CBM 2018-20 (Course Outline)

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Amrita School of Business

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

M.B.A 2018-2020
Term v (01 Oct 2019 – 17 Dec 2019)


Course Code: F1515E

Credits: 3

Total Sessions: 24

Course Instructor: DR.BALAGOPAL.P.K.

Contact Information: balagopal.pk@gmail.com

Office: S-4

Office hours: Tuesday &Saturday 2:00 – 4:45 pm

Course contributes mostly to: Employability/ value addition/ skill development

Course Description

Banking has become the driving force behind all developmental activities of our country today. The traditional banking
culture in India coupled with the technological innovations efficiently guided and monitored by the Reserve Bank of
India has put the Indian banking system at par with many developing nations. It has always been the endeavor of the
policy makers to see to it that banking includes and never forgets its social obligations.
The recent issues of rising NPA portfolio in banks have been the focus of strategies formulated by the Reserve Bank
and the Finance Ministry. There has been bank mergers in the offing.
Banker is the person who takes calculated risks. Commercial bank management basically means the management of
risk. Hence it is necessary for the bank managers to have the competence to assess and foresee the risks and
systematically set off the same by imbibed skills. This poses a great challenge to the bank management and this
course is intended to impart necessary skills to the would be managers.

Course Objectives
This course introduces major concepts and tools used in the overall design, control and improvement of the banking
business processes. It introduces Risk Management and the role the function plays in a credit-creating organization.
Emphasis is given both to familiarization of various terms, concepts, processes and service delivery systems, and to
quantitative analysis of problems/ issues arising in the management of operations. Successful completion of the
course will empower the students, even if one does not plan to work in Banking, to be able to improve just about any
process in any area of the business. At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Have the clear understanding of the banking system

2. Be in a position to analyze and manage with skill the inherent risks in the system
3. Be able to progressively suggest improved business models, effective and sustainable
4. Be able to analyze and evaluate the performance of the banks
Amrita School of Business
2018 -19
Alignment of course objectives (CO) with learning goals (LG) of Assurance of Learning
Derived from its mission, ASB has adopted five learning goals, (apart from the discipline competency) - the
management-specific attributes, knowledge and skills that its graduates are expected to possess when they complete
the programme. The six outcomes of this course are mapped to the ‘Critical and integrative Thinking’ learning goal.
The assessments, written report for the field visit would reinforce the second learning goal, ‘Effective written and oral

LG Critical and Effective written Societal and

integrative and oral Environmental Leadership
CO Thinking communication Awareness

CO1 3 0 2 3 0

CO2 3 0 0 3 0

CO3 3 0 0 2 0

CO4 3 0 0 2 0

Key: 3 – Highly relevant; 2 –Moderately relevant; 1 – Low relevance; 0- No relevance

Unit-wise scope for outcomes and Bloom’s taxonomy

COMMERCIAL BANK MANAGEMENT being the elective course is designed focusing primarily on the Bloom’s
learning levels of applying, analyzing and evaluating levels of learning.

Bloom’s Levels of Learning CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4

Creating X
Evaluating X X X
Analyzing X X X
Applying X X
Understanding X
Remembering X X

Structure of the course

The Commercial Bank Management course is divided into general introduction to the banking system, the architecture
of the Indian banking, the regulations and controlling systems, the practical banking services with latest innovations,
the management of risk, asset-liability, mergers etc..
The classes will use discussions on case studies, supported with lectures. Though the course is focused on strategy,
techniques will also be practiced. Tutorials allow for problem solving practice. Every module will have assigned ‘take
home’ exercises to practice critical thinking, where the students are expected ‘to earn a ticket to class’ with their
questions based on the assigned work. The students shall work in groups on the assigned topic to submit a term/
research paper. This exercise is to give the students an opportunity to identify and use appropriate information and to
practice analysing and reporting skills.

Amrita School of Business

2018 -19
Assessment (Grading Policy: Relative)
S. no Description Weight
Group assessment (25%)
Students are assigned class preparation work for each module; They bring with
Class preparation - 3
1 them to the class 3 questions from the assigned work, for which they look for 5%
answers in the session

They are instructed to follow the guidelines and to visit bank branches for a
2 Fieldwork report 10%
survey and present a written report
Individual Assessment (75%)
1 Attendance Expected attendance, as per the rules 5%

Assignment/ case Each student individually completes the assignment over a time period but case
2 15%
studies studies are presented and discussed in the class

Mid-term A closed book exam with emphasis on the understanding and application of
3 30%
examination concepts
End-term A closed book comprehensive exam with emphasis on analyzing, evaluating and
4 35%
examination critiquing

Course Requirements
Throughout this course, the students are expected to demonstrate highest levels of involvement and commitment, in
terms of efforts, quality of work, and conduct both at individual level and as groups. The potential of making learning
interesting and effective lies primarily in the hands of the students and are expected to use the same for this course
throughout the term. The course demands study efforts of 6 hours/week outside classroom (3 hours for every
one session of class). Preparation is mandatory for attending the classes.

Course Text
Books exclusively used for this course:
Commercial Banking- The Management of Risk by BENTON. E. GUP & JAMES. W. KOLARI
Banking Theory and Practice – by K.C.SHEKHAR & LEKSHMI SHEKHAR
Bank Management and Financial Services – by Peter.S.Rose & Sylvia.C.Hudgins
Suggested journals for reference – Journal of IIBF, Bare Act of NI ACT 1881Operations Management: Process
and Supply Chains, Eleventh Edition, Lee J. Krajewski, Manoj K. Malhotra, Larry P. Ritzman & Samir K.
Srivastava, Pearson


1 Banking Architecture in Chapter Banking theory and practice - ICICI Bank run
India -1 R.Shekhar
2 Types of banks, Commercial bank
nationalization management- Kanaiyah
3 Banking regulations 2
4 Reserve Bank of India Banker's bank- Discussion
5 Banking technology 3 ATM frauds - Discussion Recent ATM

Amrita School of Business

2018 -19
6 e-Banking -security
7 Payment services 4
8 Clearing of cheques Truncation guidelines
9 Retail Banking 5
10 Retail Lending
11 Corporate Banking 6
12 Term loans/W.C Assessment MSME- guidelines
13 Credit monitoring 7 exercises/ Assignments
14 Guarantees /Non-fund
based lending
15 Private banking 8
16 Entry of banks into
17 Risk Management 9 Commercial banking-Benton E
18 Risk Management Gap analysis- problems
19 Investment/ Treasury 10
20 Fin. Stmt. Analysis excercises/ Assignments Key
21 Fin. Stmt. Analysis
22 Performance evaluation 11
23 Marketing strategies Loyalty Pyramid - structure
24 Innovative banking 12
25 Contemporary issues
26 Financial Inclusion
27 Account of customers GEN Types of customers Minor's Account
28 Customer /Banker
29 Pledge/ Mortgages
30 Some legal Aspects IIBF Journals

Contribution to placement: Direct placement to Banks/ other financial intermediaries are based on
the student profile with the concept, practical knowledge and analytical skill in the domain with
effective application of tools. The course is intended to impart this vital acumen in the students.


Amrita School of Business

2018 -19

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