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Scientific article

Flori Hoxha

Flori Hoxha

Basic concepts of security-safety and events
Explication of the topic

Self-published book

Original title: SIGURIA(Albanian language)

Copyright© 2019 by Flori Hoxha

All rights reserved

English publication written by:Flori Hoxha

English publication copyright ©Microsoft Word

Graphic care and design: ©Hatchful Shopify and ©Microsoft Word

Translator: Flori Hoxha(author )with assistance of Google Translate

Digitized book and authorized printing right

(English Exemplar Book)

©Flori Hoxha

Self-published book


Chapter 1
1.1 What is security?...................................................................................................
1.2 The principle of safety…………………………………………………………..
1.3 “The born” of safety……………………………………………………………..
1.4 The development of safety……………………………………………………...

Chapter 2
2.1 Types of security…………………………………………………………………
2.2 Analysis of security types and their description…………………………………
2.3 Events of security breaks………………………………………………………...

Chapter 3
3.1 Psychology of safety……………………………………………………………..
3.2 Security intercommunications……………………………………………………
3.3 Crime as main point of security breakings(description)…………………………
3.4 The society and protection using safety………………………………………….

Chapter 4
4.1 Partnership in community of being safe(methods)………………………………
4.2 What can we do to enforce the relationships for being safe(advices)……………
4.3 Comment about the article/book………………………………………………..


1.1 What is security?

In an active conclusion,we say solemnly that ‘security is a physical and
psychological condition,where the individ is estimated according to qualitative
affairs’.The word ‘security’,is a completely secured word(therminologic),doing
that the usage brings dependency to the event,with moving levels of safety
status.To be secured,we need to focus on fulfilling the different stads of
situations,where the person personality is looking for safety.Doing the cathegoric
separation of security,we’ll profit important parts of intersocial security aspects.

1.2 The principle of safety

The safety body is a principle,so the safety itself is a principle.Without saying the
characteristics of a tip principle,is good to think that principled safety brings
consequences at people.Not exiting of the principle of safety,although we estimated
the safety as a principle,the people think completely different.They qualify the safety
as an unimportant routine stand in terminological values that bring real results,and
not to pay attention that does a break.The principle of safety is a phrase and acting
opportunity that simply learn people to secure theirself.The people at all,compose
classified groups that have basic needs to security.Based in a coherent situation,the
people,most of them,don’t preced or to stop(not talking yet about prevention)
moments where security is broken,and especially that personal security.Preceding
situations of security breakings and stopping them later,that’s an intelligent attribute
of people,in this case it’s a social intelligence that can be named as an ability,and
more as a protective feature.

1.3 “The born” of safety

In context of ths article,the appearance or the born of safety,it’s a time

interval from tha date of people creation,until in continous life,where
safety is developed with escalated steps.Let’s talk about situations where
to correct that what we are calling born of safety.-In an attack from dogs
to a mother and her child,the mother instinctively will start protecting her
child,bringing out an feature called,’protection instinct.So,the reaction
time of the mother during the attack,is the time where is born and appears
the feeling of safety, the protection instinct.In that context,we may say
that we are paying attention to an instinctive safety,so that borns
spontaneously.The principle here,stands:-The protection becomes
activated when security is threatened.That is once the principle of safety
itself.So,safety is born as a principle,reaches as an objective and ends as
an act.

1.3 The development of safety

Minding the development of safety,will bring us thoughts,the cases when

safety has been processed in an advanced type and has been seen by us as
complicated.Always,in psychology,the complication of person
thoughts,for defined cases,brings ‘the unknown’.The unknown is the
complication of intellectual mind that estimates a subject.In safety
advancing,the known becomes in that way that people create the
development idea.When we have the development of safety,in a continous
way,the protection will be more influent.In a grammar synonym,we can
say that safety is protection concept.Although we talk about safety
development,we can’t let out her fix completing.Safety fix completing,is
her concentrating in an usage method.The development of safety,is known
also as a try for raising protection gradients.

