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Find the word which best expresses the meaning of the key word. Manoeuvre: 21. manipulate HK 2 exercise 3. act WV 4 move The most widely used OS for mobile phones developed by Google is: V1. Android <2 Magellan 3 Ubuntu 4 Amoeba ie aa Find the meaning of the underlined idiom. 1 know all the ins and outs of this job. XX 1. usefulness VY? details This bonis 2% importance (5 Dgwmil0a % 4 difficulties aie ctettingspt que Choser ALU in the computer system stands for: 281. Amay Logic Unit 2. Altemative Logic Unit 2% 3. Application Logic Unit V+ Arithmetic and Logic Unit Choser a6 Ans If clock of Delhi displays 1:00 PM then at same time clock of Dubai will display 1. 10:30AM 2 11:30AM X% 3 12:00 PM 4 2:00PM Find one word for the given group of words. Flesh-eating animal. X 1. herbivore X 2 insectivore % 3 omnivore A+ camivore Que Choser a7 Ans ato aay 013 How many stores will be opened up daring 2016-17 under Prime Minister's Jan Aushadhi Yojmaa ax per union budget 2016177 7 1. 1000 v2 3000 3. 4000 % 4 2000 Find the opposite of the key word. Camouflage: 21. ambush % 2 disguise 3 acknowledge Wo + divulge Indira Awaas Yojna is meant for which population? X +. Semi-urban 22 Urban and Rural 2 Rural 4 Urban “Dumhal™ Dance is performed in the state of India, 1. Punjab %2 Assam % 2. Gujarat wv + Jammu & Kashmir The normal composition of oxygen in the environment is: ¥ 1. 20.93% 2 50% % 3 40% % 4 30.93% ‘Who created history by winning record-breaking 23 gold medal of Olympics history #t Rio Olympics. 20167 Choser Que Choser Choser Que % +. Mark Spitz ~~ DOWNLOAD More staff Nurse Previous Year “°" 2 Usain Bolt —_ questions papers Pdf Now ¥® Michael Phelps Visit here « % 4 Carl Lewis ‘MS-DOS is an Operating System that hasa(n): + Command Line Interface 2% 2. Option for Mobile Devices 2 3. Open Source Origin 4 Graphical User Interface Chose ™ Mozilla Firefox is a(n): ae Anti-plagiarizing program > Intemet Browser A? Utility program A * Operating System aw [| am XX! Free from pathogens > Rich in iron content A” Pleasant to taste % * Free from chemicals 2.18 tn the following quevtion find thse word which means the same a the given eronp of wards Penod of one thmasand year we XK" cenmry f° millenninn % * decade % * centenary 017 Dengue fever is caused by bite of which mosquitoes? %' Man Soma * * Culex http:/ Wo Aedes XK‘ Anopheles @™ Who is elected as the new chief minister of Gujarat in August, 2016? we ' Nit Patel *? Amit Shah wv Vijay Rupani + Anandiben Patel ~ 2"* Chemical coagulant used to treat raw river water is: aK’ Sodium chloride *? Chlorine KK? Polassimn permanganate v* Alm G.20 Which ofthe following i the correct sequence of the snallest tothe largest mst of storage size (read ftom left wo ight}? Ans W 1. kilo-mega-giga-tera-peta 2% 3. kilo-mega-peta-tera-giga %K 4. kilo-mega-giga-peta-tera Choser Qi Ans as Ans Anxiety is caused by: XX 1. Hostility tumed to self 2 Asubjective. perceived threat 23. Masked depression 2% 4 An objective threat Exchange of gases takes place in which part of the body? 1. Heart Kz Liver 3. Kidney V4 Lung Telling the truth is a practice of which ethical principle? % 1. Justice 2 Veracity 3. Beneficence % 4. Non-maleficence Which of the following is the purpose of hand washing? V1. To prevent cross infection % 2 To promote circulation in the hand 2% 3. To have aesthetic feeling 4 To provide comfort ‘The power which is exercised because of appointment to a higher position is referred as 2 1. Reward power V2 Exclusive power 2 3. Expert power 24. Referent power Choser Choser Choser Choser 6 ‘Ans Ans as ‘Ans a9 ‘Ans Q.10 ‘Ans qi ‘Ans a ‘Ans ‘The color used for tagging a dead body is: X% 1. Yellow 2 Red X% 3. Green V4 Black ‘Which of the following food stuff is a good source of protein? X 1. Cereals X2 Fruits X 3. Green leafy vegetables V4 Milk & milk products The pacemaker of heart is: % 1. Bundle of His wv? SA node % 3. Purkinje fibers XK 4 AV node Which one of the following is not a feature of health education? X 1. Knowledge and skill acquired actively XX 2. Develop self-expression X 3. Disciplines primitive desire V4 Aims at impulsive actions Who is revered as the founder of modem nursing? 