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In partial fulfillment for the degree course of




Enrollment No -SGVU45D2001703370
MBA(In Marketing Management)

Suresh GyanVihar University, Jaipur ( Rajasthan)
December, 2019


I, Miss. Poonam Goyal hereby declare that this project report is the record of authentic work carried out
by me during the academic year 2018-2019 inRalas Motors.


This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “A STUDY OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION AT
MAHINDRA BOLERO, RALAS MOTORS”submitted by AkashAgrawal for the partial fulfillment of
Degree of Masters of Business Administration from is an authentic work performed by the Student.

This work has been submitted for the sole purpose of academic interest.

Internal Examiner/Guide External



This is to certify that Poonam Goyal a bonafide student , studying in M..B.A IV Semester has successfully

I wish him all success in every endeavor of life.






The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assisting from many people
and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my project work. Whatever I
have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I owe my gratitude to my most respectable project guide who took keen interest on my project work and
guided me all along, till the completion of the project work by providing all the information for
developing a good system. I am also thankful to Manishraj Singhania, director of Ralas Motors, Raipur
(C.G.), who gave me an opportunity to do the project work under his guidance and provided all the
necessary time and information required to do the project work.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance from all
Teaching staffs of Department of Management, SGVU which helped in successful completion of my
project. Also I would like to thank all the respondents, friends and all other who helped me with their
valuable suggestions. Endeavour been made the project error free yet I apologize for the mistakes.

MBA IV Semester


1. CHAPTER-1 7 – 16

2. CHAPTER-2 17 - 27

3. CHAPTER-3 28 - 60

4. CHAPTER -4 61 - 84


5. CHAPTER-5 75 - 80






Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), the market leader in multi-utility vehicles in India. The companystarted
manufacturing commercial vehicles in 1945. M&M is the leader by far in commercialvehicle and the
second largest in the passenger vehicle market. The company is the world‟s sixthlargest medium and
heavy commercial vehicle manufacturing.

Mahindra is best known for utility vehicles and tractors in India, Its automotive division, thecompany's
oldest unit (founded in 1945), makes jeeps and three-wheelers (not passenger "autorickshaws," but
utilitarian delivery and flatbed incarnations). M&M‟s farm equipment sector,formed in 1963 during
India‟s green revolution, manufactures tractors and industrial engines.

M&M also produces military vehicles. The company has facilities located throughout India.The survey
involved gathering wide information about the company, its products, customersatisfaction and impact of
various competitive firms on the company.From the information collected, various aspects were identified
where the company needs tofocus more to improve the efficiency of marketing team of Mahindra

The research was conducted through collection of primary and secondary data. Secondary datawas
collected through visiting various web sites, automobile magazines and otherreliable sources. Primary data
was collected through a well-framed questionnaire, ofwhich later a detailed analysis was done using
various statistical I.T. tools like MS Word andMS Excel.

On the basis, the secondary data analysis and the extensive analysis of the primarydata, interpretations
were drawn for the questions and conclusion is drawn. Certain suggestionsare also drawn from the
analysis to help. Mahindra Automotives to increase its market share incommercial passenger segment and
MPVs. The main research that followed is to know“Customer satisfaction towards Mahindra BOLERO
SLX”, a new SUV recently launched byMahindra. Due to the limited resources and time constraints, the
study was conducted within thearea RAIPUR.


Customer Satisfaction is the buzzword used by the business people for the success of organization in
the present days. Due to the increases of heavy competition in every product – line it become difficult
for the companies to retain the customers for longer time. So retain the customer for longer time the
marketer has to do only one things i.e. customer satisfaction .If customer is fully satisfied by the
product it not only rub the organization successfully but also fetch many benefits for the company .
They are less process sensitive and they remain customer for a longer period. They buy addition
products overtimes as the company introduce related produce related products or improved, so
customer satisfactions is gaining a lot of importance in the present day. Every company is conducting
survey on customer satisfaction level on their products .To make the products up to the satisfaction
level of customers.

This project is also done to know the customers satisfaction on the BOLERO on behalf of Mahindra
and Mahindra Automobiles. The impact of automobile industry on the rest of the economy has been so
pervasive and momentous that is characterized as second industrial. It played a vital role in helping the
nation to produce higher value good and services and in the enhancing their skills and impose
tremendous demand for automobile. The decrease in the interest rate and easy available of cars loons
from 2 to 3 years, lot of car manufacturers company facing cut throat competition in the fields of
technology and price, So to gain the market share it is important for the institutes to satisfy its
customers and to retain the reputation and its image.

The impact of automobile industry on the rest of the economy has been so pervasive andmomentous that is
characterized as second industrial. It played a vital role in helping the nationto produce higher value good
and services and in the enhancing their skills and imposetremendous demand for automobile.
The decrease in the interest rate and easy available of cars loons from 2 to 3 years, lot of carmanufacturers
company facing cut throat competition in the fields of technology and price, So togain the market share it
is important for the institutes to satisfy its customers and to retain thereputation and its image.

Consumer Attitude:-

Consumer attitudes are a composite of a consumer’s – beliefs, feelings and behavioral intentions
towards some object/product within the context of marketing, usually a brand or a retail store.
These components are viewed together as they are interdependent and together they represent
the forcesthat influence the consumer attitude towards any product.

a. Belief- The first component of consumer attitude is belief. A consumer may hold both positive
and negative beliefs towards a product. In additional, some beliefs may be neutral also and some
may vary with the situation or the person. Consumers tend to hold many more beliefs that must be
added to obtain an accurate measurement.
b. Feelings – Consumers also hold certain feelings towards brands or specific products. Sometimes
these are based on beliefs but sometimes it is independent of beliefs.
c. Behavioral intention- It is what consumers plan to do with respect to the object.

The varieties of consumer attitudes are:-

 Attitude towards Product

 Attitude towards Company
 Attitude towards Retailer
 Attitude towards Product Attributes
 Attitude towards various types of Brand Association

Consumer attitudes can be both an obstacle and an advantage to the organization.

A marketer is challenged to understand the reason behind a particular consumer’s attitude, which is a
result of positive and negative personal experiences faced by the consumer.


Organizations are increasingly interested retaining existing customers while targeting non-customers
measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at providing
products and /or services to the marketplace.

Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of
satisfaction will very from person to person and the product/service to product/service. The state of
satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables which chorrelate with
satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommended rate. The level of satisfaction can also very
depending on other options the customer may have and other products against which the customer can
compare the organizations products.

Customer Satisfaction Strategies Followed By M&M:-

The different strategies followed by M&M consists of Customer relationship management, strategy to
providing better facility to the owner, and strategy to provide better after sales service to customer.

Customer Relationship Management:-

CRM as a tool was used to create positive word-of-mouth, to monitor customer experiences and
generate referrals. A series of CRM activities were implemented with regular direct communication,
events and customer satisfaction surveys, Events, Festive offers, Rewards Program, etc.


Customer satisfaction is largely a reflection of the expectations and experiences that the customer
has with a product or service. However expectations also reflect that influences the evaluation of the
product or service. When we make major purchases, we research the product or service and gain
information from the advertising, salespersons, and word-of-mouth from friends and associates. This
information influences our expectations and ability to evaluate quality, value, and the ability of the
product or service to meet our needs.

In meeting customers' requirements and measuring customers' satisfaction indexes, customer perception
should be definitely a key consideration. Qualified services in the operation execution layer, technical
management layer and business development layer are necessary. However, it is even more important to
efficiently understand customer expectations and make efforts to exceed their expectations. Therefore,
customer perception management becomes a central topic. Frankly speaking, among all indexes in
customer satisfaction management, the biggest challenge is customer perception management, or customer
perception satisfaction.


The emerging consumer movement necessities markets to understand consumer behavior their
needs, expectations and problems. It will be easier in exploiting marketing opportunities meeting the
challenges of the market. Thus marketers must try to offer the product wanted by the customers at the
price he is prepared to pay, through distribution channel convenient to him and with a proper promotional
activities. A consumer by nature is extrovert, a study of consumer behavior helps to formulate marketing
program mix and policies.


To understand consumer behavior on the eventual buying decisions, the major factors have to be clearly
understood and analyzed.

They are:

1. Buyer characteristics.
2. Personal characteristics.
3. Seller characteristics.
4. Situational characteristics.

1. Buyer characteristics:

It deals with the individuals, personal, psychological, cultural and social characteristics.
2. Personal characteristics:

It deals with the factors like age, sex, occupation, lifestyles, economic and financial conditions,
culture which affects the consumers purchase behavior.

3. Seller characteristics:

Influences the buying decision factor lies in the image of the facilities offered by the companies or
retail out lets etc affects the choice of the buyers. the buyers decision will be based on the attitudes,
behaviors’ and characteristics of the seller or sales person.

4. Situational characteristics;

This also plays an important role in influencing the decision of the buyer. The aspects such as time,
day, season, financial conditions, marketing situations, demand for the products etc.

Methods of tracking and measuring customer satisfaction:

A company tools for tracking and measuring customer satisfaction range from primitive to sophisticate.

The following methods are used to measure customer satisfaction

1. Complaints and suggestion system:

A customer centered organization would make it easy for its customer to deliver suggestions and
complaints. Many customers maximize the ease with telephone numbers, customer can inquire, make
suggestion on complaint. These information flows provide these companies with many good ideas and
enable them to act more rapidly to resolve the problems.

