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Introduction to Retail Bank
Retail banking, also known as consumer banking, is the availability of services
through a bank to male or female clients, rather than to businesses, businesses or different
banks. In the United States UU. , The industrial financial institution is used during the
time period. A regular financial institution to distinguish it from a finance bank. After the
Great Depression, through the Glass Steagall Act, the US Congress. UU. He called on
banks to interact more effectively in banking activities, while investment banks were
limited to sports in capital markets. This chapter is abolished in the 1990s.
Commercialbank may also refer to a financial institution or a bank management that often
deals with deposits and loans from large agencies or agencies, rather than individuals
from the public (retail banking).
Retail banking is the practice of lending cash to individuals rather than institutions. Retail
Banking is terminated through banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations. These
institutions provide loans for car purchases, home purchases, hospital treatment, home
repairs, vacations, and other customer uses. Retail banking has played a prominent role in
bank banking activities, with the availability of credit ratings and a variety of products
offered to retail banks. Lending through retail banking is generally smaller than that lent
to groups. Retail banking can take the form of installment loans, which must be repaid
gradually over the years, or loans without installment payments, which are paid in one
way. Retail banking, especially mortgage loans and local loans, is one of the maximum
profit flows for banks. However, it is also fraught with risks as banks move farther and
farther away from the traditional way of doing business, to risks that use prices by
accident, indirect loans and hedges. The growth of retail loans in different geographic
regions means that regulatory problems, compliance and disclosure exacerbate existing
Retail loans are those loans granted to meetings that include housing, education, purchase
of durable goods and personal assembly needs. Credit cards are also part of a retail
The meaning of retail bank
Retail banking consists of a variety of bank offerings from comparable categories,
including savings accounts, current accounts, customer loans, credit cards, debit cards,
mortgages, e-banking, mobile banking offers, insurance, investments, and money control.
Which has the ability to provide all these services to retail customers. In fact, retail

banking keeps cash in circulation because the Fed allows access to 10% of deposits.
Therefore, retail banks should circulate the 90 percent final percentage in the form of
loans and in the form of financing products.
Definition of Retail Loans:
Retail banking, also known as consumer banking, refers to sending retail banking offers
to institutional customers, such as groups, institutions and / or monetary institutions.
RENTAIL Prediction scenario - offers
The term "retail banking" refers to a company of industrial banks that includes
individuals, each of which has obligations (deposits and loans) and assets (loans and
advances). Fixed and recent bills / savings on the side of liabilities, mortgages and loans
(for example, private, residential and academic) in the face of property are important
products provided by banks. Related offers include credit cards, transfers, promotion of
mutual funds, insurance products and deposit offers.
The retail banking area today has three key elements.
• Multiple goods (deposits, credit cards, insurance, investments and securities);
• Multiple distribution channels (outsourcing to the branch network and call center
• Many corporate clients (consumer, small business and company).
Loans are placed in the market with attractive logos to distinguish between goods offered
through exclusive banks. The loans for these loans generally range from Rs 1200 to Rs
10,000. Loans generally
Elements and groups of retail loan targets
Retail loans, for our analysis, in particular include the following sub-phase and the
target sponsors are:
Loans for home: for experts with independent salaries. Mortgage loans represent
nearly half of retail loans.
• Purpose: buy / produce / update / graduation / extension and many more.
• Loan amount: will cover the cost of land and construction or the cost of flat and
interior decoration.
• Type of borrower: one, group or company
• Period / period of mortgage: medium (from three to five years) to very long (from
15 to 20 years), depending on currency inflows and borrower selection.

• Interest charges: Current loans, fixed / floating, are issued at the lowest interest rate
among retail goods.
• Guarantee: First mortgage (equitable or registered) of land / residence or other
movable property through the borrower preferred by the banks.
• Registration: Loan fees are registered with the Housing Registrar.
• Guarantee: In cases where the margin is low or the value of the Internet to the
borrower, according to the assessment, sufficient.
• Documents: The promissory note must be taken into consideration and a letter of
fees and warranty, if any.
• Repayment: Generally in the form of EMI (equivalent monthly payment)
throughout the duration of the loan.
Loans for vehicles
Car loans (vehicles and wheels) for professionals with income and self-employed.
This sub-stage represents about 0.33% of total retail loans.
PURPOSE: Purchase of cars (two / three and four wheels) for each use or as loans for
taxis for high-liability vehicles are issued under the scheme of the small land transport
• Period / terms of the loan: usually from three to five years, depending on the
estimated interest / cash flows and the nature / value of the vehicle
• Interest rate: variable rate Generally, the rate is better than housing loans
• Security: The mortgage rate is recorded at the land transport commissioners' office.
• Warranty: A guarantee or personal guarantee is required in the case of a taxi loan.
• Payment: EMI. Recovery may be more common. A longer period (decrease in EMI)
extends to a few sectors
personal loan
Non-public mortgage for wage earners, self-employed workers and investors /
entrepreneurs. These loans are granted for consumption and unsecured needs (ie without
any type of collateral), based on income flows or net real value of individual debts. These
loans are for non-exclusive purposes of use.
• Purpose: Travel, marriage or other feature / event requires high fees.
• Loan term: Short term mortgage, mortgage on demand or overdraft.
• Payment: EMI or as agreed

• Interest rate: floating charge. The rate is higher than other loans in the retail
• Security: There is no concrete protection. Banks can also ask for tangible
security in cases where the Internet is really worth it or profit currencies that flow
with inadequate flow.
• Guarantee: Required, if net real / value flows are insufficient and you can not
obtain tangible security at this time.
Others: It is mainly granted to high-income people among employees, self-
employed and business people.
Loans for the purchase of consumables DURABILITIES
Loans granted through banks (term loans) and financial institutions (in general,
overbought financing) that can be affiliated to white goods producers to buy
refrigerators, televisions and singing systems, microwave / electric ovens, various
kitchen equipment etc. are classified in these Category. In general, loans continue
for less than 5 years. These loans are attracted by better interest rates than
mortgage loans.
• Purpose: Purchase white goods.
• Repayment period: from 18 to 48 months, depending on the rate / nature of the
product and the income / cash flows of the borrower
• Payment: EMI
• Interest rate: floating rate. The highest rate of housing loans or cars.
• Security: the extraction of acquired assets.
• Guarantee: Generally not required unless the borrower's cash flows / profits are
good enough.
Withdrawals are granted in today's accounts, where you can make a overdraft (in
an additional credit balance) and a penalty to meet your cash requirements. It is a
mobile account and the interest is easier to debit the debtor, generally in the rules
of the products every day. Hobby is the highest rate in the retail loan phase.
• Purpose; Whole or standard cause, for emergency assembly and advertising cash
• Duration: payable in full view of the financial institution.
• Interest: floating rate. The highest rate in the non-public sector (or retail).
SAFETY: In general, liquid (mobile) protection is not guaranteed (eg, fixed
deposit receipts, bonds / certificates issued by RBI offices / recruitment) in cases
of large quantities and / or long-term requirements.
• Warranty: Generally, it is no longer necessary if the security requirements listed
above are met.
Other: Documents can be very simple and concise to current account holders
credit cards
Many banks have problems with both credit and debit cards immediately or
through their affiliates. Both of these cards allow for much less cash purchases of
goods and convenient and safe offers and these are the main areas for your
growing use
• Free credit period: up to forty-five days from date of purchase
• Account statement date: The account statement date (from month to month) is
specified and is specifically proposed for all purchases.
• Implemented with credit score card during the previous month to month, price
made and balance to be paid.
• Payment Due Date: The fixed payment date each month.
• On premiums: payments that are no longer paid on the due date of payment.
• Interest rate: 20-42% per annum and amount owed, imposed on the transport
• Loans: Some credit card companies give unsecured loans to cardholders.

Need to study
• The interest rate is better
• Less risk
• Soft ALM (Asset Liability Management)
• Budget is cheap
• Increase the income of the average elegance.
• Mediation
Scope for Retail Bank
• Increase in all financial activities.
• An increase in purchasing power. Rural areas have large purchasing power and this is an
opportunity to market retail banking.

• India has 200 million households and 400 million middle-class people, more than 90%
of the savings coming from the housing maintenance area. "Now people want to save less
and spend more."
• The concept of the nuclear family has become very important, which could also lead to
huge savings, as the range of banking services offered daily increases.
• Tax pools are available, for example, in the case of home loans, the borrower can take
advantage of tax benefits to obtain mortgage compensation and interest charged on the
• Retail banking increases the sub-businesses of banks.
• Retail banking results in higher performance and a step in the back bank
• The retail department is a good way to spread the budget.
• Low-risk consumer loans and the idea of a national plan of action are assumed.
• Helps to re-energize the monetary state through an extended manufacturing hobby.
• Improves lifestyle and meets people's expectations through less expensive credit.
• Credit score for innovative product development.
• Retail banking includes minimum advertising efforts in a demand-based financial
• The diversified portfolio, because of its large user base, allows banks to reduce their
dependence on small or individual borrowers
• Banks can get the best profit by offering offers that are not money-based or are charged
mainly without their funds being paid.
• It is easy to meet the client's wishes by helping to provide loans according to their
Research and methodology
The method of research is a follow-up inquiry that uses an adequate medical methodology
to solve problems and create a new experience that is usually relevant. Scientific
strategies include systematic commentary, type and interpretation of statistics.
Search process:
The investigation is a system for collecting, analyzing and deconstructing facts to answer
them. Questions But to qualify as a research, the system must have certain features: it
must be managed, at the greatest possible distance, rigorous, systematic, legitimate,
verifiable, experimental and basic.

