Canadian UFO Report - Vol 1 No 7 - 1970

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UFO Occupants
Visit Hospital

Invasion Over Prairies

Summer, 1970 Price: One Dollar Volume 1, Number 7

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This is the first issue of Canadian UFO Report to follow Issue No. 6\ dated
Nov. - Dec., 1969. We explain this to reassure readers who believe th at they
may have missed an issue in the meantime.

We had planned to date this one for Spring, but fresh material tihat arrived
about the time we expected to go to press persuaded us to hold. off a little
longer, and suddenly it was Summer !

The result is a much heftier magazine than before and OX".ae that we think
makes a fitting introduction to the quarterly, instead of bimonthly, printing
schedule we intend to maintain from now on.

But even with the increased contents we are still holding over a fund of
absorbing new material. Despite what we occasionally read elsewhere, the UFO
scene is more active than ever - and wt- :uld know because receiving
reports is our business.

So stay with us, there is more to come. Much more.



"SCIENCE the PUBLIC and the UFO"
by Ottawa author ARTHUR BRAY

"• . . . by far the best book yet on the mystery of the UFO."
-Johy Hay, Vice Pres. (Special Research),
U.S. Banknote Corporation

cloth cover $6.00 ; paperback $3.00 ; ( postage included )



P.O. Box 5051, Station F,
Ottawa, Ontario.
VOL. 1 NO.7
Prepare For Surprise
We will not suggest there was anything but a
technical failure - a�ful though it was - that
nearly brought Apollo 13 to disaster on its trip to
the moon. We will not suggest that advanced
creatures with a base up there took a shot at the
craft to discourage any more lunar visits.
In the first place we have no grounds for such
speculation. In the second, there is sure to be a
complete explanation of the accident, perhaps
even before we are in print.
UFO Occupants near Hospital
More Pairs of "Men" 12 We earnestly hope there will be. Funds per-
"Little Green Man" 14 mitting, the space program will continue just as
Mysteries in Russian Sky 16
long as its engineering setbacks can be analyzed
Physical Effects 19
Invasion of Prairies 25
and corrected - and so it must. It is the most
Strange Road Lights 21 stirring adventure the world has even known.
Debating Ottawa's "Chunk" 32
Those who protest there are problems on earth in
Flying Saucer over Romania
Public Wants UN Study
�� more urgent need of attention si·mply do not un-
Action Urged in Ottawa 42 derstand the stakes of the game.
Letters 43 Certainly there are such problems - and
elimination of the space program would create
another. Man would be admitting that this small
anxious world was the end of his road and he would
become more discontent than ever because his
place in the sun had shrunk. As evidence, consider
the worldwide concern that fastened on the plight
of Apollo 13. This was everyone's flight to the
EDITOR & PUBLISHER: unknown. This was everyone's escapism in danger
John Magor of going wrong.
But what of accidents ahead? By the law of
Brian Cannon averages there will be fatal ones- in addition to
those already on record- and there will be ones
unsolved. Already making the official rounds are
Richard Horsfield
reports of strange craft seen on the moon, and it is
ARTIST: admitted almost openly that space flights are
Lesley Footner
tailed by unknown objects.
We do not share the view that U FOs are
Daniel Radford primarily hostile. If they were, we would know far
more about them than we do. But it is possible we
Address all correspondence to:
are getting close to what they consider their
Canadian UFO Report,
Box 758, Duncan, B.C. Canada territory. Let's not regard this possibility as
fantasy but accept it as a calculated risk. To do
t:JJ.F. Magor, 1970
less will mean being unprepared for the biggest
Printed by Cowichan Leader surprise of all.

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UFO O ccupan ts
See n N ear Hospital
Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse, and "The object was circular and had what I
Mrs. Frieda Wilson, a registered nurse, are guess you would call a top and bottom. The
employed together on the night shift in the bottom was silvery, like metal, and was shaped
extended-care ward for elderly patients at the like a bowl. There was a string of bright lights
Cowichan District Hospital at Duncan on around it like a necklace. The top was a dome
Vancouver Island. made of something like glass. It was lit up from
Theirs is a position that requires a special inside and I could see right into it."
degree of tact, maturity and gentleness of Continuing her account in question-and­
manner for it is at night that their patients, answer form, Miss Kendall said there were two
often unable to sleep, have long lonely hours in male-like figures in the craft, one behind the
which to contemplate the little that remains for other, facing to her right away from the
them in life. A word or gesture of comfort from hospital. The one in front appeared taller., or
the nurses on duty is all they have in their perhaps was positioned higher, than the other.
fading world until the routine of morning Their heads were encased in close-fitting dark
helps them into another day. material.
It is immediately apparent on meeting them As she watched with intense curiosity, yet
that Miss Kendall and Mrs. Wilson, both in late completely unfrightened - "I never felt so
middle-age, were assigned to their particular peaceful in all my life. I wish I could have
work with these qualifications in mind. In talked to them" - she became aware of seeing
addition to what training obviously has given more of the interior of the craft and realized it
them, they have an inborn quality that invites was tilting. In a moment she could see to a
trust, and it was no surprise, after we in­ point just below their knees and noticed they
terviewed them, that friends and former were standing in front of what looked like
patients of each told us they would accept their stools.
word under any circumstance. Coming from "They looked like fine, tall, well-built men,, ..
several who had doubted the existence of she said. "They were dressed in tight-fitting
UFOs, this was a significant tribute in light of suits of the same material that covered their
what the two nurses t with partial confirmation heads but their hands were bare and I noticed
by two others who arrived seconds later) said how human they looked. Their flesh seemed
they observed outside the hospital just as 1970 just like ours."
. was dawnina on the Pacific Coast. Intrigued as she was by the appearance of
It was turning five in the morning of Jan. 1 the two figures, Miss Kendall found her in­
when Miss Kendall, concerned that one of her terest mainly centred on what looked like an
women patients was restless, switched on a instrument panel facing the one in front. One
light to attend to her. Deciding the patient was reason for this, she thought, was that she comes
too warm, she went to a window near the bed from a family of racing-car enthusiasts and
and parted the drapes to let in a little fresh air. automotive mechanics have always held a
"Just as I pulled the drapes a brilliant light special interest for her.
hit me in the eyes," she said. "It was still dark "The man in front was staring at the panel as
outside, but about 60 feet away right above the if something very important was going on, and
children's ward, there was this object so big I wondered if they might have had mechanical
and bright I could see everything clearly." trouble," she said. "I even thought they might
{Immediately to the left of where Miss have landed on the roof of the hospital and
Kendall was standing, a wing of the hospital then had trouble taking off.
juts out at right angles. The children's ward is She described the panel as a very large one,
on the third floor of that wing. With Miss taking up almost half the interior of the object
Kendall on the second floor of her wing, this and reaching nearly to the top of the dome. The
meant the object was hovering above her by instruments, if that is what they were, seemed
slightly more than the height of one storey and to be inset in the chrome-like metal of the
a little to her left.) panel and there was a variety of sizes.

window and wondered what she was looking at.
In fact, I was just going to see when she
beckoned to me, and then I saw this great big
light over the patio outside the children's ward.
I'd say it was quite a hit larger than a car. (By
the estimate of both witnesses, the object
spanned a width of about five windows of the
children's ward. This gave it a diameter of at
least 50 feet.) It looked circular in shape and
the far side seemed to he higher than the side
near us. It was moving around slowly .and then
it started to move away. I dido 't really see any
top or bottom to it. It was all just tremendously
bright. Some people say we were looking at a
plastic hag with candles in it, put there as a
joke. But it would take a million candles to
make it as bright as that."
Mrs. Wilson did not see the "necklace" of
lights described by Miss Kendall, nor could
she see inside the object and consequently saw
no human-like figures. Since this appeared to
he a serious difference in the two reports, we
Miaa Doreen Kendall asked Miss Kendall in a second interview how
The total sight was so absorbing that at first she might account for it.
Miss Kendall's thoughts were lost to everything "I think Mrs. Wilson must have come just a
else, and for a moment she forgot Mrs. Wilson hit too late," she said. "After the thing circled
was in the same room. four or five times, it started going away, farther
"Then when I did think of it, I guess I along by the roof of the children's ward, and I
hesitated," she explained. "I felt I mustn't couldn't see inside it either."
make a noise or do anything that would break Not being precisely sure how close the object
the trend of what was happening." was when Miss Kendall first observed it, Mrs.
At this point, almost as if her thoughts were Wilson could not say whether or not this did
being read, she saw the figure in the rear turn explain her failure to see the occupants. But
slowly and face squarely in her direction. the fact that she came to the window in time to
"He seemed to look right at me hut I couldn't see the craft circling, and then saw it move.
see his face. It was covered by a darkish away, suggests the explanation of distance does
material that looked softer than the rest of his not quite fill the bill. So without intending to
suit. I'm sure he saw me because then he add anything to the narrative that the witnesses
touched the other man on the hack." themselves did not observe, we offer another
Miss Kendall said that what followed, again possible explanation merely for the sake of
possibly because of her interest in mechanics, conjecture.
made a sharper impression on her than It has been noticed in UFO sightings that the
anything else in the entire incident. object when stationary gives out less light than
"When the man in hack did this, the one in when in motion. This rule, of course, is not
front reached down and took hold of invariable. UFOs emanating no light at all have
something like a lever beside him. I'll never been seen moving at high speed, while others
forget how deliberately he did it. He pushed it glowing brightly have been seen to hover and
hack and forth and the saucer, or whatever even to land.
you'd call it, started to circle slowly, still close But the increase of light with motion does:
to the building, in an anticlockwise direction." appear to be a general characteristic, and it is
The motion seemed to break the spell. for one that may have prevented Mrs. Wilson
Miss Kendall, for then she remembered Mrs. seeing the interior of the craft outside the
Wilson was there and called her over. hospital. All of Miss Kendall's observations in
Later we spoke separately to Mrs. Wilson, detail were made before the craft started to
who continued the story from that point. move. After that she, like Mrs. Wilson, was
"I noticed Miss Kendall standing at the conscious only of the light and motion of the
craft. In other words, by the time Mrs. Wilson A significant factor of this sighting is that
reached the window the brightness of the none of the witnesses made any effort to
object may have increased to an extent that all publicize it, yet at the same time made no
details were obscured. It would have been like pretence of being secretive. Knowing of our
staring at the headlights of a car. All one could interest in the subject, another nurse at the
have said about the car itself was that its lights hospital who is a friend of ours phoned us a
were bright. little later the same morning and it was through
This in turn may account for the fact that, this connection that we arranged the interview
unlike Miss Kendall, Mrs. Wilson felt only which was later reported in the Victoria press.
alarm when she looked at the object. Some Immediately the story appeared, the two
maintain that at times through some kind of witnesses, like ourselves, started to receive
chemistry UFQs are able to exert a calming phone calls by persons who were legitimately
influence. But in this case it appears to have �d intelligently interested and by others who
been the peaceful manner of the two occupants professed to have exclusive private in­
that dispelled any fear Miss Kendall might formation about the incident. It was here that
have felt. we acquired information of our own about
At this point two other nurses on the floor, people who, for some reason that escapes us,,
Mrs. Oackson and Mrs. Appleby, hearing the want to establish that they have the inside
excited comments of the first two, rushed to dope. We heard about half a dozen different
another window of the ward hut could only see versions of the incident being a put-up job. We
what they agreed was a ''bright light'' receding were told by some it was a hunch of school kids
in the distance. Seconds later two other nurses having fun and by others it was a hunch of
also looked out a window hut saw nothing. drunks. In two or three cases names were even
Apparently by that time the object had moved mentioned hut in no case did the names agree,
behind trees that border the hospital. and in no case did our callers explain how so

As nurses watched from window out of sight on left, ward on top storey of this hospital wing. It spanned five
UFO with two occupants was seen outside children's windows, starting from left.

-------- --
much rowdyism was going on at the hospital direction, was wrong in this notation. Victoria
grounds without the police being called. lies south of Duncan whereas the direction
Also none of our callers mentioned another taken by the UFO, as established by recon­
extraordinary sighting that occurred at struction of events, was northeast.) The bottom
Duncan within seconds of the hospital in­ of the saucer was brilliantly lit and also the
cident, obviously because this one was not dome - New Year's morning."
reported in the press and therefore offered no Of the two principal witnesses at the
one a chance to give us uexclusive" in­ hospital, Mrs. Wilson was the more alarmed
formation about it. when she saw the UFO - in fact, as we have
But the authenticity of the incident is un­ noted, the sighting had a peaceful effect on
deniable because it was reported to authorities Miss Kendall - and later reported she had a
before the hospital case had received any "tingling" sensation which may have been
publicity whatever. caused by excitement or, as in some cases, by
In other words, completely unknown to each some emanation from the craft itself.
other, two sets of witnesses were observing a Yet strangely it was Miss Kendall who was
UFO in the vicinity of Duncan early that New the more lastingly affected by the experience.
Year's morning. When she returned that morning to her home
The second set of witnesses was a truck­ in Nanaimo, north of Duncan, her brother who
driver and his wife whose names and report, was visiting from out of town immediately
like the nurses', are officially on record. noticed something unusual had happened to
Although admitting he had a few drinks, the her and asked her about it, whereupon she told
husband said the experience made him feel him her strange experience.
cold sober and he was sufficiently affected by "For at least a week after that," she said in
it to make his report though it meant disclosing our second interview, "I didn't feel quite like
his condition while driving. my usual self. I think that normally I am an
The man said he and his wife had just outgoing sort of person, but now I felt very
returned home from a party about five o'clock subdued and some of the other nurses said I
that morning when their attention was attracted seemed preoccupied."
by a huge white light "as big as a house" By the time we saw her again, however, she
hovering low over their place. The witness seemed completely relaxed and friendly and
described the light as somewhat oval or rec­ though, by her own acknowledgment, she had
tangular in shape (it will be noted the UFO at been through an experience she would never
the hospital was circular but, if seen at an angle forget, there was no sign that the incident
by these other two witnesses, it might have would alter the composed tenor of her life in
appeared oval) and said that three or four any way.
shafts of light extended down at an angle One would have thought that was enough
beneath it, converging to form a single shaft. excitement for one day in the small town of
This gave the object the appearance of a top. As Duncan but the strange aerial visitors decreed
they watched in amazement for a few seconds, otherwise. About seven o'clock that evening the
the light suddenly shot up and either blinked glowing craft - or perhaps another of about
out or disappeared in the distance at an in­ the same size - flew at low altitude through the
credible speed. darkness in full view of a flock of assorted
"I may have had a few drinks," the man said, witnesses at various points in the area. Since
"but I know perfectly well that had nothing to the morning visit was not yet publicly known,
do with what I saw, and my wife saw it, too." there can be no suggestion that people had
Back at the hospital Miss Kendall, deciding started seeing things on that account.
to put her experience on record, made this On this second visit the object appeared so
entry in the hospital working schedule: big and bright that at least one group of wit­
��At 5 a.m. I saw a flying saucer as low as the nesses could see it several miles away. The
third floor of the hospital when I pulled the observers in this case were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
curtains. There were two men or figures in the Gillam and friends who were having dinner at
(Miss Kendall,
dome flying towards Victoria. the Deer Lodge restaurant just off the Island
�who admits having an uncertain sense of highway south of Mill Bay. To them the object

.... When Miss Kendall (opposite) parted drapes she saw males. Apparently knowing they were observed, one
brightly lit object containing two human-appearing touched other on back.