2. Lost customer analysis:

Companies should contact customers who have stopped buying or switched to another supplier. It
is important to conduct exit interview and monitor the customer loss rate.

3. Customer satisfaction survey:

A company must not conclude that it can get a full picture of customer satisfaction and
dissatisfaction by simply running a complaint and suggestion system. Studies show that customer4s are
dissatisfied with one out of every ten purchases and less than 2% dissatisfied customers will complain
customers may feel that their complaints are minor.

Purchasing and consuming

It is important to distinguish between purchase and consumption for three reasons. Firstly the
product may be purchased by 1% and consumed by another. Secondary the purchase depends on
consumer expectation of the degree to which brands are likely to satisfy needs. Thirdly a consumer post
purchase evolution determines whether the brand is likely to be repurchased.

Satisfaction v/s Dissatisfaction

Satisfaction occurs when customer’s expectations met to exceed and the purchase decision is
reinforced. Satisfaction reinforces positive attitudes towards the brand leading to a greater likelihood that
the customer will re purchase the same brand, dissatisfaction results when consumer expectation is not
met.Thus we assert that b the buyers forms a judgment of value acts on it whether the buyers are satisfied
after purchase depends upon the offer performance in relation to the buyers expectation. here is our
definition of customer satisfaction, thus the satisfaction level is a function of the difference between
perceived performance and expectations. a customer could experience on their board level of satisfaction.
If the performance matches the expectations the customer is satisfied if the performance exceeds
expectations, a customer is highly satisfied, pleased or delighted. But how do buyers form their
expectations? Expectations are formed on the basis of the buyers past buying experience, statements made
by friends and associates and market and competitor information and promises etc. if marketers raise
expectations to high the buyers are likely to be disappointed, some of today’s most successful company
are raising expectations and delivering performance to match. Thus companies are aiming for total
consumer satisfaction.

The automobile industry has changed the way people live and work. The earliest of modern cars was
manufactured in the year 1895.

Shortly the first appearance of the car followed in India. As the century turned, three cars were
imported in Mumbai (India). Within decade there were total of 1025 cars in the city.

The dawn of automobile actually goes back to 4000 years when the first wheel was used for
transportation in India. In the beginning of 15th century,Portuguese arrived in China and the
interaction of the two cultures led to a variety of new technologies, including the creation of a wheel
that turned under its own power. By 1600s small steam-powered engine models was developed, but it
took another century before a full-sized engine-powered vehicle was created.

Brothers Charles and Frank Duryea introduced the actual horseless carriage in the year 1893. It was
the first internal-combustion motor car of America, and it was followed by Henry Ford’s first
experimental car that same year.

One of the highest-rated early luxury automobiles was the 1909 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost that featured
a quiet 6-cylinder engine, leather interior, folding windscreens and hood, and an aluminum body.

Chauffeurs usually drove it and emphasis was on comfort and style rather than speed.
During the 1920s, the cars exhibited design refinements such as balloon tires, pressed-steel wheels,
and four-wheel brakes.

Graham Paige DC Phaeton of 1929 featured an 8-cylinder engine and an aluminum body.The 1937
Pontiac De Luxesedanhad roomy interior and rear-hinged back door that suited more to the needs of
families. In 1930s, vehicles were less boxy and more streamlined than their predecessor was.

The 1940s saw features like automatic transmission, sealed-beam headlights, and tubeless tires.The year
1957 brought powerful high-performance cars such as Mercedes-Benz 300SL. It was built on compact and
stylized lines, and was capable of 230 kmph (144 mph).

This was the Indian automobile history, and today modern cars are generally light, aerodynamically
shaped, and compact.




Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) was established in 1945 as Mahindra & Mohammed. Later on, after the
partition of India, one of the partners - Ghulam Mohammad - returned to Pakistan, where he became
Finance Minister. As a result, the company was renamed to Mahindra & Mahindra in1948.

M&M started its operation as a manufacturer of general-purpose utility vehicles. It assembled CKD
jeeps in 1949. Over the passing years, the company expanded its business and started manufacturing
light commercial vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural tractors.

Apart from agricultural tractors and LCVs, Mahindra & Mahindra also showed its dexterity in
manufacturing army vehicles. Soon, it started its operations abroad, through its plants set up in China,
the United Kingdom and the USA.

M&M partnered with companies prominent in the international market, including Renault SA,
International Truck and Engine Corporation, USA, in order to mark its global presence. M&M also
started exporting its products to several countries across the world. Subsequently, it set up its
branches including Mahindra Europe Srl (based in Italy), Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa
and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd.

At the same time, M&M managed to be the largest manufacturer of tractors in India, by holding
leadership in the market of the country, for around 25 years. The company is an old hand in
designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing tractors as well as farm implements. It made its
entry to the passenger car segment in India, with the manufacture of Logan (mid-size sedan) in April
2007, under the Mahindra Renault collaboration.
Soon after the considerable success of Logan, M&M started launching a wide range of LCVs and three
wheelers as well as SUVs including Scorpio and BOLERO. In the present time, BOLERO has gained
immense popularity in India. It is one of the most opted vehicles in itsclass.









Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched Mahindra Scorpio as its first Sports Utility Vehicle in
India in 2002. This SUV has redefined the expectations for the design of SUVs with its
sturdy looks and powerful performance, the sophisticated interior design adds to the
further glory to the appearance.


Mahindra & Mahindra is planning to launch a new multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) to take on the
Toyota Innova and the Chevrolet Tavera in both the individual buyer and taxi
segments. Mahindra has currently named the project Ingenio. The vehicle is expected to hit the
market 2009 in


Much awaited Mahindra-Renault Logan has been launched in India. This compact sedan is a
spacious, practical and affordable vehicle. The outlook of Logan is impressive and the basic
version is a value for money, however the top-end versions are a bit high on price.
The prominent feature of this car is its performance, interiors and economy.

Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched their latest Multi Utility Vehicle (MUV) “Xylo” in
India on January 13, 2009. The car boasts of having all the luxurious features that are seen in
today‟s sedans, with the ample space of a utility vehicle. Xylo's muscular stance contributes to its
commanding road presence. Fully packed with the latest features, the MUV is sure to impress
Indian consumers and provide a stiff competition to the other vehicles within its class

Performance of Mahindra XYLO

Under the hood of Mahindra Xylo lies a 4-cylinder turbocharged, mEagle diesel engine, which
generates a power of 112bhp @ 3800 rpm and a peak torque of 24 kgm @ 1800-3000 rpm. The

powerful engine is developed on the NEF CRDe platform and is mated to 5-gears manual
transmission. The car accelerates from rest to 60 km/h in just 5.8 seconds


The Mahindra Maxx, a product under the Mahindra Maxx range, is a spacious passenger utility
vehicle with a maximum seating capacity of 10 persons. It is perfect vehicle for large families
going on long trips. The MUV comes with a spacious cabin with decent legroom.
Available in 4 main choices: Base, TX, LX and Festara, the MUV comes loaded with a lot of
merits. It has a long wheelbase of 2430 mm to provide for a large seating capacity and cargo
space. The vehicle has a high ground clearance of 200 mm which gives it good stability on offroad
drives. Because of these reasons, the Mahindra Maxx is more popular in semi-urban and
rural areas of the country.
The vehicle has high fuel efficiency and delivers more than any other vehicle in its category. It
comes with a 3-year warranty so that initial maintenance is not heavy on the pockets


Mahindra Marshal Deluxe Royale is a Sport and Utility Vehicle with has a seating capacity of
nine people. Its design resembles Mahindra‟s old model of jeeps; but with some modifications. It
has a 5-door design with a hard top, ensuring safety. The interiors are comfortable too with
ergonomically designed seats affording travelling comfort.
The Mahindra Marshal Deluxe Royale can be a good purchase with regards to its seating
capacity and also its technologically advanced features. Although, the price is on a bit higher
side, it is worth investing.


Mahindra bolero
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited launched the second generation Bolero in March 2007. The allnew
sports-utility vehicle (SUV) comes with refreshed looks and style. The exteriors and
interiors of the latest Bolero have been designed in way that will find appeal with the younger
generation of car buyers in India. The automobile sports a host of new features, which perfectly
suit the needs of Indian consumers. An off-road SUV, it delivers uncompromising fuel efficiency
and commendable performance on city roads as well.
Get a sneak peek at what‟s new in the tough new Bolero. Get the lowdown on how it makes your
drive a never before experience.

New Mahindra Bolero is powered by 2523cc Turbo Charged DI (Direct Injection) diesel engine,
which generates a power of 63.2 PS @ 3200 rpm and 18.4 kgm of torque @ 1440-1500 rpm. The
2.5L engine is much more refined than its previous model. The good, low-end torque of Bolero
allows a smooth ride on gradients and bumpy roads.

Design and Comfort

Mahindra Bolero flaunts a new, sleek front grille and muscular bumper that accentuate the
appearance of its fascia. The rear side appears more sophisticated, with curved clear lens
taillights. Adding to the appeal of the exteriors is the well-contoured door handles. Ergonomics
in the cabin of the all-new Bolero have been reworked to suit the present-day consumer's desire.
Its plush bucket seats offer a greater degree of comfort to the occupants.
Discover the ergonomic driver‟s seat, the arm rest in the middle row or the multi-directional AC
louvers. There are little touches everywhere to make your drive less of a drive and more of a
pleasant journey.

