CRKC7025 Tackling Global Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

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Resit guidelines

Module Title Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Assessment Title Portfolio Part 3 – Post Residency written assignment

Individual/Group Individual
Weighting 75%
Please upload your assignment to
Friday 4th May 2018 (23:59hrs GMT).
Latest Hand in Date
the RKC module/ course site on the resit tab.
Learning Outcomes assessed 2,3
Indicative word count 3,000

Instructions to Students for Submission of Coursework:

Following on from the residency consider:

What are the main challenges in ethics, responsibility and sustainability that I need
to tackle when I return from this module? To what extent could partnership and
leadership of place approaches enable me to address these issues? How has
experiential learning from the residency informed my practice?

You may focus on your current organisation, or your local community if you are not directly
employed at present. Draw from theory and your personal experience to develop your argument.
Ensure that you critically reflect on experiential learning gained within the Residency .

Criteria for this piece of work are below:

Module Title: CRKC7025: Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Level: 7
Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
Assessment Title: Portfolio Part 3 – Post Residency Assignment Weighted: 75%

Criteria and 70% and above 0% - 39%

60% - 69% (Merit) 50% - 59% (Pass) 40% - 49% (Fail)
Weighting (Distinction) (Significant Fail)
Adequate exploration of
Good exploration of Poor exploration of
Excellent exploration of knowledge and theory Very weak or missing
knowledge and theory knowledge and theory
knowledge and theory relevant to the exploration of knowledge
relevant to the relevant to the
Analysis of relevant to the assignment. Analysis and theory relevant to the
assignment. Analysis and assignment. Analysis
concepts (20%) assignment. Analysis and and evaluation of assignment. Analysis and
evaluation of concepts and evaluation of
evaluation of concepts concepts lacks criticality evaluation of concepts are
are critical and fairly concepts are
are critical and insightful. and insight. non-existent.
insightful. inadequate.
Good synthesis and Adequate synthesis and Weak synthesis and
Excellent synthesis and application of relevant application of relevant application of relevant Very poor synthesis and
Application of application of relevant theory to the theory to the theory to the application of relevant
theory to post theory to the requirements of the post requirements of the requirements of the theory to the requirements
residency requirements of the post residency assignment. post residency post residency of the post residency
assignment residency assignment. The analysis is critical, assignment. The assignment. The assignment. The analysis
(30%) The analysis is critical, insightful and well analysis is appropriate analysis is weak and is inadequate and vague.
extensive, insightful and referenced. and relevant. vague.
accurately referenced.
Reflection from
Excellent reflective piece Good reflective piece of Fair reflective piece of Poor reflective piece of
residency week;
of work. The experiential work. The experiential work. The experiential work. The experiential Very weak reflective piece
application of
learning from the learning from the learning from the learning from the of work. The experiential
the experiential
residency week is residency week is residency week is in residency week isvague learning from the
learning within
critically applied to the critically applied to the part applied to the and unclear in the residency week is unclear.
the assignment
assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.
Fairly well written and
Well written, well-
Excellent piece of writing, structured, some Poorly written and Very weak piece of writing.
Format and structured, coherent
well-structured, coherent coherence, some structured, incoherent Incoherent and poorly
presentation; progression of argument,
progression of argument, inaccuracies in and inaccurately articulated. Inaccurately
coherence, reasonably articulated
well-articulated and referencing and minor referenced. Lacks referenced.
expression and and accurately
accurately referenced. issues with expression. appropriate introduction Lacks introduction and
accuracy of referenced. Good
Excellent introduction Appropriate and conclusion. conclusion.
references. introduction and
and conclusion. introduction and
(20%) conclusion.
Module Title: Business Ethics and CSR Level: 7
Assessment Title: Portfolio Part 3 – Post Residency written assignment Weighted: 50%

0% - 39% (Significant
Criteria and Weighting 70% and above (Distinction) 60% - 69% (Merit) 50% - 59% (Pass) 40% - 49% (Fail)

A limited range of perhaps not

Quality of discussion; A full range of appropriate and A good range of appropriate and
A range of appropriate and entirely relevant ideas and
A very limited range of ideas
structure, grasp of critically evaluated ideas and critically evaluated ideas and has been identified, there is
critically evaluated ideas and concepts have been evaluated and
concepts, from a variety of concepts, from a variety of little criticality, evaluation or
theoretical concepts, rigour sources, have been synthesized sources, have been synthesized
concepts have been synthesized only a limited attempt has been
synthesis. Sources are not
of discussion on theoretical into the answer. Sources of ideas made to synthesize them into the
into the answer. Sources of ideas into the answer. Sources of ideas identified clearly. There may
are clearly identified and answer. Some sources may be
knowledge are clearly identified and are clearly identified and
referenced unidentified and/or poorly
be issues of relevance to the
(10%) referenced referenced problem set

A range of weaknesses may on

A broad and varied range of
A range of issues are critically A range of issues are critically their own or in combination lead A very limited range of
Extent to which issues are issues are critically addressed.
addressed. The answer almost addressed. The answer mostly to a fail mark: for example, only a issues are addressed. There is
critically addressed; The answer remains focused on
always remains focused on the stays focused on the topic of the limited range of issues are a lack of criticality. The
the topic of the assignment
relevance of issues and throughout and a plausible,
topic of the assignment and a assignment and a plausible addressed. There may be a lack of answer may often have little
solutions, critical analysis plausible, reasoned answer to the answer to the question set, criticality. The answer may stray relevance to the topic of the
reasoned answer to the question
question set, supported by reasonably supported by often from the topic of the assignment and any answer
of applied concepts set, fully supported by
appropriate, referenced, evidence, appropriate references and assignment and any answer to the to the question set, may be
(15%) appropriate, referenced, evidence,
is provided evidence question set, may be weak and weak and lack support
is provided
lack support

Reflection from residency Excellent reflective piece of

week; application of the Good reflective piece of work. Fair reflective piece of work. The Poor reflective piece of work. The Very weak reflective piece of
work. The learning outcomes
The learning outcomes from the learning outcomes from the learning outcomes from the work. The learning outcomes
experiential learning from the residency week are
residency week are critically residency week are in part applied residency week are vague and from the residency week are
within the assignment critically applied to the
applied to the assignment. to the assignment. unclear in the assignment. unclear.

Format and Presentation; Excellent organization, Adequate organization, Poor organization, presentation Poor organization,
Good organization, presentation
presentation skills and referencing presentation skills and referencing skills and referencing as presentation skills and
coherence, expression and as appropriate which fully
skills and referencing as
as appropriate which on the whole appropriate such that the referencing as appropriate
accuracy of references. appropriate which maintains the
maintains the confidence of the maintains the confidence of the confidence of the reader is that fails to maintain the
confidence of the reader
(10%) reader reader compromised confidence of the reader.

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