seemed to he over the Saanich Peninsula, about such a large apparatus without being spotted.
10 miles to the east, and was headed in a We watched it for about five minutes until it
northeasterly direction. seemed to disappear into the clouds."
��All w� could see was a large hall of light Then right on the waterfront we talked to the
moving quite slowly, much slower than an Drummond family who for once and all
airplane," Gillam said. "It must have been very eliminated any idea the incident was a prank or
bright for us to see it from that distance. I don't a normal flying occurrence.
think a helicopter would have been that
Their startling experience occurred while
bright." Jim Drummond, a shipwright, and his wife,
Any thought that the object might have been Dianna, aboard the tugboat which they have
a helicopter was removed by the comments of converted into a comfortable home, were
two other sets of witnesses who saw the light, or making a New Year's visit to Jim's mother who
another of the same general description, much has a house immediately overlooking the shore
closer at hand. at Mill Bay. It was she who had the first hint of
One of these groups was Judge George what was to happen.
Hallett, his wife and three dinner guests who, "It was about seven o'clock and Jim and
at about 7 p.m. that New Year's Day, saw a huge Dianna were still on the boat, anchored close
orange-colored light passing slowly along the to shore, when I went outside to call them in to
waterfront opposite the Halletts' home at Mill dinner, " she said. "Then I noticed a light in
Bay. Reconstruction of the scene placed the the sky moving over the hay. I couldn't tell how
distance of the light at about half a mile. Since big it was, it was so bright, and it had a yellow·
the object, travelling south at the time, was orangey glow like sunlight.
staying close to shore, it appears the Halletts'
"I got so excited I yelled to my son to look. I
sighting preceded that of the Gillams who saw
ran out to the other side of my house hut I
the light, if it was the same, moving off in the
couldn't see over the trees. I tried to phone
some of the neighbors hut I couldn't get
"This was no ordinary aircraft, and it was no
through on the party line."
plastic-hag trick either," Judge Hallett said. "It
But on deck Jim had received the message.
was making no sound that we could detect, it
was moving very slowly and it was enormous. "I looked up and saw this light coming in
I'm quite sure no one could play a trick with from the north, just about in line with our boat.
It was skimming right under the overcast
which was about 900 feet. I ran into the cabin
and grabbed my telescope and camera, and my
wife came out with me to look. We were really
Guessing that on film the object would
merely look like a blob against a black
background, Jim did not bother with the
camera but studied the thing carefully through
his telescope.
"It was sort of egg-shaped, in a vertical
position, hut the top and bottom were in­
distinct," he said. "It seemed to he transparent
on top, and inside it I thought I could see a set
of lights hut I couldn't really make out any
To make it easier for her son to bring his
wife and little hoy ashore, Mrs. Drummond had
switched on a flood light on the porch of her
house. Whether this had anything to do with
what followed is impossible to say, but for
some reason the object dropped about 300 feet
as it passed between the house and the tugboat.
It was almost as if it was curious about the
Judge & Mrs. George Hallen strong light shining from the dark shore.

that thing which by then had slowed down
almost to a stop," he said. 04lt was a ray of light
like a very. thin neon tube, and it was in pieces,
something like the dots and dashes of morse
code. lt came down in a curve and then it
flashed right out, all of it at the same time. My
hair just stood up on end. I couldn't imagine
anything like it."
After this weird performance the object
climbed back to its former height and passed
out of sight to the south. It was at this stage that
the Halletts might have seen it, their house
being in that direction. Significantly the wind
was blowing from the southwest at the time. If
the object had been a balloon this would have
driven it in the opposite direction.
Like other people in the Maple Bay area near
Duncan where he normally keeps his boat, Jim
Drummond a few days later had another
sighting. But this time it was obviously some
part of a game that pranksters had started to
play, perhaps stimulated by the UFO publicity
which by then had swarmed into the local
Mrs. Bea Drummond "The second one wasn't the same thing at
all," he said. "You could see it was a kids' job,
Then something happened that on Jim made not a fraction as bright, and it was just bobbing
the sharpest impression of all. around without really going anywhere."
"Just at that point something came out of The rash of reports that c�opped up for the

Seen in front of tugboat

which they have converted
into comfortable home, Jim
and Dianna Drummond were
treated to spectacular New
Year's display when giant
UFO flew close to vessel. Jim's
mother, whom they were
visiting, was first to sight

next month or so made it difficult to
distinguish between what might be real and
what was clearly fake. Eventually we decided
that, in our book at least, only the Jan. 1
sightings had the true flavor of authenticity.

Yet there were others that made us pause.

Phoning James Quaife, the mayor of Duncan,
on a tip, we learned that one night in January,
he and his wife and several neighbors, watched
a light many times brighter than a star perform
spectacular manoeuvres in the sky, including
dead stops and reversal of direction.

A month later after the excitement seemed to

have died, John V anderhoek, who lives on a
farm by the Vancouver Island highway,
phoned to say that motorists were crowding up
in front of his place to watch a Hred thing in the
air" that was putting on quite a performance.
He described it as rising and falling, and
changing in intensity as it did so. Above the
reddish light there appeared to be a white one,
and the object was in motion despite a com­
plete absence of wind. As he spoke the light
moved toward mountains to the west and

That apparently marked the end of the Mayor James Quaife

Vancouver Island flap, at least for the time
being. But it might be well to explain that the
HWe saw it through a window from inside the
Jan. 1 sightings did not really mark the
school at first, then we rushed outside to get a
beginning. In December there had been a
better look. We were all pretty excited, and I
scattering of sightings north of Duncan, and in
think there was one who was even quite
pne case the object sounded very similar to that
frightened. I felt like ringing the school bell
reported by Vanderhoek. It was glowing white
but decided I had better not."
on top and red on the bottom.
Mrs. Beiling explained the day was heavily
But the most striking of these earlier in­ overcast at the time and consequently it was
cidents occurred one morning above Duncan's difficult to say whether they were staring
Alexander elementary school. The object in through open space in the middle of the craft,
this case was ring-shaped and, as it moved or whether the center was made of some

silently overhead, was observed by a teacher, material matching the clouds in color. But
there was no doubt in the witnesses' minds that
two aides, the school secretary and two
they were looking at a solid object, not at a
smoke ring. After about three minutes the
HThe ring definitely looked as if it was made object was lost from sight.
of some solid substance," Mrs. Edith Belling, The ring-shaped object is not a newcomer to
one of the aides, told us. Hit was like a very UFO reports, and there are cases in which it
large heavy hula hoop and the material looked has been proved beyond doubt to be of the
like thick rolled -up plastic. It seemed to smoke variety. But here we have the puzzle of a
change in size slightly, perhaps because it was ring being seen as an introductory feature to a
moving up and down, and we didn't have any UFO show of classic quality. It is difficult to
real idea what size it was but I'd say a large believe the two events were not in some way
plane could have fitted into it about 15 times. associated.

. As Drummonds watched (opposite) a ray like 11thin Jim, Looking through telescope, felt his hair stand on
neon tube" divided into pieces flashed from object. '- end.

The rising sun reflected off a window-like
opening in the craft and Yoos was able to
detect the movement of two figures inside. He
saw the two heads turn and felt that they were
watching him although he was unable to
distinguish any features.
After the initial din, the machine made no
sound. Yoos estimated that it was about 20 feet
long, 14 to 16 feet through the middle and 10
feet deep- definitely egg shaped. It appeared
as if one corner of the object had buried into
the ground since an impression was noted in
the soil by Y oos, later.
As the two figures turned toward the man,
the object suddenly turned to the left slightly
and rose straight into the air and away to the
east. Yoos had given little thought to UFOs
before hut he could not explain what had
landed in Olds, Alta. that sunny July morning.

Then in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. James E.

McDonald received a news clipping of the
Mrs. Edith Beiling Duncan story and he, too, recalled reading a
report of an incident that matched the hospital
account in several striking details. A professor
But, like so much of the UFO story, we must
at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the
wait for other similar instances before we can
University of Arizona, Dr. McDonald has
begin to guess what the association might he.
campaigned strongly to gain scientific
recognition of the UFO phenomenon. The
report he sent us was carried by uThe
More Pairs Of "Men" Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting
In Winnipeg, news of the sighting at the Report" published by UFO Information
Duncan hospital struck a note in the memory Retrieval Center, Inc., at R iderwood,
of consulting editor Brian Cannon who, Maryland.
digging into his files, came up with the Readers will note how in this case the oc­
following report of an incident that occurrred cupants again seemed to observe their
last summer in. Alberta. Readers will note the surroundings before taking off and how the
astonishing similarity between the behavior of color green is emphasized, as in the Yoos
·the two figures described in this case and that account. The description of the occfl-pants'
of the humanoid who seemed to observe Miss clothing is quite similar to that of Miss Ken­
Kendall. dall's sighting. The UFOIC report said:
Fred Y oos, a night employee of an Olds,
Alberta concern, received an unexpected A sighting of a fantastic character was wit­
visitor in the early morning of July 1, 1969. nessed by Mrs. Frederick Moreland of Old
Y oos was walking through the premises at 6 : 15 Renwick Road, Blenheim, New Zealand, on the
a.m. when he heard a clattering which he early morning of July 13, 1959. Mrs. Moreland
thought was a low-flying airplane. lives with her husband, an airman at the
The noise sounded like several people were Woodhorne Station of the Royal New Zealand
hammering on a piece of metal pipe and it Air Force, with their five children on a small
shook the building for a few moments. Ner­ farm outside of Blenheim, near the northeast
vously, the 62-year-old man looked out of a tip of South Island.
nearby window and saw a large, green, ellip­ The story of Mrs. Moreland's unusual ex­
tical object descending from a dense cloud to perience is related somewhat in detail in the
the northwest. Down it came, until it hovered . July 22 issue of the Nelson Evening Mail. Mrs.
just above the ground not more than 50 feet Moreland's account in part as given to the
away from the startled witness. Mail reporter reads as fo_llows :
At 5 : 30 a.m. on Monday, July I3, I went resembling that of the Duncan incident in
across the paddock to milk the cows. I noticed certain detail came to our auention. This time
a green glow in the clouds. As there was no it was an account carried by the APRO
moon I wondered what it was. When I was Bulletin, edited by Coral E. Lorenzen in
halfway across the paddock, two large green Tucson, Arizona, of a series of sightings in the
things, like eyes or big lamps, appeared above Phillipines on Nov. 1, 1968. Although in this
me and dropped towards the grpund. case the unknown craft had wheels, a feature
u I noticed that I was bathed in green and that not reported before (possibly because no
all the paddock was green, too. It was a horrid actual landing was seen in the other instances),
sort of color. My first thou�ht was, I shouldn't the description of two occupants again com­
be here, and I made a dive lor the trees ( a stand pares closely with Miss Kendall's statement.
of pines on the other side of the three-acre Note how the sightings tend to occur in the
paddock ) . I stood and watched. early morning.
u A saucer-shaped glow with two indented
green lights in the bottom descended. The air
The APRO report said in part:
became very warm. Two rows of jets around the The first observation took place at 4 a.m. ( local
middle shot out orange-colored flames. They time ) . A farmer in an area north of the town of
appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The Baras saw an object descend, making a hissing
thing was about 20 to 30 feet in diameter. It sound like an electric welder. It had a red light
hovered at about roof height. in front. The farmer took a flashlight and left
uThe jets stopped and a light was switched his hut to have a better look at the obj ect, which
on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass he estimated to be about IOO yards distant. As
roof or dome, which glowed. The bottom he approached, he saw what he described to the
appeared to be a greyish color. There was a investigators as a white vehicle uas big as a
faint hum in the air as it hovered. Volkswagen beetle car with two occupants."
uThere were two men in it, dressed in fairly The vehicle had small wheel and six big
close-fitting suits of shiny material. The only exhausts at the rear. The size of each exhaust
thing I can think of to describe it is aluminum tube was as big as a man's leg ( the witness
foil. Opaque helmets rose from their compared the exhaust tubes with his own leg ) .
shoulders. I could not see their faces. The farmer described the object a s umilky
uOne of the two men stood up and put both white" and said he saw a transparent canopy on
hands in front of him as if leaning over to look top, through which he observed two occupants.
downwards. He then sat down and, after a The occupants wore white overalls with ear­
minute or two, the jets started off again and, phones on their heads and they looked like
tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up ver­ uordinary Caucasians." One was taller than the
tically at great speed. and disappeared in�o the other. (Italics are ours. Note this same detail in
clouds. When it did this it made a soft but high Miss Kendall's story.)
pitched sound.
Upon approaching the obj ect, it emitted a
ul was so dumfounded that I stood in the
loud uroar" and the farmer ran off in fright. He
trees for a moment not knowing what to do.
then observed it move forward on the ground
There was a smell of something which
( on its wheels ) to a clearing. Then it flew away.
resembled pepper in the air. At last I decided
to continue getting in and milking the cows " •••
APRO went on to report that three oth�r
The Nelson Evening Mail of August 6 told of similar sightings were made the same morning,
two other persons in a locality not far from the the last at I I a.m ., and in two of these instances
home of Mrs. Moreland who witnessed unusual two umen" were seen. In the last case one of the
aerial phenomena at the same time. Mr. Roy figures was outside and was said to be uvery
Holdaway, farmer at Dillon's Point, rises at tall" and looking like a caucasian.
4 : 30 a.m. every morning. He told of seeing a So here again we have emphasis placed on
sky object of ugreeny color - travelling from the fine physical appearance of the occupants.
east to west towards Blenheim." A neighbor's How, then, do we categorize the next occupant
wife reported a uvery bright light in the eastern story that reached us? Although it does not jibe
sky travelling in a horizontal position ( sic ) with the Duncan incident in any specific detail,
from north to south" early that same morning. we feel bound to include it here because it
occurred in roughly the same time period and
In the same period still a third report the same general area.

measurement could he expected in a drawing
..Little Green Man" by so young a witness.
In carrying this report we must emphasize The hoy said the man "jabbered" at him in a
we heard of the incident too close to our tongue he could not understand. The stranger
printing deadline to make a careful check of then removed something from a "belt" he wore
details. Consequently we are not identifying that to the hoy looked "sort of like a gun."
anyone involved and have not yet sought Holding out his other hand, the man squirted a
permission to do so. hall of substance from this instrument into his
However, we did receive the account in palm, then squashed the substance into a patty
person from the teacher who was first to hear which he handed to the hoy. During this
of the incident from the witness, a boy in Grade performance, the youngster noticed the
2 at Terrace in north-central British Columbia strange being had what appeared to he "long
where the sighting occurred. In Victoria fingernails."
during the Easter vacation, this teacher was The hoy, "confused" by all this, to quote the
introduced to us by a mutual acquaintance and teacher's impression soon after, started to
expressed conviction that something unusual move away toward the school. For a minute or
had happened to the boy. He did not believe so he dared not look hack. When he finally did
that, as might be suspected at first, the lad was so, the stranger and the "round thing" had
accosted by a vagrant with nasty intent. His gone.
impression was that something had occurred So far one might conclude that here was a
which was more strange than it was unpleasant. story an imaginative youngster might well have
Apparently the boy spoke first to this par­ made up, perhaps after watching too much TV
ticular teacher, who was not in charge of Grade and perhaps being the kind who wanted a little
2, because he spotted him outside the school extra attention. There were, after all, no other
minutes after his experience and wanted to known witnesses, though this might he ex­
confide in �n adult he recognized. Next he plained by the fact that the in'Cident took place
approached his own teacher to say he had on the outskirts of town and behind the clump
"something important" to tell her. However, he of trees in relation to the school.
had to wait until after class that afternoon
But there were two points that tended to
before doing so.
discount the notion the lad might he spinning a
As repeated to us by the first teacher, the
yarn. One was that after hearing the account,
account of the incident was as follows:
the first teacher asked the school principal if
One day toward the end of F ehruary the hoy the hoy was overly imaginative and was told
was returning to school after lunch at home that, on the contrary, he seemed le,ss
when he was confronted by an odd-looking imaginative than average.
"man" about his own height, which was under The other point was that as he spoke to the
four feet. The encounter took place near a teacher, the hoy reached in his pocket and
clump of trees in a field through which the hoy handed him the substance which he said the
was making a short-cut. Only two houses were stranger had given him. The teacher said it was
visible from that point and they were fairly yellowish in color, flecked with green, and was
distant. about one-eighth of an inch thick. It felt quite
The hoy said that the creature looked like a hard and he guessed it must have been about
"little green man." After some questioning on the size of a golf hall before it was squashed. ·

the point, it was gathered that by this he meant He said he did not recognize it as any familiar
the man's flesh had a green tone and that he type of material.
was not using the phrase as a generalization to Shortly after the hoy put the patty of material
explain his unusual appearance. (For sim­ hack in his pocket, the teacher had further
plicity we will denote the stranger as a "man.") cause to he puzzled by the whole incident. He
Nearby was a "round thing" from which he said he noticed the patty on the ground beside
thought the man might have emerged as he had the hoy's foot, though he had not seen it drop,
not noticed him standing there until im­ nor apparently had the hoy. Picking it up, he
mediately before their meeting. had the impression the object was smaller and •

He said the man had "hare feet" and, in a lighter than it had been a moment before.
pencil sketch which he did later, he showed the "I'm sure I was not mistaken about that�" he
feet as being large to a marked degree in told us. "The substance, whatever it was,
comparison with the body. On the other hand, definitely seemed to have shrunk."
the head was comparatively small. It is Whether the substance continued to shrink
doubtful, however, that any real accuracy of until it vanished or whether it fell from the

boy's pocket again and was lost will probably In a recent letter to a friend in Victoria, B.C.,
never be known. But after school when the lad he wrote:
retold his story to his class teacher, he could Around the beginning of November, 1969, a
not find a trace of it to show her. TV channel broadcast a big UFO documentary
made by civil investigators and the armed
Although this is a case that obviously must
forces. We even heard the verdict of our
be considered with reservation, we are not
President: "This reality is undeniable."
prepared to dismiss it out of hand. In addition
to the two supporting points we have men­
However, the obstinate will continue in their
refusal to accept the facts. The Minister of the
tioned - which may, of course, prove nothing
Air Force was one of these closed minds. But
- there is the fact that the sighting of "little
green men" is not new in the record book. In while driving in his car along the coastal road
h is newly published paperback Strange near Mar del Plata one afternoon, his car
Creatures from Time and Space which we will suddenly stalled in the middle of the highway.
review fully in our next issue, author John He and his chauffeur got out to find what was
Keel writes : the matter. As the chauffeur knew something
about ufology since. living some years in the
" The United States Air Force apparently
USA, he decided to look upwards, and they
received a rash of "little men" reports in the
both saw a great light very close to them. They
early 1 950s, for in 1955 Captain Robert White, waited for it to pass by, and the car started and
then Pentagon spokesman for the official functioned just as it had done previously. Now
UFO-chasing Project Blue Book, told the the Minister makes a point every day of asking
press: 1In the past three years I've heard all his driver if he has seen anything new.
kinds of descriptions (of UFOnauts), but the
most frequent are little, green luminous smelly At the end of November there passed over
types. Despite all the stories, I'm still con­ this capital of Buenos Aires a mother-ship or
vinced no space men have landed on earth. space "cigar" that was so colossal it seemed to
Still, people keep insisting that they've seen be 50 m. long. If one had been able to find out
little green men!" its altitude, we would have been able to
No smell or luminosity appears to have been estimate its real size.
involved in the Terrace incident but there are
As you were in Mendoza, Argentina, I'm
certain other details the young witness may be
telling you of an incident there that was related
able to disclose under more friendly
questioning. What, for instance, was the to me by a lawyer I know well. At the southern
stranger's clothing? What were his facial entrance to Mendoza there is a psychiatric
features? What about that "round thing" and home. During the night the female patients are
were his feet really big and his fingernails long supervised by a very strong nurse who is
or was he possibly wearing contour boots and capable of handling them when they become
finger-tip tools? refractory.

