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This workshop is designed to improve your skills using Microsoft Excel. This workshop will cover:

• Spreadsheet Design
• Managing the Data These three topics are covered in this workbook
• Analyzing the Data
• Financial Functions These two topics are covered in the Financial Model workbook
• Financial Analysis

Workbook Contents
Tab Title

1 Spreadsheet Design - Some Basic Rules to Follow

2 Spreadsheet Design - File Properties
3 Spreadsheet Design - Data Validation with Drop Down Menus
4 Spreadsheet Design - Password Protection
5 Managing the Data - Fill Handle
6 Managing the Data - Paste Special
7 Managing the Data - Error Checking
8 Managing the Data - Tracking Changes
9 Managing the Data - Lookup Tables
10 Analyzing the Data - Audit Tool
11 Analyzing the Data - Filtering
12 Analyzing the Data - Pivot Tables
13 Analyzing the Data - OLAP
14 Some Additional Tips
15 Listing of Financial Functions
16 Listing of Keyboard Short Cuts
17 Excel Add-Ins

Main Menu
Point of Contact: Matt H. Evans, CPA, CMA, CFM
Excel Spreadsheet Page:
Download this spreadsheet and other files used in this presentation from:
Each worksheet can be printed by hitting Ctrl-P

Main Menu
Spreadsheet Design:
Some basic rules to start with include:

(1) Organize your data so that you:

■ Have a different panel or worksheet for constants vs. variable inputs.
■ Enter contants only once and reference downstream in other worksheets.
■ Use error checking formulas next to your cells. You can flag with conditional formatting.
■ Minimize embedding values and amounts into your formulas. This cuts down on errors.
■ Try to make your formulas point up and to the left, logical flow of how people see things.
■ Try to place your formulas in close proximity to the inputs for easy review and validation.
■ Add light grey to cells that are constants and formulas to minimize inappropriate changes.

(2) Try to minimize the use of merging cells since this makes it difficult to navigate, print or change your spreadsheets.

Merged Cells Non Merged Cells

(3) Place the larger range of data down by rows and the lesser range of data across by columns

(4) Use comments and navigation links to assist the end-user.

TIP ► Format your comments by clicking on the border edge:

The example below brings up an image file as the comment:

1 Select the edge of the comment box and right click

2 From the Format Comment dialog box, select Colors and Lines
3 In the Fill section, open the Color box and choose Fill Effects
4 Click the Picture tab and select the Picture you want to use

TIP ► Insert comments into formulas

1 At the end of the formual, insert a plus sign "+" followed by the letter N
2 Add your comment within parentheses and within quotation marks.

5,609 6.70% 376 $5.60 $2,104.50

Tab 1 - Spreadsheet Design

TIP ► Print out your comments:
1 From the main tool bar, select File > Page Setup > Sheet
2 Select from the Comments drop down list. (None) is the default. Select At end of sheet if you want to
print a separate page. Select As displayed on sheet if you want to print only displayed comments.

TIP ► Hyperlink an Image or Button within your spreadsheet:

1 Paste the image file into your spreadsheet
2 Right click on the Image File
3 Select hyperlink and Link to: Place in This Document

TIP ► Insert an audio file into your spreadsheet

1 Select a cell where you want to place the audio comment (you can move it later if you want);
2 From the Insert menu select Object;
3 On the Create New tab scroll down and select Wave Sound (the Windows Sound recorder will appear);
4 When you are ready, click the record button and record your message. When you are finished, click the stop button;
5 Close the Sound recorder window. A sound object (speaker icon) will appear on your worksheet;
6 To listen to the message, double click the speaker icon.

(5) Include instructional clips of other worksheets or cell ranges

1 Make sure the camera button appears on the toolbar:
From the main menu, select View > Toolbars > Customize
Click the Commands tab
Select the Tools category
Drag the Camera button onto the toolbar
2 Select the range you want to make into an image
3 Click on the Camera button
4 Now go to where you want the image to appear - the cross hair is the is the upper left corner for placement of the image.

(6) Include a Purpose Statement, Point of Contact, and Main Menu if you are developing a workbook.
■ Use a modular design - different worksheets for inputs, analysis, and outputs.

