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1) Smartphone are designed to deliver many functions ranging from making calls, taking picture, digital camera, playing

games, mp3 player etc ?

a) Suggest how you can measure usability of the smartphone?
b) What are usability requirements for smartphone?
c) How would you plan laboratory evaluation for such products

2) Design process
a) Iterative design processes are commonly used for interactive systems development. How is iterative design
processes performed in the interactive sys development?
b) Why it is so important to carry out the usability evaluation as early as possible in the design process?
c) What makes the differences between ethnographic observation and normal observation?
d) To create a user scenarios is important in the design process, why?

3) Most mobile phones in the market are not designed for elderly people to use. Now, you are asked to design one for
elderly users who are over 70 to be able to use easily.
a) How will you start?
b) What kind of methods will you use for requirement analysis? Why?
c) After the requirement analysis, you made some paper prototype and will evaluate the usability aspect of your
design, what kind of methods would you like to use? Why?
d) Now we assume that your design has been accepted by Samsung and they made a first full scale prototype and
would like you to make the usability evaluation before the mass production started. How would you like to
perform the usability evaluation? Why?

4) Usability evaluation methods

a) People use different methods to evaluate the usability of a product or an interface. Provide 3 methods that are
normally used on user tests, and 3 methods applied by cognitive experts.
b) It is recommended that one should apply both user tests and expert methods simultaneously, why?
c) Give a short description of user test process. How many users would you recommend for such test, why?

5) You are a website design team leader for immigration department of Malaysia. You have been asked to design a mobile
version of the website that can be viewed on small screen such as smartphone or tablet.
a) Suggest one method of identifying users’ needs for mobile users accessing the page. Keep in mind that it should
provide the same functionality and contents of the current page. You need to focus on the layout related needs.
b) Discuss How would you evaluate your new design in details.

6) Pharmacy Inc is redesigning a price comparison website to compare the drug prices at local pharmacy. It requires the
user to type in the full drug name and the user’s complete address. The website does not allow the user to query based
on pharmacies.
a) You are asked to conduct evaluation of the new website by using either controlled experiments or usability
testing. Compare these two methods by providing advantages and disadvantages.

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