Bar Hypermesh Tutorial

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Assignment 1

Stress and displacement analysis in a bar with a circular section when the
axial load is applied.

Q. A bar having length 1000mm and cross section of bar is circular having diameter
of 40mm. A axial load is applied at the end of the bar. What is maximum
Displacement and stress ?

Ans. The displacement of bar

dl =





dl= 0.3789*10-2

Stress= P/A

= 0.7957 MPa
Step 1: Launch Hyper Mesh Desktop and Set the User Profile

1. Launch Hyper Mesh Desktop. The User Profiles dialog will appear by default.

2. Choose OptiStruct as the user profile by selecting the radio button beside it.

3. Click OK.

Step 2: Define the Material

1. Right-click on the Model Browser tab and select Create > Material.

2. The new material card opens in the Entity Editor. Enter the following values for the

3. Here we will use MAT1 which is a linear isotropic material that can represent the

Behavior well.
Step 3: Define the Cross section of beam element

1. From the 1-D page, click HYPERBEAM to access the launch panel.

2. Click standard section and then select standard section type.

3. Click on create.
4. Give the dimension and exit from hyper view window.

Step 4: Create Model Properties

1. Right-click on the Model Browser to Create > Property to create a new property
card, which opens in the Entity Editor.
2.Enter the following values to define the Beam property card

3.Click on create and edit . Check the continuation line 2.

Step 5: Assign component

Select component and give component name and colour and all other parameter
according below fig.

Step 6: Define the length of bar.

From Geometry>nodes>xyz option>Give value (0,0,0) for reference

And specify the length and create.

Give no of nodes above two nodes and press create
Step-7:from 1D-element>bars>node list

Select the node and create

Step 8: Apply constraint to your model

1. Right-click on the Model Browser tab and click on Create > Load Collector.

2. In the Entity Editor, set the name to SPC and change the colour of the load

3. From the pull down menu, click on BCs > Create > Constraints.

4. Change the entity selection from nodes to points.

5. Select the lower left-hand side point and fix 1, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6 DOFs.

Step 9: Apply the forces to your model

1. Create a new load collector named Force and change its color to red.

2. From the pull down menu, click on BCs > Create > Forces.

3. Change the entity selection from nodes to points.

4. Select the middle point on the upper side of the beam.

5. Enter for magnitude = -1000 and change the direction selector to x-axis.

6. Click create.
Step 10: Define the load step

1. Right-click in the Model Browser and select Create > Load Steps.

2. Enter the following information into the new load step through the Entity Editor
Step 11: Run the analysis

1. From the Analysis page, click OptiStruct to access the launch panel.

2. Click on save as to select a location to run the solution at.

3. Click on OptiStruct to export the model with the default filename and start the
4. Wait until the message Process completed successfully appears in the prompt
window. This message means that the process has run without error and the result
files are available for post-processing.

1. Click on the contour toolbar button and select as the result Displacement. Click
Apply .

2. Click on the Deformed button and set the Scale: to Scale factor, the Type: to
Uniform and Value: to 10. Change the undeformed shape: to edges and click Apply


With the third window active, click on the contour toolbar button and change the
contour type to ELEMENT STRESSES (1D)

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