2 1. Virginia Henderson XK 2. Jean Watson W 3. Florence Nightingale % 4. Betty Newman A group of people organized for particular purpose is known as? % 1. Institution XK 2 Society 2X 3. Community W 4 Association The neural tube defect among new born can be prevented by providing: 2 1. Vitamin K to the mother in first trimester % 2 tronto the mother in 3% trimester ¥ ® Folic acid to the mother in first trimester X 4. Iron and folic acid throughout pregnancy Chose! Chose, Chose, Chose, Chose! Chose, Chose, °') Principle of effective leadership is least likely 10 mvolve: - One group should always have an objective A" Patiewt first policy is applied Wf Accountability is delegated to the members of team % * One group commanded by one leader Nd Which poutine i to ty prow fo tht patient whube perforisig mona cane te an new patient” aK ' Knee chest Side lying * Supine % * Fowler's position 91) The number of pulse beats per minute is known as: OK! Rhythm wo Rate ~*~? Vole * * Tension O18 Absence of breathing ss known as: ! Bradypnes ? Eupnoea A? Tachypnen ait. hee qn aw Which of the following statement is NOT true? XX" Family is a biological unit Fay Siiseiabibinc iain iad waka wieale XX * Family is a group defined by social relationship * Family is@ system of relationship between parents and children The signs of severe dehydration among infants are: ww’ Drowsiness, depressed fontanelle and decreased skin turgor > Excessive crying and excessive thirst XX * Drowsiness. bulging fontanelle and decreased skin turgor XX * Anxiety and increased skin turgor ‘What name did Freud give to bis model of developrient which comprise id. ego and superego? X * Topographical model *? Genetic model % * Unconscions model * Structural model a2 a2 ‘Ans Q2 Ans 926 Ans Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a social group? Que X 1. Similar ethnic background %X 2 Common interest ¥ 3 Reciprocal relationship XK 4 We-feeling ‘The nurse act as an advocate when she does one of the following: Que 1. She assesses the client for injury gee 2X 2 She encourages the client to express feelings W Ask the relatives to give their consent instead of patient X 4. She postpones the physical assessment until the client is calm Which of the following is NOT a method of patient assignment? ‘Que +. Duty roster methods a XX 2 Team nursing XX 3. Patient assignment X 4 Functional method The strategy adopted to ensure quality nursing care by statutory body is: ‘Que Choser X 1. Re-registration % 2 Licensure % 3 Accreditation WV 4 Licensure & registration ‘What does a society exclude? Que Dames" DOWNLOAD More staff Nurse Question papers Pa 7 meres How Vit here tlomefet blogspot ‘When you come across a person lying unresponsive on the road, your first action should be to? GE XX 1. make the person to sit Chaser 2X 2 leave the person to wake up by himself > call an ambulance and start CPR 4. make the personto lie on one side Helper cells belongs to que 2 1. Macrophages Pioom %2 Beells > 3. Macroevtic 27 928 0.29 XX 2 Macrocytic V4 Tells “Man is a social animal’ - Who said this? cue 1. Pluto pose XK 2 Spencer X% 2 Cristo W + Aristotle Duration of 3 stage of labour is: Que VY 1 30-45 minutes % 2 12hours % 3.1 hour % 4.1.5 hours ‘Which of the following gland secretes hormone,to maintain normal metabolic rate of the body? cu —— Up by = 9.30 oat a32 Ans a.33 4 X 3 Testes Yp X 4 Pancreas Uy ‘What are the trends in psychiatric nursing? Yfp au % +. Dilemmas in care mM Coe pee % Custodial Care Wy ’ XX 3. Practice of