Data sources:
The Challenge Report is based on the information collected. Collecting facts is a crucial
step to accompany them.
The method of data collection is still in approach. they
Initial information
Key statistics include the use of instant information to determine market survival. Famous
methods for obtaining first records include surveys, interviews and awareness-raising
companies, which shows that direct engagement between customers with capabilities and
companies. Primary records are more lenient because they refer to recent facts. Primary
records are collected using the researcher, especially to achieve the research objective of
the subsistence task. The initial data is fully adapted and there may be no problems with
the modifications. The initial information takes a long time and the unit cost these facts
too high
Secondary data
Secondary statistics are a way of reprocessing and reusing collected records as evidence
of improvements to the service or product. Secondary information is obtained from a
different company than those that have been fascinated by contemporary research.
Secondary facts were collected and analyzed by using the company to meet the needs of
different research objectives. Secondary records must be obtained easily, quickly and
economically. "Secondary statistics are records that consist of an infrastructure that
already exists in a place that has been built up for the cause."
Secondary information is usually collected from various books, profiles and research
from previous studies and via websites.
Sample study: The sample study is based mainly on technical and non-technical data; the
input model data is converted into predictive custom modes consisting of bar graphs, pie
charts and in the form of desktop content. These analytical statistics are designed to work
according to the factor and click on the equipment so that your clients are fully motivated
by the company's status. The basic information represents retail loan offers along with
loans for property, loan security and personal and commercial loans: characteristics,
eligibility, documentation and credit approval process. The pattern analyzed also includes
the financial institution's obligations and methods to "corporate and retail banking".

• The design of new economic and personal products is very expensive and takes a lot of
time for the financial institution.
• Today's customers prefer online banking services to banking services in the
departments. Banks that may be slow to offer technology-based products fully find it
difficult to retain customers who want to choose online banking.
• Customers are attracted to other financial products, such as mutual funds, etc.
• Although banks invest close to the generation, they can not benefit from the same size.
• The main problem is to monitor and follow up a large part of the mortgage debt that
spurs banks to spend more closely in the management of useful human resources.
• Long-term loans, such as a home mortgage because of a long repayment period, can
become in the absence of proper compliance, NPA.
• The size of the amount offered by one buyer can be very low compared to wholesale
banking services. Now banks are not allowed to take advantage of income gains from
large profits from unmarried consumers as in the case of wholesale banking.



Literature review
The One-Prevention answer offers a full range of banking products including loan and
liability products, and answers such as online banking, payment solutions, cash
management services (CMS) and business services. Total banking responses based on
possible needs through a dedicated departmental relationship management department.
• Products and services working capital financing
1. overdraft / credit
2. Drawing on accounts receivable from credit cards.
three. Invoice / Financing bill
Four supply chain financing
5. Trade finance with LC / Bill discount
• Retail loan
1. Personal and small business loans
1. Housing loans
3. Property Loan (LAP)
Retail products offered in ICICI BANK LTD
Loans against Property (LAP)
Product characteristics

 Individuals, Sole Proprietorships

Applicant category ,Partnerships, Limited liability
Partnerships, Private Limited
companies and Limited Companies
 Minors, HUFs, Association of
persons, NGO’s and Trusts are
Minimum Amount Rs.15,00.000/-

Maximum Amount Rs.250,00,000/-

Facility Structure Fixed Tenor Term Loan

Maximum Loan to Value(LTV) ratio as per our  Residental:70%
market valuation  Commerical:50%
10% lower for rented properties

Tenor 1-12 years

Rate OF Interest Floating(Linked to Base Rate)

Acceptable Property Freehold/ Leasehold/Registered Society

Property with a clear marketable title

Residual Age Of Property Loan Tenor + 20 Years (certified by the


Number Of Valuations 2

Security Equitable Mortgage of the property or

Mortgage in such other form as advised by
local legal counsel

Particulars Salaried Professionals / Self
Businessman/Retail SME
Borrower Indian National Professionals like Doctor
,CA etc.Self Employed,
Businessman, Retail SME
Age (borrower/mortgagor) 25-58 (as on maturity of the 25-26 years (as on maturity
loan) of the loan)
No. of years at current residence Minimum 2 years Minimum 3 year

Minimum Net Income (as it Rs.3 Lacs p.a NA

appears on the salary slip)

Minimum Turnover NA Rs. 15 Lacs for Service

Rs.60 Lacs for
Minimum Cash Profit NA Rs.4 Lacs for last two years
No. of years in employment Minimum 3 years (with Professionals: 4 years
/business minimum 1 year in current Self Employed Businessman,
organization) Retail SME: 5 Years
Exposure limit Lower of LTV and eligibility Lower of LTV and eligibility
Maximum Installment to Net 60% 60%
Income Ratio

ABB* to Installment Ratio ABB >=1.5 times of the EMI ABB >=1 time of the EMI

List of documents*

Application Form & Photograph

Loan Agreement

Proof of Identity ,Address and Signature

Current Address Proof

Property Title Documentations

Bank Statement:
 Salaried: Last 3 months
 Professionals /Self Employed Businessman/Retail SME: Last 6 Months
Income Documentations:
 Salaried: Last 3 Salary slip, last 2 year ITR
 Professionals/Self Employed Businessman/ Retail SME: Last 2 years ITR, Audited
Financials & Proof of Turnover

Particulars Loans Against Securities (LAS)

Minimum Amount Rs.2,00,000/-

Maximum Amount Rs.20,00,000/-

Acceptable Securities Shares as per approved lit of AXIX


Facility Structure Overdraft

Minimum Number of scripts 2(Exceptions: Approved Single


Form of holding DEMAT

Minimum Denomination Rs.10,000/-

Loan to value (LTV) Up to 50.00%

Tenor Overdraft: Renewable after one

year(Subject to AXIX BANK LTD
credit policy)

Applicant Category Individuals(Resident Indians)

Rate of Interest Floating (Linked to Base Rate)

Particulars Loan Against Securities (LAS)

Applicant Category Individuals (Residents Indians)

Age Minimum : 18 years

Maximum :65 years(as on date of maturity)

Residence Stability Minimum 1 year at current residence

Maximum Group Exposure Rs 1.00 Cr (Group includes individual

himself and immediate family members i.e.
spouse and blood relatives)


List of documents*
Application Form & Photograph
Loan Agreement
Proof of Identity, Address and signature
Current Address Proof
Last 3 months bank statement of operating bank account
Transaction Request Form
Pledge Form for concerned DP (Form W)
DEMAT Account Client Master List (CML)



Sales team Branch team Liabilities team Liabilities team

CA Documentation
Product code: Check CA Process CA CA Account opened
878-Resident Documentation for Documents and welcome Kit
a completeness sent
Application Form*
KYC Documents

Sales team Local ACH Sales team NOC Gurgaon –

LAS team

LAS Documentation 1. Conduct dedupe LA Documentation 1.Process approved

Pre sanction on multiple post Approval CAM/CAW and LAS
LAS Application form* databases Legal Kit documents
Photograph 2. Prepare CAM (Agreement, verification and
Bank statement {and IPO,DPN,Letter of resolution of
{3 months} approve/reject} continuity,etc) discrepancies***
Demat Account CML 3. Approved CAM Pledge Form** 2.Open FAS Account
to be sent to NOC Transaction request 3.Limit setting in
Gurgaon for FAS form FCR post
opening and sales Demat Account CML confirmation of
team Copy of PAN Card pledge of shares
for all borrowers

Particular Personal loan /business loan(PSBL)

Applicant Individuals, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability

Partnerships, Private Limited Companies and Limited Companies.
Minor, HUFs, Association of Person, NGO’s and Trusts are Excluded.
Minimum Amount Rs.3,00,000/-

Maximum Amount Salaried: Rs.20,00,000/-

Professional, Self Employed, Businessman, Retail SME: Rs.3,00,000/-
Facility Structure Fixed Tenor Term Loan

Security Unsecured

Tenor Salaried: Up to 4 years

Professional, Self Employed, Businessman, Retail SME: Up to 3 years
Rate of interest Fixed


Particulars salaried Professional, Self Employed,
Businessman, Retail SME
Borrower Indian National Indian National

