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10:03 am, Tuesday, 11/23/2010 1st, Mayan day 12 Imix/Alligator

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OBSERVATION SERIES - Exercises in Vision

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Being 12 Crocodile or Alligator, today is a day of both beginnings and

completions - of a putting together of things. It is a day of power and
of vision - of retrospection - of seeing things come together in new
ways. This is a powerful day.

What is the flow of your energy, today? Are you watching, within?
Are you in touch with that? You can be. All it takes is a choice, and a
certain persistence - a determination - that is all. And to stop thinking
you can’t do this - or that you aren’t doing it, already.

You are already perfect, my friend. Have you heard this? Did you
take it in? How deeply did you go to look at this, this potential
perfection? Did you just reject it, out of hand - perhaps as being too
ridiculous. Perhaps you took the evidence of your eyes, your senses
as being quite contrary to any sort of perfection, so you didn’t really
listen. Just said, ‘Yeah, right,’ and moved on.

Well, that’s understandable. We all do it. But we’re deepening, now.

Time to shed, like an old, outworn snake skin, the self image of
yesterday. You are not that. That is just mind at work, there. Have a
good look, and you’ll see this. Mind takes superficial seemings for the
real thing. Mind is wrong - but mind doesn’t know that. What to do?

We’ve taken an aspect of being - one that is basically flawed - and put
it in charge of the show. This is foundational. As long as we don’t
look to this underlying reality, nothing will change much - or not
change for long.

Some will of course question that mind is flawed. Well, okay - believe
what you will. It’s not flawed for certain uses, of course - but for
entering higher consciousness, it is of little or no use. You’ll find this
out for yourself, at some point. Or you can take it on as hypothesis,
now - and have a good look.

To do that, though, you’ll have to set mind aside, temporarily, as the

one running the show. You will have to take over for mind - will have
to separate out. Can you do that? How have you constructed your

Or, if you’re not yet ready for that phrasing, then how is your reality
constructed? Are you so identified with mind and its workings that
you can’t separate out - step back - have a look - just observe for a

What underpins your reality, there? What thoughts and beliefs were
the building stones used to construct it? Care to have a look at those?
By looking at the basic building, which is your 3D reality, one can
begin to picture the stones. With observation they begin to be visible.

The thoughts are the stones. The beliefs form the mortar that holds
things together. Yet these are all subject to you. That is your
creation, there. You construct and reconstruct it whenever you will.
Take your power back - especially here - we’re talking over the self.
That is you, that is yours. You’re in charge.

How sovereign a being are you? Do you find some bricks, there, on
which is etched the word “blame”? Do you see images of pointing
fingers, anywhere? Do you find one on which is written, “poor me?”
Maybe several - quite a lot, even. Do you see the word, ‘struggle’
spelled out here and there? What are the bricks in your building made
of? What do they represent?

To the extent you can step out, stand back and have a good look,
you’ll be surprised to find you’re a master mason. Reconstruction,
deconstruction are nothing to you. They’re your specialty. You’ve
tricks up you sleeve that will surprise even you - your outer self, there.
You’re quite amazing, actually.

Yet, have you let, have you allowed this higher aspect of self to take
its proper place in your life? Has your self image instead held it back?
Told it it couldn’t possibly exist. You aren’t great like that! Who are
we kidding, here - to think there’s any greatness in little old you?

Yeah. Interesting. Are you looking at this? Are you seeing more of
those bricks, those stones in your construction, there? They also have
fragrance or a smell to them - it’s either beautiful or it stinks. There
are many ways of sensing this inner construction. The one centered
in heart is multi-sensory, not just multi-dimensional. Quite an
amazing being you are.

Yet can you identify with this? If not, what holds you back? Can you
see it, there? Can you get just a glimpse, just a sense of it - just an
impression will do. Self observation’s a skill to develop - but it’s not
something new to you.