Tab 1 - Spreadsheet Design

Tab 1 - Spreadsheet Design
File Properties
A good internal control for managing files on your computer

TIP ► Have the Properties Dialog Box pop up when you save files for the first time
1 From the main tool bar, select Tools > Options and choose the General tab
2 Click on the Prompt for Workbook Properties

TIP ► Insert keywords in the Summary tab to help locate files on your computer.
1 From the main tool bar, select File > Properties > Properties tab
2 Enter Keywords that will help locate this file on your computer

TIP ► Make Your Files Read-Only to Protect Files from Accidental Deletion
1 From Windows Explorer, locate the file and right click on the file name
2 Select Properties at the bottom of the pop up box:
3 Check the Read-only attribute box and click Apply

Tab 2 - File Properties

Data Validation:

Useful when you have to enter the same data over and over again into a spreadsheet. This "error proofs" the spreadsheet
based on the parameters you set for a specific cell range or table.
Steps Input Range Codes
1 Create a list of valid entries for the cell range XG-004
2 From the main menu, select Data > Validation HG-009
3 Click on the Settings tab and select the type of validation you want and enter the values LW-010
4 Click on the Input Message tab to show an instruction when you cursor over the range BN-003
5 Click on the Error Alert tab to show an error message FP-005

You can also validate numberic values:

1 Select the range of cells you want to validate
2 From the main menu, select Data > Validation
3 From the Allow drop down list, select Whole or Decimal
4 From the Data drop down list, select Between
5 In the Minimum box, enter the low range of the validation
6 In the Maximum box, enter the high range of the validation
7 Click OK

Tab 3 - Data Validation

Password Protection:
Allows you to restrict access to your file, workbook, cells, graphics, charts, or other attributes.

TIP ► Password Protection of Files is better than Password Protection of Work Sheets, Ranges and Cells. Several Utilities are available
for cracking passwords once the file is open.

TIP ► Excel 97 has very weak features when it comes to Password Protection. Recommend users upgrade to Excel 2003.

A. Password Protect Your File:

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > Security > Password to open:

B. Password Protect Work Sheets:

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet > Password to unprotect sheet:

C. Allow editing of selected Cells:

1 Select the Cells you want to remain unprotected (the worksheet should already be protected - see B above)
2 From the main menu, select Format > Cells > Protection tab and uncheck the Locked box
Hidden - Prevents any formulas in the cell(s) from being displayed in the Formula bar after the worksheet has been protected.
TIP ► It's also a good idea to highlight the unprotected cells

D. Restrict Cursor Movement:

Follow Steps 1 and 2 in C above
4 Change the worksheet properties: EnableSelection by selecting View > Toolbars > Control Toolbox > Properties
5 Click on the cell labeled: xlNoRestrictions (to the right of EnableSelection)
6 From the drop down list, change this to: xlUnlockedCells
xlNoRestrictions: In a protected worksheet, selection is allowed for both locked and unlocked cells.
xlUnLockedCells: In a protected worksheet, selection is allowed for unlocked cells only.
xlNoSelection: In a protected worksheet, selection is not allowed for either locked or unlocked cells.

E. Hide Work Sheets:

Tab 4 - Password Protection

1 From the main menu, select Format > Sheet > Hide

F. Password Protect VBA Macro's:

1 Press Alt and F11 to activate the VBA Editor
2 Select your project from the Project Window
3 Select Tools > VBA Project Properties > Protection tab
4 Check the box: Lock project for viewing and enter a password twice
5 Click OK to save the workbook

Excel 2003 Feature

Information Rights Management
You can designate who can read, revise, or forward confidential information using the Information Rights Management (IRM) feature.
This can be easier than password protection, but you will have to install the IRM component on your network server.

Authenticode - Digital Signatures

Microsoft Office 2003 uses Microsoft Authenticode to create a digital signature. A digital signature is used to confirm that the document
originated from the signer and no changes have been made. For example, when you run macro's, you can enable only those macro's
that are on your list of trusted sources with digital signature certificates.
H. Protect Worksheet with a Digital Signature:
1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > Security
2 Click Digital Signatures and add the signer's Digital Signature
NOTE: To create a digital signature, you first must create a digital certificate from a commercial source such as verisign

Tab 4 - Password Protection

Fill Handle and Smart Tag - Auto Fill Options
An easy way to copy and paste with or without auto fill or just paste a format (same as the Paint Brush)

Fill Handle: The "+" sign that appears in the lower right corner of the cell you have selected.