Eligibility Salaried Individuals Professional like doctor, CA

Self Employed, Businessman,

Retail SME

Age(borrower/mortgagor) 25-28 years (as on maturity of the 25-65 years (as on maturity of
loan) the loan)
No. of years at current residence Minimum 2 years Minimum 3 years

Minimum net income Rs.3 lacs p.a. NA

(as it appears on the salary slip)
Minimum turnover NA Rs. 15 lacs for services
Rs.60 lacs for manufacturing/
Minimum cash profit NA Professionals: Rs.2.5lacs for
last two years
Self Employed, Businessman,
Retail SME: Rs.4 lacs for last
two years
No. of years in Minimum 3 years (with minimum Professionals:4-5 years
employment/business 1 year in current organization) Self Employed, Businessman,
Retail SME: 5 years
Maximum installment to net income 50-60% 50-60%

ABB* to installment ratio ABB >= 1.5 time of the EMI ABB >=1time of the EMI


List of documents*
Application form & Photo graph
Loan Agreement
Proof of Identity, Address and Signature
Current Address Proof
Bank statement:
 Salaried: Last 3 months
 Professional, Self Employed, Businessman, Retail SME: Last 6 Months

Income Documents:
 Salaried: Last 3 Salary slip, last 2 years ITR & Form 16
 Professional, Self Employed, Businessman, Retail SME: last 2 years ITR, Audited
financials & Proof of Turn over


Y cops salary accounts Proprietors, partners, directors
Particulars of entities funded by retail
banking/ business banking.
Target Market Y cops salary accounts Proprietors, partners, directors
of entities funded by retail
banking/ business banking.
Applicant Type Individuals (Resident Indians) Individuals (Resident Indians)

Minimum Amount Rs.50,000/- Rs.50,000/-

Maximum Amount Rs.1,50,000/- Rs.5,00,000/-

Facility structure Overdraft Overdraft
Pricing Floating (linked to base rate) Floating (linked to base rate)
Tenor 12 months 12 months
Security Unsecured Unsecured
Eligible purpose  Personal purpose  Personal purpose
 Short term cash flow  Short term cash flow
mismatch mismatch

Particulars Y cops salary accounts Proprietors, partners,
directors of entities funded
by retail banking/ business
Age of borrower/ 25-56 years 25-58 years

Minimum net salary Rs.25000/- p.m. NA

Minimum salary credits 3(three) consecutive salary NA

No. of years in current 6 months with an overall NA
employment employment history of 3
Facility amount calculation 3* average net salary credit  Rs.5, 00,000/- or 5%
for last 3 months or Rs.1, of cash credit/ WCDL
50,000/- whichever is facility amount,
lower. whichever is lower.

 Facility to be
restricted to a
maximum of two
partners, Directors.
Approvals Approval from country Approval from country head
head – RB Risk & – RB Risk & Sr. President -
Sr. President - RB RB

Note: Applicable for Y cops salary account: Only those y cops where the salary credits
happen through GEFU uploads / corporate net banking will be eligible for this product


List of documents*

Common documents for both product variants

Application form & Photo graph

Loan Agreement

Proof of Identity, Address and Signature

Current Address Proof (permanent address details required if current accommodation is

Additionally for YCOPS Salary Accounts

Last 3 salary slips

*Indicative list only, additional documents may be required

Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Sales team Local ACH RB CAD Sales team

1. Source the complete 1. Review the 1. Set the limit for
ULOC document. approved application
Application along with
relevant documents. 2. Initiate dedupe on 2. Rejection / approval
multiple databases letter to be issued to
2.Initiate field CIBIL, RBI defaulter the client.
verification residence list. Welcome call to

3. Send file to risk 3. Check for eligibility

criteria review A/C at
YBL for salary credits
(in case of YCOPS).

4. Collate responses
and intimate
status to CAD along
with sanction amount.

Retail sales services provided by ICICI BANK LTD
Credit in cash / above project
Cash credit is a short-term cash collateral for a trading company and is filed by ICICI
BANK LTD in opposition to the secured guarantee. Loan restrictions have been set in
advance and companies can consistently pull as much restrictions as they want and as
long as they wish.
Demand for work loan
ICICI BANK LTD provides working capital centers in the form of working capital loan
instead of currency credit facilities. The basic guarantee or additional guarantee as
described in the cash credit facility here may also be imposed on the withdrawn amount
and not on the applied quantity.
Term loans
ICICI BANK LTD meets the need for a long-term budget that allows for increased
employment, capacity expansion, plant modernization and various needs of this type.
Taking into account these needs, we provide loans for a period of time as well as the
appropriate duration by appropriate stop, if necessary, and structured compensation
alternatives to the idea of companies expecting cash flows. These loans are guaranteed in
most cases using the first price with a fixed property obtained through the amount of the
mortgage. This loan is against adequate security guarantee.
Invoice deduction bill -
ICICI BANK LTD offers invoicing facilities to finance receivables from customers. This
is achieved by deducting credit points or accounts receivable and providing a credit score
for that. This service is offered for a period of three to six months, according to the
wording of the invoice.
Export Finance -
ICICI BANK LTD provides financial resources for export sport in the form of pre-
shipment credit for company orders and / or letters of credit and post-shipment credit.
Credit must be obtained for the purchase of non-cooked items, production of products,

processing and packaging of goods and transport of goods. Funding is provided in Indian
or foreign currency according to the needs of the borrower.
Credit Buyers -
ICICI BANK LTD grants buyer credit. It is the credit that the importer (buyer) receives to
foreign places to a large extent, banks and financial institutions responsible for their
imports at the expiry date. The remote locations that banks generally lend to the importer
(buyer) are mainly based on the letter of credit (bank guarantee) issued through the bank
of importers (buyer).
Bank Guarantees-
ICICI BANK LTD provides bank guarantee on behalf of our sponsors of other entities,
including the Government, the Government of our bodies, the Company, etc. A variety of
warranties such as performance guarantee, money guarantee, EPCG and many more are
Letter of Credit-
In addition to the operational capital centers based on financing, ICICI BANK LTD
provides a number of non-money-based centers, along with letters of credit, bank
guarantees, solvency certificates, etc. A letter of credit is provided to meet commercial
procurement needs. These are usually provided for 3 to 6 months, depending on the
customer's business cycle. Apart from this, we provide letter of credit to import
equipment or capital goods. These LOCs are for 1 to 3 years, depending on the borrower's
ICICI Bank Limited recently launched the product (educational loan)
ICICI BANK LTD, a private company, has revealed its plans to venture into retail loans
through the next economy. The financial institution plans to enter the retail lending area
with a single student loan, which was introduced in April 2015. The financial institution
is working to establish a range of projects with various educational institutions of national
importance to launch its new business. "This will create a solid environment for school
loans in India." Education has been one of the areas of financial awareness this year and
provides excellent business potential. "Higher government allocations and higher
spending through Indian hoi-polloi are expected to contribute to training in the growth of
personal training institutions in India." "There are somewhere between 150 and 250
branches. There is a window for us to examine school loans. We have a university and

family members in our financial institution. These relationships make them the best
grasses so we can produce educational mortgages."
The bank wanted to ensure that it should be achieved before entering the retail loan
market. In more than 100 branches, we have a critical driving force. However, we get the
most effective size and scale with 250 institutions now. SMEs represent more than 90
percent of the financial institution's loan portfolio and have been discovered. "More than
90 per cent of financial institutions are currently targeting mid-sized corporate clients."
Retail advances, which include loans to small businesses, were ranked 1.1% of the best
general ledger book on March 31, 2014. "Given the unstable economic climate and risk,
many foreign banks are reducing their retail lending. BANK LTD is one of the smallest
non-public players in India, a financial institution with the most practical Greenfield
certification in the last 14 years.
ICICI BANK LTD Expansion of Retail Bank
Competition in retail banking is likely to intensify through the ICICI BANK LTD plan to
enter non-public, educational and non-public credit and credit card organizations. The
financial institution has been increasing for 5 to 12 months with plans for a company of
Rs. 50,000 crore by 2015, of which 20-25 per cent will come from retail banking. During
the 12 months ended March 31, 2015, advances from the Bank amounted to Rs 12,193
crore and Rs 26,979 crore.
With a view to reaching a CAGR of about 35 per cent and we hope to achieve this goal in
the next five years. "At present, it has come about 90 in line with the proportion of the
bank's wholesale banking business, the bank can pay attention to experts such as doctors,
lawyers, accountants, and others, to implement housing loans products designed
specifically for loans that exceed 25 lakh." Years, awareness of retail loans such as Non-
public loans, housing loans and credit cards with a credit score pretty much, specialists
like doctors, legal professionals, accountants and retailers will tour for local loans. We
have nearly 750 branches and three thousand off-site ATMs in the next five years so you
can expand business loans for small and medium businesses can account for nearly 22
percent of total business over the next five years.

