare as a friend

~a member function
~a class
~a global function
=all of the above

Consider the following statements

char *ptr;
ptr = “hello”;
cout << *ptr;
What will be printed?
=first letter
~it is a syntax error
~entire string
~last letter

Which of the following declarations are illegal?

~void *ptr;
~char *str = “hello”;
=char str = “hello”;
~const *int p1;

What will be the result of the expression 13 & 25?


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