Nursing in new and emerging role Wf X 4 Certificate program for graduate and experienced nurses The best method for assessing respiration in a non-responsive person is: +. Put the Hand on the Chest X 2 Hear heartbeat >. Look listen and feel X 4 Put hand in front of nose Qu: Chose ‘What are NOT the misconceptions related to mental health? ow ‘W 1. Itis possible to prevent mental health illness X 2 Children do not experience mental health problems X 3. People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable X 4. Mental problems do not affect health The umbilical cord contains: Qu X 1. Two arteries and two veins Shove 2 Two arteries and one vein X 3. One artery and one vein ee 934 Validity of a tool refers to: qu ans 1. Accuracy X 2. Feasibility % 8 Consistency % 4. Acceptability 235 What is the normal blood cholesterol level? qu Ans 1. 1000-1500mg/dl coe XX 2 More than 200mg/dl 2% 2 500-1000mg/dl * Less than 200mg/dl 936 Nursing profession can only be practiced after- qu ane 2X). Accreditation gee 2 Valuation W > Licensure % 4 Approval 937 Dissemination of research can be done by following methods, EXCEPT: a ans X 1. Oral presentation % 2 Publication in scientific joumal W ® Informal discussion X 4 Poster presentation 9.38 Which statutory body is responsible for ensuring the standards of nursing education in India? a ne 1. NAAC xr emcraniecomea ttp:| XX 3 University Grants Commission W 4 Indian Nursing Council 939 Sample in research is referred as: a Ans f 1. Representative of population XX 2 High risk population XX 3. High risk study subjects % 4. Population living in a defined area 940 Tf a person has an object implanted in his hand, the first aider must: Q ans 1. break the object from where it is visible al X 2 only break the object if it hinders the transportation XX 3. try to remove the object by pulling it at ans aaz Ane BE W% immobilize the object using sterile pad ‘While documenting the high pulse rate ofa patient, nurse must document it as? 1. Tachypnea W2 Tachycardia % 3. Hyperpyrexia 4 Arhythmia The definition of health by WHO includes all, EXCEPT: 1. Physical 2 Mental W 3 Reproductive X « Social The ability of human body to protect itself from pathogens is known as: XX 1. Hypersensitivity tov Http vw X + Secretions of hormones The first aid treatment for choking is: 1. Ty to remove the object with your fingers % 2 Call for ambulance W 3. Give five sharp back blows between shoulder blades % 4 Give something to drink Culture has importance for the group because X ‘It satisfies human needs of food and shelter X 2 It keeps social relationship intact W 3. It marks off one group from another X 4 It provides stability to the group Attributes of good leader involves which of the following: X 1. Not sure about his/her skills 2 Aware of members’ strengths and weaknesses X 3 Don’t hold accountability for wrong doings X 4 Suppresses the voice of dissent 47 ‘Skin is a part of which system in the body? Ans % +. Endocrine 2. Integumentary XX 3. Respiratory ees chaser Choser Chose: que Chose! Que Chose! Chose! Qas ast ‘What immediate nursing intervention will you take in case of blood reaction? 1. Inform the physician %X 2 Inform blood bank XX. Monitor vital signs W + Stop the transfusion immediately and monitor vital signs ‘Which of the following is fourth cranial nerve? Y * Trochlear 2 Abducens 3 Facial 2 4 Trigeminal “With repeal ealode requirement fo a noma ina being. te contain vi ata shuld be: X 1. 80-90% of total daily requirement 2 50-70% of total daily requirement XK 3. 