ICICI BANK LTD provides banking services for retail and corporate

ICICI BANK LTD announced the launch of its retail banking and corporate offerings.
Some of the offers made by RTGS are made up of an Instant Process (STP) for all retail
and corporate banking customers. RTGS is a realistic and practical way to transfer funds
on your invoices or invoices from 0.33 through more than 6,000 departmental offices
within the United States without having to pass a test or transfer problem. In addition, the
bank provides an integrated reference to a completely unique online RTGS library.
The Bank Library provides information on the symbols of many banks and their branches
at some point in the Americas, updated in real time. ICICI BANK LTD can provide you
with a completely unique PIN to allow your personal customers to apply for an ATM PIN
to access all direct banking channels, as well as the Internet. The Bank has adopted Port
Wise responses to provide its customers in India with online banking offers through
"Bilateral Authentication". To access your account, you can ask the customer to enter a
username and password, make a transaction at a positive price, a one-time password,
legitimate for a quick period, and send them over the SMS client to complete the
Player soldier to release credit card education and special loans in 3 years.
Frog Kapoor is designed in the direction of a model of Chita steel in a complete enemy
decorating the tables of the management team ICICI BANK LTD.
• ICICI BANK LTD will raise Rs 1500 crore
• ICICI BANK LTD, in the sense of good and evil of Uttar Pradesh
• ICICI BANK LTD: Commission income will increase revenues

 The new non-public financial organization, which allowed it to complete six years of
operations in March 2015, has outlined the next five-year plan, called the second model,
so you can see a major improvement in retail, which now has a penny capacity to
complete business.
 The Bank will launch the public portfolio of retail assets including school loans,
unsecured loans, street loans and credit cards for 2012. Retail distributors and mutual
funds in areas with radar opportunities. The bank does not want to expand its cartoon
activity through the open market and can use existing customers to face difficulties in
card credit rating. It is contemplating a five-fold boom in stabilization securities of up to
one hundred and fifty billion rupees and will become a medium-sized monetary
institution in 2015. The agency's commercial business will remain the institution's bread
and butter. Through innovations, LTD proposes to increase loans to small and medium

enterprises (SMEs) in an important way. The SME plan needs to be branched out of
intelligent design, because now it can not be the "I am too" approach. But the true moral
sense can be the retail business through which the financial institution intends to help net
profit margins (NIM). The goal is to increase the proportion of deposits within the
financial savings account and the top account from 9 to 20 5 to 20 5 with the help of
2012. "If we strive, our NIM must now turn from 3 percent to a few." In line with the cent
and four are consistent with hundreds, "This requires a significant increase within a wide
range of branches." Of the 123 branches at present, ICICI BANK LTD wants to reach 250
branches by 2015, from 400 to 2012. From 750 to 2015. The hard work pressure is
dedicated to increasing from 2, 700 now to 10,000 by 2015. This is A completely unique
language of financial institutions that chose not to participate, while almost no one in the
retail banking sector, it is time to press on the harshest hurdle, Kapoor founded the bank
in 2004 with a capital of 200 million rupees. ICICI BANK LTD income is Rs.4, four
hundred million rupees. , With a balance of Rs. 30,000 crore and a market capitalization
of Rs 5000 million. Internet income has now reached 304 million rupees.
 ICICI BANK LTD has a capital adequacy ratio of 17.6 per fils, which means that it can
grow more than 35 cents without a capital boom, similar to the actual dependence on
profits and capital. The Organization has a strong portfolio of one-fifty of them in one
penny. The restructured loans of Rs. 120 million represent much less than one in line with
the full e-book shark. The bank repeated its plans to expand retail in 2011-08, however,
now decided not to do so after the discovery of high probability. Ignore the inorganic path
of prosperity. "The financial institution wants to be aware of things that can deal with the
risk when it grows by more than 35 cents (the increase in the current situation is 50%)."
 Despite the boom in scripts, the manipulation of the summit is obvious, but the domestic
market may be at the center of operations. Any external allocation plan can be driven by
the wishes of Indian organizations that can rapidly spread to international markets.
Banking is a hungry capital organization and, most importantly, while global regulators
increase minimum capital ratios, ICICI BANK LTD expects to inject $ 1.2-1.5 billion of
capital into three rounds.
 The first $ 250 million is expected to be withdrawn before this fiscal year and between 18
and 24 months in the future. Since any increase in capital can also have an impact on the
overall performance of the financial group (ROE) and regular blessings with rapid
execution ratio, it is easy to calculate the opportunity of injecting capital in a way that can
never be re-acquired. 22-24 in line with 100 in five quarters. Financial institution wants to
maintain strict management of prices. The rate / income can be stored at about forty

ICICI BANK LTD is making a call to increase its Retail Retail Book to Round 10 in a
manner consistent with one penny during this fiscal year. The financial institution used
about 40 people at this stage of this year to direct retail operations.

• The bank plans to provide credit cards and small private loans, in addition to mortgage
loans to retail customers. The bank expects a normal 45-year credit boom in accordance
with the loan this fiscal year.

• "The electronic loan book for retailers and small and medium enterprises (SME) is very
small right now." From the current level of one step in with a penny of general loans,
about 10 is in line with a penny with the help of this year's financial moratorium,

• The financial institution is making a call to increase its network of departments by

adding 100 branches until June 11. "Most branches can be in the first and second tier
cities, even when there are about 25 parakeets in rural and peri-urban areas"

• The financial institution in a pilot center and radio will request expansion of the
department and will also study the third and sixth tier cities for the development of SME
and retail loans.

In the last part of the credit boom and fixed margins, the financial institution proposed
fifty-six.3 To maintain 100 percent of Internet revenues in the June quarter at Rs. 156.40
crore from Rs.1.10 crore in the same period last year.

• The financial institution reported 107, according to credit as a percentage, an increase

of 12 months in 12 months to Rs 26,256 crore, despite the fact that it grew sequentially by
18 percent over March.

• The increase in credit rating through loans to Telco has boosted the demand for third-
generation investment in the June region. Other sectors such as infrastructure (18.2%),
engineering (20 in line with one penny), health (7 in line with penny) and other sectors
(18 in line with penny) contributed to the increase in loans.

• Corporate and institutional banking has resisted as the driving force of the largest
increase of the financial institution, with approximately 73.4, according to the business
proportion of this section.

• Commercial and administrative banks contributed 22.0 percent and four. Five percent
closer to the boom loans.

• Deposit deposits increased by 97.1% in 12 months to 12 months in June to Rs 302,703

crore compared to Rs 15,342.3 crore in the same period last year. "The Bank notes that
the proportion of households is 10 according to the loan"

• The proportion of deposits in the account of the day (CA) is about 75 in line with the
shark in the public house at present. The Bank is also trying to raise Rs. 500 crore through
the second lower level and higher bonds in the subsequent sector.

ICICI BANK LTD expects strong growth over an average period of time in:

A) Credit - 35 - 40% per annum during the average time period.

B) Distribution: The section community grew to 225 when using March 11th and 750
when using March

'15, branches are greatly increasing in North and West India.

C) Liabilities, including a strong surge in CASA ratios. While recognition will change to
retail property, especially real estate loans

Credit Cards: Retail sales are likely to remain well below 15% despite the mid-term
perspective. SME and SME sectors are likely to be the main driver of the increase, as well
as better mortgage returns. The management appears confident in maintaining the current
net interest margins due

A) Low growth of CASA participation.

B) Increased loan book ratio for SMEs and higher performing companies; c) Well
adjusted assets and duration of liability The growth of interest-free profits has been a
major strength of AXIS BANK LTD to date and expects control to remain strong.
However, it may delay the increase in the balance over the medium term. This may be
why the profit / loss ratio is reduced by hobbies to less than 40% ...


Profile Industry
an introduction
In line with the Indian Reserve Bank (RBI), the banking sector in India is well
capitalized and well regulated. Cash and cash situations within the country are well
advanced to others. S. In International. Research on credit, market and liquidity
opportunities suggests that Indian banks are generally flexible and that the features have
adequately tolerated the global slowdown.
The Indian banking company has recently seen the deployment of progressive banking
models such as payments and microfinance banks. New RBI measures may work for a
long time to help restructure the home banking industry.
India's default billing system has developed the maximum of 25 countries, with IMPS
becoming the most viable fifth-tier system in the Fast Payment Innovation Index (FPII).
Market size
The Indian banking system includes 27 public sector banks, 21 personal banks, 49 foreign
banks, 56 regional rural banks, 1,562 urban cooperative banks, 94,384 cooperative rural
banks, and cooperative credit institutions. ^ In fiscal year 2007-2007, global loans
multiplied by a CAGR of 10. A nine-fourth in line with the total and total deposits
collected by a CAGR of 11. Sixty-six percent. Retail credit market in India is the fourth
largest market among emerging countries. Rose to US $ 281 billion in December 2017
from US $ 181 billion in December 2014.
Investments / developments
Major investments and trends in Indian Banking include:
As of September 2018, the Government of India has launched the Postal Payments Bank
(IPPB) and has opened branches in 650 provinces to achieve the goal of financial
• Total mergers and acquisitions in 2017 in various financial and banking services in
NBFC amounted to US $ 2,564 billion, US $ 103 million and US $ 79 million,
• The largest merger agreement in fiscal year 2017 was in the Microfinance Section of
IndusInd Bank Limited and Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited of US $ 4 trillion.