Fortunately the teacher we interviewed is On a particular night this nurse noticed


interested, too, in learning more detail. If it is there was an unusual quietness in the dor­
forthcoming, we will report again on the little mitory and that one could not even hear a
green man at Terrace. single one of the many cats around the place.
She went out to the big central patio, and it was
with terror that she saw a large object, dazzling,
And In South America • • • poised on a pedestal that protruded from
under it and having the apparent shape of an
Father Benito Reyna of Buenos Aires,
inverted p yr amid. (See tr uckdr iver's
Argentina, is professor of mathematics and
physics at the Universidad del Salvador, description of Duncan sighting in opening
Buenos A ires; and director of th ree feature.)
astronomical observatories, the principal one To protect herself from the heat, she put her
being the Adhara Observatory from which he hands against the left part of her face. Sud­
and about 30 other astronomers saw the denly the object extinguished its light and she
American ECHO 1 1 satellite being investigated was then able to discern portholes, and beings
three times by a UFO. This object performed which were observing her. After an instant the
exact circuits around the satellite and was seen object rose and flew off at high speed. The
clearly through telescopes and binoculars. woman called the police and the men noticed

in the patio a circle of 80 ems. where the right side of her face remained burnt for two
mosaics were burnt. On throwing water there, months.
it evaporated, even for several hours af­ My dear friend, he assured that incidents
terwards. The hands of the woman and the keep multiplying themselves.

Myste ries I n Russia n S ky

We are often asked how much UFO activity an observation station at Ogra. At 9 : 35 p.m.
is reported from R ussia and whether there is they noticed an unusually bright star moving
any organized effort to study the mystery. slowly in a westerly direction. Looked at
Thanks to one of our readers, Ernest Renwick through binoculars with a magnification of
ofEdmonton, we here offer what is perhaps the eight diameters, the Hstar" resolved into a
most a Uthoritative and complete answer to both small flat speck. The telescope then disclosed
these questions that is publicly available. the following incredible picture.
Keeping a sharp eye out for UFO news from In the heat of a lens-shaped disc, which the
behind the Iron Curtain, Renwick spotted this astronomers estimated to he about 325 feet
article in a recent issue of SO VIET R USSIA across, was clearly evident a thickened part, a
small sphere. Around the disc, at a distance of
FL YING SA UCERS!" SA YS R USSIA, it was two diameters, were three spheres resembling
written by Felix Zigel, Doctor of Science, the one in the center. The spheres slowly
Assistant Professor of Moscow Aviation In­ rotated around the disc as the entire system
stitute. diminished in size, gradually leaving the
R eaders will note that three of the most Earth. Some I5 to 20 minutes later the spheres
significant sightings mentioned occurred in began to move away from the disc, as if
1967, indicating that R ussia, too, had its share receding in different directions. The sphere in
of attention in that "invasion" year. the center also left its place and moved away.
The place of observation is Kazakhstan, Finally at IO p.m. all these shining emerald
the field camp of a geophysical expedition green bodies were so far away that the
from a Leningrad research institute. The astronomers lost sight of them.
nearest populated locality, Koktal, is I I miles
This strange picture was observed in the
away. The time of observation is August I6,
northwestern part of the sky at about 60
I960, about I I p.m. local time.
degrees above the horizon. The astronomers
According to Master of Geology and
estimated that the enigmatic objects were about
Minerology Nikolai Sochevanov, the camp
60 miles above the Earth. • .

chief, a strange, luminous body suddenly

appeared over the mountains on the eastern
slope of the valley. It was moving from north to
south, and its visjple diameter was one and a
half times lo�ger than the Moon's.
A few seconds:· �ater the body disappeared A long radiogram arrived at the office of the
behind a mountain top, reappeared and headed magazine Smena, for which I had written an
. article on UFOs. It was sent by First Mate
southeast, keeping constant speed and height
above the Earth. The mysterious object was Bazhazhin on behalf of the crew of the Soviet
lens-shaped and bright, the edges being ship lzhevsk.
somewhat les s luminous than the center • . On August 2, I967, at II : 30 p.m. Moscow
The body described an arc in the sky and time, while crossing the Norwegian Sea in a
disappeared behind the mountains, leaving no westerly direction, sailors witnessed this
trace. unusual phenomenon, said the radiogram :
The unidentified flying object ( UFO) was "There were three of us in the cabin -
observed by eight scientific workers, members Captain Markov, Senior Engineer Ivanov and

of the geophysical expedition. myself. Sysoyev, navigator on duty, reported a

On July 26, I965, Latvian astronomers strange phenomenon in the sky. We ran to the
Robert Vitolniek, Y an Melderis and Esmeralda bridge and saw a sphere-like whitish spot
Vitolniek were studying noctilucent clouds at moving southward.

"A few minutes later a bright spot flared up The cloud itself had a dense milky-white
high in the sky. For a couple of seconds it color, with a rosy-red nucleus clearly
rushed headlong from west to east at an angle discernible near its northern end. The cloud
of 45 degrees to the Earth, getting much larger. expanded and grew paler. A few minutes later
Suddenly it came to a stop and with a play of the white cloud dispersed completely, but the
bright rainbow colors f yellow predominating) reddish nucleus remained. Toward daybreak it
began throwing off sparks and became en· lost its outlines and then disappearetl.
voloped in a white shroud. Photographs showing its changes were taken.
"Once again the sphere-like white nebula At 8 : 40 p.m. on August 8, 1967, at the sa1ne •

began moving south. The procedure was Mountain Station, astronomer Anatoli Sazanov
repeated four times. On the fifth and last time observed an unfamiliar flying object. It was
the spot's behavior changed. It stopped shaped like an asymmetrical crescent, with its
midway, turned over and assumed the shape of convex side turned in the direction of its
an egg with the thicker end up. Then a movement. Narrow, faintly luminous ribbons
powerful white jet squirted from the lower end, resembling the condensation trail of a jet plane
after which the 'egg' grew pale, became en· followed behind the horns of the crescent. Its
veloped in white mist and, with its white tail, diameter was two-thirds that of the Moon, and
began to head southward." it was not as bright. It was yellow with a red·
All this strange celestial activity was visible dish tinge.
for an hour and then vanished into thin air • . •
The object was flying horizontally in the
Not one but several reports came from northern part of the sky, from west to east, at
astronomers at the Mountain Astrophysical about 20 degrees above the horizon. It covered
Station, USSR Academy of Sciences, 12 miles the distance from Ursa Major to Cassiopeya in
from Kislovodsk. half a minute. A bright star of the first
In July 1967 the station received letters from magnitude was moving at a constant distance
local newspapers reporting the flight of a ahead of the crescent.
strange reddish crescent across the sky at 9 : 20 As it moved away from the observers, the
p.m. on July 17. crescent dwindled, turned into a small disc and
In the very early morning of July IS, 1967, then instantly disappeared from sight.
astronomer H. I. Potter, who was observing the The mysterious object was seen by 10 of the
Moon at the Mountain Station, noticed a station's scientific workers. It was also ob­
strange formation against a clear starry sky at served in Kislovodsk. According to Sazanov,
2 : 50 a.m. Moscow time. A white cloud ap· the crescent was 12 miles away, and it was
peared in the northeast at an elevation of about about 500 feet across.
20 degrees. Its diameter was twice as long as Let us stop here and draw some conclusions.
that of the Moon but its nose was several times Even if all the UFO evidence amounted to no
less bright. more than these four accounts, it is clear that

From o bservation posts like th e Crimean Astronomers keep loo ko ut for strange aerial activity in
Astrophysical Observatory, shown here, Russian addition to conducting solar and stellar research.

the evidence exists. The fact of the matter is, diameters as a rule run four to five inches, no
however, that many thousands of such ob­ larger ; the diameters of flying discs are tens
servations have been documented in the past and even hundreds of times that size. The
20 years. They come from dozens of countries behavior of UFOs, their shapes and other
and virtually every corner of our planet, in­ physical properties are quite different from
cluding the Arctic and Antarctic. The UFO what we know of hall lightning.
phenomenon is too widespread and popularly To find a clue to the nature of
accepted to he dismissed lightly. UFOs, we must study all the reports on these
A growing number of serious scientists are surprising and, to my mind, real objects. Only
not satisfied with explanations characterizing a scientific analysis will reveal the truth. What
the sightings as visual aberrations. It goes is, however, clear already is that UFO
without saying that the phenomenon attracts, phenomenon can he objectively analyzed and
and will unfortunately continue to, all sorts of classified. The UFO classification adopted by
publicity seekers. But we do not stop using foreign investigators is also confirmed by
money because there are counterfeiters. The Soviet observers.
task of science is, precisely, the obligation to By day when observed from Earth or planes,
distinguish between the false and the true. UFOs L!J!Pear as bright discs with a metallic
Thus, if science considers flying saucers a tinge. Assistant Professor Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Crescent-shaped UFOs like this, drawn by David

Thompson for Spacelink magazine, may be similar to
those reported over Russia. Spacelink is published in
London, England. Thompson 's drawings were carried
in our Vol. 1 No. 5 issue.

hallucination, it still must explain the cause of observed such a flying saucer in 1964, above
this psychic illness. That may well he as dif­ Bologoye, from a TU-104 aircraft making a
ficult to establish as the true nature of UFOs. scheduled flight. The huge bright metal disc
The well-known American astrophysicist slid under the liner's belly, made a turn and at
Donald Menzel says that flying saucers are some distance took a course parallel with the
optical phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere. aircraft. A bulging core resembling a cabin
Because of Professor Menzel's scientific could he seen in the heart of the disc. After
prestige the explanation is generally accepted. flying alongside the plane for several seconds,
But it does not hold water. As soon as we go it swerved abruptly and disappeared.
on from this generalization to concrete in­ UFO movements are peculiar. Sometimes
terpretations of concrete observations, it they hover over the earth for tens of minutes.
becomes evident that UFOs will not reduce In flight they can develop incredible speeds
themselves to optical phenomena of the and accelerations.
mirage, rainbow or halo type. Try the Menzel Depending on the viewing angle, flying discs
explanation on the four accounts we cited look flattened or cigar-shaped or spherical. In
earlier. Nothing intelligible will emerge. What some cases a UFO appears as a crescent, tur­
we seem to he dealing with here is a kind of ning into a disc before your eyes.
reality still unexplored. The belief that UFOs are real is also horn out
The appearance of UFOs is almost always by the fact that these enigmatic objects are not
accompanied by a luminescence of air and the only visible to the naked eye, hut leave distinct
formation of an atmospheric plasma. This fact images on photographic plates and are
is the basis for the "plasma" hypothesis of recorded by such impartial "witnesses" as
UFOs as accumulations of atmospheric plasma radar screens .
of the hall lighting type. But this explanation Air Force Major Baidukov, o n a night
does not hold up either. Ball lighting is always mission above the Odessa Region on April 4,
a thunderstorm product, and the appearance of
UFOs has no relation to weather. Bal� lighting Continued on Page 2 1

Physical Effects · What To Look For
Brian C. Can non

It i s w i de l y recog n i zed a m ongst U F O D r . J a cq ues Va l l ee the F ra n c h a strono m e r ,

resea rchers that u n i dentified f l y i n g o b j ects docu m en ted 200 s u c h cases i n 1 954 a l on e ! A
a re becom i ng m u c h bo l de r in th e i r a ppa rent n u m ber of f l a ttened c l u m ps of reed were
exa m i na ti on of this p l a net. In retros pect, fou n d in Queen s l a n d , Austra l i a in 1 966. A
th i s past decade has p rov i ded enou g h U F O fa r m er, George Ped ley of North Queen ­
data to provoke i ndepe nden t u n i ve rs i ty s l a nd , was d r i v i n g a tra ctor n ea r h i s
stu d i es, Cong ress i ona l a nd Senate hea r i ng s property on J a n ua ry 1 9 when a l a rge
a s we l l a s sc i e n ti f i c sy m pos i u m s o n a sa ucer-sha ped ob t ect sudden l y rose from a
s u b i.ect tha t previous l y had been treated g rowth of water reeds n ot 75 feet away a nd
w i th u tte r contem pt. Peop l e were n ot o n l y a scen ded I n to the a i r . With a l oud h i ss i n g
see i ng br i g h t l i g h ts i n the h ea ve n s . They n o i se, the ob j ect shot awa y to the southwest
were a l so desc r i b i ng so l i d a i r borne ve h i c l es a n d d i sa ppea red . Mr. ·Ped l e y l eft h i s tra cto r
that p u r ported l y were ca u s i ng the e l ectr i ca l a n d r a n t o the spot where t he sa ucer h a d
syste m s i n a uto m ob i l es to m a l f u n ct i o n a n d been s itti n g a nd dlscovered a f l atten ed
t h a t w e r e d ropp i n g fo i l - l i ke str i ps o f m eta l c i rc u l a r a rea i n the m idst of t he pa tc h of
and gossa m e r th rea ds that resem b l ed reeds. The g r a ss i m med i ate l y ou ts i d e the
Ch r i stm a s tree d ecorat i on s m ore t h a n c i r c l e h a d bee n d i p ped off.
"space h a rdwa re. " E s pec i a l l y i n recent Ca nada has h a d i ts s h a re of l a n d i ng s ,
yea rs, there h a s bee n a strong i n d i ca t i on pa rt i c u l a r l y s i nce 1 967 . Deta i l s o f the
th at U F Os h a ve been l a nd i n g freq u entl y i n Fa l co n La ke i nc ident ha ve been ou tl i n ed i n
va r i ous pa rts o f the wor l d . p re v i o u s i ss u e s o f C A N A D I A N U FO
I t i s, n everthe l ess, a for m i d a b l e task to R E PO R T a nd i n Vo l . 1 , No. 6 we i n c l uded
atte m pt to a ssess the story of a l ow-f l y i ng i nfor m a tion of two 1 969 ca ses nea r Pe m ­
U FO affecti n g the o peration of an broke, On t. w h ere a tota I of fou r i m ­
a utomob i l e w h e n there is no v i s i b l e s i g n a nd press ions were fo u n d , a I I q u i te sudden l y a nd
no m a g ne t i z a t i on of the ca r i tse l f ( a ss u m i ng m yster i ous l y . On Ma y 3 1 , 1 967, a yo u n g
a m ag neti c f i e l d was respons i b l e ) . I n the fa r m wo m a n o f Bea use j ou r , Ma n . wa s
sa m e contex t, one ca n n ot p l a ce a n y e m ­ te r r i f i ed by a l a rg e w h i te l i g ht that a p ­
pha s i s on t he n u m erous b i ts o f "space proa c hed her h o m e at 1 1 : 00 p. m . T h e l i g ht ,
g rass" and "a nge l h a i r" that have been g l ow i ng b l ue on the t o p a n d r e d on t h e
assoc i a ted w i th U F O s i g h t i n g s d es p i te the botto m , s l ow l y a pp roa ched from the south
u n ca n n y fact that these s u bsta nces a re very over som e h i g h ten s i o n power I i nes a n d
com m o n to t he phenom e non . sto pped 1 50 feet a w a y f rom the g i r l . S he r a n
With one poss i b l e exce pt i o n , the U ba t u ba , q u i c k l y i n to the house, too f r i g htened t o l ook
Braz i l m a g nesi u m , there i s n o m ater i a l out at the br i g ht ob j ect. When her h us ba n d
known to e x i st today that can be c l ea r l y retu r n ed h o m e l a ter that n i g ht, she, a l m ost
ter m ed space h a rdwa re . rel u cta n t l y , to l d h i m what had tra n s p i red
But there i s one a spect of the U F O r i d d l e ea r l i e r . The fo l l ow i ng morn i ng , the m a n
that ca n not b e exp l a i ned i n s u c h a m u nda n e i n vesti gated t h e a rea whe re t h e o b j e ct had
m a n n er - the l a n d i ng s ites, a rea s of hove red and fo u nd a 25-foot c i rc l e of pea ty
sco rc hed or i m p ressed soi l , usua l l y in a soi l s m o l d e r i ng i n the f i e l d . I t h a d N OT been
defi n i te c i rcu l a r pattern . Beca u se of ra n ­ burn i ng the p r e v i o u s day !
dom i n vest i g a t ions o f these repo rts, i t i s I n New Zea l a nd the bu r ned c i rc l es t u r n ed
i m poss i b l e to esti m a te t h e n u m be r of u p a g a i n, t h i s t i m e on Sept. 4, 1 969 at Ng atea
l a n d i ng s in recent yea rs, but we can be on the N orth I s l a nd, south of Auk l a n d . B . G .
rea son a b l y s u re that the n u m be r exceed s O' Ne i l found t h e round a rea o f dead g rowth ,
1 ,000 over t h e pa st 1 5 yea rs. F o r exa m p l e , rou g h l y 60 feet i n d i a m eter, on h i s prope rty