Your only lifetime this isn’t. Let’s expand sense of self, while we’re at
it. You’re not just a simple creation, just one building, there. Heck,
you’re a whole city, a village, a castle - whatever image suits for you.

To the extent that we deconstruct our current self image, to that

extent can more of the fullness of our being begin to come through to
us. We can’t see what we just don’t allow to exist. It’s time to see
that. That’s why vision is so very key, so critical. And this is one thing
where you are - or can be - the king, the queen of your castle. Here
you exercise choice.

We don’t get to exercise choice in everything. Circumstances, the

flow of events just carry us on, right? Well, that’s how it may seem -
but that’s not necessarily so. If you’re in heart then you can have a
look at this. If you’re in mind, then it’s too strange to contemplate.
Mind resists this intensely. The choice is yours where to go.

All is based or founded on where we find our identity - our self. If

you’re identified with body, with mind, or with anything 3D, then you
don’t get to exercise choice in much of anything. Rather, life just
happens to you. That’s what that perspective looks like. Is that one
your choice?

From that perspective, no, you can’t exercise any choice on the outer
life at all, on what happens to you. People, things, and circumstances
just do what they will. Sometimes you like it - but most times you

Sound familiar? Is this space your particular comfort zone? It takes

all responsibility off of your shoulders. You’re the victim, the flotsam
and jetsam of life - tossed around - not in charge.

Well, that’s a choice you’ve made, on some level. The way you
choose to view life is always a choice. No one can take this from you.
Your internal vision is ever your own. Can you own at least this much?

If you can, then that’s the key to the prison you’re in. If you can’t
then don’t worry. Don’t beat up on yourself. The fruit ripens when it
does. No sense plucking it ahead of its time.

However, if you can own that your vision is in your control, then let’s
see about changing it. Where can you go? Can you own that you’re
multi-dimensional? Can you let that in? Are you aware that, even if
you can’t see it, you have an aura, an energy forcefield that surrounds
the body, there? Can you accept that there’s a world of the unseen?

If not, I suggest printing out an image of the electromagnetic

spectrum, and highlighting the visible part of that. Put that on your
wall. Then go to my journal called “The Cloud of Knowing - Open
Letter to Mind” and pick up the Mantra for Mind from it. Read or listen
to it over and over. You’ve got the mind firmly in control of your life.
That’s holding you back.

Though the first step in rising in consciousness is to realize we’re not

the body we wear, even a bigger step is to step away from the mind.
Until we come to know, really know that’s not the whole of us, we’re
just stuck. There’s really nowhere to go. Do you see that? We’re
stuck and limited by the very mind we rely on.

Well, take a look at this. That word “nowhere” is also the two words,
“now here.” Do you see that? Insert a space, and emptiness - and
you go from nowhere to now here. There’s room for some emptiness.
In all of mind’s knowing we’ve got to insert some breathing space.

The reality, once you’re ready to embrace it, is that you’ve got to
dethrone mind. You’ve given allegiance to a false god. You’ve
followed it blindly - really believed deeply in it. You’ve completely
trusted in something that can’t take you Home - can’t take you to
higher consciousness.

Mind is the ultimate in arrogance. It believes completely in itself.

What it knows is right, period. It can take on any comers - according
to mind, that is. What you want, it will deliver - the best that it can.

Now, this is not mind’s fault, mind you. This is just what mind is- how
it’s constructed. The misunderstanding is yours. In placing such
reliance, such faith in the 3D mind or brain you went afield from all
that is. You took a detour - stepped down into the mind for a while.
Your heart is calling you Home, now.

Are you listening to it? Can you hear the heart’s call? Those too
deeply enmeshed in mind will either not hear it - or just brush it aside
as unimportant, irrelevant to the reality they know. The “Prove it to
me or I won’t believe” crowd is found here. And that’s okay. That’s
their choice, and it’s not up to us to disabuse them of this.

If people choose to listen to us, then that’s fine. If they reject what
you say, though - leave them alone. Don’t get into arguments, trying
to convince them. It’s really pointless. Besides, you’re not
recognizing their sovereignty if you’re doing that.

