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Learning Outcome Grade 7 Semester 2

KD 5.1 Distinguish social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of some special texts
in the form of announcements, by giving and requesting information related to school
activities, according to the context of their use

Learning outcomes
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
• Identify specific terms related to the type of notification
• Identify common expressions and vocabulary used in announcements
• Identify similarities and differences in social functions, text structure and linguistic
• Analyze descriptions with tools like tables and then apply them to analyze some other
notification text
• Create notification text for class or friends

KD 3.6 Applying social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of oral and written
transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and requesting information
related to circumstances / actions / activities / events carried out / occurring in the past
that refer to the time of occurrence and its end, according to the context of its use. (Note
the simple past tense vs present perfect tense)

Learning objectives
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
• Identifying the expressions of giving and asking for information related to the situation /
action / activity / event that was done / happened in the past which referred to the time of
its occurrence and its end
• Identify the different ways of disclosure from each context
• Understand the structure of the text of the expression of giving and asking for
information related to the situation / action / activity / event that was carried out /
happened in the past which referred to the time of its occurrence and its end
• Understand the linguistic element of the expression of giving and asking for information
related to the situation / action / activity / event that was done / happened in the past
which referred to the time of its occurrence and its end
• Compose sentences asking for information on the situation / action / activity / event that
was done / happened in the past which referred to the time of occurrence and its end
• Respond to requests for information related to circumstances / actions / activities / events
carried out / occurred in the past that refer to the time of occurrence and the end that was
submitted to him

KD 3.7 Distinguish social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several oral and
written recount texts by giving and requesting information related to historical events in
the context of their use

Learning Outcomes
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
 Identifying similarities and differences in social functions, text structure and linguistic
elements of recount texts
 Understand the recount text structure in giving and requesting information related to
historical events
 Understand the linguistic elements of the recount text in giving and requesting
information related to historical events
 Make a description of historical events in Indonesia
 Post his work on the classroom wall and ask questions with readers (other students,
teachers) who come to read it

KD 3.8 Distinguish social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several oral and
written narrative texts by giving and requesting information related to folk legends,
simply, in accordance with the context of their use