• In May 2018, general capital funds for the microfinance area increased by Rs. 39.88
billion to Rs. 31 billion and Rs 31 billion in 2017-18 from Rs. 68. Eighty-five billion (US
$ 1.03 billion).
Government initiatives
As of September 2018, the Government of India has converted the Pradhan Manti Jean
Dahan Yogana (PMJDY) scheme into an open plan and, in addition, added additional
The government of India plans to pump 42 billion rupees (5.99 billion dollars) on the
banks of public areas until March 2019. The next tranche will be paid until mid-
December 2018.
The following are the achievements of the authorities in the year 2017-18:
• To improve infrastructure in the villages, 204,000 Points of Sale (PoS) were approved
for the Financial Integration Fund using the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD).
• Between December 2016 and March 2017, a first-level drive was implemented to
enhance the use of debit cards, resulting in an increase in POS terminals with $ 1.25
million in additional assistance by the end of 2017. From 1.52 million as of November 30
• Funds from the Public Finance Corporation, which was opened under the management
of Pradhan Manti Jean Dahan Yogana (PMJDY), amounted to 333.8 million as of
November 28, 2018.
The way forward
The increase in infrastructure spending, the rapid implementation of tasks and the
continuation of reforms are expected to provide a similar boost to the increase. All these
elements recommend that India's banking region be equally prepared for a strong increase
because the fast-growing company can use banks to meet its credit needs.
In addition, developments in technology have highlighted the banking services of mobile
phones and networks. The banking area further focuses on providing advanced services to
its customers, as well as modernizing the infrastructure of generations, if they wish to
decorate the typical customer delight and provide banks with a competitive edge.
India's digital loans totaled $ 75 billion in fiscal year 18 and are estimated at about $ 1
trillion when using fiscal year 2023, driven by fivefold growth in default payments.


The banking system in India includes 27 public banks, 21 non-public banks, 49 foreign
banks, 56 regional rural banks, 1562 cooperative banks in the city, 994 cooperative rural
banks, cooperative credit institutions . In the fiscal year 19, the extended public credit
score through commercial banks increased to 86,976.02 billion rupees (1,297.38 billion
US dollars) and deposits rose to one hundred and fifteen billion and 070.27 billion dollars
(1716 US dollars, forty-four billion US dollars) . Public sector bank assets amounted to
US $ 1,557.04 billion in fiscal year 18. Indian banks increasingly specialize in adopting
an integrated approach to threat management. Banks have already adopted the Basel II
Banking Supervision Agreement, and most banks already meet the capital requirements
of Basel III, which expire on 31 March 2019. The RBI has decided to install the Public
Credit Record (PCR) an extensive database of credit score records Available to all
interested parties. The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law (Amendment), Act 2017, is
expected to strengthen the banking sector. Deposits under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dahan
Yujana (PMJDY) rose to 843.37 billion rupees ($ 12.02 billion) and 333. Eight million of
the outstanding funds in India have been opened. In May 2018, the Government of India
granted loans of 6 trillion rupees (one hundred and ninety billion US dollars) to 120
million beneficiaries under the Mudra plan. In May of 2018, each group became
subscribers 11 million, under Atal Pension Yojna. The increase in revenues is expected to
meet the need for bank offerings in rural areas and will therefore drive the growth of the
arena. As of September 2018, the Financial Services Department (DFS), the Ministry of
Finance and the National Computer Center (NIC), Jean Dahan Darashak, launched as part
of the Financial Integration Initiative. It is a mobile application to help people locate
financial services in India. The virtual payments revolution will lead to major changes in
the way credit is distributed in India. The debit cards have largely changed credit cards as

the preferred price position in India, after changing the devil. The debit cards received
87.14 percent by the percentage of total card expenditure.
The activities of traditional banks
Banks act as retail payers by conducting checks or checking customer accounts, paying
checks drawn through customers in the financial institution and accumulating checks on
current customers' debts. Banks also offer customer invoices through other payment
technologies along with telegraph key, EFTPOS and ATMs. Banks borrow funds by
accepting the budget deposited in modern accounts, accepting time deposits and issuing
bonds alongside bonds and bonds.
Banks lend cash by providing advances to customers on current bills, through installment
loans, through investment in tradable debt securities and various types of cash loans.
Banks offer almost all commission offers, and the account of the financial institution is
taken into consideration. Critical consideration by most organizations, individuals and
governments. Banks providing price services together with remittance groups are not a
good alternative to having an account in a financial institution. Banks borrow maximum
financial funds for families and non-cash companies and lend to the maximum budget for
households and non-cash companies. However, non-financial institution lenders offer a
large alternative and in many cases to bank loans, cash market prices, Cases provide an
appropriate alternative for banks to obtain savings loans.

Entry regulations

Currently, in the maximum jurisdictions, industrial banks are regulated by entities of

the authorities requiring a single financial institution's license to operate. In general,
the definition of a bank company for regulatory functions extends to the reputation of
deposits, although they are non-refundable to the customer's request, although cash
loans, per se, are currently not protected in the definition. Unlike the various regulated
industries, the regulator is also generally involved in the market, ie, a central bank
owned by the government. Central banks also tend to monopolize the business of
issuing notes. However, this is not the case in some countries. In the UK, for example,
the Financial Services Authority (FSA) gives licenses to banks, and some commercial
banks (consisting of the Bank of Scotland) issue their personal observations in
addition to those issued by the Bank of England, the principal institution. Of the
United Kingdom authorities.

1. Accounting for bank accounts
2. Bank statements are the accounting information produced by banks in accordance
with the various accounting standards of the sector. Under GAAP and IFRS, there
are patterns of debt: debit and credit. Accrued credit funds are income, equity and
liabilities. Accounts receivable are assets and expenses. In this way, you get a
credit score to calculate your credit score to increase your stability, and you must
load the debit account to reduce its stability. It's also about charging your savings
account every time you deposit money (and the account usually has a deficit),
while you evaluate your credit card account every time you spend money (and
generally the credit). ).
3. However, if you study your organization's financial statement, the alternative will
say: It adds to your account while depositing funds and due when withdrawing
funds. If you have coins in your account, you have a great credit (or credit score);
if you have them, you have a minus balance (or deficit). The reason for this is that
the bank, not you, produced a financial institution announcement. Your savings
are likely to be your property, however, the legal responsibility of the financial
institution and, therefore, can be funds from the credit owed (which should have a
positive stability). On the contrary, your loans are your obligations, however, the
ownership of the bank, so they are debt securities (which must also have an
effective balance). His accountant, which is historically what most people are
accustomed to seeing.

Economic functions

1. Money-free: In the form of banknotes and modern debt challenge to verify or impose a
fee on the client's request. These claims can act in banks as funds due to the fact that they
can be negotiable and / or recoverable on demand and, as a result, they are worth it. Can
be transferred successfully once sent, in the case of banknotes, or by check that the
beneficiary can deposit in the bank or in the coins.

2. Agreement on the limitation of payments and payment: Banks act as both collection
and payment operations for retailers from customers, and cooperate in interbank and
agreement agreements to collect, deliver, receive and pay price items. This allows banks
to make savings in reserves held to settle payments, knowing that internal and external

payments are compensated for each other. It also allows compensation of tariff flows
between geographical regions, thereby reducing the value of the agreement between

3. Credit Intermediation: Banks borrow and lend back to their account as intermediaries.

4. Improving credit quality: Banks lend money to commercial and private debtors every
day (regular credit quality); however, they are excessive overdraft of first order. The
improvement comes from the diversification of the bank's property and capital, which
provides a cushion to absorb the losses while continuing to repay its obligations.
However, tickets and deposits generally are not insured. If the bank receives difficulties
and promises ownership as protection, to increase the investment it must maintain, this
puts the notice holders and depositors in an economically dependent position.
5. Converting Maturity: Banks borrow extra on demand for debt and debt for a quick
period of time, however, they provide long-term loans. In other words, they borrow for a
short period and lend a long time. With a stronger credit than the maximum of different
borrowers, banks can experience this by adding problems (deposit acceptance and
billing), refunds (withdrawals and refunds), keeping cash reserves, investing in negotiable
securities and converting them into cash if necessary, As appropriate, from different
sources (for example, currency markets and wholesale markets).
Banking Law
The banking law is based on a contractual assessment of the relationship between the
bank (defined above) and the consumer, defined as any entity that the Bank agrees to act
on and report on.
The law includes rights and responsibilities on this date as follows:
1. The stability of the bank account is the economic function between the financial
institution and the buyer: while the account has a credit rating, the bank owes the balance
to the client; while the account is overpriced, the customer owes banking stability.
2. The financial institution agrees to pay user checks as well as the status of the amount of
credit to the buyer's account, in addition to any agreed overdraft limitations.
3. The financial institution will not pay the buyer's account without authorization by the
consumer, for example a check made using the buyer.
Four financial institution agrees to directly obtain the checks deposited in the consumer
account as the agent of the buyer, and the income is credited to the customer's account.

