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Chapter II

This chapter gives an overview on the researchers’ methods and approaches on gathering

data and this includes the research design, participants and sampling technique, research

instruments, data gathering procedure and methods of data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers have established a mixed method design whereas according to Bulsara

(2016) is a methodology for conducting a research that involves collecting, analyzing, and

integrating (or mixing) quantitative and qualitative research (and data) in a single study or a

longitudinal program of inquiry. The researchers have conducted concurrent triangulation mixed

method design strategy wherein the researchers have conducted both quantitative and qualitative

research and collected survey and interview data concurrently and compared the results. The

purpose of this study is to capitalizes on the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative

methodology. The researchers have executed a descriptive survey research as well as an in depth

interview to obtain both numerical and categorical data through formal but interactive and

systematic process to gather information that will be looked at in both objective and subjective

approach. In line with this kind of research design the researchers did no attempt on

manipulating or changing the behavior or conditions that the variables possess from the

beginning until the end of the research proper. The researchers respectably used both structured

five-scale, closed- ended survey questionnaires and semi structured open-ended questionnaires.
Participants and Sampling Technique

The researchers have used a mixed method design methodology therefore this study is

comprised of two groups of participants and this will be further explained below:

Quantitative Research Participants

In this section of the study, the research is comprised of students coming from both junior

(Grade 7-10) and senior high school (Grade 11-12) students coming from two (2) private

institutions namely Holy Family Montessori (HFM) and Saint Joseph Academy (SJA) and one

public institution namely Taysan National High school. The total population who participated in

the researchers’ survey is composed of four hundred and twenty-three (423) female participants

and four hundred and forty-seven (247) male participants with the total of six hundred and

seventy (670) participants.

Qualitative Research Participants

This section of the study is comprised of two groups of participants, one group from the

representatives of water refilling stations which is comprised of three (3) participants and one

group which is comprised of two (2) municipal health inspectors and one resident doctor with a

total of three (3) health related individuals.

The researchers have chosen the participants through the use of maximum variation

sampling technique of purposive random sampling whereas the participants in the study where

chosen to be able the researchers to gain greater insights into the phenomenon by being able to

gather various data from different perspectives of the participants. The researchers have

established a set of standards to be able to choose participants to be included in the study and this

are the following: 1.) One must be a resident in San Jose, Batangas, 2.) One must be enrolled in
one of the aforementioned schools (HFM, SJA, TNHS) for the academic year 2017-2018, 3. One

must be 12-19 years old, and for the health officials, 1.) One must be registered resident/worker

in San Jose, Batangas and 2.) One must have practiced his/her profession for more than 3 years

in residency. The researchers have ensured that all the chosen participants are eligible and can

provide accurate and precise information to ensure the validity and truthfulness of the research


Research Instruments

To be able to accumulate a precise, quantifiable and categorizable data the researchers

have developed two sets of research questionnaires. The researchers through the in depth

analyzation of the review of related literature and statement of the problem have produced a set

of survey questionnaires that is categorized into three (3) categories with maximum of two (2) to

five (5) questions each per category namely Substance, Awareness, and Safety with the total

number of ten (10) structured closed ended ( quantifiable and are answerable by the scales used

by the researchers) multi-choice-response questionnaires ( Strongly Disagree, Disagree,

Uncertain, Agree, Strongly Agree) that is intended for the student respondents, on the other hand

the researchers have produced two sets of semi structured in depth interview questionnaires

which is comprised of eight (8) to nine (9) questions each. The in depth interview questionnaires

is intended for the representatives of water refilling stations, and for the three (3) health related

individuals. Both of questionnaires complement and will sufficiently support each other’s results.
Data Gathering Procedure

After the formulation and validation of the research instruments, the researchers began

issuing the consent forms to three (3) renowned schools in San Jose, Batangas namely Holy

Family Montessori, Saint Joseph Academy and Taysan National High school indicating and

aiming for the school’s consent to participate and allow the researchers to conduct a five (5)

minutes survey to each of their students in all grade levels. The researchers have conducted their

survey on the three (3) institutions for three consecutive days, simultaneously, the researchers

also conducted an in depth interview with the representatives of water refilling stations and sent

a letter to the municipal city hall’s personnel department head seeking for her approval for an

interview between the two municipal health inspectors. After gathering all the necessary data for

both of the quantitative and qualitative research the researchers calculated the total number of

survey questionnaires and in depth interview’s transcribed statements and found out to have six

hundred and seventy (670) survey participants and six (6) in depth interview participants. In

addition, upon knowing the results of the survey questionnaires the researchers have decided to

conduct an observation between the various reaction of a pH reagent (a liquid that changes in

color depending on the acidity and or basicity level of a clear substance) to various popular water

brands as well as tap waters that is widely consumed by the residents in San Jose, Batangas to

determine whether a particular water is acidic, slightly acidic, neutral or base. In all this, the data

gathering procedures is done accordingly and with regards to research ethics to ensure the

accuracy and truthfulness of the gathered data as well as the research results. In addition, all the

survey questionnaires together with the participants’ information are kept properly to ensure the

safety and privacy of the participants together with the raw and transcribed interviews.
Methods of Data Analysis

To be able to attain the necessary data and be able to interpret it accurately, the

researchers have performed various methods to analyze raw data coming from both quantitative

and qualitative study.

Quantitative Data Analysis

In this study the researchers have conducted a descriptive survey research, the raw data

given by the collected answered survey questionnaires are analyzed through descriptive data

analysis from which the numerical values are obtained statistically from the samples that gives

meaning to the data collected is used to process and analyze the data on hand. The researchers

have used a statistical index that describes the average of the set of values commonly known as

the measure of central tendency and the researchers specifically used the mean with the formula

X= where x stands for the mean, then ∑ 𝑥 stands for the sum of the value of the raw data and

n stands for the total number of population for the calculation of the sum of the raw data divided

by the total number of participants or the average which is also equivalent to percentage that is

derived from the data provided by the frequency distribution with the formula of ∑𝑓 = 𝑛

whereas ∑ is equivalent to the phrase “summation of’ and f stands for the frequency of how

many times the data appears in the whole computation while n is the total population of the


Qualitative Data Analysis

In this part of the study, after the researchers have transcribed all the verbatim of the

recorded interviews, the researchers began the analysis of the raw data through conceptual

analysis or the coding of the data for certain words and identifying their patterns to easily
interpret their meanings. Subsequently, upon finishing the coding of the texts, the researchers

have sorted out and examined the data through thematic analysis or the grouping of the data into

themes. The researchers have found out through the coding and sorting of the data that the

themes naturally emerged from the gathered data for the questions are derived from the statement

of the problem that is comprised of five (5) related sub questions consequent from a specific

general question.

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