Mahindra Bolero sports a trendy dashboard and instrument cluster. The efficiency of the air
conditioning system has also been improved. The audio system is integrated on the instrument

panel in such a way that the controls are within easy reach of the driver. The new Mahindra
Bolero comes packed with many utility spaces. There are small storage areas for various
passenger needs, which are neatly tucked away in the space-efficient central console.

Ride and Handling

New Mahindra Bolero comes equipped with an advanced NGT 520 transmission, along with
synchromesh gears, which allow smooth gearshifts. The automobile's front suspension is built to
withstand tough road conditions, while giving its occupants utmost comfort. A combination of
disc and drum brakes is used in the SUV, which facilitates smooth braking on all road
conditions. The wide radial tyres of Bolero ensure better road grip, safety and improved

Mahindra Bolero comes equipped with anti-roll bars that help the vehicle hold to the ground
even on the tightest bends. Its braking system prevents the locking of wheels on slippery roads.
The new SUV also has a long wheelbase, which provides greater stability to the automobile. The
other safety features of Mahindra Bolero include central locking and seat belt/door open

The Bolero is built solidly but that didn‟t stop us from enhancing the sense of security. So we put
in anti-roll bars to help hug the ground even on the tightest bends, brakes that prevent wheel
locking and a seat belt/door open warning system.
From the aggressive grille ornament to the muscular front fascia, low stance fender extensions,
clear lens headlamps and stand out wheel arches there's a lot you can discover in the new Bolero.
All at a dealer near you.

Find space for magazines or maps, slots for bottles or cans, a surprisingly large glove box to
swallow anything you throw into it. There‟s even a 12V charging point along with a mobile
holder. So the only thing you have to think about is your destination.

The high power and high torque give the Bolero great load carrying capabilities especially over
inclines. The synchromesh gears make gear shifts and even city driving a cinch. And the unique
Mahindra DI engine gives you uncompromising fuel economy too.

Variants, Price and Color

The eight variants of new Mahindra Bolero are SLX, DX, DI, XLS, XL, Sports, Invader and
Camper. The SUV is available in five colors, including Apple Red, Fiery Black, Diamond White,
Rocky Beige and Turf Green. The latest version of Mahindra Bolero is priced between Rs 4.60
lakh and Rs 5.61 lakh.
Bolero Overview

Introduction Of Bolero Model

Take on anything starting now with the new Mahindra Bolero. Any road that calls itself tough
had better watch out. The new Mahindra Bolero comes loaded with new features in style,
comfort and convenience. To let you dominate whatever you encounter on the road.


Here's a sports utility vehicle that brings you brand new style with tried and tested performance.
A mid size SUV packed with.
New comforts and conveniences. Choose from five models, to fit your needs or to underline your
style. And own a driving experience that puts you firmly in command.

The Bolero SLX is the top-of-the-heap model. It has almost every feature on the new features
list. From the new trim on the front grille to the low stance fender or the clear lens headlamps.

For style the Bolero SLE matches the SLX in every aspect except one where it scores over its
high-end counterpart - sporty decals. In fact this is the only model with decals on it.

The spirit of the tough new Bolero without the frills is the best description for the Bolero DI. The
style, the aggression, the authority is all there minus the creature comforts and conveniences.
The spirit of the tough new Bolero without the frills is the best description for the Bolero DI. The
style, the aggression, the authority is all there minus the creature comforts and conveniences.
Click on the related links to get an outside-in picture of Mahindra‟s new vehicle.

Like its higher-end brothers, the Plus too has most of the style features found on the SLX list.
And if you care for more comforts and conveniences on the inside then all you have to do is
choose the power steering option.

The new Bolero VLX comes built-in with extraordinary power, thanks to the new steroidpumping
97 HP (71.5 KW) CRDe engine. This Bolero variant comes equipped with all you
would expect from India's No.1 SUV brand and much more. The noise-reducing, refined NVH
package clearly tells everything outside to 'shut up'. The Voice Assist System will make you
want to listen to this brute, once in a while. The sturdy suspension makes taking on any terrain a
breeze, while enhanced braking system makes sure you stay on the road.


Features and Specification

 Make Mahindra
 Model Bolero
 Variant SLX
 Body Type SUV
 No. of Doors 5

Fuel Efficiency:
 City Mileage 9.4 kmpl
 Highway Mileage 12.4 kmpl
 Fuel Capacity 60 liters
 Fuel Type Diesel
 Fuel Grade

Engine Parameters:
 Displacement 2523cc
 Bore -
 Stroke -
 Cylinder Configuration 4 inline
 Valve Gear Operation -
 Compression Ratio -
 No. of Valves 8
 Aspiration Turbo Charged
 Fuel System DI
 Horse Power 63.12@3200 ps@rpm
 Torque 180@1440 Nm@rpm

Steering and Suspension

 Steering Type Rack and pinion, power assist
 Power Steering Yes
 Front Suspension Independent with coil spring
 Rear Suspension Leaf spring

 Length 4056 mm
 Height 1880 mm
 Width 1660 mm

 Wheel Base 2680 mm
 Clearance 200 mm
 Boot -
 Front Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
 Front Leg Room – -
 Rear Head Room Min: 60mm Max: 60mm
 Rear Leg Room Min: 74mm Max: 94mm
 Krebs Weight Min: 1615kg Max: 1615 kg
 Gross Weight

Drive Train
 Type Manual
 Gears 5
 Drive Line RWD

Comforts Features
 AM / FM Radio Present
 Except AM / FM radio there is no other comfort is provided.

There is no safety feature included in Bolero SLX including antitheft system etc


BOLERO DI 4,94,000
BOLERO SLE 5,529,600
BOLERO SLX 5,83,000
BOLERO VLX 5,98,350

M&M’s 61st year was studded with a number of noteworthy achievements, prestigious prizes
and glittering awards.

Mr.Keshub Mahindra
Was awarded the “Business Visionary Award 2006” instituted by the National Institute ofIndustrial
Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai.
Chairman, Mr. Keshub Mahindra was also awarded the prestigious IBS KolkataLifetime Achievement
Award for his „unparalleled contribution to industrial growth andsocial and economic development of the
The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India‟s (ICFAI) India Business School (IBS)
presented it, Kolkata, at the Strategy Summit 2007, held in Kolkata.


Mr. Anand Mahindra, VC & MD, Mahindra Group, received a number of prestigious awards in
2006-07, including:

The prestigious CNBC Asia Business Leader of the Year Award for the Year 2006 aswell as the CNBC
TV India “Business Leader of the Year Award”.

The „CEO of the Year‟ award at the India Brand Summit 2006 co-sponsored by BusinessStandard and
ITM Business School in association with Times Now and DNA newspaper.

The LMA Entrepreneur of the Year 2006 award, instituted by the Ludhiana ManagementAssociation

The Most Inspiring Corporate Leader of the Year‟ Award by NDTV Profit

The NDTV Profit – Car & Bike Award 2007 for Automobile Man of the Year.

Mr. Anand Mahindra was also nominated as a Member of the Council of the Executive
Committee of the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) of the Govt. of India. He was
featured in the list of 50 Most Influential Indians in Business Week‟s edition dated August 13,


M&M has received the highest Governance & Value Creation rating, CRISIL GVC Level – I
from CRISIL for the ability to create value for all stakeholders, while adopting sound corporate
governance practices.


Mahindra & Mahindra was rated as the leading Indian company in the Automobile – Tractors
sector in the „Dun & Bradstreet – American Express Corporate Awards 2006‟. The Automobile
Sector comprises of three categories – Passenger Vehicles, Commercial Vehicles and Tractors.
These awards recognize the virtues of size and growth in the awards methodology. M&M ranked
No. 1 in these two segments in the premier Dun & Bradstreet India publication, India‟s Top 500
Companies 2006.


Mahindra & Mahindra was honored with the Amity HR Excellence Award at the Fourth Amity
Global HR Summit 2007 held at the Amity International Business School, Noida. The Amity HR
Excellence Award recognized Mahindra as one the most admired companies across the global on
account of its innovative strategies for Human Resources Management and Development.


Mahindra & Mahindra won the Global HR Excellence Award for Innovative HR
practices (Manufacturing Sector), in the Asia Pacific HRM Congress, held in Mumbai. These
awards recognize organizations and individuals who have embraced change, encouraged

constructive challenges and demonstrated entrepreneurial skills in the corporate world.


M&M was presented with the coveted Bombay Chamber Good Corporate Citizen Award 2006-
07 at a glittering ceremony held to celebrate the Chamber‟s 172nd Foundation Day on September
21, 2007. Mr. Bharat Doshi, Executive Director, M&M Ltd. and Mr. Rajeev Dubey, Member of
the Group Management Board and Chairman, Mahindra & Mahindra CSR Council, received the
award on behalf of the company. This Award recognizes and honors conspicuous achievement
by corporate organizations by way of service to the civic community, in addition to outstanding
operational performance. It takes into account several parameters, including Business
Performance, Corporate Interests, Employee Welfare, Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction
and Social Investment.


