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Bachelor of Business Administration


4 Years Program
Bachelors of Business Administration
Eight Semesters (Four Years) Program

Program Overview
The four yean BBA is tailored
mde programme to serve the needs ofthe bright young persons
who have completed twelve years of education and are looking for a career education
different aspects of management profession or towards highor education in busincss
administration. This prognmme is open to the students widr divers€ educational backgrounds
including humanities, science, arb and commerice.

The four yean BBA degree promiscs the graduates, higb-level job opportuity at the
level of management profession thrcugh helping them to fulfil potential for high
earnings and
Sreater personal development. A rich blend of gencral education like English Language,
Mathematics, Pakistan Studies, Islamic Studies, Economics, General Management
Skills such
8s oral, written and communication skillg Decision-making Lcdership, Teamwork,
Quantitative Meftod, Research Methods; Discipline based corc couses including Finance,
Banking Marlceting and Human Resourpc Management etc. is offered to the studenb via
prcgnmme curricula and specialization in elective counes. The programme
builds capabilities
in thc studens forporcntid futurc and enables them to build and maintain balance
betrrocn the
tsrgeb of economic succ€stt and the limiations of incrcasing social and environmental
- Prognm Dcsign
BBA (Hons.) Prognm consists ofeight (0t) scmcstcrs. A total forty-thrco,(43) diverse subjects
3 will be offered during the p,rognm. Erh subjoct, of thrce (3) srcdit hou!, will constitutc a
total 129 Crcdit houn coursc work and Internship of six (6) credit hours will be at the
cnd of the eighth scmestcrs. Hence, BBA (Hons.) program consisb of toal 135 Credit Hours.

Program Objectivec
The main objectives of the prognm arp to:

/ Pnryare future busincss leadcrs by inculcating various mamgemcnt skills in the

{ Develop abilities-of analytic and crpative skills amongstsMents
r' Develop effcctive communication and strong busincss skills amongst studcns to ensble
them to acklc future challenges in life and pofcssion
r' Providing shrdents with bcficr caficcr opportunitics at entry levcl of various hsincss
/ Understand the imporhncc of teamwork and gloup dyranics in achieving

organizational goals and demonstratc ability to work cffcctively in teams

r' Make students acknowledge and undentand significance of cultural divenity to adapt
dreir interpersonal behaviours and styles rccordingly
/ Prepare dynamic rcsearcher in the ficld of buiness adminisfation.

Studens having Intennediate ccrtification like I.Com, F.A, F.Sc or cquivalent (Minimum 2d
Division) are eligible to apply for this program.

Semester I

Semester 2

Semester 3
Senester 4

Semester 5

Semester 6

Semester 7
Scmester 8

Specialization Courses

Interndional Marketin g
3 Ua*ctins Conmunicdbn
4 Retail Management
5 LfdcinrRcscgch
6 Brand Manrgement
University Qualifying Exenination (UaE'

Notc: UQE will be conducted at the cad of thc dcgree program. It is compulsory to pass UQE
for awd of degree.

As pcrunivecity rules UQE will be conductcd nvo times drning four (4) yean BBA progrstn.
Once at the end of 46 scmester and subscquently at the end of Ed s€mestcr.
a) Continuous ssscssment/formative asscssmcnt 407o

b) Summative tcst{at thc cnd of term/semester) 60%

c) Comprehcnsive Examination at the end ofthe program.


*Lctter Grades" and *Lefier Grade Poinb" will be use4 with a mocirnrm possible grade
point avcragc 4.00 as dctailcd bclow.

Lcttcr Gndc Gndc Poha

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Gndc Poina Marks in Pcrccnt

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A: AchievoncntTct
Achiwement Test will bc given dnring thc last week of the semcstcr.

B: Othcr ectlvltics during thc scncstcr lncludc:

i. Monthly/MidTcrmTqt20o/c
ii. At lcasttwo assignmcntdpressntations in cach coursc lElo
iii. Aficn&ncc 29/.l{wha thc attcndancc is at least 90 7o or more)

C: Attcndrnco
As pcr Univcrsity rules.

Il: Ago Llntt:

As p€r Univenity rules


To bc eligible for the degcc, the student must obain a minimum CGPA of 2.{X) out of


In order to check the overall performance of the students, a wrifien comptehcnsive
examination will be conducted by the University of Education Lahorc as pcr rules.

Teaching MethodologY
Classroom Lcctures
The classroom lectures will commcnce with an ovewiew of whc was studied in the last

session, followcd by a brief outline of the topic discrsscd in the lecture. Thc instuctor will
involve the studcnts through classoom disctssions, prcscntations and quizzcs.

Assignmen$ will be a pivoal part of teaching stratcSr. on 0re complction of a topic,
in the final
assignmcntilprojects will be given to the studcnts which will carry due wcighAge
Group Discussions
The classtoom will be divided in a numbcr of groups according b thc stneng$ and eoch SFoup-
will be assigncd a topic for discussion. The instnrctor will make surc that evcry grcup mcmbcr
is participating in the discussion and will atlocate grade to each mcmbcr accordingly.

Cesc Studics and Tcrm Prcjects

To make srne hat studcnts are following tre topics conceptualln crsc studics utd term projccs
will bc assigned to the SFoup of sMens. Case studies will be formally discusscd in the

classroom and the studen8 will havc to submit thcir solutions.

A term project will also be assigned to the studenb which will includc a formal submission of
thc final rport by the end of the telm, ptqrentation by each participant ctc.

Me*ct /Inrdtutiond Vbitg

Thc University should organize planned student visis to variow markct and institutions. This
will provide a chance to the studcnts to sce practically of what thcy have studied in a classroom.

The studenb will be asked to prescnt a rcport of their visit followed by prcscnation.
Semester I
English-I (Language in Use)
Counc Objcctivcs:
After the completion of this coune, the studens will be able
r' To understand and use English to exprcss idcas and opinions rplatcd to students, redl
life expericnces inside and outside the classoom.
r' To givc reasons (substantiating) justirying dreir view
/ To undcrstand and use signal markers
r' To extsrct infomnation and make notrs from lectures
/ To ask and answer relevant qucstions to scek information, clarification ctc.
Counc Outlinc:

Lktcnim rnd Soceldnr Skllls

a How to expr€ss ideas and opinions related to studens?
I How to give reasons (substantiating) justising your viewpoint? .
I How to understand and use
Lbtcnlns rnd Soceldnr Skills
a How to extract information md ma&e not€s ftom lecturps?
t How to ask and aruwer relcvant qucstions?
a How to scek information?
I How b ask for clrrification?
Rcedinq Conorehcnslon Skilk
I How to identifr main idca/topic scntcnccs in ircxtt
! How to trcognizc and interpret cohesive derrices?

Rcrdinq Conntrhculon Sldlls

Howto find specific infrrmcion quickly?
How to distinguish betrreqn rclevant and irrelevant information

Rcadinc Comnrchcndon Skilb

How to rrcognize and intcrpret cohcsivc dcvices?

Vocebuhn Buildinr Skillr

How to guess thc meanings of unfamiliar words using conrcxt

Vocrbulrn Buildlm Shlb

$ow to nsc word formation rulcs for cohanci
Mid Tern Errminrdon
Vocebulrrr Buildlns SHlls
How to usc the dictionary for fmding out meaning and rse of
Wcck l0 Wridm rkills
a Descriptive writing with and without stimulus input

Wcck ll lVritinr skilk

I Nanative writing with and withoutstimulus input
Wcek 12 Wrldng rlilb
a Argumentative writing with and without stimulus input

Wcck 13 Grrmmerin contcrt

a Tcnscs: meaninc & usc
Wcck l4 Gnmmerin Goltcrt
a Tenscs: mcaning & use
I Modals
Wccl 15 Grammrin contcrt
r Usc of active and oassive voicc
Finel Tern En'nlnadon

Rccommendcd Tcrt Books:

l) Howe, D. I{, Ki*patrick, T. A., & Kirkpatriclq D.L. Q004). oldord English for
undergraduates. Kamchi: Oxford University Press or latest edition.

2) Eastwood, J. (2004). English Pnctice Grammar (New edition with tess and answers).
tQrachi: olrford University Press or larcst edition.
3) Murphy, R. (2003). Gtammar in usc. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press or
latest edition.

Note: In rddition to the lbovc, rny othcr tcrt or book rcferrcd by Instrnctor crn elso bc
Introduction to Psychology
Courrc Objcctivcc:
After completion ofthis coutsc, thc shdene will:
/ Analyzeand evaluate changes in human behavior.
/ understand their own sclves and to cope with the envircnment prcssure.
r' Develop vision for futuc expectations ofthc business.
{ To enable the studenb to apply psychological knowledge for thc ei:onomic and social
betterment of Pakistan.

Intrductlon to Pwcholoql,
I Definition
a Differrnt Branchcs of Psychologgr
a Goals of Psychology
I Risc of Psychology as a Scicnce
a Major trends in tho dcvelopmcnt of Psychology
Rcscerch Mcthodg ln Psvcholoqv
. Naturalistic Obscrvcion

a Survey and lnterview

a Casc study and focus group
I Mcta-Analysis
Lcemins rnd Bchrvlour
r ChssicalConditioning

r Cognitive Lcaming

Motivadon rnd Enotion

Definition and tpe of motives (Primary, Secondary &

Dcfinition and asscssmcnt of personality

MH Tcra Errminrdon
! Humanistic and trait theory of penonality
Intclliqcncc rnd r$c$mcnt of lntcllirGncc
r Definition
Wcck 12 Abnotnrl Bchevlor
a Natuit and causcs of mcnal disorden
a Brief innoduction to classification and diagnosis of mentrl
Wcck 13 Prvchottcnov
a Psychoanalysis and modem psychodynamic approach
a Behavior modification tcchniqucs
I Cognitivc and ci&tic therapy
Wcck 14 Soclel Pwcholoc
a Social Cognition
a Attitudes and their formation
a kejudice
Wcck 15 I Social influcnces and group behavior
I Interpersonal dtaction and loving

Rcconncnded Tcrt Bookr:

l) Lahcy, Benjamin: Psychologr. McGraw-Hill or latcst edition.
2) Feldman, Robert S: Understanding Psychologr McGraw Hill or latest odition.
3) Gerow Josh, R: Psycholory and Intoduction. lnngman or latest edition.
4) Carlson, Neil R. & Buskisf William: Psychologgr. Allyn and Bacon or latcst edition.
5) Zimbardo, Philip G. & Gening Richard J: Psychologiy and Life. I{arper Collin
Publishen or latest edition.

Notc: In rdditlol to thc lbove, rny otter tcrt or book nfcrrcd by Instmctor cen dso bc
Introduction to Business
Courlc Objcctivcr:
Afror completion of this counrc, dre studcn8 will bc rblc to:
r' Familiarize and equip the studcnts witr the ambiance of busirpss
r' htroduce forms of busincss along with its importancc in culcnt sitrution.
r' Familiarize witr jargons of busincss field

Counc Outllnc:

Inhudnctlon rnd nceninc of Burincss

. Ty?es of Busincss
r Chanctcristics

a Incentivss of Business
I Importance
a Mcrits and Demeris of Sole proprietonhip
Partncrshto Act 1932
r Charactcristics of Partnenhip
. Typcs of Patren
. Rcgistercd and Unregistcred
r Parbenhip deed
. Rish8, Liabilitics and Duties of
Admission and wittdrawals of partncrs
Dissolution of a firm rcfelencc of scctions from the Law,
practical exposurc of Decd.

Introducdol to JolntStock Connenv

r Fotmdion Sagps
r Classification of compcnics
r Mcrib ad Demerits
I Mcaning ofprivatc limited company
r SMC Moris and Demcrits
r Prcccdurp to closc 6c
I Promotion snd classificstion of promotcrs
I Mcmorandum of Association
a Article ofAssociation
a Prospcctrs and its purpos€
a Classcs of capial" rypcs of shsrcs
a Diffcrence Ut transfer and tansmission of shsr€s
r Distinction between shares and dcbenturcs,
MH Tcrn Ennlmtlol
I Whst is Lriti.l Public Otrering gpo)
r Undcrmiting of shares
I Undcrwriting agenb
. tr4ansgingagen8
I Plough back of profit
I Dividcnd & Dividend warrant

r Powes and liabilitics ofdircctors

r chiefexecutive componics ordinance lgcomprnies ordinance
l9t4 and relevant sgctionst4 and relevant scgtions
. Kinds ofcompany mceting

. Modes of winding up a company

Stock Erchanscs endTrrdinr
I ;mF
Inboduction and fuirctioning of st&k exchrngc
IDifferent typ€s of Trading Transactions
IInhoduction to Deoositories (CDC)
t m 1925 rclcvant s€qtions.

r Busincss Merger
r Acquisition

Finel Tcru Ennilrdol

Rocomrncndcd Tcrt Books

1l Jefflvladura Fundamcntars ofBusiness (Latest edition.)
2) M. saeed Nasin Introduction to Brsiness (Latest edition.)
llotc: In rddltion to tte lbove, rny othcr tcrt or book nfcrrld
by Instructor cen rbo bc
Ideolory of Pakistan
Colrrc Objccttve:
After completion of tris.coursc, tro studcns will b:
/ Devclop vision ofhistorical pcrspective, govcrnmcnt, politicq contemporary palcistan,
idcological background of pakistrn
r' Study the process ofgovemancc, nrtional dcvelopncnt,
r' Know issues arising in tre modern agc and posing challenges to palcistan.
Counc ffiinc:

Wcck I r Definition ofldoology

Wock2 r Lcssons of History
Wcck3 r Two nation thcory
Wccl4 . Fstors crcatingtre idca@
rtcck 5 r Declinc ofMuslim rule in India
lVcck 6 . Risc of British rule and 8ftcr rtrecb
WcckT I Comrnunal conflicts in Indii
Wcckt Mid Teru Enminrdon
lilcck 9 r Wsr of I E57
lVcch l0 I Sir Syeds ldca
lVcck 1l r Basic poinb of idcology offfi
lVcck 12 r Prc- partition conclwions
Wcck 13 . Post-partition and idcology of palcistan
lVcol 14 r(wtsrcn-I
Wcck 15 Rcvision-Il
Find Tcru Enminrdon
Rcconmcndcd TcrtBookt
l) Jinnah of Pakistan By Strnley Wolpert
2) Strugglc for pakistan By I H eucshi
3) Thc Quaid As I Kncw Hi By Bcgum Shdr Nawaz
a) Iqbal : Poct-philosopher of pakistan By Malik flafeez
5) Mulim Nationalism in India snd patcistan
6) Iqbal's Addr€ss to the Allahsbad Scssion 1930
7) Jinnatr's frst Addr€ss to the constituent Asscmbty on Augrst tr tg47

Notc: In lddition to the rbovg rny othcr tcxt or book rrfcrnd by Inrtnctor cen elso bc
Computer Applications in Business
Counc Objcctivcs:
At the conchsion of this courtc, thc student shoutd be abtc:
r' Toteach the firndamentrls of Microsoft Ofrice Wor4 Exccl, Acccss and powerpoint
{ To expose snrdents to prrtical examples of drc computcr as a uscful tool.
r' To acquaint studenb with the poper proc'cdures to crcatc documcnts, workshoets,
databascs and presentations suitablc for courscwork, profcssional purposcs rnd

personal usc.
{ To help students discover thc underlying firnctionality of OfFrce so they can become
morc productive.
{ To intnoduce studenb to new input technologies.
/ To encourage independent sdy, and herp those who are working alonc.

Tvnlns Tutor Soltr'rre

Incrcase typing spced through the nsc of different

MicrusoftWord -Crclthq rnd Edldnr e Ilocumcnt

After complaing this unif studcnts will be ablc to:
. Start word
r Describc the Word Screcn
I Change the dcfarlt font size of all tcxt
r Enter text into a documcnt
. Spell check as you type
r Savc a document
. Sclect tcxt
. csntcaparagraph
r Change thc font size of scicctcd tcxt
r Change thc font of sclected tcxt
I Bold sclccted tcxt
. Undcrline sclectcd text
r ltalicizc sclcctcd text
. Import apicture from thc Web
I Resize a picturc
. hintadocument
r Concct enprs in a document
I Use Word's Hclp facility
r euit word
Uslng Wlzrds to Crcatc r Documcnt
After complcting this unil studccrts will bc able ro:
Crcate a rcsumc nsing Word's Resume Wizard
Identify the Word sqEcn in pagc layout view
Usc style in a document
Rcplace selectod text with new text
lnscrt a line break
Usc AutoFornnat as you t)?c
Sclcct a able
Change the font size of all charzctcrs in a table
Use print prcview to view and print a document
Explain the components of a business letter
Crcate a covcr letter rsing Word's lefier template
?.am a document
Crcate an AutoText entry
I Sclectaparagraph
r Fonnat characters wing shortcut keys
. Inscrt an AutoText entry
r Select a sentence
r Drag and drop selected text
r Indent the left margin of a paragraph
. _Ur. the TAB key to vertically atign text
I Spell and grammar check a document
. Switch from one open Word documentattoonce another
r Close all open Word documents

Afor complcting this unil shrdenB will be able to:

I Dcscribe the MLA documentation style for research
r Change the margin settingp in a document
r Adjust line spacing in a document
r Usc a header to number pages
r lndentparagraphs
r Usc Word's ArfroConect fcatnrc
I Add footrotes to a rcscarch paper
r Insert a Word table into a document
I Enter data into a Word table
Format a Word table
a lnscrta manual pagc break
I Crcatc ahanging indcnt
I Creatc a text hypcrlink
a Sort sclectcd paragraphs
I Scroll by a page
a Find and rcplace tort
a Usc Word's thesaurus
I Display the number ofwords in a documcnt
I fte websitc associated with a
ffift PowcrPolnt - Buildinr r Slidc Prrscnation
Aftcr complcting this unit, strdent will bc ablc to:
Sryt PowcrPoint
'r Describc thc PowcrPoint window
. Usc thc PowerPoint Pick a Look Wizard
r Sclcct a desigt temPlate
r Crpate a title slide
I Change the font sizc of sclccted tcxt
. Ialicize sclectd text
I Save a pr€sFntation
' Add a new slide

homote a bullebd ParagraPh

View a prtscnation in slide show view
Exit PoworPoint
Open a save PowerPoint
Edit a pr€s€ntation
Usc Stylc Chcckcr to idcntiry spollingvisual clarity'
casc, and end ptrnctuation inconsistmcies
Change line spacing on a slide master
Display a prcsentation in black urd whitc

MH Tcrm Errmilrdon
cntrtion in Ouflinc Vicv

Aftcr complcting this unit, studcns will bc able to:

. Create a prcscntation in Outlinc view
. D€scrib€ the PowerPoint window in Outlinc vicw
. Inscrt a blank line in a bulletcd list
r Change the slidc laYout
I Move text betwccn objects
r lnsst clip art from Microsoft Clip Gallery
I Chrngc cliP art sizc
. Add a header and foorcr to outlinc pages
r Add slide transition effects
r Animate tcxt
r Animate clip art
r Print a prcscntation outline
r Ctrange Printing oPtions

tdoo' Crc"dor Chtttt

After completing this unit, sMents will be able to:
. Enier tuttipte lines of ext in thc samc cell
r Enter a fotmula using the keyboard
r Enter formulas using Point mode
. Idsntiff the arithmetic oPq"tors
Daermine s per€entrye
Change tre font of a cell
Vary the font size of charactsrs within a cell
Colour the characters and brckground of a cell
Add borden to a range of cells
Format numbcrs using ftc Format Cells dialog box
Align tcxt in cells
Change the widfi of a column and height of a rcw
Check the spelling of a workshcet
Crcate a 3-D Pie chart on I scparate sh€et
Formu chart ircms
Rename shcet tabs
tteck ll hrevicw how a printed copy of thc workshcet and chan
sheet will look
Print multiple sheas
Print a partial or complete workshcet
Display and print the formulas version of a workshect
Printto fit
Distinguish benreen portait and landscape oricntation
Use a Web query to get rcal-time daa from the Web

Wcck 12 Micttsoft Erccl -Enhancin=q a Woltshcct rnd Chrrt

After completing this unit, shrdents will be able to:
I Rotatr text in a ccll
I Usc the fill handle to create a series of month names
. Copy a cell's format to another cell using the Format
Painter button
. Copy a range ofcclls to a nonadjacent paste 8res
r Frcezc column row titlcs
rteck 13 Inscrt and delc@ cells
Fonnat numbcr by cntering them with a format symbol
Usc thc NOW function to display thc system datc
Format the systcm date
Usc thc IF function to enter one value or another in a
ccll onthe basis ofa logical e*
Copy absolute cell rcferences
Italicize tcxt
Disphy and dock toolbars
Add a drop shadow to a range of cells
Crearc a 3-D Column chart on a separate chart shoet
Format a 3-D Column chart
Use thc 7,oom Contnol box to change the appcarance of
the wor*sheet
View different parts of the worksheet through window
Use Excel to answer what-if questions
Usc the Goal Seek command to analysc worlssheet
Wcck 14 @
After completing this unit gnr&nc will be able to:
. Crcatc m email mcssage
r Attach a filc as a file afrrhment in an email message
r Print an corsil messsgc
Wcch l5
Tpes ofNctworks
a Funstiom rnd Importancc of Nenrorking
a Diffcrcnt Tools uscd in Networking
a Thc Intcrnct ;
Fhd Tcrrn EHninedon

Rcconmcndcd Te;:t Bools:

l) Microsoft Offco 2010, Introductory Concep8 srd Tcchniqucs, Sholly, Cashman, Vcnnaat,
Thomson Lcaming Publistring Co., Cincinnati, OH 2001/ or latcst Edition.