40-50% of total requirement XK 4 90-100% of total requirement ‘A amclar pouct ike sa hat lies slightly tothe left of abdomen to store food temporarily i known a: % +. Gall bladder 2 Lungs > Stomach XK 4 Urinary bladder Which is a unit of care in practice of community health nursing? X 1. Significant others 22 Individual V3 Family % 4 Community Displacement, substitution and projection are examples of which of the following? W \. Defense mechanism % 2 Neurotic need XX 3. Psychosocial stage of development XK 4 Psychosexual stage of development Which of the following are not approaches of health education? W ‘Incentive approach XX 2 Regulatory approach 2% 3. Education approach XX 4. Service approach Qu Qu Qu 85 What is hyperemesis gravidarum? ans 1. Moming sickness 2 Lethargy 2 3 Food craving ow 4 Excessive vomiting 956 Normal duration for involution of uterus is: ans <1 1 month XK 2 2 weeks V2 6 weeks % 4 2 months 57 Which of the following is the element of difference between community and society? 4s Jf Definitive locality XX 2. A group of persons % 3. Sentiment of oneness X 4 Likeness of interest 258 The tools used for data collection are: Ans 2X 1. Experimental, non-experimental % 2 Survey. observation check list 3. Questionnaire, interview schedule, observation checklist X 4 Participant observation, information booklet 259 An Anganwadi worker caters to what size of population? ans XK it DOWNLOAD PREVIOUS YEAR AIIMS PGIMER % One on JIPMER DSSSB RAILWAY Y* One thousand ESIC AND MANY MORE 3. One lakh COMPETITIVE NURSING EXAM PAPERS PDF % 4 One hundred visit here - http:/ Q.60 Which of the following is NOT an important element in physical enviroament surounding a job that can effect ‘motivation? ans XK 1. Noise ® Plant and animal in the environment 4 Lighting 2X 4 Temperature 981 Which of the following are inventory control methods? ans 1. HDL analysis, FED analysis XX 2. FED analysis, LDL analysis XX 3. DEF analysis, DEL analysis V+ ABC analysis, VED analysis Choser Que Chose Chose, Chose. Which of the following techniques is used in psychotherapy? Que ane 1. Narcotic need “sa X 2 Electro convulsive therapy XX 3. Projective WV 4 Dream analysis 263 What is true regarding H_pylori infection? us X 1. Toxin producing microbe XX 2 Immunoglobulin X% 3 Rota virus ¥ * Bacteria 264 Norms in sociology indicates: que ans 1. Normal standards of social behavior sit X 2 Ethical ideas of society 2 3. Tendency of human being to move up “vs Standardized generalization about normally expected modes of behavior 265 Which of the following factors leads to growth of cities? Que ans X 1. Housing facility pee X 2 Natural calamities XX 3. Fertility of land 4 Industrialization 966 What is the dose of Vitamin A for an infant at nine months of age? que ans 21. 4 lakh IU a ¥ 2 Llakhiu n x: sar http://prnefet.blogspot % 4 2lakhiu 267 The significant sign of pyloric stenosis is: Que Ans of). Projectile vomiting — % 2 Blood in vomit X 3. Frequent vomiting X 4 Bile in the vomit ‘Which of the following is a significant component of pain assessment? Que ans 1. Effect f= % 2 Cause 2 3. Causing factor v 4 Intensity ‘°° which of the following is a DNA virus? an Ane an Ani ans am wv Hepatitis B K * Hepatitis c 2X * Hepatitis A 2 + Hepatitis D Which of the health education agency is at national level? X 1. IEC Bureau % 2 Doordarshan 3 Central Health Education Bureau (CHEB) % 4 Press Information Bureau ‘What are the signs of shock? X 1. Rapid pulse rate and unconsciousness XX 2 Lethargy and slow pulse rate XX 3. Sweating and forgetfulness 4 Cold clammy skin, unconsciousness and rapid pulse rate ‘The difference between oral and axillary temperature is: X 1. 1.6 degree Celsius W2 0.6 degree Celsius % 8. 3 degree Celsius X 4 1 degree Celsius ‘How many ANC visits on a minimum should be recommended for an ANC mother? XK 1. 5 visits %2 1 visit ¥> svisis X 4 6 visits Enuresis means: % 1. Loss of control of stool X 2. Breath holding V3. Loss of the control of urine % 4 Loss of control of vomit ‘What is the approx. total population of India as per provisional data, 2011 census? V1 121 crore %2 180 crore % 3 150 crore 2% 4. 