5. The financial institution has the right to combine consumer accounts, because each
account is simply a facet of the same credit rating history.
6. The bank shall be subject to the checks deposited in the consumer account, as long as
the consumer owes the financial institution.
7. The Bank may not disclose transaction information through the Buyer's account, unless
Customer agrees, there is a responsibility for public disclosure, or the Bank's hobbies
require or require law.
eight. The financial institution should not be near the customer's account without prior
notice, because the checks are very good in the day-to-day management of the company
for several days.
These implied contractual terms can be changed through an explicit agreement between
the consumer and the Bank. Laws and regulations that are subject to pressure within a
specific jurisdiction may change the preceding conditions and / or create new rights,
duties or restrictions relating to the acquaintance with the bank's employer. Some types of
financial institutions, as well as construction companies and credit unions, may be
partially or completely exempt from banking license requirements and are therefore
regulated by separate regulations.
The requirements for the problem of bank licensing vary between jurisdictions, however,
they are generally composed of:
1. Minimum capital
2. Minimum capital ratio
three. "Adequate and adequate" requirements for bank control units, owners, managers
and / or senior officials
4. Approve the marketing strategy of the financial institution for being prudent and
sufficiently viable.
Retail banking can be divided into retail banking services that deal directly with
individuals and small businesses; commercial banking, which provides services to
medium-sized businesses; corporate banking, targeting large commercial entities;
personal banking, Who have excess net wealth; and bank financing, referring to sports in
financial markets. Most banks are non-public companies that generate income. However,
some are owned by authorities or non-profit groups.
Central banks are usually owned by the government and are responsible for quasi-
regulatory obligations, including supervision of commercial banks or controlling the rate
of a cash hobby. In general, they provide liquidity to the banking system and act as the
lender of closure in the event of a crisis.
• Commercial financial institution: the period of time used by a regular bank to
distinguish it from an investment bank. After the Great Depression, the US Congress UU
He demanded that the banks only interact in the banking sports, while the financing banks
had been restricted to the activities of the capital market. Since the 2 now should not be
under separate ownership, some use the term "commercial bank" to refer to a financial
institution or a department of a financial institution that, for the most part, offers deposits
and loans from corporations or mass corporations.
• Community banks: locally operated monetary institutions that empower staff to make
local decisions to serve their clients and partners.
• Community development banks: regulated banks that provide financial services and
credit to markets or populations with insufficient services.
• Postal financial savings banks: savings banks related to national postal structures.
• Private banks: banks that manipulate high net property that is really worthwhile.
• Offshore banks: banks located in jurisdictions with low taxation and legislation. Many
offshore banks are essentially non-public banks.
• Financial savings institution: in Europe, financial savings banks have their roots in the
nineteenth century or, sometimes, even in the eighteenth century. Its real objective is to
offer savings products that can be achieved to all strata of the population without
problems. In some international locations, financial savings banks were created by public
initiative; in others, socially committed people created foundations to install near the
necessary infrastructure. Today, European savings banks have kept their recognition in
retail banking: invoices, financial savings products, loans and insurance for individuals or
small and medium-sized establishments. In addition to this awareness of retailers, they
also vary from commercial banks through their largely decentralized distribution network,
providing local and local reach, and through their socially responsible method to the
company and society.
• Construction companies and land banks: establishments that carry out retail banking.
• Ethical banks: banks that prioritize the transparency of all operations and make what
they consider socially responsible investments more effective.
• Islamic Banks: Banks that conduct transactions consistent with Islamic ideas

Types of investment banks
• "Investment banks" share (sell) stock and bond issues, replace with personal funds due,
market and defend groups in capital market sports such as mergers and acquisitions.
• Commercial banks were historically banks that participated in the stock market.
However, the contemporary definition refers to banks that offer capital to companies in
the form of shares instead of loans. Unlike important capital firms, they tend not to invest
in new companies.
Both combined
• Global banks, often called money supply companies, interact in many of these sports.
These large banks are very diversified companies that, among other offerings, also
distribute coverage; then, the period of bank insurance, an exclusive phrase combining a
"banquet or financial institution" and "guarantee", meaning that both banks and insurance
are provided from Through the company's symmetric entity.
Other types of banks
• Islamic banks adhere to the rules of Islamic law. This type of banking revolves around
several well-established concepts based on Islamic law. All banking activities must be
excluded from interests, which is forbidden in Islam. Instead, the financial institution
generates income (for an additional cost) and expenses in financing centers extended to

Company Profile
An introduction
ICICI is the second largest bank in India with total assets of US $ 6002.340 million (US $
90 billion) as of March 31, 2011, and after-tax profit of US $ 55 million (US $ 1 million)
for the year ended March 31, 2011. The Bank has a network of 2,752 branches and nine,
225 ATMs in India, with presence in 19 countries, including India. ICICI offers a wide
range of banking products and financial services to its customers and retailers through
selected transport channels and branches specializing in banking coverage, lifestyle, non-
presence, capital and asset management functions.
The Bank currently has branches in the United Kingdom, Russia, Canada and branches in
the United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Dubai International
Financial Center and consultancy in the UAE, China, South Africa, Bangladesh,

Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The British subsidiary has established branches in
Belgium and Germany.
The capital of ICICI is listed in India on the Bombay Stock Exchange, India National
Stock Exchange Ltd. and American Depository Receipts (ADR) indexed on the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE). ICICI has become the main personal financial institution
in India to provide PPF account facilities at all branches of the financial institution.
Among the major banks is the transfer of the account, in addition, the simplest financial
institution provides the possibility of transfer in two additional channels: Internet banking
and telephone banking. ICICI launches the first electronic fee collection project at NH-1.
One of the first tasks of its kind that began with the use of the Ministry of Roads,
Transport and Roads, the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) and ICICI Bank.
ICICI Bank receives approval from RBI for the installation of the infrastructure debt
fund. This is the first debt fund gets cross from the authorities in advance. ICICI Bank
Launches the Trusted Facebook Page. The first financial institution in India to offer your
unique "bank account" application, which allows you to enter your Facebook financial
To be the main source of financial offerings in India and a leading global bank.
Humans will benefit, age, speed and cash capital in order to:
• To be a first customer security customer by providing first class and first class
international services and products.
• Expanding the boundaries of work worldwide.
• Play a proactive role within the full knowledge of India's ability.
• Maintain a healthy economic image and diversify profits between groups and
geographical areas.
• Maintain excessive government and moral requirements.
• Contribute positively to the different countries and markets in which we operate.
• Establish costs for interest groups.


ICICI was initially promoted in 1994 with the assistance of ICICI Limited, a currency
group in India, and has become a wholly owned subsidiary. ICICI's stake in ICICI was
reduced to 46 percent through a public offering of shares in India in 1998, a stock offer in
the form of ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange in fiscal year 2000. ICICI
acquired Bank of Madura Limited 2001 of the economic and secondary market returns
through ICICI to institutional buyers in 2001 and 2002. ICICI was established in 1955 by
the initiative of the World Bank, Government of India and representatives of Indian
companies. The main objective is to establish an economic development group to provide
medium-term financing and long-term tasks for Indian companies.

In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its operations from an improved monetary institution that
provides the best funding for the mission to a financial services firm offering a wide
range of services and products, directly and through some subsidiaries and subsidiaries.
As ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI emerged as the first Indian company and the main bank or
economic institution in Japan outside Japan which was indexed on the New York Stock

Following the interest of the company's various structuring options in the context of the
competitive scenario of rising within the Indian banking company and the flow towards
popular banking, the ICICI and ICICI divisions have formed the view that ICICI's merger
with ICICI Bank will be the most beneficial strategic alternative for both entities, Prison
Forms of ICICI Joint Banking Method.

The merger can decorate the value of ICICI shareholders through the entity's entitlement
rights to low-cost deposits, additional access to commission-based income, the possibility
of participating in the payment mechanism and the offering of bank transactions. The
consolidation process can beautify the cost of ICICI's shareholders through a large capital
base and volume of operations, a seamless recognition of ICICI's strong institutional
relationships over five decades, access to new business sectors and improved market
share in several business sectors, Offers based on fees, access to a wide range of ICICI
experts and affiliates.

In October 2001, the ICICI Board of Directors and ICICI authorized the merger of ICICI
and two of its Retail Stores, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital
Services Limited with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved with the assistance of ICICI
and ICICI shareholders in January 2002, using the Supreme Court of Gujarat in
Ahmedabad in March 2002 and using the Supreme Court of Justice of Mumbai and the
Reserve Bank of India. In April 2002 as a result of the merger, ICICI's banking and
financial operations, both wholesalers and retailers, were merged into a single entity.