Notc: In eddltion to thc lbovc, rny other tcxt or book rcfcrred by Instmctor crn rho bG

Scmester 2
EngHsh-II (Academic, Reading and Writing)
Coursc ObJccttvcl:
To enablc the studcns to:
r' Rcad thc text for a literal understanding
/ IntcrpreAtion & thc gcncnl assimilation & intcgration of knowledge
/ Write well-orgrnized rcademic tex8 including examination amwent with topic/ftesis
statement & suPPorting dcails.
{ Write argumentative esssys and coursc assignmcnts

Courrr Outllnc:

Read acadcmic tcxts oftctivelY bY:

I uing stratcgics for e:cfracting information aad salient points
according to a givcn PurPosc
. Idc'nti&iig the-main points srryporting details, conchsions in
a text of intermediatc lcvel

Read acadcmic tcxb effectivelY bY:

Identifling the writcr's intent

Writeris intent carse and effest, t€asorut' compuison aod
contrast, exemPlification
InErpreting charts rnd diagrams

[cratnr rna CnuclrUlu?q - .

frcaacmic texs effcctivolY bY:
r Malcing appropriae notes using stategi€s such as mird
trblcs, lis6, graPhs.
r Rerding anc carrying out instnrctions fortasks, assignments
and examination qucstions

r Acadecric vocabulaqy using skills

EEaE+ enc Ciucet tninHns
Dictionary skills:
r Locating guide words
a Choosing appropriatc dcfttition
I Identifying pronunciation through ptonuncietion key
a Idcntiffing part of spcech
I ldcntifuinc svllable division rnd sb68 plttcrtts
Plan thcir writing
a idcntiry audicnce, purpos€ and message (contcnQ
! Collect information in various forms such as mind mrps'
trblos, chrrts, lists.
lVcck 7
Wrldnr Acrdcmic Tcrt
Ondcr informetion such as:
a Chronology for a narativc
! Stages ofa process
From gcneral to spocific and vice vorsa
lVeekt Mid Tcrrn Enmlnrtion

Week9 Wrlttnr Acldcmlc Tcrt

Ordcr information such as:
From most important to least important
Advanagcs and disadvantages
Comparison and contrast
Problc'm solution Pdtcrn.=--..-_-
Wcek 10 Wridm Acrdqmic Tcrt
Writing argumcntative and dccriptive forms of writing
Using differcnt mehods of dcveloping ideas like listing
comparison" and contast, canulc and effccg for and sgainst

$teek ll
Writc good topic anO supporting scntenccs and offoctivo
words and
Usc appopriato cohesivc deviccs such as refcrcnce
signal markers
Redreft checking contrnt, sfirchr€ ud language'
Frlit rnd rnnf rusd
\tteek ljl
a Phtas€, clause gnd scntcoc€ sbuctur€

Sreck 13 Grrqnrr in contcxt

t Phras€, clause and scntencc stnrcurc

Wcek 14 Gnmmrr in contert

I Combining scntenccs
f,rcck 15
r Reported Speech

Finel Tcrm Ereminedon

Rcconncndcd Tcxt Boolr:

l) Eastwoo4I. (2004). English Practice Grammar(Ncw cdition with tcsa and answc'n).
Kanchi: Oxford University Press.

2) FMcr, A. (2001). Critical Thinking. C UP

3) Goatly, A. (2000). Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Coursc. London:
Taylor & Fnncis
4) Hacker, D. (1992). A Writer's Refercnce. 2nd Ed Boston: St. Martin's
5) Hamplyons, L. & Heasley, B. (1987). Study writing: A course in written English for
academic and professional purposes. Cambridge: Cunbridge University Press.

6) Howe, D. H, Kirkpariclc, T. A., & Kirkpatriclq D. L. (2004). Oxford English for

Undergraduates. Karachi : Oxford Univenity hess.

7) Murphy, R (2003?). Grammar in Use. Canrbridgp: Camb'ridge Univercity Pr€$s.

E) Smazler, W. R. (1996). Write to be Read: Rcading Reflection and Writing.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Prcss.
9) Wallacc, M. (1992). Study Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge Univenity Prcss. Yorky, R.

Study Skills.

Notc: In rddition to the lbovc, rny other tcrt or booB referrcd by Inrtructor crn
rbo bc lncludcd.
Fundamentals of Accounting
Counc Objcctlvcs:
After studying tris counrc, thc snrdcnc will:

{ T\elanguage of accounting and financial reporting;

r' Complac Accounting Cyclc
{ Preparation and the role of Journal, Lcdger and subsidiary books
y prcparation of balancc shcc( profit and loss account and cash flow sbtcrnent

Counc Ondlac:

Accoundnq end lts rclc

Accounting Theory and Concepnral framcwork
Accounting Defincd
Why study Accounting
Financial statemenb
Major fields of Accounting
Accounting as a Career
Brslc Accoundnq ConcGltl
The Entity Concept
The Reliability (or Objectivity) principle
Tbc cost Principle
The Going4oncern Assumptions
Thc Stable Currcncy AssumPtiots
Qualitative chractcristics of Financid statrmcnts
Thc Rccordlnr Pruccst
Thc Recognition Issue
The Valuation Issue
Thc Classific*ion Issue

a Thc Recording Process

I Analysis of Transaction
t Thc Journal
I The Ledger

Prncoeration of Finrncid Strbncnts

a Pr,eparing Trial Balance
I Iocating and conecting eror: in rccording Prrrccss
I Pleparing Prrofit and Loss Account md Balancc Shcct
Thc Adlurfrns ed Cbclil Enfflct
Nced for Adjusting Entrics
I Recording adjusting cnties
a Prcparing adjusted rial balance

Wock 7 a Rccording closing cntries

a Preparing post-closing tial balance
a Preparation of Financial Statcnrcnts
Wcckt Mld.tcru Eremlnrdon
Wcck9 Accounff ns for trrdhr orernizrtion
a The Purchasc Function
t Accounting for Purchases and Salcs
I Rstum and allowances
Wcck l0 I Periodic System
a Perpctual System
I Prcparation of financial Statcmcnb
Weck ll Crsh and temoorsn invertncnt
a Nshrrc and Composition ofCash
I Cash Management and Control
t Maintaining Banls Account
a Short trrm investncnts
Weck 12 Accountnq for dcbton rnd stock
t Accounting Treatrnent of Bad DebS
a Dir€st write-OffMeftod
Wcck 13 I Agng Schedule
I Pcrcenage of Sales Method

Wcck 14 Rccovedcg ofBed lhb6

I Stock
a Measurcrnent of Stock Quantity
a Mea$nement of Stock Cost
Wcck 15 I Perpctnal Stock Systc,nr
I Periodic Sbck System
Wcch 15 F'ind Teru Enminrdon

Rccommcndcd Tcxt Books:

l) Williams, Hak4 Bettnen Financial & Managerial Accounting Latest Edition, Prcntice
2) Professor Muhammad Ammanullah Khan: Financial Accounting Iatest Edition
3) Frank Woods: Brsiness Accormting l, Eleventh Edition
4) Meigs and Meigs, Accounting for Business Decision, 9fr Edition4,atest Edition

Notc: In rddidon to tte rbovc, rny other tert or book rlfcrrld by Instrrctor cen
rbo bc included.
Islamic Studies & Social Ethics
Counc Objcctiva:
This course is aimed at:
r' To providc Basic information about Islamic Studies.
/ Toenhance undentanding of thc studenb regarding Islamic civilization.
{ To improve the studen8 skill to pcrform prayen and othcr worships.
{ To enhancc thc skill of the studcnb for undcnanding thc matters of faittr, religious
and social life.

Counc Outllnc:

Ounnlc Stndlcs
auran is constitution for wholc of thc universe.
I Hifazat+-Quran
I Iama-wa-Tadwecn-eQunn
I Vcrscs of soorah-nrl-Baqratr(2E +2E6)
I Verses of soorah-tul-Hujra( l - I E)
Importancc of l{adith to undqrtand the Holy auran and Islam.

r Arba-een-e-Nawavi
Imrn end lrlrm
Aqacid-c-Islam (Bclicft )
Arkan-o-Islam @hilosophical Approach

Halal earning (Soordr-tul-Baqrah I 6t, I 8E Arba-een-c-Nawavi

Iftdith No 6,10)
No RIBA (Soorah-tul-Baqratt 27 5 -zEl)
How to pr€\,cnt RIBA (Through SADAQAT, KIIAIRAT

Mid Tcru Enminedon

Idrmlc lVrv of Lfuins
Simple lcarning (Foo4 Dttss, Ccremonies, Difrerent between
Need &Facility)
Tolerance, Forgiveness and Patiencc among Mulims
(ARBAEE-E-NAWAVI l{adih No. I 3, I 4,32.)
Tolerance, Forgivcncss and Paticnce with Non-Muslim.
Wcck 10 Sanctity of the life of a Muslim
(sanctity of a Mrslim's is lifc is more imporant than the
sanctity of I(AABA -Mcaning of a Hadith- Surah ALMAID
Security of trc lifc of rNon-Muslim (AL-ISRAA 70,
WATTEEN 4, Instnrctions of the Holy Prophct @eacc-Bc-
Upon-Him) about thc dead bodics in battlc fiel4 other Moral
ethics for Battle field by the Holy Prophet (Pe*e Be Upon
Him) and by the first caliph Abu-Bakar (R.A)

Wcck 11 Human RiSts (Thc address ofHoly Propha(PBUH) in his

last pilgrimags)
Vigilance in slaughtering ofHALAL Animals (ARBA-EEN-
No temorism with animal (ANNAIIIAL-It)
Week 12 Ishn rnd ttc PEACE of World
I Literal meaning of Islam (AL-FATIHA l, AL-IRAAF l5E,
Weck 13 I Real conccpt of Jihad
& Defensive not offensive.
b. For peace not for terrorism.
For upraisinc thc mcssage of Islam
Weck l4 Su[s oflrhn In Subcontincnt

Sufis as effective teachers of lslam.

Sufis8s practical and pragpatic Muslims.
Wcek 15 t Sufis as pcaceftrl preachcrs of Islam.
I Ambassadon and snvoys of Islam forNon-Mrslims

Flnrl Tcrm Errminrdon

Refcrcncc Books:
*Emergence of Islam", IRI. Islamabad.
l) I{ameed utlah Muhamma4

2) tlams€d ullah Mtrhunma4 'Muslim Conduct of stato'.

3) Hamecd ullah Muhammad."Intoduction to Islam'
4) Hussain llatnid HasserL "An Introduction to the Study Of Islamic Law'lcaf
Publication Islamabad Pakistan.
5) Ahmad l{asa& '?rincipal of Islamic Jurispnrdence- Istamic Rcscarch Institutc,
International Islamic Univenity, Islamabad(l 933)
6) Mir Waliullah" *Mtslim lurisprudencc and the Quranic Iaw ofCrimes" lslamic Book
7) H.S.Bhatia, *Studics in Islamic Law Religiors and Society" Decp & Deep.
Publication, Now Delhi( I 989).
' E) Dr.Muhammad Zia'ul-Haq, *InFoduction to Al Shsris Al Islamia'Allama Iqbal Open
Univenity, Is lamabad(20O I ).

9) GhulamRasoolsaeedi, "TIBYAANUL QURAN"

a. ZTaULQURAA Publishers.
a. JamiaNizamia, Lahori Gate, LI{R.
I l) Dr Muhamma4 TahirulQadri, *KHOON-E-MUSLIM kiHurmat', Minaaj Publishers,

1 2) Dr Muhamma4 TahirulQadri,*SEERA-TUR-RASOOL'(URDU) (ASRI WA

t3) Dr Muhamma4 TatrirulQadri,*MESSSAQ-E-MADINA"(t RDU),Minaaj Publishers,
*Security of Non-Mrslim in a Muslim
14) Dr Muhamma4 TahirulQadri,

state"(URDll),Minaaj Publishers, LHR

l5) Dr Muhamma4 TahirulQadri,'I{uman Riglrt in Islam" (tJRDU)Jvtinaaj Publishen,
I 6) Dr Muhamma4 TahirulQadri,*Islam OWR AHL-E-
KITAB'(URDU),M inaqi PublishcrsIHR

Notc: In rddition to thc rbovG, rny othcr tert or book rcferrtd by Inrtnctor crn rlso bc
Business Mathematics
Counc Objcctivo:
This course is aimed at:
{ Toprovidc Basic information about thc studies of Busincss Matrernatics.
r' To enhsncc rmdcrstanding of thc studqrts reprding he Mrthornatics.
{ To improve thc intuitive power of thc students by use of Mathematics.
r' To enhance thc skill of the studenb to usc mathematics in business, economics, md

social & natural scicnccs.

Counc Oudlne:

. Equations
r SimultaneousEquations

Bi-Nonid Thcorcn rad Pcrmutrdons Conbhrtions

I Formula for Bi-Nomhl Thcorunr,
a Formula for Bi,Nomial Expansion,
r Bi-Nomial Series,
. Differentiation betrveen Permutation & combinations and their
applications in busincss/econom ics.

Usc of Logariftms Tables

Scrtcr / Prcrrrslons
a Geometric hogrt'ssion and the sum of scries
I Geometric Mean

Mrftcnrtics of Fhencc - I
Simplc Intercst & Simple Discoulrt
Equivalent valucs of diffcrcnt debc and 6eir paymcns by
using comparison datc / linc.

Il[sttcmeths of Flnrncc - II
I Compound amount formula
. Number of periods and thc intcrcst tdcs
Mld Tcrn Enninedon
I Equivalent rztcs

Formula for sum of annuity

Illustation of the formula

I Finding R, or N whcn onc is known

a FindingN whsn S is known
I Finding I whcn S is known
a Sinking fund forrcpyment of debt

Formula for prescnt value

Finding R & P whc,n one is given
Amortization ofdeb,t
Dcpreciation by annuity method

Purchase price ofthe bond or debenturrs

Evaluation of capital expenditurcs projecb
!.nioU Intcrsection, Diffcrence of sets by help of Venn
diagram and their use in business and economics regrrding
Binarv oocrfions-
lrolability of one went occurdng
Probabitity of two or morc event occuring (mut'alry incrrsive
events, in&rsecting evenf independent ercnts and dcpendant

Find Tcrm Enminrtion

Sugcrtcd Rcedingr
l) Introductory Mathem*ical Analnis forBrsiness Economics
and Social
Sciences By Ernest F. HaeusslerJr. Richard S. paul

2) Applied Madrematics for Business, Economics and Social

Life.By Budnick

3) Busincss Mathematics By Mirza Mohanmad llasan

& Mohanmad Ali Mtz,
Noto: In edditlon to tte rbovg eny ooer tcxt or book nferrpd by Instructor crn e5o be
Micro Economics
Counc ObJcctlvcs:
This cousc is aimed at:

/ To devclop analytical ability among stu&nts to solvc economic_problems.