------ -- - -
at Ng atea a nd r e ported it to the Depa rt m e nt S i nce 1 954 severa l cou ntr i es have been
of Sc ienti f i c a nd I n d ust r i a l Resea rch . exper i m e n t i n g in the econo m i c a l use of
Accord i n g to the D . S . I . R . , the dead pa tc h of n u c l ea r powe r . Ca nada is one of the f i ve
vegeta ti on was d u e to a "sa p rop h yt i c l ea d i ng c o u n t r i es i nvol ved i n atom i c energy
f u n g u s " w h i c h w a s fou nd i n t h e d ea d t i ss u e resea r c h a nd d eve l o pm e n t . D u r i n g th i s
o f t he p l a n ts . I t a ppea red a s i f the m ystery ti me, m i l i ta ry a n d c i v i l i a n s c i entists ha ve
wa s so l ved, that is u n ti l the hort i cu ltu ra l i st successf u l l y l a u nced t he wor l d ' s f i rst
J . Stua rt-Me n z ies con du cted h i s own i n ­ atom i c s u b m a r i ne , the U . S . S . N A U T I L U S
vesti g a t i on . M r . Stua rt- Me n z i es sa i d the a n d the f i rst n uc l ea r - powered s h i p, the
gove r n m e nt con cl u s i on was " u n rea l i st i c " U . S . N . S . SAV A N N A H . I t i s i n ev i ta b l e that
a nd stated t h a t t h e fu n g u s refe r red t o by the we extend t he a p pl i ca t i on of n u c l e a r power
D . S . I . R. cou l d n ot ha ve k i l l ed the g rowth . to o u r rockets and s pa ce s h i ps beca u se of
The a rea was c hecked w i t h a G e i g e r the s m a l l a m ou nts of u ra n i u m fue l req u i red
cou n te r a n d t he res u l ts w e r e pos i t i ve . to powe r the veh i c l es . We have l ooked at
E ve r y b i t o f mo i stu re i n t h e p l a nts h a d been sever a I reported U F O g ro u n d conta cts i n
va por i zed . E ve r y p l a n t in the c i rc l e had th i s story a n d i t i s i nterest i ng to n ote that i n
been l i te ra l l y cooked f rom the i ns i d e out, ( a ) t h e Fa l co n La ke case, (b), the
a c c o r d i n g to M r . S t u a r t- Me n z i e s . H e Bea use j ou r , Ma n . case and ( c ) the Ng atea ,
theo r i zed that a type o f s h o rt-wa ve, h i g h ­ New Zea l a nd case, rad i a t i on was detected !
freq u e n cy ra d i a t i on was respon s i bl e fo r the A n u m ber of reports f rom other a rea s
bu r n . conta i n i nfo r m at i on that t hese l a nd i ng s i tes
Th e n , o n Oct . 1 5, a nother c i rc l e , 1 5 feet i n have a l so bee n i r rad i a ted . Is i t poss i b l e that
d i a m eter , w a s l ocated nea r Te K u i t i o n the U F Os a re u s i n g a to m i c energy and that
N orth I s l a n d . C h a r l es B l a ck m oo re, on they a re l oo k i ng for a reas on Ea rth that
w hose fa r m t he patch wa s fo u n d , stated he conta i n u ra n i u m a nd-or thor i u m e l e m ents,
was certa i n that i t h ad n ot been evident the both i m po rtant as ato m i c-fue l sou rces !
previous da y . The d ea d weed had been
I s it on l y coi n c i d en ce that Ca nad a , New
b u r n t, f l attened a nd spread outward in a
Zea l a n d and the Ph i l i pp i n es, the foca l
s p i ra l patte r n . A pecu l i a r odor h u n g over
po i nts of recen t U F O a ct i v i ty, h a ve vast
the c i r c l e and Mr. B l a c k m oo re has s u ffered
depos i ts of u n ta pped u ra n i u m ore? Or is i t
a cont i n u ou s h ea da c he s i nce a p proac h i ng
on l y by c ha n ce t h a t Braz i l , a cou ntry that
the s pot. Th i s is a very com mon sym pto m
proba b l y exper i e n ces m o re U F O acti v ity
affecti n g i nd i v i d ua I s w h o ha ve com e i n
th a n the rest of the wor l d ' s repo rts com­
cl ose contact w i th a n a p pa rent l a n d ed
bined, has trem endous d e pos i t s of
ob j ect. U nexp l a i na b l y, B l a c k m oore's fou r
mon a z i te, the p r i nc i pa l sou rce of thor i u m ?
ta m e d u c ks d i sa ppea red t he da y the c i r c l e
w a s fo und a s d i d a l a rg e popu l at i on of f rog s We a re s pe c u l a t i ng here on the m ethod of
i n the l a ke on h i s fa r m . The l a ke prov i d ed space t ra ve l a nd pe rha ps you w i l l sa y we
d r i n k i ng wa te r for the a n i m a l s but n ow the a re putt i n g t he horse befo re the ca rt, s i nce
cows w i I I n ot g o nea r it. This case i s sti I I we don ' t rea l l y k now yet what U F Os a re .
under a c t i ve i n vesti g at i on , therefore we We be l i eve t h a t U F Os e x i st, a s a m a te r i a l
ca n not sa y what con ta m i nated t he l a ke or rea l i ty. I t is ti m e to go beyond the
what see m i ng l y l a nded in B l a ck m oore's eva l ua ti o n of "that br i g h t l i g ht f l y i ng in the
yard . sky" i dea a nd co m e to g r i ps w i th the
What, then, ca n we de r i ve f rom these p h y s i ca l effects of t hese ob j ects that ha ve
s t r a n g e c i r c u m s ta n c e s ? U n fo r t u n a t e l y , been reported o n the g ro u n d . Both the
there i s n o c l ea r i ng house, r i g h t now, w here W h i tes h e l l N u c l ea r Resea rch Esta b l i s h ­
s u c h reports c a n be sent from a I I countr i es ment a t P i na wa , Ma n . a nd t he C ha l k R i ve r
a nd be p roper l y s c r ut i n i zed i n o rde r to N u c l ea r La boratories, C ha l k R i ver, Ont.
ca tego r i ze t he s i m i l a r i t i es a n d d i fferences have had U F O l a n d i ng s l i tera l l y in the i r
of ea c h i nsta n c e . But s i m i l a r i t i es there a re , ba ckya rds - t he F a l co n La ke s i g hti n g by
as we have n oted i n the forego i ng exa m p les Step h a n M i c ha l a k a n d the Pe m broke, Ont.
a n d pe rha ps t he r e i s on e c l ue t hat s ho u l d ca ses respe ct i v e l y . Look for a to m i c e nergy
rece i ve s pec ia l m e n t i o n i n t he event the fa c i I i t i es or a reas of f i ssiona b l e m ater i a I
rea der has the op portu n ity to i nvest igate a and you w i l l proba b l y f i n d a bee- h i ve of
l a nd i ng ca se. U F O acti v i ty .

Continued From Page 18 outset by the existing systems of astronomical,
meteorological and geophysical observatories,
I966, noticed on the screen of his plane's radar satellite and space-rocket tracking stations and
a strange object which was also spotted by the radar installations of civilian airports and
ground-based radar units. Within I5 minutes the hydrometeorological service. All these
the object dropped from 3I to I8 miles, in the organizations can make UFO observations with
next quarter of an hour to I5 miles, and in the equipment now available.
next IO minutes to I I miles. The UFO In the design stage are special devices for
remained unidentified. photographing UFOs and recording the
Until recently no scientific study of UFOs radiation and magnetic disturbances which
has been made in the Soviet Union. More than they may be responsible for.
that, the prevailing and, in my opinion, The recorded observations will serve to
mistaken view was that UFOs are common check hypotheses. These hypotheses should
optical phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere. not, in my opinion, attempt to explain the
There was no collection of UFO observations, nature of UFOs in terms of familiar
and the general impression was that flying phenomena.- Judging by other surprises,
saucers are fantasies. The situation now is nature has some in store for us here, too, and
changing. we must be ready for perhaps a radical
In May I967 a sponsoring group of scien­ "reassessment of values."
tists, the military, writers and public figures The hypothesis that UFOs originate in other

Another Thompson sketch showed this type of UFO

which evidently resembled object sighted by Professor
Zaitsev, as de�cribed here. (When shown Thompson
drawings after sighting at Duncan hospital, page 3,
Miss Kendall picked this as matching what she saw. )

mel to form an unofficial body �hose purpose worlds, that they are flying craft from planets
it would be to conduct a preliminary scientific other than Earth, merits the most serious
investigation of UFOs. Those present included examination.
Professor Heinrich Ludwig ; Doctors of Obs ervations show that UFOs behave
Science Nikolai Zhirov and Igor Bestuzhev­ "sensibly." In a group formation flight they
Lada ; chief navigator of Soviet polar aviation maintain a pattern. They are most often spotted
Valentine Akkuratov ; Georgi Uger and Georgi over airfields, atomic stations and other very
Zevalkin ; twice Hero of the Soviet Union new engineering ins tallations . On e n ­
Grigori Sivkov, Master of Science countering aircraft, they always maneuver so
t engineering) ; Heroes of the Soviet Union as to avoid direct contact. A considerable list of
docent Yekaterina Ryabova and Natalia these seemingly intelligent actions gives the
Kravtsova. impression that UFOs are investigating,
The Organization, set up in Oc­ perhaps even reconnoitering.
tober I967, is called the UFO section of the .All­ The most remarkable UFO phenomenon is
Union Cos monautics Committee, with the famous "Tungusky meteorite." In recent
headquarters at the Central House of Aviation years Soviet scientists have established that the
and Cosmonautics in Moscow. Air Force Major Tungusky explosion had every parameter of an
General Porfiri Stolyarov was elected chair­ all nuclear blast. The USSR Academy of
man of the section. Sciences Reports ( Volume I 72, Nos. 4 and 5,
Those of us who are participating in this new I967 ) have studies by Alexei Zolotov to prove
and exciting undertaking have an ambitious that the Tungusky body could not be a
program of work ahead. The first step will be meteorite or a comet.
to organize the collection of reliable in­ In the summer of I967 the J�int Institute of
formation on UFOs. That will be done at the Continued on Page 24

I= LV \ N G S"U C E R u .F. o .

This half-sectional drawing of what was described as a "Flying

Saucer U.F.O." was submitted by an anonymous reader who added
cryptically he "will expand" on it if interest is expressed. We have
shown the sketch to mechanical experts who feel it merits further
inquiry. Accordingly we express our interest and would appreciate
more details from the sender. We would also welcome comments
from readers in a position to make a technical appraisal.

�o,or v11ries w�th or of energy.

Vc.tllU m l'ght-·,nterm\tttnt�.

_ _ ,_
· Vtr tlc4l tkru�t. open Oh
vt.rtie.Cl\ tcike off on!Y.
tcan .

--..�d.,sc.hel.rge rod.
.v ca. c u.u. m light­
�'.9h frtQUtt\tj Aa
htgh lld\perCLgt
fttd ... orr1nge � ·

c.\ t i1.r 11·, �\oh

eon\\n uo\ts

tO\Ujh- (out)
l ie

�lant Altetneltot s.
Oxy·«Je� lig"t storu«Je
t-!On · tombu)l. tue\ pc•s.t.ble. ccn<lenstt.
£.'e.t . 3.lotogt • illu\d up - combus1,on !
�I\ ton\,tnuous - ' ao•.....-
C>pt tC1tes - e.\ect.-\ c. ul
and. - o�y gen +
t.llf�and.oblt. �uti .
Only hta.t . �reatt.d. by
fu�l upatt�i6n .

Continued lrom Page 21 creatures from other planets, what is their
purpose ? Why are they so studiously avoiding
Nuclear Research at Dubna published a study
any direct contact ? Is their unsociability the
by Valdimir. Mekhedov, who concludes that the
result of so high a level of development that
Tungusky blast left considerable residual
they study us from that "height" j ust as we
radioactivity. Finally, as recently as 1966, after
look upon and study ants ? Or is there still the
analyzing the sum total of observations on the
possibility of common understanding since we
Tungusky body's flight, this writer showed
are born in the same Universe and obey the
that before the blast the Tungusky body
same laws of nature ?
described in the atmosphere a tremendous arc
Yes, there will be many questions, but all are
of about 375 miles in extent { in azimuth ) , that
in the distant future. Our study of UFOs may
is.. carried out a maneuver.
lead to quite different conclusions and present
All these new results warrant the conclusion
mankind with quite different problems.
that the Tungusky body seems to have been an
The important thing now is for us to discard
artificial Dying craft from some other planet.
any preconceived notions about UFOs and to
Should this be finally confirmed by in­ organize on a global scale a calm, sensation­
vestigations now in progress, the significance free and strictly scientific study of this strange
of the Tungu s ky disaster would be phenomenon. The subject and aims of the
inestimable. investigation are so serious that they justify
But this, incidentally will pose new any efforts. It goes without saying that in­
problems. If we are indeed being studied by ternational cooperation is vital.

A •ection of Stalingrad.