Smart Tag: A small icon that appears in the lower right corner of the range that you copied to. This is the Auto Fill Options Smart Tag:
Copy Cells - Copy the cell content as is to the other cell(s)
Fill Series - Copy the cell content and auto fill to the other cells in a series
Fill Formatting Only - Copy the cell format only to the other cell(s)
Fill Without Formatting - Copy the cell content as is, but do not include the format

TIP ► Moving the Fill Handle Up will erase the cell contents


Copy Fill Fill Fill W/O

Cells Series Format Format
10 10 10 10

TIP ► Custom Fills - You can setup your own custom fills for a spreadsheet:
1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > Custom Lists > NEW LIST
2 In the box labeled "List entries" enter all of your entries for your fill list OR select the cells for your list
3 Click Add and Click OK


Tab 5 - Fill Handle

Paste Special
Can be very useful for editing and altering data in a spreadsheet

A. Convert Formulas to Values:

1 Highlight the cells you want to convert to values and select Copy
2 Move to the home position where you want to paste
3 Select Paste Special and check Values

Store A Store B Store C Total

1,050.00 950.00 680.00 2,680.00
755.00 250.00 552.00 1,557.00
890.00 195.00 265.00 1,350.00
1,175.00 480.00 805.00 2,460.00

B. Convert Text Values into Real Values or positive values to negative values
1 Select an empty cell and enter 1 or -1
2 From the main menu, select Edit Copy for the cell with 1 in it
3 Highlight the text values you need to convert
4 Select Edit Paste Special and select the Multiply option
5 Under Paste, click Values and then click OK

-1 118

C. Use Paste Special to Copy a Format: (Very useful for tables and chart formatting differences)
1 Select the cell range / chart / table you want to use as your format
2 Control-C to Copy or from the main menu, select Edit > Copy

Tab 6 - Paste Special

3 Select the cell range / chart / table you want to change in terms of formatting
4 From the main menu, select Edit > Paste Special > Formats

Chart 1 has this format:

Comparison of Store Sales Sales

1,400.00 1200
800.00 800
600.00 Sales
200.00 400
1 2 3 200

Store 0
1 2

Tab 6 - Paste Special

Error Checking
Used to check formulas for errors.

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Error Checking
2 Error Checking dialog box will appear to show potential errors. If you are re-checking the worksheet again, click Options, click
Reset Ignored Errors and click OK
3 The potential error appears in the formula bar. The text describes the potential error
4 Click on the button on the right side of the dialog box. Depending upon the error, you may elect to Ignore.
5 Continue until errors have been reviewed.
6 Select Tools > Options > Error Checking tab to control what gets checked.

78 99 35 #DIV/0!

TIP ► Quickly trace the formula by inserting the I Bar into the open toolbar view of the formula.

Types of Errors:

##### — Column is not wide enough, or a negative date or time is used

Possible Solutions
Widen the column to fit the contents Double-click the boundary on the right side of the column heading.
Shrink the contents to fit the column Select the column, and on the Format menu, click Cells.
Change the formatting The contents may fit with a different formatting.
If dates or times are negative, check your data and formulas.

#VALUE! — The wrong argument or operand is used

How to Fix
Use the Trace Error tool to check your arguments, such as cell references, numbers and operands.
Click on the cell that contains the #VALUE error
On the Forumula Auditing toolbar, click Trace Error

#REF! — The formula contains an invalid cell reference

Tab 7 - Error Checking

Possible Solutions
Change the formulas or restore the cells that reference the formula.
Make sure formula links are still valid
Verify that macros are referring to valid cells

#NAME? — The formula contains an invalid cell reference

Possible Solutions
Misspelled function name or text in formula
Make sure formula links are still valid
Edit errors in formulas, such as double quote marks, parenthesis, etc.

#DIV/0! — A number is divided by zero (0)

Possible Solutions
Check the division in your formula - should not divide by 0
Make sure your formula does not reference a blank cell or a cell that contains 0
Enter a value other than 0 as your divisor

Tab 7 - Error Checking

Track Changes
Useful when you need to understand who is making changes to a spreadsheet and why.