/ To malcc thc students familiar with advanced topics offiIicro Economics.
r' To addrrsss variou concepb ofcollective choice, interpenonal welfsr comparisons
urd gmial equtty.
Courrc Outlinc:

I Economics, Micto-cconomics, Macrc-cconomics
I Scarcity and choice, Rational Bchavior
a Limited Income, Unlimited Wants, A Budgct Linc

Production Poesibilltv Cunc

I Definition
I Assumptions
I Law of lncreasing Opportunity Cost
I Un-cmployment, Growth, and Future
a koblems Solving
Thc Mer*ct SvstGm rnd Thc ClrcuhrFtow
Differcnce Bctrveen The Command Systccr and The Marlcet
Five Fundamental Questions

I}cmrnd . Suoolv rnd Mrrkct Eouillbriun

a Law of dernur4 thc dcmand cuwc, Marka Dcrnand
I Changes in Deman4 Changes in Quurtity Dcmandcd
Change in Sup'ply Cuwe, Changes in Quantity Supplied
Market Equilibrium, Equilibrium Priccs and Quantity,
Changss in Sup'ply, Dcrnand and Equilibrium

Pricc Elasticity of Dqnan4 Formula,
The Total Revenuc Tcsg Price Elasticity and Thc Toal
Revenuc Curuc

I Price Elasticig of Supply in short run and Long nur

I Cross Elasticity, Income Elasticity of Dcrnand

WcckE Mid Tcrn Ennlnedons

Wcck 9 ConsumcrBchrybr
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Total Utility, Marginal Utility, MU rnd Demand
Consumer Choice and thc Budget Constrainf Utility
N4a,ximizing Rulc
The Diamond Water Paradox
Wcck 10 I Thc Indifference Curvc
a Problem Solving
a Class Activitv
Wcck ll Busincss end Thc Cot of Prcduction
I Economic Cost
a Short Run Production Costs
a Lonc Run Production Cost
Weck 12 Purp Conoctltion in Thc Short Rnn

I Pure competition characteristics

a Demand seen in SR, Profit Morimization in the SR
I Supply Curve
I Puru competition in the Long Run
Ootimal Caoital Stnrcture and Static Trade-offtheory
Weck 13 Purc Monooolv
I Characteristics, Monopoly Demand, Output and
Discriminstion hice
a Detrrmination hice
Wcck 14 Monooolisdc Comocdtion rnd Olirooolv
I Characteristics, Price and Ou$ut in Monopolistic Competition
I lntroduction of OlicoDoly and its three modols
Wcck 15 Rcvision

FlnrlTcrm Enminrdons

Rccommendcd Tcrt Books:

l) Economios By'MacConnell and Brue" (tatest Edition)

2) Micro Economics By *Saulson And Nordhrs'(Latest Edition)

3) Economics By Lipsey (Latest Edition)

Notc: In rddidon to the rbovg rny other tert or book nferrcd by Instnrctor cen rlso bc
Semester 3
English-Ill @usiness Communication)
Counc Objcctivcs:
Aftcr studying this coung the $udcnE will:
r' Undcrstand communication cycle..
r' Know what business communication is.
r' comprphend what is non-vcrbal communication and its significancc.
/ Know the importance of Swen C's in ef,Fective communicdion.
r' Compose written drafr.
{ Writo busincss lcfrcrs.
r' Know urd understand dte strpc involved in tre preparation of good intcwicw.
/ hcscnt good oral prcscntcion
Colnc Oldlrc:

Efiectlve Communletion In Busincsr

and bcnefits of effective communi
Pnobhms of Conrnunl'crtbn
Cowcntion ofmeaning
lcrrseptlon of reality

Non- Vcrbd Connunicetlon

and bodv lanmraae conmunicdcs
Scvcu Cts of cficctivc connnnlcetion
I Compftileoss
r ,GmcBcncss
. Considcration
r CmsrcGncss
I Clriy
r Couttslr,. r:

Five planning stcps

Organlzatlonal plans, bcginning and ending

Mid Tcrm Enminrdol

Aoocannce rnd Dcslrn of Bushcls Mcscrsc
Busincss lctters and staodard parb
Wcck l0 ! Memorandum and spccial timc saving mcssagcs
a Str.tcgic for improving oral skills
a Strrtegics forreducing stagc ftight and improving listening
Wcck ll Good rnd Brd Ncws
. Orgmizrtional plan
Wcck 12 a Favourable replics
I Bad ncws mc$rages
Wcck 13 Job Annlicefion Prnccsg
I Self andmarta asscssmelrt
a keparation ofC.V
lYcck 14 r Covcred lctterto resumc
r Ethic 8s
a communic,ation issuc
Wcek 15 Prtrcnbtion Skills

Finrl Teru Enminrtion

Rceonmcndcd Tcrt Books:

l) Bovee. Brsiness Communication latest Edition.

2) Murphy. (2000). Business communication: McGraw Hil. Latest Edition
3) Bagh L.S., Fryar, M., and Thomas, D.A. (2000). How to write First Class Brsiness.
Lincolnwoo4 Illinois : Viva Books. Latest Edition
4) Bellach, A., Kliebar4 H., Hyman, R. and Smith, F. (1966). The Language of the
Classroom. Colunrbia: Teachers' Coltege press. Latcst Rlition
5) Bennet,M. (1991). Four Powers of Communication: Skills for Effective Lcarning. Ncw
York: McGraw Hills. IatcstEdition

Notc: In rddltlon to thc lbwo, rny othor tcrt or book rcfcrnd by Instnrctorcrn rtso bc
Business Statistics
Counc ObJccttvcr:
Thiscoursc isaimedat
/ To providc Basic infonnation about thc studics of Brsiness Strtistics.
/ To enhance undentanding of the studenb regnrding thc Satistics.
r' To improve the intuitive power of the studcn$ by tsc of Strtistics.
/ Ta cnhance the skill of the studcnb to usc Statistics in business, economics, and social
& neml sciences.

Counc Oufrnc:

I Definition of Strtistics
I Classifications of fic Data
! with social / ndural scicnccs
Fnoucnsv Dbtr{budons
a Class limit
a Class boundaries
I Chss mark
a Class width or intervd
I Constructing group frequency distibution

To calculate ungroup & gfoup datL aritbnetic mcan by

To Calculate Median, Mode, Geomctric Meaq Hatmonic

Mean and recognition of Propcrtics of Arithmctic's Mean.

To Measurc Range, Variancc and Standard Dcviation'in casc

of uncrouoed and crouDed dala.
I Dcfinition
I Probabilitv of the ono event
Mld Tcru Ennlnrtlon
Frobability of nvo or morl event occurring (mutually
exclusivc event, intersccting event, indcpcndent evenf

Pcrmuffiion talccn all at a time

A deftiite numbcr talcen at a time
rilcch 12 a Group of similar objecc
a Circular pcrmutrtion
Wcck 13 I Inrodustion of Combinations
! Differtnti*ion bcfireen Pcnnuation and Combination
a Relations barreen nCr. nCn-r and nPr
Wcck 14 a Union Incrscction Differcncc or scb and application of De-
Morgan's law in SociaVnatural sciences and usc of Venn
diacram in case of Modellinc.
Wcck 15 Rwisio'n

FlnrlTcrn Enninrdon
Rcconmcndcd Tcxt Boolr:

l) Intoduction to Statistical Theory Part-I By Dr. Shahid Kamal and Prof. Sher
Muhammsd Chaudhary Latcst Edition
2) Inhoductory Maffrcmatical / SAtisticd Analfais for Bwiness Economics and Social /
Natural Sciences By Earnest F. Hacrsslcr Jr. Richard S. Paul lrt6t Edition.

3) Business MaffrematicVstatistics (For Permutation, Combination and Pr,obability) By

Mir"aMotrammad l{asan & Mohammad Ali MirzalaestEdition
Notc: In rddtdon to ttc rbove, rny othcr tcrt or book nferrcd by Inrtructor crn also bc
Principles of Management
Counrc Objcctivc:

Atthe conclwion of this cou6c, the studcnt should be able-b:

/ Understand the rclevancc of thc w€stern msnsgpmmt principles.and thcorics, for locnl
/ Recognize thc nced to talce a holistic approach to performance imprcvemcnt nther

6an a namowly functional apprcach.

/ Apply counc conce?ts and thcory in a practical contcxt
/ Integrate differ€nt disciplincs of mguguncnL

Course Oudinc:

lntrcducton to Mrnercncnt
I Who are mrnagen?
I What is managcmont?

r Classical Ap'poach
r QuantitativeApproach

OrrrnLrtiond Cnltutl
Strong Vs. Wcak Culture
lmportancc of t earning orgst!4diq41!-gulhr€
Dcfining intemtl and oxtcrnal cnvircnmcnt

. Decision-makingFlccss
r Rationddccisionmaking![C-Uggqdd
t Types ofDecision
a Decision making conditions
I Enors and birscs in dccisiotts
I Importancc of Planning
I Typcs of Plans
I Types of Goals

Mid Tcrm Ennilrfon

Orqrnbetlonal Stnrctun rnd Dairn
Undentrndlns Bchrr'lour
Parameten of Individual Behaviour

a Pcrception & Lerrning

I Understanding Orgmizational Bebaviour

Emolovcc Motvrdon
Early and Conbmporary Thcories of Motivation

Dcfining and Imporbnce ofContolling in Organiztion
Controlling Pr,ocess
Organizational Performance and ic Importance for

Crsestudy Anelysis

Cesc study Analysis

FtnrlTcrm f,aaminlfiqa

Rccommcndd TgtBooks:

l) Management by stcphen P. Robbins and Itdary coultcr (krcst Edition).

Note: In eddldon to thc rbovc, rny other tcxt or Dook rcferrcd by Inrtructor cen rbo bc
Macro Economics
Conrsc Objcctivcs:

At the concluion of this coulle, thc snrdent should bc &lc:

r' To develop thc undentrnding of Macrocconomics conc€pts, thcorics and models.

r' To usc.and.uodentarrd oconomic models and explain economic issucs with the help of
actrul figures and also familiarize with drc working of economy.
/ To develop inter€st to study dre impact of cconomic polickn on diffcrrnt
sociocconomic groups and able to analpe economic issucs urd thcii impac6.
r' To dcvelop long-tcrm intetrst in macrccconomics and lcarn to 0rink as an economist
{ To interpret currcnt economic issues and carry out an indepcndent uralysis.
r' To familiarize with thc economy in working in general urd idcntifr the consequences
of economic policics.

Counc Outlinc:

Economics, Micro.cconomics, Macrc-cconomics
Tbc Miraclc of Modcrn Economic Grou/th

a Gross Domestic Prodtlct

a Thc Expcnditure Apprcach
I The Incomc Approach
a O6erNational Accounb, Nominal GDP versus Real GDP
I Shortcomings
Economlc Grcwth
I Economic groudr, modcm economic gtouttr
a Determinanr ofGroudr

! Phas€s of Busincss cyclc

a Measurpment of uncmploymcnq Types of uncmployment
! Influion meaninc. mcasurgment and facts
Brslcs llfrcrpccolonicr Rchilolrlio
t The incomc consumption and income saving rclationships
I The Intsrest rate investneot
Wcek6 The Asqruntc Expcnditun3 Modcl
a Assumptions, Consumption and Investmcnt schedulcs
a Changes in Equilibrium GDP and thc Multiplicr

\ilcck 7 a Adding the Public Scctor

I Equilibrium venus Full Employment GDP
lYock t Mid Tcrn Enmiudol
\tcek 9 AqqFlrtc lhmrnd inil Suoolv
Aggregate Demand, changes in Aggreg8c Dcmud
Aggregate Supply, Changcs in Aggregntc Supply
Consumc Choicc and 6e Budget Constnaint, Utility
Thc Diamond Watcr Pandox
Wcck l0 a Equilibrium and Changss in Equilibrium
a Thc rclationship of thc rygr€g$e demard curve to the
Acrccate Exoenditure Model
rtcch 1l Flgcrl Pollsv
a The ADAS model
I Evaluating Fiscal Policy
a Pr,oblcns. Criticism- Comolications
\Ycck 12 Moncterv Pollcv
a InErest Rde
a Tools of Morrtary Policy
Wcek 13 AsslqnmenU Chss Prcscntrdon / Ouiz

Wcck 14 Othcr Brsic Tooicr

a Balance of Payments. Exchance rat?
Wcck 15 Rwisiorn

Flnel Tcmr Errmimdon

Rcconncndcd TcnBoots:

l) Economics By *MacConaell and Brue" (t atcst Edition)

2) Economics By'K*. Da\rif (tatest Edition)

3) Economics By tipsey G,e$ Edition)

Notc: In rddltlon to the ebove, rny other tcrt or book rcfcrrcd by Instnrctor qn dso be
Financial Accounting
Counc ObJcctivcs:
After studying this counre, the studcnt will be able to understand:
t T\e language of accounting and finrncial reporting.
/ Complete Accounting Cycle.
/ Pr€paration and the role of Journal, Lcdger and suboidiary bool6.
r' Preparation of balancc sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow

Counc Outllnc:

Weck I Accoundnq end itg Rolc

r Developmcnt of accounting
r Accounting Thcory and Conceptual framework
r Accounting Dcfincd
r Why study Accounting
r Financial statemenb
. Major ficlds ofAccounting
r Accounting as a Career
. Question for Class Discussions
Wcck2 Brric Actouatlnq Conccots
a Thc Entity Concept
a The Reliabilify (or Objectivity) principlc
I Thc cost Principle
Wcck3 I The Going-Concern Assumptions
I The Stable Cunency Assumptions
I Ethicsde-Most Fundamcnal Princiole of Accounti'nc
lVcck4 Thc Rccordinq Proccs
The Rccognition Issuc
Thc Valuation Issue
Thc Classification Issue
The Recording Process
Analysis of Tnnsaction
The Journal
The Ledser
Wcck 5 . Balancing dre Accouns
I Trial Balance
I Limitations ofTrial Balancc
. Chart of Accounts
Wcck6 Thc Ycer end Adiugtmcntr rnd Finrnchl Str&mcnts
I Recording Revcnue urd Expenses
I Accounting Period

Wec[7 I Nced for Adjnsting Enfics

a Adjrsting Entries lllustretcd
I heparation of Financid Strtemcnb
Wcckt Mld Tcrn Ennlnrdon
Week 9 Accouadnr for Tndim Orrenlzrtbl
t. The Purchasc Function
Accounting for Purchasc
Accounting for Stock and Cost of Goods Sold
Periodic System
Closing Entries
Pcrpetual System
Thc Accounting for Sales
Preparation of financial Statements
Dcpartmental Ascounb
Weck 10 Crsh end Tcmoonrr Invcstncnt
a Nature and Composition of Cash
I Cash Management and Control
a Maintaining Bank Account
t Steos in Prpoarinc the Bank Rcconciliation
Wcck ll I Over the counter rrceipts
I Short term investments Accounting for Debtors and Stock
I Accountinc Trcatmcnt of Bad Debts
Wcck 12 a Direct write-OfrMethod
I Agrng Schcdule
I Percmtage of Sales Method
a Recoverics of Bad debb
Wcck 13 Stock
Mcasuremcnt of Stock Quantf
Measurement of Stock Cost
Perpetual Stock Systert
Periodic Stock System
First in Fint out
Lsst in Fint out
Week 14 Stetcmcnt of Crsh Flows
I Definition and Purposc of Cash flow
I Sources and Uscs ofCosh
Wcch 15 t Direct Mcthod of Cash flow
I Indirect Method of Cash flow
a Demonstration Problems
Flnel Tsrm Eraninrtion

Reconmendcd Tcxt Books:

t) Williams,l{*A Bether: Financial & Managerial Accounting tatest EditiorL Prsntice

2) Frank Wood"s: Brsincss Accounting l, latest Edition.
3) Meigs and Meigs, Accounting for Brsiness Decisioru g6 ECitionltatest Edition.

Notc: In rdd-"i&gto thc rboyc, eny other tcrt or bool rcfcrred by Instnrctor cen dso bc
Semester 4
English-ry (Advanced Academic Reading and Writing)
Counc Objcctivcs:
To enable thc studenB to:
r' Rcad Academics tcxt critically

r' Witawell organized acadcmic tcxt e.g assignments, examination arurwcns

{ Wrrte mrative, descriptive, argumentative cssays and reporb (assignmen8)

Colnrc Oudinc:

Critical Rcrdlnr
What is Critical Readi
Cddcrl Rcdinq

Cridcel Rcediar

compciron d oontrast
Revision ofadvsrcod rcading strategies and advanced reading
Advuccd Acedenic WrttlnS
r Advancedwritirrskills
Adrnned Acadenic Writing

MH Tcrn Enminrtiol
Adverccd Acadcmic Wrlting
nrmmrics of articl€s
Advuccd Acrdemlc Wrtttry

Ad'vrnccd Acrdemic Wrlting

Afinnccd Acadcmlc Wrltlng
Advrnccd Acedc mic rt rldng
ad svntlrcsis of academic materid in
Advenccd Acrdemic Writing
Wccl 15 Advrnccd Acrdcnic Wrltlry
a Prescnting an argument in tcrm-papers and examination
Flnd Tcru Enmlnrtbl
Rcconncndcd Tcrt Bookr:

l) Aaron" J. 2003. The Compact Readcr. Ncw York Bcdford.

2) Axelrod, R B and Coopcr, C. R 2002. Reading Critical Writing Woll: A Reader and
3) Barnet, S. and Bedau" H. 2004. Critical Thinking Rcading and Writing: A Brief
Guide to Writing. 6fr Ed.
4) Behrens & Rosen. 2007. Reading and Writing Across fie Cuniculum.
5) Gardner, P. S.2005. New Directions: Rcading Writing md Critical ftinking.
6) George, D. and Trimbur, J.2006. ReadingCulturc: Contcxt for Criticat Reading and
Writing. 6tr Ed.
7) Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reoding and Writing: An Inboductory Course. London:
Taylor & Francis.
E) Grellet, F., Writing for Advanced Learncrs of English. CLJP.
9) Jordaq K. M. and Plakans, L. 2003. Reading and Writing for Academic Success.

l0) Jordoq R. R 1999. Acadcmic Writing Coursc. CUP.

I l) Smith, L. C. 2003. Issues for Today: An Eftctive Rcading Skills Text Withrow, J.
Effective Writing. CUP.

Notc: In eddition to the lbovc, eny othcr tcrt or book rcfcrred by Instnrctorcrn abo bc
Cost and Management Accounting
Courrc Objcctivcr:
After sMying this course, the students will bc ablc to:

r' Asscss and understand the Accounting Conccptust Framework and underlying the
importancc of Cost Accountingtlh#cp in thc Mrnufrcturing proc6s.
/ Expldn Cost Accormting and its purpos€ within an orgrnization.
/ Involve thc s&ps in the A&umulahn ofTotal Cost in diftrcnt dcparhcnts.
r' Use Cost data for the decision making of thc higher mansgpmcrrr

r' Prcpre prduct costing preparation and process costing analysis.

/ hepare cost of p,ruduction and cost of goods sold starcmens for onward reporting b
financial stdco€nts.