2-2.1 Types of security

• Physical security • Economic security

• Health security • Financial security
• Medical security • Cyber security
• Psychologic security • Social security
• Collective security • Institutional security
• Juristical security • Material security
• Police security • Risk security
• Security by the police • Education security
• Individual security • Scientific security
• Literary security • Food Safety

2.2 Analysis of security types and their description

-Physical security
Physical security is a type of security that configures the condition of a
body in outside view.Maintaining physical security is done through
policing methods(mostly) especially that private one. Troops protected by
physical security are objects or subjects primarily instructed for
protection. In a practical case, we can easily illustrate physical security:

(pictured, a VIP physical activity training activity)

VIPs are protected and guarded by 'bodyguards', bodyguards that

guarantee security. So physical security is the condition that preserves a
body in qualitative affairs. Every free individual retains such a status, until

-Health security
Health security is the state of health of the individual, in qualitative terms.
This type of security assesses the health status of the individual /
individual as a cause of good health, good or bad. This type of security
also has to do with taking care of one's self and others. Levels of
assessment of the state of health safety depend on the subject of declining
health safety and the surrounding environment.

-Medical security
Medical safety shows the status of the medical subject (healer and healer)
in qualitative terms. Based on medicine, it is the science that deals with
the study of the methodology of treatment, treatment or treatment in
health problems. Medical safety treats evaluation cases how medicine
works in terms of safety. The doctor and the patient are the main subjects
of this issue. Her manner clearly defines the face of medicine. of service

-Psychologic security
Psychological security conceives the cognitive and behavioral state of
man in qualitative terms. In psychology, cognition is the mental processes
of man and human behavior is the way of doing. Psychological security
can be divided into several other types, such as: the state of the protective
level of thoughts, cognition. Mental control is very important for a person
to be able to anticipate events. In human behavior, the importance lies in
having a positive and virtuous behavior. Security rests with one's self,
where one must be sure that one's behavior is good, though it will be
influenced by social factors, which will also stimulate one's behavior,
causing one to contradict one another.

-Collective security
In an annual issue of the Academy of Security, in the scientific journal,
researchers at the Center for Scientific Research at the Ministry of Internal
Affairs quote in a definite theme: "Collective security, or otherwise, 'State
security'. State security. or and National Security, are parts that, in many
states, are assigned to the Armed Forces to safeguard the sovereignty and
integrity of a state. / a state, threatened by its own security, from war,
terrorism, mass epidemics, criminality, the disruption of constitutional
order, the destruction of broadcasting and strategic communications
networks, etc.} - reads in the scientific journal.

-Juristical security
The term 'legal' means a legal aspect related to legal justice. Or the
official, which is mainly expressed through judicial institutions or Courts.
Legal certainty is the state of justice, law and the subjects in it. In the
least, the legal security in Albania is being reformed and strengthened and
protected by police and other agencies.

-Police security
Police security is the situation within the police institution. Police is a
state body that deals with the fight against crime and public order
problems, ie, society, within the jurisdiction, providing citizens with
security, through the illustration of the law. namely that of police officers,
highlights employees' complaints about working conditions and safety.
After problems and danger comes security, or vice versa.

-Security by the police

Security 'by' the police is the security provided by this body. The main
duty of the police, the protection of citizens, is required by law. The law
clearly states, also expressed in the Constitution of the Republic of
Albania: -Article no.21-‘The life of person is protected by law’.The law

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enforcement agency, in this case, the State Police (Albania), has a detailed
mission to implement this article, where even talking about cases where
police detain people, which occur as a result of criminal precedents and
the request of the police in the investigation, attached to the evidence of
criminality for the suspects / accused to be arrested. The role of the police
in the implementation of human rights and respect of duties is another
task. Respect for human rights is required in social circles, so people
respect each other. Human rights are executed through information or
instructions, and in cases where they are not implemented, the culprit is
punished, so the offender receives a legal / legal measure / administrative
by the police.With the proper performance of these police duties, and
many others, then the security of the police to the citizens, will be active
and effective.

-Individual security
Individual security is only a partial subject of collective security. In the
scientific journal with the Academy of Security, it is quoted: "Every
individual in society, requires security for a guaranteed life, and he pays
for it. the foundations mandated by law to guarantee this security. Indeed,
most criminal offenses, such as crimes against life, crimes against
property, but also other crimes of morality and other, are genuine and
special work. to the police. Above this paragraph, it is written:" The safety
of the individual in our society is threatened by criminality, economic
crises, the quality of food and liquids, accidents with vehicles,
occupational accidents, specialist injury, epidemic diseases and so on.”
With these words mentioned, we specify that individual security has to do
with a character and his individual situation.