Tracking Changes
1 From the main menu, select Tools > Track Changes > Highlight Changes
2 In the Highlight Changes dialog box, select Track changes while editing
3 Select Highlight changes on screen
4 Open the When menu and select All
5 Open the Who menu and select Everyone. This makes your file shared.
6 Click OK
TIP ► You can track changes with only certain cells by using the Where option. If you leave this option blank, all changes are tracked in the workbook.

TIP ► Changed cells have a triangle in the left corner, surrounded by a blue line around the cell.

Accepting or Rejecting Changes

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Track Changes > and select Accept or Reject Changes option.
2 In the Dialog Box, select "Not yet reviewed" to see all changes or "Since date" to see changes after a certain day.
3 Click OK
4 In the Accept or Reject Changes dialog box, review the edits to the cell.
5 Select the Reject or Accept button for each edit.
NOTE: Rejecting your changes will erase the change and restore the cell back to the original entry.

TIP ► If you want to make changes but not see them on screen (useful if you're making a lot of changes),
don't select the "Highlight changes on screen" option. Select the option later to see the changes you made.

TIP ► To review your changes later, select Close in the Accept or Reject Changes dialog box.

$ 2,050.00

Note: When you track changes, the workbook is now [Shared] and some functions may not work. Remove sharing by
unchecking the box from Tools > Share Workbook

Tab 8 - Track Changes

Lookup Functions:
Very useful for looking up information from tables and working with worksheets that are split between a master file (permanent
type records) and data files (regularly updated records). You can lookup values or text.

1 Start with your Data Table - this will be used as the Array in your Lookup formulas
<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - array - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
ID Last Name First Name Age Function Points IF Statement
2306 Evans Matt 50 Consultant 1,050 Bonus
1788 Frazier John 43 Manager 980
1568 Johnson William 56 Executive 1,175 Bonus
1477 Frazier Charlotte 35 Administrator 750
1896 McDonald Shelley 39 Administrator 610
1962 Bissell Carmen 32 Staff 885
2077 Alexander Stewart 37 Manager 1,305 Bonus

2 Use basic lookup functions in conjunction with your array

=LOOKUP("value or text you want to lookup", range name of the table, column or row index number,
FALSE if you want an exact match, TRUE is the default for closet match)

Example - Vertical Lookup (most data tables are organized by columns with column headings)
Typical Accounting Files are full of codes Setup and use a Lookup Table to make codes meaningful:
1568 Johnson
1962 Bissell
1788 Frazier
2306 Evans

Example - Match (locate the position of a record)

How far down is the record Bissell? 6 Note: Use the vector and not the full array name to avoid getting the #N/A
Example - Index (what value resides in this postion)
What value shows up in row 5, column 4? Administrator Note: Use the vector and not the full array name to avoid getting the #N/A

Tab 9 - Lookup Tables

Audit Tool Bar
Useful for understanding the sources that feed a dependent cell in your spreadsheet.

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Formula Auditing > Show Formula Audting Toolbar

Precedent: A cell which feeds or drives the formula in question.
Dependent: A cell which depends on the formula for its value.

Both Precedent Precedent Dependent

1050.00 1,150.00 1,260.00 3,979.00

1 Trace Precedents - if the current cell contains a formula, arrows will be drawn leading back to the source cells.

2 Remove precedents arrows

3 Trace Dependents - arrows will be drawn from the current cell to any other cells that incorporate it into their formulas.

4 Remove dependents arrows

5 Remove all arrows

6 Trace errors - if the current cell is displaying an error (e.g. #DIV/0!), an arrow will be drawn leading back to the cause of the error.

7 Trace errors - if the current cell is displaying an error (e.g. #DIV/0!), an arrow will be drawn leading back to the cause of the error.

8 Circle invalid data - highlights any cells which fail Data Validation rules that have been defined for the current range

9 Remove circles around data

Tab 10 - Audit Tool Bar

Data Filtering
The Data Filter option is very useful for sorting through data with simple drop down menus.

1 Move your cursor over the column heading row.
2 Turn on the Data Filter - From the main menu, select Data > Filter > Auto Filter. Down Arrow Boxes should appear for each column heading.
3 Single column filtering - Click the drop down menu for the column heading
4 Turn Off Filter - Select Data > Filter > Auto Filter to turn off the option and the Drop Arrow Boxes will disappear.