Counc Outlhc:

Cost Accoundns Conccob rnd Oblcctivcg

a Dcfinition
a Concept and Scope of Cost Accounting
I Cost elcmenb
I Natur€ and objective

Cos6: Concntt. Ura end Clrsdtlcrdon

t Pro&Et and poiod cost
I Dfu€ct and indirect cost
I Fixod md variable cost
t Mixedcost
a Sunk Cost, Joint Cost and By-Product Cost
I Opportunity Cost
I Flow of Costs in a Manufacturing arterprise
Adlustmcnt for Verlencc
I Cost of Goods Sold
I NethofitNet loss
a Entire hoduction
Job OrdcrCocdm
Cost Srtnmary
Cost Accumuldion Proccdurcs
r NdPr,ofit/lrlet loss
r Enti'rE Production
WccLt Mid Tcru Enminrtiol
Wock 9 Plennins rnd Contml oflltrtcrirk.
a Pnoccdure for material prccurcrncnt and usc
a Matcrid cocting mcthods
a PcrpctnEl and Pcriodic Accounting System
a Invmtoty valnation at cost or marlcet whichwcr is lower
lYcck 10 a Ptoccduns for spoilo4 rcrap and dcfuivc work
t EOQ, lnventory letcl-srd r€scrve stocks
I Valrution of inventory
a Phnning matcrials requircment
a Mderials control
lVcck ll Prcccss Coltlns
a Cost of llroduction Rcport
I First in First Ort (FIFO)

Wcctr 12 a [.stin First Ort (LIFO)

! Wcighted Average
Weck 13 Ptrnnlnr rnd Contrcl oflrbor
a Prodwtivity rnd labor coss
I Inccntive wage plans
Wcck 14 a Overtime plans, Bonus payments,
t Vocation pay guaranteed annual wage plans, apprenticeship
and faininc Dn,rrams
lVcck 15 Frctorv Ovcrteed
t Procedure of factory overheads including apportionment
a Applicd and actual FOIL underapolicd FOH
FlnrlTcrm Enuhrtlon

Rcconmcndd TctrtBoolr:
l) MatzUsry latest Edition, Cost Accounting: Planning and Contnol (Lest Edition)
2) Matz, llammerUsty(1985) Cost Accounting South-westcrnPublishitrgCo(Iatest
3) Ganison H. Ray, Norpen W. Eric (2004) l0th edition knagerid Accormting
Invin (Latest Edition)
4) Cost Accounting Study Text and Revision Series by A T Foulks Lynch Pakistm
(tatest Edition)
5) Cost Accounting Study Text and Revision Series by Professionat Nusiness
Publications (PBP). (Latcst Edition)
6) Management and Cost Accounting by Colin Drury (Lstest Edition)

Notc: In rddltlon to thc ebove' rny othcr tcrt or book rcfenrd by Instructor cen rlso bc
Logic and Logical Reasoning
Courre Objectives:
The objective of this coum€ is to sharpen the intellect of tlrc studenb,

r' Develop their rcasoning ability

/ Stengthen thcir undcrstanding and promotc clcar thinking

Courrc Outlinc:

If,cck I a Definition of Logic

a Logic as r scicncc and an rrt
I Scope of logio
a The laws of locic
SteeE2 I lnduction and esscntial charasteristics of induction
I Categorical propositioru and chsses
\tcck3 I
Quality, Qusntity and disribution
a The traditional square of oooosition
Weck4 a trmmediate inferences, conversiorl avercion, contrapositio[
t Existcntial Import
Wcch5 I Symbolism and diagram for catcgorical proposition
I Three bqsic uscs of language
WccL6 I Discoursc scrving multiplc functions
a The form ofdiscourse
WccLT I Emotive words
I Kinds qf agrcement and disagrcement
Wcch,t Mid Tcrn Errminedon
WGct9 I Emotively neutal langrage
t The purpose of defmition
$rcck l0 I Thc types ofdcfinition
I Various kinds of meaning
f,tccl ll I Techniqucs for dcfining
I Standard fotm categorical syllogisms
Wccl, ljl ! Thc formal natur€ of syllogistic argumene
I Venn diagram techniqucs for tcsting syllocisms
Wcc& 13 r Translating caiegorical proposition into sAnArrd forms
r Uniform translation
Wcch 14 I Rules and fallacies
I Reducing fie number of terms in catecorical svllocism
Wcck l5 a Enthymemes
a Thc dilemmas
a Informal fallacies
b. Fallacics ofambiguity
c. The avoi&nce offallacics
Flnel Tcrm Enmlnedon
Rccommcndcd Tcrt Bools:

1) Irving M.Copi: Inboduction to logic or laest cdition.

2) Karamat Hussain: A textbook of Dedustive and Inductive logic or latest edition.

Notc: In rddltbn to the rbwc,, rny other tcrt or book rcfelred by Instnrctor cu rlro t':
Business Finance
Conrrc Objcctivc:
After srudying this course, the students will:
/ Functions of buiness finance and financc mstrger.
r' The basics of fmancs theory and i6 applications to corpontc financial

r' Analysis of financial stctcmcn6.

{ Tools and techniques of time value of moncy for investing dccisioru.
r' Concepb of risk and return for portfolio mansgcment.
{ The principlcs of capial shrcture.

r' The concept of cost of capial

Cour:c Oudine:

An Ovcrvlcw of Burhcs Fierncc

a Financc a quick look.
I Brsincss finrnce and finmcial mansgpr.
a Forms of busincss organization.
a Goals of business financc.

Undcntendinq Flnrncid Stetcmcntr end Cgh Flows.

r Thebalanceshoet.
I Thc income ststement.
r Taxes.
I Cash flow
TlmcVduc of Moncv
The role and perspectivcs of trc TVM concept
Futuip valucs
Prcsent valucs

The rclationship bctwecn future and prescnt values

Future and preseirt valucs of cash flows undcr high
compounding frequency

I Impact of highcr compounding frequcncy

t lnflation and thc Timc Valuc of
Bond rnd Thoir Velurtion
Definition, types and fcturts of bonds
r Basic relcionships in bond valuation
Mid-teru Erninrtbn
Stocks snd Thctr Vdurdon
Shares and their basic
I Valuation ofstocks
Anelwins thc fuendd rtrtGncnt
I Standardized financial satemcnts.
! Ratio analysis.
! The Du-pont identity

a Inrcrnd and sustainable growdr.

t Using financial statemcnt information.

Risk rnd Rctum

Expected returns and risk defined
Calcuhting expcctcd rctum
Calculating risk (Variance and Standard deviation)

t Portfolio cxpeced r€turns

I Portfolio variance and standard deviaion
a Systcmatic 6d unsystematic risk

Nct nnrcnt vduc rnd othcr lnvcrtncnt Crltcrh

I Nctpresalt value.
a Thepaybocknrle.
a The avenge accounting rcturn.
a Thc internElrc ofreturn.
a Theproftability index.

Flnel Term Eremlnrdon

Rccomncndcd Tcxt Bookr:

l) Ross, Westerfield Jordan: Corporaie Finance Esscntiats.(Lrtcst Edition).
2) Jemc C. Vanhorne: Fundmentab ofFinancial Management (Latest Edition).
3) Eugene F. Brigham: Fun&mentals of Financial Manageme'nt (Latcst Edition).
4) Brealey, R A. & Mycr* hinciples ofcorporate financc (I^cest Edition).

Notc: In rddidon to the abwg rny otter tert or book rcfcrnd by Instnrctor crn dso bc
Principles of Marketing
Counc Objcctivcs:
At thc cnd of this course, studene should bc rblc to:
/ To providc sound knowledge and undcntanding of markcting aspect and practices
{ To stimulatc critical thinking and curiosity in markcting discipline
r' To explorc basic markcting principlcs and cxamine contrmporary issues
Counc Oudlnc:

Intrcducfron of Mrrtcfrnr Basic Conccnb

. Need, want ard dernand

r Customcr value and satisfaction
r Martc8
. MarkctingManagemcntOrientation

Mrrtctlnq Stntcgv end thc Mrrlctinq Mir

. Companywidc Ssategic planning: Defrning l{artet orielrbd
mission, sctting company objcctives
I Designing brsincss portfolio

Mrrtcdns Envimnment
r Micno Environmcnt

Consuncr Mrrtctr end Consumer Buvlns B?hevior

Characteristics affecting consuner behavior

Types of Buying Dccision Bchavior
The buycr dccision process for new products

Buslncss Buvinr Bchevbur

. Business Ma*eb

Customcr ltrivcn Mrrtctinq StrrteqY

! lvtarkctSegncntrtion
r lvlafket Targeting
WeckS Mid Tcrn Ernrlnrtion

Wcck9 Prcduct Scwkcr rnd Brend

What is producr? Levcl of product and scrviccs, product and

sen ices c lass ification

Branding shtes/, Brand qulty, tvtanaging bnnds

Serviccs Marketinc
Wcck 10 Pricc rnd Stntcgv

Wbat is a pricc?
New Product Pricing sbategies
Product mix hicing Stdegies
Price Adiustmcnt Stratogics
Week ll I&IrgscesMlt
I Intcgrd€d Markcting Communications
! Steps in developing eflective marketing communication
Weck 12
Clrss Prcrcntrtlol
WccklS Brslc lVlerlcfinq Rcsatlh Conccotr

lYeek 14 MarkPdnc Chrnncb

a Supply chain and the valuc dclivcry netrork

a The naturo and importance of marlcc'!!49lhmngls
Sfcck 15 Crsc StEdy /Qdl

Finel Tcrm Enminrdon

Rcconndcd TcxtBools:
l) Principlcs of$1{ctirng by Philip Kotler (ktest Edition)
2) lvtarteti,ng hrtanagement by Philip Kotlcr (L&test Edition)

Note In rdditior 6 the lbove, any other brt or book rcfcmd by Instruc'tor cen rko bc
Human Resource Management
Connc ObJccttvc:
At ths end of this courre, studenB should be ablc to:
r' Demonsbate an indepth knowlcdge of the activities 8nd decisions that inforn the

employment rclationship and manrgemenL

r' Develop and design diffcrcnt forms and memos for recruiEncnf sclection, TNA and
pcrformancc appnisal of onrployocs.
/ Identi& and discuss etrical implications of situations md decisions, and develop
appropriatc professional stanccs.
r' Participatc in sclection of pcrsonncl using psychometric ass€ssment techniques.
r' Conduct internal rtscarch on HR-related problems at worlc, and communicate r€sults
effcctively o collcrgues and poers
/ Undentand thc differcnce bctrreen HRM theories, thcirrclcvance md application
from indigenous context
Counc Oudine:

Hunrn Rcrourcc ll{anrscmcnt I A Strrtcqlc Funcdon

! Definition
I Tpcs ofHRmamgers
I Hr.unan rwource firnctions
I Who performs HR firnctions
I Organizational performancc and HR menagpr
I Communicating HR progrms
Prodnsts of job analysis
Job rnalysis methods
Problcms widr job analysis
Job dcsign
Job scopc and depth
Socio Echnicd approach
Altcrnativc work schedules and arangements

I Sbatcgy linked HRP
a SEps in HRP process
I Tools and tcchniqucs of HRP
Wcck4 Rccmidnt Emnlovccl
I Definition
t Per:onncl rcquisition form dcmo
I Sourpcs of qrulificd pononnol
I Effectivcncss of recruitment methods
I Iob previcw
a Organizational induccments
a EEO and nrcruitment into only
a Assimment cas€ stndy
WcckS a Sclecting employecs
a Complete selection p(rccss
I Validation of sclcction orocedurc
I Orientationrcsponsibility
r Orientation lcngth timing
r Follow up
r Training definition
I Steps in tsaining process
r Methods oftraining
I Evaluating training
I Assirnmcnt casc study
WeekT Management dcvelopmcnt dcfi nition
Nceds assessment
Methods used in mansgement development
Evaluation of management development
Assessment center
Ornanizational dcvelooment steos dcfined onlv
Wcckt Mid Tcru Exeminetlon
Weck9 Menrscmcnt Dcveloomcnt lh{lnidon
Needs asscssmcnt
Methods ued in mansgement development
Evaluation of mungement developmcnt
Asscssment centcr
Orgrnizational dcvelopment steps defined only
SMent prcsentation on case
Wcck l0 Crncr l),cn'cloomcnt
t Definition
a Who is lrsponsible
I Implementing carcer dwelopment
I Reviewinc carcer Dnos€ss
WccL ll Carccr developmcnt continucd
Dealing with career platears
The impact of dual cat€er couples
Breaking $e glass cciling
Sndcnt prescntation on c8s€
Petfo rurncc Menrqcmcnt Systeu
r Dcfinition
r Dcbminantsofperformance
r Environmental factors as pcrfotmance
r Obstacles

Per{ormencc Anoraisd
r Definition
r Performance appnisal methods

Potcntial emors in perfomance appraisal

Overcoming enonr
Providing feedback througtr performance appraisal intervicw

Thc Orqanizetiond Rewerd Svstam

Selection ofrewards
Compensation defined
Compensation pollcy
Pay secrecy
Impact of comparable worth
Pay equrty
Pay satisfaction model

Find Tcrn Eremlnedon

Rccomncndd TGrt Books:

I ) Humu nesoute management by l;loyd L. Byan and Leslie w. Rue (Latest Edition)
2) Human rctnurte managemenl by Gary Desler(tafiestEdition)

Note: In rddition to the lbove, rny other tert or book rcfcned by Instnrctor crn elso be
Introduction to Social Sciences
Counc Objcctivcs:

Cour:c Oudlnc:

Wcck I I Most cning social scicnccs skill

I Sociology
a Psvcholocv
lVcck2 r Anthropologt
r Political scicnce
I Gcocrnhv
Wcck3 I Social tterrtion
I Proon of Intcraction
Wcck4 a Social Action
I Tyocs ofsocial action
Itcck 5 I Sociil Croup
a Prinry group or Secondry grorp
a Formal mruD or Infonnd rroup
Weck 6 I h grorry or out group
t Refercncc rroup
WeckT I Socirl Norms
I Tvocs ofsocial Noms
Wcckt Mid Tcru Errninrtion
Wcck9 : Sociit Vahrcs
t Scirl Devirncy
a Cultrrc
a Cultural Similaritics or Diffcrcnccs
Wcck l0 r Ethoccnrisn
r CulhralRcldivisn
Wcck l1 I Socirl Ststification
I Closc Sociaies or opcn Socictics
Weck 12 r SocidMobility
Wcck 13 r SocintChange
r Globalization
Wcck 14 . Ty?cs of Globalization
Wcck 15 RerrFion
Flnal Tcrrn Ereninrdon

Rccommcndcd TcrtBookl
l) Giddcn, Anthony, Intoduction to Sociology, Polity Pr6s (197) or latest edition.
2) Abdul Hameed Tags or Abdul AzizTaga.Sociology & Social Prrcblcms. Abdul
Hameed & Sons.

3) Conklin, John E, Sociologr: An Introduction Macmillan, New Yotk (19il)

Irlotc: In rddltion to thc lbove, eny othcr tcrt or book rcfcrred by Instmctor crn dso be
Money & Banking
Counc Objcctlvcs:
Aftertte completion ofthis coutsc, studenb will be able to:

r' Analyse banking system in Palcistan.

r' Evduate State Bank's policies regarding commcrpial banking in Psldstan.
r' understanding different components of financial systcm in pakistan.
/ undcrsanding importance of money and its function in financial system.
{ Understrnding Working and importance of diffcrsrt kinds of Financiel Institrdions
Counc Outllnc:

Intloducdon to thc Flnencid Svstcn

I What is Money & Banlcing in gencral
a Importancc of thc cour:c
Wcck2 Thc Monctrw Swtcm
r What is Monetary Systcm
r Components of monetary system
Role of moncy in moneAry system
Moacy end itr fbnctions
What is money
Fcatures of Money
Functions ofMoney in Financial Systen

Evoludon of Moncv & Brnlinr Svstcm

Development of Payment sysGms: bsrtcr, gift cconomy, commodity
money, coin moncy, papsrmoney
Traditional Banking System: Role of goldsmith and Clcrgy in the
development of Banking Systrm

Ccntnl Brnkinr
I Evolution of Central Banking
I Impottance of Cental Brnking
a Functions of Central Bank
a SBP and its affiliates

. Importance of monetary policy

r Monetary Policy Tools

Flnrncirl Inrdtutlois
a Role of Financial Institutions (Financial Intermediation)
a Banking & Non-banking financial institutions
I Banks and their role in financial system
I Differcnt kind of bankinc institutions
(Non-benHnq lnenciet inrfitutlo-r)
r _ Flnencirl Insdtutions
Insurance Companics
r Inveslncnt Houes
r Miclofinrncclnstitrtions

Mftl Tcrn Enninrtion

I Dcposit & knding Opcrations
a Branch Banking Operations
t Different Instnrmenb used in branch
Concept of Credit Creation
Mechanism of Credit Creation
Bcnefit/Issues of Credit Crcation
Pndcntiel Rcqulrdons of SBP
Introduction to Prudential Regutations
Summarized information about pnrdcntial regulations
Application & Monitoringof SBP
Intmducdon to Ishmic Brnking
Differencc between conve'ntional & trslauric banking
Conccpt of Riba
Basic feanres of Islamic Banking
Chss Prrrcntrfions

Rccomncndcd Tcrt Bools :

l) Introduction to Financial System & Banking Regulations in Pakistan published by
Institute of Banken Paldstan (Latest Editions)
2) S. A. Meenai, Money & Banking in Palcistan (66 Ed) hblished by Oxford University
3) Fabozi, Modigliani, Jones & Ferri, Foundations ofFinanciatklarkcb and Institutions
Published by Peanon Education, Inc. (Latest Editions)
4) JeffMadura, Finurcial Markcc and Institutions (I^atestBlitions)
5) Riaz A. Mian, Money & Banking (LatestEditions)
6) State Bank Publicdions available at: http://www.sbp.orgpk/publicatiooVindex2.asp
7) Any other matcrial suggestcd by class teacher

Note: In rddition to the lbovc, rny othcr tcrt or book rcfernd by Instnrctor cen ebo bc
Marketing Management
Cour:c Objccttvcr:
Aftcrthe complaion ofdris coursc, studcns will be able tor

r' Define and undentand the naturc urd scopc of marketing mamgcmcnt in contcxt of

/ I:mplerncnation of marketing concepts and proccss in busincss environnent.

{ To analyse and seek to idcntify gaps in the nccds and wanb of thc customer so that
appropnate strdtcry can be proposd to cr€atc customer value through compctitive

Coursc Outlinc:

Undcntr ndlnr lVlertctlnq Menrmncnt

tmporturce and Scope of Markaing lvlanagemcnt

Darclooinq mer*rdnr rtnhdcs

Unit Stntcgic Planning
Scrnplnq the l![ettcdne Envlronncnt
ltls*eting lntelligencc Systrm

Crcrtinq CustomcrVrluc
Crrstomcr Pcrceived Valuc
Toal Customer Satisfrctim

Mld Tcnn Errnlnrdon

4,nelvsinq Bulings nfirr*Gb

. Buying Cence

Anrhnins Buslnar l\drt*Gts

r Business Buyrnghoccs

IdcntiMns Martct Scsmcn6 rnd Trrqetr

Bascs for Scgrncnting Consumcr lvlarkcts
Comoctltivc stntceics

Ilorclooim Brend Pocidonim

. DiffcrrntiationSuategies

Brand Equity Modcl

FinrlTcrm Errminrdon

Rccommcndcd Tcn Books:

l) Madceting Management by Philip Kotlcr (Latest Edition)

Notc: In rddition to thc lbovc, rny otter text or book refcrrcd by Instructor cln dso bc
Business Ethics
Courrc Objcctivc:
Aftcr the completion of this coun€' strrdcnts will bc sblc to:

t To intnoduces contemporary and conboversial ethical issucs facing the brsiness

r' Explain moral reasoning moral dilemmas, law and morality, oQuity,
justice and

faimess, ethicd stalrdsrds, and morrl devclopmcnt.

/ To dcmonstate an undcrstanding of their moral responsibilities and obligltions arc
mcmbers of dre worldorcc and socicty.

