A Lesson Plan On National Mental Health Programme

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STUDENT BATCH ; 2010-2012
The students will be able to understand about the national health programme and use this knowledge in day today life for
giving better care to the patients with mental illness based on the recommendations of mental health programme.

specific objectives
 to introduce national mental health programme
 to state national mental health programme
 to list the aims of national mental health programme
 to mention the objectives of national health programme
 to point out the strategies of national mental health programme
 to illustrate the mental health care in national mental health programme
 to explain the components of district mental health programme
 to describe the restrategies of national mental health programme during the 10th year plan
 to restate the components of national mental health programme during the 11th year plan
time specific objective Content Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation

5 min to introduce The National Mental Health Programme was initiated by Teacher asked Chalk The students
national mental the Government of India to integrate Mental Health with question about the board understood
health other Health services at rural level. The Government of introduction of about the
programme India felt the necessity of evolving a plan of action aimed national mental introduction of
at the mental health component of the National Health health programme. national health
Programme. For this, an expert group was formed in programme
1980, who met a number of times and discussed the issue
with many important people concerned with mental Students answered
health in India as well as with the Director, Division of about the
Mental Health, WHO, Geneva. Finally, in February introduction of
1981, a small drafting committee met in Lucknow and national mental
prepared the first draft of the NMHP. The final draft was health programme
submitted to the Central Council of Health, India’s
highest health policy making body at its meeting held on
18–20 August 1982. The Council discussed this
programme at length and adopted a resolution for its
implementation in the states The Government of India
has launched the National Mental Health Programme
(NMHP) in 1982, keeping in view the heavy burden of
mental illness in the community, and the absolute
inadequacy of mental health care infrastructure in the
country to deal with it. National Mental Health Program
was launched in view of the magnitude of mental illness
in the country and availability of infrastructure and
trained manpower in India
time specific objective Content Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation

5 to state mental health “Mental health must form an integral part of Teacher asked question to Chalk The students
min programme the total health programme and as such state national mental board understood
should be health programme. about the
included in all national policies and statement of
programmes in the field of Health, Education national
and Social Students stated the health
Welfare. Realising the importance of mental national mental health programme
health in the course curricula for various programme
levels of health professionals, suitable action
should be taken in consultation with the
authorities to strengthen the Mental Health
Education components. While appreciating
5 to list the aims of efforts of the Central Government in pursuing The teacher asked question Transpare The students
min national mental legislative action on Mental Health Bill, the about the aims of national ncy sheet understood
health programme joint mental health programme about the
Conference expressed its earnestness to see Students answered the aims aims of
that the bill takes a legal shape at the earliest”. of national mental health national
programme health
 Prevention and treatment of mental and programme
neurological disorders and their associated
 Use of mental health technology to improve
general health services
 Application of mental health principles in
total national development to improve
quality of life
time specific objective content Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation

5 min to mention the  To ensure availability and accessibility The teacher asked The students
objectives of of minimum mental health care for all in questions about the Transparency understood
national mental the foreseeable future, particularly to the objectives of national sheet about the
health programme most vulnerable and underprivileged health programme. objectives of
sections of population. national
Students answered the health
 To encourage application of mental objectives of national programme
health knowledge in general health care health programme.
and in social development.
 To promote community participation in
the mental health services development
and to stimulate efforts towards self-help
in the community.
to point out the
5 min strategies of The students
national mental  Integration mental health with primary The teacher asked Transparency understood
health programme health care through the NMHP; questions about the sheet about the
 Provision of tertiary care institutions for strategies of national objectives of
treatment of mental disorders; health programme national
 Eradicating stigmatisation of mentally ill health
patients and protecting their rights Students answered the programme
through regulatory institutions like the objectives of national
Central Mental Health Authority, and health programme
State Mental health Authority.
time specific objective content Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation

10 to illustrate the  The mental morbidity requires priority in The teacher asked Transparency The students
min mental health care mental health treatment questions about the sheet understood
in national mental  Primary health care at village and mental health care in about the
health programme subcentre level national health mental health
 At Primary Health Centre level programme care in national
 At the District Hospital level health
 Mental Hospital and teaching Psychiatric Students answered the programme
Units mental health care in
national health

to explain the A model delivery of community based mental The teacher asked The students
10 components of health care at the level of district was evolved questions about Transparency understood
min district mental and field tested in Bellary district of Karnataka components of district sheet about the
health programme by NIMHANS between 1986-1995. This model mental health components of
was adapted as the District Mental Health programme district mental
Programme (DMHP) and it was implemented health
in 27 Districts across 22 states/UTs in the IXth Students answered programme
plan beginning in the year 1996. about the components
of district mental
health programme
time specific objective Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation
 training programmes of all workers in
the mental health team at the identified
Nodal Institute in the State.
 Public education in the mental health to
increase awareness and reduce stigma
 For early detection and treatment, the
OPD and indoor services are provided.
 Providing valuable data and experience
at the level of community to the state and
Centre for future planning, improvement
in service and research. The teacher asked Chalk board The students
questions about understood
10 to describe the restrategies of about the
min restrategies of  Expansion of DMHP to 100 districts all national mental health restrategies of
national mental over the country. programme during the national mental
health programme 10th year plan. health
during the 10th year  Modernization of Mental Hospitals. Students answered programme
plan  Upgradation of Psychiatry wings of about the restrategies during the 10th
Govt. Medical Colleges/General of national mental year plan
Hospitals. health programme
during the 10th year
 IEC Activities.
 Research & Training in Mental Health
for improving service delivery
time specific objective Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation
15 During the 11th Five Year Plan an allocation The teacher asked Chalk board The students
min to restate the of Rs.1000 crore has been made for the questions about the understood
components of National Mental Health Programme. A sum of components of about the
national mental 70 crore has been provided in 2008-09 for national mental health components of
health programme implementation of NMHP. During the 11th programme during the district mental
during the 11th year Five Year Plan, it has been proposed to 11th year plan health
plan decentralize the Programme and synchronize programme
with National Rural Health Mission for
optimising the results. The main components of Students answered
NMHP that have been proposed are as under: about the components
of national mental
 To establish Centres of Excellence in health programme
Mental Health by upgrading and during the 11th year
strengthening of identified existing plan
mental hospitals for addressing acute
manpower shortage.