Empl No. Last Name First Name Location Date of Birth Pay Grade Department
00019 Melton Zachery Morgantown 5/1/1943 7 Engineering
00030 Phillips William Morgantown 1/5/1949 8 Sales
00035 Bingers Alice Charlotte 6/28/1947 6 Production
00039 Anderson Carol Pittsburgh 4/6/1950 8 Corporate
00046 Yuller Joseph Columbia 3/27/1948 7 Distribution
00048 Daad Mostaf Charlotte 8/11/1949 7 Production
00055 Landry Martha Columbia 3/17/1951 7 Production
00059 Willis Paul Pittsburgh 1/19/1951 6 Corporate
00063 Morrison Donald Richmond 12/2/1953 6 Engineering
00079 Mackle Jerome Pittsburgh 7/17/1946 9 Corporate
00081 Walters Bill Columbia 2/3/1949 6 Accounting
00088 Jenkins Paula Pittsburgh 11/8/1951 6 Accounting
00092 Bissel Harold Charlotte 9/3/1941 7 Engineering
00101 Jackson Sherry Pittsburgh 8/2/1958 8 Administration
00106 Keyes Louis Richmond 12/15/1954 8 Engineering
00108 Alden Pam Richmond 8/11/1956 6 Administrative
00110 Zurich Allen Morgantown 11/7/1954 6 Distribution
00111 Bartolla Frank Columbia 10/4/1967 7 Logistics
00115 Sutton Ralph Charlotte 1/15/1955 8 Accounting
00117 Easton Russell Charlotte 11/29/1957 8 Engineering
00119 Pierce John Morgantown 7/22/1952 5 Administrative
00128 Gardner Jeff Charlotte 4/19/1960 8 Engineering
00129 Smith James Morgantown 6/16/1953 7 Distribution
00144 Terrell Carey Morgantown 10/26/1961 7 Distribution
00149 Matz Julie Morgantown 12/4/1960 6 Logistics
00155 Yen Sei Columbia 10/29/1955 5 Administrative

Tab 11 - Data Filtering

00158 Ruston Sam Richmond 4/17/1962 5 Distribution
00160 Hollinford Bradley Richmond 4/3/1964 7 Sales
00162 King Susan Richmond 10/11/1956 8 Logistics
00177 McDonald Gerald Columbia 11/13/1960 6 Logistics
00188 Lattimer Mark Richmond 6/29/1959 6 Sales
00206 Leopold Karen Charlotte 2/27/1962 6 Sales
00218 Hills Terry Charlotte 9/4/1963 6 Logistics
00226 Nutterfield Leslie Morgantown 6/11/1960 6 Distribution
00233 Studdlemeyer Peter Richmond 8/16/1977 4 Distribution
00236 Jones Tammy Charlotte 7/7/1963 6 Production
00239 Sellers Jim Pittsburgh 5/29/1958 7 Marketing
00241 Ingle Motley Richmond 2/20/1969 6 Marketing
00262 Kelley Janet Columbia 3/22/1966 9 Sales

Filtering using Custom Criteria

1 Click on the drop down menu for the column that you want to customize for filtering and select (Custom . . .)
2 From the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, select your first criteria for filtering and click Or or And
3 From the second operator drop down list, select the comparison operator.

Filtering Operators:
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to

Wild Cards
* Any string of characters: S* would find Smith, Sculley, Sull, Sal, Steinberger, . .
? Any character in this position: B?t would find Bat, But, Bet, . .

Tab 11 - Data Filtering

Pivot Tables
One of the most popular features of Excel for data analysis. Allows you to easily view and understand data in
different ways by moving data attributes between sections of the table - simply drag and drop.

1 List out your data, including the column headings
2 From the main tool bar, select Data > PivotTable and PivotChart Report. Follow the Wizard

Product Sales Sales Units < - Note: Column Headings
Sales Month Sales Year Type Lead Region Sold are in single cells
September 2005 Soap Smith East 1,255
September 2005 Paper Jones East 755
October 2005 Mix Keane Central 2,105
October 2005 Paper Stiles North 1,005
November 2005 Mix Carlson Central 950
November 2005 Paper Jones East 890
November 2005 Mix Stiles North 1,860
November 2005 Mix Keane Central 1,330
December 2005 Soap Keane Central 2,550
December 2005 Paper Stiles North 1,240
December 2005 Mix Smith East 2,250
January 2006 Mix Carlson Central 3,275
January 2006 Mix Jones East 1,470
January 2006 Soap Keane Central 3,025

To show a table of product type sales by Sales Leads:

3 Drag / Drop the Sales Lead into the left column portion of the Pivot Table Panel
4 Drag / Drop the Product Type into the horizontal top panel section.
5 Drag / Drop the Units Sold into the Data center panel
NOTE: The Pivot Table is showing a "Count" as our data; change to "Sum" by selecting the Field Setting

Table >

Tab 12 - Pivot Tables

TIP ► Pivot tables may insert a blank column and row for future changes. You can hide these blanks by placing your cursor in
the table and right click your mouse, select Hide.