I nvasion Over Prairies
While those in the center of national and that occurred among countless others in the
scientific affairs remain steadfastly - though course of this quiet invasion.
not unanimously - indiherent, the UFO So to continue with this strangest of all
mystery continues to strengthen its position as chapters in Canadian history, here is Brian
the most challenging and profound puzzle ever Cannon 's running account:
set before mankind. May 26 - Stan Wolowiec and Peter Charne
In our last issue we described how UFO of Winnipeg saw a cigar-shaped object
visits seem to come in waves every five years, travelling at great speed from east to west at
with lesser peak periods occurring every 26 approximately 8 : 30 p .m . Wolowiec was
months. In 1967 the two periods coincided looking out of his kitchen window at the time
and, as predicted by sorting out flaps of the and then ran outside with his wife. He
past, it was Canada's turn to be a focal point of described the black object as being about IOO
activity. The events that followed more than feet in length and 20 feet in diameter. The
fulfilled the prediction. Without a sign of witnesses stated the craft had a I5 degree bend
official awareness of what was happening, in the center. Wolowiec and Charne live in the
Canada in that year was literally invaded. From. vicinity of the Winnipeg International Airport
coast to coast there was a vast assortment of and ruled out an aircraft explanation.
incidents that left no doubt this country was a
May 3I-Mrs. Wayne lnkpen of Beausejour,
main target of attention.
Man., watched an unusual light approaching
The invasion was as peaceful as it was
her farm home at I I : 30 p.m. that night. Alone
widespread. Through no apparent fault of the at the time, Mrs. lnkpen reasoned that the light
visitors, however, there was one casualty. This was on a truck coming down the highway
was the well-known case of Steve Michalak of adjacent to their property. As the light came
Winnipeg who, as reported serially by closer and increased in intensity and size, Mrs.
consulting editor Brian C. Cannon, ventured lnkpen realized that it was airborne and
too close to a landed craft and suffered a approaching the house. No definite shape
strange sickness afterward. could be discerned but the white light did have
In introducing our account of the invasion, a blue glow on the top and a red glow on the
we described some of the extraordinary events underside. Terrified, the young woman ran
in the Cariboo country of British Columbia, an into the house and did not look out again. The
area evidently marked for special attention by object was only I 50 feet away. The next
the strange intruders. morning her husband went into the field where
Now let's see what was happening in the rest the object had apparently hovered and
of Canada. For coverage of the .. action in discovered a 25-foot circular area of
Manitoba and Alberta, Cannon has supplied a smoldering soil. Investigation revealed that the
chronological list of sightings that occurred fire had not been there the previous day and no
after the Michalak incident at Falcon Lake, explanation could be given as to why it was
Man., on May 20. there that morning. Further examination
For the Saskatchewan story we have selected revealed a higher than normal reading of
two reports of unusual interest prepared by radiation on a geiger coUJ_lter.
Saskatch ewa n Un identified Ph enom ena July 3 - Warren Smith and two companions
Research headed by D. F. Clausen and D. W. were prospecting near Nanton, Alta., when they
Coulthard. Bear in mind that these represent notic ed a shjny, d i s c -shap ed craft ,
ely 2 5 feet i n diame ter appro achin g
only a fraction of the total reports assembled in approximat
the east. The objec t was at an
that eventful year by the diligent Saskatchewan them from
team. But we picked them out because they altitude of about 2,000 feet and about two miles
typify the mysterious activity that was being fro m the witne s s e s when Mr. Smith
witnessed all across Canada. photographed it. As it continued its flight ,
UFO lost altitud e passin g behin d some trees
Similarly for eastern Canada we have
winnowed out two particularly vivid incidents momentarily and then reappearing again. Two

exposures were taken before the object and APRO investigator, W. K. Allan, suggested
vanished from sight. The pictures have been the elliptical shape was indicative of a circular
des cribed by Canadian and American object producing it with an anti-gravity field.
authorities as being remarkably impressive Allan felt that the indentations in the ground
and perhaps the best photos of UFO on record. would have required a mass of over eight tons.
A report, by the witnesses to the Canadian Truck tire tracks on the field crushed the grass
Dept. of National Defence described the object but did not leave an indentation. The alleged
as being circular, shiny, aluminum-appearing object cut through a pile of cow dung and
and approximately 25 feet in diameter. After crushed a willow fence in two different areas.
photo analysis, the Defence Dept. concluded Capt. Gordon Walker of the transport
that the object had a torus or oblate ellipsoid helicopter platoon in Edmonton, who was
shape with a diameter of 40 - 50 feet and a investigating the site with scientists from the
thickness of 1 1 .5 to 14 feet. The witnesses Suffield Experimental Station, stated, "-1
signed statutory declarations to the effect that don't know how such perfect circles could have
the photographs were not a hoax and that their been made. There was obviously tremendous
staements of the sighting were true. If it were weight used ."
proven that the pictures were the result of a Sept. 5 - Eighteen year old Evan Evanson of
hoax perpetrated by the men, they would be Taber, Alta., had a close look at a UFO on
subject to prosecution under the Canada High�ay 36, one mile south of Highway ::J
Evidence Act. while he was returning home. The boy noticed
July 17 - Two huge fireballs looking like that his pick -up truck engine was running hot
"hurricane lamps" were seen by Mrs . M. ;M. and he pulled over to the side of the road to let
McPhail over Winnipeg at 10 : 55 p.m. The two it cool. While he sat in the truck listening to his
lights hovered in the south for five minutes and radio, his attention was attracted to a large
one proceeded to discharge a smaller light green-colored object that looked like two
which fell to the earth. The two objects then flattened bells, one above the other. Evan could
veered off to the southwest and disappeared not estimate the size or the distance of the
from view. A number of similar reports came object but stated that it made no noise. The
from England, France and Italy the previous music on the radio was suddenly replaced by a
day. signal-like "beep-beep" !

July 26 - B. Ballantyne, his wife and father As in many UFO cases, that object abruptly
and several residents of Moose Lake, Man., disappeared leaving the boy frightened and
were running scared when a large oval-shaped, amazed. He then noticed that the truck engine
white object moved silently over this had stalled. Similar cases would occur later in
community at 3 : 30 a.m. The object moved 1967 in the same general area.
slowly over the town and lazily descended to an Sept. 18 - Two Portage Ia Prairie men twice
altitude of 500 feet before it suddenly spotted a bright cigar-shaped UFO in the sky
vanished. When it hovered over the town, early in the morning on Highway 4 between
Ballantyne stated it emitted green, red, yellow Portage Ia Prairie and Neepawa. The first
and white rays of light. "It j ust covered all of sighting came about four miles east of
Moose Lake," he said. Woodside when George Hooper saw the
August 5 - Farmer Edgar Schielke of strange looking craft for five minutes. It had a
Duhamel, Alta., located seven circular imprints sharply defined tail at the rear, possibly a part
on his property which had no natural of the object itself, according to Hooper. The
explanation. This area was in the midst of its second sighting occured two miles east of
own UFO "wave" and the circles brought Gladstone when the object appeared again, this
civilian and military investigators alike to look time for about one minute. This time the men
at them. The circles, ranging from 31 to 35 feet noticed four window-like openings on the side
in diameter, were bounded by an imp �ession of the object facing them. It would drift along
roughly six inches wide. No one, including slowly for a fewI moments then suddenly shoot
agriculturists, were able to explain how the · off at tremendous speed. Hooper said, "Then it
rings got there or what they were. Of of the disappeared quickly. Just as if you snapped
rin�s was situated on a piece of sloping ground your fingers and it was gone."

Sept. 18 - Russell Hill, a forestry lookout at 1\Ian., a suburb of Winnipeg, and four of them
Raspberry Ridge, located 40 miles south -west swooped close to, if not on the ground. One of
of Calgary has a lonely job. That is, he was the witnesses, a former R CAF technician who
lonely until Sept. 18 when a saucer-shaped prefers to remain anonymous, stated he had
object visited his post at 1 : 00 a.m. Hill heard a not seen anything resembling the objects
strange throb and suddenly the inside of his before. The five lights were a brilliant red. The
cabin was bathed in a green light. He attempted man, now a house salesman, first noticed four
to call the Highwood Ranger Station but his of the lights in a field, approximately 150 yards
radio and lights would not operate. The object from his display horne at 9 : 15 p.m. The lights
changed color from green to brilliant white then rose from the field and formed a rough
and shot straight up in the air, out of sight. triangle in the air. At this time, the fifth object
Mysteriously, his radio and lights then emerged from the heavy cloud cover and cast a
functioned perfectly. On Oct. 7, Hill was again brilliant red glow over the cloud deck. It
visited by the object. He noticed the green light moved quickly over to the other four and they
corning up from the south before it hovered not all proceeded across the open field to a high
500 feet from his cabin. Hill estimated the UFO tension transmission line some distance away.
was about 75 feet across and looked just like They then moved down the power lines and
two howls clamped onto a saucer, edge to edge. then out of sight to the north west. All of the
The green light seemed to come from the witnesses provided nearly identical descrip­
tions of the UFOs and their formations.
saucer edge. A rotating green light appeared in
the top dome and several apertures were Oct. 22 - Apparently the same five objects
situated on the side. As he watched the UFO, were seen over Carman, Man., and were
the green light blinked out and was replaced observed for 20 minutes by two doctors, a
by the brilliant white glow. Accelerating at newspaper editor and six citizens. The red
fantastic speed, the object shot off to the pulsating objects moved slowly in a westerly
northwest trailing flames of exhaust. direction and several of the witnesses
attempted to follow them by auto, but to no
Oct. 13 - A CNR train crew was followed by
a UFO that approached close enough that
On that same eventful evening a mystifying
engineer William Benwick felt, "If I'd had a
pattern of lights was also seen over
sling-shot, I could have knocked it down."
Saskatchewan. Below is a report of this
Benwick was operating Train 443 North when
incident prepared by D. F. Clausen of
he and the crew noticed the cone-like object
Sas ka tch ewa n Un identified Ph enomena
one mile north of Alnora, Alta., at 1 : 50 a.m.
Research, followed by an account of another
The train was travelling at 50 MPH at the time
unusual Saskatchewan sighting that occurred
and the object seemed to be trailing the train as
two days later. The second report was prepared
it proceeded to Mirror, Alta. When Benwick
by D. W. Coulthard and ]. K. Crosby, also of
stopped the train at Alix to drop off a box car,
the object stopped, too. The cone top was black
in color and a series of red, green, orange and
yellow lights flashed around the bottom rim.
Underneath was a circle of glowing light about Strange Road Lights
10 feet in diameter. The object itself was about
REPORT NO. 1 : The sighting occurred on
the size of a freight car - 40 feet. As the train
Oct. 22, 1967 at approximately 7 : 45 to 8 : 00
pulled into Mirror, engineer Benwick told the
p.m. CST. The two witnesses ( referred to as S.
operator what had been following his train.
and F.) asked that their names be kept con­
The skeptical operator initially thought the
fidential. ( They are, however, identified in the
engineer had been drinking but Benwick got report supplied to us by SUPR - Ed. ) ·

him outside to see the phenomenon. The

The lights were seen approxilitately six miles
station operator's only comment was "My
southwest of Humboldt. They were visible
God." The object hovered for two hours over
interrnitten�y over a period of about one half
Mirror before leaving.
Oct. 22 - A formation of five UFOs were The night sky was clear, with scattered
spotted by 19 witnesses over Otarleswood, clouds, and with some moonlight. Stars were

"'· ! ' '•
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not noticed. The temperature was 40 deg. F. south for one-half mile and west for almost one
Air dry. mile and stopped for a moment. There are trees
The object appeared as three lights, one and bushes in the south-east corner of the
being similar to a railroad flare. "The lights intersection. ( DFC : In October, the foliage
moved � rip ply ) within themselves, but were would be pretty well gone ) The lights were
fixed. They had a high frequency or fast visible through the trees from this position.
flicker." The edge of each light was diffused. S. estimated that the lights were stationary,
All lights appeared to be four feet in diameter. about 600 feet south of the intersection they .
The outer lights were orangish -amber. The were approaching. He started driving again ;
centre light �as brilliant red � railroad flare ) . the trees now blocked the lights from view.
This. centre light was similar t o an inverted When the truck turned south at the
tear-drop in shape. The centre light moved up intersection, the lights were no longer visible.
and down regularly : three seconds to go up, Mr. Solar stopped the truck, then proceeded at
two seconds stopped at the top, three seconds approximately 10 mph. As the truck moved
to go down, and two seconds extinguished. down the road, passing the estimated position
This light would reach a height of three to four of the lights, S. got the impression � "felt queer
times that of the side lights. sensation" ) that he was driving under
No sound was audible. something. . After driving about three car
After supper, S. called for F. in his pick-up lengths past the estimated position of the
truck. They went to S.'s farm to collect bales of lights, F. turned around and looked out the
straw from the field. They entered the rear window, seeing the lights. S. looked in the
driveway, drove around an area of newly rear-view mirror and saw the lights descend to
broken ground to a wheat field where the bales the road surface. The outer lights seemed to be
were lying. They noticed lights to their about three feet above the road. The lights
southwest. One group of lights knew to be a followed the truck, maintaining a distance of
drilling rig was visible to the right of the approximately three car lengths. S. continued
unknown lights. The unknown lights appeared driving at about 25 mph, to a crossroad where
to be about one mile away. he made a U -turn.
The first thought was that the unidentified The lights reversed direction with the truck
lights were a police vehicle with its marx light in pursuit. S. drove at 40 to 50 mph, but
operating at the scene of an accident. They could not catch up to the lights. He could not
watched from the field � out of the truck) for approach closer than one-half block. As he
about five minutes, then decided to investigate. pursued the lights, S. noticed that the
They drove across the field to the road� then object did not leave a dust trail on the dirt road •

.__ A noth er Van couver Is. Sig htin g

"On a summer evening early in the '60s I heard the "I thought again, is this a wingless plane, or
news that the Soviet sputnik might be seen in orbit dirigible? But there were no gondolas and not a sound.
crossing our hemisphere. So I 1118lked my Scotty dog, I expected it to continue on to the southwest but
Cam, over to a field, where horses and colts were suddenly it veered at right angle and swiftly disap­
grazing, which he and I often visited. peared over the trees toll18rds Finlayson Arm (Pat Bay
"As I stood there I saw a bright dot of light just over is at entrance, see map) and the Sooke mountains.
Little Saanich Mountain by the astrophysical ob­ "As I walked home I UJOndered if anyone else had
servatory. I thought, here comes sputnik. I expected to seen this strange object, though I realized many people
see a flash like a meteorite cross the mountain, but to were probably indoors at this time. I had felt no fear at
my amazement it came slowly and grew larger and all. I had looked carefully at the bright shining lights
larger. " like windows along the sides but could see no faces or
forms of any kind. The object had a soft glow about it,
Telling us of her experience 1118S Miss M. ]. Footner not like the metal appearance of our airplanes. Neither
of Victoria, sister--in-law of our artist, Lesley Footner, the horses nor my Scotty showed any fear, and no
who sketched the scene as shown opposite. She con- · neighborhood dogs barked. "
tinued: Miss Footner guestJed the cigar-shaped object,
"I did not take my eyes off it and began to think it hovering just above the tallest trees, 1118s about 100 feet
might be the reflection of an airplane. Suddenly it 1118S in length and 25-30 feet in circumference. Later she
above me and became stationary - all silver shining in learned that a friend who lived nearby, Miss A udrey
the late sun with a number of twinkling lights along the Winderburn, had seen a craft of similar appearance
side. while outside attending to her horse.


---- -- -- -- -- --
When thev were about one-quarter. mile from REPORT NO. 2 : Shortly after 9 : 00 PM,
the intersection the lights "skidded" sharply to Tuesday, October 24, 1967, four teen-agers
the left to about 150 feet into the open field ranging in age from 16 to 18 years were driving
opposite the trees and bushes at the on a country road two miles south-east of
intersection. The lights went out. Lumsden, Sask. The driver called the attention
S. stopped the truck, then drove fast to the of the others to an object hovering to their
intersection, turned left, then drove west at north-east, describing it as a "flying saucer."
about 60 mph until they could see down the First thought was that it was the moon and the
road for about a mile. They returned to the initial comment was made jokingly.
intersection, turned south, drove down the They soon realized it wasn't the moon but an
road again, turned around, drove north unknown glowing object hovering over the flat
stopping on a high spot on the road. prairie. They described the object as about 40
From this position, over a period of 15 to 20 feet wide, 10 feet high and lens-shaped such as
minutes, several ( "20?") sparks j umped from "two saucers joined lip to lip." The color was
scatter�d points on the fields around them. The described as brilliant red with a darker red or
sparks were similar to fireworks. A light trail black band across the center. No other light or
would start from about 2 feet above the ground, color was observed at this time. Badly
rise up, arch downward, and explode at a frightened, they accelerated their auto
one-third that of the apogee. * The light northward to the town of Lumsden ( population
exploded with a burst of aluminum white 4,000 ) at which time the object moved ,
sparks. They again saw some sparks on the left eastward at an Hambl ing pace " and
( west ) side of the road in a driveway. S. quoted disappeared into a wide wooded ravine
F. with saying, j ust after seeing the latest approximately one mile east of their point of
sparks, that he saw a dark object without lights, observation.
the size of a railroad locomotive, moving north The four went immediately to the Lumsden
on the left side of the road. ( DFC : There is no office of the Royal Canadian �ounted Police
railroad line in that immediate area. ) * ( 75 to where Cpl. Parsons interviewed them, finding
100 feet ) the boys badly shaken up and the girls
The lights appeared to occupy the full width hysterical. One girl was incoherent.
of the road surface ( about 20 feet ) . The Corporal dispatched t.:st.
S . did not associate the lights which h e had Ferguson, by radio, who arrived at the area at
seen with any familiar object ( other than a 9 : 45 p.m. When he was three miles south -east
railroad flare ) . of Lumsden he observed the following : A
From the field, from which · the lights were brilliant red light to the south -east of him
first observed, the angle of elevation was 15 approximately half way to the city of Regina
degrees. While pursuing the lights with his ( pop. 130,000). The red light bore white lights
truck, the angle of elevation was 30 degrees. along the widest part flashing off and on
Three legs of an electrical transmission simultaneously at one-second intervals. This
powerline intersect about one and one-half was observed for three minutes from both
miles southwest of Humboldt. A gas pipeline inside and outside the police cruiser. The
serving Humboldt is buried along a section object was seen at approximately 1300 feet and
line a mile north of the town. Radio and climbed into the cloud cover at a 45 degree
television towers are located .a mile north of angle and disappeared. ( Regina weather office
Humboldt. The city of Saskatoon, population reported 100 per cent cloud cover and the
approximately 125,000 is located 70 miles west airport reported no aircraft on radar at that
of Humboldt. time. ) The Constable described the ascent
Objects of an unidentified nature have not comparable to a jet aircraft at takeoff.
previously been seen by S. S. has been The four young people gave their names as :
interviewed by this investigator only. January Glen Butz, 1040 McTavish St., Regina ; Terry
20, 1968. McFadzean, 930 Retallack St., Regina ; Linda
Williams, Lumsden, Sask. ; Kathy Bowman,
Lumsden, Sask.
Compiled by : The males stated this was definitely not an
D. F. Clausen aircraft d ue to size, shape, lighting,

manouverability and location. They described 2. No power lines in the area of the teen agers'
the size at about 18 inches wide comparable to sighting or vicinity of the two lights.
a ruler held at arms length. The girls described 3. A large fresh water lake ( Last Mountain )
the color as Hthe most brilliant red we have located 10 miles south. 60 miles long.
ever seen." 4. Unusual architectural structure, including
During our interview with the boys they illuminated steeple about 300 yards east of
related that after reporting to the R.C.M.P. and flashing white lights. Steeple gives appearance
taking the girls home they started back to of a large lighted triangle with no other lights
Regina on No. 11 highway. At a point one-half visible. Flood lights illuminating same send
mile east of Lumsden and about one mile north beams high into the night sky and can be seen
of the original sighting where the afore­ for some five miles down the valley northward
mentioned ravine emptied into a large valley toward the lake ( at ground level ) .
( the Qu' Appelle Valley ) they observed another 5 . Commercial rail line runs between white
phenomenon. lights and highway continuing along ravine
At a point half way down the wooded where object was seen to disappear.
southern valley slope 300 yards south of the 6. Ravines and valley deep enough to obscure
highway, two white lights were seen flashing an extremely lar2e bodv continue for miles.