Coutrc Oudine:

! Buiness Ethics Defind

a Social Rcsponsibilfi and Brsiness Etrics
I The dcvelopmcnt of Busincss Ethics
a Why study Busines Ethics
a Framework for Studving Business Ethics
Foundation of Ethicd Conflict

E6ical Issu6 Rclied to Participant and Functional Areas of

AooMnq Monl Philocoohhg to Bwltrccs Ettica

Moral Philosophy Dcfincd

Wcck 5
I Thc Economic Dimcnsion
a The Lcgal dimcnsion
I Thc Ethical Dimcnsion

a Ethical Issue Intcnsity

a Individual Factors: Sages of Cognitive Moral Development
a Corporate Culture
Business Ethics Evaluations and Intcntions
Using the Ethical Dccision- Mdcing Framework to Improve
Wcck t MH Tcrn fnrllano!
I The Rolc ofcorporate culturc in Ethical Dccision'Mdcing
Imflitations of orgnnizational Relationship for Eftic8l
Wcck 10
a Organizcional Pressurcs and Signifrcant Others
a Leadenhip
sionifinnnl flthcrs end Ethical Behavior in Business
\tcck 1l lbnlr.[l!'is
a Business Ethics and etricat GfU&liryiln Islurt
Wcck 12
I Perceptions of ComtPtttcss
a Cultural & Ethicel Relativism
a Role of Multinational CorPoqdqq-
Wcck 13
I gttricJ A Performancc Cotre lations
I Ethics & Commitmcnt to QuslitY
I Customcr Satisfaction & Ethics
I Commified EmPloYees & Ethics.
Wcclt 14
a The E$ics of lnsider Trading
a The argument against lnsider Trading.
I To know the nridclincs of compuler cthics
Wcck 15 Rwisioo
Final Teru Enninrtion

Recommendcd TcstBookg

l) Boytan Michael Serics Editor, Basic Ethics in Action Serics, Frentice Hall' 200lor
2) Ferrell, O"C, and Frrc&ich, John, Eftical Decision Making and Cases, New Yodg
Houghton MifnitL2fll2 (5tt Edition) or (Iatest Edition)'
3) post lames E. and Lasrencc Ann T., Brsiness and Socicty, (10th Edition), 2006 or
(Latest Edition).
4) Business Etbics by Manuel G. velasqucz or (Latcst Edition).
5) Business Ethics by Joseph W Weiss or ([atcst Edition)'
6) Moral isstres in Business by William H Shaw & Vincent Barry or (Latest Edition).

Notc: In eddition to the ebove, rny other tcrt or book rlferred by Instnrctor crn
rlso bc
Business Research Methods
Counc ObJcctivcc:
After snrdying this coume, thc shrdcnts should be ablo to:
r' Analyzeany
nsituation of concern" in a systematic, logical, and scientific manner;

Develop critical thinlcing process enabling the participants to mdyze thc statisticd
data and draw meaningful conclusions for dccision-making;
/ Walk through the complete research-proccss that states with thc translation of the
murragement concern into a rpscrrch problem
r' Preparc a blucprint for a rtsearch projcct or what is called a rescanch proposal.

Counc Oudinc:

Rolc of BrrslncgsRcrcarch
Brsic rcscarch and rpplicd rcscarch

Tvocg of Bushcss Rclctrch

Decision Ahcrnativc in Research hocess

Thcorw Buildlns
I Concepts and Nature of Proposition
I Practical Valuc of Thcory
a Huction and Induction
Thc Buslnc$ Rcscrrch Pl'oc63
r Intoduction
r Decision Making
. T}?cs of Business Rcscarch
r Exploratory Rescarch
r Descriptive Research

a Sanrpling and [t's Typcs

t Simple Random Sampling
I Systcmatic Sampling
a SEatified Sampling
I Proportional VS Disproportional
I Cluster Sampling
a Data collection
. Data Proccssing and Analysis

Ethlcel Issucs in Rclcsrch

I Ethical Qucstions are Philosophical Questions
I Rights and Obligations of Concerncd Parties
t Introduction
a Imporunce of Starting with a Good Problem Dsfinition
t Froblcm Dcfmition Proccss

Mld Tcru Enminedol

a laentifu ttre Relevant Issuc from Symptoms
a Detcrminc Relevant Variablc

I Intoduction
a Whst is Qualitativc Rescarch
I Usc of Qualitative Research
Qualitativc Versus Quantiative Rescarch
I Contrasting Qualitativc and Quurtitativc Methods
I ino Exoloratorv and Confirmatory Rescarch
I Common Techniques Uscd in Qtralitative Rescarch

Sccoldarv Drtr Racrrch

a Intoduction
I Advantages of SccondarY Data
t Disadvantages of SecondarY Data
a Modcl Building in SecondarY

Wcch 14
r Conrlation Matrix
r Dcscriptive Analysis
. Regusion Analysis

Hvnothcrk Tcstinq
Satistical Significancc
Logic of Hypothcsis Tcsting
Statistical Tosting Procedure
Tests of Significanse
One-Sanple Test
Two-Indcpcndcnt SamPlcs Tcst

Find Tcn Errminrdon

Rccomneldcd Tcrt Bools:
l) Busincss Re.c"rch Methods by W. G. Zikmund, Latest
Edition' Publishcd by Pcanon

Education Inc. (Latcst Edition)

2) Cooper & schindlcr,B5incss Rescarch Methods (Irtcst Edition).
3) Sckaran uma, Rescarch Methods for Brsiness' (LafEst Edition).
4) Straus & Corbin, Basics of QualiAtivs R€sc8!ch' (LatxtEdition)'
5) Yin K Robcrt casc study Research Design and Mcthod. (kt€st Edition) '
6) Chris Harg Doing Lierature Revicw, Sage Publications (Latct Edition)'
7) Basic Economctics, by Damodar Gujarati. (Lstest Edition).
g) Doughcrty, Christophcr (L^atest Edition), Intoductionto Econometrics,2d cdition or
(Latest Edition).. Oxford Univenity Pr€ss'

Notc: In rddition to the rbovc, rny other tert or book rcfemed by

Instnrctor cen dso bc
Organizational Behaviour
Courrc Objcctivc:
After the complction of this course' the students will:

/ Know the nature and features of organizational Behavior

{ }bvean understanding of micro and maqo aspeca of Orglnizdional Bchavior
/ Discuss the relationship between organizational effectiveness at thc individual

group levels and organizational performance

/ llave an awaFencssr of history of orgianizational Behavior
/ Bc aware ofvarious dynamic aspects of organizational Behavior

Counc ontlinc:

Weck I
a Compternenting intuition with systcmatic strrdy
a Disciplines that contribute to organization bchaviour
a Chaltenges urd opporhnities for OB

. Demographiccharacteristics
. Biogfaphicalcharacteristics
r Abilrtl

Atdhrdes and Job Srtisfrction

r Attiuiles
. toblidisfastion

. Dsftrition
r Emotbnal hbor

! Emotional inclligence
a OB optication of moods andlrnElg!!
Pcrsonditv end Velucs

Mid Tcrrn Errminrtlon
Ferceotion end Individurl Dcclsion Mrkinl
I Person pcrception
I Desisioa malcing in organizations

Motivation Concco6
. Early lheories of motivdion
r InErration ofcontempomry theoriq-
Differpncc betwcen Sroups and tcams
Types oftcams
Tuminc individualr into
Conlllct end Neotlrtion
Transitions in conflict thought

I New &sign oPtions


Find Tcrn Ennlnrdon

Rccomncndcd Tcrt Boolr:

1) Robbins, P. S.Organizational Behavior: (Latest Edition)
(Latest edition)
2) Robbins, P. s. and Timothy, Judge A. orguizational Bchavior:
3) Luthans, Fr€d. OrgEnizational Bchavion (lalest edition)
4) Mullins. Organizational Behavior: (latcst edition)
5) Casicio. Organizational Bchavion: ([.atcst cdition)
Notc: In eddltion to thc tbovc, eny othcr tclt or book rcferrcd by
Instmctor crn rbo bc
Financial Management
Counc Objccttvcs:
On completion ofthe couts€, studcn8 will be able to underuAnd:

/ Functions ofbuiness finance and finance managcr'

t the basics of finance theory and its applications to corPorate financial

/ Analysis of financial statements.
/ Tools and rcchniques of time value of money for investing decisions'
/ Concepts of risk and return for portfolio mantgcmcnt
/ T\e principles of capital structure.
t Theconcept ofcost of caPital.
Counc Oudlnc:

ovcwtil of lttnilcht mlrrcncnt

a Finance a quick look
Business finance and financial manager
I 6oals of bnsincss frnancc

Alalwlnq tbc lnencid rtrtcmcnts

I Standardized frnancial statqncnb
a Rdio analysis
I nernat and srsainrblc growttt
a Using financial statcm€nt information
. Lhuidiry ratios
I Assct Managenrcnt ratios
I DcbtManagcmentratios
r Profitability ratios

Mid Tcru Errninrfron

a The mle and perspectives of the TVM concept

I Fufur€ values
a Pres€nt valucs
a The relationshiP be6^,ecn fu@
r Annuities
of under hi

a Dcfinitiotl, typa and features ofbonds

I Valuation of bonds (the basic proccss)
t Basic relationshipe in bond valnation
I Bondholdcr's expecteil rate of rpturn

a Shar6 and thcir basic features

I Bcnofits from a shrre invesfincnB
a hice of ordinarY shares
t B;h;"i"t of cxpccted dividend growth and sharc
a Price ofsharcs bascd on earninP
a Exoected rate of rcturn
a preferreO sharrrs and their characrcristics
a i"i;;;ifif.*d shared and tbe expected ratc of return

Term Mix
a Fffint Asses: short-Term ancl I
a b;ffi;iiability Structure and Current'nsset Decisions
I Importance of CaPital budgeting
a Caiiat budgeting decision nrles
a Payable Period
I NPV $a hesent Value)
! IRRflnternal Rate of Renrn)
! MiRi (Modified Internal Rste of Returo)

FlnalTcru Enminrdon

Rccomnendcd Tcrt Boob:

Management (t'atestBlition)'
1) Jemes c. vanlrorne: Fundamentals of Financial

otber tcrt or book rcferrcd by Instnctor cen dso bc

Note: In rddition to tLe rbovg rny
Mercantile Law
Counc ObJcctivcs:
In this coutse, Snrdens should scek to:
r nsfufe and utility of mercantile law'
Develop in shrdenb a sound knowtedge about thc
/ lcgal pmctices affecting thc
Acquaint snrdens with a fair rangc of rcgulations and
corPorate governance.
/ on issucs rtlating to
To fimish students with an extensivc and upto'datc coveraSp
cooperat€ law and allied practices prevalcnt in Pakistut
{ and identif potential problems
To enable studcne to dcvelop necessary insigtrt into,
for corporate scctor
relating to the implementation of the lcgal framework

Coursc Outlinc:

nuoAucti@rnies Ordirunce I 9E4

a Incorporation ofComPany -
I Membrurdum urd Articles of the Association

. Dirpctors
r Chicf Exccutivc
r Sccretary urd

a Offer of shares
I Undenvriting and Brokcrage
a Discormtand Premium on Shars
a Listing with Stock Exchangcs

a Applications and Allotment of Shares

I Issuance of Sharcs,
I Letters ofRegret
a Share Certificatcs'
I Transfer and Transmission of Shares
I Flotation of Corporaie Securities
! IssuanceandR@
Tpes or r"r@ Meeting' Annual
General Meeting)
Notice of MeetingP
a Agenda of MectingP
I Minutes oftre Mectings
Quorum of MeetinP

a Declaration of Dividend
a Dividend Wananb,
! Bonu and Rigbts Issuc
MiO Tern Errminrtion

Introduction ofNBFC
Formation Prccedure
Obligations, Limitations

Difference betrrecn Contagt and agreerncnt


Proposal, AccePance od Revocdion

Void AgreemcnB
Quasi Contacts
Contingent ContsacB
Free Conseft
Coercion, Undue Influcnce, Frard, Mistake, Misrcprescntction

Void Contnct & Voideble Contnct

. Coercion
r Undue Influencc
r Fraud
. Mistake

Pcrforuencc of Contnct
a Contacts tJitich Mtst Bc Performed
t Time and Place forPerformance
I Performance of Reciprocal Promises
I Appropriation of PaYments
a ContacsWhichN@
Anticipatory Breach of Contract

Remedies of Brtach of Contrrct

r Remcdies
I DoclrineofFnrsbation
Fhel Torm Drrnlnrtlon

Recomrncndcd Tcrt Bookt

l) Bar€ Asts, Govt. of Pakistan' (Lst6t Edition)'

Commenbry (Latest
3) Companics Ordinance, 19t4 (as amended) with Mattcrs and

book rcfcrrtd by Instructor crn rlso be

Notc: In rdditton to the rborrc, rny othcr tGil or
Operations and Supply Chain Management

Courrc Obiccttvcs:
should be ablc to:
Aftcr studying this course, the snrdenb
thc contttnion uf
/ Dcscribe opention management areas of responsibility and
operations management to an organization'
/ of p'roccsscs
Un&ntand the uratysis and designing
and dcsign of a
/ msn8gemcnt and the requircmcnts
Explain the concept of supply-chain
successful suPPlY chain'
plan following a chase st.atcs, level statery or
/ Dcvelop an opcrational aggregate
mixed stategY'
carrYing inventorY'


. Break crren analYsis

' Uncertainty

. Criticel p4-methd

r 6 stePs of Proccss andYsis

r hocessshrcturc
r CutoFerinvolvement
r Resotrce flexibilitY
. Capital intensitY

ffidErn Errninrson
Cost of qualitY
Toal quditY managemcnt

Constnint Mrnrscment

Factor affecting sclection of location

Material Requircmonb Planning

ffi;mrn Errminrtion

Rccommendcd Tcn Books:


tcrt or book neferrlcd by Instnctor crn dso be

Note: In rddttlon to the rboYe, rny othcr
Management Information SYstems
Courrc Obicclfvcr:
r' Undersand thc concept of information systcms
/ Know the importance of MIS in business success'
t applications in brsiness envftonmenl
B|awu€ of differpnt information technology
{ benvcen MIS and decision makcn
tlave an understanding of the relationship
stategic buiness decision
Courrc (hdlne

a Whst is a system
a Systcm Software and Applicatio-n
a C-omponcnc of an Information Sysbm
o lnformation SYstem Rcsourccs
a Fundamental mle ofI'S' in Business
a Introduction to e'Busincss

a Daabasc Managemcnt
o Fundasrenal Data ConcePts
o Traditionsl File Managsment Systems

a Importance and nccd of data sharing

a Ognizational nctworking and is bcnefia
a Roie of DBMS in Data shari

a Dcfinition of MIS
I Various typcs of Information-Systems
a The purposc of Infonndion Systcms . .,
I ildilii"f"*rtton systems and its implications
I Application software
a Basic comPonen8 etc. i - ---
a for elcctonic commerce
trii i"f;"ation bchnologyinform*ion sysrcm (QBIS
a Elcments of computer bascd

a Transaction Processing sy$em ( I rD,

! Thc characteristics of TPS
a The Trursaction Processing CYcle
a ilstn""*ur\vvvl
Typcs of Proccssins P"{"qlg.:-::
! iffifijffiffiil cffi Dr.ision-support svstcm (cDss)
a i'ii. tttr"*"tl* sv** tEI$
a ;;fidt;;;i offi.u Information SYscm
a Typcs ofOA SYstems
t fito ttoCy of Message Hrndling Systrms
a i.t..onf.ttn ing applications and qpes
iliaTcrm g4q|lnrdon
mcJG.Ffhe following concePs: .
'-- -.-Computer-Aided Doiq (clPl -.
. iorniuto-AidcdManufacturing(cAM)
'. Cotput",-Integrated Manufacturing
R"*iUtt Manuiacnring System (FMS)
. Materials Resources Planning (MRP'[D
Jr:st'In-Time (JfFlhoduction
R&D Information SYstems
;{rd i6;e Iniormation Systems (HRIS)

Erocrt Swtcms
. Artificiallntelligence
r Thc conpon€nts of ar Expcrt Syslem
'r ExPc{t Systcm
Functional areaofbusiness
. decision activities of the finance
How tcchnob;r-rrpp"nthc
r and the sonrces of finurcial
Financial inforniration systems
Charactcristics orpeop'tl tt
er"ttp--P ltgu"111qll$fen
dcsign anO fi"rftrnics-of Inforrration Systems

wrriit ivf t-pt""r"pmcnt iife Cvcle

Saees of SYstem DeveloPment

. Requircments analYsis
System Design
The Traditional AP'Pnoach

n Use
globat information systcms
Problems in implementing

n Tcchnologl
Ethicd ImPlicetions
liilE6G andthe Law
Ethics and the information s€tarccg


Rccommcnded Tcn BooLs

Information System: (latcst
/ Iaudon, Kenncth c. & krdan Jane P. Marragcment
edition) (latest
to computer information system:
t lmnfi,Ija,try & Long Lacy. Intoduction
edition) Mcleo4 Raymond' Managenem

crn rlso be
to the sbove, eny othcr tclt or book rcferrtd by Instnrctor
Note: In rdditiOn


4- La. B .A (H o ns )ftl V &' x t),fgt i'f (h i I



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fs6*t0f gtil
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(sffi Ailrems)irtt'S'lulFlfl *
lRfrnncr Boor.l 671;r9Pto
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,;1tf f*yt €rk.;ii \rJt' 'g1sf rrirdt C{fl'rrl '1-l ' 'EiIl
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J+J -9
11ry' €rlttt E' Stp,gb'll8tb'
rrfcrrtd by Instroctor crn dso bc
rny othcr tert or book
Note: In rddition to the lboYe,
': :1,

crn rlso bc
othcr ter't or book referrcd by Inrtnrctor
Notc: In rddltion to the rbovg rny
Statistical Analysis for Managers
Courrc Objectivcc:
in application of
objectives of the course are to enhance students" comP€tency
The main
problems and to improve thcir
level of q'antiative
satistics to solve b.siness management
busincss analysis res€arch'
sophistication for further advurced
will be:
At the conclusion of this coulse' the student
/ Knowing variou quantitative techniqucs'

Coursc Outline:

a Definition
I ;IJ;G Statistiss & tlftqntial Satistics
a Statistics Applications in Busincss

I Pie Chart
a FrequencY Bar Chart
a FrequencY Histognm
a FrequencY PolYgon

a Means: (Ari6etit Geomctric' Harmontc;


r Range
r Mean absolute deviation
r Variancc
r Sandard Deviation

cfiaffi;il Prcbabilities
Multiplication rulc of Prohbility

Basic concePt
The Normal Distribution

fficrtn Erninrdon
r Point cstimation
r Intewal estimation

bifitttn." of Mcan oftwo population -

biftt*.t of proportion oftwo populcion

Hypothcsis testing of mean

Uypotresis testing ProPortion

ffifferenceofmean of p'roportion
iivi"t *lt tostint of difference

Corteladon Cocftrclcnt
r Coefficient of dctgtr{lation
I One way classification

ilndtern Errminrtion

Rccommendcd Tcrt Books: r Ar rL-- t --, (LdestEdition)

1) statistical [r.".y-uv sher Muhammad cluudtry I 8rd 2
for Business and Economics
2) Earl K Bowen & Martin stsn: Basic statistics
(tatcst Edition)
(Iatest Etlition)
3) Richard I Lcvin: statistics for Management
4) FrankS.Brrrlrrick:AppliedMathematicforBrsinessEconomicsandSocial
Sciences (Ldest Edition)
in Irlarragcmed md Economics
5) Bowen: }vlathematics with Ap,plication
ebo bc
tcxt or book referrcd by Instnctor can
Notc: In eddition to the abovc, rny other
HistorY of Sub-continent
Courrc Obicctivcs:
will be able:
Atthe conclusion of this coune' ttre stu&nt
/ of the subcontinent and influence
Togain an awarcncss of the historical background
of history on contcmporary society
yet significant diveniry within this culture
t Tounderstand the socioculnral similarities

/ realities urd challcngcs of this rtgion

Tolearn about the political and economic
confionting ttrc rcgion'
{ Tobrainstorm on possible regional solution
t'o challenges

