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German-Mongolian Institute for

Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.


For your understanding about ”Stirling engine”, 10 Points Project.

submitted by
Khatansaikhan, Sainbileg

May 19, 2019

German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

1 Section one: Abstract 2

2 Section two: Introduction 3

3 Section three: State of the art 4

4 Section Four: Data and Calculation 6

4.1 some results and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5 Section Five: Scientific methods 7

6 Section Six: Conclusion and Discussion 9

7 Section Seven: Acknowledgment 10

8 Section Eight: Additional materials 11

8.1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

9 Section Nine: References 12

10 Section Ten: Annex/Appendices 13

German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

1 Section one: Abstract

(1 page)

In this project i studied more about Stirling engine(hot air engine). During the
experiement and research,we knew whether the stirling engine is able to replace other
engines or can be used in other fields.As well as i made my own alpha type stirling
engine. So i studied more about what to consider on making the stirling engine.

I will give some information about applications of stirling engine today.In this time
when the stirling engine is becoming more known as useful, We need to study more
about stirling engine.

Fig:1 Alpha-type stirling engine

German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

2 Section two: Introduction

(1.5 page)

The stirling engine was invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling, the father of hot air
engine.As well as the first stirling engine application was water pump, which was
working in Ayrshire quarry in 1818.There are 3 main types of stirling engines. These
are Alpha-type, Beta-type, Gamma-type which all the types have different structures
for different applications.

Robert stirling’s patent was also about economiser, That is lately known as regenerator
and This is very important part of the engine.As mentioned below, Every stirling
engines has its own structure. . For example alpha-type stirling engine has 2 cylinder,
One is expansion cylinder to be heated and the other one is compression cylinder to
be cooled (Fig:2). The next one is beta type stirling engine, It has only one cylinder
and consists of main parts(e.g Displacer Flywheel, Power piston). One end is hot end
and another end is cold end and displacer will conducts hot air into cold end and
cooled air will be pushed back to the hot end. As this circulation, Power piston will
move due to the gas’s expansion and compression process and eventually drive the
flywheel.Gamma-type stirling engine is simply a beta type stirling engine but power
piston is subjected to cold cylinder which has 2 cylinder(Fig:3). This type of stirling
engine has less mechanical complication between piston and displacer.

—————- Fig:1 ————————————–Fig:2 ——————————- Fig:3 —

For the project, Alpha-type stirling engine was chosen and invented as model. The
model was made of simple materials like CD, Bearing, pencil, syringe, plastic tube
and test tubes.
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

3 Section three: State of the art

(1 page)

In this section i will provide more information about alpha type stirling engine that i
have made.

In fact if you are following the schedule of my model, Do not use melt glue with the
hot parts. Because when i heated the expansion cylinder, The glued parts of the power
piston melts and deforms its shape so i had to start over again.

First of all i used 2 test tubes as power piston and as an expansion cylinder. They have
radius of mm, mm respectively. But the big test tube should be thermal glass in order
to endure hot flame. If you are using different sized Test tubes, Pay attention to the
power piston it should be loose fitting in expansion cylinder.(Length of the Expansion
cylinder=6.5cm, Length of the power piston=3cm)

Next, I made 2 flywheel with CD. For big flywheel i used 3 CD with 3.5cm radius. For
small flywheel i used 2 CD with 1.5cm radius. and put 2 rods as Fig:4.Then connected
them with bearing. In order to rotate 2 flywheel with 1 bearing, I used inside circle
of the bearing and seal the outside circle with the base.

Next, Prepare your main rod as Fig:5 and flywheel driver as Fig:6 . After that use lid
with 2 hole, one in the center and one in the other side as Fig:7

Finally, Go for compression cylinder. I used syringe and small lid that fits loosely in
a syringe as piston. Then connect the parts each other. Insert the main rod trough
the center hole of the lid, Then seal it with power piston and connect this part with
the expansion cylinder.Use the short flywheel driver and connect it with main rod
and big flywheel. Lastly, Connect syringe piston and small flywheel with long flywheel
driver. For compression cylinder, You can use same method as shown in Fig:5. The
final model will look like as Fig:8. The Figures are drawn by me
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.