alternately off and on. Vision was partially 7. Large military air base at Moose J aw, 45
obscured by leafless trees and bush and this miles west.
required them to stop their car and back up to 8. Sighting of Cst. Ferguson could be in the
better observe these lights. The lights were vicinity of a potash mine, chemical plant and a
described as bright, round and white, cement plant.
approximately 40 feet apart. They were
stationary, level with each other and when one Uninterviewed persons report the following :
was on the other was off. The transfer of the off A red object, first thought to be the moon,
- on position was simultaneous and at regular sighted by two girls at Holdfast, 9 : 30 P.M.,
short intervals . Due to the overcast no o:utline Oct. 24 over aforementioned lake.
could be seen between or near the lig�ts. Lumsden sighting ( RCMP ) confirmed by
There are no vehicle roads into the area, no man and wife living seven miles north-west of
buildings or residences at this point. The time Pense. Pense is about 20 miles south of
would be shortly prior to 10 : 00 PM. Lumsden.
This area was searched by the writers on 1 : 20 P.M., Oct. 25 12-year-old school girl
subsequent days and no physical evidence from Strasbourg, Sask., reports three silver
found. discs high over the town. One the size of a
Our interview of Cst. Ferguson revealed the '
silver dollar, two the size of half dollars. Same
following : He was extremely objective in his �treaked away to the south -west in the direction
approach to the sighting and was very of the lake and Lumsden. Strasbourg is across
particular not to exaggerate or wrongly the lake and slightly north of Holdfast.
elaborate as to what he saw. He stated that what
he saw could possibly have been a conventional Compiled by :
aircraft but he had never seen any such as this D. W. Coulthard
before. He saw no aircraft at the time but an j. K. Crosby
hour later observed a large commercial aircraft
and was easily able to identify same. It should The third and final installment of the story
be noted that he stayed in the area for four of Canada's year of invasion will appear in the
hours after his sighting. He added that the next issue.
position of this s ighting would be
approximately over a high voltage
tramsmission line.
Personal observations of the writers are as
follows : Biblical UFO M lsslonalres
They (the sanctified ones) come from a far
1. Commercial airport at Regina, 18 miles to country, from the end of Heaven (Isaiah
• • •

the south-east. Xlll,S)

Debate Over Ottavva's ''Chunk'' Continues
Whatever its eventual outcome, the mystery chunk with his Tesla Bridgt1, members of the
of the "chunk of hardware" at Ottawa, group gathered on site to observe the ex­
described in previous issues, must qualify as a periment. As reported in our previous issue,
UFO -classic if for no other reason than the way Matthews concluded the slab was a "man-made
those interested have stubbornly refused to
form of iron."
accept incomplete answers. The case, however, does not rest there. In the
Ever since discovery of the chunk in 1960 on current issue of Topside, published by the
the shore of the St. Lawrence River, amid group, editor Mrs. Carol Halford-Watkins
strange circumstances, an on-and-off cam­ quotes a letter from the Secretary to Dr. Peter
paign spearheaded by the Ottawa New Sciences Millman of the National Research Council who,
group has been waged to establish its identity. it is believed, may have suggested Matthews'
Last September, spurred by a request from test. After asking if this is so, - the letter con­
Arthur Matthews to be allowed to test the tinues :

Controversial "chunk of hardware " is

shown at top as it was examined on site by
Ottawa New Sciences group (photos courtesy
of Ronald Anstee). At left is group gathered
to watch Arthur Matthews (second from left)
conduct test of metal with Tesla Bridge. Mrs.
Carol Halford- Watkins, editor of Topside, is
third from right, and Ronald Anstee,
chairman of Montreal UFO Society who also
had metal tested, is at right. (Photo courtesy
of Topside.)

" • • • I ha�e learned indirectly that you have advised public request for information .:.._ in fact, we have some
Mr. Brian Cannon of Winnipeg to the effect you are sympathy for the emb.oTassing position he now finds
satisfied there is nothing unusual about the metal and himself in. Even as a senior civil servant, he still has to
that in your opinion it is manganese steel, apparently take his orders from a higher authority and as long as
being ladle residue from the Sorel Foundry which governmental silence policy exists on such matters, this
inserts a pipe into their waste molten material for situation will continue although we believe the day will
lifting purposes and the pipe leaves a hole after finally dawn when governments will recognize their
solidification. Again, it would be appreciated if you moral responsibilities and give the· public the true
CQuld confirm that this statement is correct. If it is, facts. However, the fact remains that Dr. Millman's
then this information is, of course, of interest to us silence has only added further to the mystery of the
although it still leaves a number of unanswered chunk of hardware.
questions. For example, the lipped protuberance in the Meanwhile, Arthur Bray ( whose UFO submission to
�ass can hardly be described as a "hole" left behind by the Senate's science policy committee is reported in
a pipe, and according to one of the original CARDE this issue} has finally received a letter from Dr.
reports on our files "a small electronic potting can was Millman in which he states that the results of Dr.
embedded near one of the outer edges. By scratching Smith's ( Dr. Eric Smith of the Federal Mptes Branch)
away the potting plastic, it was possible to identify an study of the metal samples show no evidence of ex­
electronic component which appeared to be a tran· traterrestrial origin and therefore he feels there is no
sistor. Then there is the matter of the inclusions on the justification of further tests such as the neutron ac·
outer surface of the metal. Did the Sorel Foundry have tiviation analysis suggested by Arthur. He said Dr.
any explanation to offer with regard to the inclusions? Smith hopes to complete his report shortly, that it will
As you know, photographs taken with the aid of include some evidence of how and why the mass came
microphotography, led the late Wilbert B. Smith to to be located where it was found and that when
believe that these inclusions might be micrometeorites, available, a copy of the report will be sent. It was
and according to our records, you carried out some somewhat amusing to us that in referring to the
inves�igative work with him in this regard, estimating questions raised in our letter, which we considered to
that micrometeorites of this size would occur through a be vital issue11 in the solution of the mystery, Dr.
sq. em. section at about 10-6 second, so that it would Millman casually dismisses them as "minor points" of
take about a year in space to accumulate such a density. no particular value ! Understandably, the failure to
We would also be interested to know how the metal answer these questions and to carry out the full tests
mass was traced to the Sorel Foundry, how they were suggested is not very satisfactory to us. Dr. Millman
able alter over 9 years to identify it as b�ing their own stated that competent scientists experienced no dif­
ladle residue, and particularly their explanation as to ficulty in recognizing the non-terrestrial nature of
how and why this 3000-lb. chunk of metal and its certain space material. He also deplored the mystery
companion mass of 800 lbs. were transported some 50- which had been built up around the chunk. These two
(;Q miles up river from the Sorel Fouhdry to the latter statements we regard as the biggest enigma of all.
location where ii was found on the shore of the St. If it is such an easy matter for scientists to determine
Lawrence River near Les Ecureils, Quebec. The fin­ the extra-terrestrial nature or otherwise of material
ding of the metal in these strange circumstances has, of tested, why has it taken the government over nine years
course, always been the biggest mystery of all and we to produce a simple statement of the facts of the case,
would welcome any explanation you may have to offer thereby itself creating much of the mystery that has
as a result of your investigation. surrounded the metal?

I am sure that you are just as anxious as we are to And so, . with this sort of persistence, the .
clear up some of the mystery which has surrounded the classic case of Ottawa's "chunk" continues to
metal for so long and as, if your statement to Brian take shape. Right now it seems to be a case
Cannon is correct that there is "nothing unusual about
where the chances of further mystery or a
the metal," this matter can hardly be a classified or
confidential one, I would greatly appreciate it if you
mundane final answer are about equal. But if
could send me a full scientific report of your in· the same continuing effort were shown
vestigation, including any explanations you can offer elsewhere in probing UFO incidents, there is
for the questions raised in the foregoing paragraph, no doubt the aspects of a true mystery would
which of course, would clear up this matter once and
often overwhelm any other conclusion.
for all. You will appreciate that a large number of
people have become interested in this metal and
One of the earlie11t UFO 11ighting11 recorded in Canada
therefore you would be performing a public service in
occurred on the night of Feb. 9, 1 913. Fir11t 11een near
supplying the requested information. We only want to
Esterha,;y, SalllcatcheUJan, several light11 moving with
get at the truth of this matter, but as a scientist, you will geometrical preci11ion appeared out of the northwe11t
understand that in order to get any statement fully
sky. Later tracked over Ontario by many ob11erver11, .
accepted, it must be supported by a scientific report
including Profe��sor C. A. Chant of the Univerllity of
from an authoritative source. Your kind co-operation
Toronto, the lights moved on over New England and
will be very much appreciated."
were later 11een by 11hip11 far out in the South Atlantic
To date, two months later, no reply has been received where they vanished. Travelling "like expre1111 train11, "
to this letter, which was not entirely unexpected. Did to quote one observer, the objectll were divided into
Dr. Millman find our questions too sticky to answer or formationll of four light11, followed by three light11 and
was he adopting the safer course of the old adage that by another two light11. A11 one group dillappeared into
says Silence is Golden ? We are not blaming him per­ the southea11t another, following the 11ame path, ap·
sonally for this somewhat cavalier attitude towards a · peared in the northwe11t.

F lyi n g S a u ce r Ove r Ro m a n i a
We reprint this article and illustrations by great haste he set the time and aperture and
special permission of Charles Bowen, editor of pressed the button. His next photo was taken
FL YING SA UCER REVIE W. Prepared in more calmly, as the object was moving slowly.
French by its author, Florin Gheorghita, an He thus had the time to observe that it reversed
engineer, the article was translated by Gordon direction in its flight and also that its
Creighton. FSR has its offices at 21 Cecil luminosity altered, details which are shown
Court, Charing Cross Road, London W. C. 2, well on the photographs . He had to take the last
Eng. two shots in haste again, because the object
I wish to place on record one of the more suddenly accelerated and shot upwards and
spectacular sightings of an unknown flying vanished rapidly. The time was 1 : 23 p.m.
craft, for I am of the opinion that the relevant There was not the least breath of wind blowing,
photographs will serve to enrich the fund of and the silence of Nature continued unbroken
knowledge already accumulated over the years except for the songs of the birds in the forest.
regarding · this epoch -making problem. The whole party had stood in silence
The case is that of the UFO photographed on watching the strange evolutions of the
the outskirts of the Romanian town of Cluj unknown object. Once it had gone, the
·towards the end of the summer of 1968, the preparation of the meal, and later the pleasure
pictures being among the best and most in­ of their excursion were uppermost in their
teresting ever taken in the world. At the outset, minds, and the powerful impression made on
I wish to draw special attention to the fact that them by the two minutes in which they had
the analysis of these pictures has raised some watched the �achine in flight gradually faded.
very remarkable and scientific problems. I Returning home, E.B. was occupied with
shall attempt, below, to interpret some of these, daily problems and gave no more thought to
and this may lead to f,u i ler analyses at a later the happening in the forest. Only ten days
date. But firstly, the facts : later did he develop his film, having taken
On the morning of August 18, 1968, the other pictures in the meantime until the film
technician E.B. had decided to go; with his was used up. In fact he was in no hurry, for he
lady friend Z.M. and two other friends, to did not know what to do with the pictures,
spend a pleasant Sunday far from the noise of fearing ridicule. The only person known to
the town. The weather being very fine and the him who could enlighten him regarding what
sky clear, they decided on the forest of Baciu, he had seen was myself, and I had been away in
which covers the hills to the west of Cluj and Bucharest for two months, returning to Cluj
which, by reason of its rich vegetation, has only after August 26.
always given much pleasure to Nature-lovers. I thus was able to see the first prints of the
At about noon the small party stopped in a photographs after September 1, and I realised
clearing full of flowers, far from the more that if was something extremely important.
frequented routes . Having set up their camp, Aged 45, E.B. was known to his colleagues as
and feeling hungry, they decided to light their a serious and honest man, though perhaps a
little fire and prepare food. E.B. was to get little too self-centred. An officer in his earlier
firewood. When he had gone but ten paces or years, he was now a technician in a Cluj con­
so into the forest, he heard his girl friend call structional engineering enterprise. In this
him saying that she wanted to show him latter capacity I had known him for almost two
••something." Returning to the clearing, he was years, our relations being purely professional.
told by her to look up at the sky, and, to his I happened . to know already that the UFO
astonishment, he suddenly beheld there a great problem did not interest him and that he
round metallic object which looked silvery in viewed it all with scepticism. I knew definitely
the sunlight. It was flying over the forest that there was neither documentary material
without making the slightest sound, and in a nor were there any books on UFOs in Cluj that
peculiar manner. he might have consulted, and I knew that the
E. B. remained watching it in silence for ten rare reports in the press could not have been
seconds and by then he realised that it was of any great concern or interest to him in that
••something" very remarkable and he rushed to respect.
the rug lying on the grass to get his camera. In His lady friend, ZM., aged 34, a civil servant,

Photograph No. 1

was also known among her colleagues as a the moment of its arrival. It was seen by them
serious person and also as one who had no only when it was over the clearing.
interest in UFOs. -When observed, it was at a height that they
I began by questioning the witnesses, and estimated to he around 600 metres, at. an angle
learned the following additional details : of 85 degrees to the horizon.
-The clearing where the photos had been -Its flight path during the initial period was
taken is 47 km. from Cluj as the crow flies, and from NE to SW, and on a straight course. Then,
to the WSW of the town. when the object reversed course, its line of
-The air temperature in the sun was around flight seemed slightly downwards towards the
36 degrees C. ground.
-The sky was completely clear, hut there -In its flight, both horizontally and ver­
was, very high; a strange sort of vapour which tically when leaving, it kept changing its
they only noticed when the object had vanished position in relation to the line of flight.
at high altitude. -As regards its appearance, I reproduce
-The camera was a FED-2, with an IN­ here E.B.'s written statement which he gave me
TERSTAR 2.8 lens. The film was the usual and which was published i n several
sort, 17 DIN. newspapers : "The object had a metallic gleam,
-None of them had observed the object at made no sound, and was constantly changing