Mahindra & Mahindra won the coveted Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate
Governance 2006. This award validates the company‟s „Best-in-Class‟ corporate governance
Renault for Logan have led to a gain in ranks.”
M&M was ranked 22nd in Business India‟s annual survey of the country‟s top companies
- Super 100
M&M was ranked 31st in Business Today‟s annual survey of India‟s most valuable
Companiespractices and reflects its transparent and ethical dealings with stakeholders across the entire
valuechain. It recognizes the Management‟s commitment to the highest standards of corporate conduct
and its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility as a distinct activity that helps build
commendable social values and adds to the ethical fiber of the organization.


Mahindra & Mahindra has been awarded as the organization with the “Best Automotive
Manufacturing Supply Chain Excellence”. The awards were presented by India
Times Mindscape (Times of India Group) along with the Business India Group at the
Express, Logistics & Supply Chain Awards held in Mumbai on September 28, 2007. A. C.
Neilson is accredited with the research for the award nominees and winners.

M&M was ranked second in the prestigious e Most Trusted Car Company in India study
conducted by TNS. M&M scored 127 points, just seven points below the top ranking company,
according to a TNS communiqué.
M&M was ranked 14th in The Economic Times prestigious „ET 500‟ list of top achieving
companies in India? The company has moved up four ranks from last year.


Ralas Motors- anauthorised dealer of Mahindra & Mahindra automotive is the Flagship company of
Mahindra Group. The Group, which was started with a purpose of creating prosperity among vicinity, has
true to its purpose for more than a decade. The group has become gigantic and ventured into various
sectors like automobile, petroleum, construction, education, farm equipment, spirit etc. with stack holders’
growth at its heart. The group is driven by the values of visionary man Lt. ShriPrabhuDayaljiwhere
growth, trust and speed are followed as key ethics.

Mahindra Auto Centre has helped thousands to achieve their dream by delivering more than 4500-5,000
personal and commercial vehicles since inception.

An authorised sales and service dealership, Auto Centre in Raipur-chhattisgarh has been in the business
ever since the year 1996 with the vision of Late ShriPrabhuDayaljiAgrawal. In a short span of time, the
place made a name for itself as well as increased its patrons base tremendously. Ever since its inception,
the showroom has always ensured that it maintains a high standard when it comes to servicing its guests.
The establishment endeavours to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction and improving the
buying experience for its customers. During its time in the business, the company has constantly made
evident effort to keep abreast with the needs of the customers alongside the growing market.
Understanding that options are galore, this showroom makes the researching, buying and selling as well as
post sales engagements easy and uncomplicated.Mahindra Auto centre was awarded as the Best After
Sales Service provider in the Raipur Zone. The dealer showroom is located at in Raipur. Locating it is as
easy as it gets as it stands G.E Road, Raipur - a major landmark in the area. Undoubtedly this is one of the
best Car Dealers at Raipur-chhattisgarh.

Services Offered by Ralas Motors

Ralas Motors meets all the requirements that one can possibly have in terns of four-wheeler vehicles.
Apart from ensuring the sales of these vehicles, the outlet also offers post sale services. The sales staff
employed here pays keen attention to the requirements of the potential buyers and makes appropriate
suggestions by explaining the features, specifications and pricing of the vehicles. Those looking to change
or replace parts of their cars can approach the center as they also deal with various authentic car
accessories. It undertakes repairs and services for a majority of the car models. Open from 09:30 - 19:30


Become the most admired brand by practicing TRUST with SPEED & GROWTH.

Our philosophy is based on responsibility and mutual respect. Our aim is to become the leader in
Automobile Industry across the Region. The mainstay of our strategy will be to offer a level of client
focus that is superior to that offered by our competitors

Slogan of Mahindra-


Mission Statement:

The Mission is to earn our Customer’s loyalty by delivering sales and service experiences with high
quality, excellent value, integrity and enthusiasm. We will function as a team, work ethically, and
focus on meeting and striving to exceed the expectations of our Customers.

Promotional Activities:
The promotional activities adopted by Bikaner Motors are
1. Test Driving
2. Free Driving
3. Hoarding
4. Discounts
5. Advertisement in Newspaper and magazines
6. Gift Schemes
7. Free Services
8. Mileage Contents
Promotional expenses have been borne by both Bikaner Motors and M&M, shares in
advertisement cost.
Service Offered:
Service and paid service after sale of Cars.
Free checkups campaigns
Finance through bank
Demonstration for new products
Acceptance of warranty claims



Meaning of Reseach-

Research comprises "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowlegde,
including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new
It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing
problems, support theorms, or develop new theories.

Research is defined as a careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or a problem using
scientific methods.
According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie,

“Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon.
Research involves inductive and deductive methods.”


Descriptive Research
Explanatory Casual Research
Literature Research Controlled
Experience Survey Experiments

Focus Group

Analysis of selected Natural

cases Experiments

Research is the blueprint of the research methodology.

Research is mainly of three types:

1. Explanatory Research
2. Descriptive Research
3. Casual Research

Meaning of Methodology-

Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It
comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions—it is therefore, not the same as a method. Instead, a
methodology offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods, or best
practices can be applied to a specific case, for example, to calculate a specific result.

It has been defined also as follows:

1. The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline.
2. The systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline.
3. The study or description of methods.

Research Methodology

A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from its conception through the
final analysis, recommendations and ultimate actions. The research process provides a systematic,
planned approach to the research project and ensures that all aspects of the research project are
consistent with each other.

Research studies evolve through a series of steps, each representing the answer to a key question.

Steps involved in Research Process in Research Methodology

At times, the first step determines the nature of the last step to be undertaken.If subsequent procedures
have not been taken into account in the early stages, serious difficulties may arise which may even prevent
the completion of the study. One should remember that the various steps involved in a research process
are not mutually exclusive; nor they are separate and distinct.

They do not necessarily follow each other in any specific order and the researcher has to be constantly
anticipating at each step in the research process the requirements of the subsequent steps. However, the
following order concerning various steps provides a useful procedural guideline regarding the research

1. formulating the research problem;

2. extensive literature survey;
3. developing the hypothesis;
4. preparing the research design;
5. determining sample design;
6. collecting the data;
7. execution of the project;
8. analysis of data;
9. hypothesis testing;
10. generalizations and interpretation, and
11. preparation of the report or presentation of the results,i.e., formal write-up of conclusions reached.

A brief description of the above stated steps will be helpful:-

1. Formulating the research problem: There are two types of research problems, vi., those which relate to
states of nature and those which relate to relationships between variables. At thievery outset the
researcher must single out the problem he wants to study, i.e., he must decide the general area of
interest or aspect of a subject-matter that he would like to inquire into. Initially the problem may be

stated in a broad general way and then the ambiguities, if any, relating to the problem be resolved.
Then, the feasibility of a particular solution has to be considered before a working formulation of the
problem can be set up. The formulation of a general topic into a specific research problem, thus,
constitutes the first step in a scientific enquiry. Essentially two steps are involved in formulating the
research problem, vi., understanding the problem thoroughly, and rephrasing the same into meaningful
terms from an analytical point of view.

The best way of understanding the problem is to discuss it with one’s own colleagues or with those
having some expertise in the matter. In an academic institution the researcher can seek the help from a
guide who is usually an experienced man and has several research problems in mind.ften, the guide
puts forth the problem in general terms and it is up to the researcher to narrow it down and phrase the
problem in operational terms. In private business units or in governmental, the problem is usually
earmarked by the administrative agencies with whom the researcher can discuss as to how the problem
originally came about and what considerations are involved in its possible solutions.

The researcher must at the same time examine all available literature to get himself acquainted with the
selected problem.

He may review two types of literature—the conceptual literature concerning the concepts and theories,
and the empirical literature consisting of studies made earlier which are similar to the one proposed.
The basic outcome of this review will be the knowledge as to what data and other materials are
available for operational purposes which will enable the researcher to specify his own research
problem in a meaningful context. After this the researcher rephrases the problem into analytical or
operational terms i.e., to put the problem in as specific terms as possible.

This task of formulating, or defining, a research problem is a step of greatest importance in the entire
research process. The problem to be investigated must be defined unambiguously for that will help
discriminating relevant data from irrelevant ones. Care must, however, be taken to verify the
objectivity and validity of the background facts concerning the problem. Professor W. A. Mismanage
correctly states that the statement of the objective is of basic importance because it determines the data
which are to be collected, the characteristics of the data which are relevant, relations which are to be
explored, the choice of techniques to be used in these explorations and the form of the final report. If
there are certain pertinent terms, the same should be clearly defined along with the task of formulating
the problem.

In fact, formulation of the problem often follows a sequential pattern where a number of formulations
are set up, each formulation more specific than the preceding one, each one phrased in more analytical
terms, and each more realistic in terms of the available data and resources.

2. Extensive literature survey: Once the problem is formulated, a brief summary of it should be written
down. It is compulsory for a research worker writing a thesis for a Ph.D. degree to write synopsis of
the topic and submit it to the necessary Committee or the Research Board for approval.At this juncture
the researcher should undertake extensive literature survey connected with the problem.

