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BÀI MẪU IELTS WRITING TASK 1 VÀ 2 ngày 20/07/2019

Task 1: The table below shows the salaries of secondary/high school teachers in 2009.
Describe the main features of the figure.

The table compares the information about the pay scale of secondary and high school
teachers from various countries in 2009.
Overall, teachers from Luxembourg had both the highest starting and maximum salary.
Another interesting feature is that teachers in Luxembourg, Japan and Korea worked for more
than 30 years to achieve the top salary whereas their counterparts in Australia, Denmark and
only took less than 10 years.
As can be seen from the table, secondary/ high school teachers in Luxembourg were offered
80000 dollars as their starting salary, compared to only 28000 in Australia. Denmark lagged
behind Luxembourg with 45000, which was still significantly higher than the statistics of Japan
and Korea, with 34000 and 30000 respectively.
After 15 years of career, Luxembourg topped the table with their teachers being paid 119000,
and up to 132000 within 30 years. Japan came next, where teachers’ salary nearly doubled in
15 years and reached 86000 in 37 years. What stands out from the data is that Korean
teachers were not paid as much as the other nations’, with 48000 for 15 years. Working for
34 years, they had their pay rate more than doubled with 62000. There was also a significant
increase in the figures of Australia and Denmark with 48 and 54 thousand respectively for 15
years. Also, teachers in these two nations needed only around 9 years to reach their highest
pay, which is substantially small compared to the other remaining three countries

(243 words – Written by IELTS Vietop)

Task 2: The tendency of news reports focusing too much on problems and emergencies than
positive developments are harmful to individuals and society. To what extent, do you agree
or disagree?

Considering the claim that the excessive focus of news items on pessimistic or alarming issues
instead of optimistic events is damaging to each person and the community as a whole, I find it
largely true.

The devastating effects of such news reports are much more severe than expected. On a personal
level, with news media covering crimes, such as robberies, murders, and rapes, on a regular basis
as can be seen in many countries today, people tend to suffer from feelings of insecurity
wherever they go and whenever they are engaged in daily activities. The reason is criminals are
believed to be everywhere. On a societal level, this impact is even clearer: the spread of news
about ever-increasing rates of cancer, AIDS, or other incurable conditions, for instance, shared
on both conventional and modern media channels leads to social unrest or chaos, which may
endanger the existence of political institutions.

With that being said, the media coverage of bad news somehow benefits the general public or
international cooperation. These depressing reports might be sensational in the first place, but
they act as a necessary tool warning people of possible danger, be it associated with crimes,
health risks, or traffic accidents. And heart-breaking as it seems, a piece of news about a natural
disaster occurring in a certain region could be a wake-up call resulting in global relief programs.

To recap, I am generally convinced by the idea that negative-focused news items on the media
harm people and society. Sadly, the intensity of this problem tends to be on the rise in this day
and age.
*Vocab highlights:
+ a news item: 1 mẫu tin
+ largely true: gần như đúng hoàn toàn
+ negative/damaging/detrimental effects: tác động tiêu cực
+ on a personal level: xét trên bình diện cá nhân
+ on a societal level: xét trên bình diện xã hội
+ on a regular basis: (xảy ra) thường xuyên
+ feelings of insecurity: cảm giác bất an
+ ever-increasing (adj.): ngày càng tăng
+ incurable conditions: những chứng bệnh nan y
+ political institution: thiết chế chính trị
+ sensational (adj.): gây chấn động
+ a wake-up call: 1 hồi chuông khiến mọi người thức tỉnh
+ relief program: chương trình cứu trợ

*Structure highlights:
+ Considering X, I find it...: Khi xem xét X, tôi nhận thấy rằng...
( = When I consider X, I find it...)
+ With that being said, ...: Nói thì nói vậy nhưng mà...
( = With that said / That being said / That said, ...)
+ be it associated with X or Y: cho dù là nó có liên quan đến X hay Y đi chăng nữa
( = whether it be/is associated with X or Y)
+ Heart-breaking as it seems, ...: mặc dù là nó nghe có vẻ rất thương tâm
( = Although it seems very heart-breaking, ...)
+ Relative clause dạng rút gọn:
... a necessary tool warning people of...: 1 công cụ cần thiết giúp cảnh báo mọi người về...
( = ... a necessary tool which warns people of...)

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