That’s something that will come home to roost for you - there in your
own life. You’ll find that others choose not to respect your
sovereignty. That’s what you’re creating by not respecting others.

Much of what appears before us, in this life, we created many long
lives ago. Things go round in cycles - everything in Cosmos is cyclic.
Thus, as we wind our way up the spiral of Life and of Light, each step
unlocks certain energies that may have been created a long time ago.
Can you know this? Can you own this? Can you at least entertain the
possibility that things work this way?

Let’s go on. Many reject, as external to themselves, the happenings

of their life. They say, “That’s other people. That’s other peoples’
actions. That’s nothing of my own.” They’re short-sighted and don’t
see it. If it wasn’t your creation, then it wouldn’t appear in your life.
Hello? Can you heart his (interesting ‘Typo’ for hear this)? Can you
Can you open up and own this? Take a new perspective on your own
life, there. Maybe there’s a few things we don’t yet know. It’s our
beliefs, our vision that limits us. Let’s let our first deconstruction on
our reality be of our old vision - our old ways of seeing things. Let’s
let them go. Let’s take some of the mortar out that holds things
together the old way.

Moving on. Okay, now, if you accept and recognize the self as having
far more lifetimes than just this one, how does that open up your
vision? Do you see how you can acknowledge much more of self,
much more as self, now?

Even though you may not have indulged in a certain behavior in this
life, that’s nothing. You have absolutely, no doubt, indulged it in
previous lives. Come on, now. You’re an old soul. You’ve been
around the block a few times. Let this in.

Now, let’s look at that life of yours, there, once again. Let’s look at
the happenings, the circumstances you’ve been resisting - where
you’ve been blaming or pointing the finger at others for their behavior
or something.

What does that look like now? Are you in heart? If you are, then you
can let what you see morph a good bit. You can see it changing. Can
you see yourself in those others? If you look hard, you can.

So what if you never behaved that way in this life? What has that got
to do with bloody anything? That IS you, there. Life is the mirror for
you. Life is doing nothing if not showing you yourself. I know - I hear
you - it’s a lot to take in. Don’t force yourself. Just take in what you
can. Be kind, be gentle to you - but be firm. Don’t run away from
what you see. It’s talking to you.

Life has, all this time, been having a conversation with us - one we’ve
chosen to largely ignore. Sure, if we see an 11-11 or 12-12 or other
serendipitous happenings, we’ll take note of it. We’re beginning to
hear just a bit. Still, life has been talking, all along. We just chose to
externalize - to place that outside of the self. In that way we weren’t
listening - weren’t able to hear.
Yes, I know - this is shocking. Perhaps I’ll stop here. I could go on
forever, it seems. There’s much more inside, ready to come out. I do
want to give you some time with this, though. As we take up a
perspective from heart, we can see deeply that which has been quite
invisible, up to now. It also helps that we’re decdonstructing total
reliance on mind. That’s a big part of this. Until we do that, we’re not
getting all the way into heart. Can’t be done.

Good day, then. I’ll go to a part two of this journal, but I’m hopeful
you’ll simply sit a while, looking from heart at your life. With this new
vision you’ll begin to see how everything out there could really be you
- could have deep relevance to self. It’s not really an external world,
you know. This is an early step in deconstructing, reconstructing that
building, the image of the self.


11:18 am, 11/23 2nd - FRESH BREEZES — IT’S OK NOT



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video journal, awaken or enlighten, Source God or Spirit, dethrone

mind, vision or perspective, watch or observe, look deeply,
deconstruct or reconstruct, self image, bricks and mortar, nothing is
external, all is One, circumstance or serendipity, reject or resist, heart
vision, changing perspective, Mayan calendar, already perfect,
surface or superficial, 3D and dimensions, choice and free will,
multiple lifetimes, electromagnetic spectrum, Mantra for Mind, old
soul, previous lives

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