Physics f4 Chapt 1 KSSM 2020 Notes

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Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST

1 Measurement is a method to determine the value of a physical quantity.
2 Physical quantities are quantities that can be measured.
3 Physical quantities consist of base quantities and derived quantities.
4 A physical quantity must be stated in magnitude with its unit
5 Base quantity is a physical quantity which cannot be derived from another physical quantifies.

Base quantity symbol S.I. Unit symbol

Length l metre m
Mass m
Time t
Thermodynamic T
Electric current I
Luminous intensity Iv
Amount of substance n

6 Derived quantities are quantities derived from combinations of base quantities through multiplication or division or both.

Derived quantity and its symbol Formula In terms of base In terms of S.I. s. I. unit
quantities base units (specific unit)
Area A

Volume V

Density 𝜌

Velocity v

Acceleration a

Force F

Work or energy W/E

Power P

Momentum p

Pressure P

Frequency f
Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST

Electric charge Q

Voltage or electric V
Resistance R

Electric C

7 Prefixes are used to simplify the description of physical quantities that are either very big or very small.

Prefix Symbol Value

pico p 10 - 12
nano n 10 - 9
micro 𝜇 10 - 6
mili m 10 - 3
centi c 10 - 2
deci d 10 - 1
kilo k 10 3
mega M 10 6
giga g 10 9
tera T 10 12

8 A scalar quantity is a quantity which has magnitude only

9 A vector quantity is a quantity which has both magnitude and direction.

Scalar quantity Vector quantity

Distance Displacement
Speed Velocity
Mass Weight
Energy Momentum
Temperature Pressure
Time Impulse
Electric current Acceleration
Power Deceleration
Density Force

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
1 The process of scientific investigation follows a sequence as shown in the following flow chart :

Inference Hypothesis Aim Variables + operational definitions Apparatus

conclusion Discussion Analysis Observation Procedure

2 Scientific investigation begins by asking questions about the phenomenon under investigation.
3 Inference is an early conclusion to what is observed. The conclusion can be correct or incorrect.
Eg : MV affects RV
MV influences RV
RV depends on MV
4 Hypothesis is needed so that experiment can be carried out to test its validity.
Eg : the longer/greater/bigger the MV, the longer/shorter/smaller the RV
As the MV increases, the RV increases / decreases.
5 When an experiment is carried out, an aim has to be stated so that all investigating effort is centered on the main subject.
Eg : To investigate the relationship between MV and RV.
6 Variables :
 Manipulated variable : a primary variable which causes other secondary variable to change,
 Responding variable : a secondary variable which changes in response to the change in the manipulated variable.
 Fixed variable : a variable which is always constant throughout the experiment. Cannot : type of …
7 Operational definition is required to define the manipulated variable and responding variable to be measured.
Eg : MV/RV is measured by using metre rule/ triple beam balance
Inertia is represented by the period of oscillation of inertia balance.
8 Apparatus needed to be listed according to its specification so as to ensure the success of the experiment. (at least 6 items)
9 Procedure is the sequence of action or operation in order to carry out the experiment according to the instructions given.
10 Observation is the listing and tabulation of all data obtained in the experiment
11 Analysis of data can be carried out by plotting graph, followed by the interpretation of graph or calculation to obtain the
required value. Various precautions in plotting a graph should be taken into consideration.

12 Discussion needs to be stated to find out whether the result obtained support the stated hypothesis.
Precautions of the experiment can be suggested to overcome the weakness, to reduce experimental errors or to improve the
results of the experiment.
13 A conclusion is stated concerning the result of the experiment. By comparing with the aim stated, this will determine whether
the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST



 y is ________________________________ to x.
 gradient of graph , m=

𝑦2 −𝑦1
𝑥2 −𝑥1

A straight line that passes through the origin  y-intercept , c = 0

 linear equation , y = m x

 y _____________ _______________________ to x.
 gradient of graph , m=
𝑦2 −𝑦1
𝑥2 −𝑥1

 y-intercept =
A straight line with a positive gradient that does not pass  linear equation , y =
through the origin

 y _____________________________________ to x.
 gradient of graph , m=
𝑦2 −𝑦1
𝑥2 −𝑥1

 y-intercept =
A straight line with a negative gradient that does not pass  linear equation , y =
through the origin

A curve with a positive gradient that passes through the origin

 A curve with a negative gradient that does not cut both

A curve with a negative gradient that does not pass through the axes
origin  A straight line y against with a positive gradient that
Interpretation of graph : passes through the origin
Interpretation of graph :

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST

Linear graph Quadratic graph Inverse graph

Straight line Parabola shape Hyperbola shape

Chapter 1: Measurement
Name : _______________________________________________________ Class : ________________________________
1 Noami asked her father to record and compare the time taken for her younger brother Nazmi to make 20 oscillations on swing
A and B as shown in Diagram.
Nazmi found that swing B oscillates slower than swing A.
What is the relationship between the period of oscillation
and the length of the swing?