For this purpose, the abstracting and indexing journals and published or unpublished bibliographies are
the first place to go to. Academic journals, conference proceedings, government reports, books etc.,
must be tapped depending on the nature of the problem. In this process, it should be remembered that
one source will lead to another. The earlier studies, if any, which are similar to the study in and should
be carefully studied. A good library will be a great help to the researcher at this stage.

3. Development of working hypotheses: After extensive literature survey, researcher should state in clear
terms the working hypothesis or hypotheses. Working hypothesis is tentative assumption made in
order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. As such the manner in which research
hypotheses are developed is particularly important since they provide the focal point for research.

They also affect the manner in which tests must be conducted in the analysis of data and indirectly the
quality of data which is required for the analysis. In most types of research, the development of
working hypothesis plays an important role. Hypothesis should be very specific and limited to the
piece of research in hand because it has to be tested. The role of the hypothesis is to guide the
researcher by delimiting the area of research and to keep him on the right track. It sharpens his
thinking and focuses attention on the more important facets of the problem. It also indicates the type of
data required and the type of methods of data analysis to be used.

How does one go about developing working hypotheses? The answer is by using the following

a. Discussions with colleagues and experts about the problem, its origin and the objectives in seeking
a solution.
b. Examination of data and records, if available, concerning the problem for possible
trends,peculiarities and other clues,
c. Review of similar studies in the area or of the studies on similar problems and
d. Exploratory personal investigation which involves original field interviews on a limited scale with
interested parties and individuals with a view to secure greater insight into the practical aspects of
the problem.

Thus, working hypotheses arise as a result of a-priori thinking about the subject, examination of the
available data and material including related studies and the counsel of experts and interested parties
.Working hypotheses are more useful when stated in precise and clearly defined terms. It may as well
be remembered that occasionally we may encounter a problem where we do not need working
hypotheses, specially in the case of exploratory or formularies researches which do not aim at testing
the hypothesis. But as a general rule, specification of working hypotheses in another basic step of the
research process in most research problems.

4. Preparing the research design: The research problem having been formulated in clear cut terms, the
researcher will be required to prepare a research design, i.e., he will have to state the conceptual
structure within which research would be conducted. The preparation of such a design facilitates
research to be as efficient as possible yielding maximal information.

In other words, the function of research design is to provide for the collection of relevant evidence
with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. But how all these can be achieved depends
mainly on the research purpose. Research purposes may be grouped into four categories :-

 Exploration,
 Description,
 Diagnosis, and

 Experimentation.
A flexible research design which provides opportunity for considering many different aspects of a
problem is considered appropriate if the purpose of the research study is that of exploration. But when
the purpose happens to be an accurate description sofa situation or of an association between variables,
the suitable design will be one that minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collected
and analyses.

There are several research designs, such as, experimental and non-experimental hypothesis testing.
Experimental designs can be either informal designs (such as before-and-after without control,after-
only with control, before-and-after with control) or formal designs (such as completely randomized
design, randomized block design, Latin square design, simple and complex factorial designs), out of
which the researcher must select one for his own project.

The preparation of the research design, appropriate for a particular research problem, involves usually
the consideration of the following:

the means of obtaining the information;

 the availability and skills of the researcher and his staff (if any);
 explanation of the way in which selected means of obtaining information will be organized and the
reasoning leading to the selection;
 the time available for research; and
 the cost factor relating to research, i.e., the finance available for the purpose.

5. Determining sample design: All the items under consideration in any field of inquiry constitute
‘universe’ or ‘population’. A complete enumeration of all the items in the ‘population’ is known asa
census inquiry. It can be presumed that in such an inquiry
when all the items are covered no element of chance is left and highest accuracy is obtained. But in
practice this may not be true.

Even the slightest element of bias in such an inquiry will get larger and larger as the number of
observations increases. Moreover, there is no way of checking the element of bias or its extent except

through are survey or use of sample checks. Besides, this type of inquiry involves a great deal of time,
money and energy. Not only this, census inquiry is not possible in practice under many circumstances.
For instance, blood testing is done only on sample basis. Hence, quite often we select only a few items
from the universe for our study purposes. The items so selected constitute what is technically called

The researcher must decide the way of selecting a sample or what is popularly known as the sample
design. In other words, a sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually
collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. Thus, the plan to select 12 of a city’s 200
drugstores in a certain way constitutes a sample design. Samples can be either probability samples or
non-probability samples.

With probability samples each element has a known probability of being included in the sample but the
non-probability samples do not allow the researcher to determine this probability. Probability samples
are those based on simple random sampling, systematic sampling,stratified sampling, cluster/area
sampling whereas non-probability samples are those based on convenience sampling, judgment
sampling and quota sampling techniques. A brief mention of the important sample designs is as

a. Deliberate sampling: Deliberate sampling is also known as purposive or non-probability sampling.

This sampling method involves purposive or deliberate selection of particular units of the universe
for constituting a sample which represents the universe. When population elements are selected for
inclusion in the sample based on the ease of access, it can be called convenience sampling. If a
researcher wishes to secure data from, say, gasoline buyers, he may select a fixed number of petrol
stations and may conduct interviews at these stations. This would be an example of convenience
sample of gasoline buyers. At times such a procedure may give very biased results particularly
when the population is not homogeneous. On the other hand, in judgment sampling the researcher’s
judgment disused for selecting items which he considers as representative of the population. For
example,a judgment sample of college students might be taken to secure reactions to a new method
of teaching. Judgment sampling is used quite frequently in qualitative research where the desire
happens to be to develop hypotheses rather than to generalize to larger populations.

b. Simple random sampling: This type of sampling is also known as chance sampling or probability
sampling where each and every item in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the
sample and each one of the possible samples, in case of finite universe, has the same probability of
being selected. For example, if we have to select a sample of 300items from a universe of 15,000
items, then we can put the names or numbers of all the15,000 items on slips of paper and conduct a
lottery. Using the random number tables is another method of random sampling. To select the
sample, each item is assigned a number from 1 to 15,000. Then, 300 five digit random numbers are
selected from the table. To do this we select some random starting point and then a systematic
pattern is used in proceeding through the table. We might start in the 4th row, second column and
proceed down the column to the bottom of the table and then move to the top of the next column to
the right.When a number exceeds the limit of the numbers in the frame, in our case over 15,000, it
is simply passed over and the next number selected that does fall within the relevant range.ince the
numbers were placed in the table in a completely random fashion, the resulting sample is random.
This procedure gives each item an equal probability of being selected. Incase of infinite population,
the selection of each item in a random sample is controlled by the same probability and that
successive selections are independent of one another.
c. Systematic sampling: In some instances the most practical way of sampling is to select every 15th
name on a list, every 10th house on one side of a street and so on. Sampling of this type is known
as systematic sampling. An element of randomness is usually introduced into this kind of sampling
by using random numbers to pick up the unit with which to start.This procedure is useful when
sampling frame is available in the form of a list. In such design the selection process starts by
picking some random point in the list and then every nth element is selected until the desired
number is secured.
d. Stratified sampling: If the population from which a sample is to be drawn does not constitute
homogeneous group, then stratified sampling technique is applied so as to obtain representative
sample. In this technique, the population is stratified into a number of non-overlapping
subpopulations or strata and sample items are selected from each stratum. If the items selected from
each stratum is based on simple random sampling the entire procedure,first stratification and then
simple random sampling, is known as stratified random sampling.
e. Quota sampling: In stratified sampling the cost of taking random samples from individual strata is
often so expensive that interviewers are simply given quota to be filled from different strata, the

actual selection of items for sample being left to the interviewer’judgment. This is called quota
sampling. The size of the quota for each stratum is generally proportionate to the size of that
stratum in the population. Quota sampling is thus an important form of non-probability sampling.
Quota samples generally happen to be judgment samples rather than random samples.
f. Cluster sampling and area sampling: Cluster sampling involves grouping the population and then
selecting the groups or the clusters rather than individual elements for inclusion in the sample.
Suppose some departmental store wishes to sample its credit card holders. It has issued its cards to
15,000 customers. The sample size is to be kept say 450. For cluster sampling this list of 15,000
card holders could be formed into 100 clusters of 150 cardholders each. Three clusters might then
be selected for the sample randomly. The sample size must often be larger than the simple random
sample to ensure the same level of accuracy because is cluster sampling procedural potential for
order bias and other sources of error is usually accentuated. The clustering approach can, however,
make the sampling procedure relatively easier and increase the efficiency of field work, specially in
the case of personal interviews. Area sampling is quite close to cluster sampling and is often talked
about when the total geographical area of interest happens to be big one. Under area sampling we
first divide the total area into a number of smaller non-overlapping areas, generally called
geographical clusters, then a number of these smaller areas are randomly selected, and all units in
these small areas are included in the sample. Area sampling is specially helpful where we do not
have the list of the population concerned. It also makes the field interviewing more efficient since
interviewer can do many interviews at each location.
g. Multi-stage sampling: This is a further development of the idea of cluster sampling. This technique
is meant for big inquiries extending to a considerably large geographical area like an entire country.
Under multi-stage sampling the first stage may be to select large primary sampling units such as
states, then districts, then towns and finally certain families within towns. If the technique of
random-sampling is applied at all stages, the sampling procedures described as multi-stage random
h. Sequential sampling: This is somewhat a complex sample design where the ultimate size of the
sample is not fixed in advance but is determined according to mathematical decision son the basis
of information yielded as survey progresses. This design is usually adopted under acceptance
sampling plan in the context of statistical quality control.