Personal Banking

• Deposits

• Loans

• Cards

• Investments

• Insurance

• Demat services

• Wealth control

NRI Banking

• Money transfer

• Bank accounts

• Investments

• Property solutions

• Insurance

• Loans


• Online Corporate Banking

• Cash management

• Trade services

• Online Forex

Offers for small and medium businesses

• Taxes online



• ICICI has been identified as one of "India's most prestigious brands" in a list
published through the use of Herald Global, a portal that provides news from all over
the country and around the world, as well as slogans.

• ICICI announced its winning the "Best Use of Data Analysis" category at the 2016
Banker International Awards.

• ICICI was named "Best Retail Bank" in India at the Asian Bankers Excellence
Awards in International Financial Retailing 2018.

• The Bank received this award for the fifth year in a row. This year, ICICI also
received an award in the category "Best Operational Risk Initiative, Retail, Program
or Digital Program".

• ICICI ranked first among private banks in the eighth edition of The Brand Trust
Report, India Study 2018. The exam is published using TRA (formerly known as
Trust Research Consulting), a business organization specialized in the field of logos
and statistics.

• Ms. Chanda Kochar was awarded the Corporate Excellence Award in HELLO 8th
Edition! Awards Hall of Fame 2018. These awards are organized using HELLO!
Magazine, issued by Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd.


• ICICI received a quotation in the fifth edition of the CNBC-TV18 financial inclusion
agenda under the category "Effective Financial Inclusion Initiatives"

Ms. Chanda Kochar ranked fifth in the Forbes list of "the world's most powerful
woman in finance 2017", the only Indian president to appear on this list

• ICICI received awards in the Asset Triple A Awards for Private Banking, Wealth
Management and Investment and the European Training Foundation for 2017. The
Bank was awarded the awards in the category of Derivatives House of the Year,
India and Best Structured Products House, India.


• ICICI Bank received the Best Performance Award from National Depository
Securities to start the largest number of debt in 2016

• ICICI was awarded the Best Bond House award at the 2016 Triple Triple A Country

• ICICI Bank wins the "Best Joint Loan" category in the 2016 Triple Triple A Country


• ICICI became the number one private bank in accordance with the most reliable
brand survey for 2015 conducted by Equity, an initiative of The Economic Times.
The Bank ranked 10th in the list of international service brands under the same

ICICI became the winner of the Sustainable Business category and was in the "Data
and Analysis" category at the EFMA-Accenture Innovation Awards in Amsterdam.

• ICICI won the "Best Local Commercial Finance Bank in India" award in the Global
Trade Review (GTR) "Asian Leaders of Trade Awards 2015".

• ICICI's Central Monitoring System (CMS) task has been given to the
implementation of branch security and remote monitoring systems 24 hours a day, 7
days a week at the Special Operations Center (CON). IT Security "in the eleventh
edition of the 2015 eINDIA Summit Awards held in Mumbai.

• ICICI was awarded "Best Web Design" in Asia and the Pacific at the Global Finance
Best Awards 2015 World World Awards.

• ICICI was awarded the first prize in the 2015 National Energy Conservation Award,
which is less than the category of office houses.


ICICI ranked second in the 2014 National Energy Conservation Award

• ICICI was awarded "Best Retail Bank of India", "Best Microfinance Business" and
Best Innovation in Retail Banking under the "Excellence Awards in Retail Financial
Services 2014" through the Asian Banker.

• ICICI has been awarded Best Service Provider: Risk Management, India in the
Transactions, Treasury, Trade and Risk Management Awards of the Tripartite Asset
• ICICI was awarded Best Bank - Global Business Development (Private Sector)
award at the Dun & Bradstreet - Polaris Banking Technology Banking Awards 2014.


• ICICI has been awarded the Retail Banking Award in the Asian banking and finance
sector for the year 2013 for this year's online banking initiative

• ICICI received an award in the Social Networking category of the InformationGEe
EDGE Award.

• ICICI received the "Best Private Sector Bank" award for the Sunday Standard Best
Bankers 2013.

• ICICI was awarded the "Best Banker - Circular" award for the Standard Bankers
Awards for 2013.

• ICICI received the "Best Banker - Efficiency and Profitability" award for the Sunday
Standard Best Bankers 2013.


• ICICI has been awarded the "Dataquest for Technological Innovation 2012" to migrate
Dataquest data centers.

• ICICI has been awarded the SHG Best Performance Banking Bond Program at the
NABARD State Level Awards, announced by its regional office in Maharashtra. The
Bank was awarded the first prize for 2010-11 in the Private Sector Bank and the second
final of 2011-12 in the Commercial Bank category.

ATM Bank ICICI is one of the largest networks in the country. There are many other
ATMs that work with international credit cards. Visa, Visa Electron, Master, Cirrus and
Maestro are used 24 hours a day and can be used at all ICICI ATMs. For local currency,
the maximum drawdown is 15,000` per day with ATM card. Also for local bank accounts
there is a free ATM service. There is a transaction fee for withdrawing cash from your
credit card. I'm not sure about the service charge. Look for the yellow-to-brown marker
using the white-label ICICI Bank. In general, they feature backlighting and can be easily
placed in shopping centers, airports, service stations, urban centers and the like.

ICICI Bank India's No. 2 lender recorded a 31.1 percent higher-than-expected quarterly
profit increase, driven by higher non-core income and strong loan growth. Loan demand
in India is expected to recover after the central bank cut interest rates on loans for the first
time in three years last week to help stimulate economic growth in the crisis. India's loan

demand is expected to recover after the central bank cut its benchmark interest rate for the
first time in three years last week to help stimulate economic growth in the crisis.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) forecast loan growth for Indian banks for the fiscal year
2013 at 17% from 16% in the previous year. Chanda, the company's chief executive, told
reporters: ICICI expects its domestic loans to grow by 20 percent in the year starting in
April 2011 from 17 percent, driven by demand for working capital, home and car loans.

The bank has been slightly reluctant to increase its positions in India due to the prevailing
economic and political situation. Earlier this week, Standard & Poor's downgraded India's
credit outlook from negative to stable, with a strong fiscal deficit, a current account
deficit and political paralysis in Asia's third-largest economy. Negative outlook threatens
India's long-term rating for BBB, the lowest rating for investment. Indian banks are
actively reviewing loan terms for companies, as high interest rates and economic
slowdown have affected the ability of some to repay loans on time. The sectors most
affected are energy, textiles, aviation, construction and real estate. ICICI, which also
trades in New York (IBN.N) and competes with State Bank of India (SBI.NS) and HDFC
(HDBK.NS), a "very small" and "simple" channel to restructure corporate debt


Net Interest 3,485 2,442 42.7% 12,469 7,880 58.2%
Non Interest 1,969 1,601 16.7% 6,233 5,755 8.3%
Total Net 5,333 4,043 32.4% 18,702 13,635 37.2%
Operating 1,865 1,467 27.1% 6,798 5,0002 35.9%
Operating Profit 3,488 2,576 35.4% 11,904 8,633 37.9%

Provision 433 426 1.6% 982 1,396 -28.3%

Provision For 1,021 750 36.2% 3,650 2,487 46.8%
Profit After 2,034 1,400 45.3% 7,270 4,777 52.2%

Net Interest
4,000 Income
2,000 Non Interest
0 Income

20,000 Operating Expenses

10,000 Operating Profit

3,000 Provision For Tax
1,000 Profit After TAX

• Fixed increase in net interest income (NII)

• A steady increase in the NI due to the increase in fixed advances and margins to some
• Advances grew by 66. Three percent year-on-year
• NIM was fixed at 2.Eight% in Q3FY17
• A strong increase in non-interest income - 5 per cent to € 1,617 million due to the
steady growth of new banking, financial markets, banking and other sectors.
• Strong increase in NII from forty-seven% and interest-free income of 16.7% due to
the remarkable increase in PAT.