TIP ► When you make changes to your source data, don't forget to refresh !

30 Minute On-Line Introduction to Pivot Tables:

Tab 12 - Pivot Tables

Importing Data
Excel includes certain features, allowing you to import data into the spreadsheet from other applications.

EXAMPLE: You have sales data from another system that you produces a text file. You need to analyze the sales data
in Microsoft Excel. You can use Excel to Query the data and place it in a set of Cubes, allowing you to analyze the data.

A. Select the Data Source
1 From the main menu, select Data > Import External Data > New Database Query
2 In the Choose Data Source box, click the Database tab, select New Data Source > OK
3 In the Create New Data Source dialog box, type a name for the data source file and select Microsoft Text Driver, click Connect.
4 In the ODBC Text Setup dialog box, clear the Use Current Directory box and click Select Directory.
5 In the Select Database dialog box, locate the folder that contains the data source file. Do NOT select the file, just the FOLDER.
6 Click OK twice and return to Choose Data Source dialog box.
B. Create the Query (pulls in the data)
7 From the Choose Data Source dialog box, select the data source file as created per the previous steps.
Make sure Use the Query Wizard to create / edit queries is selected. Click OK
8 In the Query Wizard - Choose Columns dialog box, select the data source file you want to query.
Move the columns from the Available tables and columns pane to the columns in your query.
Click Next in the next two dialog boxes
9 In the Query Wizard - Finish dialog box, select Create an OLAP Cube from this query and click Finish.
C. Create the Cube (allows you to analyze the data in different ways)
10 Click Next in the Welcome to the OLAP Cube Wizard dialog box.
11 Select the source fields you want to use, check the box in the Source field column. Also make sure the
"Sum" is selected for those fields you want summarized - Summarize by column. Click Next.
12 Move the fields that you want to use in your analysis from the Source fields pane to the Dimensions pane. Click Next.
13 Select Save a cube file containing all data for the cube. Enter the path name and file name. Click Finish.
14 In the Save As dialog box, type a file name that corresponds to the query you have created. Click Save.
D. Analyze the Query Definition File - "oqy" file
15 Once the OLAP Cube has been completed, the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard will appear.
You can now create a pivot table report or chart.
You can also use Data Analyzer to analyze the Cube file

TIP ► Look for this icon to find the "oqy" file:

Tab 13 - OLAP Analysis


Download the "Sales" file from:

Use this as your source file to practice on how to do what has been described above.


Tab 13 - OLAP Analysis

Other Tips

TIP ► Zooming Only Selected Cells rather than the entire worksheet
1 Select the range of cells you want to appear in the screen
2 From the main menu, select View > Zoom > Fit Selection
3 Select 100% or the appropriate % from the Custom option.

TIP ► Displaying Cell Formulas Rather Than Results

1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > View tab > Window options section and check Formulas

5,609 6.70% 376 $5.60 $2,104.50

TIP ► Line Break Within a Cell - Useful when you have text wrapping within a cell
1 Move your cursor over the cell and select Format > Cells > Alignment > check the Wrap Text
2 Enter your text and hit Alt - Enter where you want the break to occur
North Park Park

A more complicated version of this is to split the contents of the cell and insert an angle border within the cell:



TIP ► Conditional formats applied to color different amounts

1 Determine and enter the values you want to use for triggering the different formats
2 Highlight the range of cells you want to format
3 From the main menu, select Format > Conditional Formatting

Tab 14 - Other Tips

4 For Condition 1, select Cell Value Is and greater than and the value per Step 1
5 Click Format and select Font and from Color, select the color you want to use, click OK
6 Click Add to apply the next condition in formatting, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Bill Jeff Chris Lisa Barbara Monthly Bonus