(a) Inference :
(b) Aim :
(c) Hypothesis :
(d) Variables :
(a) Manipulated :
(b) Responding :
(c) Constant :

(e) Materials and apparatus :

(f) Diagram :

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
(g) Procedure :

(h) Tabulation of data :

(i) Graph :

(j) Precautions :

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
2 The following diagram shows the T2 – l graph for an experiment to determine gravity using a simple pendulum, where 𝑇 =
2𝜋√ , where g is gravitational acceleration.

(a) From the graph, determine its gradient.

(b) Hence , determine the gravitational acceleration.

(c) Determine the period of oscillation ,T when the length of pendulum l = 35.0cm

(d) Determine the length of the pendulum, l when T is 1.73 s.

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
3 Diagram 1 shows an experiment to determine the mass of an object. A load of known mass m is suspended on a spring and
its frequency of oscillation f is determined. A few sets of values of frequency and the corresponding mass are recorded as
shown in Table 1.

(a) What is meant by the frequency of an oscillation system?

(b)(i) Draw the graph of against f2 on the following graph paper:

Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
(ii) From your graph , state the relationship between m and f2.

(c)(i) Calculate the gradient of the graph, h.

(ii) 𝑚
Given = 2𝜋√ , where k is the force constant of the spring. Determine the value of k in base units .

(iii) An object of unknown mass oscillates with a frequency of 8 Hz when suspended on the spring. What is the mass of the

(iv) Show that the unit k in (c)(ii) is equivalent to Nm -1 .

4 A force, F acts on a trolley which is on a smooth floor and its acceleration is determined. Diagram 2 shows the acceleration-
force (a-F) graph obtained.

10 | P a g e
Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
(a) State
(i) Manipulated variable :
(ii) Responding variable :
(iii) Constant variable :
(b) State the relationship between a and F.

(c)(i) Determine the value of acceleration when F = 1.25 N.

(ii) Determine F when a = 2.6 ms-2

(d)(i) Calculate the gradient of the graph, k.

(ii) Hence, find the mass of the trolley, m.

Answers :
1 (a) Period of oscillation of the swing depends on its length
(b) To investigate the relationship between period of oscillation and length of a simple pendulum
(c) As the length of the swing increases, its period also increases
(d) MV : length of pendulum, l
RV : period of oscillation, T
CV : mass of bob, m
(e) Retort stand with clamp, metre rule, stopwatch , bob, 100 cm thread, two small piece of plywood, protractor.

(g) 1. Set up the above apparatus.
2. Adjust the length of pendulum l to 30.0cm using metre rule
3. Displaced the bob at 50 and record the time for 20 complete oscillations twice , t1 and t2, using stopwatch. Then
𝑡 +𝑡
calculate the mean value t20 = 1 2.
4. calculate the period of oscillation , T = 20 and T2
5. repeat steps 2 to 4 using l = 40.0 cm, 50.0cm, 60.0cm and 70.0cm.
(i) T2/s2


11 | P a g e
Physics f4 : chap 1 measurement prepared by Cheah ST
(j) bob must oscillate with small angle oscillations. / bob oscillates only in one oscillating plane / the eye’s position must be
perpendicular to measurement reading of stop watch.

2 (a) 3.90 s2m-1

(b) 10.1 ms – 2
(c) 1.16s
(d) 78.0 cm
3 (a) Number of oscillations per second
(b) (ii) f2 is inversely proportional to m.
(c) (i) 0.124 s2kg-1
(ii) 318.4 kgs-2
(iii) 0.125 kg
4 (a) (i) force , F
(ii) acceleration, a
(iii) mass of trolley, m
(b) a is directly proportional to F.
(c) (i) 1.04 ms -2
(ii) 3.2 N
(d) (i) 0.83 ms-2N-1
(ii) 1.2 kg

12 | P a g e

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