Course Outline:


rcru Errminrtion
. Suleman bin

. tvtugtrat EmPire

World War lI

ffimern Errminrdon

Rccommcnded Tcrt Bookl

---;iE*ty Historv of India Bv A Smith
2) Thc Aryan Rule in India By E B Havell
3) Ancicnt Indian History and Civilization By R C lvtajumdar
4) A Short History ofPalcistrn By I H qrcshi
1ly othcr tcrt or book rcfcrrcd by hstructor
cu rbo bc
Notc: In rddition to thc rbovq

Counc Obicctivcs:
will be able to:
On completion of the cours€' students

r' Undcrstand diffcrcnt terminologies

regarding enteprrcneurship'

/ for entrep'reneurial purposcs comprehe

Understand the environmental scanning
/ and understand 6e importancc of
marketing financial and organizational


Counc Oudinc:

r NatureancPe@unhiP


6rcau--nm solving
r iaraaino onrl +tnahicino
Wcck 1l
Undcrstanding mark*ing Plen
r Contributors of rnarkgtinf, D:lm,:
ltcck 12 Orrrntzrtiond Plrn
t Lcgal forms of business
r I'bvrlnninc m.en.noemcntE trlS
\Ycck 13 Fhenchl Plrn
Ptrr fnriin
lVcck 14 Slouttcl orcloitet
I Pcrsonal funding
a Government grants
Ddvde nllce.-rnant
Wcck 15

Find Tcrm Errmlnetion

Rccomnendcd Tert Boolts:

l) Enaepreneunhip by Hisrich, Peters and Shcpherd (Latest Edition)

2) Entrcpreneunhip by Fred. R. David (Latest Edition)

by Instructor san dso be

Note: In edditton to thc lbove, eny other tert or boolr rcfcrrcd
International Business & Trade
Cornc Objcctivc:

r' dcvelopmen8 and foundations for

Develop an understanding of the worldwide
for managing in an overscas
intemational buincss and the cultural conExt
r' and political changes 6at hsve
Develop ur undersunding of 6c Mrrocconomic
t.ade and investment'
/ the political economy of international buiness'
/ envfuonment in which intemstionsl
D€scrib€ and explain rade and the investment

brsiness transactions occur'

r' framework in which intemstionsl
Develop an understanding of thc global monetary
business transactions arrc condustcd'

r' Excbange Market in which international

Develop an understanding of the Foreign
business transactions can be affected

tf,-cxrturc of lntcnrtlond Buclncts

Why study global brsincss

nd Business
I Importancc ofcultue
a Thc elomcnb of cultutt
! Evaluating cultural differcnccs
a Culturc 8nd lqe'S
ffi;il Economic Environmcnt
Economic sYstems
Economic stucture
nt Ji""A organizations (WTO, UNO' trBRD IMF

a Thcorics of intenrational investment'
I The balance of PaYmcnt
a Frce tadc vesutt Protcction
I Tcchniques of Protcction
a Political factors
I The international legal cnvironment
I Thc conflict of laws
t Arbiration
a Uniform laws

t The pros and cons of multinationds

a Contol of MNC activitics
t MNC conflict with national government
I Techniques of host countrY contol
a UNCTAD codes
MiO TcmErrminrtion

t Trends in direct foreign investmef,t

I Reasons for dircct foreign invctnent
a Srategies for direct loreign in"estmen!
I Acquisitions
t Cross border mergen and takeovcrs
irt rntdomt Tcchnologr Trrnsfcr
a Reasons for trchnologY transfer
a Licensing and franchising
a Legal asPecb of franchising
a Patent violations

fficsend Dbtribution
a Sea fansporf air transporl nil and road transport
a Warehorsing
a Distribution channels
I Usc of agents and distributors
Intet'rrtiord Finencid lllrnrgement
a The international monearY system
a Exchange rates
I lnternational caPital markeb
t Managemcnt of foreig exchangc risk -
a letters of credit qnd

a Exporting
a Joint vennrrcs
I Subsidiaries
t Locating exPort markea
I Intcrncional marketing rcsearch
find noject (RePort
FEd-r".u Eraninrtion

Recomncndcd Tcrt Books

Financial Times Pitnan publishing

1) Roger Bennett Intemational Bwiness 2nd edition,
or latcst cdition.
Business, 3rd Edn' south-
2) Czinkotq Michacl. R Ronkaincn, tlkka.A (2001) Global
Westem or latcst edition.

3) Claudc M. Jonnar4 International Brsiness and Trade:

ft*ty, Practice, and Policy'

lnternational Business Serie or latest edition'

referrcd by Instnrctor cen dso be

Notc: In rddltlon to thc rbovg eny other tert or book
International Relation & current Affairs
Courrc Objectlva:
By the end of this conrsc it is expccted that thc student will bc
able to:

r' Develop an underctanding for the studcnb about those dimcnsions

of lnternational
and featurcs of thc
Relations which arp influenced by prominent geographical factors
r' Highlight the significance of Intcrnational Rclations'
Intoduce the fundamcntals of Internstional Relations'

Courre Outline

a Wtrat is Intcrnational Relations?

I Scopc and naturc ofIR
a to IR; IR as social scienc€s
I Core principles of IR
a Legacy ofRome
. Evolution ofNation'State
r Feminism

. ttcories of Internationd Relations

r Rcalism
. Liberalism
r lvlanrism
I What is foreign policY?
a Dctcrminure & Objectives of foreign policy
a What is Diplomacy?
. Forcigr ofEces & cnbassies

r What is intcrnational Political ecolmmy

. Theories of IPE; Eras offinance
Mid Tcm Enmination
! @topment of underdeveloPment
T Imperialism and 6rpes of
I Globalization and Regional Blocs

Regional Blocs
Wcck 12 I Clash ofcivilization
I Multinational CorPorations
a Consumer culture
Weck 13
. Trade md cnvircnment
. EthniciB and peacdconflic!-
Wcek 14 . Cuntnt Affairs
r Kashmir issue
. Afghanistan issue
. Palestine issu€
Weck 15 a Humal sccffit and Nuclear Prol iferation
a pcace & conflict in the Middle East any other issue of currcnt
a Waron Terrorisim
Ftnal Term Errminatlon

Rccommcnded Tcrt Books

l) Andrew Heywoo{ Gtobal Politics @algrave: Basingsbke, 2011) or latcst edition'

2) Robert J. Art and Robert Jervis (2006). Inbrnational Politics: Enduring Concepts

Contemporary Issues. Addison'Wesley or latcst edition'

3) Colin McEvedy and David woodrc-E QOOz).TheNcw Penguin Atlas of
History: EuroPc since lEl5- 2nd. Penguin or htest edition'
a) Readings from variou Newspaperq intemst and rcscarch journals.

Note: In eddition to thc rbove, rny other tcxt or book refcred by Instructor cen also be
Personality Development Workshop
The objcctivc of thc taining program is bring grout peconslltyjte'velopnent
significance in fte
with regard to the Oitioont bchavioral aitrioitrionr that havo far rcaching
and nourish shrdenb'
directio-n of organizational cffcctivcness. Thc basic idea is to devclop
Oifity to interait with other mcmbcn of socicty in apositive and impressive
Tcrchlng Mcthodologt:
rscd for fiis coursc'
Group Discussion and Participatory Lcarning Mcthodology will bc
Terher will motivatc snrdents to participatc in groop discussion and sharing their

Cour:c Outlinc

Introduction to Lcadcnhip, I*adcrship Power, Leadership

Intcmcnonal Rchdons
Intoduction to IntcrpcBonal Rclations, Analysis of differentego-
states, Analysis ofTransactions, Analysis of Suokes, Analysis of

lntroduction communication, Flow of communication,
Listening Banien of Communicatiott" How to overcome

Sfitts Mrnrgcmcnt
Intoduction to St.ess, Causes of Strcs,Impact Stress, Managing

Ctoup Dylrnics rnd Tccm Bulldlng

Importancc of groups in organization' Interactions in group,
Group Decision Taking Team Building Intcraction with the
Tearn How to build a good tcarn?
Conllict lVhnrgcmcnt
Introduction to Conflic! Causes of Conflict, Managing Conflict

Pcrformrrcc APPninl
Intoduction to Performance Appraisal, vertical Appraisal,
Horizontal Appraisal, 36ff Performrnce Appraisal, Medrods of

Mid Tcrn Errminrdon

Tlmc Menrgcncnt
Timc as a Resour€e, Idcntifl Important Time wasters,Individual
Time Managerncnt Stylcs, Techniques for b€tter Time
Intoduction to Motivation, Relevance and types of Motivatiort

Grcup Discurslon-I
WccL 13 6up nircustlon'il
\Yech 14 Prcscntrtion -I
lVek 15 Prcrcnodol -II
Flnel Term Errnlnedon

Recommendcd TcxtBooks

As sclectcd by the class tcachcr

by Instnrctor crn iso bc

Note: In eddidon to Oc above, any other tcrt or book rcfcIred

Elective Courses
Areas of Specialization:
/ Accounting & Finance
/ Banking & Finance
/ Markcting
/ Human ResoutPe Managemcnt

Finance Specialization
International Finance
Counc Objcctivcs:
foundation of the kcy concepts in
The major objective of the coul5e is to provide a thotough
international macrocconomics
int€mstionalfinance, with some ofthe opics also touching upon

and tade, while others are mor€ finance focuscd. A

closcly rclatcd intention of thc cour:c is to
theorics and their application in
give dre students a good undersanding of the cutting-edge
to prepare thcm to do some original
selected fleas of intcrnational finance, thus ultimately
bssic macm" micro'
nascarsh work. The coutlc assumes that studcnts havc taken ttre
investments and finance sequences'

Afterthe completion of this cotltse' the students will:

bctween internaional
r' understand an integrated prcspective for the inter-relation
rates exposur€s and inter country
financial markes, financial institutions, exchrnge
tsansfer of fimds.
f rsed to examine and measure the
Develop competencies about dre latest approaches
performance of business in international
financial risks, foreign currcncies marlccts and
problems relatcd to the international
/ lraveskitls to solve investnent and financial
. .. .l

,r ,,. , iiiii l

T9ecls I r,'

Co"ft Of f"fuhinational corporations

Weckl '
. Valuation modcl for an MNC

r Bdance of PaYments
. Facton AffLciing inrcrnationd tradc flows
Wcck4 of Trade deficit

I ffi rn-ciondMoneYMarkct
I Intcmdional Cryd!-!{a*et
ffirrional Bond lvtarlsct
r lnternationd Stock Market
I}tiA Tcrn Enminetion

Erchrnqc Rltc Bchavioun

r Intcrnationalarbitrago
. Locationd arbitage
r Triangular arbitragP
. Coverpd intcr€st arbitags

. Putchase
FiFcrm Errminrtion

Recommendcd Tcrt Books:

managemcnt (Iatest Edition)
Florida: Tbomson
l) Madur4 Jeff. lnternational Financial
Learning Inn.

eny other tcrt or book nfcrrpd by

Inrtnrctor cen dso be
Note: ln eddition to tbe lbovc,
Investments & PortfoHo Management
Coune Objccttvcs:
After the completion of this cours€, thc studcnts wilfu

r' l.,r;amdifferent form of short term and long-tcrm invctmcnts

r' Understand thc basic conccpts about risks and return on investncn8 and loans
/ l.rrra[yze ovewiew of the stnrcture and functioning of investment markets
Course Outlinc:

Undcrstendinq Invcstmcnb
The Nature of Investmonts
Understanding the lnvestment Decision Proccss

Invcstment Altcmrtlvcs
I Orpnizing Financial AsscB
I Money Market Securities
I Fixcd-Income Securities
I Equrty Securities
I Derivative Securities (Futures and Options)

Indlrcct Invcsdns
a lnvestnent Company
I Types of lnvestment Companies
I Major Types of Mutual Funds
a Net Asset Value
a Mutual Fund Returns

How Sccuriticr erc Tnded

r Brokerage Transactions
I How Orden Work
r Margin
r Short sales

The Rcturns end Risks fbom Invcstim

. Refirn
r Measuring Returns
r Taking a Global Perspcctive
I MeasrningRisk
. Realizcd Returns md Risks from Investing
I Dealing with UncertaintY
I Portfolio Rcturn and Risk
t Analyzing Portfolio Risk
! Modern Pordolio TheorY

@s in SecuritYReturns
I Calculating Portfolio Risk
I Efficient Portrolios

Mld Tem Enminetion

Indifference Curves
Building a Portfolio Using Markowitz principles

ffi mum Variance Portfo lio

tnpact o-Uiversification on Risk

ffi tibrium Return-Risk Tradeoff

Economv/ Martct Analwis

Sector/ Industrv Andvsk. T€chnicd Amlvsis
Assessi'ngthc Economy
Analyzi,ng Sector/ IndustrY

Stocf nice and Volume Techniquc

Flnet Tern Enmlnrtion

Rccommcnded Tcxt Bookr:

l) Jones, P. Charles. InvestmentAnalysis and Management
(tatest Edition)'
crn dso be
Notc: In eddition to the ebovg eny o&er tert or book rtfcrrcd by Instructor
Financial Risk & Insurance Management
Coursc Objectiva:

Afterthe completion ofthis counte, thc studenB will:

r' Undenund working knowledge of risk managemcnt is important particularly if you are
planning a catler in finance. Besidcs wanting to pass this coune, why do you need to
understand risk management?
/ what arp the nafitre, types snd soucqi of diffcrent fmancialrisks?
/ What types of financial prodrrcS and derivatives are available to hedge different risks?
/ What are the differcnt hedging strategics and how we can minimize risk by deploying
r' Analyse the caues of some big risk management failures?
/ How can we imprcve the existing risk managemcnt systenut in an organization.-

Counc Outlinc:

Rlsk rnd lts Trcrtncnt

I Definitions of Risk
a Chance ofloss
I Peril and tlazad
a Classification ofRisk

MajorPenonal Risks and Commercial Risk

Burden of Risk on Society
Techniques for Managing Risk

Insunncc rnd Rish

I Definition of Insurancc
I Basic Charastcristics of Insunnce
! Characteristics of an ldeally Insnrable Risk
a Two Applications: The Risks of Fire and Unemployment

Advc'nc Sclcstion and Insurance

Insurance and Gambling Compared
Insurance and Hedging ComPared

a Benefis of lnsurance to Society
r Cosb of Insurancc to Socicty

Introducdon to Risk Menmcncnt

Meaning of Risk Managsment
Objectives of Risk Management
Steps in the Risk Managsment Proccss

@rthe Risk Managernent hogram
I Benefis of Risk Management
a Personal Risk Managernent

Mid Tcru Ennrlnrdon

ldvinced Toolcs In Risk Menrccncnt

The Changing Scope of Risk Management

Insurancc Market DYnamics

Loss Forecasting
Financial Analysis in Risk Management Decision Making

. Odrer Risk Managemcnt Tools

GE Inrutln rnd Martcdnl Svstcru


overview of Private lnsururcc in the Financial services

T1ryes of Private InsurPrs

a Agents and Brokers

I Types of Marlceting SYstems
a Group lnsurance Marketing

r Insurance CompanY OPerations

. Rating and Rdemaking
r Underwriting
. Production

. Claims Settlement
r Reinsurance
r Altemativcs to Traditional Rcinsumnce
r Investrrents
. Odrer Insurance Company Functions

Flnd Tcrn Errminedon

Rccommeldcd Tcrt Boots:
l) Principles of Risk Management and Insnrance by Rejda and McNamara
2) Financial Risk Manager Handbook by Philippe Jorion (Istest Edition)
3) Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C. Hull and Sankarshan Basu

4) Esscntials of Econometrics by DamodarN. Gujrati (Ixtest Edition)
5) Vatue * Risk by Philippc Jorion, (Idcst Edition)

can rlso be
Notc: In rddition to the lbove, rny other text or book rcferncd by Instmctor
Islamic Finance
Counc Objectives:
Afterthe completion of tris couts€, the studcnE will be able to:
{ To enable studenb to undcrstand the fundamcntal concepts oflslamic Finance.
{ To clari&the difference of Islamic & Conventional Brnking.
{ To elaborte the features of variors Islamic Finance Produsa availablc in the marlcet.
{ To undcrstand tbe strugglc of intoducing Islamic Financc in P*ist!n.
Course Oudine:

Introducdon to thc Counc

I Understanding Islamic Economics & Financc
I Thc problems of Convsntional Financial Systcrn
I Issues oflntcrest based Systcm
a ic Finance can rcsolve thcsc issues

a Shariah and its Sources

I Objectives of Shariah

Mrin Pnohtbitions & Ethl6 in l3bEtc Flnr[cc

a lntroduction
! The Basic Pr,ohibitions
t Brsiness Ethics and Norms
Thc Phlloroohv rnd Fcrturcr of Ishnlc Flnencc
a Introduction
t Debt vs. Equity Financing
I Time Value ofMoney in Islamic Finance

Ishmic [,ew of Contrect

I The concept of Wealth, Usufruct and Orncnhip
a General Framework of Contacts
a ElenrenB of a Contract
Islemic Lrw of Contnct
r Broad Rules for the validity of Contact
I Wadah (Promise) and related mattent
. Types of Contrac8
r Conditional or Con
Tradinq ln Illrmic Commercid Lrw
I Introduction
a Legahf of Trading
a Tpes of Bai (Sale)
I Requiremenb ofa Valid Sales Contrrt
I Riba and Gharar in Sales
ffins: Convcntional vs Islamic
I Introduction
r Thc Stratcgic Position ofBanking in Financial Systcm
r The nccd for Islamic Banks and NBFIs
r Islamic Financial Markeb and Instruments
r Aooraisal ofCommon Criticism on Islamic Ba4&hg-4-Etnance
Wcck l0 kbmlc Finrnchl Ploduc'tr
1. Murrbrh*rnd Mnsewema
I Intoduction
r Thc nccd forMuraboba
. Spccific Conditions and Structure of Murabaha
r Issues in Murabaha
I Musawamah
Week ll 2. For.rrrd Sdcs: Sdrm & Istbna
r lntroduction
Bcnefie of Bai' Salam and its Economic Role
Features of aValid Salam Contract
Salam as a financing technique by Banks
lstisna' and ir Rules
Wcck 12 3. Shtr*rh Brscd Contreca: Musharskrh
The concept of Shirloh in Islsm
Basic Rule of Musharakah
Diminishing Mrsharakalr and ir us€ as a mode of finance
Weck 13 4. Shir*rb Bescd Contncts: Mudenbah
r Distinction between Mudarabah and Mwharalcatt
I Fundamental Rules and conceptsof Mudarabatt
. Modern Application ofthe Conce$ of $!t*ah-
Weck 14 5. Trlaftrl: Islamlc Insurrncc
r lntnoduction
I Necd of Takafirl md its Shariah bases
. The workingofSystem ofTakaftl
r Comparison ofTalofirl and Conventional lqlulelgg
Week l5 Islrmlc Caoitel llrlarket Sukuk rnd Sccuridzetion
r lnfoduction
I The Capital Ma*et in an Islamic Fraarework
I Securitization and Sukuk
I Potential of Sukuk in Develop'mentof Isl
Flnel Term Ereminefion
Rccommcndcd Tcrt Books:
l) Muhammad Ayub. Undentanding Islamic Finance. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

(Latest Edition).

2) Hans Visser. Islamic Finance: Principles & Practiccs (Latest Edition).

