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A new mindset for action

2018 Global Impact Report

Stakeholder engagement summary
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

Member firm Ongoing • Publicly traded company • Service needs of clients • New service offerings • Ethics and integrity
clients • Client interaction during clients, including their • Independence • Organizing client service • Client satisfaction
engagements audit committees and around industries
boards of directors • Ethics • Governance risk and
• Client satisfaction process • Lead client service roles compliance
• Closely-held company • Security and privacy
• Business development concerns and responsibility • Protection of public interest
activities clients
• Value of trusted advisor • Alliances • Anti-corruption
• Conferences • Government clients
relationship • Adoption of anti-corruption • Corporate responsibility
• Client labs and/or • Nonprofit clients policy and policy
• Need for industry or subject commitment
facilitated sessions • Past and potential clients matter understanding regarding privacy programs
and leadership • Privacy and data security
• Proposal responses and • Sustainability reporting
follow up on losses • IT security policies • Environmental performance
• Supply chain risks • Supply chain risks/ issues
• Client questionnaires and standards • Voluntary sustainability
reporting • Value of service
• Supply chain policies and
codes of conduct
• Chief Confidentiality Officer
Stakeholder engagement summary (continued)
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

Deloitte people, Ongoing • Current, former, retired, and • Job satisfaction elements • Flexible work arrangements • Employee development
their families, • Social media (external prospective employees • Work/life balance • Benefits package changes • Diversity and fair treatment
and future talent and internal) • Spouses/partners, children, • Career advancement • Extension of certain services to • Inclusive leadership
• Recruiting events and family members of family members
Deloitte people • Fair treatment • Ethics and integrity
• Internal discussions • Mentoring programs
• Privacy and confidentiality • Client satisfaction
• 24/7 support and • Coaching programs
emergency hotlines • Security • Privacy and data security
• Contributions to society • Opportunities for global • Governance, risk, and
• Confidential ethics hotline deployments
• Environmentally sustainable compliance
• Professional • Learning and professional
development sessions operations • Corporate responsibility
development commitment from
• Coaching • Access to technology
• (Leader) development leadership
• Performance check-ins/ • Expectation setting programs • Protection of public interest
reviews • Educational opportunities • Digital learning offerings • Public policy positions
• Community involvement • Professional development • Well-being programs
and volunteering • Environmental performance
• Diversity and inclusion • Updates to software and
opportunities • Health and safety
• Ethics hardware
• Exit interviews • Community engagement
• Travel and mobility • Education and safety mobile
• Alumni network applications • Labor rights
• Well-being
Multiple times a year • Volunteering programs • Compensation
• Career conversations • Work/life balance
• Ensuring safety of
• Employee councils engagement teams • Professional standards
• Advisory councils • Travel safety programs • Professional performance
• Town-hall meetings • Well-being
• Affinity groups
• Leadership videos
Annual basis
• People survey
• World meeting and
member firm partner

Stakeholder engagement summary (continued)
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

Governments and Ongoing • Audit oversight bodies • Public interest • Responses to • Protection of public interest
regulators • Proactive engagement • National financial market • Audit quality regulatory inquiries and • Ethics and integrity
with regulators and regulators consultation papers
• Ethics and integrity • Audit of the future
policymakers on topics • Issuance of transparency and
impacting the profession • Government ministries • Innovation and disruptive
aligned to topics of • Audit of the future impact reports
and the capital markets technologies
• Contribution to shaping of common interest, including, • Auditor independence • Independence policies
among others, finance, and monitoring • Privacy and data security
new regulation • Transparency
economic, labor • Employee diversity programs • Standard setting models
• Engagement on policy • Innovation
development • International law • Supplier diversity programs • Governance, risk, and
• Responding to regulatory enforcement and security • Market competitiveness compliance
agencies • Threat assessments and
and public policy inquiries • Corporate governance • Anti-corruption
safety recommendations
• Quality/performance • Multinational/ • Diversity and inclusion • Diversity and fair treatment
inspections and reviews Intergovernmental fora • Research and insights
• Data, confidentiality and • Thought leadership, facts and • Environmental performance
• Horizon scanning and • Embassies; diplomatic
sensing privacy insights • Security threats to
• Crisis management • Advisory and advocacy groups operations and people
• Meetings and conferences • Standard-setters
• Inclusive growth
• Policy “influencers” • International trade
• International trade
(e.g., think tanks) • Jobs and skills
• Future of work
• Responsible tax
• Mobility
• Inclusive growth
• Smart regulation

Stakeholder engagement summary (continued)
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