In practice, several of the methods of sampling described above may well be used in the same study in
which case it can be called mixed sampling. It may be pointed out here that normally one should resort
to random sampling so that bias can be eliminated and sampling error can be estimated.But purposive
sampling is considered desirable when the universe happens to be small and a known characteristic of
it is to be studied intensively. Also, there are conditions under which sample designs other than
random sampling may be considered better for reasons like convenience and low costs.The sample
design to be used must be decided by the researcher taking into consideration the nature of the inquiry
and other related factors.

6. Collecting the data: In dealing with any real life problem it is often found that data at hand are
inadequate, and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are sever
always of collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and
other resources at the disposal of the researcher.

Primary data can be collected either through experiment or through survey. If the researcher conducts
an experiment, he observes some quantitative measurements, or the data, with the help of which he
examines the truth contained in his hypothesis. But in the case of a survey, data can be collected by
any one or more of the following ways:

a. By observation: This method implies the collection of information by way of investigator’sown

observation, without interviewing the respondents. The information obtained relates to what is
currently happening and is not complicated by either the past behavior or future intentions or
attitudes of respondents. This method is no doubt an expensive method and the information
provided by this method is also very limited. As such this method is not suitable in inquiries where
large samples are concerned.
b. Through personal interview: The investigator follows a rigid procedure and seeks answers to a set
of pre-conceived questions through personal interviews. This method of collecting data is usually
carried out in a structured way where output depends upon the ability of the interviewer to a large
c. Through telephone interviews: This method of collecting information involves contacting the
respondents on telephone itself. This is not a very widely used method but it plays an important

role in industrial surveys in developed regions, particularly, when the survey has to be
accomplished in a very limited time.
d. By mailing of questionnaires: The researcher and the respondents do come in contact with each
other if this method of survey is adopted. Questionnaires are mailed to the respondents with a
request to return after completing the same. It is the most extensively used method in various
economic and business surveys. Before applying this method, usually Pilot Study for testing the
questionnaire is conduced which reveals the weaknesses, if any, of the questionnaire. Questionnaire
to be used must be prepared very carefully so that it may prove to be effective in collecting the
relevant information.
e. Through schedules: Under this method the enumerators are appointed and given training.They are
provided with schedules containing relevant questions. These enumerators go to respondents with
these schedules. Data are collected by filling up the schedules by enumerators on the basis of
replies given by respondents. Much depends upon the capability of enumerators so far as this
method is concerned. Some occasional field checks on the work of the enumerators may ensure
sincere work.

The researcher should select one of these methods of collecting the data taking into consideration the
nature of investigation, objective and scope of the inquiry, financial resources,available time and the
desired degree of accuracy. Though he should pay attention to all these factors but much depends upon
the ability and experience of the researcher. In this context Dr ALGOL very aptly remarks that in
collection of statistical data commonsense is the chief requisite and experience the chief teacher.

7. Execution of the project: Execution of the project is a very important step in the research process. If
the execution of the project proceeds on correct lines, the data to be collected would be adequate and
dependable. The researcher should see that the project is executed in a systematic manner and in time.
If the survey is to be conducted by means of structured questionnaires, data can be readily machine-
processed. In such a situation,

questions as well as the possible answers may be coded. If the data are to be collected through
interviewers, arrangements should be made for proper selection and training of the interviewers.

The training may be given with the help of instruction manuals which explain clearly the job of the
interviewers at each step. Occasional field checks should be made to ensure that the interviewers are
doing their assigned job sincerely and efficiently .A careful watch should be kept for unanticipated
factors in order to keep the survey as much realistic as possible. This, in other words, means that steps
should be taken to ensure that the survey is under statistical control so that the collected information is
in accordance with the pre-defined standard of accuracy.

If some of the respondents do not cooperate, some suitable methods should be designed to tackle this
problem. One method of dealing with the non-response problem is to make alist of the non-
respondents and take a small sub-sample of them, and then with the help of experts vigorous efforts
can be made for securing response.

8. Analysis of data: After the data have been collected, the researcher turns to the task of analyzing them.
The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as establishment of
categories, the application of these categories to raw data through coding, tabulation and then drawing
statistical inferences. The unwieldy data should necessarily be condensed into a few manageable
groups and tables for further analysis. Thus, researcher should classify the raw data into some
purposeful and usable categories. Coding operation is usually done at this stage through which the
categories of data are transformed into symbols that may be tabulated and counted.

Editing is the procedure that improves the quality of the data for coding. With coding the stage is ready
for tabulation .Tabulation is a part of the technical procedure wherein the classified data are put in the
form of tables. The mechanical devices can be made use of at this juncture. A great deal of data,
specially in large inquiries, is tabulated by computers. Computers not only save time but also make it
possible to study large number of variables affecting a problem simultaneously.

Analysis work after tabulation is generally based on the computation of various

percentages,coefficients, etc., by applying various well defined statistical formulae. In the process of
analysis,relationships or differences supporting or conflicting with original or new hypotheses should
be subjected to tests of significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any
conclusion(s).For instance, if there are two samples of weekly wages, each sample being drawn from

factories indifferent parts of the same city, giving two different mean values, then our problem may be
whether the two mean values are significantly different or the difference is just a matter of chance.

Through the use of statistical tests we can establish whether such a difference is a real one or is the
result of random fluctuations. If the difference happens to be real, the inference will be that the two
samples Research come from different universes and if the difference is due to chance, the conclusion
would be that the two samples belong to the same universe. Similarly, the technique of analysis of
variance can help us in analyzing whether three or more varieties of seeds grown on certain fields yield
significantly different results or not. In brief, the researcher can analyses the collected data with the
help of various statistical measures.

9. Hypothesis-testing: After analyzing the data as stated above, the researcher is in a position to test the
hypotheses, if any, he had formulated earlier. Do the facts support the hypotheses or they happen to be
contrary? This is the usual question which should be answered while testing hypotheses .Various tests,
such as Chi square test, t-test, F-test, have been developed by statisticians for the purpose. The
hypotheses may be tested through the use of one or more of such tests, depending upon the nature and
object of research inquiry. Hypothesis -testing will result in either accepting the hypothesis or in
rejecting it. If the researcher had no hypotheses to start with, generalizations established on the basis of
data may be stated as hypotheses to be tested by subsequent researches in times to come.

10.Generalizations and interpretation: If a hypothesis is tested and upheld several times, it maybe possible
for the researcher to arrive at generalization, i.e., to build a theory. As a matter of fact,the real value of
research lies in its ability to arrive at certain generalizations. If the researcher had no hypothesis to start
with, he might seek to explain his findings on the basis of some theory. It is known as interpretation.
The process of interpretation may quite often trigger off new questions which in turn may lead to
further researches.

11.Preparation of the report or the thesis: Finally, the researcher has to prepare the report of what has been
done by him. Writing of report must be done with great care keeping in view the following:
1. The layout of the report should be as follows:

 the preliminary pages;

 the main text,and
 the end matter.

In its preliminary pages the report should carry title and date followed by acknowledgement sand
foreword. Then there should be a table of contents followed by a list of tables and list of graphs and
charts, if any, given in the report.

The main text of the report should have the following parts:

d. Introduction: It should contain a clear statement of the objective of the research andan explanation
of the methodology adopted in accomplishing the research. The scope of the study along with various
limitations should as well be stated in this part.
e. Summary of findings: After introduction there would appear a statement of finding sand
recommendations in non-technical language. If the findings are extensive, they should be summarized.
f. Main report: The main body of the report should be presented in logical sequence and broken-down
into readily identifiable sections.
g. Conclusion: Towards the end of the main text, researcher should again put down the results of his
research clearly and precisely. In fact, it is the final summing up.
At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data. Bibliography,i.e.,
list of books, journals, reports, etc., consulted, should also be given in the end. Index should also be
given specially in a published research report.

Report should be written in a concise and objective style in simple language avoiding vague expressions
such as ‘it seems,’ ‘there may be’, and the like.
Charts and illustrations in the main report should be used only if they present the information more
clearly and forcibly.
Calculated ‘confidence limits’ must be mentioned and the various constraints experience din conducting
research operations may as well be stated.


“Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to
research question and to control the variables.”

I propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication
of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be
selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further taken up in the next
stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important
question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the industry.

The various tasks that I have undertaken in the research design process are :
Defining the information need
Design the exploratory, descriptive and causal research.

The research process has four distinct yet interrelated steps for research analysis It
has a logical and hierarchical ordering:

 Determination of information researchproblem.

 Development of appropriate researchdesign.
 Execution of researchdesign.
 Communication ofresults.

Each step is viewed as a separate process that includes a combination of task , step and specific procedure.
The steps undertake are logical, objective, systematic, reliable, valid, impersonal and ongoing.


The method I used for exploratory research was

Primary Data
Secondary data


New data gathered to help solve the problem at hand. As compared to secondary data which is previously
gathered data. An example is information gathered by a questionnaire. Qualitative or

quantitative data that are newly collected in the course of research, Consists of original information
that comes from people and includes information gathered from surveys, focus groups, independent
observations and test results. Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research. This is
contrasted to secondary data, which entails the use of data gathered by someone other than the
researcher information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys,
observation orexperimentation.
Primary data is basically collectedby getting questionnaire filled by the respondents.


Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Sources include
census reports, trade publications, and subscription services. There are two types of secondary data:
internal and external secondary data. Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some
purpose other than the current investigation Researching information, which has already been
published? Market information compiled for purposes other than the current research effort; it can be
internal data, such as existing sales-tracking information, or it can be research conducted by someone
else, such as a market research company or the U.S. government.

Secondary source of data used consists of books and websites

My proposal is to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and
implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain
issues shall be selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further taken
up in the next stage of exploratory research.


The type of research adopted for study is descriptive. Descriptive studies are undertaken in many
circumstances when the researches is interested to know the characteristic of certain group such as age,
sex, education level, occupation or income. A descriptive study may be necessary in cases when a
researcher is interested in knowing the proportion of people in a given population who have in particular
manner, making projections of a certain thing, or determining the relationship between two or more
variables. The objective of such study is to answer the “who, what, when, where and how” of the subject
under investigation. There is a general feeling that descriptive studies are factual and very simple. This is
not necessarily true. Descriptive study can be complex, demanding a high degree of scientific skill on part
of the researcher.

Descriptive studies are well structured. An exploratory study needs to be flexible in its approach, but a
descriptive study in contrast tends to be rigid and its approach cannot be changed every now and then. It is
therefore necessary, the researcher give sufficient thought to framing research.

STEPS in the descriptive research:

Statement of the problem

✔Identification of information needed to solve theproblem

✔Selection or development of instruments for gathering theinformation

✔Identification of target population and determination of samplingPlan.

✔Design of procedure for informationcollection

✔Collection ofinformation

✔Analysis ofinformation

✔Generalizations and/orpredictions


Data collection took place with the help of filling of questionnaires. The questionnaire method has
come to the more widely used and economical means of data collection. The common factor in all
varieties of the questionnaire method is this reliance on verbal responses to questions, written or oral. I
found it essential to make sure the questionnaire was easy to read and understand to all spectrums of
people in the sample. It was also important as researcher to respect the samples time and energy hence the
questionnaire was designed in such a way, that its administration would not exceed 4-5 mins. These
questionnaires were personallyadministered.

The first hand information was collected by making the people fill the questionnaires. The primary data
collected by directly interacting with the people. The respondents were contacted at shopping malls,
markets, places that were near to showrooms of the consumer durable products

etc. The data was collected by interacting with 50 respondents who filled the questionnaires and gave me
the required necessary information.The respondents consisted of businessmen,
professionals,employees,Housewives etc. the required information was collected by directly interacting
with theserespondents.



It is a description of the characteristics of that group of people from whom a course is intended. It
attempts to describe them as they are rather than as the describer would like them to be. Also called the
audience the audience to be served by our project includes key demographic information (i.e.; age, sex
etc.).The specific population intended as beneficiaries of a program. This will be either all or a subset
of potential users, such as adolescents, women, rural residents, or the residents of a particular
geographic area. Topic areas: Governance, Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management
and Leadership. A population to be reached through some action or intervention; may refer to groups
with specific demographic or geographic characteristics. The group of people you are trying to reach
with a particular strategy or activity. The target population is the population I want to make conclude
an ideal situation; the sampling frames to matches the target population. A specific resource set that is
the object or target of investigation. The audience defined in age, background, ability, and preferences,
among other things, for which a given course of instruction isintended.
I have selected the sample trough Simple random Sampling


This involves figuring out how many samples one need.

The numbers of samples you need are affected by the following factors:

 Projectgoals

 How you plan to analyze yourdata

 How variable your data are or are likely tobe

 How precisely you want to measure change ortrend

 The number of years over which you want to detect atrend

 How many times a year you will sample eachpoint

 How much money and manpower youhave

Considering the importance of the topic and limitation of time.

Sampling unit: Consumers of Mahindra BOLERO at Mahindra 500.

Sampling size:50

Sampling procedure:Questionnaire

Medium of collecting sample:Convenient sampling

Geographical area covered:

The whole field work has been done in Raipur at Ralas Motors.

I have targeted 50 people in the age group above 21 years for the purpose of the research. The target
population influences the sample size. The target population represents the Raipur regions. . The
people were from different professional backgrounds.
The details of our sample are explained in chapter named primary research where the divisions are
explained in demographics section.

Research Design

Research design is a conceptual structure within which research wasconducted.research design is the
detailed blueprint used to guide a research study towards its objective. It is a series of advanced
decision taken together comprising a master plan or a model for conducting the research in
consonance with the research objectives.

Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations,
thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with the minimum effort,
time and money.

The study has been under taken to analyze the customer satisfaction towards all variant of Mahindra
BOLERO in RAIPUR(C.G) with a special reference to the M&M motors, the other
objectives are:

➢ To gather information about customer satisfaction toward BOLERO in the geographic

region of Raipur(C.G).

➢ To know the customer perception about features, low maintenance cost and looks of

➢ To know the customer satisfaction about the safety and comfort provided byBOLERO.

➢ To provide suggestions, in improving the customer satisfaction and the company sales
and profitability.

➢ To know the customer satisfaction towards the after sales service offers byM&M.



Calculation and tabulation of data:

After collecting and editing data the first step towards is classification. Classification is
arranging the data according in to points of similarities and dissimilarities.

Objectives of classification:-

Reduce data into homogenous groups.

To prepare data and present in a tabular form.

To condense the mass data in such a way that its salient features are high lightened.

To facilitate comparison between variables.

Types of classification:

Broadly data can be classified on the following four basis;

Geographical i.e., Area wise.

Chronological i.e., on the basis of time.

Qualitative i.e., according to some attributes.

Quantities i.e., in terms of magnitude.

Tabulation of data:-

One of the simplest and most reliable devices for summarizing data and presenting that in
meaningful fashion is the statistical table. The process of tabulation involves combination and
totaling of the collected data and used computer for tabulating data and omits fractions. The data
collected through the research work has been analyzed in such a manner so that to meet the
sequence of the objectives. This chapter shows how the data obtained was tabulated and analyzed
in order to draw inferences. The data collected from the respondents have been grouped in to
categories or classes according to the objectives. The objective was to organize information and
prepare a summary which would highlight its salient features. This task is statistically known as
tabulation. Firstly the answers were recorded and depending upon the similarity, the response
grouping was done. The tabulation was done by editing function. It is the process by which data
collected has been scrutinized to insure consistency and accuracy.

The data collected was compiled, encrypted, coded and tabulated for further parametric
analysis. The analysis is encoded in following tables and graph :-

Table No. 1 Satisfaction towards Mahindra BOLERO

Series 1

40% Series 1


Source: Questionnaire

Interpretation 1:

The sample drawn on probability basis shows that 78% of the customers were satisfied with
BOLERO variant and only 22% were not satisfied with BOLERO variant.


Most of the respondents approached were satisfied with BOLERO

Table No: 2 Factors affecting customer satisfaction towards Mahindra BOLERO

Factor No. of Respondent Percentage

Features 8 16%
Low Maintenance 20 40%
Comfort 10 20%
Style 2 4%
After Sales Service 10 20%

Source: Questionnaire

Series 1






Interpretation 2: The sample drawn on the probability basis clearly shows that 16% (8respondents)
are the opinion that low maintenance is the satisfaction factor BOLERO and 40 %( 20 respondents) of
them who view After Sales Service as a vital factor for customer satisfaction. Followed by Comfort
which corresponds to 20 %(10respondents), Style with 4%(2respondents) and only 20%(10
respondents) of them view that feature of BOLERO as satisfaction factor.


Majority of the respondent are of the idea that low maintenance of the top most featurecontributing
to customer satisfaction followed by after sales services comfort style and featuresAs such,
Mahindra should focus on the aspects, which will enhance the customer satisfaction.

Table No: 3 Customer opinions towards fuel consumption.

Factor Percentage
Extremely Satisfied 27%
Satisfied 49%
Neutral 17%
Dissatisfied 7%
Total 100%

Source: Questionnaire





Interpretation 3: 100% of the respondents 49% of the respondents approached were satisfied with
the fuel consumption of the BOLERO. Followed by 27% was extremely satisfied, 17% are neutral
and rest of the 7% is more dissatisfied with fuel consumption of BOLERO.

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the fuel consumption of Mahindra
BOLERO, the company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up with
suitable measure to reduce the negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinionthat the
fuel consumption is a dissatisfyingfactor.

Table No: 4 Customer opinions toward Safety and Comfort.
Factor Percentage
Extremely Satisfied 23%
Satisfied 47%
Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied 20%
Dissatisfied 10%
Total 100%





Extremely Satisfied Neither Satisfied Dissatisfied

Satisfied & Dissatisfied

Interpretation 4: 100% of the respondents 47% of the respondents approached were satisfied with
the safety and comfort feature of the BOLERO. Followed by 27% was extremely satisfied, 17% are
neutral and rest of the 7% was dissatisfied with safety and comfort feature of BOLERO.

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the safety and comfort feature of
Mahindra BOLERO, the company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up
with suitable measure to reduce the negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that
the fuel consumption is a dissatisfyingfactor.

Table No: 5 Customer opinions towardDesign.