 Spill over of 10th Plan schemes for

modernization of state run mental
hospitals and upgradation of psychiatric
wings of medical colleges/general
time specific objective Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation
 To provide impetus for development of
Manpower in Mental Health, other
training centres (Govt. Medical
Colleges/General Hospitals etc.) would
also be supported for starting PG courses
in Mental Health or increasing intake

 District Mental Health Programme with

added components of Life Skills training
and counselling in schools, counselling
service in colleges, work place stress
management and suicide prevention
 Research-there is huge gap in research in
mental health which needs to be
 IEC-a lot of stigma is attached to mental
illnesses. It needs to be stressed that the
mental illness is treatable. An intensive
media campaign is planned for 11th Plan

time specific objective Teacher’s learner’s activity a.v.aids evaluation
 NGOs and Public Private Partnership for
implementation of the Programme. This
would increase the outreach of
community mental health initiatives
under DMHP.
 Monitoring Implementation &
Evaluation-Effective monitoring at
Central/State/District level will facilitate
implementation of various components
of NMHP.

In this class we discussed about the national mental health programmes.In this we have seen in detail about the
introduction,statement,aims,objective,components,strategies and mental health care in national mental health programme.We have
also seen regarding the restrategies of national mental health programme during the 10th year plan and 11th year plan. I hope that
the students have understood about the national health programme and use this knowledge in day today life for giving better care to
the patients with mental illness based on the recommendations of mental health programme.


Because of the national mental health programme the most important changes that have occurred are the availability of
increased range of treatments Luckily, most second-generation antipsychotics and antidepressants are freely available and
extremely inexpensive in India because of the licensing procedures. The second important development is the growing importance
of families in mental healthcare in the country. Families of carers are coming together and forming self-help groups in big cities.
This development testifies that professionals are looking at families as a major resource for mental healthcare. The availability of a
wide variety of both medical and non-medical care models is another development in the last two decades. Specifically, the growing
role of Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) who provide suicide prevention, disaster care and school health programmes, where
non-specialists and volunteers play an important role, has tremendous importance for India as it can bridge the gap of human

There are some barriers to reach NMHP goals. The goals set out in the 1982 document outlined were many. However,
the goals were too ambitious to begin with and not enough attention was paid to all aspects of its implementation. The first and
foremost barrier was the lack of funding. Though the NMHP came into being in 1982, the subsequent three Five Year Plans did not
make adequate funding allocation.Further, even the funds allotted were not fully utilised. It was only in the Ninth Five Year Plan
that a substantial amount of Rs 280 million was made available and it is projected in the Tenth Five Year Plan to be about Rs 1,900
million. The availability of funds in 1995 for the district mental health programme has shown that once funds are available, states
are ready to take up intervention programmes and professionals are keen to take up a wide variety of initatives for integrating
mental health with primary healthcare. The inadequacy of human resources in mental health is another barrier. Even now, most
districts do not have public sector psychiatrists. Some of the medical colleges do not have full departments of psychiatry, especially
the government medical colleges. The lacunae of not having enough training facilities for training in clinical psychology,
psychiatric social work and psychiatric nursing is a major limitation for non-medical models and community-based programmes
to take roots beyond the big cities.

Appropriate mental health can be provided at the sub centre and village level by minimum training of the health
workers that will help in providing comprehensive health care at the most peripheral level. The targets set for the programme are not
achieved till today after lapse of more than one decade. This indicates that there is a poor commitment of the government,
psychiatrists, and community at large. The programme has given more emphasis on the curative services to the mental disorders and
preventive measures are largely ignored. More public awareness programmes are required. The medical care in the hospitals are
custodial in nature and this needs to be changed to a therapeutic approach.

1. http://www.nihfw.org/NDC/DocumentationServices/NationalHealthProgramme/NATIONALMENTALHEALTHPROGRAMME.html
2. http://india.gov.in/sectors/health_family/mental_health.php
3. http://www.aarogya.com/health-resources/health-programs/2572-national-mental-health-programme.html
4. http://pbhealth.gov.in/pdf/mental%20health.pdf
5. http://www.mohfw.nic.in/Mental%20Health.pdf
6. http://iph-partnership.org/images/2/2d/Mental_Health_in_India.pdf
7. http://icmr.nic.in/ijmr/2007/june/editorial.pdf
8. http://www.bpaindia.org/Enewsletterfinal%20Report%20April%20-%20June%2007.pdf
9. http://www.scribd.com/doc/470161/Cuddy-National-Mental-Health-Program

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