Learning Outcomes
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
 Identifying sentences that contain parts of the legend in question
 Identify similarities and differences in social functions, text structure and linguistic
elements of narrative texts
 Understand the structure of narrative texts in giving and asking for information related to
folk legends
 Understand the linguistic elements of narrative texts in giving and asking for information
related to folk legends
 Read legends with correct intonation, speech and emphasis, by correcting each other
Rubric of Speaking Assessment
VOCABULARY Uses only basic Uses limited Uses variety Uses a variety of
vocabulary and vocabulary and of vocabulary vocabulary and
expressions expressions and expressions.
but makes
some errors in
word choice.
GRAMMAR Uses basic Uses a variety Uses a variety Uses a variety of
structures, of structure of grammar structure with
makes frequent frequent errors, structures but only occasional
errors. or uses basic makes some grammatical
structure with errors. errors.
only occasional
FLUENCY Hesitates too Speak with Speak with Speak smoothly,
often when some hesitation, some with little
speaking, which which interferes hesitation but hesitation that
often interferes with it does not does interfere
with communication. usually with
communication. interfere with communication.
COMMUNICATI Purpose is not Tries to Stays on task Stays on task and
ON clear needs a lot communicate, most of the communicates
of help but sometimes time and effectively:
communicating: does not communicate almost always
usually does not respond effectively, respond
respond or appropriately or generally appropriately and
clearly. clearly. responds always tries to
appropriately develop the
and keeps interaction.
trying to
develops the
PRONUNTIATIO Frequent Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation
N problems with and intonation and intonation and intonation
pronunciation errors are usually are almost always
and intonation. sometimes clear/accurate very
make it difficult with a few clear/accurate.
to understand problem areas.
the student.
Rubric of Grammar Assessment
Excellent to very The student demonstrate very high command of grammatical and usage
good 100-90 patterns. The student is excellent at manipulating the language with
accuracy and confidence. Very occasional errors that do not interfere
with meaning.
Very good 89-80 The student demonstrate very good command of grammatical and usage
pattern. He/she is very good at manipulating the language with accuracy
and confidence some minor grammatical and usage discrepancies do not
interfere with his/her linguistic competence.
Good 79-70 The student has internalized grammatical and usage pattern. He/she is
good at manipulating the language with some accuracy and confidence.
Some error do not seriously impair linguistic performance.
Fair 69-60 The student has internalized part of the grammatical and usage patterns.
He/she is still able to manipulate the language to express meaning.
However, grammar and usage error almost errors almost impair
linguistic performance. Remedial action is necessary.
Unsatisfactory 59 The student has not internalized grammatical and usage patterns. He/she
or fewer is not able to manipulate the language to express meaning. A large
number of grammar and usage errors impair linguistic performance.
Immediate remedial action is required
Rubric of Listening Assessment
Excellent to very good Excellent at identifying the main idea, generally, and specific
100- 90 information. Accurately infers implied information. No problems at
recognizing vocabulary and expressions.
Very good 89-80 Very good at identifying the main idea, generally and specific
information. Shows good ability to infer implied information. Almost
no problem at recognizing vocabulary and expressions.
Good 79-70 Good at identifying the main idea, generally and specific information.
Shows some ability to infer implied information. Some minor
problems at recognizing vocabulary and expressions.
Fair 69-60 Still able to identify the main idea, generally and specific
information. Still shows ability to infer implied information some
problems at recognizing vocabulary and expressions.
Unsatisfactory 59 or Unable to identify the main idea, generally and specific information.
fewer Fails to infer information. Many problems at recognizing vocabulary
and expressions.
Rubric of Reading Assessment
Excellent to very Demonstrate an excellent to very good understanding of the text and its
good 100-90 relationships. Very good at identifying main ideas supporting details and
specific information. Almost no problem in understanding inferences.
Little or no difficult in recognizing vocabulary and structure.
Very good 89-80 Satisfactory understanding of the text and its relationship. Good at
identifying main ideas, supporting details and specific information.
Some problems in understanding inferences. Some difficulty in
recognizing vocabulary and structure.
Good 79-70 Good understanding of the text and its relationship. Able to identify
main ideas, supporting details and specific information. Some problem
in understanding inferences. Some difficulty in recognizing vocabulary
and structure.
Fair 69-60 Fair understanding of the text and its relationship. Still able to identify
some main ideas, supporting details and specific information. Difficulty
in recognizing vocabulary and structure
Unsatisfactory 59 Fail understanding of the text and its relationship. unable to identify
or fewer some main ideas, supporting details and specific information. Many
difficulties in recognizing vocabulary and structure.
Rubric of Vocabulary Assessment
Excellent 100-90 Complete knowledge of vocabulary. Excellent at identifying
word meaning. No spelling problems.
Very good 89-80 Good vocabulary knowledge. Good at identifying word meaning.
No problems with spelling.
Good 79-70 General vocabulary knowledge. Able to identify word meaning.
Some spelling problems without interfering understanding.
Fair 69-60 Still acceptable vocabulary knowledge. Still able to identify word
meaning. Some spelling problems without fully interfering
Fail 59-fewer Lack of vocabulary knowledge. Misspelled words. Unable to
identify word meaning.
Rubric of Writing Assessment
Excellent to very All content points elaborated. Fully coherent text cohesive on both
good 100-90 sentence and paragraph level. Wide range of structures and vocabulary.
Relevant to content. Few inaccuracies that that do not disrupt
Very good 89-80 Most content points elaborated. Good sentence and paragraph level
cohesion and coherence. Good range of structures and vocabulary.
Overall relevant to content. Occasional inaccuracies that do not disrupt
Good 79-70 Many content points elaborated. Enough sentence and paragraph level
cohesion and coherence. Enough range of structures and vocabulary.
Still relevant to content. Some inaccuracies that do not disrupt
Fair 69-60 Some content points elaborated. Frequent lack of paragraph level
cohesion and coherence. Occasionally relevant to content. Limited
range of structures and vocabulary. Frequent inaccuracies that disrupt
Unsatisfactory 59 or No content point elaborated. Lack of sentence and paragraph level
fewer cohesion and coherence. No range of structures and vocabulary.
Mostly irrelevant to content. Communication is disrupted due to
numerous inaccuracies.

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