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-Literary security
Literary security is the state of security of documentary, literary, books,
information sheets in qualifying circumstances. In this kind of security,
copyright enforcement has much to do with the written format being
under its authoritative and available literary ownership. Various formats,
such as: books, documents, papers, newspapers, magazines, essays,
poems, writings, etc., have their own shadow, the obligation to respect
copyright, and this book, for external use The security here is in the
literary ownership of the author. The more respect for copyright in
different formats, the more literary security is preserved.

-Economic security
This is one of the most important security of a democratic society. In
other words, we can say, 'money security', and that in every family,
government or institution and economic space (banks, markets, malls,
etc.) ) Economics is a value of money or economic resources, which are
consolidated in human relations. Consolidation of human beings with the
economy is a very positive act in essence, but also negative in some cases,
such as misuse. Positive cases are those moments. when the economy is
duly transferred, circulated, bought, sold, donated for the common
purpose of protecting its security. Negative cases are those 'actives', when
economic security is undermined, overestimated, economic overdose
(routine stimulus use), stolen, damaged.

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-Financial security
In an explanation of the term 'finance', we say that it is the economic
activity that is carried out, together with the financial assets / entities.
Financing is the process of giving the economy, so we are dealing with a
synonymous contextual figure. As far as financial security is concerned,
The safeguarding of this security, which mainly focuses on banks and
fund structures, is done through security police agencies, in particular the
Private Police, or 'SHPSF', (Private Physical Security Company). Even in
cases of financial security breaches, sometimes in money transfers
between banks, there are large robberies, which are historically classified
as high security breaches.

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-Cyber security
Mentioning this type of security, cybernetics is one of the scientific
branches that deals with the study and interpretation of computer
computing and electronic technology. to target an attack by unknown
hackers or converters. The contents of the 'file' and the sites that may be
attacked also bring other security breaches. The use of internet technology
and technology has begun at this time in the classroom, where children's
knowledge is most positively embedded and used but its impacts are

-Social security
Here, we come to the most fundamental point of every people, society.
Social security shows the state of society in qualitative terms, which can
define the behavior of its members, ideology, motivations, etc. Based on
social security, we can express its achievements. In today's societies, it is
often violated Violent subjects known as social phenomena,
discrimination, and others are damaging to society's morality.
Discrimination is a form of verbal violence that is psychologically
damaging. These phenomena are disruptive aspects of society that are

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born in society and are perceived as a consequence of further events and
lack of education.

-Institutional security
Institutional security is the state of security of government institutions or buildings
and their relationships, in qualitative terms. Institutions are important places for
problem solving as well as their assurance of smooth working processes and
guaranteeing service to citizens, where Task Forces of various government
agencies are involved.

-Material security
Material security is the condition of objects in qualitative terms. Objects are non-
infinite subject bodies that exhibit external physical views. Their condition
indicates maintenance or misuse by individuals.

-“Risk” safety
In the use of speech, 'Risk Safety' seems to be a terminological and practical
nonsense. But let's take this issue openly. Risk is a broken state or level of safety.
Situations where there is danger, there is no momentary security is functioning,
while the risk in its full extent contains the highest security in itself, that is, the
negative one. Risk security means: 'The state of security in which the risk is itself'.
When we have productive reductions or avoidances risk, we have acted in reducing
and breaking the risk safety. In any act committed or expected to be committed,
there is always a risk, at whatever level it may be. Risk and its safety are important
to the human being in psychological activity and responsibility or transient
preparatory life tests.

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-Education security
Discussing education is a fruitful thing, as we will be informed with new things.
Education is the process of learning, learning, being informed, and being educated
with basic and useful knowledge. The most important thing to secure a living.
education, student retention, preservation of educational service, preservation of
educational facilities and more, will create an opportunity for the maintenance and
protection of the level of security of educational service. The upbringing of
education in a society is the basic process of the same society and especially in a
system of democracy where every knowledge is worth it!