Million Dec31,2018 Dec 31,2017 y-o-y growth

Assets 522,460 295,875 76.6%

Advances 311,122 187,104 66.3%

Investment 152,223 82,820 83.8%

Liabilities 522,460 295,875 76.6%

Shareholders 36,937 19,813 86.4%
Total Capitals 68,320 37,517 82.1%

Deposits 394,528 220,386 79.0%

CASA 40,369 22,289 81.1%


Million Dec 31,2018 Dec 31,2017 106Sep

1.8% 1.5%
ROA 1.5%
26.3% 20.9%
ROE 21.3%
36.2% 36.6%
Cost To Income 35.8%
3.1%% 3.0%
NIM 2.8%
Net NPA 0.06% 0.09 0.06%

4.2 5.13
EPS 5.52
Book Value 106.51 65.99 100.87%

 CASA growth of 81.1% y-o-y along with Strong Deposit growth of 79.0% y-o-y
.The bank has strong financial structure from the financial year 31 Dec 2017 To
31 Dec 2018


0.008 Series2

0.006 Series3
Million Dec 31,2018 Dec 31,2017 106Sep







Dec 31,2018 Dec 31,2017 106Sep 30,2015


Dec31,2018 Dec 31,2017 y-o-y growth

Dec31,2018 Dec 31,2017 y-o-y growth

 Explanation:
 • In the fiscal year, the rate of return on investment in March 2013 was
1.2%, however, the boom in the economic year in March rose to 1.4%.
 • In the fiscal year, March 2013, the return on equity has become
thirteen%, however, the increase in fiscal year March 2012 remained at

 • The financial institution submitted within 12 months of March 2013 and
became 80 billion rupees, but was expanded during the modern year to 350
billion. Especially listening in retail banking.
 • Bank deposits in 12 months from March 2013 to Rs. 100 billion,
however, deposits accelerated to 480 billion dollars in the modern year.
 • The Bank has performed consistently across all standards on a growing

Q3FY15 Q3FY09
Q3FY16 Q3FY10
Q3FY17 Q3FY11

Expand the distribution network.
• 185 branches along the main corridors of responsibility: sites to be expanded to 250 to
June 2018
• During the third quarter of fiscal year 2014, 14 branches were entered into 8 locations
with nine branches in progress
• Expansion of corporate premises in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and
• The Hub and Spoke Expiry Faster model and the performance of an additional retail
banking branch


Items Commercial Branch Banking Corporate banking

% 22.3% 10.1% 67.6%



10.4% AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2018
MARCH 2018


Items Certificate Institutional CASA FD- FD- FD-
Of deposit Branch Corporate Commercial
deposit Banking Banking Banking
% 12.7% 6.3% 10.2% 13.5% 39.3% 8.0%





Q3FY15 Q3RY09
Q3FY16 Q3FY10
Q3FY17 Q3FY11

• Granular and relational deposits are maintained on the basis of our business strategy.
• A combination of diverse, granular and multi-resource appointments.
• CASA deposits increased 80 percent year-on-year to 40 percent. To reach 4.000 million
as at 31 December 2018. The CASA remained stable at 10.2% as at 31 December 2017.
• Approximately 240,000 debts of legal liability as of December 31, 2018.
• Approximately 50,000 accounts were entered at some point in the third quarter of the
first fiscal year

Income growth for financial markets

Financial Markets
Revenue rose 46.6% year-on-year in the third quarter of fiscal year 2013 to 104
million rupees
Economic market income








Q3FY08 Q3FY09 Q3FY10 Q3FY11
Q3FY15 Q3FY16 Q3FY17 Q3FY18

Despite revenue growth to 46.6%. In Q3FY14 there was a continuous boom the previous
year. He was ranked ninth through Bloomberg within the National Bonds Association of
India for the period from January to December 11. Income from financial indicators will
increase budget security for the business, which is a great source of retail progress.

Highlights of the work in the third quarter of the bank

International Rehabilitation
AXIS BANK LTD ranked first in the international investment rating of Moody's Investor
Services. Through Moody's, YESBANK earned Baa3 short-term and Prime-3 long-term
foreign and local foreign currency deposits. The perspective at all grades is stable. Baa3
rating is a credit rating rating, on par with India's sovereign debt rating.

Strategic Alliances
• ICICI BANK LTD formed a strategic partnership with National Collateral Management
Services Limited (NCMSL), the leading player in agricultural infrastructure, to monitor
safeguards and storage services.
ICICI BANK LTD and Shinseki Bank Limited, Japan's leading diversified financial
group, signed a memorandum of understanding to propose Indian and Japanese agencies
on cross-border offers between the two countries.
Awards and complaints

• ICICI BANK LTD won the Best Indian Bank of the Year (Rs. 50,000 rupees) in the
KPMG Best Bank Survey & Awards Survey of 2017. The Bank also won the first
position in the medium size. The Bank's growth, strength and asset quality standards.
ICICI BANK LTD received the Fast Growth Bank of the Year award (balance between
Rs. 30,000 rupees, one hundred thousand kr) at the 2018 World's Best Business Bank

% 45.60 7.79 0.59 12.60 26.60 0.13% 3.00 3.62% 0.07%

% % % % % %

• The Financial Industries Department retained a high proportion of shares (45%, 60%)
Second, the use of Indian promoters by 26.60%
• The lowest percentage of shares is maintained with the help of financial institutions and
• ICICI BANK LTD has a consistent pattern of stock maintenance maintained through
different ratios.
• Foreign participation (foreign direct investment + FDI) increased by 53.4% as of 31
December 2017
• The financial institution has the correct cash function to comply with credit practices.


1. The bank has good relationship with its customers. Customers are very pleased with the
communication operator provided by the icici financial institution.
2. The financial institution and its customers have been flirting for a long time. Icici
Financial Corporation has a tendency to keep its customers at all costs. They consider that
an antiques dealer deserves more than a new customer, so they try to maintain desirable
and long-term relationships with their customers.
3. No less. Customers use online banking or online banking.
4. Bank accounts icici (BOTH SALARY & SAVING) offer amazing flexibility in terms
of presentation.
5. The invoices of these three banks do not have a significant difference in capabilities,
however, in terms of service, the offer to the icici financial institution has a side because
of the amazing customer offers.
6. icici bank has a variety of branches and ATMs, so it enjoys more acceptance.
7. Customer icici Financial Corporation is satisfied with its financial savings and payroll

1. The maintenance of the financial institution in retail banking is a small part of the
percentage, even when compared to wholesale banking.
2. The financial institution should launch retail banking practices strongly.
3. In general, the bank needed a boom in the retail loan book, which offers a good offer
for accurate income.
4. The e-book on mortgages for small and medium enterprises can be very small at
present. The financial institution should perform tasks to increase its offer on small and
medium-sized loans.
5. The Bank has announced that it can launch personal loans, auto loans and short-term
loans to employees, and the program must start quickly.
6. Before imposing penalties, the bank should deal with loans beyond the economic
situation of the client.
7. The bank should be careful to reduce non-productive assets.
8. Employees must receive blessings.
9 am. Promotions need to be received

1. Be a new player at work. ICICI BANK LTD is walking a mile faster than its peers.
2. It has strengthened its presence in retail banking.
three. ICICI BANK LTD is expected to be profitable in line with EPS
35% fees in the following years. Excessive boom in PEG stock trading (P / E to EPS) is
less than 1%. This indicates that stocks are trading at a discount from the boom capacity,
making it an attractive buy in the foreground. Levels
Four The financial institution has exceptional economic performance and inspires
prospects and future goals and valuable percentages with cash dividends while preserving
capital to maintain good capital adequacy ratio to help flourish destination.
five. ICICI BANK LTD added another spectacular region of economic performance with
quarterly earnings exceeding Rs 2 billion for the first time in the bank's history. This has
been completed due to strong growth in progress.
6. Best Financial Bank Express / E & Y was ranked ICICI BANK LTD as the country's
No. 1 private sector bank outperformed some of the largest and largest entities, which
achieved great success and reputation. For a different business organization than the
model financial institution
7. Total advances increased by 54. 8 percent to Rls 343.64 billion as at 31 March 2016,
from Rls 221. billion on 31 March 2016. Investments increased by 84. 4% to 188.29
billion rupees on 31 March 2015, from 102.10 million rupees on 31 March 2015.
eight. Total deposits increased by one-seventy. 4 percent to 459.39 billion rupees as of
March 31, 2017, from 267 Russian rupees as of March 31, 2018.
nine. Deposits in the current savings and financial account (CASA) increased with sixty-
eight per cent to 47 rupees. 50 billion rupees, raising the CASA ratio to 10.3% as of
March 31, 2016, regardless of a particularly excessive increase in deposits. The Bank's
balance grew by 62% to Rs 590.07 billion as at 31 March 2017, from Rs 363.83 billion as
at 31 March 2018.
10. The net profit from the NII was extended for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2011
using forty-two percent aa to 3 rupees. Forty-nine billion rupees was 2.44 billion rupees
in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010. This was due to the strong rise in progress and the
percentage of normal value by 2.8%.

Once. Total advances as part of the total advances reached 23% at the same time as net
advances as a percentage of Internet advances were 0.03% as at 31 March 2016,
compared to 0.27% and 0.06%. % As of March 31, 2017.
12. The company's shares gained 2.3 rupees, or 71%, to be exchanged at Rs 325.80. The
total value of traded shares changed to 427,939 on the Bahrain Stock Exchange.
Thirteen. The financial institution seeks to ensure the long-term cash value of its
14. The financial institution shall, in particular, grant retail goods instead of housing loans
or car loans because they no longer own the prohibited capital in the products. However,
the financial institution is exploring the distribution of US cars with financial institutions.

Http;//www.ICICI BANK LTD. In/com
The world's biggest banks.
Hand book on debt recovery


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