Jan $ 650 $ 1,350 $ 1,940 $ 1,290 $ 1,305 % + Trip $ 2,500
Feb $ 1,100 $ 1,780 $ 860 $ 720 $ 2,050 % only $ 1,500 $ 2,499
Mar $ 960 $ 880 $ 750 $ 1,190 $ 2,550 Gift $ 1,000 $ 1,499

TIP ► Change the default worksheets that loads when you create a new workbook - Default is 3
1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > General tab
2 Change the number that appears in the Sheets in new workbook box

TIP ► Change the default path where you open and save files
1 From the main menu, select Tools > Options > General tab
2 Type in the desired path in the Default file location box.

Tab 14 - Other Tips

Financial Functions

ACCRINT Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest
ACCRINTM Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity
AMORDEGRC Returns the depreciation for each accounting period by using a depreciation coefficient
AMORLINC Returns the depreciation for each accounting period
COUPDAYBS Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date
COUPDAYS Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date
COUPDAYSNC Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date
COUPNCD Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date
COUPNUM Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date
COUPPCD Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date
CUMIPMT Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods
CUMPRINC Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods
DB Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method
DDB Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method
DISC Returns the discount rate for a security
DOLLARDE Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number
DOLLARFR Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction
DURATION Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments
EFFECT Returns the effective annual interest rate
FV Returns the future value of an investment
FVSCHEDULE Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates
INTRATE Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security
IPMT Returns the interest payment for an investment for a given period
IRR Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
ISPMT Returns the interest paid during a specific period of an investment
MDURATION Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100
MIRR Returns the internal rate of return where positive and negative cash flows are financed at different rates
NOMINAL Returns the annual nominal interest rate
NPER Returns the number of periods for an investment
NPV Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate
ODDFPRICE Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period
ODDFYIELD Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period
ODDLPRICE Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period

Tab 15 - Financial Functions

ODDLYIELD Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period
PMT Returns the periodic payment for an annuity
PPMT Returns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period
PRICE Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest
PRICEDISC Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security
PRICEMAT Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity
PV Returns the present value of an investment
RATE Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity
RECEIVED Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security
SLN Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period
SYD Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period
TBILLEQ Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill
TBILLPRICE Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill
TBILLYIELD Returns the yield for a Treasury bill
VDB Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial period using a declining balance method
XIRR Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic
XNPV Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic
YIELD Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest
YIELDDISC Returns the annual yield for a discounted security; for example, a Treasury bill
YIELDMAT Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity

Tab 15 - Financial Functions

Key Board Short Cuts
Key Strokes Action Invoked
F2 Edit the Selected Cell
F5 Go to the Selected Cell
F7 Spell Check the Selected Text
F11 Create a Chart
Shift + F5 Bring up the Search Box
Ctrl + A Select all worksheet contents
Ctrl + K Insert a Link
Ctrl + F6 Switch between workbooks or windows
Ctrl + Page Up Move between worksheets in the same Excel File
Ctrl + Page Down Move between worksheets in the same Excel File
Ctrl + ' Insert the value above into the currently selected cell
Ctrl + Shift + ! Format numbers with comma's and two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + $ Format numbers in currency format and two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percent format
Ctrl + Space Selects the entire column
Shift + Space Selects the entire row

Tab 16 - Keyboard Short Cuts

Excel Add-Ins
Excel Add-Ins (xla files) provide increased functionality and features. From the main menu, select Tools > Add-Ins
Listed below are a few free add-ins:

(1) Navigation Tool Bar

Places a navigation tool bar for your workbook into the spreadsheet, allowing you to navigate the workbook with a drop-down tool bar.
Download this Add-In from:

(2) Popular Add-Ins from Microsoft:

· Report Manager - Allows you to save reports with your workbook and print the report later.
· Access Links - Allows updating of the Access Database that is linked to your spreadsheet.
Download these Add-Ins from:

(3) Some economic add-ins from University of Texas:

· Estimate - Worksheet for capital budget estimates and cost estimates during a project life cycle
· Investment Economics - Evaluates investment alternatives using time value concepts
· Forecasting - Provides several forecasting tools such as moving average, exponential smoothing and regression analysis.
· Inventory - Calculates the economic lot size of inventories under different scenarios.
Download these Add-Ins from:

(4) Data Filtering:

Tab 17 - Excel Add Ins

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