"Democracy is an enlightenment base, with man at its head, its

security and its services"

-Parental security
Responsibility is a sphere of life, where one can have the constraint on the direction
and 'face' on the shoulders of a subject an object. One of the major responsibilities
is parental responsibility. Being a parent is a hardship, but it offers the greatest
satisfaction and happiness that is provided by the child. Parental security can also
be considered as a guarantee for the benefit of children. Being reassured once tells
you to dedicate yourself in a genuine way to children, and providing insurance,
properly protecting children from harm. The parent is the most humane being for
the child, who claims to fit into a human nature.

-Scientific security
Science is a tree (set of information) that is studied by its various
branches. The security of science is the state of the art of security of
scientific information. There are millions of knowledge, but the general

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one involves science. In order to find the degree of certainty of science the
certainty of science, the only harm can be done by manipulating, refuting
and returning to business scientific information. Scientific manipulation is
the most negative finding of a knowledge system and the cause of
ignorant logic.

-Food safety
Foods are the most energetic products that help the body's activity and
activity. Their safety is most important for their consumption. Recently
we have heard flagrant cases where uncontrolled foods are blocked at
points of sale or warehouses. The reason for their blockage is because
they are not safe to be consumed by humans and their subject content
includes harmful modifications that cause disease to the consumer.

2.3 Events of security breaks

To mention events where the main theme is security breach, we will take
an example of events in Albania and other countries if Albania has not
encountered them. On March 16, 2019, around 19:00, in the area of
Artificial Lake in Tirana, an assassination attempt was carried out on two
persons with family ties, where one of them / target was killed by two
perpetrators of the event. conducted according to the investigative
runway, as the cause of a loan that the victim had. The example explains a
breach of physical security against the victim.

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In investigative shows, often aired images of classrooms are displayed in
schools. The main subject is the teacher who violates and violates the
physical safety of students. After being suspended from office, they
receive humiliating dignity from all public opinion.
Starting in December 2018, a series of student-led and subsequently
opposition-led student protests took place through the cause of unfolding,
practicing and violating public facilities or hurting each other, thereby
mentioning their health and material safety.In the months to the beginning
of 2019, there have been sustained and sustained attacks on white
uniforms across hospital centers, jeopardizing the medical security of
persons who were not satisfied with the service provided even though
their reason was right, their act is unacceptable. Attacks on state-owned
uniforms or structures with public function are attached to the draft report
of the Assembly for approval by the relevant committees.
The coup attempt in Turkey in July 2016, where rebel groups from the
Turkish military rebel against the government of Prime Minister Binali
Yellderem and President Erdogan.The coup, reportedly failed.Most
involved countries from the coup offensives, were Ankara and Istanbul.
Reactions to the coup were very disadvantageous, both at home and
abroad. The main opposition parties in Turkey, for example, condemned
the coup attempt. International leaders, as well as those of the European
Union, NATO and the US, called for respect for institutions in Turkey.
Mass arrests followed this effort, and some 2840 military were arrested.

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However, everything remains as a mafia assassination of the entire nation,
and as a massive breach or attempt to undermine collective security.
Vetting is a process of reassessment for members of the justice and police
system. They are evaluated for their careers, judged cases and their
profile. So far, since the beginning of 2019, many judges and prosecutors
have been dismissed as a result of uncleanness in their image and property
problems. These suspended members of justice have been the true
perpetrators of justice, the breakers of legal certainty. In this case, the
legal certainty is violated by its subjects who have a duty to guarantee it.
There are many cases where different individuals have prevented the
police structure from doing their job, and have committed a breach of
police security. a form of police security breach. Again, if we mention
security from the police, the violation is done just as above. Security by
the police is the security offered, and its impediment causes a decrease in
the level of security.
Individual security, at an impediment to its implementation, constitutes a
criminal offense, just like any security. There are many cases that are
related to other security, because ultimately every kind of security
revolves around the individual.
We come to the documents, literary materials, writings, those that hold an
authorship and a manual of rights. The greatest infringement of the latter,
is the authentic implementation of the original works by fake authors.
Falsification of written assets, then, is the process of fundamentally