3) Mufti Taqi usmani. Introduction to Islamic Finance (LaiestEdition).
4) Any other material or topics suggested by class teacher.
Note: In additlon to the rbovg rny other tert or book refcrrcd by Instructor crn ebo be
Banking Specialization
Branch Banking OPerations
Counc Objcctiver:
After the completion of this coutse, the students will:
r' Undentanding structure of a branch of Commenrial Bani
/ Differentiating different roles and responsibilities in a Brurch
/ Undentanding hierarchical levels in Branches and ovcrall-Bank level
r' Understanding Different Functions performed in branches

Counc Outllne:

Introducdon to Sublcct
I Total sphere of fie subject
I Importance of the subject
I Intoduction to Branch Banking
I Basic Infrastruqture of
Introduction to Conmcrcid Benkinl
I Functions of Commercial Banks
I Stucture of Commercial Banks
I Managerial llierarchies in Commercisl Banks
I Branch
Strrrcturc of Brench Brnkine
a Introduction to stafr positiors within Branches
a Inter-rclationship o f staff memben
I Chsin of Command within Branches
Funcdons ocr{orucd ln Bnnchcs
Different Departnents wittrin Uranctres e.g. Operations, Clearing Credits
gtg. l

I Function ofeach deparEnent and their respective importance

I ion within Branches
Manascmcnt of Brrnchct
I Bnnchltdanager
I Opercions Manager
a Crcdic ltrhager
a ofeach
Precticel Scsslon witb wor*hq Brnkcn
I Discussion about Branch strusture
I Discussion about Practices being followed by branches
I Sharing of Practical Experiences
Servlces orrvided bv Bnnchc. to it! customcn
! Intoduction to Banker Customer Relationship
a Need ofBanking for general public
t Various services provided to
Mid-term Errnlnefon
\ileck 9 Scrvlccs Prcvldcd bv Brrnchct to its Customcrs
. Importance of Dcposits
I Diffcrcnt Kind of Deposits & &eir characteristics
I C.rcnenl Terms & Conditions of difhrent tlryes of Deposits
ion & Cost
Wcek l0 Scrvlccs Provldcd bv Brrnchcs to lb Customers
. Lending & is Importance
. Different Lending producb available in Pddstan
r Characteristics of cach cstegory of lending product
r Introduction to Risk
\tek 1l
Clceriry / Collccdon of Chcqua rnd/or othcr
. What is Clearing and Collection
. Need of the function of clcaring & collection
I Features of Bank Chequcs and important checks & balances in
I Different Categories of Bank cheques e.g. bearer checks, crossed checks
r Mechanism of Payment for clearing / sollection
. Role ofNIFT in clearing
Weck 12 Scrviccs Provldcd bv Bnnchcs to its Customers
Miscclhneous / Agcncy Scrvlccs
r Bills Payment / collection
r Safe Deposis
r Remuneration of Funds & is ftndamenals
r Advisory Services
r Underwriting
a Irgpl Guardian / Custodial Services
I iz2

I Discussion about Services and treir przcticalities

I Practical cases of clcaring deposit lending etc.
a Ways to tackle situations
Wcck 14 & l5 Prolcct Rcoort & Prcscntatbns

Wcck 16 Flnrl Torm Enninadon

Rccommended Tert Bmls:

l) Branch Banking Publish€d by Institute of Banken Pakistm (Stage l)

2) Quarterly Journal oflnstitute of Banken Pakisan availablc at:
http://www. ibp.orgpk/quarerly.aspx
3) Hand out provided by Teacher

Note: In eddition to the lbove, eny othcr tert or book rpferred by Instnrctor cen elso b€
Banking Law & Practice
Course Obfcctivcc:

Afterthe completion of this counrc, the str,ldents will:

r' Understanding different laws applicable to variou banking tsansactions

/ Understanding importaoce of differsnt banking practiccs

/ Developing an understanding of various banking instruments and their rcspective

Coursc Oufllne:

Intruducdon of the Sublcct

I Sphere ofthe subject
I Importance of understanding banking laws and practices
Benkor{ustomcr Rclrtlonshio
a Frmctions of Banlcer
Qualifications of a Customer
I inhts and Dtrties of Bankcr and Customer
Accountr of Customcr
I General Category of AccounB (Time & Demand Deposit)
I Specific Typcs of Accounts (Single Account, Joint'Account, Minor

Laws And P}rcticc.In Hendllnq Accounts

I Problems in Individual Account
a Dcath of a Customcr
I Survivonhip Account
I of Account Holdcr
lVeck 5 Accoun8 of Burincss Clien8
a Partnership Account
I Corporate Accouab
a Clubs and Societics Accounts
! TnrstAccounb
I Admi,nistrdor Account
t Local Bodies Accoun8
Benklnt Instnrmcnts
a Pay Order and Demand Drafr
a PromissoryNote
I Bills ofExchange

Benkinq Instrument
r Cheques
I Traveler's Cheques
a Leters of Credi
Mtd-tctt Eremlnedon
Ncsotirrble Instnrmcn8 Act ltEl
Promissory Norc and its feanres
Bills of urd its featurcs
Wcck l0 Nceotlrblc Instrumeutr Act 1t8l
a Cheques
I Clearing of Cheques
I Typcs ofChcqucs
o Crosscd/ Open
o Valid/lnvalid
o Sale Cheques
o Predated and Postdated
Clcerinq of Crcssed Chcoucs
a The requisitcs of a valid Chcques
t Parties to Cheques
I Types of Crossing
t Clcaring of Chcques
I NIFTand its fundtion
r Definition
r Classification ofEndonement
. Principles of Endorsement
r Forms of Endorsemenb
I Holder and Holder in Due Course
Pmdcntial Resulrdorc of SBP

Wcek 16 Final Tcm Enminedon

Recommcndcd Tert Books:

l) Practice and Law of Banking in Palcistan by Dr. AsrarlL Siddiqi

2) Prudential Regulations for Corporate/ Commercial Banks irsued by SBP

Note: In edditlon to the lbove, eny other tert or book referrrd by Instnrctor can elso be
International Banking
Coure ObJcctivcl:
Afterthe complction ofthis course, drc studcnb will bc ablc:
{ To understand the conccpt of international banking
/ To know about scwices and facilitics provided under Intemational Banting
{ To understand differcnt Laws and regulation followed in International Banking

Counc Oudinc:

Intrcduction to Intcrletlonel Brnking

Brief oveniew ofthe subject
Concept of International Banking
Importance of lnrcrnational Banking

Wcck2 Internrdond BrnHnr Scrvlccr

r Funds Transfer
r CorrespondentBanking
. Lending Services
r Investnenb
r Trade Financing

Weck3 Intcmationel Fund Tnnsfcr Scrvlccs

. lntroduction
. System ofFund Tnnsfer
. Third Party Serviccs like Moncy Gram otc.
. The concept of illegal fund transfcrs like l{awab Hundi ac.
r Concept of Money laundering

Cortcsnondent Brnkinr Scrylccs

I Intoduction
a Need for conrspondencc banking
I Differcnt account typ€s e.g. Nostro, Vosho etc.
r Lending Sewices
r Introduction
r Domestic vs. Interndional Lending

Invcstmcntr ln Intcmrtlonrl BenHne

I Need of Investnent Opportunities for Banlcs
I The concept of portfolio msnagement
I International Investment Avcnucs
I Precautions for Inrcrnational Inves[nenb

Internetiond Bsnkinc Rerulatorv Fnmcn'or*

Intoduction of Bank of International Settlemen8 (BIS)
lntoductioa to differcnt rcgulatory publications by BIS
Internadonel Tndc
a Intoduction
I Necd of International Trade
a Role of Banking in International Trade

Intcmadonel Pevmcnt Settlencnt Mcchrnlrms

r Open Account
I Advanced Paymmt
r DocumentaryCollections
r Documentrry Cr€dits

Documcntrrv Crcdit fi,ctter of Crcdit)

a Mechanism ofUC
I Different Parties lnvolved
I Settlement of Dcumentary Credits

Wcck 12 Ilocumenb Involved In L/C tnnsectiou

r Commercial Documents
I Title Documents
I Finaneial Documents
I Insurance Documents
r Official Documents

BasicRnlcs roolied b Documcnttrr Crcditr

Brief discussion of Articles

Rbks llfienegcment h Intcnrationd Benkins

r Introduction
r Country Risk
r Defult Rlsk
r Transfer Risk

Rirks ll4eneqement h Internationrl Brnlinr

a Exchange Rde Risk
a Political Rislr
a Market Risk

Rccomnended Tcxt Bools:

l) Handbook of International Banking by Edward Elgar
2) Material Provided by Class Troher
3) Guidelines of Documentary Credits bsued by BIS
Notc: In eddition to the lbove, any other tert or book rcferred by Instructor can ebo be
Accounting Specialization
Advanced Accounting
Courrc Objectives:
Aftcr studying this course, the students will:
/ Assess and undestand the Accormting Conceptual Framework urd underlying
principles of accounting applications and procedures.
/ Andyze the effecb of tansactions and events on an entity's financial condition and
demonstate an understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting hinciples (GAAP).
/ Employ professiond judgment applying GAAP technicd conccpb to prcpare and
present financial statcments and relatcd disclosures.

Counc Outlinc:

Reyicw of Beslc eccountinq concco8 end frrmcwork

I Interndional Accounting Standard Commitrcc
t Fair presentation and compliance with IFRS
I Ucpature from IFRS
I Going concern
I Pnrdence
I Accruat Basis of Accounting
a kserialityand Aggregation
! OBctting
I Frequcncy ofReporting
I Prcsentation of Financial StatemenB

Accoundns for Invcntorle fiAS - 2)

lVlcasnement of Inventories
Gost of Inventorics
Cost of inventories of Service Provider
Techniques for Measurement of Cost
NctRealizable Value

Revenue Rccoenition flAS - lt)

t Definitions
a Measurement of Revenue
I Hentifi cation of Transaction
a Sate ofgoods

3 Rendering of Services
a InEresg Royalties and Dividends
I Disclosures
r Dcfinitions
r Rccognition
r Measurtment at Rocognition

Wcck 6 Mcesurcmcnt rfter Recosnitlon

t Cost Modcl
I Revaluation Model

Wek 7 . DcPrcciation
r Impairment
. Compensation for [mpairment
r Dc-rpcognition
r Disclosures

WcckE Mid-tcrm Enmlnadon

Weck9 Crsh llow gtstcmen8 flAS -7)

BenefiE of Cash flows Information
Cash and Cash Equivalent
Classification of Cash flows

Weck 10 I Format of Cash flow Statcment

I Preparation of Cash flow Statement
a Non-,Cash Transactions
I Disclosures

Wcck ll Evcntr rltcr thc Belancc Sheet lhte fIAS - 1O)

a Definitions
a Recognition and Measurement
I Adjusting evenb after thc r€porting p€riod

Wcek 12 t Non-adjrsting evcnts after the reporting period

I Dividends
I Disclosr.rrcs

Weck 13 Lcrscs (IAS - ln

I Dcfinitions
I Classification of leases

Weck 14 I Lease in financid statements of lessees

Weck 15 I Lease in financial statemen6 of lessors

! Disclosure Requirements

Flnd Tcrm Eraminedon

Rccommendcd Ten Boolts:

l) Frur,rewort for preparation ud prtscntdion of finrncial stst€nents and Intcrncional

Accqunting Shpdards (lisd in syllabns) issu€d by LASB and is publhhed by ICAP
as han ok. (Iatest Edition)
2) Financial Accounting Strrdy Text and Revision Seric by AT Foulks Lynch Palistaa
(tatest Edition).
3) Financial Accounting Study Text and Revision Serics by Professional Brsincss
Public*ions (PBP) (Lstest Edition).

Note: In rddition to the lbovc, rny othcr tcrt or book rcfentd by Instnrctor crn dso bc
Counc ObJcctfucl:
After studying this course, the students should be able to:
/ Form an understanding of the principles underlying the theory of auditing.
/ T\e regulatory franrework of auditing and of practical audit approaches and
r' Ovcrview of the civil and criminal liabilities of the auditor including the professional
r' Critique of the auditing profession and the professions rqtpons€.
r' Aims to expose students to current academic research in the field of auditing and to
enhance their generic and transferable skills.

Cornc Outllnc:

Introducdon to Auditinc
I Whd is Andit?
I Types ofAudit
I Objectives of Auditing
t Uscn of Audited Repore

RcspoGi6i-ity of Directon and Auditors regarding financial

The Expectation 6ap
Level ofAssurance

Thc lcqd rnd orofgsiond Fouircmcnt for en rudltor

a Appointnent of Auditors
Qualifi cation of Attditors
! Remuneration of Audiors
I Rights or Power of an Auditor
I Duties of an Auditor
I Legal Liability of Auditor
a Dismissal of Auditor
a Letter of Engagement
a hofessional Ethics

Intenal Contnol and Frrud & Emor

Risk Assessmenthc€ss
Control Procedurps

Detailed lnternal Contol Description

Weck 7 I Risk of fraud and enor
t Inhercnt Limiations of Audit
I Detection" Conection and Prcvention

Weck t Mld-Tcn Ennrlnetion

Week 9 Audlt Documcntrtion & Tcstinr
a Working Papcn & Ardit File
I Subsantive Tcsb
I Techniqucs of Audit Testing

Week 10 Analvticel Pmccdurcs

a Definitions
a Types of Analytical Froceduts
I Purpose of Analytical Procedures

Wcek 11 Assct and Llabilitv Vcrlflcrtlon

a Fixed Assca and Investmenb Vcrification

Week 12 a Cunent Assets Verification

I Liability Verification

Week 13 Audlt Evidcncc

I Dcfinitions
I Types of Audit Evidence

Week 14 T[c Auditon'Rcoort

I Basic Elements of Auditors'Report

Week 15 . Types of Auditors' Report

Finel Tcrm Enminrtion

Recommendcd Tcrt Books :

l) In dioqat$tradadeonAlrditigbyProfenionak,l&d&qrffi" (Ir!c*
2) eu C.:Sn A*n 'il i'gil
:) Audinihelstudrt t,ad,RcYisioo.SFftW'no.1ft6l9;od, ,$fi .(PF-)
a) Prinoip&s of Audting by Dr. Khawaje Amjad Saeed (t^Ntcst Edition!

5) P.ractical Auaifing:by,Iaved tL,.tubairi : (I^otest Edition).

Note: In addttlon to the lbove, eny othcr tcrt or book rcferrcd by Instructor crn dso be
Financial Reporting AnalYsis
Courrc Objectivc:
After studying this course, the sfirdents will be able to:

r' Lcarn and apply a six-step analytical framework for financial statcmcnt analysis
r' Enhance your ability aud efficiency in exbacting and using accounting information

conained in company annual reporb usingIFRS and GAAP

r' Develop skills for andysing a firm's profitability and risk
{ Improve your ability to for€cast expected ftture earningp and cash flows
/ Sharpen you ability to detcct and undo earnings management
r' Deepen your understanding of the impact of earningp numbers on sharc
prices in the

capital markets, and the roles of earnings and cash flows in valuation

Courrc Ontline:

Introduction toFlnrncial Rcoordns & Andwlg

Rcnor{ns Tooics
Fotms of Business Entities
ThcFinancial Statrmen$
Thc Acsounting Cyclc

I Anditor's Opinion
I Management Responsibility for Financial Statemens

r Sumnrary of Annual Rcport

Brlancc Shcct
Basic Elemeng ofthe Balance Sbeet

Income Statemcnt
Basic ElemenB ofthe Income Statemcnt
Spcclat Insomc Stoemcnt Items

Incomc Tucs rcleted to Oocredons

Ecningsper Share
Dividends and Stock SPlits

Mid Tcm Exeminrtion

Beslcs ofAnahnb
I Common Sizc Analysis
I Year to Year Change Analysis

Wcck l0 ! Financial Statement Varialion by Typc of lftdway

I Relativc Sizc of Firm
I The Uscrs ofthe Financid Satcments

Wcck l1 Liebllitv of Short-Tcrm Asscts: Rclrtcd lhbt-Prvlm Abilltv

r CurrntAsseb
I Cunent Liabilities
. Opcrating Cycle
r Other Liquidity Considerations

IVcck 12 Lonq Tcm Dcbt Pevlnq.{bllitv

Income Statement Considcration
Balance Sheet Considcration
Special Items thst influence a Firm's Long Term Debt Paying
Wcck 13 Profrtrbtlttv
Profitability Measures
Trc'nds in Profitability
Segmcnt Reporting
Rerrcnues by Major Prcduct Lines

Wcck 14 ForThc Investor

t Leverags and its Effeca on Earnings
a Earnings per Common Share
I hicc Earnings Ratio
Wcek 15 a Dividend Yield
a DupontAnalysis & Tobin's Q
a BookValue Per Share

Weck 16 Final Tcrm Enmination

Rccomncnded TcxtBoob:
I) Finarmisl Ropottir*.Analysitly Charlee t[ Gihoo (Ldet Editior)
2) InedationatFifinsiatReportingSanasOsr lfubtisffihct..'(I4!st

3) AdY ,Agef}l1fu-a,,Si# ir ins ,$*i#&

Protutlgnal drPrrbtffibn+ftnP),ft{FrEditiiill

Note: In rddition to the lbove, rny other tert or book rcfemd by Instnrctor crn rlso be
Marketing Specializition
Consumer Behaviour
Counc Objcctivcs:
Aftcr studying this coune, the studens will bc ablc to:
r' Understand the factors that are used to dcscribe the consumer market
/ Evaluatc the consumer buying decision proccss and its implications.

Courrc Outline:

Undcntrndlns Consuner BcheYlour

The Nature of Consumer Behaviour

Undcrrtrndins Consumer Bcheviour

Marketing Stategy
Consumer Decision Malcing

Crccs-Culturel Vrrirtlons
Global Cultures
Cross Cultural Marketing Strategy

Pcrreption and Marketing Strtegy

Undcntrndlnq Consumer Bchavlour

Attention and Intcrpretation

Undcrstandinq Consumcr Bcheviour

Memory's Rolc in tcrning

Undcntrndins Couumcr Bchrviour

Brurd hnage And hoduct Positioning
Brand Equrty And Brand Leverage

Motivation Theory And Marketing Stategy

. Usc of personality in marketing strategy

lVeck 11 Ess$es
a Emotions and Marketing Sfatcry
w&k 12 Attitudes
a Componcnb
a Attitude Change And Stategies

Weck 13 @gs
a Individual And SifiEtional Charactcristics
I Communication Characteristics Influencing Attitude

Weck 14 Self-Conceot rnd Life Stvle

r Nahur Oflifcstyle

Wcck 15 Sclf-Conccot and Life Stvle

r VALS system
r International Issues

Flnel Term Eraminadon

Recomnended Tcxt Books:

l) Consumer Behavior by Del I. Hawkins (Latest Edition)

2) Consumer Behavior by Schiffinan (Latest Edition)
Notc: In rddition to the lbovc, rny other tcxt or book rtferred by Instructor cen rlso bc
Internation al Marketing
Coursc Objcctivcs:

After studying this course, thc shrdenb will bc able to:

/ Explaining differcnt policics and practiccs.
/ Understanding conccpts and problcms of worting internationally'

/ International issues and undentanding of brsiness tcrminologies.