Photograph No. 2 Photograph No. 3

position and direction. It had no resemblance about the film. They had it analysed by their
whatever to any of the bodies that I have seen technical experts, using the latest methods, and
so many times in flight, from balloons to jet found no sign of trickery.
aircraft." After these strictly technical investigations, I
-The diameter of the machine seemed to he sought to work out the logic of the movement
in excess of 30 metres. of the various images, using enlargements. At
the outset, the second picture had particularly
All this was extremely interesting, hut I had caught my attention by its clear perspective,
to make sure that it was not a hoax. I took the showing very clearly the natural setting and the
film and the prints, and went first to the best UFO in flight over the forest. The third picture
known photographer-reporter in Cluj . After too showed clearly that it was impossible to
studying them in his laboratory, he said he had have thrown the same object to such a height.
no doubt as to their genuineness. And you can see clearly from the photos that it
I then consulted a well-known Bucharest is the same object in all of them, and a very
specialist, a photographic reporter with the . large one too.
Romanian National Press Agency, who hap­ The presence of the same trees and the same
pened to he in Cluj on other business. He flowers on the pictures enables us to follow the
confirmed the complete absence of any hoax, flight. The sketch made was produced simply
and he pointed out an interesting by superimposing the photos.
psychological aspect to me : this was that if an At the same time, the size of the trees and
amateur photographer, such as E.B. is, had branches and flowers also enables us to ap:
wanted to make a hoax, he would have put the predate the large size of the object . E.B. 's
object at the centre of his picture. But in the estimate of a diameter of around 30 metres
first and third photograph the object is almost seems indeed right. By geometrical details in
at the edge, which fact shows how excited he various points we can see that this estimate is in
was and his haste to snap the object. fact a minimum one. Finally, the presence of
I also consulted an official laboratory in Cluj the same trees in the fourth photograph ( which

strange unknown flying objects that are ex­
traordinarily similar. There is not the remotest
possibility of those two men ever having known
each other or of having had the least dealings
ij. with each other. Indeed the second man never
knew, or saw, or had the slightest knowledge
� \ about the photographs taken by the first man'�
·· \
The proof is so absolute that I sent the
'. \
... \ photographs to the news agency to be
·. \ published. ( To show our sincerity in this
\ matter, I wish to make it quite clear that
neither E.B. nor I have sought nor have we
I received the slightest material recompense for
\ the photographs . )
\ After rigorous analyses, all the Bucharest
\ fl newspapers of September 19, 1968, as well as
\ 1/ two Cluj papers, published the pictures. That
\ I ./ same evening, the national television network
\ I ..:" showed enlargements of the pictures. Next day,
\ jj. / :' a television team was already in Cluj, and the
68" 1 '
. c1 t '
interview given them by E. B. and his friend
� � --� #. ' Z.M. went out the following evening on the
T.V. It is perhaps of interest to mention that
the newspaper lnformatia Bucurestiului also
published the account of some psychological
tet\ts done on E.B.'s good powers of ob­
servation by a reporter.
But of course, as always, there were also folk
who were hostile. But also, as usual, subjective
in their approach, and not documented on the
facts of the case. Thus, without seeing the
, ,, I
1. . '· '�
1�, I
photographs, the director of the local Ob- ·

. .. 1 ..,_
1,, \...
1 ..,.
· '- '"

·llj , ,..
,,_ �,.,. ....
servatory put out the idea that the object in the
pictures was prob ably a m eteorological
balloon. In several articles published in
newspapers with a big readership, I showed the
was not published, being retained by E.B. for
weakness of this hypothesis, which is clearly
its special features ) demonstrates categorically
ruled out.
that the film is authentic, namely by the final
For myself, I think the Cluj series of
detail of the object vanishing upwards !
Trial comparisons of these photographs with photographs is of remarkable importance,
other similar UFO photographs was for me the both from the documentary aspect as also for
final proof. Frank Edwards' book, Flying the scientific and technical problems that they
Saucers , Serious Busines s , has three present. At the same time, alongside of the tens
photographs of a UFO taken in California near of thousands of registered UFO sightings in
Santa Ana in August 1965. They show an the world, these Cluj photographs have now
astonishing resemblance to the Cluj arrived to pose the same fundamental
photographs : the same type of construction ; questions to the present-day scientific com­
the same proportions ; the same manner of munity : namely, how are these perfect
· machines constructed, what is their strange
· metallic construction ; the same technical
features. Only the size seems to be clearly technique by which they fly, what is the power
different. Thus, almost exactly three years used, who are the beings in them and who are
apart in time ( the Santa Ana photos were taken their builders ?
on August 3 and the Cluj photos on August 18), Obviously these questions cannot be an­
and at a distance of over 16,000 km. from each swered now, but the analysis, even more
other, two men have captured on film images of thorough, of all sightlngs and all photographs

and all material evidence, will yield important special device which cannot be observed from
information for us. photographs ? Naturally the problem calls for
What do we find in these Cluj photographs ? more thorough investigations, plus further
( a) The first photograph seems to confirm photographic data and direct sightings.
for us one thing that was already well known : ( b ) The second photograph however raises
the flying saucers are metallic craft designed the most serious problems. To begin with, my
according to admirable technical principles. attention was drawn to seemingly different
For example, as is seen in this case, their at­ aspects :
tention to aerodynamics is evident. -First, we note that, compared with the first
The angle at which the picture was taken photograph, the shape of the object has now
gives us ( for the first time with this particular become somewhat vague, while all the other
type of UFO) a view of the upper part-which details in the picture ( trees, flowers, etc.) have
is flat. If we look closely for details, we can see remained very clear, and yet, during the few
that the surface of the craft is not perfectly seconds that have elapsed since the first
smooth : there is a slight bulge on the left. photograph was taken, neither the atmospheric
What the purpose of this asymmetrical design conditions nor the conditions pertaining to the
could be is difficult to imagine, but it can serve operation of the camera have changed in any
to. remind us of several of the cases mentioned way.
by Frank Edwards in his book referred to
-Secondly, you can see that the image of the
above-cases in which the crew were seen to be
object has become bright and yet at the same
making certain kinds of use of the upper
time the shadow that seems to be thrown by the
constructional details on the upper part of the
The fact that lateral portholes are not visible,
rim seems almost illogical when compared
either on this saucer or on the Californian one
with the shadow thrown in the first
( Santa Ana ) , raises serious questions as to the
possibility of visual examination from the
inside of the outside. Are these particular types In reply to the questions that I put to them
of space-craft simply teleguided and so not later about these changes, E.B. said that, as he
requiring visual systems ? The considerable. was getting ready to take the second picture, he
size of the object however leads us to deduce was able to watch how the object had reversed
that it is not a simple teleguided affair. Is there course in the air growing brighter and
no crew to use the large interior space ? If brighter, until it accelerated suddenly and shot
however we accept the existence of beings away upwards.
inside it, then there must be some kind of We are familiar with numerous accounts of
visual system. Have they perhaps some sort of the brightness of the external surfaces of

Astonishing similarity to
R omanian UFO is seen in this
photo of flying disc taken
three years earlier by R ex
Heflin at Santa Ana,
Cali forn i a . Irregularity of
shadowy band even suggests
asymmetrical design as ob­
served in R omanian incident.

UFOs, especially at night. Was this the luminosity in the sky, but was captured by the
phenomenon that was now taking place here ? camera at a moment when the contours of the
To secure further help on the question, I object were still visible. This fact rules out the
appealed separately to two University lecturers possibility of subjective interpretation or the
from the Cluj Institute of Fine Arts, both of possibility of hasty dismissal as a fake.
them specialists in matters of natural lighting. ( c ) The third photograph, less spectacular,
With the help of one of them, and before a nevertheless also presents important problems
group of professors from the Institute, we which would appear to be fundamental themes
projected the whole film, and also the in­ for a future new flight technique. But, in order
dividual photographs, on to a screen. After a not to weary the reader, I will confine myself to
discussion, each of the two specialists made mentioning only a few of them, leaving the
some models of the object. On these models discussion of the problem as a whole to be
they studied the distribution of the light from a taken up again on a future occasion.
lateral source ( here playing the part of the
What is striking in this third photograph,
Sun ) . Their conclusions, arrived at separately,
right at the outset, is the almost vertical
were identical : namely that in the second position of the craft. Is it logically acceptable ?
picture the object had indeed become We are in truth so used to the idea of flight in a
luminous, but illuminated in itself, not from horizontal position for aircraft and also for
outside ! UFOs too, but we must not forget that
The problem of the UFOs' own luminosity is
frequently airmen-and particularly pilots of
assuredly a remarkable scientific and technical
fighter craft-are obliged at certain times to
one. How can so large a metallic surface
put their machine into a vertical position where
suddenly become luminous, brighter than the
it is advantageous to them.
light of the Sun at noon on a summer's day ?
And, among the numerous sightings of
What can be the purpose of this phenomenon ?
UFOs, we do know of reports in which UFOs
The shadow however which appears on the
moved about in a vertical position or were
upper portion of the rim also raises some
vertical and stationary. Thus for example, I
questions . Is it simply the momentary result of
recall the photograph taken on April 2, 1966, at
the reversal of the object in the air and of the
Melbourne, and published by Frank Edwards
angle of the rays of sunlight striking the rim ?
Or is it perhaps a constructional detail which
No doubt such a position would seem to entail
remained hidden behind the dome in the first

great inconveniences for any crew present in

picture and which now becomes visible as a
the craft, but perhaps it is not so bad for them
shaded area? Is there a certain lack of
after all.
homogeneity in the metallic material of which
the craft is built, and which only shows up The third photograph shows however one
when the luminous effect comes into detail that is intriguing : on the upper part of
operation ? the image of the UFO you can see a curious
To arrive at a more realistic hypothesis, we curvature of the rim. Has this any connection
should inevitably have to know first the source with the patch of shadow-difficult to ex­
and indeed the purpose of this strange plain-on t h e s e cond phot ograph ? The
emission of luminosity. analysis of this detail, as also the color of the
The luminosity effect of UFOs-seldom rim-which is even brighter than the dome­
disputed by the writers who in their books have still remain open problems that deserve to be
presented UFO sightings and have written of taken up again later.
the importance of the UFOs-has on the other ( d ) By way of conclusion :
hand almost always been taken as one of the The three pictures of the strange flying
main features that various people have seized object photographed over the forest of Badu,
upon in order to deny, as scientifically im­ on the outskirts of the town of Cluj in
possible, the real existence of these strange Romania, provide remarkable proofs as to the
objects. real existence of UFOs and as to their great
From this point of view, the photographs scientific importance.
taken at Cluj constitute a piece of documen­ The authenticity of the photographic film,
tation of the very greatest importance, since established after thorough -going checking and
here the phenomenon does not appear-as verification, shows us that all the attempts to
usually is the case - as · a mere spot of deny or to .disregard the UFO problem con-

stitute a regrettable attitude towards the basic 2. I greatly regret that the authors of the
ideas of contemporary and future science. repudiated Condon Report issued by the
I hope that my presentation of these three Condon Committee did not make reference to
photographs, along with certain aspects of the the publication of these Cluj photographs .
wealth of data contained in them, will he a real Their specialist on testing photographs,
encouragement to others to study them still William K . Ha rmann, writ e s :
more thoroughly. The documentary im­ photographic proof would require not only
portance of these photographs can he in­ multiple photograp h s h ut also m ultiple
creased still further by the right scientific and photographers, unconnected with each other,
technical studies of them. not known to each other, at considerahl�
distances apart ( preferably some tens of
kilometres ) wnose photographs show the same
Cluj, Romania.
UFO. The Colorado University project knows
Notes of no such case." Were Mr. Hartmann sincere
1 Cluj, second largest town of Romania - and had he known of the Cluj photos, he would
known as Napoca in Roman times, it lies in probably not have written this. Will he now
Transylvania, the northwestern province of the change his findings ? ( Extremely unlikely -
country. Editor.)

Public Wan ts U N Stu dy Of U F O s

Do you think the UFO. question shoald he form from another galaxy. For centuries
globally investigated in a coordinated maimer people have had terrifying reactions to flying
under the patronage of the United Nations saucers etc. If contact with UFOs becomes
Organization ? global, people would panic. Also, evidence of
This was a key question in · the public UFOs shows them to he only watching earth
opinion poll we conducted in. our last issue as and not invading it. Some UFOs could he
part of the Project International to place this extraterrestrial, others could he imagination
extraordinary issue in the hands of the only or j ust unknown earth UFOs."
authority in the world equipped· to give it the "A clash, or should I say a contact, of two
full-scale study it merits - the United Nations. cultures of such different technologies tends to
If early results are a fair sample of national jolt or shock the lesser civilization into
thinking - and we believe they are - oblivion. The lesser culture is overpowered by
Canadians t and a good representation of our the superior one, even though it is unin­
American readers ) are strongly in favor {}f the tentional. Such may he the consequences if
idea. Replies in the affirmative are running Earth is openly contacted by a superior
about 20 to 1 . culture. Perhaps they know • • • "
What i s more, the majority o f those who have "Certainly a scientific study t unbiased) of
replied so far have particular opinions to UFOs is what is needed hut I think it should he
express. This is making the space for general an international scientific UFO hoard of
comments one of the most interesting features inquiry c o mpletely sep arated fro m any
of the questionnaire. Here are some of the political organization, especially the UNO. In
remarks, picked, we emphasize, at random. the UFO field science and politics do not mix !
With replies running into the hundr�ds, we Proof of that was the government-sponsored
make no attempt to he selective. Condon committee."
"I think that anybody who does not believe "It seems very short-sighted and egotistical
in or, at least question, these sightings, must he to suggest we are the only inhabited planet or
a fool. Much could he learned from an ad­ the most advanced - and I cannot believe the
vanced and alien civilization. Unfortunately stories I have collected from trusted, rational
Man is so paranoic that he would have to learn friends to he figments of imagination,
to react properly to ensure that any connection hallucination or 'glob al p s y chological
with them would prove beneficial." phenomenon' !"
"The human race is not ready to accept a life "Since the UFO question is an international

one it should certainly be investigated by an ling of public
opinion, much of the approach
international body such as the United Nations. must be made to- those who have no such
But we do not want another snow job like we connections. Untll the next issue at least, our
got from Dr. Condon. We want this in­ list remains open for anyone willing to help.
vestigation and: research center." Replies to the questionnaire should be either
· "To my knowledge, UFOs haven't en­ returned to the regional coordinators or sent
dangered the earth yet and until they do, or direct to this magazine, where additional
attempt to, I think we should hold off." copies of the form are available. Our address
"It is my opinion that no effort or expensf is : Canadian UFO R eport, Box 758, Duncan,
should be spared to fully invest:isate the UFO B.C., Canada.
phenomena and make all details public, as I
find the uncertainty far more disquieting than Regional Co-ordinators
any facts that may be brought forward."
A gratifying number of readers have offered
As we have explained, the move to make
to assist in distribution of the UN question·
study of this question a responsibility of UN
naire. We welcome their help and are pleased
was initiated by the Anglo-Polish Research
to name them regional coordinators for the
Club in London, Eng., under the direction of
petition project in Canada. The fact that some
Antoni W. Szachnowski whose extensive in­
are closely grouped in certain areas is not of
ternational contacts eminently qualify him to concern. There is ample room for these and
head the undertaking, known as Project In­ more in an undertaking of such scope.
ternational UFO Petition to the United Nations. As the period of distribution of the
In making their presentation to the UN, the questionnaire remains open, we will be happy
project directors will submit replies to the to receive any further offers of help. ( A letter
public opinion questionnaire which, as carried from one volunteer was unfortunately misfiled
in our last issue, is being distributed and his name regrettably does not appear here.
throughout the world. If timing of the in­ We would appreciate hearing from him again if
ternational program permits, we will run the this comes to his attention. )
questionnaire again in our next issue with the I n alphabetical order, regional coordinators
aim of bringing it to the attention of new appointed to date are :
David Halley, Scarborough, Ont.
subscribers and others who purchase the
Mrs. F. Blakeney, Kingston, Ont.
magazine at news-stands.
Arthur Bray, Ottawa, Ont.
Meanwhile, to direct the various groupings
Juergen Brauner, Scarborough, Ont.
of the project's organization, international and
Herbert D. Clark, West Vancouver, B.C.
national coordinators have been appointed D. F. Clausen, Regina, Sask.
who, in turn, will select regional coordinators. D. W. Coulthard, Regina, Sask.
Named as international coordinator for North D. S. Douglas, Granum, Alta.
America is Mrs. Carol Halford-Watkins of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halsall, Wllliams Lake,
Ottawa, editor of the UFO publication Topside. B.C.
Coordinator for Canada is John Magor, editor Mrs. Heidi Hugli, Scarborough, Ont.
of Canadian UFO Report, with contributing Mrs. L. J. Killman, Caledonia, Ont.
editor Brian Cannon of Winnipeg as associate Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mancinelli, Regina, Sask.
coordinator. George Mudge, London, Ont.
In submitting replies to the questionnaire, John Pearson, Victoria, B.C.
several readers offered to help in its Robin J. Pearson, Victoria, B.C.
distribution. On the basis of this welcome Larry Simpson, Shalalth, B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Squance, Victoria, B.C.
interest in the project, we have entered them as
Hermanns Voorsluys, Victoria, B.C.
regional coordinators. In addition, two or three
Distributing the questionnaire in the U.S.A.
others were selected because of particular
are : Donald Boates, Portland, Ore., and Miss
qualifications. We emphasize, however, that
Lucinda Ann Rexford, Birmingham, Mich.
this is by no means a closed list, and
Replies received from the States wlll be
association with some UFO group is not in the
referred to Mrs. Carol Halford-Watkins, Ot­
least necessary for anyone wishing to take part
tawa, international coordinator for North
in the project. In fact, to ensure a true samp- America.
Acti o n U rg ed
I n O ttawa
Until the inevitable time comes that nations
accept the UFO question as one demanding
their serious attention, the issue must be kept
alive by individuals willing to spend time and
money prodding their governments t o
maintain some degree o f interest.
In Canada one of these is Arthur Bray, a
lieutenant commander in the RCN, who
operates a book service in Ottawa and in 1967
published his book Science, the Public and the
UFO (reviewed in May-June issue ) . The
following year he made a report on the poorly
financed work being done by the National
Research Council to investigate UFO sightings
( reprinted in our Nov .-Dec. issue from Mrs.
Carol Halford-Walkins' Topside) and im­
mediately afterward again went to bat with a Arthur Bray
UFO submission to the Senate Special Com­
in Canada over the past twenty years in search of
mittee on Science Policy whose proceedings patterns, without people to do the work. They also lack
have just been published. the files from which to work. It is worthy of note,
In his submission Mr. Bray makes this however, that NRC is apparently continuing its very
analysis of Ottawa's attitude toward the UFO limited activity in this field despite the Condon Report.
This, at least, is an indication of clear thinking on the
mystery :
part of someone.
Since then f Project Magnet in the 1950s ), little has At no time, evidently, has there been any one office
been done in Canada except to investigate a minor
with an overall interest in all the many aspects of the
percentage of those reports reaching the government problem, with the objective of solving the total
officially. There has been little or no policy direction problem, not simply parts of it, or individual sightings,
concerning the study of this matter in Canada, and which leaves' the overall matter still a mystery.
responsibility has been bounced from one department Late in 1967, considerable publicity was attached to
to another, with individual departments displaying an announcement by the University of Toronto, that a
interest only in so far as each department has a par­ UFO study was being commenced under the direction
ticular area of activity. I support this statement by the
of Dr. Gordon Patterson of the Institute for Aerospace
fact that my personal correspondence with high levels Studies. The public has not been well informed of
of government, including the former Prime Minister,
activity of this group, other than an opening forum
always resulted in departmental replies clearly which conveyed the impression of being an attention­
showing interest was limited to only one aspect of the getter. In October, 1968, the press reported that this
problem. For example, Department of Mines and study was on the verge of collapse "owing to a lack of
Technical Surveys f as it was known at that time) ex­ something to investigate, and if some good flying
pressed a view related only to the astronomical aspect. saucer cases don't soon crop up the Institute will have
My opinion about the interest of the Department of little chance of receiving a National Research grant for
National Defence was confirmed when it was made more costly and intensive study."
clear to me recently that their prime interest was in
We have here the same old problem. A new study gets
whether any threat to national security was involved. It underway and they start out only at that point in time,
having been established that no such threat exists, ignoring the many thousands of cases already
D.N.D. then passed the task to the National Research documented, which could be studied in search for
Council, which now carries the ball. No public funds patterns.
are provided specifically for this purpose and therefore
any investigations are limited to what can be ac­
Mr. Bray observes there is a similar tendency
complished by using funds allotted basically for other in the U.S. for authorities to extract from the
purposes, and no staff is allowed for. This investigating mass of evidence only what they consider of an
responsibility is carried by Dr. Peter M. Millman, importance known only to themselves .To this •