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modifying the authorship of the original data and writing content. This
can often happen when the source is not cited and consequently referred
to as 'plagiarism'. Plagiarism has emerged and is especially widespread as
optional work in universities for the defense of degrees or diplomas,
thereby breaking literary security.
We came to the most vital security, the economy. I am writing directly
about the robberies on average every 2 years since 2015 as the most
notable at Rinas Airport. In 2015, a group of robbers stole a significant
amount of money in money transfer machines. The 2019 robbery, in the
second week of April, is estimated to be the largest robbery in the country,
resulting in more than 10 million euros being robbed, a spectacular
robbery in which all responsibility fell on security personnel. The strange
and interesting fact is that the participant in all three of the
aforementioned robberies was Admir Murataj, killed in a police raid in the
2019 robbery. He was a highly visible criminal exponent,a point of attack
of economic security.

3-3.1 Psychology of safety

The basic concept, psychology as a science of studying human behavior
and mind, with security, explains the sense of security in man. Feeling is a
warning signal and a consequence according to the event. People
generally skip the topic of safety, so they do not try to maintain the right

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objective, but attach themselves to the lifestyle. In special cases, security
comes back to the senses, so people use it to warn them and, as a result,
end up safe.

3.2 Security intercommunications

Every kind of security has its interconnections with others. Schematically

we are connecting them:

Physical security-Material security-Individual security-Health security

Medical security-Physical security-Food Safety
Police security-Security by the police-Institutional security-
Parental security-Psychologic security
Cyber security-Economic security-Financial security-Collective security-
Social security
-Physical is about matter, the strength of the object. The human body is
about its physical and health condition. Medicine is related to health and
health is related to food. Police is related to its activity and its affairs, and
to the preservation of institutions. Parents relate completely to
psychology, their ability to moralize and educate children in good spirits.
Cybernetics is about the economy, because it can control economic and
financial activities, and not just them.

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3.3 Crime as main point of security breakings

Crime is an illegal offensive offensive act that is punishable by law. The

main and most negative point of society is crime. It is this criminal
activity that at least drives society to the bottom. Uninsurance is the
opposite process of being insured. In our society, crime is present in every
aspect of life. Members of the society, who commit criminal acts, the so-
called criminals, are the breakers of the correctional system. Education in
this respect is very much related to the family, because the basis of
education is not properly laid out or logic is misunderstood. Many
children who are ill-educated by the family need to be clearly identified
by education so that their gaps or deficiencies can be filled with positive

3.4 The society and protection using safety

Society is the largest group of people that make up the population. Inside
it, we find everything: goodness, wickedness, phenomena, behavior,
science, knowledge, ignorance, logic, and so on. Everything a society
needs is good morals. The best moral society is the richest society in the
world and the most globalized society. The integration of society is also
an important step that is regarded as a modernization progress but also has

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its positive and negative impacts. Society must manage to analyze and
discern and protect itself through insurance. It must first identify the evil
and the good, then their causes and consequences. The consequences of
thinking are logical, and the analysis is sharp.

4-4.1-4.2 Community collaboration about being safe&What can we do to

enhance community relations about safety

Cooperation has a very important effect on society. Through cooperation,

groups achieve their objective or set goals. The community is also a group
of people and territorial area with common characteristics or interests.
Community security is a complex issue that directly affects people. People
or community members are the main subjects that have to deal with their
common problems. Their security is the most comprehensive and
important issue. community needs to identify personal problems that are
indirectly or directly related to it and then interconnect with other
members. To mention as problematic, street lighting. In this case a
problem it must at least be identified by one resident, then question every
other resident and determine a specific requirement that in this case the
solution is made through complaints to local government services, namely
the municipality.

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4.3 Comment about the article/book

This sci-fi or mini-book informative article has a full range of scientific content and
thematic events. The article and its events are mainly focused on Albania and
current issues. Summary and data has been in place since the beginning of 2019,
and has been completed in a specified period. After the data collection, data
processing and realization began. The writing / digitization of the book and the
adaptation were all done by the author.

©Flori Hoxha

All rights reserved

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• Scientific magazine of Security Academy(Albania)
• Constitution of the Republic of Albania
• Book ‘Psychology, a concise introduction’
• Reports of imformative editions

©Flori Hoxha

All rights reserved

Self published book/article

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