Counc 0utlinc:

Environmcntel frston in Intcnrdonsl Tndc

r Trade Baniers (continucd)

Geography and Global Markets

Dynamics ofPopulation

Polldcel Envircnmcnt
Assessing and Lcsscning Political

Intcmrfiond Lcsel Envirunncnt

Bases for Lcgal System

Intemetlond Leeel Envlmnment

lnternational Disputcs
Pmtcction of Intellectuals

ffi &rough lt[r*dns RGGsrch

Scope of International Marketing Rceearch

ffin throush ndrl*ctinq Rcscerch

Problems of Availabillty and Usc of Secondary Data

r Stages ofeconomic develoPment

Wcck 12 Emerdnl lUer*cts
I Marketing in a developing countrY
! Demands in developing counties

Wcck 13 Multlnatlonel Merkct

a Undentanding multinational market

Weh 14 r NAFTA
r $trff{
Wcck 15 Stratesic Imnlications

Find Term Ereminrtlon

Recommendcd Tcn Books:

l) International Marketing by Philip Cateora & Gilly (Latest Edition)

Notc: In rdditlon to the above, any other text or book referrcd by Instmctor sln rtso be
Marketing Communication
Coutrc Obicctivcs:
After stndying this coursc, thc snrdcnts will be ablc to:
/ Evaluate company's promotion mix.
/ Explain the stnrcture of advertising and promotion industry and tbc roles of its
scparate playat,
/ Measuring the effectiveness of scparate elemcnts of advertising plan and its outcomes.

/ Comparing and generalizing differcnt promotion prograns is also onc ofthe man
tasks of the coune.

Courrc Outline:

im rft rhttns co
. Defining and Classification of Modern Advertising
. Role of advertising
. T)pes of advenising

Mrrtctlnq Communicetion Mix

r Advefiising
. Salcs Promotion

! Publicity and Rrblic Relations

Deslqninq Advcrtislnq
r Advertisement layout

Features ofbest layout dcsigns

r Out-of-home media

. Brrradcast Media
Wcck 13 Manaslns Pcnond Conrmunlcetlons
. Direst Marketing

Wcek 14 I lnteractive Marlccting

t Word-of-Mouth
I Sales force managpment

Wcek 15 hoicgt/ Casc Studv

Flnd Tcrm Enmlnadon

Recommendcd Tcrt Books:

l) Advertising by Wells and Burnett (Latest Blition)

2) Bovee, Thill, Dovel, Woo; Advertising Exccllence, The McGraw Hill Inc. (Latest
3) Wright M:G; Advertising, McGraw Hill Inc. (Latest Edition)

Notc: In addition to the lbove, any other text or book rpfcrcd by Instntctor crn rlso be
Retail Management
Counc Objcctivcs:
After snrdying this coune, thc shrdcnts will bc able to:
/ Discuss social forces affecting rcail managemcnt.
/ Devclop retail credit policies and collection penod.
Cour:c Oudlnc:

Introducdon to Retall ltlenescnent

Framework of Rctailing
Importance of retail stategY

r Horizontal Marketing Sysrcm

Rcteil Stratcsv Mir

Wheel ofretailing

Mergers, Divenification and Downsizing

Reail Life Cyclc

Food oriented Retailen

Non-Food Retailers

Tndins Arta Analvsit

. Importance and characteristics

Mid Tsrm Eram

r Location and Sitc Evaluation

Establlshinq Retlil Imlse

Situation basc Variation

Promotional Stratesv

I Element of Retail Promotion Mix

t Reail Promotional Stategy
Wcek l5 Pmlcet / Cesc Studv

Flnd Tcru Ennhrdon

Recommendcd Tcxt Books:

l) Retail Management by Bcrman and Evans (Latest Edition)

2) Retail Management by Ivy (LatcstEdition)

Note: In eddition to the above, rny othcr text or book refcrrcd by Instnrctor cen rlso bc
Marketing Research
Counc Objcctlvcs:
After snrdying this course, the students will be able to:
z Develop rescarch plan to solve marketing related problems
r' Lean about variors types of marking rcsearch
/ Understand the use of multivariate satistical techniques in modem marketingpractice.
/ Appreciate the application of these techniques in marketing rescarch.
r' Undentand & mone deailed of the s&atistical techniques and how they might be applied
in othcr areas of research (not jrst marteting research).

Counc Outllnc:

Intrcducdon to ltfiar*ctinq Reccarch

Marketing Research Problem and Developing Approach
Role of marketing rescarch
Mark*ing intelligence

Mrrketins Resarch Deslsns

Cross scctional designs
Longitudinal designs
Typcs oferros

Eroloratorv Rcsc.nh lrcaisn

Sccondary data
Sonrces of data collection

r Survey
r Interviews
r Obacrvation

Causel Rereerch Desiqn

Expcrimena and generalizability

Measurcmentand Scallns
Questionnaire Desigt
Scales, validig and reliability

Samoling Deslqn end ltata Anrhnig

Sampling Techniques
Data Collestion, Prcparation and Analysis
WeekE Mid Tcru Ernlaetlon
Week 9 Dcscrlotlvc Andwis
r lntoduction
r Analysis

Week l0
r lntroduction
r Analysis

Week 11 FrctorAnrlvslr
I Introduction
. Analysis

Wcek 12 Clustcr Anelvsb

r Introduction
. Andysis

Week 13 Discr{minant Ana}vsis

r lntoduction
r Analysis

Week 14 ConlolntAndvsls
r lntroduction
. Analysis

Week 15 Reoort Prcoantlon end Prcrentation

! Report fomrat
a Decision malcing

Finrl Tcrm Errmlnrtion

Recommended Tcrt Books:

l) Naresh K. Malhotra: Marketing Research; an Applied Orientation (atcst edition)

Note: In edditlon to the rbove, rny othcr tcrt or book rcfcrrrd by Instructor cen elso be
Brand Management
Courrc Objcctlvcs:
After sndying this course, the students will be able to:
r' Develop a frarnework that provides a definition of brand equrty, identifrcs sourtes and
outcomes of brurd equity, and prcvides actical guidelincs abouthow to build mcasutp
and manage brand equity.
r' Understand fundamental knowledge of importanco of branding for complcteness,

nulnerous science of branding boxes provide in-depth Fcatnent of cutting+dge ideas

and concepb.
r' Indep0r understanding ofBrand Positioning.

Counc Outlinc:

Bnnd and Brand lldenrqemcnt

Can werytbing be branded?
Branding cballenges and opportunities

Customer Based Brand Ecuitv

Brand equity model

Brand Positionins
Identifr ing and establishing brand positioning
Positioning guidelines

Chooshq Brtnd Element to Build Brrnd Eoultv

What ars various brand elemenb?
CritEria for choosing brand elemenb

. Cricria for choosing brand elements

Brand Ecuitv Measurenent and Maneeemcnt

Brand value chain
Establishing a brand equity management system

Mid Term Errmlnedon

Measurins Sources of Bnnd Eouitv
r Quantitativetcchniqucs

Wcck 10 Mersrdnr Outcoma of Brrnd Eouitv

r Comparative method
r Holistic method

Wcck 1l Dcveloohs rad Imolcmentlng Brrndins Stratesies

I Dcsigning brand stategy
a Implementing the stratcry

Wcek 12 Maneslnq Bnndr ovcr Gcoereohlc Boundar{es rnd Market

. Identifying ncw geographic locations
r Selecting new marlcet segmen$

Weck 13 Brend Ertcnsions

Line extensions
Brand extensions
Multi brands
New brands

Weck 14 Sclccted Crset on Brend Manrgement

Week 15 Selectcd Cescc on Brend Mrnagenent

Flnrl Tcrm Errminetion

Rccommended Tcxt Books :

l) Kellen Strategic Brand Management (latest edition)

Note: In rddition to the lbove, eny othcrtcrt or book rcferrcd by Instructorcen also be
Human Resource Management
Training Interventions in Job Design
Counc Objcctivcs:
After the completion of this courlc, the studenb will:
t Understand the issues'in managing the taining and development function and is
relation to corporate objectives and performance/Ability to design taining progrum.
/ Undcntand the issues in tsaining evaluation, including in cost/benefits (utility) of
tsaining, ability to design a taining evaluation procedue.
r' Develop ability to determine cost/bcncfits (utility) of training programs.
/ Hzve in depth familiarity with a specific taining topic selected by the student

Counc Outlinc:

Intmduction to Emolovee Treininq and l)welooment

. Training design process

Nccds Arsessment
I Why needs assessm€nt
I Who should participate
! Methods rued in needs assessment

Penon analysis

r Learning theories

Instmctiond Emohasir for Learninq Outcomcs

I What is Transfer of taining

I Application in training design and self-managenent
a Work environment characteristics that influence hansfer
What is Trainlnq Eveluetion
I Overview of process
t Outcomes tsed in evaluation oftainlng progrart
t Dacrmining whcther outcomes are good
Mid TcrmEremlnadon

r ValidrU
r Thrpab
r Different Dai
I Technology's influence on taining and lcarning
a Comoutcr based baininr
lVeek 11 t Computer bascd trainings continued
I Distancc lcarning

Week 12 Emolovco Do,elooniint

I Intoduction
I Approaches to employee devclopment
a The developmcnt planning Process
Wcek 13 . Company statcgies for providing development

Week 14 CrrcerMenrscmcnt
I What is Carcer and carccr mamgement
a Why it is important
! Traditional vs protean careent
I A model of carccr dcvelopmcnt
Week 15 Carccr Manegcmcnt SYstcms.

Final Term Examination

Rscommendcd Tert Boofs:

1) Employee training and development by Raymond A. Noe. (latest edition)

Notc: In eddition to the abovc, rny other tcrt or book rcferrpd by Instructor crn rlso be
International Human Resource Management
Courrc Objcctivcs:
Upon succcssful complction of the requiremenb for tris cours€, students will be able to:

r' Understand issucs, opporfinities and challenges pertaining to international HRM

r Develop competency in dealing with cross-cultural sinrations
/ Understand the stategic and functional roles of HRM in various international
contexts, especially in areas such as recruitment and selection, performance

management, haining learning and development compensation and repatriation;

r' Understand extemal forces that have the pote,ntial to shape international HRM; and
r' Develop gcneric and tansferable skills-cspecially in diagnosing international HRM
issues critically and analytically, conducting research for the purpose of discussing
specific cases relating to international HRM, evaluating alternativc approaches and
defending thc recommendations with evidence.

Courrc Outlinc:

The enduring context of IHRM
Difference betrveen domestic and international HRM
Veriables that Moderate the Difiercncc
r Theorganizationalcontcxt

The path to global status continued


Sustainine Intenational Busiiness Oncrations

Approaches to staffng

I Recruiting and selecting staff

Treinins and Develooment

r Componen6 of effective p'redeparture training

. Developing staffthrough internationd assignmenb
Mid Tcru Eremlnetion
I Compcnsation
I Objectivcs

Aoorcechcs to Comncngrdon

t Multinational resporses
Perfo ruancc Menescment
Multinational performancc management
fe{ormurce management of intemational employees
Performance appraisal of intemational emoloyees

International ethics urd IHRM

Ownership issue

Flnel Tcru Ereminetlon

Rccommendcd Tcxt Books:

l) International Human Resource Management by peterJ.
Dowling and Denice E.

Note: In eddition to the lbove, eny other tert or

book rcfernd by Instmctor crn rtso be
Performance & Compensation Management
Coune Objectives:
Aftcr the completion ofthis counrg the students will:

/ Understand the intricate details of performance, performance evaluation systcms

r' llaveKnowledge about basic concepb of PCM to the practical aspec$ in commcrcial,
production and service

Coune outline:

I What is perforrrance?
t Definition o performance appraisals
! Making performancc appraisal to work
I Management's rcsponse to appraisal systems
I Top management's rEsponse to appraisal systems

Per{omance Aoomisal Svstems

I Rating scales
a Rankingmethod
a Pair€d comparison method
I Critical incident method
I \ilork standards
Forced distribution
Management by objective (MBO)
360 H hack

Critical appreciation of the appraisal tystcms cuncntly

adopted by important organizations
Designing of an effective appmisal syst€m.
Problems in app'raisal systems

I Intoduction
a Lcvel of compensdion benefiE
a Componan6 of acompensation system
a Financial
t Non-Financial
a Compensation equity
I Determinanb of Individual
r Job
. Orgnnization
I Labor Market
r Emoloyee
lVeck t Mid Tcrn Enminrtion
Weck 9 Benelltr rnd Othcr Comoensation Issucs
. Lcgal
r - Voluntary
r Employcc Sewices
. Premium Pay
lVeck 10 Job Evrluation
t lntroduction
I Definition
I lmportance of implementing iob evaluation
Week ll @
a Ranking method
I Classificafion method
I Factor comparison method
I Point system
Wcek 12 . Practical application ofjob evaluation systems
Wcck 13 Pev Stnrcturc rnd Pav Scde
I Intoduction
a Guidelines for the compensation mentger
a Designinc of a basic Day stucturE
Weck 14 I Comparative study of thc existing pay stnrcture

Wcck 15 Crsc study enalyrls

Flnel Tcm Eremination

Rccommended Tcrt Books :

l) Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (Latest Edition)

2) Componsation Management By Richard I. Hinderson (Latest Edition)
3) Human Resourte Management by Ian B€ard well Len Holden (tatest Edition)
4) Compensation Theory and Practice by Mare J. Wallance, Jr. Charles H. Fay (Latest

5) PERSONNEL: The Management of People d Work By Dale S Beach (IatestEdition)

Note: In eddition to the ebove, rny othcr tcrt or book rcferrcd by Instnrctor can elso be
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws in Pakistan
Counc Objectivcs:
Afterthe completion of this coune the students will:
/ Understand the importance of indutrial relations in crafting the organizational culturc
/ Haveknowledge about the conflict between various pressure groups in an
organization and how to address these problems
/ Know Effectivc barggining and negotiation skills
t Havethe idea of employee citizenship within the context of organizatioh
{ llave knowledge about the labour laws exercised in Pakistatr

Courrc outlinc:

Economv end LebourForcc in Peklstan

I Intoduction
t Thc Pakistan economy
I Labour force in Pakistan

Aooroaches to Indu$rhl Rehtions

a Meaning and scope of indutritl relations
t Meaning and Scopc of indrstial rclations
a Thc systems frane work
I Theoretical perspectives
a Rule-Making and indusuial rplations

Industialization stratery and industrhl relations

Globalization and industrial relatiolq

r lnboduction
r Origrn and grourttt
Trede Unions
r lnboduction
r Theorics oftade union movement
r Trade unions in Palcistan
a Trade unions and economic development
I Legal frmework
Tndc Unlon Stmctuns
I I Models of national tade union movcments
I Internationd tadc union fthtions
I Managerial trade unions
I Women in trade unions
I Trade union unity and frade union
Collectivc Drrsrlninq
I The concept and nature of collective bargdning
a The legal franrework of collectivc bargaining
a Lcvels of bargaining and agreemcnts
I Collective bargaining and stakeholdcn
I Negotiations techniques and skills

Mid Tcru Errmination

Divergent perspectives
Types of government interventions
The means of state interventions
Thc Contrest of Enolovncnt
t Introduction
I The industial employment act
I The confact labour act
I Global production systems and the evolving phase of

I Wage theories
a Wage system in Pakistan
I The wages act
t Minimum wage act
I Bonuses
I Profit sharing and stock options
I Pay stnrctures

I Working conditions, occupcional health and safety

I Indutial conflict
a Legal frame work
I Prccedurcs, powers and duties of authorities
I Strikes and lockouts
. Labour management rplations

Wcck 14 Lebour Administrrtion

a Intoduction
I Labour sdminisEation machinery
I Improving labour inspection
!tsengthening labour court administation
Wcck 15 Case study rnelyrls

Final Tcru Examlnrtion

Rccommcndcd Tert Books:

l) S. Venkata" Industial Relations. Oxford Univenity Press. (Latest Edition)

2) Handouts/ Case studies given by the instructor. (Latest Edition)

Note: In rddition to the rborrc, any other tert or book referred by Instnrctor cen dso bc
Recruitment & Selection
Coune Objcctivcs:
By the end of this counrc it is expected thst thc studcnt will lcarn:
/ Iil( planning
{ Job analysis
{ Recruitment and selection process
r' Vafidlty and reliability of tests and interviews

Counc Outline:

Asscsslnq IIR Nccdr

nature ofHR
IIR Pbnnlnq
I Succession planning
I Ouantitative techniques to forccast HR demand

. Difference bctwee'n

r Poinb method of doinc iob evaluation

The Recnrltment Proccrs
Factors affecting rpcruitment cffort

Recnrltment Sourccr
r Intemal sources
. External sources
Mid Tcrm Erams
The $clection Prcccss

Evrluadnl Job Aoollcrtions

r Initial screening

r Stuctured intcrviews
. Unstnrcturedintcwiews
. Online interviews

Validltv snd Relirbilltv of Tcgts and hterviews

r Validiw and is
I Reliabilrty and its typar

Wcek 14 Flnel Sclcction

I Basis of final selection
Week 15 Orlcntrtlon
r The orientation Drocess
Flnd Tcru Errms

Rccommended Tert Books:

l) Hunnan Resource l\fanagement by Robins (latest edition)

2) Human Resource Management by Garry Desseler (latest edition)

Note: In addition to the above, rny other tcrt or book rcfcned by Instnrctor crn rlso be
Management Consultancy
Counc Objcctive:
By the end of this couse it is expected that the student will leam:
r' This subject will help snrdenb taking carter in management/business consultancy by
developing various skills in them.

Counc Outlinc:

rilcck I Intnoduction
t The skills of a consultant
a An active learning strategy
t Strategies for assessing the performance of consultanb
lilcck 2 Intruductlon (cont )
I What, exactly is business consultancy
I How consulting add value
I The consulting process
Week3 Prcorrinq the Pruiect Prooosal
! Contenb of a proiect prooosal rcDort
Wcek 4 Tvoes of Mensrcment ConsultNnsr. Pruiccts
r Naturc of various proiccts
\teek 3 Pnoiect Plenninq
a Planning techniques
I Decision makinc
Wcck 6 Timc Manaeement
I Priorities setting
t Art of manacinc time
WeekT ercativc Apprcachcs to Analvsis
I Evaluating brsiness opportunities
Weekt Mid Tcrn Eram

Wcek9 Anahdns Dccbion Makinq in Client's Business

I Using different btsiness tools for analysis
Wcck 10 Communication Skills
r Verbal communication
I Non-verbalcommunication
Week ll Rrooort-Buildinq SHlls
r Employee relations
. Supplier rrrlations
r Customer rclations
Week 12 Teem Wor*inq
I Teams formation
a Managinc team work
Wcek 13 Lcadcnhio Skills
a Leadenhip theories
I Effective leadcnhip
Week 14 Ptlrcndnl Your ldcrs
! Prcsentation skills
I How to make prescntation more Effective?
Week 15 Consultins rs Cercer
r What a consultant does?
r Managernent Consulancy in Pakisan
Find Tcnn Enm

Recommended Tert Bools :

l) Management Consultancy by philip A. Wichham (latest edition)

Note: In additlon to the lbove, eny other tert or book rpfcrrrd by Instructor cen rlso bc

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