Professional Ongoing • Peer networks • Adherence to professional • Standards for engagement • Protection of public interest
associations and • Involvement in committees • Associations of certified/ performance standards acceptance and performance • Ethics and integrity
networks and working groups chartered accountants • Governance • Peer reviews • Governance, risk,
• Representation on • Associations of tax • Open markets • Commentaries on proposed and compliance
leadership councils
professionals • Sustainable development standards and policy issues • Professional standards
• Attendance at conferences
• Management consulting • Standards for auditing of • Policy recommendations • Professional performance
• Ad hoc professional associations non-financial information • Training • Employee development
• Collaboration on industry
white papers • Financial advisory • Jobs and skills • Thought leadership, facts
professional associations • Public policy positions
• Speaking engagements • Corporate governance and insights
• Trade associations • Open markets
• Participation in • Inclusive growth • Strategy formulation
• Sustainability associations • Digital economy
development of standards
and technology
• Future of work
• Corporate reporting

Nonprofit Ongoing • CDP (formerly Carbon • Training • Skills-based volunteering • Youth education and
organizations • Local representation Disclosure Project) • Performance improvement • Community volunteering unemployment
and local • Pro bono engagements • JA Worldwide (Junior • Diversity and fair treatment
communities • Funding • Impact Day
• Collaborations Achievement) • Ethics and integrity
• Marketing • Pro bono engagements
• Volunteering • United Way Worldwide • Anti-corruption
• Specific agendas germane • Foundation and member firm
• Social media • One Young World to their cause (e.g., monetary and in-kind gifts • Human rights
• Electronic mail • UNLEASH sustainability, education, • Voluntary sustainability • Transparency
• Meetings and conferences • Local business and humanitarian action, reporting
diversity) • Corporate responsibility
• Speaking engagements community organizations commitment
• Local business promotion
• Public policy positions
• Transparency in reporting
• Privacy and data security
• Cross-sector collaboration
• Environmental performance
• Community involvement
• Protection of public interest
• Social progress and equality
Stakeholder engagement summary (continued)
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

International Ongoing • United Nations Global • Establishment of and • Pro bono engagements • Ethics and integrity
multi- • Steering committee Compact adherence to international • Internal and external training • Trusted financial systems
stakeholder memberships • World Economic Forum norms
organizations • Thought leadership, facts • Diversity and fair treatment
• Organizational stakeholder • World Business Council for • Understanding of and insights
meetings frameworks and initiatives • Education
Sustainable Development • Changes to global report
• Meetings, conferences and • Economic, social, and • Youth unemployment
correspondence • International Integrated content
Reporting Committee humanitarian development • Governance, risk, and
• Taskforce and working • Voluntary reporting on compliance
group participation • Global Reporting Initiative • Trusted financial system sustainability
• Innovation • Data, security and privacy
• Cross-industry business • GHG reduction targets in
alliances • Jobs and skills place or in development (varies • Environmental performance
• Asia-Pacific Economic • International trade across member firms) • Human rights
Cooperation Forum • Inclusive growth • Policy recommendations • Community engagement
• Organization for supporting growth and • Physical security
• Smart regulation development
Economic Co-operation • Social progress and equality
and Development • Policy statements of support
• Trade and investment
• Inclusive growth
• Open markets
• Future of work
• Digital economy

Stakeholder engagement summary (continued)
Key stakeholder Engagement approach Sample of representative Sample topics Type of response (may vary Areas of high stakeholder
groups and typical frequency of members across Deloitte) concern

Suppliers Ongoing • Technology suppliers • Contract terms including • Establishment of preferred • Ethics and integrity
• Negotiations • Travel service suppliers pricing and payment suppliers • Anti-corruption
• Meetings • Consultants and • Features and functionality • Establishment of green • Diversity and fair treatment
• Supplier sourcing professional services • Issue resolution purchasing practices
• Privacy and data security
• Industry meetings suppliers • Confidentiality • Contracts
• Sustainability practices
• Ongoing relationship • Real estate and facilities • Sales projections
management suppliers
• Opportunities for (mutual)
sustainable solutions
• Opportunities for

Industry and Ongoing • ALM Intelligence • Capabilities (e.g. digital, risk/ • On-going relationships • Digital disruption
market analysts • Global engagement • Forrester cyber, change, innovation, • Dialogue and shared insights • Technology and
strategy involving Deloitte technology, transformation) emerging tech
executive leadership, • Gartner • Formal analyst inquiry
• Client and market trends and briefings • Customer experience
subject matter specialists, • IDC
and other stakeholders • Competitive landscape • Analyst events and advisory • Business transformation
across all geographies, Representative only
• Strategy sessions virtual and in-person • Cyber security
businesses, and industries
• Participation in • People and change
evaluative research
• Future of consulting
• Evidence of scale

Educational Ongoing • Students of high potential • Subject matter knowledge • Volunteering • Education
institutions/ • Participation in programs who receive educational • New perspectives • Pro bono engagements • Ethics and integrity
academia • Collaborations scholarships from Deloitte
• Leading research • Matching gifts • Diversity and inclusion
• Recruiting • Placement officers
• Career placement • Guest lecturers • Employee development
• Guest lecturing and
speaking engagements • Funding of chairs and • Anti-corruption
scholarships at universities • Human rights

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