Head, Upper Atmosphere Research Section. No matter

effect he quotes Dr. Robert M. L. Baker in
how capable the project chief may be, he cannot
conduct any adequate, comprehensive and thorough testimony before the Committee on Science
investigation of the total problem without staff and and Astronautics, House of Representatives, in
without funds. NRC cannot even analyze all sightings 1968 :
"Apparently what is now happening is that the Air 4. That Canada take the lead in UFO investigation by
Force surveillance radar is throwing away the data that establishing a thorough and full-objective study of the
is of relevance for this inquiry. In other words, if it sees phenomena, not limiting this study to a few narrow
something that is not on a ballistic or not in orbit, it• scientific fields as has been the case. Many fields o;
ignores it, it throws it in the garbage. Well, that garbage science, technology and the humanities must he in- ·

is just the area of our interest." cluded in this st udy ;

5. That this study he supplemented by an attempt to
This pick-and-choose attitude often leads to
build a new model of the universe, not limited to known
the · mistaken belief that serious official �t­ physical laws, hut which would pennit interstellar
tention is being given to the subject, whereas in travel in short time periods. This task requires, first, a
fact the study is generally narrow in scope and recognition by Science of the possibility that existing
models could he false. In other word, scientists must
lacking in diligence. On this point Mr. Bray
knock down their own "orthodox harrier ; "
quotes Dr. James E. McDonald, professor of 6. In conjunction with recommendation 4, and
atmospheric physics at the University of concurrent with it, that Canada strongly encourage
Arizona, who has long campaigned for full other nations to establish similar investigations on the
examination of the UFO mystery : same basis ;
7. That further to recommendations 4 and 6, Canada
"Scientists throughout the world have tended to
ignore the UFOs as if they were just so much nonsense. encourage the United Nations Organization to co­
From talking to fellow scientists here and abroad, I ordinate such national investigations and to establish a
have seen that most of them believed that Air Force control or "filter" centre to assimilate sightings and
Project Bluebook was really studying the UFOs with local patterns to determine global patterns f with the
scientific competence. The trouble was that almost assistance of computers) in order to obtain the overall
none of these scientists took time off to check for comprehensive world-wide view of the situation, which
themselves. I did. What I have found is nothing short of may lead to an eventual solution.
alarming. Bluebook and its consultants have simply
swept under a rug of ridicule and innuendo thousands
of sightings from credible witnesses, sightings of

L e tte rs
objects that are neither swamp gas nor secret test
devices, nor fireballs nor hall lightning."

Although scientists of real stature who Sir :

believe the UFO subject merits inquiry are We had an unusual finding in our garden one winter
rare, they are by no means without company. morning of 1967 which I think may interest you. The
actual date cannot he remembered by myself or our
In another reference to one of them, Mr. Bray
neighbor, Mr. Jack Lewis, who was a witness to our
says : gathering up the articles. My late husband would have
Professor Frank B. Salisbury, professor of been able to tell us, however. I tragically lost him in a
exobiology at Colorado State University published an freak car accident in 1968.
article in Science in which he stated that we must The following is an account of the happening.
concern ourselves with the possibility of technological The night prior to the event, our young Golden Lab.
civilization on Mars. Certain peculiarities of Mars and puppy, now three years of age, behaved in an extremely
its moons, Phohos and Deimos, he wrote, "are most nervous manner, continually going to the hack door
easily understood on the assumption that they are the and listening at the curtained windows. My husband
products of intelligent beings." Professor Salisbury's went outside to look around. Returning, he simply
views are shared by Dr. Carl Sagan of Harvard stated, "It's OK, hut don't let her out. It feels a bit
University and t he Smithsonian Astrophysical Ob­ creepy around ! "
servatory. Similarly, attributes of UFOs are most easily By that time even the house seemed t o feel that way,
understood on the assumption that they are also so we packed up for the night. I recall the time being
products of intelligent beings. around 12 : 45 a.m .
The next morning I went out on the rear steps and to
To put his presentati�n into working form,
my surprise saw, spread all over the ground among the
Mr. Bray makes these recommendations : trees, what appeared to he dozens of cricket-sized metal
1. That the Government immediately recognize UFO halls, some quite sharp on the edges. Wound through
phenomena as being of major scientific significance some of the loosely-wound halls were white pieces of
and deserving of serious study, in an effort to remov'e paper with some pink edges. I called Peter f my
the stignia attached to scientific and public discussion h us hand ) and later started to rake them together.
of the matter; Mr. Lewis, who was in his garden, came to the fence
2. That the Government recognize that the UFO and asked what it all was !
mystery has remained unsolved due to inadequate There are quite a lot of trees at the rear of our house
investigations, and · not due to the non-existence of - cherry, apple, chestnut, pear, pines etc. - none of
unknown objects in our skies ; the former in leaf at that time of year, and not one piece
:J. That complete factual information he released in of this metal was to he found among the branches or on .
which the public can have confidence, to reduce the the bramble hushes.
confusion and misunderstanding. Such an act will also So we concluded it was the work of children. We
encourage people to report their sightings for scientific searched in our adjoining open lot and in the hack lane,
analysis, instead of keeping them to themselves as is none to he found there. We also asked children to look
more often the case ; around, result nil.

The amount we collected filled the large garbage can assignment and task warns humanity and world outer
and a smaller one. I thought some of these balls, though space exploration teams to look to their security ; and
dullish in appearance, would look good on our next t ake i m m e d i a t e precaut ionary measures b e fore
Xmas tree, so filled a cardboard box and placed it in the launching any long lasting scientific study of the
garage, and also put a dozen or so on a table in the phenomen a . The UFO problem hangs more
basement. dangerously above the great powers of the world than
The incident was forgotten until it somehow came up even the spectre of a third world war."
for discussion during one of the rare and delightful The UN already has taken what might loosely be
visits by my aunt, Mrs. Edie Cross, to our home. I went termed "steps" toward VonKeviczky's warning; they
to look for the balls but all traces of them had vanished. have appointed committees to deal with any ex­
Our dog is a fully trained and reliable guard. Only traterrestrial representatives that may appear before
twice since then has she behaved in the same manner, them. But it so far does not look as if they will have
this being the night prior to my husband's accident much work to do in this department.
and, strange to relate, on last New Year's Eve, prior to Your petition, however, packs more of a punch than
the Duncan sighting. ( See report this issue. - Ed. ) VonKeviczky's because it provides for the beliefs of
It is known that dogs in particular are finely tuned to those who discount the possibility of extraterrestrial
a higher sense or senses, though some humans are also beings. The UN will have to at least acknowledge the
capable of ESP. I should indeed be interested to know serious possibility o f misidentification and resulting
your opinion of this matter. war, even if the UFOs are some of the natural
Zoe Szozepanek-Barclay, phenomena the government claims they are. This is a
Victoria, B.C.. circumstance I have never considered.

It will be noted this incident occurred in 1 96 7, year Doug Leary,

of the UFO "invasion" as we have reported in this and Hayward, California
the preceding issue. In that year there were many
unusual incidents, even by UFO standards, and
dropping of a new type of "angel hair" such as that Sir :
described here may have been one of them. Many times police and military authorities are told
Evapora tion of this material is a known characteristic, where to push off to when they dismiss someone's
though usually it occurs almost immediately after UFOs as army flares. Being a militia member, I have
touching. Alternatively, if that really was paper con­ seen flares, and I think this is an entirely plausible
tained in the balls, the incident must have been a prank explanation for many sightings. Witnesses often
as the writer first suspected. Any comments anyone? - described their UFO as "a bright red glowing light,,
Ed. drifting across the sky, with hits dropping off it, slowly
dimming and then winking out completely."
If I were to write this on a test in answer to the
Sir : question "describe a flare," I would receive top marks.
The sixth issue of Canadian UFO Report has arrived, · Quite often the small parachute they descend beneath
and that information on Project International was can easily be seen, adding to the confusion. And these'
certainly worth waiting for. objects are quite often seen near military bases.
Are you aware that a similar, hut certainly less
striking request was presented to the UN in June, 1965, David Bailey
by Mr. Colman VonKeviczky? He presented a warning Scarborough, Ont.
that extra-terrestrial beings were planning to land on
Earth, and that subsequent precautions ought to be
taken to provide for defense against them if need be. Sir :
Needless to say, the results were the same as the After reading your informative September-October
Condon "Investigation" in U.S.A. and his advice was edition, I wondered whether it may not be possible for
not taken. amateurs in British Columbia to organize a gridwork of
VonKeviczky is a graduate of the Royal Hungarian detection devices.
Maria Ludovica Military University in 1932. During the It is easy to make a warning device, as you know. It
subsequent years he served in both the Hungarian and consists essentially of a buzzer or bell, a 6-volt battery,
U.S. armies and in 1951 came to the U.S. to open a film a small magnetized rod or bar and some wire. The
company. He is really quite an expert on photography device must be weatherproofed, face ·north, and placed
and was employed by the UN as a member of the in a suitable, safe place ( some people place it in their
Secretariat's Office of Public Information, Photo and attic ) .
Exhibit Department. Just imagine how convenient i t would be t o have such
At the time of his warning to the UN in 1965, he was a network of detectors throughout the province ! This
( and I believe he still is) director of the In­ would also be an exclusive first for British Columbia.
tercontinental UFO Research and Analytic Network. Readers should be reminded to take a photograph if
After he issued a warning to the UN about the possible, and telephone the R.C.M.P.
· possibility of extraterrestrial attack, his post was In passing, I would like to mention that I mentioned
terminated for reasons not revealed. A portion of his this idea to the National Research Council, but the
warning was : answer was "SOrry - no funds. Your suggestion will be
"Powers of a superhuman civilization, living on filed !"
celestial bodies, are conducting organized recon­ Best of luck for your worthwhile magazine.
naissance operations on and around our planet. At
present time, the analyzed behavior of the alien space Malcolm McKellar
vehicle seems to he neutral, hut their unknown · Burnaby, B.C. ·

When we expressed interest in this idea, Mr. McKellar UFO Petition To United Nations". This could he the
submitted the following drawing of his device, along greatest thing that has happened to ufologists. There is
with details of its construction. - Ed probably a high chan ce of success in this endeavor as I
recall reading a quote several years ago, from a UFO
hook, which gives us extra hope. I haven't been able to
find the particular hook as yet hut in it U Thant, the
President of the United Nations, was quoted as sayin g :
. .1
think the biggest problem facing the UN today is
UFO's," or words to that effect.
For years I have wanted to do something helpful or
'/I I I '17� co nstructive for the study of UFO's, and signing this
petition is fin ally a way of offering my two cents worth.
"The detector is comprised of a six-volt dry battery, a However, I wish I could do more.
bell, a free swinging iron bar contact under which has The last paragraph in the U FO petition center page is
been centred a small, permanent, horshoe magnet, and rather ambiguous. It reads : "Pending the appointment
a loop contact. The device must be oriented facing the of regional coordinators, UF O clubs and other groups
north magnetic pole, be made weatherproof (possibly can help greatly by distributing the questionnaire
with hard plastic cover) and situated in a suitable, safe among their members." Next, the very first question of
place, free from vibration. When a strong magnetic the questionnaire asks, " Have yo u ever heard or read
field approaches, the bar contact will complete the about U FOs or 'Flying Saucers'?" I hope this means
circuit through the loop contact, and the bell will ring. " that anyone can receive extra copies and that a ny
person, not n ecessarily one knowledgable in t he
subject, may complete the questionnaire. If this is so I
Sir : wo uld he very grateful if you would send me 40 ext ra
I h ave been a very staunch UFO addict for a great copies. Thank yo u.
many years and h ave accum ulated a small library on Robin j . Pearson,
the subject of ufology. Thi s collection includes fo ur Victoria, B.C.
subscriptions to periodicals, yet I have never before The questionnaire i s definitely not intended only for
corresponded to editors, staff, or to anybody in regards UFO fans, otherwise we would not obtain a true sa mp le
to this fascinating subject, ufology. I have never before ofpublic opinion, which is what we are after. A lth ough
had reason to write as I have never seen anything that we have called upon UFO clubs to start the ball
could i n anyway he regarded as a UFO, nor am I the reading, we welcome the help of any groups or in­
kind of guy who comes up with bright ideas or new dividua ls, regardless of their views, in handli ng
techniques with which to st ud y the phenomena. distribution of the questionnaire. Cop ies may be u b­
I must now break my silence harrier as I am very rai ned by writing to Canadian UFO R eport, Box 758,
excited upon hearing abo ut the " Project International Duncan, B.C. - Ed.

Canadian UFO Report

Box 758, Duncan, B . C . , Canada

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UFO reports, related articles and features - no witch hunts or messages from
Space brothers ! $4.00 per year ; sample copy, 35c. Editor, Norma E. Short, Box
129, Stover, Mo., 65078. U.S.A.

OUTERMOST - A new publication by the editor of "Saucers, Space &
Science." A writer risks his life to tell you his UFO secret. Others tell you
things you never read before anywhere. It'll rock you ! Reserve your copy
today - send $1 .50 today to : Gene Duplantier, 17 Shetland St. Willowdale,
Ontario, Canada.


Glossy Cover, In teres ting Ph otographs,
Historical, Contact and Reference Sections, Book
Lists, Etc.
Vol. 6 No. 2 ( 1970) discusses that Mysterious Omnk of
Canadian Hardware, Angel Hair found in Canada, the
Woburn Abbey convention and Tyneham "landing" with
photos. As well as contact and historical material, it is
packed with useful information : book and magazine news,
list of European magazines & LIONEL'S LITTER.

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3/- O C T O I E I t 961 WANTED: Canadian. distributor.

.·· l'

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