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AMoS Module wise Important Questions

Module 1: Stress Analysis and Strain Analysis, Stress – strain relationship,

Airy’s stress function, Plane stress and Plane strain analysis
1. Define the term ‘state of stress’ at a point.

2. Define traction at a point on a plane.

3. Distinguish between normal and shear stresses

4. Derive Cauchy’s equation for components of traction along x, y and directions

5. Derive the characteristic equation for the principal stresses and principal plane from
Cauchy’s equation.

6. Write the characteristic polynomial of a three dimensional stress tensor in terms of

principle stresses.

7. What are stress invariants?

8. What are principal stresses?

9. Write down the properties of principal plane.

10. Write a note on stress transformations.

11. What are octahedral normal and shear stresses? Write these stresses in terms of stress

12. Define state of pure shear.

13. What are spherical and deviatoric stresses?

14. Derive equilibrium equations in Cartesian coordinate system.

Module 2: Stress – strain relationship, Airy’s stress function, Plane stress and
Plane strain analysis
1. Write the strain – displacement relations.

2. Give the relationship between engineering and torsional strain.

3. Define cubic dilatation.

4. Derive Saint Venant’s compatibility relations.

5. Explain Generalized Hooke’s Law and its assumptions.

6. Write down the stress – strain relationship in terms of Lame’s constants.

7. Write the three modulus of elasticity.

8. Write relation between Lame’s constants with E and υ.

9. Write an equation for K in terms of E and G

10. State and explain Saint Venant’s principle for end effects with suitable examples.

11. State and prove Uniqueness theorem in theory of elasticity.

12. State and explain plane stress and plane strain condition with suitable examples.

13. Derive the compatibility equation in terms of stresses for 2D problems (both plane
stress and plane strain)

14. Analyse the bending of end loaded cantilever beam using Airy stress function Φ=

Module 3: Stress and strain analysis in polar coordinate system, axisymmetric

problems, Lame’s thick cylinder problem, analysis of rotating disc, stress
concentration around a small hole in a large plate
1. Write down the equilibrium equation in polar coordinate system.

2. Write down strain displacement relation in polar coordinate system.

3. Write down the components of stress in a general 2D problem in polar coordinate system.

4. Write down the components of strain in a general 2D problem in polar coordinate system.

5. State and explain axisymmetric problems with suitable example.

6. What are the necessary conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric?

7. Derive the equation for radial and hoop stress developed in a thick cylinder subjected to
both internal and external pressure ( Lame’s thick cylinder problem)

8. Write down the equation for radial and hoop stress for a thick cylinder subjected to
internal pressure only. Also plot the variation of radial and hoop stress along the

9. Write down the equation for radial and hoop stress for a thick cylinder subjected to
external pressure only. Also plot the variation of radial and hoop stress along the

10. Derive equilibrium equations for an axisymmetric problem.

11. Derive expression for stresses in a hollow disc rotating with constant speed and plot the
stress distribution diagram.

12. Derive expression for stresses in a solid disc rotating with constant speed and plot the
stress distribution diagram.

13. Derive the expression for stresses around a small hole in a large plate subjected to a
tensile stress S.

Module 4: Unsymmetrical bending of beams and bending of curved beams, Strain

Energy concepts - introduction
1. What is product of inertia?

2. Define shear centre.

3. Define unsymmetrical bending of beams. Discuss the situations in which beams are
subjected to unsymmetrical bending.

4. Write down the equation of flexure stress when a beam symmetrical about the z-y axes
is subjected to bending moment in an arbitrary orientation in the z-y plane.

5. Describe the method of finding the shear center of thin walled open sections.

6. Define strain energy.

7. Derive the equations of strain energy for the below loading conditions (a) strain
energy under direct stress (b) strain energy in bending of cantilever beam with a point
load and simply supported beam with concentrated load (c) strain energy in torsion (d)
strain energy for shear stress.

8. What is strain energy density? Write an expression for strain energy density at a point
on an elastic solid.

9. State and prove reciprocal relation.

Module 5: Strain Energy concepts, Torsion - introduction

1. State and prove Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.
2. State and prove principle of virtual work

3. State and explain minimum potential energy theorem.

4. State and explain complementary energy theorem.

5. State and prove Castigliano’s first theorem (for load).

6. State and prove Castigliano’s first theorem (for deflection).

7. State work energy principle.

8. Define torsional rigidity

9. State the assumptions of Saint Venant’s theory in torsion.

10. Write down the displacement field deduced from Saint Venant’s theory for torsion of

11. Write down the stress tensor of torsion of bars in terms of warping function.

12. Write down the stress tensor of torsion of bars in terms of Prandtl stress function.

13. Derive Laplace equation of warping function.

Module 6: Torsion
1. Derive the stress components and angle of twist in torsion of elliptical shaft.

2. Derive the stress components in torsion of circular shaft using Prandtl method.

3. Describe membrane analogy.

4. Define shear flow.

5. What are multiply connected sections?

6. Derive the torsion equation for a thin walled hollow circular rod subjected to a torque T.
Also state the assumptions used in the derivation.

7. Derive the stress components of thin rectangular sections.

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