160 crore The thermoregulation center is located at: W 1. Hypothalamus 2 Medulla 3. Pons 4 Pituitary Chose: Chose: Chose ie ‘choser Choser Ans a7e aet 0.83 Ans \¢ Major portion of calcium is found in Which part of body? 1. Muscle % 2 Blood % 3 Heart 4 Bone Down syndrome among new born is due to: V+. Chromosomal error % 2 ABO incompatibility % 3. Inbom error of metabolism X 4. Nutritional deficiency ‘What are the professional ethics? vi Standards of personal & business behavior, values, & guiding principles % 2 Not performing their job functions X% 4 Code of professional ethics are not often established to guide % 4 Professionally accepted standards are not present ‘The nurse is assessing a patient's abdomen - which examination techaique should the nurse use first? % 1. Palpation ¥en X% 3 Auscultation X 4 Percussion Which one of the following helps to reduce anxiety and post-operative pain? XX 1. Pre-operative checklist X 2 Psychological counseling XX 3. Rest and sleep oo 4 Pre-operative teaching Immediate first aid treatment for dog bite is: W \. Wash with soap and water for 15 minutes XX 2 Suture the big wound XX 3. Cover with dressing XX 4 Apply antiseptic lotion Secondary level of prevention of disease includes: X 1. Rehabilitation and disability limitation X 2 Screening and immunization W 3 Early diagnosis and treatment X 4 Specific protection and screening ie Que Choser Que Choser Que Choser aes Ans 0.86 ‘Ans Total number of deciduous teeth in children are: Qu. x+ 12 DOWNLOAD More staff Nurse ee x. 1, =xam Question papers Pdf v+ 29 Now Visit here - Which safety measure will you take for a drowsy patient? Qu 1. Keep unnecessary furniture away Prose 2 Keep the side rails up 2X 3. Keep extra linen at bedside XK 4 Keep the lights on a87 Cancer of cervix is caused by: Qu 2X1. Human immunodeficiency virus Pore XX 2 Human diploid virus X 3. Rota virus + Human papilloma virus ‘Communication process includes- Qu. %X 1. Communicator, environment feedback on % 2 Communicator, receiver, feedback ‘W 3. Communicator, message. channel, receiver, feedback XK 4 Message, messenger, channel Exogamy is defined as: Qu 2X 1. Marriages within the group V2 Marriages outside a group XX 3. Experimental marriages XX 4 Compassionate marriages Which of the following is the best answer to practice leadership? qu X 1. Laissez faire aa XX 2 Autocratic leadership ®. Transactional leadership X 4 Democratic leadership Ans a93 ase 95 ‘Most common strain of E.coli giving rise to traveler diarrhoea is: 1. Entero-invasive W 2. Entero-toxigenic 2 3. Entero-pathogenic % 4. Entero-aggregative Tilusion is: 2X 1. Clear perception of stimuli 2 Perception without stimuli KX 3. Wrong perception of stimuli % 4 Misinterpretation of real external stimuli Which of the following is measure of central tendency? 2X 1. Range . X2 patio %X 3. Standard deviation + Mean The ratio of cardiac compression and artificial breathing is: % 1 60:6 %2 12:3 3 30:2 41522 ‘Which of the following are fat soluble vitamins? Xi. A.D.B.C %2.A,B,C.D V2 ADKE K4ABECK 0.96 9.97 Ans. 0.98 0.99 Q.100 Which of the following is not a type of communication? V1. Message % 2 Non-verbal & verbal % ® Telecommuication & intemet % + Socratic The highest level of need in Maslow’s hierarchy is: W ). Self-actualization % 2 Safety X 8. Physiological % 4 Self esteem Which is NOT the responsibility of a Head Nurse/Ward-in charge? 2 1. ‘Nurses assignment 2 2 Patient care ‘Ws. Preparing patients bill X 4. Delegation ‘While performing ora hygiene to the unconscious, which additional article should be kept in the mouth care tray? 1. Artery forceps V2 Mouth gag 2 3. Disposable spatula Chosen Chosen Chosen X 4 Laryngoscope Visit here for more « http:|/ Which committee was set up to see the general condition of nurse? 1. Mudaliar committee 22 Bhore committee XX 3. Mukherjee committee W + High power committee Que Chosen

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