German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

4 Section Four: Data and Calculation

(4 page)
Dimensions of the parts:
1.Radius of parts
Expansion cylinder:1cm
Compression cylinder:0.7cm
Big flywheel:4.5cm
Small flywheel:3cm
2.Length of the parts
Expansion cylinder:8.5
Compression cylinder:2.5
Main rod:10cm
Flywheel driver for expansion cylinder:3.5cm
Flywheel driver for compression cylinder:4.5cm
Coefficient of the parts:
Friction coefficient of the bearing : 0.0015 (Deep groove ball bearing)
Friction coefficient metal on metal(Lubricated):0.15

4.1 some results and methods

For our model, The stirling engine didn’t work fully and efficient. In conclusion, For
the flywheel i used 4 CD for the big one and 2 CD for the small one. So the flywheels
are too heavy for the engine.When i gives heat energy, It gives more rotation than the
cold state. But eventually it was stopping after few seconds later. The principle of
the Stirling engine is explained in Section five:Scientific methods
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

5 Section Five: Scientific methods

(1.5 page)
Four basic phases that occurs on the displacer
1.Isochoric heating:

The volume remains constant, but the displacer, while going down, sends the gas from the lower
part (cold) to the top (hot).
2. Isothermal expansion:

The displacer follows the engine piston during the expansion so that the gas remains in contact
only with the hot source.
3.Isohoric cooling:

The volume remains constant, but the displacer, while going up, sends the gas from the higher
part (hot) to the lower part (cold).
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

4.Isothermal compression:

The displacer, during compression, remains at the top so that the gas is always in contact only with
the cold source.
]The following explanation is explained on beta type stirling engine.

P-V diagram of stirling engine

The net work is defined as: Wnet=nR(Tmax-Tmin)lnVmax/Vmin

Stirling engine efficiency when there is a regenerator: e = 1 - Tmin / Tmax

The following explanations of principle are copied and downloaded from http://www.robertstirling
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

6 Section Six: Conclusion and Discussion

(1 page)

Stirling engine is becoming more popular and some companies has started to make
products that are powered with stirling engine. Since it has more efficiency than Steam
engines, It can power many fields. Of course, We have some disadvantages about
Stirling engines. For example The cost is not able to compete with other engines,
because of its lack of understanding among the people. And sealing problems, If we
want to use other gases eventually it will release. But we have many possibilities to
use stirling engines. For example we can use solar heat energy and nuclear energy. As
well as the engine is eco-friendly, which means we can produce less Green-house gas.

Developed countries like China, USA, Japan has started to power their Submarines
with stirling engine. It works well with other engines as hybrid and extends time to
stay up to 2 weeks under the water. It shows how the stirling engine is useful.
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

7 Section Seven: Acknowledgment

(1 page)

I am very thankful to Mr.Soronzonbold teacher for giving us the opportunity to write

a project in the form of a research paper on the topic “Stirling Engine”.

I am also very thankful to GMIT Staffs, including lab assistant Ms.Yaruunaa for giving
test tubes and Repairmen of the GMIT for lending me tools to cut the glasses and
some metals.

With this research paper, I learnt a lot about stirling engine , Some Building processes,
Structuring, Materials features and Mechanical Failures. As well as i knew, In what
field the Stirling engine is useful and effiecent.It becomes big experience to write
research papers.
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

8 Section Eight: Additional materials

(1 page)

The stirling engine was invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling, the father of hot air
engine.As well as the first stirling engine application was water pump, which was
working in Ayrshire quarry in 1818. But the pump was destroyed by the careless one
who overheated the engine.

8.1 Application
Lately stirling engine is used in marine force, household uses, Cars, powerplants.

First thing we can use stirling engine useful is heat and power producing machine. In
order to work stirling engine we use heat and converts it into mechanical work, With
this mechanical energy we can use generator. It means it’s very useful in household
use, We can heat our house and power it with electricity. There are several companies
with products on the market today that make electricity and also generate hot water
for use in heating homes and buildings.

Secondly, Some countries like Japan, China and USA are using stirling engine to
power their submarines. Since it’s silent, we can use in army forces. For example
Japan Soryuu class submarines are powered with stilring engine. With diesel, battery
and stirling engine we can use submarines under water up to 2 weeks.

We can use stirling engine in cars, But with other engines. It is useful when it works
with other engines as hybrid. Because only stirling engine powered cars have some
disadvantages. For example They’re slow to start, It’s difficult to change power levels
quickly, They don’t accelerate quickly, They’re heavier and more expensive.
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

9 Section Nine: References

(1 page) ft heS tirlinge ngine
German-Mongolian Institute for
Resources and Technology.

Faculty of Mathematics,
Computer and Natural Sciences.

10 Section Ten: Annex/Appendices

1 page Apendix A1 Alpha type Stirling engine Alpha type stirling engine has chosen and made as
a model. It includes informations about what to consider, what are the parts of it, structuring and
datas of the parts

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