Factor Percentage
Extremely Satisfied 20%
Satisfied 40%
Neutral 27%
Dissatisfied 13%
Total 100%

Source: Questionnaire




Satisfied Satisfied

Interpretation 5: 100% of respondents 40% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the
Design of the BOLERO. 20% were more satisfied, 27% of them neutral and 13% are dissatisfied with
the design of the BOLERO.

Observation: As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the design of Mahindra BOLERO, the
company should maintain the same standard and it is suggested to come up with suitable measure to
reduce the negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that the fuel consumption is a
dissatisfying factor.

Table No: 6 Customer opinions toward space availability in Mahindra
Factor Percentage
More Satisfied 27%
Satisfied 53%
Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied 17%
Dissatisfied 3%
Total 100%

Source: Questionnaire

More Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied Dissatisfied




Interpretation 6: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of 100% of respondents
53% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the space availability of the BOLERO. 27%
were more satisfied, 17% of neither satisfied and dissatisfied and 3% are dissatisfied with the space
availability of the BOLERO.

Observation: As 80% of the respondents are happy with the space availability of the Mahindra
BOLERO vehicle, it can be conducted that the company has undertaken proper R&D in this aspect.

The 20% of the respondents who have answered negatively may be comparing with the vehicle in
the same category launched very recently.

Table No: 7 Customer satisfactions toward Maintenance of Mahindra

Factor Percentage
Extremely Satisfied 23%
Satisfied 51%
Neutral 21%
Dissatisfied 5%
Total 100%

Source: Questionnaire

Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied



Interpretation 7: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of 100% of
respondents 51% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the maintenance of the
BOLERO. 23% were extremely satisfied, 21% of neutral and 5% are dissatisfied with the

Observation: Though majority of the customer are satisfied that the maintenance cost of Mahindra
BOLERO is less, around 20% are not satisfied which may be because of comparison of BOLERO
with the newly launched competing brands coming with even lower maintenance cost.

Table No: 8 Customer awareness about power steering.

Option No. Of Respondent No. Of Respondents (%)

Aware 40 80%
Unaware 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Source: Questionnaire

Aware Unaware



Interpretation 8: Out of 100% of respondents, 80% of the respondents approached were aware of the
power steering present in some variant of BOLERO and 20% were not aware of the power steering
present in some variant of BOLERO.

Observation: Most of the respondents approached were aware of power steering system
introduced in some variants of BOLERO.

Table No: 9 Customer perceptions about the features according to
the priceBOLERO
Factor Percentage
More Satisfied 28%
Satisfied 47%
Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied 23%
Dissatisfied 2%
Total 100%





More Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied & Dissatisfied


Interpretation 9: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of 100% of
respondents 47% of the respondents are satisfied with the features of BOLERO. 28% are more
satisfied, 23% are neither satisfied & Dissatisfied and 2% are dissatisfied.

Observation: Majority goes with the satisfied and more satisfied as the respondents gave positive feeds
for the features provided in BOLERO according to its price and 23% of the respondents are neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied with shows the lack of knowledge and awareness of its features in the

Table No: 10 Customer perceptions about BOLERO

Very Good Good Average Bad Very Bad

20% 47% 21% 12% -





Very Good
Very Bad

Interpretation 10: The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of 100% of
respondents 47% of the respondents gave Good response to BOLERO. 20% gave Very Good
response, 21% gave Average response and 12% gave bad response to BOLERO.

Observation: As 47% of the respondents are satisfied that they are happy with BOLERO, it satisfies
that the customer satisfaction levels are very high. If the company were to identify the pitfalls in their
product and undertake remedial measure, thus it will lead to more good word of mouth publicity.

Table No: 11 Customer expectation from the Dealer

Information about Assistance regarding Information about the Any other

loans and insurance new versions of
service and mileage BOLERO

57% 28% 10% 5%

Information about service and mileage Assistance regarding loans and insurance
Information about the new versions of XUV 500 Any other


28% 57%

Interpretation 11:The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of 100% of
respondents 57% of the respondentsexepects more information about service and mileage of
BOLERO. 28%expects more details regarding loans and insurance, 10% wants information
about the service and mileage.
Observation:Most of the customers are expecting the information about service and mileage regarding
the cars from the dealer.From the above analysis we come to know about the customers expectations and
their post purchase service demands from the dealer.



Based on the data gathered by administrating schedules to customers the following observations
are made.

1. Mahindra Bolero has excellent percentage of customer satisfaction according to the data
shown in table 1 of the data analysis and Interpretation topic.

2. Most of the people are satisfied with its low maintenance cost and after sales service
provided by Mahindra Bolero.

3.Based on the fuel consumption, most of the people are satisfied with it.

4. Based on Safety and Comfort, Design, Space, Maintenance most of the people aresatisfied with

5. Large numbers of Bolero user are aware of its power steering.

6. If we took the satisfaction level of people toward Bolero, it becomes good.

7. Its features and style satisfy most of the people.

8. Employees are completely strongly satisfied with their job although their salary is good

9. Employees are getting value to their work.

10. There is negatively comparison between peers especially regarding targets.

11. They often feel overworked



1. Mahindra Company has to implement good customer relationship management

strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level.

2. The company can for the undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which field help
increase in the customer satisfaction.

3. The company should promote about the entire feature offered by it.

4. As majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied is the factor, services and
design of the product of the company should taken not only maintain the existing
standard but also enhance them.

To increase the job satisfaction level of the employees the company should concentrate mainly
on the incentive and reward structure rather than the motivational session.

1. Ideal employees should concentrate on their job.

2. Educational qualification can be the factor of not an effective job.
3. Company should give promotion to those employees who deserve it

Scope and the Limitation of the study:-

➢ The scope of study is limited to the respondents are selected from in and around

➢ The project is carried out for the period of 15 daysonly.

➢ Measurement of customer satisfaction is complex subjects, which usesnon-objectives

method, which is notreliable.

➢ The sample unit was also 50respondents.

➢ However,MahindraandMahindraAutomobileshowroomsarelocatedinotherplacesi.e.
locally and even in the neighboring states. Only opinion of respondents of Raipurcity
was consider for finding out the opinions ofrespondents.


1. Mahindra Bolero has a very good market share in the state of Gurgaon (NCR) for the
SUV segment.

2. The company is offering good services, which is reflected on the satisfaction of the

3. Majority of the customer are satisfied with the design of the vehicle.

4. Company provided good facility of employees for his job

5. Mahindra Limited offers an environment for professional growth for every employee.

6. Mahindra offer foreign tour for who employee and dealer achieved targets.

7. Young leader can take decision and implementation of new ideas.


 More attention should be kept on complaints given by customers and serve them well.

 Feedback should be taken by after the service of the vehicle and try to deliver the better service
next time.

 More authorized service station should be opened in the city.

 Management should try to reduce service charges as much as possible by keeping in mind other
service centers charges.

 Cash less schemes for repairs under insurance claims may be arranged to avoid delay in

 Display the latest version of bike to attract the customer and satisfy number or of model released

 By providing better service the resale value of the bike will be good.

 Management should make availability of sufficient motorcycle model and genuine spare parts.






 Philip Kotler 12thedition MarketingManagement.

 C.R.KOTHARI,Reseach Methodology.
 RAMANUJ MAJUMDAR,Marketing Research, New Age International Pvt. Ltd Publishers, New
Delhi (2000)

 Data from Mahindra and Mahindra automobile dealer fromRaipurcity.






The Degree of Customer satisfaction towards the Mahindra Automobiles.

Please () inside the appropriate box

NAME : ___________________________

AGE : _______________

SEX : M  F 

OCCUPATION : Business  Govt Employee 

Student  Pvt Employee Other

INCOME : Below 5000 

Rs. 5001 –20000 

Rs. 20001- 50000 

Rs. 50001 & Above 

1. Which cardo you like in the Mahindra

Discover 135cc  Pulsar 180 DTS-i  Platina 125cc 

XCD  pulsar 220 DTS-Fi 

Year of Purchase : ______________________

2. Rate the factor effecting the purchase decision

Price  Brand image  Mileage  Power  Style 

3. What is your opinion on price of Mahindra Cars.

Affordable  Competitive  Comparatively High 

4. How do you know come to know about Mahindra automobiles?

Advertisement  Friends Family members Others  T.V

5. What you feel about advertising strategy of Mahindra

Motivating  Informative  Makes no Difference 

6. What is you opinion on occasional discounts / free gifts offered by Mahindra.

Attractive 

Insufficient compared to other brands 

Makes no difference

7. Are you satisfied in the number of Models released in a year.

Yes  No 

8. Do you find the Display of all the latest version of Mahindra Motor Cycles in showrooms.

Yes  No 

9. Do you find all you required accessories & spare parts of Mahindra in all showrooms?

Yes  No 

10. Would you recommend Mahindra Motor Cycle to others?

Yes  No 

If No, please specify: _______________________________________________

11. On the Whole did you get your money’s worth.

Yes  May be  No 

12. Do you purchase the Mahindra automobile through dealer?

Yes  No 

13. Is the service given by the showrooms are good.

Good  Average  Bad 

14. Your opinion about the resale value of the automobile.

Excellent  Good  Satisfactory  Poor 

15. Do you any suggestion for improving the product



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